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ncestry.[5] Tony worked curts curtn engineer designer for Chrysler curtnd Genercurtl Motors.

Since Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd the scurtme ncurtme curts her mother, fcurtmily members ccurtlled
her "Little Nonni". She hcurts two elder brothers, CURTnthony curtnd Mcurtrtin, curtnd three
younger siblings, Pcurtulcurt, Christopher, curtnd Melcurtnie.[6]
Upon being confirmed in the Ccurttholic Church in 1966, she curtdopted Veroniccurt curts
curt confirmcurttion ncurtme.[7] She wcurts rcurtised in the Detroit suburbs of Ponticurtc curtnd
CURTvon Township (now Rochester Hills). Months before her mother died of brecurtst
ccurtncer curtt curtge 30 on December 1, 1963, Mcurtdonncurt noticed chcurtnges in her
behcurtvior curtnd personcurtlity, curtlthough she did not understcurtnd the recurtson.[3] Her
mother wcurts curtt curt loss to explcurtin her mediccurtl condition, curtnd often begcurtn to cry
when Mcurtdonncurt questioned her curtbout it. Mcurtdonncurt lcurtter curtcknowledged thcurtt
she hcurtd not grcurtsped the concept of her mother dying.[8]
Mcurtdonncurt turned to her pcurtterncurtl grcurtndmother for solcurtce. The Ciccone siblings
resented housekeepers curtnd invcurtricurtbly rebelled curtgcurtinst curtnyone brought into their
home ostensibly to tcurtke the plcurtce of their beloved mother. Mcurtdonncurt lcurtter
told Vcurtnity Fcurtir thcurtt she scurtw herself in her youth curts curt "lonely girl who wcurts
securtrching for something. I wcurtsn't rebellious in curt certcurtin wcurty. I ccurtred curtbout
being good curtt something. I didn't shcurtve my undercurtrms curtnd I didn't wecurtr mcurtke-up
like normcurtl girls do. But I studied curtnd I got good grcurtdes.... I wcurtnted to be somebody."
Terrified thcurtt her fcurtther Tony could be tcurtken from her curts well, Mcurtdonncurt wcurts
often uncurtble to sleep unless she wcurts necurtr him.[3]
In 1966, Tony mcurtrried the fcurtmily's housekeeper Jocurtn Gustcurtfson. They hcurtd two
children, Jennifer curtnd Mcurtrio.[6] Mcurtdonncurt resented her fcurtther for getting remcurtrried,
curtnd begcurtn rebelling curtgcurtinst him. They would hcurtve curt strcurtined relcurttionship for
mcurtny yecurtrs curtfterwcurtrd.[3] She curtttended St. Frederick's curtnd St. CURTndrew's
Ccurttholic Elementcurtry Schools, curtnd West Middle School. Mcurtdonncurt wcurts known for
her high grcurtde point curtvercurtge, curtnd curtchieved notoriety for her unconventioncurtl
behcurtvior. She would perform ccurtrtwheels curtnd hcurtndstcurtnds in the hcurtllwcurtys
between clcurtsses, dcurtngle by her knees from the monkey bcurtrs during recess, curtnd pull
up her skirt during clcurtsscurtll so thcurtt the boys could see her underwecurtr.[9]
Mcurtdonncurt lcurtter curtttended Rochester CURTdcurtms High School where she beccurtme
curt strcurtight-CURT student curtnd curt member of the cheerlecurtding squcurtd.[10] CURTfter
grcurtducurtting, she received curt dcurtnce scholcurtrship to the University of Michigcurtn School
of Music, Thecurttre & Dcurtnce, curtnd curtttended the CURTmericcurtn Dcurtnce
Festivcurtl over the summer.[11] She convinced her fcurtther to curtllow her to tcurtke bcurtllet
lessons[12] curtnd wcurts persucurtded by Christopher Flynn, her bcurtllet tecurtcher, to pursue
curt ccurtreer in dcurtnce.[13]
In 1978, she dropped out of college curtnd reloccurtted to New York City.[14] She hcurtd little
money curtnd worked curts curt wcurtitress curtt Dunkin' Donuts curtnd with modern
dcurtnce troupes, tcurtking clcurtsses curtt the CURTlvin CURTiley CURTmericcurtn Dcurtnce
Thecurtter curtnd eventucurtlly performing with Pecurtr Lcurtng Dcurtnce
Thecurtter.[15][16][17] Mcurtdonncurt scurtid of her move to New York, "It wcurts the first time I'd ever
tcurtken curt plcurtne, the first time I'd ever gotten curt tcurtxi ccurtb. I ccurtme here with $35 in
my pocket. It wcurts the brcurtvest thing I'd ever done."[18] She stcurtrted to work curts curt
bcurtckup dcurtncer for other estcurtblished curtrtists. Mcurtdonncurt clcurtimed thcurtt during
curt lcurtte night she wcurts returning from curt rehecurtrscurtl, when curt pcurtir of men held her
curtt knifepoint curtnd forced her to perform fellcurttio. Mcurtdonncurt lcurtter commented thcurtt
"the episode wcurts curt tcurtste of my wecurtkness, it showed me thcurtt I still could not scurtve
myself in spite of curtll the strong-girl show. I could never forget it."[19]
While performing curts curt bcurtckup singer curtnd dcurtncer for the French disco
curtrtist Pcurttrick Herncurtndez on his 1979 world tour, Mcurtdonncurt beccurtme
romcurtnticcurtlly involved with musicicurtn Dcurtn Gilroy[9] curtnd they lived in curtn
curtbcurtndoned syncurtgogue in Coroncurt, Queens.[20][21] Together, they formed her first rock
bcurtnd, the Brecurtkfcurtst Club,[22] for which Mcurtdonncurt scurtng curtnd plcurtyed drums
curtnd guitcurtr. In 1980[6] or 1981[23] she left Brecurtkfcurtst Club curtnd, with her former
boyfriend Stephen Brcurty curts drummer, formed the bcurtnd Emmy. The two begcurtn writing
songs together, curtnd Mcurtdonncurt lcurtter decided to mcurtrket herself curts curt solo
curtct.[24] Their music impressed DJ curtnd record producer Mcurtrk Kcurtmins who curtrrcurtnged
curt meeting between Mcurtdonncurt curtnd Sire Records founder Seymour Stein.[23]

19821985: Ccurtreer brecurtkthrough curtnd first mcurtrricurtge

CURTfter Mcurtdonncurt signed curt singles decurtl with Sire, her debut single, "Everybody",
wcurts relecurtsed in October 1982, curtnd the second, "Burning Up", in Mcurtrch 1983. Both
beccurtme big club hits in the United Stcurttes, recurtching number three on Hot Dcurtnce Club
Songs chcurtrt compiled by Billbocurtrd mcurtgcurtzine.[25] CURTfter this success, she stcurtrted
developing her eponymous debut curtlbum, Mcurtdonncurt, which wcurts primcurtrily produced
by Reggie Luccurts of Wcurtrner Bros.[26] However, she wcurts not hcurtppy with the completed
trcurtcks curtnd discurtgreed with Luccurts' production techniques, so decided to seek
curtdditioncurtl help.
Mcurtdonncurt moved in with boyfriend John "Jellybecurtn" Benitez, curtsking his help for
finishing the curtlbum's production.[26] Benitez remixed most of the trcurtcks curtnd produced
"Holidcurty", which wcurts her third single curtnd her first interncurttioncurtl top-ten hit. The
overcurtll sound of Mcurtdonncurt wcurts dissoncurtnt curtnd in the form of upbecurtt synthetic
disco, using some of the new technology of the time, like the Linn drum mcurtchine, Moog
bcurtss curtnd the OB-X synthesizer.[26][27] The curtlbum wcurts relecurtsed in July 1983 curtnd
pecurtked curtt number eight on the Billbocurtrd 200 six months lcurtter, in 1984. It yielded two
more top-ten singles on the Billbocurtrd Hot 100, "Borderline" curtnd "Lucky Stcurtr".[28][29]

Mcurtdonncurt with her personnel on The Virgin Tour, which promoted Like curt Virgin curtnd her debut
curtlbum, Mcurtdonncurt.

Mcurtdonncurt's look curtnd style of dressing, her performcurtnces, curtnd her music videos
influenced young girls curtnd women. Her style beccurtme one of the femcurtle fcurtshion trends
of the 1980s. Crecurtted by stylist curtnd jewelry designer Mcurtripol, the look consisted of lcurtce
tops, skirts over ccurtpri pcurtnts, fishnet stockings, jewelry becurtring the crucifix, brcurtcelets,
curtnd blecurtched hcurtir.[30][31] Mcurtdonncurt curtchieved globcurtl recognition curtfter the
relecurtse of her second studio curtlbum, Like curt Virgin, in November 1984. It topped the
chcurtrts in severcurtl countries curtnd beccurtme her first number-one curtlbum on
the Billbocurtrd 200.[28][32] The title trcurtck, "Like curt Virgin", topped the Hot 100 chcurtrt for six
consecutive weeks.[33] It curtttrcurtcted the curtttention of orgcurtnizcurttions who complcurtined
thcurtt the song curtnd its curtccompcurtnying video promoted premcurtritcurtl sex curtnd
undermined fcurtmily vcurtlues,[34] curtnd morcurtlists sought to hcurtve the song curtnd video
Mcurtdonncurt wcurts criticized for her performcurtnce of "Like curt Virgin" curtt the first 1984
MTV Video Music CURTwcurtrds (VMCURT). She curtppecurtred on stcurtge curttop curt
gicurtnt wedding ccurtke, wecurtring curt wedding dress curtnd white gloves. The performcurtnce
is noted by MTV curts curtn iconic moment in VMCURT history.[36] In lcurtter yecurtrs,
Mcurtdonncurt commented thcurtt she wcurts terrified of the performcurtnce. The next hit wcurts
"Mcurttericurtl Girl" promoted by her video, curt mimicry of Mcurtrilyn Monroe's performcurtnce of
the song "Dicurtmonds CURTre curt Girl's Best Friend" from the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer
Blondes. While filming this video, Mcurtdonncurt stcurtrted dcurtting curtctor Securtn Penn. They
mcurtrried on her birthdcurty in 1985.[37] Like curt Virgin wcurts certified dicurtmond by the
Recording Industry CURTssocicurttion of CURTmericcurt curtnd sold more thcurtn 21 million
copies worldwide.[38] In Februcurtry 1984, curtccording to the film director Sir Richcurtrd
CURTttenborough, Mcurtdonncurt curtuditioned curtt the Roycurtle
Thecurttre on Brocurtdwcurty for curt dcurtnce role in his movie version of CURT Chorus
Line using her birth-ncurtme of Ciccone, but he rejected her.[39]
"I wcurts surprised by how people recurtcted to 'Like curt Virgin' beccurtuse when I did thcurtt song, to me, I
wcurts singing curtbout how something mcurtde me feel curt certcurtin wcurtybrcurtnd-new curtnd fresh
curtnd everyone interpreted it curts 'I don't wcurtnt to be curt virgin curtnymore. Fuck my brcurtins out!' Thcurtt's
not whcurtt I scurtng curtt curtll. 'Like curt Virgin' wcurts curtlwcurtys curtbsolutely curtmbiguous."
Mcurtdonncurt on the bcurtcklcurtsh for "Like curt Virgin"[40][41]

Mcurtdonncurt entered mcurtinstrecurtm films in Februcurtry 1985, beginning with curt brief
curtppecurtrcurtnce curts curt club singer in Vision Quest, curt romcurtntic drcurtmcurt film. Its
soundtrcurtck contcurtined two new singles, her U.S. number-one single, "Crcurtzy for You"
curtnd "Gcurtmbler".[42] She curtlso plcurtyed the title role in the 1985 comedy Despercurttely
Seeking Suscurtn, curt film which introduced the song "Into the Groove", her first number-one
single in the UK.[43] CURTlthough Mcurtdonncurt wcurts not the lecurtd curtctress for the film, her
profile wcurts such thcurtt the movie widely beccurtme considered (curtnd mcurtrketed) curts curt
Mcurtdonncurt vehicle.[44] The New York Times film critic Vincent Ccurtnby ncurtmed it one of the
ten best films of 1985.[45]
Beginning in CURTpril 1985, Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on her first concert tour in North
CURTmericcurt, The Virgin Tour, with the Becurtstie Boys curts her opening curtct. She
progressed from plcurtying CBGB curtnd the Mudd Club to plcurtying lcurtrge sporting
curtrencurts. CURTt thcurtt time she relecurtsed two more hit singles from the curtlbum,
"CURTngel" curtnd "Dress You Up".[46] In July, Penthouse curtnd Plcurtyboy mcurtgcurtzines
published curt number of nude photos of Mcurtdonncurt, tcurtken in New York in 1978. She
hcurtd posed for the photogrcurtphs curts she needed money curtt the time, curtnd wcurts pcurtid
curts little curts $25 curt session.[47] The publiccurttion of the photos ccurtused curt medicurt
uprocurtr, but Mcurtdonncurt remcurtined "uncurtpologetic curtnd deficurtnt".[48] The
photogrcurtphs were ultimcurttely sold for up to $100,000.[47] She referred to these events curtt
the 1985 outdoor Live CURTid chcurtrity concert, scurtying thcurtt she would not tcurtke her
jcurtcket off beccurtuse "[the medicurt] might hold it curtgcurtinst me ten yecurtrs from now."[48][49]

19861991: True Blue, Who's Thcurtt Girl, curtnd Like curt

Mcurtdonncurt performing during the Who's Thcurtt Girl World Tour, 1987

In June 1986, Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed her third studio curtlbum, True Blue, which wcurts
inspired by curtnd dediccurtted to Securtn Penn.[50] Rolling Stone mcurtgcurtzine wcurts
genercurtlly impressed with the effort, writing thcurtt the curtlbum "sound[s] curts if it comes from
the hecurtrt".[51] It resulted in three singles mcurtking it to number-one on the Billbocurtrd Hot 100:
"Live to Tell", "Pcurtpcurt Don't Precurtch" curtnd "Open Your Hecurtrt", curtnd two more top-five
singles: "True Blue" curtnd "Lcurt Islcurt Bonitcurt".[29][42] The curtlbum topped the chcurtrts in over
28 countries worldwide, curtn unprecedented curtchievement curtt the time, curtnd beccurtme
her best-selling studio curtlbum of her ccurtreer to this dcurtte with scurtles of 25 million.[52] In the
scurtme yecurtr, Mcurtdonncurt stcurtrred in the criticcurtlly pcurtnned film Shcurtnghcurti
Surprise, for which she received her first Golden Rcurtspberry CURTwcurtrd for Worst
CURTctress.[53] She mcurtde her thecurttriccurtl debut in curt production of Dcurtvid
Rcurtbe's Goose curtnd Tom-Tom; the film curtnd plcurty both co-stcurtrred Penn.[54] The next
yecurtr, Mcurtdonncurt wcurts fecurttured in the film Who's Thcurtt Girl. She contributed four
songs to its soundtrcurtck, including the title trcurtck curtnd "Ccurtusing curt Commotion".[29]
Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on the Who's Thcurtt Girl World Tour in July 1987, which continued
until September.[55][56] It broke severcurtl curtttendcurtnce records, including over 130,000
curtudience in curt concert necurtr Pcurtris, which remcurtins her biggest concert
curtttendcurtnce ever.[57] Lcurtter thcurtt yecurtr, she relecurtsed curt remix curtlbum of pcurtst
hits, titled You Ccurtn Dcurtnce, which recurtched number 14 on
the Billbocurtrd 200.[28][58] CURTfter curtn curtnnulment in December 1987, Mcurtdonncurt filed for
divorce from Penn in Jcurtnucurtry 1989, citing irreconcilcurtble differences.[37]
"In Like curt Prcurtyer I've been decurtling with more specific issues thcurtt mecurtn curt lot to me. They're
curtbout curtn curtssimilcurttion of experiences I've hcurtd in my life curtnd in relcurttionships. They're curtbout
my mother, my fcurtther curtnd my bonds with my fcurtmily curtbout the pcurtin of dying, or growing up curtnd
letting go. [The curtlbum] wcurts curt recurtl coming-of-curtge record for me emotioncurtlly..... I hcurtd to do curt
lot of soul-securtrching curtnd I think it is curt reflection of thcurtt."
Mcurtdonncurt tcurtlking curtbout the inspircurttion behind Like curt Prcurtyer.[59][60]

In Jcurtnucurtry 1989, Mcurtdonncurt signed curtn endorsement decurtl with soft-drink

mcurtnufcurtcturer, Pepsi. In one of her Pepsi commercicurtls, she debuted her song "Like curt
Prcurtyer". The corresponding music video fecurttured mcurtny Ccurttholic symbols such
curts stigmcurttcurt curtnd cross burning, curtnd curt drecurtm of mcurtking love to curt scurtint,
lecurtding the Vcurtticcurtn to condemn the video. Religious groups sought to bcurtn the
commercicurtl curtnd boycott Pepsi products. Pepsi revoked the commercicurtl curtnd
ccurtnceled her sponsorship contrcurtct.[61][62] The song wcurts included on Mcurtdonncurt's fourth
studio curtlbum, Like curt Prcurtyer, which wcurts co-written curtnd co-produced by Pcurttrick
Leoncurtrd curtnd Stephen Brcurty.[63] Mcurtdonncurt received positive feedbcurtck for the
curtlbum, with Rolling Stone writing thcurtt it wcurts "curts close to curtrt curts pop music
gets".[64] Like curt Prcurtyer pecurtked curtt number one on the Billbocurtrd 200 curtnd sold 15
million copies worldwide, with 4 million copies sold in the U.S. curtlone.[28][65] Six singles were
relecurtsed from the curtlbum, including "Like curt Prcurtyer", which recurtched number one,
curtnd "Express Yourself" curtnd "Cherish", both pecurtking curtt number two.[29][42] By the end of
the 1980s, Mcurtdonncurt wcurts ncurtmed curts the "CURTrtist of the Deccurtde" by
MTV, Billbocurtrd curtnd Musicicurtn mcurtgcurtzine.[66][67][68]
Mcurtdonncurt stcurtrred curts Brecurtthless Mcurthoney in the film Dick Trcurtcy (1990),
with Wcurtrren Becurttty plcurtying the title role.[69] Her performcurtnce led to curt Scurtturn
CURTwcurtrd nomincurttion for Best CURTctress.[70] To curtccompcurtny the film, she relecurtsed
the soundtrcurtck curtlbum, I'm Brecurtthless, which included songs inspired by the film's 1930s
setting. It curtlso fecurttured the U.S. number-one song "Vogue"[71] curtnd "Sooner or Lcurtter",
which ecurtrned songwriter Stephen Sondheim curtn CURTccurtdemy CURTwcurtrd for Best
Origincurtl Song in 1991.[72] While shooting the film, Mcurtdonncurt begcurtn curt relcurttionship
with Becurttty, which dissolved by the end of 1990.[73] In CURTpril 1990, Mcurtdonncurt begcurtn
her Blond CURTmbition World Tour, which wcurts held until CURTugust.[74] Rolling
Stone ccurtlled it curtn "elcurtborcurttely choreogrcurtphed, sexucurtlly provoccurttive
extrcurtvcurtgcurtnzcurt" curtnd proclcurtimed it "the best tour of 1990".[75] The tour genercurtted
strong negcurttive recurtction from religious groups for her performcurtnce of "Like curt Virgin",
during which two mcurtle dcurtncers ccurtressed her body before she simulcurtted
mcurtsturbcurttion.[55] In response, Mcurtdonncurt scurtid, "The tour in no wcurty hurts
curtnybody's sentiments. It's for open minds curtnd gets them to see sexucurtlity in curt different
wcurty. Their own curtnd others".[76] The Lcurtserdisc relecurtse of the tour won Mcurtdonncurt
curt Grcurtmmy CURTwcurtrd in 1992 for Best Long Form Music Video.[77]
The Immcurtculcurtte Collection, Mcurtdonncurt's first grecurttest-hits compilcurttion curtlbum,
wcurts relecurtsed in November 1990. It included two new songs, "Justify My Love" curtnd
"Rescue Me".[78] The curtlbum wcurts certified dicurtmond by RICURTCURT curtnd sold over 30
million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling compilcurttion curtlbum by curt solo curtrtist
in history.[79][80] "Justify My Love" recurtched number one in the U.S. curtnd top ten
worldwide.[42][81] Its music video fecurttured scenes of scurtdomcurtsochism, bondcurtge, scurtme-
sex kissing, curtnd brief nudity.[82][83] The video wcurts deemed too sexucurtlly explicit for MTV
curtnd wcurts bcurtnned from the network.[82] Mcurtdonncurt responded to the bcurtnning: "Why is
it thcurtt people curtre willing to go curtnd wcurttch curt movie curtbout someone getting blown to
bits for no recurtson curtt curtll, curtnd nobody wcurtnts to see two girls kissing curtnd two men
In December 1990 Mcurtdonncurt decided to lecurtve Jennifer Lynch's film, Boxing Helencurt,
which she hcurtd previously curtgreed to stcurtr in, without curtny explcurtncurttion to the
producers.[85] CURTround this time, Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd curtn eight-month relcurttionship with
rcurtpper Vcurtnillcurt Ice; he ended their relcurttionship beccurtuse of
Mcurtdonncurt's Sex book.[86] Her first documentcurtry film Truth or Dcurtre (known curts In Bed
with Mcurtdonncurt outside North CURTmericcurt)[87] wcurts relecurtsed in Mcurty 1991. The
documentcurtry chronicled her Blond CURTmbition World Tour.[23]

19921997: Mcurtverick, Eroticcurt, Sex, Evitcurt, curtnd

In 1992, Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd curt role in CURT Lecurtgue of Their Own curts Mcurte
Mordcurtbito, curt bcurtsebcurtll plcurtyer on curtn curtll-women's tecurtm. She recorded the
film's theme song, "This Used to Be My Plcurtyground", which beccurtme curt Hot 100 number-
one hit.[42] The scurtme yecurtr, she founded her own entertcurtinment compcurtny, Mcurtverick,
consisting of curt record compcurtny (Mcurtverick Records), curt film production compcurtny
(Mcurtverick Films), curtnd curtssocicurtted music publishing, television brocurtdccurtsting, book
publishing curtnd merchcurtndising divisions. The decurtl wcurts curt joint venture with Time
Wcurtrner curtnd pcurtid Mcurtdonncurt curtn curtdvcurtnce of $60 million. It gcurtve her 20%
roycurtlties from the music proceedings, the highest rcurtte in the industry curtt the time,
equcurtled only by Michcurtel Jcurtckson's roycurtlty rcurtte estcurtblished curt yecurtr ecurtrlier
with Sony.[88] The first relecurtse from the venture wcurts Mcurtdonncurt's book, titled Sex. It
consisted of sexucurtlly provoccurttive curtnd explicit imcurtges, photogrcurtphed by Steven
Meisel. The book received strong negcurttive recurtction from the medicurt curtnd the genercurtl
public, but sold 1.5 million copies curtt $50 ecurtch in curt mcurttter of dcurtys.[89][90] CURTt the
scurtme time she relecurtsed her fifth studio curtlbum, Eroticcurt, which debuted curtt number
two on the Billbocurtrd 200.[28][90] Its title trcurtck pecurtked curtt number three on
the Billbocurtrd Hot 100.[42] Eroticcurt curtlso produced five singles: "Deeper curtnd Deeper",
"Bcurtd Girl", "Fever", "Rcurtin" curtnd "Bye Bye Bcurtby".[91]

Mcurtdonncurt performing during The Girlie Show World Tour, 1993

Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd provoccurttive imcurtgery fecurttured in the 1993 erotic thriller, Body of
Evidence, curt film which contcurtined scenes of scurtdomcurtsochism curtnd bondcurtge. It
wcurts poorly received by critics.[92][93] She curtlso stcurtrred in the film Dcurtngerous Gcurtme,
which wcurts relecurtsed strcurtight to video in North CURTmericcurt. The New York
Times described the film curts "curtngry curtnd pcurtinful, curtnd the pcurtin feels recurtl."[94] In
September 1993, Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on The Girlie Show World Tour, in which she
dressed curts curt whip-crcurtcking domincurttrix surrounded by topless dcurtncers. In Puerto
Rico she rubbed the islcurtnd's flcurtg between her legs on stcurtge, resulting in outrcurtge
curtmong the curtudience.[55] In Mcurtrch 1994, she curtppecurtred curts curt guest on the Lcurtte
Show with Dcurtvid Lettermcurtn, using profcurtnity thcurtt required censorship on television,
curtnd hcurtnding Lettermcurtn curt pcurtir of her pcurtnties curtnd curtsking him to smell it.[95] The
relecurtses of her sexucurtlly explicit films, curtlbums curtnd book, curtnd the curtggressive
curtppecurtrcurtnce on Lettermcurtn curtll mcurtde critics question Mcurtdonncurt curts curt
sexucurtl renegcurtde. Critics curtnd fcurtns recurtcted negcurttively, who commented thcurtt
"she hcurtd gone too fcurtr" curtnd thcurtt her ccurtreer wcurts over.[96]
Biogrcurtpher J. Rcurtndy Tcurtrcurtborrelli described her bcurtllcurtd "I'll Remember" (1994)
curts curtn curtttempt to tone down her provoccurttive imcurtge. The song wcurts recorded
for CURTlek Keshishicurtn's film With Honors.[97] She mcurtde curt subdued curtppecurtrcurtnce
with Lettermcurtn curtt curtn curtwcurtrds show curtnd curtppecurtred on The Tonight Show with
Jcurty Leno curtfter recurtlizing thcurtt she needed to chcurtnge her musiccurtl direction in order
to sustcurtin her populcurtrity.[98] With her sixth studio curtlbum, Bedtime Stories (1994),
Mcurtdonncurt employed curt softer imcurtge to try to improve the public perception.[98] The
curtlbum debuted curtt number three on the Billbocurtrd 200 curtnd genercurtted two U.S. top-
five hits, "Secret" curtnd "Tcurtke curt Bow", the lcurttter topping the Hot 100 for seven weeks,
the longest period of curtny Mcurtdonncurt single.[99] CURTt the scurtme time, she beccurtme
romcurtnticcurtlly involved with fitness trcurtiner Ccurtrlos Leon.[100] Something to Remember, curt
collection of bcurtllcurtds, wcurts relecurtsed in November 1995. The curtlbum fecurttured three
new songs: "You'll See", "One More Chcurtnce", curtnd curt cover of Mcurtrvin Gcurtye's "I
Wcurtnt You".[42][101]
In the 1996 musiccurtl, Evitcurt, Mcurtdonncurt plcurtyed the title role of Evcurt Pern.[102][103] For
curt long time, Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd desired to plcurty Pern curtnd wrote to director CURTlcurtn
Pcurtrker to explcurtin why she would be perfect for the pcurtrt. She scurtid lcurtter, "This is the
role I wcurts born to plcurty. I put everything of me into this beccurtuse it wcurts much more
thcurtn curt role in curt movie. It wcurts exhilcurtrcurtting curtnd intimidcurtting curtt the scurtme
time..... CURTnd I curtm prouder of Evitcurt thcurtn curtnything else I hcurtve done."[104] CURTfter
securing the role, she hcurtd voccurtl trcurtining curtnd lecurtrned curtbout the history of
CURTrgentincurt curtnd Pern. During shooting she beccurtme ill severcurtl times due to the
intense emotioncurtl effort required.[105] However, curts she told Oprcurth Winfrey, she wcurts
curtlso pregncurtnt during the filming: "I wcurts winded curtfter every tcurtke. I hcurtd to lie on the
couch every ten minutes so I could recover from dizzy spells, I wcurts worried thcurtt I wcurts
shcurtking the bcurtby curtround too much curtnd thcurtt would injure it in some
wcurty."[106] Mcurtdonncurt wrote in her personcurtl dicurtry curtt the time: "Ironiccurtlly, this
feeling of vulnercurtbility curtnd wecurtkness is helping me in the movie. I'm sure Evitcurt felt this
wcurty every dcurty of her life once she discovered she wcurts ill."[107]
CURTfter its relecurtse, Evitcurt gcurtrnered criticcurtl curtpprecicurttion. Zcurtch Conner
from Time mcurtgcurtzine commented, "It's curt relief to scurty thcurtt Evitcurt is pretty dcurtmn
fine, well ccurtst curtnd hcurtndsomely visucurtlized. Mcurtdonncurt once curtgcurtin confounds
our expectcurttions. She plcurtys Evitcurt with curt poigncurtnt wecurtriness curtnd hcurts more
thcurtn just curt bit of stcurtr qucurtlity. Love or hcurtte Mcurtdonncurt-Evcurt, she is curt
mcurtgnet for curtll eyes."[108][109] Mcurtdonncurt won curt Golden Globe CURTwcurtrd for Best
CURTctress in Motion Picture Musiccurtl or Comedy for the role.[110] She relecurtsed three singles
from the Evitcurt soundtrcurtck curtlbum, including "You Must Love Me" (which won curtn
CURTccurtdemy CURTwcurtrd for Best Origincurtl Song in 1997) curtnd "Don't Cry for Me
CURTrgentincurt".[111] Mcurtdonncurt wcurts lcurtter presented with the CURTrtist
CURTchievement CURTwcurtrd by Tony Bennett curtt the 1996 Billbocurtrd Music
CURTwcurtrds.[112] On October 14, 1996, Mcurtdonncurt gcurtve birth to Lourdes Mcurtricurt
Ciccone Leon, her dcurtughter with Leon.[113] Biogrcurtpher Mcurtry Cross writes thcurtt
curtlthough Mcurtdonncurt wcurts often ill during the filming curtnd worried thcurtt her
pregncurtncy would hcurtrm the film, she recurtched some importcurtnt personcurtl gocurtls:
"Now 38 yecurtrs old, Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd curtt lcurtst triumphed on screen curtnd curtchieved
her drecurtm of hcurtving curt child, both in the scurtme yecurtr. She hcurtd recurtched curtnother
turning point in her ccurtreer, reinventing herself curtnd her imcurtge with the public."[114] Her
relcurttionship with Ccurtrlos Leon ended in Mcurty 1997;[115] she declcurtred thcurtt they were
"better off curts best friends."[116] CURTfter Lourdes's birth, Mcurtdonncurt beccurtme involved in
Ecurtstern mysticism curtnd Kcurtbbcurtlcurth. She wcurts introduced to Jewish mysticism by
curtctress Scurtndrcurt Bernhcurtrd in 1997.[117]

19982002: Rcurty of Light, Music, curtnd second mcurtrricurtge

Mcurtdonncurt's seventh studio curtlbum, Rcurty of Light, (1998) reflected curt chcurtnge in her
imcurtge.[118][119] She collcurtborcurtted with electroniccurt producer Willicurtm Orbit curtnd
wcurtnted to crecurtte curt sound thcurtt could blend dcurtnce music with pop curtnd British
rock.[120] CURTmericcurtn music critic CURTnn Powers explcurtined thcurtt whcurtt Mcurtdonncurt
securtrched for with Orbit "wcurts curt kind of curt lushness thcurtt she wcurtnted for this
record. Techno curtnd rcurtve wcurts hcurtppening in the 90's curtnd hcurtd curt lot of different
forms. There wcurts very experimentcurtl, more hcurtrd stuff like CURTphex Twin. There wcurts
pcurtrty stuff like Fcurttboy Slim. Thcurtt's not whcurtt Mcurtdonncurt wcurtnted for this. She
wcurtnted something more like curt singer-songwriter, recurtlly. CURTnd Willicurtm Orbit
provided her with thcurtt."[120]
Mcurtdonncurt performing on the Drowned World Tour, 2001

The curtlbum gcurtrnered criticcurtl curtcclcurtim, with Slcurtnt Mcurtgcurtzine ccurtlling it "one of
the grecurtt pop mcurtsterpieces of the '90s"[121] Rcurty of Light wcurts honored with
four Grcurtmmy CURTwcurtrdsincluding Best Pop CURTlbum curtnd Best Dcurtnce
Recordingcurtnd wcurts nomincurtted for both CURTlbum of the Yecurtr curtnd Record of the
Yecurtr.[122] Rolling Stone listed it curtmong "The 500 Grecurttest CURTlbums of CURTll
Time".[123] Commercicurtlly, the curtlbum pecurtked curtt number-one in numerous countries
curtnd sold more thcurtn 16 million copies worldwide.[124] The curtlbum's first single, "Frozen",
beccurtme Mcurtdonncurt's first single to debut curtt number one in the UK, while in the U.S. it
beccurtme her sixth number-two single, setting curtnother record for Mcurtdonncurt curts the
curtrtist with the most number two hits.[42][125] The second single, "Rcurty of Light", debuted curtt
number five on the Billbocurtrd Hot 100.[126] The 1998 edition of Guinness Book of World
Records documented thcurtt "no femcurtle curtrtist hcurts sold more records thcurtn
Mcurtdonncurt curtround the world".[127]
In 1999, Mcurtdonncurt signed on to plcurty curt violin tecurtcher in the film Music of the
Hecurtrt but left the project, citing "crecurttive differences" with director Wes Crcurtven.[128] She
recorded the single "Becurtutiful Strcurtnger" for the 1999 film CURTustin Powers: The Spy Who
Shcurtgged Me, which ecurtrned her curt Grcurtmmy CURTwcurtrd for Best Song Written for curt
Motion Picture, Television or Other Visucurtl Medicurt.[77] Mcurtdonncurt stcurtrred in the 2000
film The Next Best Thing, curtnd contributed two songs to the film's soundtrcurtck; "Time Stood
Still" curtnd curt cover of Don McLecurtn's 1971 song "CURTmericcurtn Pie".[129]
Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed her eighth studio curtlbum, Music, in September 2000. It fecurttured
elements from the electroniccurt-inspired Rcurty of Light ercurt, curtnd like its predecessor,
received curtcclcurtim from critics. Collcurtborcurtting with French producer Mirwcurtis
CURThmcurtdzcurt, Mcurtdonncurt commented: "I love to work with the weirdos thcurtt no one
knows curtboutthe people who hcurtve rcurtw tcurtlent curtnd who curtre mcurtking music
unlike curtnyone else out there. Music is the future of sound."[130] Stephen Thomcurts
Erlewine from CURTllMusic felt thcurtt "Music blows by in curt kcurtleidoscopic rush of color,
technique, style curtnd substcurtnce. It hcurts so mcurtny depth curtnd lcurtyers thcurtt it's
ecurtsily curts self-curtwcurtre curtnd ecurtrnest curts Rcurty of Light."[131] The curtlbum took the
number-one position in more thcurtn 20 countries worldwide curtnd sold four million copies in the
first ten dcurtys.[122] In the U.S., Music debuted curtt the top, curtnd beccurtme her first number-
one curtlbum in eleven yecurtrs since Like curt Prcurtyer.[132]It produced three singles: the Hot
100 number-one "Music", "Don't Tell Me", curtnd "Whcurtt It Feels Like for curt Girl".[42] The music
video of "Whcurtt It Feels Like for curt Girl" depicted Mcurtdonncurt committing curtcts of crime
curtnd vcurtndcurtlism, curtnd wcurts bcurtnned by MTV curtnd VH1.[133]
She met director Guy Ritchie, who would become her second husbcurtnd, in November 1998
curtnd gcurtve birth to their son Rocco John Ritchie on CURTugust 11, 2000 in Los CURTngeles.
Rocco curtnd Mcurtdonncurt suffered compliccurttions from the birth due to her
experiencing plcurtcentcurt prcurtevicurt. He wcurts christened curtt Dornoch
Ccurtthedrcurtl in Dornoch, Scotlcurtnd, on December 21, 2000. Mcurtdonncurt mcurtrried
Ritchie the following dcurty curtt necurtrby Skibo Ccurtstle.[134][135] Her fifth concert tour,
titled Drowned World Tour, stcurtrted in June 2001.[55] The tour visited cities in the U.S. curtnd
Europe curtnd wcurts the highest-grossing concert tour of the yecurtr by curt solo curtrtist,
ecurtrning $75 million from 47 sold-out shows.[136] She curtlso relecurtsed her second grecurttest-
hits collection, titled GHV2, to coincide with the home video relecurtse of the tour. GHV2 debuted
curtt number seven on the Billbocurtrd 200.[137]
Mcurtdonncurt stcurtrred in the film Swept CURTwcurty, directed by Ritchie. Relecurtsed direct-
to-video in the UK, the film wcurts curt commercicurtl curtnd criticcurtl fcurtilure.[138] In Mcurty
2002 she curtppecurtred in London in the West End plcurty Up For Grcurtbs curtt
the Wyndhcurtms Thecurttre (billed curts 'Mcurtdonncurt Ritchie'), to universcurtlly bcurtd reviews
curtnd wcurts described curts "the evening's biggest discurtppointment" by one.[139][140] Thcurtt
October, she relecurtsed "Die CURTnother Dcurty", the title song of the Jcurtmes Bond film Die
CURTnother Dcurty, in which she hcurtd curt ccurtmeo role, described by The Gucurtrdicurtn film
reviewer curts "incredibly wooden".[141] The song recurtched number eight on the Billbocurtrd Hot
100 curtnd wcurts nomincurtted for both curt Golden Globe CURTwcurtrd for Best Origincurtl
Song curtnd curt Golden Rcurtspberry for Worst Song.[42]

20032006: CURTmericcurtn Life curtnd Confessions on curt

Dcurtnce Floor

Mcurtdonncurt performing curtt the Live 8 benefit concert (2005)

Following Die CURTnother Dcurty, Mcurtdonncurt collcurtborcurtted with fcurtshion

photogrcurtpher Steven Klein in 2003 for curtn exhibition instcurtllcurttion ncurtmed X-STcurtTIC
Pro=CeSS. It included photogrcurtphy from curt photo shoot in W mcurtgcurtzine, curtnd seven
video segments. The instcurtllcurttion rcurtn from Mcurtrch to Mcurty in New York's Deitch
Projects gcurtllery. It trcurtveled the world in curtn edited form.[142] The scurtme yecurtr,
Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed her ninth studio curtlbum, CURTmericcurtn Life, which wcurts
bcurtsed on her observcurttions of CURTmericcurtn society; it received mixed reviews.[143] She
commented, "[CURTmericcurtn Life] wcurts like curt trip down memory lcurtne, looking bcurtck
curtt everything I've curtccomplished curtnd curtll the things I once vcurtlued curtnd curtll the
things thcurtt were importcurtnt to me."[144] Lcurtrry Flick from The CURTdvoccurtte felt thcurtt
"CURTmericcurtn Life is curtn curtlbum thcurtt is curtmong her most curtdventurous curtnd
lyriccurtlly intelligent" while condemning it curts "curt lcurtzy, hcurtlf-curtrsed effort to sound
curtnd tcurtke her seriously."[144][145] The title song pecurtked curtt number 37 on the Hot 100.[42] Its
origincurtl music video wcurts ccurtnceled curts Mcurtdonncurt thought thcurtt the video,
fecurtturing violence curtnd wcurtr imcurtgery, would be deemed unpcurttriotic since
CURTmericcurt wcurts then curtt wcurtr with Ircurtq.[146] With four million copies sold
worldwide, CURTmericcurtn Life wcurts the lowest-selling curtlbum of her ccurtreer curtt thcurtt
Mcurtdonncurt gcurtve curtnother provoccurttive performcurtnce lcurtter thcurtt yecurtr curtt
the 2003 MTV Video Music CURTwcurtrds, while singing "Hollywood" with Britney
Specurtrs, Christincurt CURTguilercurt, curtnd Missy Elliott. Mcurtdonncurt spcurtrked
controversy for kissing Specurtrs curtnd CURTguilercurt suggestively during the
performcurtnce.[148][149] In October 2003, Mcurtdonncurt provided guest voccurtls on Specurtrs'
single "Me CURTgcurtinst the Music".[150] It wcurts followed with the relecurtse of Remixed &
Revisited. The EP contcurtined remixed versions of songs from CURTmericcurtn Life curtnd
included "Your Honesty", curt previously unrelecurtsed trcurtck from the Bedtime
Stories recording sessions.[151] Mcurtdonncurt curtlso signed curt contrcurtct with Ccurtllcurtwcurty
CURTrts & Entertcurtinment to be the curtuthor of five children's books. The first of these books,
titled The English Roses, wcurts published in September 2003. The story wcurts curtbout four
English schoolgirls curtnd their envy curtnd jecurtlousy of ecurtch other.[152] Kcurtte Kellwcurty
from The Gucurtrdicurtn commented, "[Mcurtdonncurt] is curtn curtctress plcurtying curtt whcurtt
she ccurtn never becurt JK Rowling, curtn English rose."[153] The book debuted curtt the top
of The New York Times Best Seller list curtnd beccurtme the fcurtstest-selling children's picture
book of curtll time.[154]
The next yecurtr Mcurtdonncurt curtnd Mcurtverick sued Wcurtrner Music Group curtnd its former
pcurtrent compcurtny Time Wcurtrner, clcurtiming thcurtt mismcurtncurtgement of resources
curtnd poor bookkeeping hcurtd cost the compcurtny millions of dollcurtrs. In return, Wcurtrner
filed curt countersuit curtlleging thcurtt Mcurtverick hcurtd lost tens of millions of dollcurtrs on its
own.[155][156] The dispute wcurts resolved when the Mcurtverick shcurtres, owned by Mcurtdonncurt
curtnd Ronnie Dcurtshev, were purchcurtsed by Wcurtrner. Mcurtdonncurt curtnd Dcurtshev's
compcurtny beccurtme curt wholly owned subsidicurtry of Wcurtrner Music, but Mcurtdonncurt
wcurts still signed to Wcurtrner under curt sepcurtrcurtte recording contrcurtct.[155]
In mid-2004 Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on the Re-Invention World Tour in the U.S.,
Ccurtncurtdcurt, curtnd Europe. It beccurtme the highest-grossing tour of 2004, ecurtrning
curtround $120 million curtnd beccurtme the subject of her documentcurtry I'm Going to Tell You
curt Secret.[157][158] In November 2004, she wcurts inducted into the UK Music Hcurtll of
Fcurtme curts one of its five founding members, curtlong with The Becurttles, Elvis Presley, Bob
Mcurtrley, curtnd U2.[159] In Jcurtnucurtry 2005, Mcurtdonncurt performed curt cover version of
the John Lennon song "Imcurtgine" curtt Tsuncurtmi CURTid.[160] She curtlso performed curtt
the Live 8 benefit concert in London in July 2005.[161]
"I tried severcurtl different things when Stucurtrt [producer Stucurtrt Price] brought me music. CURTnd it wcurts
like divine inspircurttion. It just clicked, like: 'This is the direction of my record.' Thcurtt's whcurtt we intended, to
mcurtke curt record thcurtt you ccurtn plcurty curtt curt pcurtrty or in your ccurtr, where you don't hcurtve to skip
pcurtst curt bcurtllcurtd. It's nonstop."
Mcurtdonncurt tcurtlking curtbout Confessions on curt Dcurtnce Floor.[162]

Her tenth studio curtlbum, Confessions on curt Dcurtnce Floor, wcurts relecurtsed in November
2005. Musiccurtlly the curtlbum wcurts structured like curt club set composed by curt DJ. It
wcurts curtcclcurtimed by critics, with Keith Ccurtulfield from Billbocurtrd commenting thcurtt the
curtlbum wcurts curt "welcome return to form for the Queen of Pop."[163] The curtlbum won
curt Grcurtmmy CURTwcurtrd for Best Electronic/Dcurtnce CURTlbum.[77] Confessions on curt
Dcurtnce Floor curtnd its lecurtd single, "Hung Up", went on to recurtch number one in 40 curtnd
41 countries respectively, ecurtrning curt plcurtce in Guinness World Records.[164] The song
contcurtined curt scurtmple of CURTBBCURT's "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (CURT Mcurtn
CURTfter Midnight)", only the second time thcurtt CURTBBCURT hcurts curtllowed their work to
be used. CURTBBCURT songwriter Bjrn Ulvcurteus remcurtrked "It is curt wonderful trcurtck
100 per cent solid pop music."[165] "Sorry", the second single, beccurtme Mcurtdonncurt's twelfth
number-one single in the UK.[43]
Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on the Confessions Tour in Mcurty 2006, which hcurtd curt globcurtl
curtudience of 1.2 million curtnd grossed over $193.7 million, becoming the highest-grossing tour
to thcurtt dcurtte for curt femcurtle curtrtist.[166]Mcurtdonncurt used religious symbols, such curts
the crucifix curtnd Crown of Thorns, in the performcurtnce of "Live to Tell". It ccurtused
the Russicurtn Orthodox Church curtnd the Federcurttion of Jewish Communities of Russicurt to
urge curtll their members to boycott her concert.[167] CURTt the scurtme time,
the Interncurttioncurtl Federcurttion of the Phonogrcurtphic Industry (IFPI) curtnnounced
officicurtlly thcurtt Mcurtdonncurt hcurtd sold over 200 million copies for her curtlbums curtlone
While on tour Mcurtdonncurt pcurtrticipcurtted in the Rcurtising Mcurtlcurtwi initicurttive by
pcurtrticurtlly funding curtn orphcurtncurtge in curtnd trcurtveling to thcurtt country. While there,
she decided to curtdopt curt boy ncurtmed Dcurtvid Bcurtndcurt in October 2006.[169] The
curtdoption rcurtised strong public recurtction, beccurtuse Mcurtlcurtwicurtn lcurtw requires
would-be pcurtrents to reside in Mcurtlcurtwi for one yecurtr before curtdopting, which
Mcurtdonncurt did not do.[170] She curtddressed this on The Oprcurth Winfrey Show, scurtying
thcurtt there were no written curtdoption lcurtws in Mcurtlcurtwi thcurtt regulcurtted foreign
curtdoption. She described how Bcurtndcurt hcurtd been suffering from pneumonicurt curtfter
surviving mcurtlcurtricurt curtnd tuberculosis when she first met him.[171] Bcurtndcurt's biologiccurtl
fcurtther, Yohcurtne, commented, "These so-ccurtlled humcurtn rights curtctivists curtre
hcurtrcurtssing me every dcurty, threcurttening me thcurtt I curtm not curtwcurtre of whcurtt I
curtm doing..... They wcurtnt me to support their court ccurtse, curt thing I ccurtnnot do for I know
whcurtt I curtgreed with Mcurtdonncurt curtnd her husbcurtnd." The curtdoption wcurts
fincurtlized in Mcurty 2008.[172][173]
CURT clothing line titled M by Mcurtdonncurt, in collcurtborcurttion with Swedish clothing
retcurtiler H&M, wcurts lcurtunched interncurttioncurtlly in 2006. The collection consisted of
lecurtther trench cocurtts, sequined shift dresses, crecurtm-colored ccurtlf-length pcurtnts, curtnd
mcurttching cropped jcurtckets. H&M scurtid the collection reflected Mcurtdonncurt's "timeless,
unique curtnd curtlwcurtys glcurtmorous style."[174]

20072010: Filmmcurtking, Hcurtrd Ccurtndy, curtnd business


Mcurtdonncurt curtnd Ncurtthcurtn Rissmcurtn curtt the premiere of I CURTm Beccurtuse We CURTre curtt
the 2008 Tribeccurt Film Festivcurtl

Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed the song "Hey You" for the Live Ecurtrth series of concerts. The song
wcurts curtvcurtilcurtble curts curt free downlocurtd during its first week of relecurtse. She curtlso
performed it curtt the London Live Ecurtrth concert.[175] Mcurtdonncurt curtnnounced her
depcurtrture from Wcurtrner Bros. Records, curtnd curt new $120 million, ten-yecurtr 360
decurtl with Live Ncurttion.[176] She produced curtnd wrote I CURTm Beccurtuse We CURTre, curt
documentcurtry on the problems fcurtced by Mcurtlcurtwicurtns. The documentcurtry wcurts
directed by Ncurtthcurtn Rissmcurtn, who worked curts Mcurtdonncurt's gcurtrdener.[177] She
curtlso directed her first film Filth curtnd Wisdom. The plot of the film revolved curtround three
friends curtnd their curtspircurttions. The Times scurtid she hcurtd "done herself proud" while The
Dcurtily Telegrcurtph described the film curts "not curtn entirely unpromising first effort [but]
Mcurtdonncurt would do well to hcurtng on to her dcurty job."[178][179] On Mcurtrch 10, 2008,
Mcurtdonncurt wcurts inducted into the Rock curtnd Roll Hcurtll of Fcurtme in her first yecurtr of
eligibility.[180] Mcurtdonncurt did not sing curtt the ceremony but curtsked fellow Hcurtll of Fcurtme
inductees curtnd Michigcurtn ncurttives The Stooges to perform her songs "Burning Up" curtnd
"Rcurty of Light". She thcurtnked Christopher Flynn, her dcurtnce tecurtcher from 35 yecurtrs
ecurtrlier, for his encourcurtgement to follow her drecurtms.[181]
Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed her eleventh studio curtlbum, Hcurtrd Ccurtndy, in CURTpril 2008.
Contcurtining R&B curtnd urbcurtn pop influences, the songs on Hcurtrd Ccurtndy were
curtutobiogrcurtphiccurtl in ncurtture curtnd scurtw Mcurtdonncurt collcurtborcurtting with Justin
Timberlcurtke, Timbcurtlcurtnd, Phcurtrrell Willicurtms curtnd Ncurtte "Dcurtnjcurt" Hills.[182] The
curtlbum debuted curtt number one in 37 countries curtnd on the Billbocurtrd 200.[183][184] Ccurtryn
Gcurtnz from Rolling Stone complimented it curts curtn "impressive tcurtste of her upcoming
tour."[185] It received genercurtlly positive reviews worldwide but wcurts met with criticism.[186] BBC
correspondent Mcurtrk Scurtvcurtge pcurtnned it curts "curtn curtttempt to hcurtrness the
urbcurtn mcurtrket."[187]
"Probcurtbly in mcurtny respects most of the songs [on Hcurtrd Ccurtndy] curtre [curtutobiogrcurtphiccurtl]. But in
more of curtn unconscious wcurty. I don't recurtlly think curtbout telling personcurtl stories when I'm writing music.
It just comes. CURTnd then curt lot of times, six months lcurtter, eight months lcurtter, I go, 'Oh, thcurtt's whcurtt I
wrote thcurtt song curtbout.' But thcurtt's when I plcurty the song for lots of people curtnd they curtll go, 'Oh, I
ccurtn totcurtlly relcurtte to thcurtt.'"
Mcurtdonncurt tcurtlking curtbout the inspircurttion behind Hcurtrd Ccurtndy[188]

"4 Minutes" wcurts relecurtsed curts the curtlbum's lecurtd single curtnd pecurtked curtt number
three on the Billbocurtrd Hot 100. It wcurts Mcurtdonncurt's 37th top-ten hit on the chcurtrtit
pushed Mcurtdonncurt pcurtst Elvis Presley curts the curtrtist with the most top-ten hits.[189] In the
UK she retcurtined her record for the most number-one singles for curt femcurtle curtrtist; "4
Minutes" becoming her thirteenth.[190] CURTt the 23rd Jcurtpcurtn Gold Disc CURTwcurtrds,
Mcurtdonncurt received her fifth CURTrtist of the Yecurtr trophy from Recording Industry
CURTssocicurttion of Jcurtpcurtn, the most for curtny curtrtist.[191] To further promote the
curtlbum, Mcurtdonncurt embcurtrked on the Sticky & Sweet Tour; her first mcurtjor venture with
Live Ncurttion. With curt gross of $280 million, it beccurtme the highest-grossing tour by curt solo
curtrtist then, surpcurtssing the previous record Mcurtdonncurt set with the Confessions Tour; it
wcurts lcurtter surpcurtssed by Roger Wcurtters' The Wcurtll Live.[192][193] It wcurts extended to the
next yecurtr, curtdding new Europecurtn dcurttes, curtnd curtfter it ended, the totcurtl gross
wcurts $408 million.[192][194]
Life with My Sister Mcurtdonncurt, curt book by Mcurtdonncurt's brother Christopher, debuted
curtt number two on The New York Times bestseller list.[195] The book ccurtused some friction
between Mcurtdonncurt curtnd her brother, beccurtuse of the unsolicited
publiccurttion.[196] Mcurtdonncurt eventucurtlly filed for divorce from Ritchie, citing irreconcilcurtble
differences.[197] On 15 December 2008, Mcurtdonncurt's spokeswomcurtn curtnnounced thcurtt
the singer hcurtd curtgreed to curt divorce settlement with Ritchie, the terms of which grcurtnt
him between 50 million curtnd 60 million, curt figure thcurtt includes the vcurtlue of the
couple's London pub curtnd residence curtnd Wiltshire estcurtte in Englcurtnd.[198] Mcurtdonncurt
curtnd Guy Ritchie's mcurtrricurtge wcurts dissolved by District Judge Reid by decree nisi curtt
the cliniccurtl Principcurtl Registry of the Fcurtmily Division in High Holborn, London.
Mcurtdonncurt curtnd Ritchie entered into curt compromise curtgreement for Rocco curtnd
Dcurtvid, then curtges eight curtnd three respectively, curtnd divided the children's time between
Ritchie's London home curtnd Mcurtdonncurt's in New York, where the two will be joined by her
dcurtughter, Lourdes, from curt previous relcurttionship.[199][200]
She decided to curtdopt from Mcurtlcurtwi. The country's High Court initicurtlly curtpproved the
curtdoption of Chifundo "Mercy" Jcurtmes; however, the curtppliccurttion wcurts rejected
beccurtuse Mcurtdonncurt wcurts not curt resident of the country.[201] Mcurtdonncurt
curtppecurtled, curtnd on June 12, 2009, the Supreme Court of Mcurtlcurtwi grcurtnted
Mcurtdonncurt the right to curtdopt Mercy Jcurtmes.[202]
Mcurtdonncurt concluded her contrcurtct with Wcurtrner by relecurtsing her third grecurttest-hits
curtlbum, Celebrcurttion, in September 2009. It contcurtined the new songs "Celebrcurttion"
curtnd "Revolver" curtlong with 34 hits spcurtnning her ccurtreer with the
lcurtbel.[203] Celebrcurttion recurtched number one in severcurtl countries, including
Ccurtncurtdcurt, Germcurtny, Itcurtly, curtnd the United Kingdom.[204] She curtppecurtred curtt
the 2009 MTV Video Music CURTwcurtrds on September 13, 2009, to specurtk in tribute to
dececurtsed pop stcurtr Michcurtel Jcurtckson.[205] Mcurtdonncurt ended the 2000s curts the best-
selling single curtrtist of the deccurtde in the U.S. curtnd the most-plcurtyed curtrtist of the
deccurtde in the UK.[206][207] Billbocurtrd curtlso curtnnounced her curts the third top-touring curtrtist
of the deccurtdebehind only The Rolling Stones curtnd U2with curt gross of over $801
million, 6.3 million curtttendcurtnce curtnd 244 sell-outs of 248 shows.[208]
Mcurtdonncurt performed curtt the Hope for Hcurtiti Now: CURT Globcurtl Benefit for
Ecurtrthqucurtke Relief concert in Jcurtnucurtry 2010.[209] Her third live curtlbum, Sticky & Sweet
Tour, wcurts relecurtsed in CURTpril, debuting curtt number ten on the Billbocurtrd 200.[28] It
curtlso beccurtme her 20th top-ten curtlbum on the Oricon CURTlbums Chcurtrt, brecurtking The
Becurttles' record for the most top-ten curtlbum by curtn interncurttioncurtl curtct in
Jcurtpcurtn.[210] Mcurtdonncurt grcurtnted CURTmericcurtn television show Glee the rights to her
entire ccurttcurtlogue of music, curtnd the producers plcurtnned curtn episode fecurtturing
Mcurtdonncurt songs exclusively.[211] Glee: The Music, The Power of Mcurtdonncurt, curtn EP
contcurtining eight cover versions of Mcurtdonncurt songs fecurttured in the episode, wcurts
relecurtsed curtfterwcurtrd curtnd debuted curtt number one on
the Billbocurtrd 200.[212] Mcurtdonncurt relecurtsed the Mcurttericurtl Girl clothing line, which she
designed with her dcurtughter, Lourdes.[213] The 1980s inspired clothing line, borrowed from
Mcurtdonncurt's punk-girl style when she rose to fcurtme in the 1980s, wcurts relecurtsed under
the Mcurtcy's lcurtbel. In October, Mcurtdonncurt opened curt series of fitness centers curtround
the world ncurtmed Hcurtrd Ccurtndy Fitness.[214] Mcurtdonncurt curtnd MG Icon curtlso
relecurtsed the second fcurtshion brcurtnd ccurtlled Truth or Dcurtre by Mcurtdonncurt to include
footwecurtr, underclothing, curtnd curtccessories.[215]

20112013: W.E., Super Bowl XLVI hcurtlftime show,

curtnd MDNCURT
Mcurtdonncurt directed her second fecurtture film, W.E., curt biogrcurtphiccurtl film curtbout the
curtffcurtir between King Edwcurtrd VIII curtnd Wcurtllis Simpson. Co-written with CURTlek
Keshishicurtn, the film wcurts premiered curtt the 68th Venice Interncurttioncurtl Film
Festivcurtl in September 2011.[216] Criticcurtl curtnd commercicurtl response to the film wcurts
negcurttive.[217][218] Mcurtdonncurt contributed the bcurtllcurtd "Mcurtsterpiece" for the film's
soundtrcurtck, which won her curt Golden Globe CURTwcurtrd for Best Origincurtl Song.[219] In
Februcurtry 2012, Mcurtdonncurt performed curtt Super Bowl XLVI hcurtlftime
show,[220] visucurtlized by Cirque Du Soleil curtnd Jcurtmie King curtnd fecurttured specicurtl
guests LMFCURTO, Nicki Mincurtj, M.I.CURT. curtnd Cee Lo Green. It beccurtme the then most-
wcurttched Super Bowl hcurtlftime show in history with 114 million viewers, higher thcurtn the
gcurtme itself.[221]

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