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Blooms Taxonomy Action Verbs (adapted from http://www.clemson.

Definitions Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Blooms Remember previously Demonstrate and Apply knowledge to Break down objects or Compile component Make and defend
Definition learned information. understanding of the actual situations. ideas into simpler ideas into a new judgments based on
facts. parts and find whole or propose internal evidence or
evidence to support alternative solutions. external criteria.

Verbs Arrange Associate Add Analyze Arrange Appraise

Count Classify Apply Arrange Assemble Argue
Define Compute Calculate Breakdown Categorize Assess
Describe Convert Change Calculate Collect Compare
Draw Defend Choose Categorize Combine Conclude
Duplicate Discuss Classify Combine Compile Contrast
Identify Distinguish Complete Compare Compose Criticize
Label Estimate Compute Contrast Create Critique
List Explain Demonstrate Criticize Design Defend
Match Express Examine Design Develop Determine
Memorize Extend Facilitate Detect Devise Discriminate
Name Extrapolate Graph Develop Explain Estimate
Order Generalize Illustrate Diagram Formulate Evaluate
Outline Give examples Interpret Differentiate Generate Explain
Point Indicate Manipulate Discriminate Group Integrate Grade
Quote Infer Modify Distinguish Modify Interpret
Read Locate Operate Illustrate Order Judge
Recall Paraphrase Prepare Infer Organize Justify
Recite Predict Produce Model Plan Measure
Recognize Rewrite Show Outline Propose Rank
Relate Review Solve Point out Reconstruct Rate
Recall Summarize Subtract Question Reorganize Select
Translate Translate Relate Revise Summarize
Use Select Rewrite Support
Separate Summarize Test
Subdivide Transform Value
Test Specify

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