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A course for hotel reception ic ¢ n CStJ Yates Christopher St J Yates ENGLISH | ANGUIAGF TEACHING Publed 1902by PronicaHalintersaonl (UK) Linted CCarpus400, Mayands Avenue. Hemel Hempsieae, Hens HP2 TEZ adisionol ‘Smon€ Schuster international Group (© 1982Prentice Hallnerational(UK) Limited ‘Nirghts reserved, Nopartof this publeaton maybe reproduced storedinaretiovalysem,ortanstito Inany om. orbyanymeans, electri, mechanical, Dhotocopying, recording or there wihoutthe por Pasion, nwring, km tha pusher Fistpubished 1991 by Cassol Publishers Limited, Printed anc boundin Grea! Bain by Dotesios ited, Trowbridge, {neputishrs grata actrewiadgepomasonouse Musa mao Kom Holday Mustain by PotorBulland Pan Tek ts ish Library Cataloguing Pubcon Data Infomation availabe omthe pubisheron request 'aN0-13.200207.6 123.45 96 95 94 93 99 eo on oS CONTENTS Introduction for Students Introduction for Teachers UNIT 1 oxxitingions Present Semple Desorbg faces Have got Asingtor permason Mayle? ‘Giveg directions Imperative UNIT 2 ining someone to do something Would you tke 0.2 ‘Asian questions When, where, wat how who ‘Answerngquestons Present Simple “abing about the past_—_Past Simple UNIT 3 tarirgaboxt te past Present Perfect Expressing possibilty May. could Takig to gusts ‘Ay, Some UNIT 4 rronisng wat Giing vice Wert ‘Aslan abou preference Prefer. rather (Oferng 0 help Shas UNIT 5. tating about tod Present Simple Pasive Tang aboutthe past Past imple Pasive UNIT 6 tesertng he say Expeesing abity Be able to Promaing wa UNIT 7 Gvngoes Must, must Goong orders wi have to Expressing conditions Condtonal | Reporting Ghesays UNIT 8 ing recvests Would you mind 2 Acswering questions ——Infiitwe ng Promsee Will hve, wl get Expressing necesty Need UNIT 9 cing sevice Conedtional 2 Mating requests I you het Taking about he faure Future Continuous UNIT 10 revsion Key to Exercises (including Tapescripts) Grammar Summary 15 a 28 35 a v7 53 84 INTRODUCTION FOR STUDENTS Read this before you begin the book! WHAT YOU NEED ‘Check in gives you the Englsh you need to do your jb. ‘To use Check tn you need © this book © the cassettes © a cassette recorder @ a dictionary ‘THE BOOK In this book there s © The working material This is what you lear from, © Keys and tapescripts ‘Ths is where you look fr the right answers to the exercises. The tapescrpts tall you what fe on the cassettes © A grammar This explains what you are learning © Notes for teachers Do not use ths, HOW TO USE THE BOOK ‘There are two kinds of exercise. One with the cassettes and one without the ‘cassettes, The exercises with the casettes are marked fe) © Exercises without the cassettes a Read the heading. Read the instructions, © Look atthe exercise Ifyou understand, do the exercise © If you do not understand, use your dictionary and the grammar. Ask a frend, {Look in the Key and check your answers Go on to the next exercise, © Exercises with the cassettes fa Read the heading bb Read the structions. ¢ Look atthe exercse. 4 you understand, turn on the cassette and do the exercise If you do not understand, use a dictionary or ask a inend. {Ifyou do not understand the cassette lookin the tapescript. Use your dictionary. Start the exercise agin, 1 Look in the Key and check your answers. HOWTO WORK Do not try to do too much atone time. Thirty minutes is a good time to spend each dy. Vf you do not understand an exercise, ask a friend to help you Learn the words you need. Use what you learn in your work! Enjoy the book! INTRODUCTION FOR TEACHERS | THE STUDENTS (Check inteaches the basic language required by front office staff within the hotel and catering ndustry t's a companion course to May Help You? which s for bar and restaurant staf. “The materials ae based on the relevant parts of the ICC* specications for the hoteleatering industry Check and May |Help You? are designed as se access materials. as many,if "ot most, employees within the hotelcatering incustry are not abe to attend regular clases due to the hours they have to work 2. THE MATERIALS ‘The materials consist of this book two cassettes Students who may miss some lessons due to their working hours should aso have a dictionary. 3. COURSE STRUCTURE The couse consists often Units Each Unt normaly consis of between seven and rine pages vided ito Over apes + Peoiopeper stage rtrodces new langage forthe students o absorb and practise 'b Cassette work fl fs “Th stage elves work with he castes ands where the new engage reaped together wih nguge trom previus Uns The erent ete of on the ob tasks such as aking messages. noting bookings and sing « Letters ‘This stage consists of work on routine letters. For the beet of se acces students keys tothe exerci nd apes 2 proved afer the warking matenas: There & 250 tsps peel, ‘rolning the pont of te vars evereses 4 ASSUMED KNOWLEDGE The course assumes some previous contact with English, ether at school or through the work place. While minimal knowledge 18 assumed, ths not an absolute beginners! course. {SCs Certate Celerra roup of counties who have speed conren pe tons ard examin: for tase wore the hata nares een 5. LENGTH OF COURSE ‘This will depend substantially on the existing level of Enlsh of your dass when starting the course. Depending on ths, the caurse will provide a minimum of 30 lessons, rising to 60 for weaker classes, 6 USE OF THE MATERIALS ‘While this book is designed mainly asa self-access course, it can also be used ‘sucessful na teacher-directed class with teachers extending and personalising the course content. With a ite imagination, other Wvely and enjoyebe sessions canbe developed where students are encouraged to bald anther experiences. The following are afew suggestions for acheving ths Personalise Students can be encouraged to use knowledge of the own work stuation in ‘extensions of the coursebook exercises; for example, in Exercise | of Unt | students can describe their own jobs and hotes to the class. as well as the procedures used in their work place for booking a room, Students ean bring real, such as regstration cards and hotel lor plans fram their own-work places and use these in group question and answer sessions. Students can recount situations where they have been required to give advice or to deal with complaints. ‘Where students are not yet working in the industry, teachers could ask students to prepare for indvicuallessons by collecting relevant information from a nearby hotel Increase oral content Instead of writing responses to exercises inthe book, students could answer ‘orally or teachers coud devise their own oral exercises, reserving those inthe book for consolidation and homework. Ora responses could be made ina ful ‘cass stuaton with the teacher paying the gues or, students are confident. with students working in pais. ‘Supplement “The book rater can be supplemented with local material such as menus and ‘maps collected by teacher and students. Exercises can also be supplemented by teacher-devised questions and situations smiar to those in Ue book Extend “Teachers can develop exercises that challenge the students to go beyond the scope ofthis book. For example, situations can be extended through role pay, intialy with the teacher playing guest and the clasresponding Later asthey gan Confidence, students can work in groups with some acting parts and others ‘observing and commenting Fray, students can work in pars or small groups with all students partcpating actively Dependingon the ability ofthe students, stuations can be made more dificuit than those presentedin the book, requiring the students to make more complex replies. They an also be asked to take the activity one step further for example, in Unit | Exercise 9 students could write a reply to the telex and in Unt 2 Exercise 10 they could write a complete reply toa letter thatthe teacher has ‘created, Students could also be asked to take down messages from the tape Practise pronunciation Teachers an use the exercises in this book to provide formal pronunciation practice ac ean a0 semen thr 8 mrs anda caro for pace ot individual words. = Provide pre-listening opportunities Students can be prepared forthe taped listening exercises by introducing them to any vocabulary which teachers have denied as ikey tobe unknown and by Practising any dffcult pronunciation. Teachers could also devise thir own Inston, sila tothe taped exercises, for acting out before the taped stuation| UNIT 1 Lookat the pictures below. They show people who workin the Holiday nn Hotalin| Manchester. England ‘Say what jobs these people do, ike ths: 1 Het a chet 2 Shes 3 4 iF 6 Z a 8 "Now say what these people do. Use the table below to help you. The fist one i done for you ct lover thal Heavier the bane The warress intetar She deans ther ‘The receptionist inthe bedrooms. ‘He akes putt the rit Per. The porter warts | atthe fentdes Hecants te food. Trecaer wos | inthe She eres the mes Trebanman ‘athe tchen She prepare the it Tread ‘the retairant. eserves the cris, “The i stencane She welcorres the gests 9 The chef works in the kitchen. He cooks the food. io " OO Look at these pictures and read the sentences. Then match the picture with the 2 ee correct sentence ike the a CO ee 5 eee ees gee Look at these sins ina guide. Lift 27 Swimming pool “Television in the rooms A Conference facilies “Toilets inthe rooms IL Airconditioning “Telephones in therooms +f] Showersin the rooms “Tennis cour Ore Restaurant with ewo stars FBR Garage parking "Now look at this information about the Grand Hotel. Say what facies the hotel has sot Ako say what i hasnt got ike ths 185 got teleason inthe rooms, lehasot got a tennis court Bema niczme.sooros ff) cf] Fil a 101 | | | May (on Can) | gve you our brochure, si? b « May (or Can)! give you your mal, madam? 4d May (om Can take your coat. madam? f¢ May (om Can) | carry your gage. si? May (om Can) get you 2 tax, se? LLookat thismap. Youworkin the hotel Some guess want you tote them the way. Tel them where to go ke ths: ‘exxst: Can you tll me where the bark is please? ou: Certainly si. Tur right out ofthe hotel tthe crossrouds, go straight over and the bank is on your left Nove ha Bank ST HOTEL | rer|| | = Now complete these sentences pee 1 caxsr: Can you tal me the way to the crema. please? as le or tc for tonight 2 ar eae ba otha BS ab fortwo fr tontrrow ht 6 ee z balck ‘€ two tables for tomorrow night. a oe ratand be = your gt eee 2 curs Wheres the dco? Can you tel me? Tepes . Se Binh rgarabon form a ‘pecronvonds lek Whenyoureach he acon © pve her pen a the roa nd the icone 3. curse Can you tel me the way othe tere? vou Certs Turn lf the hotel At he GURL ELE AERTS turn Go straight on anda the envi The Linento thee pues Thy aeaskngoutotakearesage Listentowiatthey sy tenes yore @ Serres 4 case: Whar the musi, de you know? vou rma - = thecrronds go onand the museum a 5 cuest: Can you tell me how to find the travel agent? San YEE Cah: eden Tien tpicont of te het AE cs 1 Whois the message for? Whatisthe callers mameand whens he ai ae es eee 4 cass How ean fod the mht cub? Can you help me? 2 What does the guest want you wo da? When will he arive? epee 3 ‘Whatiswrongin the guetsroom? aaa vi Ym 4 Whodoyousendtothe ues’sroom?———— 5, Where do you tll Mr Milewsi to go? What ithe guess room number? 6 When i the gues leaving the hotel? What docs he want you vo change? Selywortsatterecptendeskinahotl Alctofgessas he uesions ite LS the qpsin on the cae Then eth sere Boom ten oe gueson again, and puta tick El aginst the right answer & Here are some conversations Listen tothe conversations and flow them in your 1 The guest wants Sly to book. Then rewind your casete, Start the conversation agun, Ths te, speak 1 Matinee taki ‘the guest tthe same time asthe voice on the cate B coxder a tax for hem, a ecertion: Good evening, adam. Can I help you? € tel the tax to take him tothe staton, a cuss: My name's Lawrence ve gota reservation fora single room for three 1 guest wants Say to find out rights. car cee a recernion: One moment. madam Ah yes, here we are. A single room with shower a Mr Sms telephone number o t B Me Smiths acres. 7 for Ores nigh ‘© what number Mr Smith fives at a ee ee a tector Can you fl Bs egtraton form please, aden? he guest warts Goes Yess ht PES oom fy ome sctrrone Can yin the cogiration form. plates? Ger Yes Salim Geran Can you arate for met 2 double room and two shige rooms for thee rights noe Cy vopamrecee ooo Riche “Your rials here. oe ‘Ard your passport number here. Ian do the rest for you “Thank you very much Can help you, si? Yea vega re dy today, Whatsortof entertainment doesthstown offer? ean has t ota theatre, for exe? Serithae Weve got an normation brochure heres: kshows al the ‘Ah pertaps | can have lok a that Certainly. sr, Here iss pot iformation about the theatre eas tnd ofcourse excursions an WW ge tickets for yo Si iyou he Good, have 3 look afd come Back t0 you Thank you. Fist read this letter. Use your dictionary. my es. Dar Sir]Madam , Please reserve one dade tom for mysely nd ry Witt, ard tuo Sige rooms fo Paget, 14 - Pease coniom my reservation \ eck forward to heaving prom yp Yous Sucerely beads 54 High Street, Calusorth Daventry, NI FF. Bed March, IS Sen and daughter , prom Sth — loth Knowles Now answer the letter. Sw CROWNE PLAZA® 2 se bree em Maren, 198- omarrs Fist read this telex. Use your dictionary PLEASE RESERVE FIVE SINGLE ROOMS WITH BATH OR SHOWER FOR ‘THE NIGHTS OF 14 THROUGH 16 NOVEMRER TH NAMES OF HUCKER, PRILLIPS, FORD, FOYLE, SIMPSON, THEY WILL ARRIVE ON [BVENING OF 14 BY FLIGHT BA.007 PLEASE CONFIRM AGOVE RESERVATIONS SOONEST AND INFORM AS 70 WNT CREDIT CARDS ARE ACCEPEABLE 70 YOU Pecaros masos Now answer thie questions Pua Uk inthe vi box 1 Wation wars yout reseve teers Boston rooms. 4S Senroore oooa 2 The guess wil arrive on 5th November, B ldth November: 18th November 4d 70h November, 3 The guests are coming by b rai © bus ain 4 Watson wants you to tl him a which recit cards the guests can use. 'b how to reach the hote € that the guess wil al ave showers. what faites the hotel has ooog oooo oooo UNIT 2 Look at these pictures and read the sentences. Then match the picture with the correct sentence 2 At 7pm, madam. Would you like to reserve a table? 'b Woud you lie to give me your coat, madam? © Would you lice to leave hi & messages? dd Would you lice to folow me. madam! €@ Would you fice to take this brochure, maar? Would you tke to fin the regitraton form, sr? Karen works at reception nthe Hoday In. Frankfurt. She must often ak he guests ‘uestons Compete her sentences below. Use the wards in the box below. What When Where How Who — would you ike to pay, se? By credit card? time would you tke your morring call, madam? 3 —__are you leaving the hate sr? are you meeting Mr Philips, si? the bar? — do you want the tax to take you. sr? To the airport? 's your room number, sr? are you expecing to meet you sr? ‘many guests are you expecting. madam? did you speak to about tis, madam? id you make your reservation, si? Last week? Karen mist abo answer the gues questions Use the table below, and answer the ues questions Tea) | ein Sos) | ean ct at co) | Begun a eee fe | ie) | Shteninnarae Ter | Gettacen | Rtidonemarme Sonaor’ | Eunierenceus = Gacnt ay | seeawhers, Soithege | emg ararangemers | Where does the airport bus go from? 2 What time does the bar open? 3 When does the bank close? 4 Do you accept payment by credit card? 5 Can I bring my dog with me? 6 If ask you to book me a ticket, how much will you add to my bil? 7 How often do the buses go? 18 Ga bey seme razor blades! 9 Can | pay by cheque? 10 How much i breakfast? A Answer the gusts questions Read the guest questions below. Then ans wer ther questions. Use the words from the list below, Notice thatthe answers a rein the past. else reserve take ak ave wat onder go book want etn pat leave 1s Me Smith here yet, do you know? He arrited ten minute a0, st. 2 Is Mis Olsen sil here know fm very late. She — — for half an hour, madam, and then —_—_ 3 isthe restaurant sil open by any chance? Im afraid half an hour ago sir 45 Me Seiko sl waiting for me? He to the cafeteria. sir. Hes waiting for you there, '5 What about the flowers! phoned about “The maid 6 Where's my taxi? t it five minutes ago, madam. k's coming new. 7 tink | forgot my briefcase. Have you got) Ab, yes, ar 8 Which room are we in? We. roomlookingover the kes you 9 Is my room ready yet? Yes, sr The maid — WO How about my fight eke? We — you the fight you — the tickets, (S Asbingeve gust qiestions Read what these guests say. Then ask them a question, tke this 1 But know I reserved a table, ‘What tine di you reserve it for, madam? 2 But im sure | made a reservation When 3 think | may have lost my Fandbag Where madam? 4 | spoke to someone about this yesterday Who. to, si? —— them to your room, madam, it here under the counter. ‘early this morning rradam, Here are ie sit 5 fx Ie already settled my bil, ‘Sometimes you must say no toa guest politely Read what these guests sy. ard then answer tke th 1 Bat | wrote to you changing the date Didnt you get my letter? ‘No, simadar, tm sorry. tm aad we cit get 2 But | tld my secretary to send you a telex. Oidnt you receive it? 3 Dad you find my wallet stright? 4 Nknow twas very short notice but did youranage to bookthore theatre tickets forme! 5 ix dant you know my wife was coming with me? aren works nthe Holiday ln, Frankfurt Listen to her repitering arith fail. As {yu Eten film the repstaton card below. Holiday Sr REGISTRATION CARD PRIVATE ADDRESS ‘occuParion amionaurry PASSPORT no CAR REG Weer pesrvarion Toe [leone Jeon accor (SJesenemoomss (TJonerscue (vin (—Jaccese Toomence rm wmancisen ana [em] teres sts art rte dow at they wart yoo do Hebdoy yn, 1 Whatis the guest's room number and what is wrong? 2 What isthe guest's name? What kind of room dacs he want and when does hhewantin? 3 The message is for in room —____ from Mr —_____ He ______ because He says hae is very —_____and will 4 Who is the message for? Where should the guest go and when should she 5 Who should Mr Marchant ring, in what country, and on what number? 66 What does the guest want and what is his room number? How much ean ounpene Here are some conversations: Listen to the conversations and folow them in your book. Then rewind your easstte. Start the conversation again This time, speak to ‘he guest atthe same time asthe voice on the cassette receeront. Holiday Ia, can | help your cen Good evening, was wondering you had 3 single mom fre fox hwo cigs. recermon:. When di you want to come, se? oestt Tomorrow, actly rectrrons. Imvery sorry, sr, We're fully booked at the moment. Can suggest you try ou other hotel in Frankurt? aust: i tear the ety centre? ecervone Its not far, sits by the conference centre (curs: That sounds OK Can I have the number? recerncrs Certain, sts Frankfurt, which 69, and then 68 02 0. Guts. Il give them a call Thank you for your hel, ectrrone. Not at al. sr. Goodbye. cues: Excuse me, tin supposed to be meeting a Mr Altmann here, Can you point hen out to me? necernons. Certainly. se He'sthe tal dark man wearing hse, over there, carrying a briecae caus: Er, ah, yes. | see him. thank you recePnons RS no trouble it ‘auesr: Can you tell me where | can fd Mis Grant, please? receevions Miss Grant, madam? Yes, she's the small blonde lady standing by the boutique. cuss: dont see her fsecernons Over there, madam, She's wearing red dress and carrying a mackin tosh cuss: Ah, yes ve got her, Thanks, recernors, Not at al, madam. ‘eutst: Motrin, What tine do you serve Lunch? ecernore. From 12 odock, madam From 12 tl 2 in both restaurants. faust: There are two restaurants! recernions Yes madam. One ere on the ground floor, andthe other on the fist floor oes Abv tight. Thank you. What about room service? recernons That's a 24-hour service. madam. Jus ring ffom your room. uist: may do that Thank you recerron:. Thank you, madam, Le Fst read ths letter. Use your dictionary MAIN-TAUNUS-ZENTRUM ‘boca Bie Sanne Dear Lape, rk yu yout Ast "ee a a fy bok rh pia 08-1 Aug an eo ue oe tn you 2 eyo ae Pre hei Freephone 9) 2 amr eco he ner hee 0 al 3) wih te et eyo cane "Now complete the following fax. Use worde from the letter above ‘SOA. HEROKTekcoper 86%; 210591 | 1050 = GON OSI TRE tee MAIN-TAUNUS-ZENTRUM ‘Dea Mr Svensson, you ‘ur accommodation i aly ‘am araid we cannot heel your eter of Yat May. | forthe ‘sath July. vou n tis insane May nn reservation now ther hotel in Frankl? | encose our hotel dreiory showing the We. YU wil stay with us the next tne you come t Frankl. fie: oe one ae ee Now complete the following telex is NarE RRR Look at thee pictures an read te sentences. Then match the pices wh the For ism wan xs we ang. 1 corre sete ie ECARDS ‘8 Have you lost your mother? 1b Have you fled n the registration card, madam? «¢ Have you arranged to meet him here, sr? dd Have you left your briefase, sx? fe Have you mace a reservation, s? Have you settled the bis? (De Some more questions Sometimes you wanttoaska questa question. Write questions using have or has ke ths Make a reservation? Have you made a resenaton sicimadam? 1 Your guest arrive? 2 Look nthe bar? 3 Order a tax 4 Collect all your hazage? 5 See our nfermation booklet 6 Leave tin your room Look at what these guests say to you. Then choose the best answer from the table below ke ti Su no answer from Mr Kuypers? Tie tied i room several tines, sam. a) ater aao a ‘oom overoating tek, aca te | sem ‘ema to yeu oon Teeved | yortgtioar i or Ganges | Tecrettoprepareter meat pea. cases | heryowmenigr made 1 told you my wife needs special food, dit 2 Lasked fora room with a view. 3 Have you contacted Mrs Haynes? 4 Any res of my tickets) 5 Did you arrange a tax for us? {6 Did you get those lowers? 4. Some short acer LL SLE Sometimes you don't need to answer your guest wath a full sentence. Use short answers with these guests, tke ths: Has my guest arrived? No, sitnadam, lim afraid hese hasnt 1 Have you contacted Ms Roberts? 2 Has the restaurant opened yet? 3 Have my colleagues got here yet? 4 Did you find my umbrela? 5 Has my husband come yet” 6 Has the fax Im expecting came yet? (Y) Hemayhave gonetotbebar Melina works inthe front office of the Holiday lnnin Athens, Sometimes people ask her questions which she cannot answer. But she tris ta be help lice ths ‘Where can Ind Mr Georgiou? "don't know, stad, He mayicould have gone to the bar. Now you answer the questions. 1 Do you know where my wife i? ‘orestaurant 2-Do you know where Mr Huson is) leaveotel 3 Where's Mas Atobeto? ecdoigo out 4 ett my mackintosh here. Do you know where i’ gone? my coleaguetakeldoakroom 5 Where can I find Mrs Macdonald? stayroom 6 Wy iit Me Kamori here? cancelreservation j. Talking pets 1 al Complete the folowing sentences. Use these words CEE [ee Wer sess an wre down what they wart you to do wrecioneting vorccnarneboay nating ro onchabody Tonhere “ayunere”™ amyene ”anytirg 1 Your handbag, radar? fim sure wl frit soon, 2 Tim afraid we cart do —_____ to help, sr. 3 Your wif, st Im ara has seen her. 4 The fight sf, madam. fm afraid theres —____ we can do, 5 Wel find hin, si im sure hes inthe hotel. (6 Fon sorry i. There ist ‘who wants to share a tax, T tm sure there's we can arrange, mada. £8 Tim afraid Mis Locthart is in the hote, sir 1 Im afraid there srt __in the hotel large enough fora banquet madam. Christine work 35a inthe Hokday nn, Pars Listen to these gusts askngher tucson Thenvead the anewersinyur book. ntento te quesion agi and ta ECU apart the nt answer 1 The pest wants to 2g colar nto once o B change rans io ders 0 change mars i fan o 2 The guest wants change ponese yen. B buy lance yen Voc what the exchange rate 3 The guests cheque isin lee oo0 & i oo 4. The guest wants to pay by aa travelers cheques bb creat ard © cash '5 The quest saying his bil is wrong because a be fasnit wated the restaurant he doesnt drink he doesit smoke, ooo ooo = Holiday vO ring ‘The guest wants you to: tell Mr Ito toring again at7. Db ell Mr Teo the guest wll ring him at7.Cle ell Mr to the guest will ring him tomorrow. CI 4 The caller wants to hold and ‘She wants to know about your Pim RE [Gam] "sia convertion Lite tote conersaton flow tn your book. Then rewind your caste Surte avesatonagan Tas peas tees the Une the voce one case caus Good nor {xeath: Gea ar Cane yu lr Tope, CaN you change fee dlrs to Fane or me coun Coty Sle Whats Yo exchange ate esa Tasty te ve fare iy 1 he dot ers: OK af ‘cxsaer: How much do you want to change, se? Gurst A hundred dats fxn, Rg Tas fe ed and hy acs oust OK ad ccxssen: “Thank you. sr Now read these sentences. Then listen tothe puest. Choose the sentence that best anwes wat he goss Sy atresia ‘the right answer. Read the sentences now. aie atin How rach sthe equa for maar ‘Thats right madam Here you are, ad thnk you (Good afternon, adam. What can do for yeu? stenfranes othe pound a4 i Talking wo gress 9 (ie Complete the following sentences. Use these words: ee (em) tt these suet an write down what they want you to do. Somewheresometing someonesomebody noting no enahobody Trowhere “anywhere” anyone" anytheg 1 Your handbag, madam’ fm sure —__wil fit soon. 2 im afraid we cant do ___ to help, si 3 Your wife, se? fm afraid ha seen her. “A The fights ul, madam, tm afraid there's we can do, 5 Wel find him, sr Im sure he's _ in the hotel 6 Tim soery sir. There sat who want to share a tax 7 lm sure there's we ean arrange, macar, 18 Sim afraid Mis Lockhart = —__in the hotel sr. 19m afraid there ent__in the hotel large enough for a banquet, madam, ‘Christe works asa cashier inthe Holiday nn Paris Listen to these guestsaskingher a) cove Tensaneeoert wets inistaaetaorece ‘ice against the right answer. 1 The guest wants to a change dolars into francs 1 change francs into dolars change marks into francs 2 The guest wants to change Japanese yen B buy Japanese yen, know what the exchange rate is 3 The guests cheque isin ale B Colas, pesetas, 4 The quest wants to pay by fa travelers cheques b creat ard cash, p00 ooo ooo ooo 5 The guest saying his ils wrong because a he hasnt ted the restaurant. Bb he doesnt dine he doeent smoke ooo 1 The guess fl He wants you to. He will arrive 2 Does the guest need: a dinner? Cb a waiter? Qe the maid? 0 3 The guest is Mr Mr Keo will ing at The guest wants you to: ell Mr to toring again 37. Ob tell Mr tothe guest will ring him at7. Qetell Mr Ito the guest will ring him tomorrow. O 4 The caller wants to hold a and She wants to know about your Pima EEE [em fre pa corerston Listen othe conversation and flow tin your book. Then ‘rewind your casete Start the conversation agin Thine, speak to the pues atthe same tie asthe voice on the cassette ‘oust: Good moming cexsaer: Good morning. sir. Cant help you? ‘curs: hope so. Can you change these dolar into francs for me? ‘case: Certainly, ‘outsr: What's your exchange rate asian: Today it ve francs eighty to the dol usr: OK. castes: How moch do you want to change, se? Guest: A hundred dolars aan Rah i Thats Bie handed and eh arcs cur Ok asian: Thank you, se ‘Now read these sentence. Then sen to ths guest. Choose the sentence that best. answers what the guest says, Say that sentence onto the cassette You thes heat the nght answer. Read the sentences now How muchisthe cheque or radar? Thai adam Here yu area hark Good aernoun mada Wiha can doer yout Sten anette pound. 2 [Now look at the next group of sentences. Then ten to the next guest. Again, ‘choose the sentence that best answers what the guest says. Say that sentence onto the cassette, You wil then hear the right answer. Read the sentences now, ‘One momar sk Heres How woud youl tp? That be ne Good meng sr Lets chide Oh lam sory se. Ths reebpt is been putin the wrong e's for rom double thre to, Cerys Whats your room number? "Yes course One moment plese and change AO Abie! Fst read thi fax. Use your dictionary, SENT KEROK Wap O17; SOCRS 104 CRAETETES ALPHAENG Alpha Engineering Ltd 0 toe 21, Ord OXI 388, gs ve ones 99627 ar: 267358 MENG “The Merkating Manages, Holy ton Hote, 10Place dea Repubtique, 13541 Pare, France Dear Sie, ‘We ae looking fo suitable hee or our 199- European sales conference, and ‘would be grattt if you could rend us deta of your hot, is confornce facies, and seo datls of entarinment facie in Par, ‘Youre finaly, N boro Langan iss) Now answer the fax. Use these words ocslent holes eoqiry say sevice tele mh hovehacgot_ interest “hope” modem. comforabie’ quste ‘peup tranport hea ‘ee VELIZY ‘pha Engineering utd., Seite TaN inthe city enero, =" to and tren the ou pate) eee pain thea: 2 UNITS 2 There's no soap in my room. 32 Is Mr Sanchez there? 4 Do you have a table for sik fr tonight? if What jo sk eee Look at these pictures and read the sentences. Then match the pictures wth the 5 Presse tell my guests Il wat for them in the bar correct sentence eee eee 6 Pease tel Mr Yamamoto to telephone me urgently 7 Can you charge these tikets for me? 8 Can I get a hart inthe hate? Cin Sometimes guests ask for atvice. Look at what these gusts say. Then give them advice. using the notes and ore of the sentences ike ths 1s there anjthing to see in thi ty? Visio city tS worth wstng the old city, simadam. t's very vey. These are the sentences to use: stoops doe oe emcee | iota, phreeer Re n coe | Samah T send the mas Mi leave Fin a message. madam, isvery ey Se oc 1D Seving chat yourildo tye ge eae atence: ee 3 How far in advance do I need to reserve a room m October? bbookis early as possible Teme up mediately adn therrael get or you madam. Ins room for you adam dr appontant wth hetero US. eal kx. cfs eae 4 How can get tothe country fora day? Motredessroom hirer them the message ran oultroughto he restaurants 1 Can you put my coat somewhere? "4 5 Are there any sighs inthe city? ‘reteatnedal {6 How do | get from the airport to your tel? taketant 7 Your rates fr conferences seem expensive to me comparethem io Look a these pictures and read the sentences. Then match the pictures with the correct sentence, Sometimes you need to ask guests what they prefer. You can do that ike thi: Td ike a sng room for the right. peace Would you prefertather a room with 2 shower or a bath si [Now ask what these guess would prefer. Use the table below ‘he mamingor te aternoon psi? the resaurant or ose preter | onerccmor separate rooms? thealternoon rte evening show.madary? te payeashor by cedtcard maa? Would you 1 Then well need somewhere forthe two children 2 1 tke 10 sete te bil, please 3 Td tke to book a abe fortis everng please. 4 Hy wile and | would tke to gp on thi tp tothe mountains '5 Weld lke to goto the theatre on Saturday. 2 Shall give him a message? 'b Shall book yeur tickets for you? «© Shal ring the ralay ston? Shall tn for yout «Shall show you on the map? Shall show you the way? Cia ‘Takako works inthe Holiday In, Tokyo Listen to these guests asking her questions, ‘Then read the answers in your book Listen tothe question again and put a tee agar the right answer, 1 The guest wants Talako to 18 conirm her fight for tomorrow. 1 postpone her fight for thres days pet her a seat on fight JUST 2 The guest wants to go to Hong Ke Tepe w cong, tomorrow. the day after tomorrow, ooo ooo 23 The guest wants to go ta Osaka athe bb at 3 oock tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow morning coo z 4 The pest wants 0 2s tre sptsesing aay om the oy. B vet te comrade € goon inp roe the ay 5 The gist wants Takako to a cancel ha ge bb getline on ight BA O07 © confer ha ah Bp) U2 tse pes ed we dv he mesa. ooo coo TY ee 1 The guest wants youto____his seaton li 2 The guest wants you to reserve___ places on rip. 5 The guest wants: to postpone his light. Ibo go to London as quickly as possible. Ce co confirm his flight. C 4 Write down the telex sereerion: Mr Here is a conversation Listen tothe conversation and follow tin your book. Then ‘rewind your castete.Startthe conversation again Ths tne speak tothe puesta the Save tine the voce on the essen recerront Good evening, Hokday In, [East Evening Do youhave two double rooms free fr tonight by any chance? recernore One moment, sl just check for you. . Hel, 7 Cus Hel, secerion: Tmafrad we havent got two double rooms, sr. We've got one double room and tw smiles. though 8 ‘outst: Wel hat do, Cant reserve them now? secernion: Certainly sz. Can I have your name? Gus: Peters IRCUPTION: Me Peters. Thank you se: ccuest: im leaving the station now and expect to arrive in about half an hour. nectPnion: Well expect you then. si "Now read these sentences. Then Isten to this pest, Choose the sentence that best answers what the gues ay, Say that sentence onto the cassette. You wl ten hear the night answer. Read the sentences now erty, mada, Would you prefer a weekend excrson or 2e dy tip? (Ot course, mada Tellme what yous the ae mae the booking, ‘Good aemoon, adam How can help yu? Wee gota tof ane day excursions ve you te brochre ae then you ‘an choose the one ou preer "Now look atthe next group of sentences. Then lsten tothe next guest. Agin, choose the sentence that best answers what the puest says Say tat sentence Sots the cassette. You will then hear the rght answer: Read the sentences now. “The morning ight 9g the atin, sr and see what can do ean cern ty st Wedd youpreler econemy buses cr fst cs? rig youas scons kaon anti ‘Theretammornngand an evenng ight se. Which would you prefer? itil a Fist read this letter. Use your

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