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PON CAD Installation from PEN DRIVE

System Requirements
PON CAD does not require hardware resources other than the ones included for the installation of
the CAD program chosen.
The PON CAD software is an application for CAD suitable to function on WINDOWS systems.
For the correct installation access the system as an authorized user for the installation of the new
programs. The installation of PON CAD is expected to disk C: \, and 'can also install it on another
disk data.
The supporting CAD systems are:
-AutoCAD by Autodesk from version 2004
-BricsCAD V11 PRO or superior
PON CAD is supplied on a protected Pen Drive;


Make sure you have the administrator privileges.

Configuration of Autocad standard

Select the OPTIONS button from the tools menu and select the File folder as indicated below,
then add, with the help of the two keys Add and Glance in the category 'Support file one
new steps:


Confirm by selecting OK.

From the menu Tools->Autolisp->load application the dialogue window will appear which
defines the applications to be loaded in Autocad.
In order that PON CAD may be loaded automatically each time it is started up by selecting the
key Contents found at the bottom right hand corner.

With the Add key select the file mcstart.lsp
in the c:\pon cad folder. Close and confirm
all the windows then re-start CAD

Configuration of Autocad Mechanical/Architectural

In order to complete the installation, start up CAD and press the command OPTIONS then
select the File folder as indicated below, add, with the help of two keys Add and Glance in
the category Support file two new steps:


Confirm by selecting. OK

Digit the command MENULOAD and a window will appear, press glance and select PON CAD, in
the sub-folder Menu select the file meccad1.cui and press Load, select the file poncad1.cui and
press Load, select the file forcad1.cui and press Load. Once this has been done some new
menus will appear at the top of the CAD window, select the menu multidirectional scaffolding

and select toolbar Multidirectional scaffolding, finally press so that the activation
procedure will take place.

For the compatibility of the Mechanical and Architectural functions for each new drawing it

is necessary to start up PON CAD by pressing or the command mecmenu.

Advised settings for Autocad

In order to render more efficient the format of a drawing using Pon Cad it is advisable to select the
options indicated in the illustration.
Select Tools>Options>View.

Configuration of BricsCAD

From Brics CAD PRO, Select the command

SETTINGS from the menu SETTINGS and enter
the folder PROGRAM OPTIONS. Select FILES
and in the section SUPPORT FILE SEARCH

PATH by pressing the key the FOLDER LIST

window will appear

On the inside of this add the one file steps, listed

as follows


Remain in PROGRAM OPTIONS select SYSTEM and activate , if not already activated, the
option on_start.lsp for each doc.
Close all the windows and re-start Briscad. If the PON CAD tool bar should not appear write in the
command mecmenu.

Advised Settings

Optimize Brics Cad

Template for CNEW command,

Color of Layout,

Use MC-SETBRICS command

Note AUTOCAD ver. 2010 or superior

To access the options of autocad 10 -12

click the icon of CAD then select the
Options command.

To access the Load Application of Autocad 10-12 select the Ribbon Manage then the
icon Load Application.

The installation of PON CAD involves the explicit acceptance of the following
conditions of supply:
PON CAD is subject to the International Law on Copyright, all
rights reserved. The program and the databases used are
subject to Copyright.
It is to be accepted that this product is supplied without any
guarantee, explicit or implicit, of the suitability for specific

The functions of automatic drawing, is provided solely to

partially resolve the most common patterns and quickly
mounting. Feature of the program is not automatically provide
specific mounting patterns. The verification of the functionality
of the project, all reports and data files (output) generated by
the program, both in relation to schemes that simple mounting
assembly drawings specific, are always under the 'user, product
characteristics allow sw the user can check, correct, complete
integration of the project to come up with specific applications..

Under no circumstances can the author be held responsible to

third parties for special damages, collateral, accidental, direct or
indirect or consequential, in connection with or deriving from the
use of this product.

The software is designed for professional use, does not

substitute the competence of the technical designer during the
layout of the project, each automatically generated drawing is
NOT to be considered technically correct and therefore

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