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Dear Verona Times,

Romeo and Juliet are planning on getting married this afternoon. Romeo is a Montague and
Juliet is a Capulet. I, Friar Lawrence, strongly believe that they should not get married.
One reason why they should not get married is because of the rivalry between the two families,
the Capulets and the Montagues. I feel that if their children get married, there will be even
more hatred between these families causing worse things, worse than just fighting in the
streets, to come in the future.
Another reason why they should not get married is because they just met each other last night!
On Sunday morning, Romeo was complaining about how Rosaline did not love him back. It is
now Monday morning, and Romeo is asking for Juliets hand in marriage! I believe that it is
happening too fast, and Romeo may not really be in love with Juliet, because true love does not
happen overnight.
A possible solution to this problem would be for Romeo and Juliet to date for a while to see if
the families grow closer together, since they would be spending more time together. It would
also show if they actually love each other if they date for a while first because they would be
together more often and therefore they would truly see if they are meant for each other.

Friar Lawrence

[Made by Emma Skelly]

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