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The Changed America

It is already too late to change the past, so it is in our best interest to focus on improving

the future. Coates says that changing our public discourse and public institutions are necessary

for restitutions to be accepted and will help America move forward and focus on rebuilding

society. Although there are people pushing for reparations, the government is blatantly ignoring

them. In The Case for Reparations it reads, That HR 40 has never-under either Democrats or

Republicans- made it to the House floor(page 62). African- Americans are in a fight by

themselves to get what they feel they deserve, and it is as if they are asking for the world. It has

been shown throughout history that blacks and whites have more in common than people realise;

for example, the article states, One hundred years later, the idea of slaves and poor whites

joining forces would shock the sense, but in early days of the English colonies, the two groups

had much in common.(page 62) Today, blacks and lower class whites are in the same economic

boat. If more people would take the time out to actually listen to each other instead, of

dismissing thoughts, then the ways in which we interact with other would be completely

different. Reparations will not delete our history, but they are a small step in changing the

country for the better.

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