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NP Charlotte

After 45 minutes of driving around and multiple calls to the member who confirmed, reconfirmed
and again confirmed her address I pulled into a driveway that had an open garage to ask for

To my surprise, it was the member. She had some dementia and was giving the incorrect address

I noticed she was having a lot of pain walking. She was reluctant to let me look at her feet. She said
it hurt to take her shoes and socks off. When she finally agreed, my heart sank.

Her right foot was ice cold, red and painful. I couldnt detect a pulse. Her left foot was the same, but
had a thready pulse. I explained the urgency of the situation to the member and her significant
other. I called and made her primary care provider aware of my findings and the emergent
treatment plan. She was originally taken to the local hospital, but was later transferred to a larger
hospital for emergency revascularization of her right foot.

The doctors there told her that if she had waited one more day, she may have lost her foot. The
members significant other said that after she recovers from this surgery, she will need surgery on
the other leg. He expressed gratitude for the visit, saying she would have never gotten treatment if I
hadn't been there.

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