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Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -1- School: L Anh Xun

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. tolerant B. horrible C. occupied D. reasonable
2. A. resource B. preserve C. conserve D. position
3. A. odour B. honour C. pour D. vapour
4. A. paint B. reclaim C. drainage D. certain
5. A. lemon B. son C. bacon D. iron
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. eardrum B. abound C. decree D. account
7. A. anchor B. disposal C. adverb D. welfare
8. A. solidity B. supervisor C. perversity D. impudence
9. A. birthmark B. anthem C. guidance D. immense
10. A. applicant B. sulphuric C. odourless D. logical
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. He made too_______ mistakes in his writing
A. little B. much C. few D. many
12. She hadnt written to me _______ we met last time.
A. before B. since C. ago D. for
13. I worked_______ hard that I felt very tired.
A. such B. too C. enough D. so
14. He is bored_______ doing the same thing every day.
A. of B. to C. for D. with
15. This question is _______ difficult for me.
A. enough B. to C. such D. too
16. Vehicles also account _______ air pollution in the city.
A. on B. to C. with D. for
17. He said he _______ for five hours.
A. has been working B. has worked C. worked D. has been working
18. They ere_______ when they read the result.
A. disappointed B. disappointment C. disappoint D. disappointing
19. I am very _______ in the news.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. exciting
20. There is always_______ traffic in the city centre in the rush-hour.
A. full B. heavy C. strong D. big
21. I usually wear skirts but today I _______ trousers.
A. wearing B. am wearing C. wear D. wears
22. Preserving natural resources_______ of great importance
A. is B. are being C. have been D. are
23. _______ books on this shelf were written by Charles Dickens.
A. All the B. The all C. All D. Every
24. We avoid_______ our environment.
A. polluted B. polluting C. pollute D. to pollute
25. The factory has a _______ to choose young, qualified people for the job.
A. trend B. preference C. privilege D. tendency
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. Peter was too ill to get up.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -2- School: L Anh Xun
A. Peter was so ill that he couldn't get up
B. Peter was very ill for getting up
C. Peter was not strong enough for getting up
D. Peter was not very well to get up
27. It has been a long time since they met
A. They havent met since a long time B. They havent met for a long time
C. They didn't meet for a long time D. They didnt meet a long time ago
28. This flat is too small for my family.
A. This flat is not big enough for my family
B. This flat is not rather big for my family
C. This flat is not enough big for my family
D. This flat is not very big for my family
29. "Where are you going?" he asked her.
A. He asked her where she is going B. He asked her where you were going
C. He asked her where was she going D. He asked her where she was going
30. Getting a good job doesn't interest him.
A. He isnt good at getting a good job B. He isn't interested in getting a good job
C. He is good at getting a good job D. He is only interested in getting a good job

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Every year Bob and Alice (A) spend a few (B) day (C) at the same hotel (D) by the sea.
32. (A) Because of the light, the town seemed (B) differently from the way I (C) had (D) remembered it.
33. James (A) which has (B) just received a promotion is the (C) best worker (D) of out Company.
34. The boy (A) whom I spoke (B) to on the phone last night (C) is very interested (D) on Mathematics.
35. Our teacher (A) told us that we (B) had done our (C) homeworks very (D) carefully.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Every year students from many countries learn English. Some of these students are young
children. Other are teenagers. many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few
learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends. But
not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.
Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys
and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and
mathematics and English. In England or America, or Australia many boys and girls study their own
language, which is English, and Mathematics, and another language, perhaps French, or German, or
Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their
higher studies because some of their books are in English at college or university. Other people learn
English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

36. According to the writer.

A. English is popular in much of the world
B. Only adults learn English.
C. English is useful only to teenagers.
D. No children like learning English
37. Many people learn English by
A. taking with the film stars B. hearing the language in the office
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -3- School: L Anh Xun
C. watch video only D. working hard on their lessons.
38. Many boys and girls learn English because
A. they have to study their own language B. their parents make them
C. English can give them a job D. It is included in their courses
39. Many adults learn English because.
A. Most of their books are in English B. It helps them in their work
C. Their work is useful D. They want to go abroad
40. In America or in Australia, many schoolchildren study
A. Their own language and no foreign language
B. English and mathematics only.
C. Such foreign languages as French, German and Spanish
D. English as a foreign language

There s now increasing concern about the world's energy resources, particularly about those
involving fossil (41)_______. In less than a hundred years we shall probably (42)_______ all the present
(43)_______ of oil and gas. The world's coal (44)_______ should last longer but, once used, these can
not be (45)_______
It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (46)_______ sources of energy as solar
energy and nuclear energy as well as water and wind (47)_______ (classed as (48)_______ energy).
Until these energy (49)_______ are widely used, it is important for the developed countries to reduce
energy (50)_______ as much as possible

41. A. fuels B. powers C. forms D. energies

42. A. end B. complete C. total D. exhaust
43. A. findings B. productions C. amounts D. sources
44. A. reserves B. stores C. mines D. contents
45. A. updated B. repeated C. renewed D. produced
46. A. traditional B. alternative C. surprising D. revolutionary
47. A. force B. strength C. power D. motion
48. A. repeatable B. continual C. renewable D. continuous
49. A. goods B. supplies C. provisions D. materials
50. A. exhaustion B. destruction C. waste D. consumption

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. English B. African C. Chinese D. American
2. A. private B. Asian C. States D. Australia
3. A. from B. for C. problem D. contrary
4. A. approached B. addressed C. needed D. washed
5. A. property B. access C. possession D. prospect

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. continent B. belong C. master D. access
7. A. appalling B. ashamed C. November D. architect
8. A. policeman B. cinema C. overcoat D. politics
9. A. competition B. intelligent C. automation D. information
10. A. accountant B. Arabic C. Germany D. chemistry
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -4- School: L Anh Xun
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. My sister is studying hard_____ her exam.
A. to B. at C. in D. for
12. They are very _____ and have no time for a hobby.
A. full B. busy C. hurried D. hard
13. The methods of teaching English _____ improved recently.
A. were B. have been C. is D. are
14. Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not_____ of other people's opinions.
A. tolerate B. tolerable C. tolerant D. tolerance
15. Every student_____ to finish this test in 45'.
A. having B. had C. have D. has
16. Not many students know the _____ of English learning.
A. importance B. importantment C. important D. import
17. A language used in a country beside the mother tongue is called_____
A. first language B. second language C. foreign language D. All are right.
18. Speaking English fluently & using a computer competently are _____ to help one get a good job.
A. the important obstacles B. the important factors
C. the guidance D. the uncertainties
19. She spent_____ her free time watching TV.
A. a few B. a lot C. most of D. most
20. Which isn't the obstacle when students start work?
A. Worry B. build up fearsome prospects
C. Feel sanguine D. Not have experience
21. Can you speak English? Yes, just_____ words.
A. a few B. many C. much D. a little
22. We have so_____ exercises that we can't do all of them.
A. a great deal of B. a large number of C. many D. much
23. The boy, along with his classmates, _____ just paid me a visited.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
24. Many students aren't keen_____ their study at school.
A. about B. for C. with D. on
25. Most children know little about their job because of _____
A. their being ill-prepared for the job B. the unsatisfactory guidance at home
C. the unsatisfactory guidance in school D. All are right
Choose the best sentence that has the same meaning as the given one
26. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
A. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walks on the moon.
B. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
C. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walks on the moon.
D. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walked on the moon.
27. There're 45 sentences which have to be done in this test.
A. There're 45 sentences to be do in this test.
B. There're 45 sentences has to be done in this test.
C. There're 45 sentences to be done in this test.
D. There're 45 sentences to have to be done in this test.
28. I didn't intend to change my job.
A. I didn't have intention for change my job
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -5- School: L Anh Xun
B. I had intention to change my job
C. I didn't have any intend to change my job
D. I didn't have intention of changing my job
29. Usually, people gave much thought to their future
A. Usually, people thinked much to their future
B. Usually, people thought much to their future
C. Usually, people thought much for their future
D. Usually, people thought much of their future
30. Children often know little about their job and take no steps to find out.
A. They do nothing to improve the situation B. They often overcome difficulties.
C. They try their best D. They put aside the problems

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) To master (B) a foreign language (C) are not (D) an easy process.
32. (A) Some artists use traditional design (C) while (D) another use modern themes.
33. She looks (A) quite; (B) actually, she is (C) a very (D) smart student.
34. (A) What ever (B) difficult he (C) may encounter, he'll try (D) his best to overcome.
35. I (A) found (B) it (C) wonderfully to travel (D) abroad.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
All of us have to work to earn a living ourselves and to help our family. However, we work not only
for material life but also for many other things. We are working to prove our ability. We feel self-confident
and proud because we are independent. Anyone who works is regarded as a useful member of society.
We're working, that means we're contributing to our country. Working helps us train our minds because
we always try our best to do the job. The better we work, the more money we earn and that encourages
us to work harder. Without working, a man's life will be empty, purposeless and meaningless and it's easy
for a jobless person to do wrongs.

36. Why should we work?

A. Because we have to B. It makes our material life worse
C. It makes ourselves purposeless D. It makes ourselves better
37. What can we get from work beside money?
A. Many other important things B. Some salary
C. Meaningless feeling D. Nothing
38. What will happen if we work more?
A. We feel better B. We earn more C. We contribute more D. All are correct
39. What helps us work harder?
A. good way B. good pay C. good life D. none are correct
40. Without working, how is one's life?
A. better B. more confident C. prouder D. boring

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is (41)_______ one of the
(42)_______ important subjects. High school students are required to study mathematics even though
they are interested (43)_______ it or not. Up to now, no one knows exactly the time (44)_______ the
early people began (45)_______ on mathematics. mathematics has been developed today. It is no longer
only figures, simple calculation, and forms. Mathematics (46)_______ into branches, (47)_______
arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry; other branches have gradually been added. The
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -6- School: L Anh Xun
(48)_______ of the electronic computer is one of the great (49)_______ in mathematics. Thank to
computers, we can (50)_______ a lot of time when solving problems.

41. A. believed B. considered C. learnt D. taken

42. A. more B. as C. most D. least
43. A. at B. of C. on D. in
44. A. what B. where C. when D. why
45. A. work B. to working C. working D. worked
46. A. is divided B. are divided C. have been divided D. were divided
47. A. so on B. such as C. on example D. like
48. A. searching B. loss C. invention D. disappearance
49. A. achieve B. achievements C. achievers D. achievable
50. A. save B. spend C. send D. loss

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. sound B. about C. shout D. course
2. A. jogged B. cooked C. gained D. smiled
3. A. disappointed B. orator C. signature D. accept
4. A. enclose B. pen C. center D. tent
5. A. choose B. house C. horse D. course

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. especially B. comfortably C. carefully D. possibly
7. A. importance B. subtraction C. algebra D. example
8. A. aspect B. careful C. baggy D. successful
9. A. terrific B. applicant C. banking D. ignorant
10. A. recognize B. challenge C. symbolize D. continue

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. The Browns_______ here since 1990.
A. live B. are living C. have lived D. had lived
12. I wish I _______ all about this some weeks age.
A. knew B. have known C. had known D. would know
13. Vietnam is a country in _______ Asia
A. Southeast B. Northeast C. Southwest D. Northwest
14. Money can't buy true_______
A. happy B. un happy C. happiness D. happily
15. We can buy from a needle to an elephant in this_______
A. park B. crossroads C. shopping centre D. crowds
16. The synonym of MOTHER TONGUE is_______
A. first language B. foreign language C. second language D. A & B are right
17. Don't disturb me. I've got _______ work to do.
A. a lot B. a great deal C. much D. many
18. When students finish their 12th school year, they're at their_______
A. school-leaving age B. status of children C. status of worker D. none are right
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -7- School: L Anh Xun
19. Computers aren't_______ used in schools and universities in Vietnam
A. widely B. wide C. widen D. width
20. Which prefix can go with FACE?
A. super B. sur C. sub D. out
21. Language isn't the private property of a country.
A. access B. trade C. possession D. scholarship
22. Teenagers often have some physical changes during the _______ from childhood to adult life.
A. transition B. way C. growth D. obstacle
23. Is there anything important _______ first?
A. does B. do C. doing D. to do
24. We didn't have any money but Tom had_______
A. a little B. a few C. little D. few
25. He said that he _______ his bicycle.
A. has lost B. loses C. had lost D. lost

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. There is a tendency to minimize problems
A. Pupils show a tend to minimize problems
B. Pupils don't try to overcome problems
C. Pupils don't show a tend to play problems down
D. Pupils don't try to overcome problems much
27. They gave a great deal of thought to their work
A. They thought a little about their job
B. They didn't think so much about their job
C. They thought so much about their job
D. They didn't think about their job
28. They show a desire to put aside the status of the school - child
A. They don't want to be adults B. They want to be adults a lot
C. They want to leave school D. They desire to leave school
29. They had little knowledge of the job of their choice
A. They knew much of the job of their choice
B. They almost had no knowledge of the job of their choice
C. They knew a lot about the job of their choice
D. They were particularly keen on the job of their choice
30. They express a great determination to have a place at university
A. They are greatly determined to have a place at university
B. They want to have a good place at university.
C. They aren't determined to have a place at university
D. They show a little desire to have a place at university

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. He didn't give (A) me (B) any ink, so I (C) couldn't write (D) no more.
32. Either Peter (A) or Mary (B) have left (C) the door (D) unlocked.
33. The film (A) on television (B) made us so (C) boring that we went (D) to bed early.
34. If he (A) does a mistake, (B) will he (C) feel sorry (D) for it?
35. John decided (A) buying a new car in the morning, (B) but in the afternoon he (C) changed (D) his
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -8- School: L Anh Xun
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Most of the joggers who are overweight are reasonable for talking about, worrying about, and
obsessing with their weight. Since many people start jogging to lose weight (perhaps you're one of them)
it is not surprising that body size is important. More and more people are on a diet, 50% of the women
and close to 25% of the men in the US are watching what they eat. Body weight is the second most talked
among joggers - heart disease and high blood pressure are the first! there are many factors that affect
your weight. They include: body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age. What may be an "ideal" weight for
you at the age of 27 may not be ideal when you're 54. And your ideal weight will probably be different
during racing season when you're in a specific training phase.

36. What are most of joggers who are overweight worried about?
A. their weight B. their height C. their jogging D. the distance
37. To many people, _______
A. body size is not a problem B. body size is very important
C. they do not care about their body size D. jogging is a waste of time
38. In the US, _______
A. nobody is on a diet B. 50% women are on a diet
C. obesity is appreciate D. 75% men are on a diet
39. What are the most talked among joggers?
A. body size B. lung cancer D. died
D. heart disease and high blood pressure
40. There are many factors that affect your weight. They are _______
A. body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age
B. high blood pressure, sex and age
C. heart disease and high blood pressure
D. body type and heart disease

One evening Dr. Peterson was at a party. A woman came up to him and began to talk about her
back. "Its very painful (41)_______ I've worked for a long time in my garden", the woman said. "You've
hurt it by bending for too long", Dr. Peterson replied. He than showed her (42)_______ to do some
exercises. However, (43)_______ the woman left he felt very angry. He went up to a friend of his who
was a lawyer. He told him about (44)_______ the woman and asked him for his advice. "Do you think I
(45)_______ to send her a bill?" he asked. The lawyer thought for a moment and nodded. "How much
should I charge (46)_______ giving all that advice?" Dr. Peterson asked. "Change her your usual fee"
they lawyer said. The next day Dr. Peterson sent the woman a bill (47)_______ a few days later he was
surprised (48)_______ letter from the lawyer. (49)_______ he opened the letter, he saw the following brief
note: "Please find a bill for $50 for the advice (50)_______"
41. A. because B. for C. by D. as soon as
42. A. what B. why C. when D. how
43. A. when B. because C. if D. for
44. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. he met
45. A. should B. had better C. ought D. must
46. A. by B. because of C. owing to D. for
47. A. However B. In addition C. There fore D. Alternatively
48. A. by receiving B. to receive C. for receiving D. receive
49. A. Because B. When C. Until D. For
50. A. gave you B. What I gave you C. when I gave you D. I gave you
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai -9- School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. pretty B. get C. send D. well
2. A. Valentine B. imagine C. descipline D. magazine
3. A. chorus B. cherish C. chaos D. scholar
4. A. house B. hour C. heat D. hand
5. A. feat B. great C. seat D. beat
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. recycled B. polluted C. fertilized D. preserved
7. A. element B. erosion C. elephant D. quantity
8. A. focus B. attain C. emit D. discard
9. A. capture B. apparent C. horrible D. tolerant
10. A. especially B. comfortably C. carefully D. possibly

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. If you want to learn something, you had better pay_______ in class.
A. care B. respect C. attention D. notice
12. Your voice - reminds me of somebody, but I can't remember_______
A. it is B. who is C. who he is D. who
13. Although he loved his country_______ most of his life abroad.
A. but spent B. but he spent C. he spent D. so he spent
14. _______ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning
A. On account of B. According to C. Because of D. Due to
15. I don't _______ locking the door.
A. remember B. forget C. remind D. A & B are correct
16. I love this painting of an old man. He has such a beautiful, _______ smile
A. childhood B. childish C. childless D. childlike
17. I think you'd rather_______ to the mountains for your holiday.
A. to go B. going C. go D. have gone
18. I shall dot he job to the best of my_______
A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent
19. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to put_______ the match till Sunday
A. off B. away C. in D. on
20. It's obvious that neither the works_______ to fight the new rules.
A. nor the manager intend B. intend nor the manager
C. nor the manager intends D. intend nor the manager intends
21. She stopped him_______ home by hiding the car key.
A. not drive B. not to drive C. to drive D. from driving
22. When he_______ all the letters, he took them to the post office.
A. has written B. had written C. wrote D. had been writing
23. The flat_______ of three rooms, with a kitchen and a bathroom.
A. composes B. contains C. includes D. consists
24. After Mary_______ her degree, she intends to work in her father's company.
A. will finish B. is finishing C. finishes D. will have finished
25. _______ the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C. Although D. Despite
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 10 - School: L Anh Xun

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. The think fog made it impossible for the plane to land
A. The plane couldn't land
B. We couldn't control the plane because the fog was thick
C. We couldn't control the plane because of the thick fog.
D. The thick fog prevented the plane from landing
27. I never want to see another film about space travel
A. I haven't seen a film about space travel
B. I have enjoyed all the film I have seen about space travel
C. I am anxious not to miss the next film about space travel
D. I am tired of seeing films about space travel
28. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
A. She never went to Paris to buy a new dress.
B. She never went to Paris without buying a new dress.
C. She never bought a new dress without going to Paris.
D. She never bought a new dress when she went to Paris.
29. Despite feeling cold, we kept walking
A. In spite of we felt cold, we kept walking
B. Although we felt cold, we kept walking
C. However cold we felt, but we kept walking
D. However we felt cold, we kept walking
30. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open the door.
A. Try as hard as I might I couldn't open the door.
B. Although I try, I couldn't open the door.
C. It is difficult for me to open the door.
D. I could open the door with difficulty.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. She found it (A) hard to (B) concentrating on her book (C) because of the (D) the noise.
32. Have you met (A) Bill's sisiters? - I've met (B) one. I didn't know he (C) had (D) other sister.
33. Customs are (A) different from (B) one region (C) of the country (D) to another.
34. The (A) job as a (B) booksell helps her (C) to support (D) her family.
35. It (A) is possible (B) determining that French explorers reached the juncture (C) of the Kansas and
Missouri rivers (D) in the seventeenth century.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Laurel or Hardy?
He was a music-hall comedian in England before he went to America in 1910. In those days he
often (36)_______ Chaplin. he made his first short film in 1918 but did not (37)_______ to establish
himself in the competitive (38)_______ of the screen comedy. The first film he made with his famous fat
(39)_______ was called Putting pants on Philip in 1927. Many critics (40)_______ that he was the more
creative (41)_______ of the partnership. The humorist Leo McCarey (42)_______ him a rare comic who
was intelligent (43)_______ to make up his own gaps. (44)_______, he was remarkably talented, while
his partner was (45)_______ so and this the key to understanding their relationship. As a (46)_______,
throughout their career together he (47)_______ on being paid twice as much as his friend because he
believed he was (48)_______ twice as much. While he wrote the films and (49)_______ part in their
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 11 - School: L Anh Xun
creation, his partner was incapable of creating anything at all - it was amazing how he managed to find
his (50)_______ to the studio.

36. A. copied B. followed C. resembled D. liked

37. A. succeed B. reach C. fail D. managed
38. A. job B. field C. position D. place
39. A. pair B. Colleague C. partner D. match
40. A. persist B. claim C. refuse D. review
41. A. person B. member C. actor D. piece
42. A. considered B. said C. described D. saw
43. A. even B. quite C. enough D. also
44. A. Although B. Moreover C. However D. So
45. A. less B. least C. little D. hardly
46. A. fact B. conclusion C. matter D. result
47. A. persisted B. insisted C. kept D. demanded
48. A. valued B. making C. worth D. acting
49. A. took B. made C. was D. had
50. A. car B. road C. route D. review

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. companion B. compound C. conclusion D. contribution
2. A. bear B. hear C. lear D. tear
3. A. wind B. chin C. blind D. willing
4. A. angle B. alive C. adverb D. add
5. A. drunkard B. produce C. consult D. sunshine

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. occupation B. attraction C. disappointment D. satisfactory
7. A. democratic B. preservation C. electricity D. environment
8. A. pollen B. process C. countless D. exhaust
9. A. committee B. conception C. citizen D. creative
10. A. occupied B. expected C. attracted D. created
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. He went to see the sights. He had a______ tour
A. investigating B. sightseeing C. reviewing D. interesting
12. My brother is old enough to ______ his own living
A. earn B. produce C. share D. demand
13. She's running slowly through the park. She's______
A. walking B. riding C. jogging D. driving
14. Mark Twain______ his childhood in Hannibal, which is on the Mississippi.
A. lived B. spent C. stayed D. enjoyed
15. How do you speak this fraction: 3/5?
A. Three over fifth B. Three-fifth C. Three-fifths D. Three-fives
16. Nam's parents are very______ with his success.
A. please B. pleasant C. pleasing D. pleased
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 12 - School: L Anh Xun
17. He is interested in ______ research.
A. working B. making C. studying D. doing
18. Boiled meat can be kept in ______ containers and shipped to other countries.
A. tight-air B. airtight C. airsick D. air-free
19. He can't buy that bicycle because he has______ money.
A. a lot of b. much C. little D. few
20. English______ in many parts of the world
A. is speaking B. speaking C. is spoken D. spoken
21. Lam doesn't work as hard as he ______ last year.
A. was B. did C. didn't D. wasn't
22. I remember______ you before, but I have forgotten your name.
A. to meet B. met C. meet D. meeting
23. She was tired______ her long walk.
A. because B. since C. as D. because of
24. It is said that most______ are ill-prepared for their employment.
A. workers B. children C. girls D. boys
25. He was the first man______ across the channel.
A. swimming B. swim C. swam D. to swim
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. Taking photographs is not permitted here
A. Photographers must not use flash here B. Do not remove these photographs
C. Do not use your camera here D. Photographs are on sale here
27. I thought this film would be better.
A. The film was boring B. The film made me bored
C. I didn't like the film because it was boring D. The film wasn't as good as I expected
28. You press this button to stop the machine
A. If you press this button, the machine doesn't stop
B. You can use this button to operate the machine
C. This button helps you to stop the machine
D. The machine can't stop without this button
29. I have never read such a good book before.
A. This book is the best I have never read.
B. This book is the best I have ever read.
C. This is the first time I had read such a good book.
D. This is the first time I read a good book.
30. The trip was boring but we enjoyed it a lot
A. We enjoyed boring trips. B. We were bored with the trip
C. The trip bored us
D. We liked the trip very much although it was boring

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. You (A) can learn (B) a lot (C) about other countries by (D) to watch television.
32. (A) Since the liberation (B) many changes (C) has taken place (D) in the whole country.
33. (A) My mother still (B) spends 14 hours (C) a day (D) do the housework
34. Her parents (A) don't allow (B) her (C) go out (D) in the evening.
35. (A) Do you know (B) Jim's brother (C) who house (D) is in your neighbourhood?

Part 3: Reading
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 13 - School: L Anh Xun
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Coca Cola is a popular drink for people all over the world. At first, very few people drank Coca
Cola, but now it is sold in more than 160 countries. More than 1,6 billion gallons are sold every year. Coca
Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta on 8 May, 1886. However, the name Coca Cola was
given by Frank Robinson, one of Dr. Pemberton's partners. Later, in 1888, the business was sold to
another man, Asa Candler. He opened his first factory to produced this drink in 1895 in Dallas, Texas.
Since then, a great quantity of Coca Cola has been produced there.
Since 1982, a special kind of Coca Cola has been made for overweight people - diet Coke. They
have used many clever advertisements to increase the amount of Coca Cola sold every year.
Besides Coca Cola, there are many other drinks of the same kind sold all over the world such as
Pepsi Cola, Sp-Cola and Dr. Pepper. However, Coca Cola is the most popular. People drink Coca Cola
with their meals, when they are thirsty or when they socialize with friends.
It is certain that more and more people will drink Coca Cola all over the world in this century.

36. Coca Cola was first made______

A. in the USA B. in England C. in Australia D. in Canada
37. The name Coca Cola was given to the drink by______
A. Dr. Pemberton B. Asa Candler C. Frank Robinson D. Dr. Pepper
38. Every year, people all over the world drink about______ gallons of Coca Cola.
A. 1,6 million B. 1,6 billion C. 16 million D. 16. trillion
39. Diet Coke is used for ______ people.
A. fat B. sick C. thin D. small
40. Coca Cola is_______
A. more popular than other drinks of the same kind
B. less popular than other drinks of the same kind
C. as popular as Sp Cola
D. as not popular as other drinks of the same kind.
I was born in London and had lived in cities (41)_______ most of my life. The one exception is the
year I (42)_______ with my uncle in Canada. He owned (43)_______ enormous farm, miles from
anywhere. Every morning, I (44)_______ to get up with the sun and help my uncle on the (45)_______
He was such a nice man, though, that I couldn't let him know how (46)_______ I was.
So you can imagine my feelings when, because of my husband's work, we (47)_______ to this
small village three years ago. We arrived in the middle of January and (48)_______ was snow
everywhere. The heating didn't (49)_______ and it was freezing cold. However, the welcome from our
neighbours was warm and we continued to feel very much at home in the village. I have never once
(50)_______ coming here.

41. A. in B. for C. to D. of
42. A. continued B. spend C. remained D. attended
43. A. an B. what C. the D. such
44. A. must B. had C. should D. ought
45. A. land B. field C. ground D. soil
46. A. miserable B. unlucky C. convenient D. fortune
47. A. replaced B. moved C. departed D. followed
48. A. It B. that C. what D. there
49. A. burn B. work C. make D. happen
50. A. cared B. missed C. regretted D. disappointed
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 14 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. child B. chin C. check D. chemist
2. A. bury B. turn C. curtain D. cursing
3. A. editor B. entrust C. advent D. assemble
4. A. group B. coup C. cough D. soup
5. A. eight B. weight C. freight D. leisure

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. apprentice B. attendance C. atmosphere D. deposit
7. A. basic B. extra C. duty D. mature
8. A. offer B. direct C. forbid D. infer
9. A. mechanic B. diagram C. downhill D. emphasis
10. A. sequence B. sentence C. practice D. resource
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. "You are welcome to order the goods now"
"But payment should be made_______"
A. for advance B. advancing C. in advance D. to advance
12. "Where do you live now?" "I live in Utah; my_______"
A. parents too do B. parents do C. parents do, too D. parents also do
13. I cannot understand my neighbout's accent. I wish she would_______
A. speak clearer B. clearer speak C. more clearly speak D. speak more clearly
14. "Why are you driving so fast?" "I'm_______"
A. must be hurry B. in hurry C. in a hurry D. hurrying
15. The station is too_______ away for us to walk
A. long B. far C. short D. distant
16. I have your music CD. I think I _______ your concert video
A. also have B. have too C. too have D. have further
17. I hear you have started a new job_______ like it?
A. How do you B. How C. What D. What do you
18. The football team won partly because they had been trained by their______
A. teacher B. director C. instructor D. coach
19. I ready have to go now. I have______ the doctor.
A. appointments to B. an appointment to C. appointment with D. an appointment with
20. I can meet you at Central Station.Will______?
A. convenient for you B. that convenient
C. that be convenient D. you be convenient
21. "Where______ last weekend?" "I went to see my aunt and uncle"
A. are you go B. do you go C. have you went D. did you go
22. I was very surprises______ that she didn't pass the exam"
A. hearing B. to hearing C. at hearing D. to hear
23. "Why______ she isn't speaking to us?"
"We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive"
A. are you think B. are you imagine C. do you think D. you think
24. I hope that this winter won't be______ last.
A. as cold than B. so cold as C. as cold like D. so cold like
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 15 - School: L Anh Xun
25. Sorry to be late. I was delayed by______.
A. a heavy traffic B. heavy traffic C. some heavy traffic D. traffic being heavy

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Tom can run faster than Jim
A. Tim can run less fast than Tom B. Tim can run as not fast as Tom
C. Tim can not run as fast as Tom D. Tim can run slower than Tom
27. I wish my English were good enough to go for the interview.
A. My English is too good to go for an interview
B. My English is good enough to go for an interview.
C. If only my English were good enough for me to go for the interview.
D. My English was good enough and I could go for the interview.
28. The fare of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel.
A. The face of my airline ticket costs more than the hotel does.
B. The face of my airline ticket costs more than any hotel.
C. The face of my airline ticket costs more than the price of the hotel.
D. The face which I paid for my airline ticket is cheaper than the hotel.
29. I regret going to bed so late last nigh.
A. I wish I didn't go to bed so late last night
B. I wish I went to bed early last night.
C. I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late last night.
D. I wish I had gone to bed early last night.
30. Unlike my sister, I exercise every day.
A. My sister exercises every day but I don't
B. My sister and I exercise every day.
C. I exercise every day but my sister doesn't
D. I dont like my sister to exercise

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Mr. Brown agreed (A) to let Tom (B) to work in (C) a department store for (D) a few hours a week.
32. Smoking (A) is not (B) good (C) to (D) very often.
33. He (A) has been (B) absent (C) at school (D) very often.
34. We (A) didn't see the (B) Browns (C) recently. (D) They must go abroad
35. Let's (A) go out for a (B) drink. - No, I suggest (C) staying at home & (D) watch TV.
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Australia is a big country, but nearly all Australians live near the sea. On hot summer days you can
see thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves that are very high. These large waves
are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing is a skill and needs learning.
Don't expect to be able to surf properly the first time you try. However, by practicing a few time you will
learn how to do it.
Surfing is not a new sport. Perhaps its origins need explaining. It started hundreds of years ago in
Hawaii. Men swam out to sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding
the waves. These first surfers did not use a board. They were "body surfers". Many people still do this
type of surfing today.
After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing on
them. These first surf-boards were made of wood and the water made them not after a while. Today
surfboards are made of plastic or fiberglass instead.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 16 - School: L Anh Xun
36. Surf is
A. waves that are on the high sea B. waves breaking on the ship
C. high waves breaking n the seashore D. high and small waves
37. Surfing is a skill and therefore.
A. it is not easy to do it B. it is impossible to practice it
C. it is dangerous to do it D. it needs practice from day to day
38. Surfing started
A. five decades ago in Hawaii B. hundreds of years ago in Australia
C. long ago in Australia D. in Hawaii
39. Men of long ago did surfing by
A. using their bodies B. using a board
C. using fishing boats D. riding the waves on water skis
40. At first men did surfing
A. because it was an interesting sport
B. because it was a quick way to come back to land after catching fish
C. because the fishermen wanted to keep fit.
D. because there wasn't any board at that time.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and became a very famous man. He also wrote an
article which he presented in 1883. His research paper was about deaf people.
In his article, Dr. Bell explained why there were so many deaf children. He believed that when deaf
adults married each other, they would have (41)_______ children. He thought that this was bad. Bell
blamed the schools for the deaf for causing marriages between deaf people. He did not like the idea of
these intermarriages and tried to think of ways to (42)_______ them. He would have preferred that deaf
children be taught at hearing schools. He did not (43)_______ schools or the deaf. Bell felt that deaf
people would not mix with hearing people if they went to (44)_______ schools.
Bell was (45)_______ about other things, too. He noticed that deaf people socialized with other
deaf people. He felt that socializing with other deaf people was bad. Deaf people should socialize with
hearing people, he thought. bell tried to start a new lar that would make it illegal for deaf people to marry
each other. He (46)_______ up his idea when he realized that such a law could not be enforced.
Bell also had strong feelings about the (47)_______ of deaf children. He wanted deaf children to be
with hearing children in school. He thought that the deaf children could learn normal behavior from the
hearing children. Bell was against the use of deaf teachers, too, because he thought this added to the
(48)_______ of a deaf "race" in America.
Bell had another theory which he never proved. He believed that deaf children who signed would
not have good English (49)_______. He could never prove this, and now many people have tried to prove
the opposite! A lot of new research shows that many deaf children whose parents sign (and are deaf) do
(50)_______ schoolwork than deaf children who do not sign at home!
41. A. blind B. dumb C. deaf D. dead
42. A. stop B. support C. help D. encourage
43. A. observe B. describe C. support D. visit
44. A. larger B. separate C. nicer D. worse
45. A. selfish B. upset C. shy D. careless
46. A. fixed B. gave C. wrote D. talked
47. A. discipline B. health C. safety D. education
48. A. ability B. loss C. problem D. cost
49. A. skills B. language C. knowledge D. vocabulary
50. A. better B. more C. easier D. slower
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 17 - School: L Anh Xun

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. protect B. rotation C. growing D. erosion
2. A. different B. element C. enrich D. taken
3. A. dirty B. city C. animals D. timber
4. A. drainage B. storage C. age D. shortage
5. A. plastic B. vapour C. late D. day

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. informal B. interested C. poisonour D. natural
7. A. similar B. capable C. different D. successful
8. A. concentration B. development C. improvement D. agreement
9. A. narrow B. useful C. emblem D. afraid
10. A. adapt B. brother C. timber D. meeting

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. The children began throwing stones_____ the mad man.
A. at B. to C. over D. for
12. I_____ my glasses and broke them.
A. fell B. dropped C. wore D. was wearing
13. He was the most_____ paid member of staff
A. high B. highest C. highly D. highliest
14. I_____ had a heart attack when she told me the news.
A. near B. nearly C. almost nearly D. nearly almost
15. Most of the others were so young that they had_____ any experience.
A. ever B. had C. hardly D. never
16. He_____ the glass to his lips and drank the wine.
A. rose B. raised C. lift D. rised
17. The injured man was_____ motionless on his back.
A. lying B. laying C. lain D. lied
18. I am _____ several important letters but nothings has arrived
A. expected B. looked forward to C. waiting for D. expecting
19. You_____ finish your soup if you dont like it.
A. must B. mustn't C. needn't D. haven't to
20. He has some important business to attend_____
A. for B. with C. to D. X
21. Let's go ahead and do it now. Nothing_____ by waiting.
A. accomplishes B. will be accomplished
C. has accomplished D. accomplished
22. English is popular in the world because_____.
A. it's the mother tongue of some countries
B. it's used in almost every field of life
C. it's spoken in the USA
D. all are correct
23. It takes years to _____ a foreign language.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 18 - School: L Anh Xun
A. access B. master C. outnumber D. address
24. To his parents' great_____, he failed the exam.
A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointment D. disappointing
25. The sky is getting dark. It____ rain is on its way.
A. looks B. looks like C. seems to D. will be

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I like football and my brother does, too.
A. Both my brother and I like football.
B. Neither my brother nor I like football.
C. I like football more than my brother does.
D. I like football but my brother likes it more than me
27. The houses is more expensive than we expect.
A. The house is expected to be expensive
B. The house is expected to be more expensive than it is
C. The house costs more than we expect
D. The house costs less than we expect.
28. The hostess made every effort to please her guests
A. The hostess tried hard to please her guests.
B. The hostess didn't please her guests.
C. The guests tried hard to please their hostess.
D. The guests didn't like the hostess
29. Unless you have a driving license, you aren't allowed to drive a motorbike.
A. Anyone who doesn't have a driving license mustn't ride a motorbike/
B. You can ride a motorbike whether you have a driving license or not
If you don't have a driving license, you must get it.
Anyone who is 18 can ride a motorbike.
30. It's difficult for me to do this test.
A. I'll try my best but I can't do this test.
B. I don't have any difficulty in doing this test.
C. I find it difficult to do this test.
D. I don't think I have any difficulty in doing this test.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. I (A) have a very (B) interested job because (C) as a journalist I meet (D) many people.
32. My boss (A) watches me very closely and always lets me (B) know how I am (C) doing my job and
always tells me if I am doing (D) bad.
33. You (A) probably have never (B) heard of my country or the town (C) where I live because they are
very far (D) of your home.
34. I would like you (A) at see some pictures (B) of my country and I will attach them (C) to my next (D)
35. I (A) am trying since I was at school (B) to learn another foreign language (C) but it's very difficult (D)
for me.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Not so many years ago, the world vitamin was known only to a few scientists. Today it is very
widely used, and the importance of vitamins in our foods is common knowledge.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 19 - School: L Anh Xun
Vitamins are life-giving substances found in foods and are needed for the proper growth and
general health of the body. The different kinds of vitamins are indicated by letters of the alphabet. At the
present time, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E and G are know. A proper diet should contain a collection of
foods in which all of these vitamins are present. Vitamins are also prepared and sold in tablet and capsule
Each vitamins has its particular work to do in the life-giving process. Vitamin B1, for example,
benefits appetite and digestion. It also helps the body grow. Another vitamin helps the blood to clot, so
that danger of bleeding to death in case of injury is lessened. Still another makes the eyes stronger of
seeing at night. Airplane pilots need plenty of this vitamin. Scientists think vitamins may have some effect
on keeping the hair from turning gray.

36. Which of the following is not directly stated in the article but is a reasonable conclusion from the
reading matter?
A. scientists have known about vitamins for centuries.
B. vitamins are medicines given to cure diseases.
C. to get all the vitamins a person must eat a variety of foods.
a few people know the value of vitamins.
37. This article as a whole is about.
A. diet in relation to health B. prevention of diseases
C. what vitamins are and what they do D. how scientists discovered vitamins.
38. We know the name of vitamins through.
A. the pictures B. the food
C. the letters of the alphabet D. the different tastes
39. The word "another" in the fourth sentence of the last paragraph refers to what word?
A. vitamin B. food C. diet D. medicine
40. Which sentence if NOT true?
A. vitamins can be taken only by eating the foods in which they are found
B. vitamins can be prepared in tablet and capsule form
C. vitamins have an important effect on health.
D. each vitamin has its particular work to do.


By the 1950s many American families owned television sets. During television's first 20 years, deaf
people (41)_______ most of the fun. They could not hear what was being said and had to guess.
Deaf people who watched television liked sports and action shows, but they were disappointed with
(42)_______ programs. If there was a lot of dialogue, deaf viewers couldn't follow the plot. Even the most
skilled lip readers could only catch part of the talking. This frustrated many deaf people.
In the late 1960s, a man started experimenting. Malcom Norwood thought that deaf people could
(43)_______ television programs, too. He wanted to develop captions for the programs. Norwood worked
for the federal government's Media Services and Captioned Films Division at the Bureau of Education of
the Handicapped.
Norwood surveyed many hearing Americans. He wanted to see how they felt about seeing captions
on the television screen. Too many people were against the (44)_______. Norwood realized he had to
develop another way of captioning - one that would not (45)_______ hearing people.
In October of 1971, Norwood's (46)_______ signed a contract with WGBH-TV, a public television
station in Boston. WGBH was hired to experiment with captions. They agreed to (47)_______ a captioned
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 20 - School: L Anh Xun
television program for Norwood. That program was made. It was shown on television and at a special
The type of captions made by WGBH could be (48)_______ on any television. No special
equipment was needed. These were called "open captions".
Later, a new machine was invented. This device was made to send signals on a special part of the
television picture. The signals could be captions. If a family had another kind of machine in their home or
in their TV set, then the captions (or signals) would (49)_______ on their television screen. Without the
machine, no captions would be seen. That special machine is called a decoder. It receives the signals
transmitted from the television station. Captions that (50)_______ a decoder are called "closed captions".

41. A. missed B. spoiled C. shared D. created

42. A. racing B. local C. color D. other
43. A. write B. recommend C. enjoy D. ignore
44. A. questions B. law C. idea D. sound
45. A. interest B. help C. bother D. teach
46. A. company B. office C. students D. channel
47. A. make B. do C. have D. write
48. A. describe B. confuse C. require D. block
49. A. appear B. disappear C. show D. happen
50. A. seen B. put C. turned D. had


Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. please B. measure C. rise D. pause
2. A. biscuits B. magazines C. newspapers D. vegetables
3. A. honourable B. honesty C. historic D. heir
4. A. bush B. brush C. pull D. lunar
5. A. depth B. with C. smooth D. mouth

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. founder B. damage C. answer D. collapse
7. A. reverse B. conflict C. revise D. relax
8. A. accessible B. conspicuous C. convenient D. continental
9. A. intensity B. deficiency C. disadvantage D. associate
10. A. enclose B. evolve C. exert D. invite

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. Would you do me a small favour? I______ very much
A. appreciate it B. would appreciate
C. would be appreciative D. would appreciate it
12. I am familiar with that product. I don't know______ times I've seen it advertised on TV
A. how many B. how often C. how much D. many often
13. "When______ leaving for Toronto, Canada?"
"We are planning to set out at 10 o'clock".
A. are we B. will we C. will up D. are us
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 21 - School: L Anh Xun
14. I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come round and fix it______
A. as much as possible B. as possible as he could
C. as fast as he could possibly D. as soon as possible
15. "Do you know______ that building is?"
"I would say that it is was built at least 100 years ago".
A. old B. how age C. how old D. which age
16. The man told us that the next train would arrive______
A. at three thirty B. at three thirty o'clock
C. in three thirty D. in three thirty o'clock
17. "How______ had a crowd gathered at the scene of the accident?"
"I dont know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers"
A. large B. often C. many D. much
18. That is the city______ worst crime record.
A. on the B. in the C. with the D. for the
19. "Where should I put this key?" "You can______ it on the shelf?"
A. hang B. deposit C. sit D. put
20. The subway station is ______ here.
A. near B. near to C. near from D. nearing
21. When we woke up, everywhere was______ snow.
A. covered B. covered by C. covered with D. covering
22. Do earthquakes______ often in North America?
A. break B. break out C. happen to D. occur
23. We had better______ before it begins to rain.
A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. to leaving
24. A large crowd______ in front of the train station.
A. gathering B. to gather C. had gathered D. had gathering
25. In winter, driving accidents occur quite______ on the highways.
A. frequently B. many C. much D. a few

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Are you going to spend your weekend in the countryside?
A. Do you consider to spend your weekend in the countryside?
B. How about to spend your weekend in the countryside?
C. Will you spending your weekend in the countryside?
D. Have you planed on spending your weekend in the countryside?
27. Shall we take a trip to Da Nang & visit Hoi An town?
A. What about take a trip to Da Nang & visit Hoi an town?
B. What about taking a trip to Da Nang & visit Hoi an town?
C. What about taking a trip to Da Nang & visiting Hoi an town?
D. What about we take a trip to Da Nang & visit Hoi an town?
28. It is cheaper to go by train than by air.
A. going by air is cheaper than going by train.
B. going by air is as cheap as going by train.
C. going by train is cheaper than going by air.
D. going by train is not cheap.
29. Do you consider staying at home & playing cards tonight?
A. Let's staying at home & playing cards tonight.
B. Let's stay at home & play cards tonight.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 22 - School: L Anh Xun
C. Let's stay at home & playing cards tonight.
D. Let's staying at home & play cards tonight.
30. People say that playing football is the most interesting
A. The most important thing is playing football.
B. Playing football is said to be the most interesting.
C. It was said that playing football is the most interesting.
D. It is said that playing football was the most interesting.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) Whenever I open my mouth (B) to speak English I always feel that (C) peoples are laughing and
that (D) makes me nervous.
32. What I find is that (A) either I make a bad grammatical mistake (B) also I pronounce the word (C) the
wrong (D) way.
33. I wonder if you (A) have ever (B) visit my country because more and more (C) tourists are (D)
coming now.
34. I hope one day you (A) will come and I hope that I haven't (B) done too (C) many mistakes in my (D)
35. I (A) expect you will understand (B) most of what I have written and that you are not (C) effected too
much (D) by the mistakes.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That' equivalent to two football
fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares -
more than the land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the
environment; scientist estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct
every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been
clear-cut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats on grizzly bears, wolves
and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the
government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or
control it.
Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the
Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its
newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could
be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by
agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.
Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of yours. It produces fibre which can be
made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of
many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial
expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been feasible without
hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now
suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According
to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and
many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on
Canada's forests.

36. How long does it take for 100 hectares of rainforest to be destroyed?
A. less than two minutes B. about an hour C. two hours D. a day
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 23 - School: L Anh Xun
37. Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada?
A. Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood.
B. Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and books.
C. Pulp and paper export is a major source of income for Canada.
D. Producing paper is the only industry in Canada.
38. Who is suggesting that pulp and paper could be produced without cutting down trees?
A. the logging industry B. the government
C. the environmental lobby D. the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
39. Why was the plant hemp essential to world-wide trade in the past?
A. Ships' ropes were made from it B. Hemp was a very profitable export
C. Hemp was used as fuel for ships D. Hemp was used as food for sailors.
40. Why do agriculturalists think that hemp would be better for paper production than trees?
A. It is cheaper to grow hemp than to cut down trees.
B. More paper can be produced from the same area of land.
C. Hemp produces higher quality paper.
D. All are correct

Speech is one of the most important (41)_______ of communicating. It consists of far more than
just making noises. To talk and also to (42)_______ by other people we have to speak a language, that is,
we have to use combinations of (43)_______ that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea.
Communication would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.
Learning a language properly is very (44)_______ The basic (45)_______ of English is not very
large, and only about 2,000 words are needed to speak it quite (46)_______ But the more words you
know, the more ideas you can (47)_______ and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the (48)_______ thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we
(49)_______ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
(50)_______ whether we are pleased or angry, for instance.

41. A. ways B. reasons C. rules D. tests

42. A. be examined B. be talked C. be understood D. be spoken
43. A. sounds B. languages C. systems D. talks
44. A. important B. expensive C. simple D. easy
45. A. word B. vocabulary D. grammar D. structure
46. A. good B. fluent C. well D. perfect
47. A. grow B. need C. pass D. express
48. A. most B. main C. certain D. full
49. A. sent B. talk C. say D. pass
50. A. asks B. understands C. knows D. shows

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. food B. blood C. boots D. booth
2. A. promote B. promise C. proper D. profit
3. A. legal B. petal C. pedal D. level
4. A. conceal B. pizza C. zoo D. success
5. A. item B. idiom C. idle D. ideal
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 24 - School: L Anh Xun
6. A. ere B. Japan C. April D. laser
7. A. divisible B. holiday C. dynamo D. surgery
8. A. indent B. remove C. function D. attach
9. A. manager B. feudalism C. telephone D. foundation
10. A. Germany B. gradually C. pavement D. reception

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. I regret_____ my friend to my party.
A. not to invite B. inviting not C. I didnt invite D. not inviting
12. Surgeons use a_____ to perform an operation.
A. scalpel B. razor blade C. sword D. knife
13. We set off early_____ we wouldnt stuck in the traffic.
A. because B. so that C. although D. in case
14. On arriving home I found that she_____ just a few minutes before.
A. left B. was leaving C. leaves D. had left
15. She is accustomed_____ getting up early
A. at B. in C. with D. to
16. He has been_____ from school very often recently.
A. absent B. present C. different D. safe
17. The hotel_____ we stayed wasn't very comfortable
A. which B. where C. that D. who
18. He always wears clothes_____ are too small for him
A. which B. what C. why D. where
19. The people_____ live next door to us are very nice
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
20. He is always busy. He has _____ time to relax.
A. much B. a little C. little D. a lot of
21. Would you like to_____ to the United States?
A. trip B. voyage C. travel D. went
22. Most people at some stage have a feeling_____
A. responsible B. responsibility C. of responsibility D. to be responsible
23. This stadium can hold_____
A. much audience B. a large audience C. much audiences D. many audiences
24. When the mountain forests_____ there can be large forest fires.
A. become dry B. becoming dry C. become drying D. drying
25. "What kind of work are you doing for that company?"
"I'm_____ as an administrator"
A. worked B. occupied C. hired D. employed

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. The garden is too small to play football in
A. The garden is so small not to play football in
B. The garden is small enough to play football in.
C. the garden isnt big enough to play football in
D. The garden is such small that they can't play football in
27. Mary didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 25 - School: L Anh Xun
A. If Mary wore the raincoat, she wouldn't get cold
B. If Mary had worn the raincoat, she didnt get a cold
C. If Mary had worn the raincoat, she wouldn't get cold
D. If Mary had worn the raincoat, she wouldn't get a cold
28. I am always nervous when I travel by air.
A. Travel by air always makes me nervous'
B. Traveling by air always makes me nervous
C. I never travel by air because I sometimes feel nervous.
D. I am always nervous, so I never travel by air
29. We couldn't go out because the weather was so bad.
A. It was so bad a weather that we couldn't go out.
B. It was such a bad weather that we couldn't go out
C. It was so bad weather that we couldn't go out
D. It was such bad weather that we couldnt go out
30. They understand more than we do
A. we don't understand as much as they do
B. we dont understand anything at all
C. they don't understand everything inside out
D. they are very intelligent

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. I went (A) to the library (B) to get (C) as many information (D) as I could.
32. (A) When (B) it is possible, I (C) will help you (D) later today.
33. (A) No matter what happens, he (B) will not let me (C) to borrow (D) his computer.
34. I think (A) it is a (B) spend (C) of money to buy (D) cigarettes.
35. (A) Tonight I'm (B) going to stay (C) at home (D) with meself.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Rebecca Stevens was the first woman to climb Mount Everest. Before she went up the highest
mountain in the world, she was a journalist and lived in a small flat in south London.
In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and traveled to Asia with some other climbers. She
found that life on Everest is hard. "You must carry everything on your back", she explained, "so you can
only take things that you will need. You can't wash on the mountain, and in the end I didnt even take a
toothbrush. I am usually a clean person but there is no water, only snow. Water is very heavy so you only
take enough do drink"
When Rebecca reached the top of Mount Everest on May 17 1993, it was the best moment of her
life. suddenly she became famous.
Now she has written a book about the trip and people often ask her to talk about it. she has a new
job too, on a science programme on television.
Rebecca is well-known today and she has more money, but she still lives in the little flat in south
London among her pictures and books about mountains!

36. Before Rebecca climbed Everest, she worked for

A. a factory B, a newspaper C. a travel agent D. a bookshop
37. Rebecca went to Everest.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 26 - School: L Anh Xun
A. with her family B. without anyone
C. with a climbing group D. with her close fiends.
38. Rebecca didn't take much luggage because she
A. didnt have many things B. had a bad back
C. didnt like D. had to carry it herself
39. Rebecca didnt wash on Everest because
A. it was too cold B. there was not enough water
C. she is a dirty person D. she was not permitted
40. Rebecca became famous when she
A. got to the highest place in the world B. was on a television programme
C. wrote a book about her trip D. retied and lived in the little flat in London


(41)_______ show beyond doubt that cigarette smoking can (42)_______ the health, yet a
surprising large number of people continue to smoke (43)_______ all warnings. By doing so they are not
just shortening their own lives, they are also affecting the health of (44)_______ around them. It is time
that non-smokers fought back.
Personally, I think smoking should (45)_______ be banned in public places. In the first place, it is
very unpleasant (46)_______ in a yourself smoke (47)_______ to this, smoking can be serious fire risk,
especially in crowded places (48)_______ discos. Finally, in my opinion, nobody should be asked to risk
his health just because of another person's bad habits.
Smokers may (49)_______ that they should be free to do as they like. They say that we already
have no-smoking areas in public places, and that this should be enough. To my mind, however, non-
smokers should also be free-free to go anywhere they choose without riskjing their health.
Smoking is harmful not just to smokers but to non-smokers, too. If some people are foolish enough
to continue this dangerous habit, it seems to me that they should at least be prevented (50)_______
doing so in public.

41. A. Surveys B. Conducts C. Statistics D. Evidence

42. A. damage B. destroy C. spoil D. hurt
43. A. thanks to B. in spite of C. because of D. due to
44. A. they B. these C. those D. things
45. A. definite B. indefinite C. indefinitely D. definitely
46. A. sit B. to sit C. sitting D. sat
47. A. Add B. Adding C. To add D. Added
48. A. for B. as C. like D. such
49. A. protest B. object C. refuse D. deserve
50. A. for B. at C. from D. in
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. invite B. time C. imitate D. kind
2. A. state B. statue C. station D. stay
3. A. coughed B. missed C. watched D. visited
4. A. runaway B. agree C. relaxed D. accept
5. A. betray B. bed C. belt D. bend
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 27 - School: L Anh Xun
6. A. pattern B. forest C. heading D. heating
7. A. chocolate B. difference C. identity D. vegetable
8. A. supermarket B. photography C. federation D. personality
9. A. normal B. careless C. worried D. engaged
10. A. begin B. promise C. furnish D. invent

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. "I don't want to buy anything, do you?" "Yes, I'd like to buy_____"
A. pencil B. much pencils C. any pencils D. some pencils
12. Your explanation_____ reasonable.
A. is not sound B. does not sound C. is not sounded D. is not sounding
13. ____ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout peak season.
A. Almost B. Almost of C. Almost all of D. Most of all
14. "Where did you work before?" "I worked only minutes_____ railroad track".
A. from B. from the C. near D. away
15. "I don't think it will rain at all today, do you?" "No, I _____ so".
A. think not B. not think C. dont think D. do think not
16. We have only another five minutes. I think we_____
A. hurry B. be hurry C. to hurry D. should hurry
17. Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were _____ the big game.
A. anxious seeing B. anxious to see C. to anxiously see D. to see anxiously
18. "John isnt sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow". "But I _____"
A. certain B. certainly C. am certain D. am certainly
19. My brother loves to watch besaball; I_____ basketball
A. prefer to watch B. to prefer watching C. watch preferring D. preferring to watch
20. I think our guests will_____
A. be here shortly B. shortly be here C. here be shortly D. here shortly be
21. Who _____ when John is likely to turn up.
A. know B. do know C. is knowing D. knows
22. The managers are_____ a new work schedule now.
A. arranging B. arranging up C. be arrange D. to arranging
23. The smiths will move to New York. But we hope to _____ with them.
A. keep touch B. keep at touch C. keep on touch D. keep in touch
24. Ann is very temperamental. How do you_____ her?
A. put up with B. put with C. put up to D. putting up with
25. My parents often_____ after dinner.
A. go for a walk B. walking C. go a walk D. go to walking

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I don't remember that I met him in London.
A. I remember not meeting him in London B. I remember to meet him in London
C. I remember meeting him in London D. I don't remember meeting him in London
27. You are not allowed to smoke here
A. you can smoke here if you like C. smoking is allowed here
C. smoking is banned here D. all are correct

28. There're many people who dont know anything about protecting the environment.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 28 - School: L Anh Xun
A. Many people aren't aware of protecting the environment.
B. Many people have no knowledge of protecting the environment.
C. Many people don't know how to protect the environment.
D. Many people know much about protecting the environment.
29. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It's in the Himalayas.
A. Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is in the Himalayas.
B. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world, it's in the Himalayas.
C. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world, is in the Himalayas.
D. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world, in the Himalayas.
30. The Pikes say: "We're going to spend our holiday in Dalat".
A. The Pikes say (that) we're going to spend our holiday in Dalat.
B. The Pikes say (that) we're going to spend their holiday in Dalat.
C. The Pikes say (that) they're going to spend our holiday in Dalat.
D. The Pikes say (that) they're going to spend their holiday in Dalat.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. I look (A) forward (B) to see you (C) on Tuesday (D) after work.
32. I (A) didn't see (B) someone (C) on the way (D) to your house.
33. It is (A) sure that (B) one day she will (C) pass (D) her examinations.
34. I dont (A) think I have (B) ever (C) red one of his (D) books.
35. I (A) never have been (B) to see that film (C) at (D) the local cinema.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Motor cars are the dream that could ultimately become the nightmare of the 21st century. The
machines that once liberated rich people have become essential for millions. They have also sentences
the present generation to the frustration of never-ending journeys that would shock the pioneers of
Britain's biggest single industry.
Cars have allowed millions to travel enormous distances for business and holidays cheaply and
quickly. But the rapid growth in motoring has condemned us all to neurosis, not only over the time wasted
in traffic jams, but also over pollution. That is why noise illnesses and destruction caused through
pollution, road building, and the making of cars have made transport a major concern for the millennium.
Britain's motor industry today employs a million people. However the industry which has shown
such brilliant inventiveness over the century now faces its biggest challenge: to ensure a future of growth
without pollution. The problem facing Britain is that millions rely on the car because there is no viable
After 100 years, what is the future of the car? We have asked the experts, now let us know what
the ordinary motorist thinks.
36. Why do a lot of people use the car nowadays?
A. Because it has liberated millions of people.
B. Because we have the frustration of traffic jams.
C. Because a lot of people work making cars and they have to see them.
D. Because it has become a cheap way of traveling and we don't have an alternative.
37. In what sense does traffic affect people?
A. It has advantages and disadvantages. B. It has no other alternative for the British
C. It kills people in car crashes D. It creates pollution and makes people anxious
38. What are the most remarkable features of Britain's motor industry?
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 29 - School: L Anh Xun
A. It is not a very important industry in that country.
B. A lot of people work there but it may have problems in the future.
C. It creates pollution and new roads cause the destruction of forests.
D. It makes cheap and fast cars.
39. Find in the text the word which has the following definition: "Situation in which there are so many
vehicles that they move very slowly or not at all".
A. traffic B. traffic jam C. pollution D. transport
40. Find on e synonym in the text for FAST
A. present B. wasted C. enormous D. quickly


I enjoy walking. It's good exercise and it get me (41)_______ the town and into the country.
I think that's (42)_______ I have a dog. She needs (43)_______ out and so I have a reason to go
for a walk. I go every Sunday and it doesn't (44)_______ to me if it's cold, windy and raining or a beautiful
sunny day. I just love to get away from people and be (45)_______ for a few hours.
I always (46)_______ home at the same time every Sunday and walk over the hills to a little village
in the country. The walk isn't very (47)_______ only about an hour, but it's quite hard work because I have
to walk up the hill and down the other side.
(48)_______ I get to the village, I go to the pub for a beer and (49)_______ food. After lunch, I walk
back along a (50)_______ path and arrive home in time for tea.

41. A. to B. from C. out of D. out

42. A. that B. what C. why D. for what
43. A. going B. that we go C. to go D. go
44. A. worry B. matter C. trouble D. bother
45. A. alone B. lone C. sole D. lonely
46. A. leave B. go C. depart D. set off
47. A. extended B. long C. far away D. lengthy
48. A. On B. As C. By D. When
49. A. a B. the C. some D. any
50. A. separated B. another C. different D. other

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. me B. free C. prefer D. repeat
2. A. India B. river C. finger D. teacher
3. A. include B. sun C. gun D. under
4. A. chocolate B. office C. forty D. dog
5. A. tape B. change C. shave D. thousand
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. hospital B. October C. customer D. heroism
7. A. coffee B. mountain C. daughter D. escape
8. A. dentist B. sailor C. station D. horizon
9. A. family B. visitor C. pyjamas D. February
10. A. industrial B. marvelous C. instant D. dangerous
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 30 - School: L Anh Xun
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. "Are you_____ in trying out the new diner?". "Yes, we are"
A. cared B. attended C. concerned D. interested
12. It will be hard to say goodbye to Bill and Anne. We are _____ at the airport.
A. see them off B. see off them C. seeing them off D. seeing off them
13. "When did you get the bike?" "My father gave_____"
A. me the bike last night B. to me the bike last week
C. to me the bike last night D. last night the bike to me
14. When John got home from work, _____
A. He has made a cup of coffee B. he was making a cup of coffee
C. He makes a cup of coffee D. He made a cup of coffee
15. Anne believes she is the_____ young lady in the world.
A. most pretties B. most pretty C. prettiest D. most prettiest
16. He managed_____ his way through the maze.
A. to find B. to find out C. to found D. to found out
17. I wasn't_____ with my exam result.
A. please B. pleased C. pleasing D. pleasant
18. After_____ his homework, Tom went out to play with his friends.
A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. the finish of
19. _____ go to on holiday to California or Florida?
A. Do you rather B. Will you rather C. Would you rather D. Won't you rather
20. "Who was the woman I saw you laughing with yesterday?" "She was_____".
A. the woman next B. the next door woman
C. the woman next to the door D. the woman next by the door
21. Such news is always_____ to be true.
A. good B. very good C. so good D. too good
22. This is the place_____ the body was found.
A. that B. which C. where D. there
23. David seems to be _____
A. in hurry B. in a hurry C. on a hurry D. hurrying
24. Why don't you try to come home_____ 9 o'clock?
A. by B. under C. until D. up to
25. My father_____ to the Golf Club for the past 25 years.
A. was belonging B. has belonged C. has been belonged D. has belonging

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. "I'm not feeling very well", Nam tells his mother
Nam tells his mother (that) _____
A. she's not feeling very well B. he's not feeling very well
C. I'm not feeling very well D. they're not feeling very well.
27. Mr. Long is a strict teacher in our school. Do you know him?
A. Do you know him Mr. Long is a strict teacher in our school?
B. Do you know Mr. Long, is a strict teacher in our school?
C. Do you know Mr. Long, a strict teacher in our school?
D. Do you know a strict teacher in our school is Mr. Long?
28. What a pity! They missed the football match on TV yesterday.
A. They wish they missed the football match on TV yesterday.
B. They wish the didn't miss the football match on TV yesterday.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 31 - School: L Anh Xun
C. They wish they hadn't missed the football match on TV yesterday.
D. They wish they would miss the football match on TV yesterday.
29. Well, this tea is too hot for me to drink now.
A. I wish I could drink this tea B. I wish this tea weren't hot
C. I wish this tea wouldnt be too hot D. all are correct
30. "My teacher gave me this exercise yesterday", said the girl.
A. the girl said (that) my teacher gave me this exercise yesterday.
B. The girl said (that) her teacher gave her this exercise yesterday.
C. The girl said (that) her teacher had given her this exercise yesterday.
D. The girls said (that) her teacher had given her that exercise the previous day.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. If you don't (A) mind I'd like to have (B) a few salt on my (C) food before it (D) gets any colder.
32. He never (A) takes a day (B) off work and when he is (C) at work he always works very (D) hardly.
33. My (A) language has (B) the same grammar (C) with (D) yours.
34. He finds it very (A) difficult to communicate (B) with people who (C) doesn't have the same language
(D) as his.
35. Time (A) spends very (B) slowly when you are waiting (C) for a bus (D) to arrive.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He lived
through almost the whole of the eighteenth century, being born six years after it began, and dying ten
years before it ended. In this time he saw the American colonies grow from tiny settlements into a nation,
and he also contributed much to the development of the new state.
At the age of 17 Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. he had already received some training as a
printer's apprentice, and this helped him seven years later, with his first publication, the Pennsylvania
Gazette. He also received a contract to do government printing work, which helped him to rise from his
poor background to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of his experience in business was hared in
his famous Poor Richard's Almanak, which established his reputation throughout the American colonies.
In another of his works, the Autobiography, which was written toward the end of his life, he shows the
same quiet common sense.
He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with electricity and
lightning led directly to the invention of the lightning rod. he was also interested in improving the
conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a number of projects in his native Philadelphia, including
the setting up of a library, a university, a philosophical society, and - because he was a pragmatic man - a
fire prevention service. In 1753, he became Postmaster - General of the colonies. Through this
experience he began to develop the idea that the colonies of North American should be a single nation.
Later, he went to London to try to persuade the British government to change the conditions, especially
the taxes, that latter led the American colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin's personal feeling about the rebellion of the American states, he
worked hard to make it succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the French to help George
Washington. After the war he attended the American constitutional congress. This was his last
contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly remembered by Americans as one of the creators
of the United States.
36. What is a good description for this test?
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 32 - School: L Anh Xun
A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin
D. Franklin and American Independence.
37. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
A. 1806 B. 1794 C. 1717 D. 1706
38. Which of these did he not help to create?
A. The lightning rod B. The Postmaster General of the colonies
C. A university D. The United States
39. How did Franklin feel about the British government?
A. It should change its policies B. It should help the French
C. It should have never governed America D. It should make the colonies into a nation
40. In which countries did Franklin live?
A. England and France B. Philadelphia and England
C. London and America D. England, America and France


Dolls have existed as children's playthings for thousands of years. However, they were
(41)_______ manufactured as toys in large numbers in Germany in the (42)_______ century. The
centres of the industry were factories at Nuremberg, Augsburg, and Sonneberg. The dolls were primitive
and (43)_______ of wood, clay, rags, and wax. They were dressed in clothes to look like German women
of the time.
Soon factories in England, France, Holland, and Italy, as well as Germany, began (44)_______
dolls dressed in fashions typical of their respective countries. Another (45)_______ of doll, "lady" dolls,
were extremely expensive and elegant, and were used as gifts (46)_______ the aristocracy. These dolls,
and the "fashion" dolls, which were later manufactured in Paris, have remained popular (47)_______
since. Such dolls were often used to model the latest clothing trends and were sent from one country to
another to show off the latest fashions. Today they are prized collector's items.
By the 17th century, however, (48)_______ dolls began to appear, made of cloth or leather, and
these were very (49)_______ as toys for both boys and girls. There were several improvements in
manufacturing. Dolls' heads became more realistic, and new materials we used (50)_______ in the 18th
century manufactures developed soft leather which felt like human skin, and this was used in the more
expensive dolls. Dolls began to look, feel, and move more like humans.

41. A. initially B. factored C. first D. final

42. A. recent B. fifteenth C. fifteen D. fiveteen
43. A. fabricated B. construction C. fabric D. made
44. A. production B. produce C. producing D. produced
45. A. brand B. make C. breed D. type
46. A. among B. for C. to D. with
47. A. also B. for C. ever D. until
48. A. latest B. cloth C. then D. simpler
49. A. adapted B. suitable C. useful D. utilized
50. A. Soon B. But C. Early D. When

Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 33 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. polite B. right C. high D. drawing
2. A. potato B. clothes C. hole D. smoke
3. A. bald B. walking C. story D. corner
4. A. same B. sit C. easy D. sister
5. A. sat B. fat C. cat D. bath

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. furniture B. insurance C. inhabitant D. informant
7. A. education B. infection C. temperature D. conversation
8. A. programme B. illustrate C. restaurant D. December
9. A. rabbit B. blackboard C. morning D. above
10. A. dirty B. handsome C. import D. correct

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. Portuguese is quite_______ Spanish.
A. similar B. similar from C. similar to D. similar with
12. My youngest sister_______ last summer
A. marriaged B. got married C. got marriaged D. was married to
13. Paper is________ wood
A. made by B. made of C. made from D. made with
14. He________ take off his shoes before he entered the room.
A. must B. has to C. have to D. had to
15. How do you say "that's mine"________ Spanish?
A. by B. in C. on D. with
16. Would you care for________ cup of tea?
A. another B. more C. one other D. some more
17. We have much to________ to day, so please concentrate
A. discuss B. discuss about C. discuss over D. discuss with
18. The sun________ at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
A. set B. setted C. has set D. had setted
19. I ________ finish my work before lunch yesterday, so I went shopping
A. able to B. was able to C. managed D. could have
20. I'll finish my work by four o'clock________ home.
A. go to B. go back C. come to D. come back to
21. My younger brother plays ________
A. the piano very well B. very good the piano
C. the piano very good D. very well the piano
22. Lauren________ in Singapore.
A. growed B. grew up C. grown up D. was grown up
23. What ________?
A. means this word B. does this word meaning
C. is this word meaning D. does this word mean
24. "Which horse came in first?". "That tall black one________"
A. has B. is C. was D. did
25. I couldnt find________ your last question.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 34 - School: L Anh Xun
A. an answer to B. an answer C. answering D. to answer

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. He has his washing machine for five years ago.
A. He has bought his washing machine for five years ago.
B. His machine was bought for five years ago.
C. He washed by hand five years ago
D. He bought his washing machine five years ago.
27. This is the most interesting film I have ever seen
A. I saw that film because it is interesting
B. If I knew the film was interesting I would se it earlier
C. I dont think it is the most interesting film
D. I have seen a lot of films but this is the most interesting of all
28. Her god exam result caused us no surprise.
A. She did well in the exam which made us surprised
B. We were not surprised at her good exam result
C. We were surprised at her good exam result.
D. We thought she had got better exam result
29. I have warned you not to leave your bicycle outside
A. You should leave your bicycle outside.
B. Leaving your bicycle outside was not a good idea
C. I have warned you about leaving your bicycle outside
D. I told you not to go by bicycle.
30. We are closed for staff training today
A. We can train you to work here
B. We are not open today because of the staff training
C. The shop is run by a trained staff
D. The shop won't open until tomorrow

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. When she (A) was asked for her (B) opinion on the course, she said it (C) had been a (D) waist of
32. They (A) have been writing to (B) each others since they (C) were (D) children.
33. (A) I'm not often traveling (B) by air because the cost of (C) flying (D) is very high.
34. (A) I try to (B) remember your name but I'm afraid I (C) can't remember (D) it.
35. (A) I'd prefer to do it (B) on myself because (C) other people (D) make me nervous.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.


America Online is one of the big names on the internet, and unlike many other digital companies, it
actually makes a profit. But the company which its rivals call the "Cyber- cockroach" was launched only in
1992. Before that it was a small firm called Control Video Corporation and it made video games. The
Steve Case, a former Pizza Hut marketing executive arrived and took the company online. Innovative,
fast moving, and user-friendly, America Online appeals to people who want to surf the internet, but who
do not have a lot of experience. For the same reason "techies", people who think they are more expert
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 35 - School: L Anh Xun
with computers, look down on America Online and its users. Recently America Online (or AOL, as it calls
itself) joined with Time Warner - a multi - million dollar movie and magazine company - to create a
multimedia giant.
Now, AOL has begun to expand abroad. In many European countries, including the United
Kingdom, it is hard to buy a computer magazine that does not have a free AOL introductory offer. The
company also puts advertisements onto the television, and employs people to hand out its free
introductory disks at places like train stations. As the interest gets faster AOL is changing. With many
homes getting high-speed connections through fibre optic cables or the new ADSL technology, the
"Cyber-cockroach" will have to show that, like real cockroaches, it can survive in almost any environment.

36. What is the passage about?

A. A computer company B. A software company
C. An internet company D. A video company
37. Who does Steve Case work for?
A. AOL B. Pizza Hut C. Control Video Corporation D. None of these
38. People who use America Online are probably.
A. Video game players B. "Techies"
C. Movie fans D. People new to the internet
39. America Online is an unusual digital company because
A. It used to make video games B. It is innovative
C. It makes money D. It has joined with another
40. What does the article say about AOL's future?
A. It will do well B. It will do badly
C. It will face challengesD. The article doesn't say


The war fought between Athens and Sparta (41)_______ than 400 years before the birth of Christ
resulted (42)_______ the defeat of Athens by the more military power of Sparta. However, Sparta's
victory was (43)_______ temporary, and Athens went on to produce philosophers (44)_______ Aristotle,
and great orators, one example (45)_______ Demosthenes.
(46)_______ one of the most significant effects of the war was that (47)_______ the first real
history ever written was written about it. The writer, an Athenian general (48)_______ Thucydides, had a
passion for accuracy, and did not use the myth and romance which historians had used until
(49)_______. Not only was the history of Thucydides factually accurate, it was (50)_______ written in
splendid Greek.

41. A. over B. much C. more D. higher

42. A. by B. with C. for D. in
43. A. more B. really C. only D. finally
44. A. example B. such as C. liking D. that is
45. A. was B. like C. instance D. being
46. A. Only B. In fact C. Instead D. However
47. A. almost B. yet C. very D. actually
48. A. who B. was C. name D. called
49. A. before B. then C. the end D. recently
50. A. anyway B. also C. has D. but
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 36 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. cheap B. champagne C. chain D. choose
2. A. bill B. fill C. fridge D. live
3. A. television B. sugar C. silence D. conversation
4. A. profession B. picture C. special D. information
5. A. amuse B. bush C. tube D. cure
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. carry B. prefer C. husband D. logic
7. A. museum B. motorbike C. labourer D. photograph
8. A. lunchtime B. grammar C. mountain D. machine
9. A. pregnant B. mirror C. weather D. perhaps
10. A. Japanese B. Italian C. American D. Cambodia
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. The electric light was invented in_______
A. the nineteenth century B. nineteen centuries
C. nineteen century D. century the nineteenth
12. It is very rule to point_______ someone in many cultures.
A. at B. to C. into D. off
13. If our plans are carried_______ now, we will solve that issue
A. out B. up C. upon D. through
14. The neighbours didn't go on vacation, _______?
A. didnt they B. did it C. did they D. didn't it
15. It_______ the day before yesterday.
A. snowed B. was snow C. has snowed D. was snowed
16. Have you ever_______ on a horse? It is a wonderful experience.
A. rode B. rid C. to ride D. ridden
17. "Where is the library?" "It's_______ your right".
A. in B. on C. at D. by
18. "How many products did you sell?" "_______than we had expected".
A. Less B. Lesser C. Few D. Fewer
19. It's not an easy task. However, please have him_______ it.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. have to do
20. I would like to apply_______ the position of sales clerk that you advertised in the Sunday newspaper.
A. for B. to C. with D. in
21. It's often difficult for a young child_______ clothes.
A. wearing B. to wear C. putting on D. to put on
22. This knife is quite sharp. We use it_______
A. for to cut the bread B. to cut with the bread
C. cutting with the breadD. to cut the bread
23. I could have done it for you if you_______
A. ask to me to B. asked me to C. had asked me D. had asked me to
24. Joe_______
A. likes football best B. likes best football
C. best likes football D. likes play football best
25. My sister went_______ yesterday.
A. to shopping B. shopping C. to shop D. shopped
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 37 - School: L Anh Xun

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. We stayed in that hotel despite the noise
A. Despite the hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
B. We stayed in that noisy hotel and we enjoyed it.
C. Although that hotel was noisy, we stayed there.
D. Because of the noise we stayed in that hotel
27. I was astonished that she didn't passed her exam.
A. That she didn't pass the exam astonished me.
B. I was astonished that her exam was not over.
C. I was astonished that she passed her exam.
D. She didn't passed her exam, which astonished her.
28. She hasn't played the piano for five years.
A. The last time she played the piano five years ago.
B. She played the piano five years ago.
C. The last time she played the piano was five years ago.
D. She doesn't play piano five years ago.
29. He lost his job five months ago
A. It has been three months since he has lost his job.
B. it is three months since he lost his job.
C. They are three months since he lost his job.
D. It is three months ago since he lost his job.
30. When they arrived all the good seats were already taken.
A. They didn't get good seats because they arrived too late.
B. They arrived early enough to get good seats.
C. They had to stand for the whole show.
D. They didn't get good seats although they arrived early.
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. I (A) must ask you (B) to stop to make all these plans before (D) I have seen them.
32. I have absolutely (A) no ideal why he wants to (B) leave home and (C) work in (D) another country.
33. (A) Time runs out and you will (B) have to make (C) a decision in the next (D) few days.
34. I really (A) don't mind at all (B) because the choice is (C) yours and you can do (D) which you like.
35. (A) You going to the club this evening or (B) do you want (C) to stay at home and (D) watch TV?
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Many years ago, near the beginning of this century, when the may or of Boston was shown a
telephone for the first time, he was so impressed that he declared: "In fifty years there will be one of
these in every American city!".
Others predicted that the telephone would make writing, to friends at least, unnecessary because
instant person-to-person communication would be possible. Typically, they also predicted the end of
postal services altogether and the death of the skill of letter writing. The advantages of the telephone over
sending a letter were so obvious, it was felt, that nothing could stop this process.
Both these predictions proved to be wrong in their own ways, of course, but there is no doubt that
our habits did change with the arrival of the telephone and will change again as new media come into
On the plus side, the telephone has two obvious advantages. Firstly, it frees us from the difficulties
of writing formal letters. We wouldn't have to remember when to use "Dear Sir", and when to finish with
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 38 - School: L Anh Xun
"Yours sincerely", "Yours faithfully" or "Yours truly", where to put the address and date or to learn all the
other rules of formal letter writing.
Secondly, the telephone allowed us to get our message across in real time, without having to wait
days, and, in the case of some international mail, weeks, for a reply.
Simultaneously, then, the telephone freed us from restrictions of both style and time. However, the
use of the telephone also has disadvantages and there are many times when writing a letter is preferable
to making a call.
In the first place, a telephone call is almost always disturbing. The ringing of the telephone always
interrupts something, even if it is a welcome interruption, so almost all calls begin rather apologetically.
Letters from friends, on the other hand, are almost always welcome and can't interrupt anything
because we can read them when we choose to read them and respond if and when we like. Unlike
telephone conversations, too, we can also re-read them of course and choose not to respond at all if we
don't want to. In addition, when writing a letter, you can organize your thoughts more carefully and say
what you really want to say without having to "think on your feet" and running the risk of saying the wrong
In addition to the phone and the postal service now, of course, we have electronic mail- e-mail -
which seems to combine the advantages of both letter writing and using the telephone.
We can compose e-mail - which seems to combine the advantages of both letter writing and using
the telephone.
We can compose e-mail messages cautiously and slowly, making sure that we choose our words
with care and we can read and re-read them just as carefully before responding. In these ways, sending
an e-mail message is just like sending a letter but even easier because we can use much less formal
language and we don't have to buy a stamp or leave the house to post it. However, unlike old-fashioned
letters, e-mail messages are usually delivered virtually instantly, just like using the telephone.

36. The mayor of Boston's prediction was wrong because he thought.

A. that letter-writing would die out
B. the telephone would be very fast to spread
C. there would be more telephones than there are.
D. that telephones would not be in private homes.
37. One disadvantage of writing formal letters is that
A. we need to buy a stamp for them B. we can't really get our message across
C. they are very slow
D. we have to remember lots of rules about how to write them
38. Telephone are disturbing because.
A. we dont know when they are going to ring
B. they always ring unexpectedly
C. we have to apologise when we speak.
D. they always interrupt something.
39. Letters are sometimes better than making telephone calls because.
A. we dont have to think quickly B. we have to respond carefully
C. they are more carefully written D. they are always welcome
40. Sending an e-mail message if
A. easier than writing a letter B. quicker than telephoning
C. just the same as writing a letter D. quicker than writing a letter

What kind of music do you enjoy? Some people like going to (41)_______ converts, and listening
to (42)_______. The musicians wear very formal clothes, and the (43)_______ is silent until the end of
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 39 - School: L Anh Xun
the (44)_______. Perhaps you are a rock music (45)_______. Rock concerts are often held at football
(46)_______ or in parks. Members of the audience dance to the music, or sing the songs (47)_______
music is played at weddings and parties in many countries, and some people (48)_______ their own
music at home. Nowadays we (49)_______ music in shops and lifts, and many people carry their own
music with them, or even (50)_______ to music when they study. Music is everywhere!

41. A. classic B. classics C. classical D. classified

42. A. an orchestra B. a group C. a band D. a record
43. A. spectators B. people C. guests D. audience
44. A. happening B. performance C. music D. action
45. A. fan B. enthusiasm C. reader D. friend
46. A. matches B. grounds C. pitches D. pools
47. A. Historical B. Nation C. Traditional D. Ancient
48. A. do B. get C. make D. take
49. A. understand B. hear C. perform D. listen
50. A. hear B. have C. follow D. listen

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. meat B. eat C. each D. bread
2. A. hurt B. further C. sure D. burn
3. A. round B. noun C. found D. rough
4. A. thank B. that C. think D. thing
5. A. noticed B. booked C. stopped D. provided

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. apple B. butter C. mother D. advance
7. A. ordinary B. massage C. adventure D. addition
8. A. preservation B. aspiration C. miraculous D. graduation
9. A. manage B. moustache C. maintain D. arrive
10. A. protection B. referee C. dictation D. increasing

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. John is______ soccer magazines.
A. interested B. interesting C. interested in D. interest in
12. I like the job better than Bob______.
A. did B. do C. has done D. done
13. I'll give you another hour______
A. making your mind up B. making up your mind
C. make up your mind D. to make up your mind
14. "Have you had enough to eat?" "I'd like______, please".
A. another B. one more C. some more D. any more
15. The woman was______ someone might recognize her.
A. afraid of B. afraid about C. afraid for D. afraid that
16. The organization ______ 25 years ago.
A. found B. founded C. was found D. was founded
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 40 - School: L Anh Xun
17. I wish I ______ with Ann.
A. am B. was C. were D. would be
18. Please turn off all the lights when______
A. you leave B. you will leave C. you will leave left D. you had left
19. Until last year, "Mary Lester" was the largest ship that______
A. was ever built B. has ever built C. has ever been built D. had ever been built
20. We lived there______ ten years.
A. for B. during C. since D. while
21. My grandfather______ of heart failure in his sixties.
A. dead B. died C. was died D. was dead
22. I don't especially care ______ those types of movies.
A. by B. to C. for D. with
23. ______ me for a few minutes?
A. Would you to help B. Would you helping
C. Would you mind to help D. Would you mind helping
24. ______ to the beach on the weekend.
A. Let's go B. Let's going C. Let's went D. Let's to go
25. Your taste in movies is very different______ mine.
A. from B. to C. with D. as

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I haven't been to London since I left my college
A. I went to London when I left my college
B. The last time I went to London was when I left my college.
C. I have just been to London
D. I have been to London to visit my college.
27. The journey to Bristol took six hours.
A. It was a six-hour journey to Bristol B. It was a six-hours journey
C. The journey to Bristol was short D. It was six-hour journey to Bristol
28. Mr. Smith is not as keen on gardening as he used to be.
A. Mr. Smith is very keen on gardening
B. Mr. Smith used to be keener on gardening
C. Mr. Smith likes gardening
D. Mr. Smith didnt use to do the gardening
29. "Can I borrow your car, Helen?" said Mary.
A. Mary asked Helen if she can borrow her car.
B. Mary asked Helen if she could borrow her car
C. Mary asked Helen she can borrow her car.
D. Mary asked Helen she could borrow her car.
30. I didnt tried hard, so I didnt succeed
A. If I tried hard, I would succeed B. If I had tried hard, I would succeed
C. If I tried hard, I would have succeeded D. If I had tried hard, I would have succeeded
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. The reason why (A) he's not feeling very well (B) is simple - (C) he's are too much (D) as usual.
32. I (A) can't coming out this evening (B) I'm afraid because I (C) have too many jobs (D) to do in the
33. (A) It seems to me that she was perfectly correct and I think it's (B) not fare of you (C) to say that she
(D) has behaved badly.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 41 - School: L Anh Xun
34. When (A) you are arriving at the station, (B) give me a ring and then (C) I'll come and fetch you (D) in
my car.
35. Today (A) it seems to me that in (B) all kinds of ways nobody cares (C) no more if you want (D) to
make a complaint.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.


Brighton is the largest seaside resort in the south-east of England. At first the town was a fishing
village and did not become popular until about 1800. Rich people began to visit Brighton in large numbers
and when King George IV decided to build a house there, it became very fashionable. The King continued
to visit it until 1827, but Queen Victoria did not like the house. It is open to the public every day and there
is a special exhibition there in the summer.
Brighton offers all kinds of entertainment, from concerts and plays in the Theatre to local
attractions like the Aquarium.
The area of old houses known as The Lanes is a very attractive shopping centre, where visitors
can buy souvenirs and antiques. The houses were once lived in by fishermen but have now been
converted into shops. Not far from The Lanes is a modern shopping centre with licensed restaurants and
tables outdoors where you can enjoy a drink in good weather.
Brighton is within easy reach of London and has been a popular day out for Londoners for many

36. When did Brighton begin to be popular with tourists?

A. When Queen Victoria arrived B. When houses were built
C. When King George IV arrived D. After 1800
37. Why did the town become popular?
A. because it's on the sea B. Because it was a fishing village
C. Because Queen Victoria liked it D. Because the King built a house there
38. What things does the text say can you do in Brighton?
A. Visit the fisherman B. Fish, shop and swim
C. Buy antiques and souvenirs D. Visit the cinema and the theatre
39. How have the fishermen's cottages changed?
A. They are restaurants now B. They are shops now
C. They are very fashionable now D. They are nearer to London now
40. What kind of buildings are in The Lanes?
A. Modern shops B. Old pubs C. New houses D. Converted houses


Yesterday I had a really bad day. I made the kids get up at half past five, because I had to leave
home early. I had to take my car to the garage to (41)_______. I couldn't get my wife take the children to
school, because she had already arranged to (42)_______ that morning before work. Having to make the
children get up that early made me feel guilty, but as you can see, I couldn't help it. Of course, they
weren't very happy, to say the least. Then. they (43)_______ them eggs for breakfast, which took quite
long, because our cooker is not in perfect order. I should have had it repaired long ago, but somehow I
never had the time. My wife started complaining again when she saw me struggling with the cooker that I
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 42 - School: L Anh Xun
can never have anything done. It just (44)_______, but it didnt improve anything. Then I spilt some hot oil
on my hand, which had me turning round the kitchen, cursing and banging on everything. We were
running sort of time and I had to make the kids finish their breakfast in a hurry. The weather forecast
warned us that it would be cold so I (45)_______ two pullovers. Jenny couldn't find her favourite blue
pullover and it made her cry. I (46)_______ the whole wardrobe upside down to find it, but of course it
was no good. We were running twenty minutes behind schedule when we left the house. In the car, Tony
asked me if I had had his watch repaired. This might make you believe that I'm a careless father, but I
hadn't. I told him that I had (47)_______ to the watchmaker's, but it wouldn't be ready till Friday. Then
Jenny tried to get me to drive faster because she enjoys speed. We were late anyway, so I obliged. But
only till the next corner, where I was forced to stop by a police car. They (48)_______ a breath test and
fined me for speeding. When I arrived at the office, I found that my assistant hadn't been able to
(49)_______ my letters. That was the end. I decided I had had enough. I simply got my secretary to bring
me a cup of coffee and told her to (50)_______ for that day. I sat down to my coffee and spent the rest of
the morning reading the papers.

41. A. have serviced it B. have it serviced C. serviced it D. make it serviced

42. A. have her hair dyed B. have had her hair dyed
C. have dyed her hair D. have her hair to dye
43. A. got me fry B. made me fry C. had me to fry D. made me to fry
44. A. got me feel bad B. made me feel bad C. had me feel bad D. made me to feel bad
45. A. made the children put on B. made the children to put on
C. had the children to put on D. got the children put on
46. A. got Tony turning B. got Tony turn C. got Tony to turn D. had Tony to turn
47. A. had my assistant take it B. had my assistant to take it
C. made my assistant to take it D. got my assistant take it
48. A. got me taking B. forced me take C. had me to take D. had me take
49. A. get the typist type B. get the typist to type
C. make the typist to type D. have the typist to type
50. A. have cancelled all my meetings B. get all my meetings cancel
C. get all my meetings to cancel D. have all my meetings cancelled

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. call B. fall C. shall D. wall
2. A. own B. down C. clown D. town
3. A. feel B. meal C. she'll D. well
4. A. above B. move C. love D. glove
5. A. cow B. go C. know D. throw

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. teacher B. design C. after D. kingdom
7. A. vanilla B. infamous C. banana D. Canada
8. A. opponent B. beautiful C. calendar D. dinosaur
9. A. instrument B. astonish C. cultural D. obviously
10. A. excel B. pricise C. imply D. passage
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 43 - School: L Anh Xun
11. "Excuse me. Where is the post office?" "It is_______ of the large blue hotel".
A. in the front B. on the front C. in front D. on front
12. My brother_______ the university last year.
A. graduated B. graduated from C. was graduated D. graduated of
13. We won't be able to go to the club_______ our parents give us permission
A. although B. nevertheless C. unless D. without
14. I am slow to_______
A. express my opinion B. express my viewing
C. make my views D. make my opinion
15. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people _______ skiing.
A. enjoy B. that enjoying C. who enjoy D. who
16. I went to have my glasses_______
A. fit B. fitted C. fit on D. fitted on
17. John decided_______ golf on weekends.
A. to begin B. to commence C. to take up D. to start up
18. It seems to be getting worse. You had better_______ a specialist
A. consult B. consult to C. consult with D. consult by
19. Chicago is a large city, _______?
A. aren't it B. doesn't it C. won't it D. isn't it
20. Dont leave your books near the open fire. They might easily_______
A. catch to fire B. catch the fire C.
21. The board meeting was held________
A. at Tuesday B. on Tuesday C. with Tuesday D. in Tuesday
22. That awful accident occurred______
A. before three weeks B. three weeks before
C. three weeks ago D. three weeks past
22. Do you enjoy______?
A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. to swimming
23. I have trouble_______
A. to remember my password B. to remembering my password
C. remember my password D. remembering my password
24. Do you have________to do today? We could have a long lunch if not.
A. many work B. much work C. many works D. much works
25. When will the meeting______?
A. hold on B. hold place C. take on D. take place
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. We bought our house last year.
A. Our house was sold last year B. Our house was bought last year
C. Our house has been bought for a year D. Our house has been bought since last year
27. Would you please give me a hand?
A. Would you mind giving me a hand? B. I am very happy to help you
C. Would you please to help me? D. I am very pleased if you give me a hand
28. Why don't we enjoy such a wonderful evening?
A. I want to know why you enjoy the evening
B. It is a wonderful evening and we enjoy it very much.
C. I ask you why you enjoy the evening.
D. I suggest our enjoying such a wonderful evening.
29. She feels happy b ecause she has passed her exam.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 44 - School: L Anh Xun
A. Her good exam result makes her happy.
B. She feels happy to take the exam.
C. She feels hapapy because of the coming exam.
D. She feels happy becaue the exam has finished
30. Although she took a taxi, Susan arrived late for the party.
A. Susan arrived late for the party because she didn't take a taxi.
B. Susan arrived late for the party because of the taxi.
C. In spite of taking a taxi, Susan arrived late for the party.
D. Although she took a taxi, Susan can't come to the party in time

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Please read this documen (A) out (B) before you make your mind (C) up because it's very important
(D) to understand the details.
32. I'll go (A) across with you (B) on the first point but I'm afraid I can't possibly agree (C) with you on (D)
points two and three.
33. He (A) never (B) allows us (C) smoking (D) in this room.
34. Bill (A) has called his law
35. They have (A) been asked me (B) to visit them (C) for ages but I have never (D) had the time.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.


Many of the latest scientific accomplishments fall in the realm of "pure" science. This is research for
the sake of increasing man's knowledge without concern about how the knowledge is going to be used. I
contrast with pure science is "applied" science. The production of synthetic diamonds is an example of
applied science. In applied science the facts and principles of pure science are used in the solution of a
problem which has or will have immediate economic and social importance.
Often in the past, applied science has gone far ahead of pure science. Its practical applications
have been used for man's good even before the basic facts and principles were understood. For example,
the telegraph, telephone and electric motor, which could not work without electrons, were invented before
man discovered the electron. People were vaccinated long before viruses were investigated. Chemicals
like sulphuric acid and soda were manufactured before man began to understand the nature of the atom.
Today, however, if applied science is to grow it must depend more and more on increased knowledge of
pure science.
36. The aim of the pure science is______
A. to promote the production of pure chemicals.
B. to solve practical problems of everyday
C. to develop human knowledge of the general principles of science.
D. to apply scientific facts to the invention of electronic devices.
37. Applied science has______
A. made our life more comfortable with understanding of basic scientific theories.
B. made our lives more enjoyable with the production of everything we need.
C. given us the basic facts and principles of science.
D. helped us to research for the sake of increasing man's knowledge.
38. In the past, applied science went far ahead of pure science because ______
A. pure science has been discovered only in recent years.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 45 - School: L Anh Xun
B. men understood the basic facts and principles of pure science before they discovered and
invented things.
C. pure science had been considered less important than applied science.
D. many inventions and discoveries had been made before men knew the basic scientific
39. The fact that vaccination had been practiced long before the investigation of viruses means ______
A. people devoted a lot of time to the study of pure science.
B. applied science went far ahead of pure science.
C. pure science went far ahead of applied science
D. pure science went far ahead of applied science.
40. If applied science is to develop more efficiently, ______
A. its practical applications must be used for man's good
B. people must devote more time to the study of the neutron and atomic energy.
C. it must rely on the increasing knowledge of pure science.
D. people must solve problems of immediate economic and social importance.


To many people, their friends are the most important things in their life. Really good friends
(41)_______ the good times and the bad times, help you when you've got problems, never judge you and
never turn their (42)_______ on you. Your best friend may be someone you've known all your life,
someone you've grown up with and been through lots of (43)_______ and downs with.
There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of
enjoying the same activities, having the (44)_______ on life, or sharing similar experiences. Most of us
(45)_______ met someone that we're immediately felt relaxed with (46)_______ if we've known them for
years. However, usually it really does take you years to (47)_______ to know someone well enough to
consider your best friend.
To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and who understands us (48)_______
than anyone else. It's the person you can turn (49)_______ for impartial advice and a (50)_______ to cry
on when life gets you down.

41. A. share B. give C. spend D. have

42. A. heads B. hands C. backs D. minds
43. A. forwards B. towards C. ups D. backwards
44. A. outlook B. opinion C. thought D. feeling
45. A. has B. have C. are D. were
46. A. even B. only C. as D. unless
47. A. get B. make C. want D. like
48. A. worse B. badly C. well D. better
49. A. to B. into C. on D. up
50. A. hand B. chest C. heart D. shoulder

Part 1: Phonetics:
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 46 - School: L Anh Xun
Which syllable is stressed?
1. Photographer
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. America
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4
3. Illuminate
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4
4. Transportation
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4
5. Computation
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. indifferent B. available C. immediate D. continental
7. A. carbon B. present C. contrast D. convert
8. A. admit B. desktop C. bookshelf D. greenhouse
9. A. center B. object C. flower D. release
10. A. technician B. cohesion C. commercial D. document

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. The social services are chiefly______ with the poor, the old and the sick.
A. influenced B. related C. suffered D. concerned
12. I know you're annoyed, but you must try to control your______
A. blood B. storm C. explosion D. temper
13. It was a hot day, and many people were ______ their way to the beach.
A. taking B. hitting C. making D. setting
14. After a lot of difficulty, he ______ to open the door.
A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realized
15. The car was badly smashed up, but the driver escaped without serious______
A. damage B. pain C. wound D. injury
16. The country's annual ______ of coffee beans has increased each year since 1988.
A. produce B. growth C. outcome D. production
17. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth______
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
18. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She's so used to getting her own______.
A. mind B. way C. opinion D. views
19. We hadn't quite reached the gate______ Jane fell.
A. when B. that C. which D. B & C
20. The bicycle he lent me badly needed______.
A. to clean B. clean C. to be cleaning D. cleaning
21. They didn't______ John's plan?
A. agree with B. agree to C. agree D. agree about
22. The social worker______ the two old sisters who were ill.
A. called to the house of B. called on the house of
C. called to D. called on
23. Tomorrow is Paul's birthday. Let's______ it.
A. celebrate B. praise C. honor D. congratulate
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 47 - School: L Anh Xun
24. If you don't understand the text, don't hesitate______
A. ask a question B. asking a question
C. to ask a question D. to asking a question
25. It's snowing. Would you like to ______ on Saturday on Sunday?
A. skiing B. go to ski C. go skiing D. go ski

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Some of the people couldn't find a seat in the concert hall.
A. There were not enough seats for all the people in the concert hall.
B. There were enough seats for some people in the concert hall.
C. There were some people without a seat in the concert hall.
D. There were not enough seats even for some people in the concert hall.
27. Shall we go for a walk?
A. How about go for a walk? B. How about to go for a walk?
C. How about we go for a walk? D. How about going for a walk?
28. The doctor doesn't have enough time to see you now.
A. The doctor has a little time to see you.
B. The doctor is too busy to see you now.
C. The doctor doesn't want to see you now
D. If the doctor has enough time, he will see you now
29. The new hospital is bigger than the old one.
A. The new hospital is not as big as the old one.
B. The new hospital is not as small as the old one.
C. The old hospital is more smaller than the new one.
D. The old hospital is smaller than the new one
30. My French friend finds driving n the left difficult.
A. My French friend is not used to driving on the left.
B. My French friend is used to driving on the left
C. My French friend has no problems with driving on the left.
D. My French friend had difficulty to drive on the left.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Although (A) it was only the first time they (B) met, (C) but they (D) made friends immediately.
32. Mary (A) isn't happy (B) in her new job at first but she (C) is beginning to enjoy (D) it now.
33. We decided (A) not (B) to go out because it (C) was raining quite (D) hardly.
34. When we (A) were in London last year, we didn't have (B) time to see all (C) the things we wanted
(D) to see.
35. I didn't mind to (A) walk home but I decided to (B) take a taxi because I was (C) so tired (D) after

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions many communities are
burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to
gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of wastes.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 48 - School: L Anh Xun
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and coal tars. But to
date, that process has proven expensive other experiments are underway to harness power with giant
windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth is also being tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and
rivers. Fifty years ago, hydroelectric power provided one third of the lectricity used in the US, but today it
supplies only 4 percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways
to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to
make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.

36. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Use of Water Products Energy. B. The Search for Alternative Sources Energy
C. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste D. New discoveries in Geothermal Power
37. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the US was provided by_____
A. wind B. waste products C. water D. oil
38. In the second paragraph the phrase "synthetic fuels" could best be replaced by which of the
A. Biological fuels B. Low burning fuels
C. Fast burning fuels D. Artificially made fuels
39. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
A. Burning of garbage B. Geothermal power
C. Synthetic fuels D. Electricity
40. According to the author the impracticability of using coal oil shale and coal tars as sources of energy
is due to_____
A. their being time consuming B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources D. the lack of technology

London is the big city, but many of the people who live there regard it as a number of small towns
put together. Each district has its (41)_______ identity and atmosphere. And some parts are even
described by their (42)_______ as villages. Much of the centre of the city (43)_______ of shops and
businesses and the majority of people live in the suburbs (44)_______ of them travel to work in the city
every day (45)_______ train, bus, tube or car. The (46)_______ of living in London is higher than most
other parts of Britain, and many people are paid extra money on top of their (47)_______ because of this.
Millions of visitors come to London every year from all (48)_______ the world to see the famous
sights, such as Buckingham Palace, and many other historic buildings. London is also very (49)_______
for its theatres, red buses, and black taxis. London has (50)_______ attractions, both for people from
overseas and for people from other parts of Britain.

41. A. own B. private C. an D. only

42. A. students B. inhabitants C. owners D. visitors
43. A. includes B. contains C. gathers D. consists
44. A. Many B. Much C. Lot D. A few
45. A. with B. by C. on D. in
46. A. price B. level C. condition D. cost
47. A. salaries B. money C. income D. cost
48. A. around B. in C. over D. about
49. A. good B. useful C. suitable D. famous
50. A. a lot B. many C. much D. lot of
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 49 - School: L Anh Xun

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. gun B. one C. phone D. crush
2. A. bought C. caught C. coat D. sort
3. A. shear B. ear C. hear D. pear
4. A. cost B. most C. post D. roast
5. A. boot B. route C. shoot D. shout
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. balloon B. reason C. engine D. student
7. A. special B. possible C. routine D. postcard
8. A. sweater B. tonight C. savings D. earrings
9. A. basketball B. aerobics C. bicycling D. apartment
10. A. serious B. several C. wonderful D. exciting

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. It's difficult to pay one's bills when prices keep_____
A. rising B. growing C. gaining D. raising
12. Do you_____ my turning the television on now?
A. mind B. disapprove C. want D. object
13. This meat is rather tough; you have to_____ it for a long time.
A. chew B. bite C. eat D. swallow
14. She asked me_____ speak Russian.
A. I can B. if I can C. I could D. if I could
15. Do they know how often _____ at night?
A. do the buses run B. the buses ran C. the buses run D. did the buses run
16. They asked us_____ come back from the vacation.
A. when we had to B. when we must C. when must we D. when did we have to
17. He said_____ money from me again.
A. he will never borrow B. he never will borrow
C. he would never borrow D. he never would borrow
18. After the fire, thirty houses_____
A. have been destroyed B. will be destroyed
C. should be destroyed D. would be destroyed
19. She wanted to know_____ her hat and gloves
A. where had I put B. where I had put C. where did I put D. that where I had put
20. I'll have my suit_____ before the interview.
A. clean B. cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning
21. Unemployment is a serious problem in the area; there are _____ jobs for the people there.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. little
22. You can't speak Russian_____
A. Either can I B. Neither can't I C. Neither can I D. I can't neither
23. _____ do you go out? - Once or twice a week.
A. How much B. How long C. How many D. How often
24. He arrived_____ at six o'clock
A. at home B. home C. in home D. to home
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 50 - School: L Anh Xun
25. I was so tired that I _____ asleep in the chair.
A. got B. felt C. went D. fell

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Tom said, "I wan to visit my friends this weekend".
A. Tom said he wants to visit his friends this weekend.
B. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.
C. Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.
D. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.
27. You must never take your helmet off while you are riding a motorcycle.
A. Helmets must be worn at all times when riding a motorcycle.
B. You must never wear your helmet while you are riding a motorcycle.
C. Helmets should be taken off at all times when riding a motorcycle.
D. You must never take off your helmet.
28. They wanted to apologize for their behavior: that's why they paid for dinner.
A. They felt sorry for paying for dinner
B. They apologized for paying for dinner
C. They behaved badly by paying for dinner.
D. They paid for dinner in order to apologize for their behavior
29. It isn't necessary to bring skis as they are included in the package.
A. You don't have to bring skis as they are included in the package.
B. You must bring skis as they are not included in the package.
C. You need to bring skis as they are not included in the package.
D. You have to bring skis as they are included in the package.
30. I though parking was allowed here.
A. In my opinion, parking wasn't allowed here.
B. I was under the impression that parking was allowed there.
C. They allowed people to park here.
D. They didn't allow people to park here.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. He would not (A) accept the doctor's advise, (B) what (C) was very foolish (D) of him.
32. He (A) went to the doctor because he (B) had not been feeling very well (C) for several (D) weeks.
33. I borrowed (A) some milk from a neighbour of (B) us as we didn't (C) have enough (D) for breakfast.
34. The librarian told (A) us that we (B) could better ask him (C) if we were unable (D) to find a book.
35. He (A) likes to buy (B) a new car this year (C) but I dont think he can (D) afford to.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Do you want to be slim? Do you worry about your family's health? Then you should try Fruitibix, the
new healthy fruit and nut biscuit. Fruitibix tastes wonderful, but it contains less sugar than most other
biscuits. Each biscuit contains dried fruit and nuts, including apples, coconuts and bananas. Sometimes
you feel like eating something between meals. Now, instead of having a chocolate, bite into a Fruitibix. it
wont make you fat and it will keep you healthy.
At lunchtime, instead of chips and hamburgers, have a Fruitibix. It contains all the essential foods
for a balanced meal. And if you are in a hurry, and you don't have time for a proper meal, Fruitibix will give
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 51 - School: L Anh Xun
you the energy to keep on going. So whenever your children ask for something sweet, give them Fruitibix
instead of cakes or chocolate. They will love the taste and it won't harm their teeth. Discover Fruitibix! It's
on our supermarket shelves now!

36. This is________

A. a letter B. a magazine C. a student's notebook D. an advertisement
37. The writer wants to________
A. persuade people to buy a product B. give advice about healthy living
C. explain why people buy this product D. compare Fruitibix with other sorts of food
38. Why, in the writer's opinion, should people eat Fruitibix instead of chocolate?
A. Fruitibix tastes better than chocolate.
B. Fruitibix contains more fat than chocolate.
C. Fruitibix is cheaper and easier to eat than chocolate.
D. Fruitibix is healthier and less fattening than chocolate.
39. Why does the writer say that Fruitibix is useful when you are in a hurry?
A. You don't need to cook it B. It's as good as a proper meal
C. You can buy Fruitibix everywhere D. It won't be harmful to your teeth
40. Which of these people should buy Fruitibix?
A. Mrs. Brown is looking for something special to serve for dessert at a dinner party.
B. Mr Green wants something to take with him to the office. He is busy today and might not have
time for lunch.
C. Mr. Taylor is going on a fishing trip and wants to take something to eat with him. He enjoys
salty food.
D. Mrs. Brook's daughter was ill yesterday. She is getting better but the doctor advised Mrs. Brook
to give her liquid food without any sugar or salt in it.

How are things with you? Since I saw you last, I have been very ill. By the time I arrive home after
seeing you on Monday, I (41)_______ an awful headache.
I thought that perhaps my eyes were tire (42)_______ I had been working so hard, so I took some
aspirins and went to bed. However, when I woke up the next morning, the headache was (43)_______
than ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my arms and legs (44)_______ stiff.
I saw the doctor and she (45)_______ me I had a temperature. She said I probably had flu. She
advised me to take some medicine and (46)_______ in bed. The medicine tasted horrible and it didn't
make (47)_______ feel any better. I felt sick and I didnt want to eat anything at all, although I was very
hungry. I have almost (48)_______ now, and I am going to start work again tomorrow. I still have a slight
cold and a cough but my chest doesn't hurt when I (49)_______ can we meet on Saturday? I am looking
forward to (50)_______ you.

41. A. felt B. had C. was D. caught

42. A. as B. though C. while D. during
43. A. worse B. hand C. more D. painful
44. A. sensed B. moved C. felt D. looked
45. A. examined B. told C. denied D. said
46. A. stay B. stayed C. staying D. stays
47. A. some B. me C. them D. its
48. A. improved B. decided C. recovered D. succeeded
49. A. breathe B. ache C. cure D. bleed
50. A. see B. seeing C. sees D. saw
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 52 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. alone B. load C. shown D. town
2. A. buys B. advise C. price D. prize
3. A. bear B. beer C. cheer D. fear
4. A. goes B. chose C. lose D. toes
5. A. knees B. peas C. trees D. niece

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. terrible B. attractive C. definite D. beautiful
7. A. happy B. extreme C. usual D. risky
8. A. hospital B. musician C. ambulance D. Mexican
9. A. Excellent B. experienced C. immediate D. delicious
10. A. profession B. optician C. dialogue D. connection

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. _________ also causes air pollution
A. Smog B. Waste paper C. Rubbish D. Dirty water
12. Helen is very ______ going to work in Germany.
A. excited to B. excited for C. excited with D. excited about
13. Why do you spend all your time______ your sister?
A. arguing about B. arguing for C. arguing with D. arguing at
14. Give her a telephone number to ring______ she gets lost.
A. whether B. in case C. unless D. perhaps
15. If you require any more ______ about the holiday, please telephone us.
A. description B. information C. news D. fact
16. I will______ the idea with the other teachers and see what they thinks about it.
A. explain B. argue C. discus D. talk
17. Everyone in the village______ about the plans for the new road.
A. took care B. was concerned C. had concerned D. contacted
18. The cat was ______ to wait for the mouse to come out.
A. patiently enough B. patient enough C. enough patient D. so patient
19. She lives near me and I often speak to her on my______ to work.
A. way B. travel C. street D. road
20. The house is in good ______ though it need to be repaired
A. condition B. state C. position D. standing
21. Tell me ______ there is anything special that you would like to do.
A. that B. which C. so D. if
22. You will become ill ______ you stop working so hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if
23. Venice, ______ was built on water, is a city in Italy.
A. where B. that C. who D. which
24. His three friends all______ for the same job.
A. requested B. applied C. intended D. referred
25. It was past midnight, so there were ______ people in the street.
A. few B. any C. a few D. less
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 53 - School: L Anh Xun
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. Jerry said. "I'm studying English a lot at the moment"
A. Jerry said I am studying English a lot at the moment
B. Jerry said he is studying English a lot at the moment.
C. Jerry said I was studying English a lot at the moment
D. Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment
27. When I was a child, we would go to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
A. When I was a child, we used to go to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
B. When I was a child I never went to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
C. We are used to going to the local park every Saturday afternoon.
D. We have been used to the local park every Saturday afternoon since I was a child.
28. They moved to this suburb in 1997
A. They lived in this suburb in 1997
B. They have moved to this suburb since 1997
C. They have lived in this suburb since 1997
D. They have lived in this suburb before
29. They managed to finish the project in time for the presentation
A. The project will be finished in time for the presentation.
B. They succeeded to finish the project in time for the presentation.
C. They succeeded in finishing the project in time for the presentation.
D. It was difficult for them to finish the project in time for the presentation.
30. Jane allows her children to stay up to midnight on Saturday evenings.
A. Jane let her children to stay up late on Saturdays
B. Jane let her children stay up late on Saturdays
C. Jane lets her children to stay up late on Saturdays
D. Jane lets her children stay up late on Saturdays.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. My father (A) retired last year but he (B) found a lot (C) to do (D) at home since then.
32. Mrs. Thatcher (A) became Prime Minister (B) of Britain (C) in 1970 after (D) win the elections.
33. When I (A) read the two essays, I (B) soon realized (C) which was the (D) best.
34. The doctor (A) said that he wanted the patient (B) stay in bed (C) for a few (D) days.
35. (A) As prices (B) have gone up so much lately, we didn't buy (C) much clothes when we (D) were in
London last year.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Poor farmers use the same land over and over. The land needs a rest so that it will be better next
year. However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down trees for firewood. In some
areas, when trees are gone, the land becomes desert. However, people needs wood to cook their food
now. Poor people cant' save the environment for the future.
This is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for humans. The
people and the nations of the world must work together to save the world's resources.
36. Poor farmers use the same land_____
A. from years to year B. one year C. two years D. only some years
37. People need _____ to cook their food.
A. trees B. firewood C. wood D. all are correct
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 54 - School: L Anh Xun
38. When all trees in the region _____, the land becomes deser.
A. are disappeared B. are cut C. are chop D. go away
39. Saving the environment is a problem for_____
A. one country B. one area of the world C. mankind D. many countries
40. The land needs_____ to be better next year.
A. fertilizers B. rotation of crops C. rest D. all are correct

Should Gallaudet permit students to keep pets in their dorm rooms? Why or why not?
Gallaudet University currently does not allow students to keep pets in their dorm rooms. Exceptions
are made only for service animals such as guide dogs and hearing (41)_______. These working dogs
provide services that benefit their student owners. But other kinds of pets can be (42)_______ to students
too. Pets should be allowed to live in the dorms because they can help students reduce stress and learn
College life is very demanding and students often feel a lot of pressure and tension. Pets could help
students relieve (43)_______ in many ways. For example, playing with pets could give students a study
break. Walking a dog or playing with a cat would allow the students to relax their body and mind. When
the students return to their studying, they would feel (44)_______ and ready to work again. Pets could
also relieve social stress or homesickness. A dog or cat could provide companionship and affection when
students have (45)_______ with their friends or miss home. Sometimes it is easier to talk to a pet than to
a person. Talking about problems helps students figure out (46)_______. Pets would have a positive
(47)_______ on the stress of college life.
College is also a time when students need to learn to be responsible. Caring for pets could help
students learn (48)_______ in several ways. For example, pets need to be fed and watered on a regular
schedule. Some pets also need to be taken out while others need their litter box or cage cleaned.
Students would learn to schedule time for these chores between their classes and activities. New
students are often used to having their parents do things for them. But parents do not live on college
campuses with their children. Therefore, caring for a pet is something students would have to do
(49)_______. They would learn how to solve problems on their own and how to follow through with their
commitments. Having pets would teach students to handle more adult responsibilities.
In conclusion. living with pets would offer many (50)_______ to Gallaudet University's students.
Pets would help students reduce stress and learn adult responsibility. I believe that Galladudet should
consider changing its policies to allow students to keep pets in their dorm rooms.

41. A. aids B. tests C. people D. dogs

42. A. harmful B. beneficial C. boring D. exciting
43. A. stress B. headaches C. fun D. tuition
44. A. distracted B. refreshed C. tired D. stressed
45. A. problems B. issues C. events D. things
46. A. vacations B. college C. math D. solutions
47. A. affect B. impression C. opinion D. influence
48. A. responsibility B. carelessness C. irresponsibility D. French
49. A. together B. independently C. quickly D. quickly
50. A. problems B. credits C. computers D. benefits
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 55 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. my B. pie C. tea D. tie
2. A. arm B. calm C. farm D. warm
3. A. laid B. paid C. said D. stayed
4. A. lane B. latex C. wait D. white
5. A. coach B. toothache C. cheek D. cheque

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. toilet B. passport C. thirty D. cassette
7. A. cigarette B. seventy C. telephone D. consonant
8. A. curtain B. four teen C. puzzle D. garden
9. A. racialism B. hamburger C. tomorrow D. cucumber
10. A. hotel B. colour C. picture D. tuna

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. When you come tomorrow, why not______ your brother with you
A. fetch B. take C. bring D. carry
12. You will see him when he______ here tomorrow.
A. will come B. has come C. come D. comes
13. I want to______ a table at the Savoy Hotel.
A. maintain B. reserve C. manage D. allow
14. She said that she______ you some day.
A. had visited B. has visited C. will visit D. would visit
15. It was impossible for her to tell the truth, so she had to ______ a story.
A. combine B. manage C. invent D. lie
16. They didn't ______ John's plan?
A. agree with B. agree to C. agree D. agree about
17. Tomorrow is Paul's birthday. Let's______ it.
A. celebrate B. congratulate C. honor D. praise
18. If you don't understand the text, dont hesitate______
A. ask a question B. asking a question C. to ask a question D. to asking a question
19. It's snowing. Would you like to______ on Saturday or Sunday.
A. skiing B. go to ski C. go skiing D. go ski
20. Our company didn't pay______ for that banner advertisement.
A. much funds B. many funds C. many money D. money
21. Do you feel like______ now?
A. to go swimming B. to swim C. swimming D. swim
22. Tom was thrilled to be ______ such a beautiful and interesting lady.
A. introduced to B. introduced at C. introduced with D. introduced
23. "What happened to them last night? They book depressed"
"I don't think______ happened".
A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything
24. "It is not very cold. I dont think we need these big jackets".
"I don't think so, ______"
A. anyway B. neither C. either D. too
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 56 - School: L Anh Xun
25. "Bill is not doing well in class"
"You must______ that he is just a beginner at this level".
A. keep minding B. keep to mind C. keep in mind D. keeping in mind

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. The meal we had in the restaurant was no nice
A. It was such a nice meal in the restaurant.
B. The restaurant served nice meals.
C. The restaurant where we had the meal was so nice.
D. We had a meal in a nice restaurant.
27. That's the garage where I left my car last week.
A. I had my car repaired last week.
B. I had my car repaired since last week
C. That's where I went to have my car repaired last week.
D. I has had my car repaired for last week.
28. "What do you think Steve is doing in the garden?" She asked.
A. She asked what Steve is doing in the garden
B. She asked what is Steve doing in the garden
C. She asked what was Steve doing in the garden
D. She asked what Steve was doing in the garden
29. The school I studied at last year was better than this one.
A. This school is not as good as my last one.
B. This school was not as good as my last one.
C. I studied in a good as my last one.
D. My last school is not as good as this one.
30. Sally decided not to do her homework and went to a night club
A. Sally went to a night club because she didn't have any homework.
B. Sally went to a night club instead of doing her homework.
C. Sally was too lazy to do her homework.
D. Sally went to a night club after doing her homework.
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. If you (A) wanting to come with me you had better (B) hurry because (C) I've got to be leaving (D) in
the next minute or two.
32. Everybody (A) of the house (B) comes to help (C) with the shopping on Saturday, except Brad,
because he has to (D) do football practice.
33. If I (A) had known that Wendy didn't have (B) an appointment (C) with the dentist, I would have
asked her to come (D) with myself.
34. Our schedule consists (A) of three hours (B) of history lectures, (C) followed by the afternoon in the
(D) football's stadium.
35. Now don't forget that (A) on Monday you fly (B) to Denver and (C) from nere you have to go (D) on to
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Every day many road accidents happen in Hong Kong. Some accidents cause injuries but some
lead to death. Everyone, especially children, must learn how to cross the road. A simple code to
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 57 - School: L Anh Xun
The Transport Department organizes road safety campaigns every year in order to reduce traffic
accidents. Parents and teachers should educate children on road safety. Most schools have their own
School Road Safety Patrols. The School Road Safety Patrol is a uniformed group. It recruits secondary
school students as members. Students at senior forms help fellow students cross the road correctly and
safely on their way to and from school.
When you go out alone, however, what is the best way to cross the road? First, you must find a
safe place to cross. There many be subways, footbridges, zebra or green man crossing. Of course, ti is
safest to be directed by a policeman. Then you should stand on the pavement where you can see clearly
all the directions, look round for the traffic and listen. If a car is coming, you ought to let it pass. When
there is no traffic near, walk straight across the road. Do not run as you may trip!
Roads are dangerous. However, if everyone takes care when crossing the road, there will be fewer
traffic accidents. Our transport system will then become safer and more efficient.

36. Who must learn how to cross the road safety?

A. Children and their parents. B. Everyone, especially teachers
C. Those injured in road accidents D. Everyone who uses the road.
37. Road safety campaigns are organized by _____ to _____.
A. schools_____ help their School Road Safety Patrols.
B. the Transport Department _____ cut down their number of road accidents.
C. traffic warders _____ direct students to cross the road.
D. teachers and parents _____ educate children on road safety.
38. What is the most suitable description for the School Road Safety Patrol?
A. It accepts school teachers as members.
B. Its duty is to participate in Road Safety Campaigns.
C. You need not wear a uniform if you join.
D. Patrol members direct students to cross the road correctly.
39. According to the writer, what will happen if everyone is more careful in using the road?
A. There will be no more traffic accidents.
B. Our transport system will not be safe.
C. Fewer traffic accidents will happen
D. The roads will be widened.
40. When you cross the roads, it is safest to be directed by_____
A. parents B. teachers C. policemen D. senior students

A report says that Britain needs to bring in more workers from other countries. This is to avoid a
crisis caused by population changes as fewer babies are born and as people live longer. Because there
will be more and more old people in the population, the (41)_______ for a younger workforce will grow
and immigration may help (42)_______ the problem. The report says that if the (43)_______ of people
coming to live in the UK does not increase by around 20% in the (44)_______ fifty years, the UK
population will fall by three million. This means that, (45)_______ a result, Britons would need to work
until they are in their seventies to (46)_______ the large number of elderly people. In addition, the State
will no longer be able to (47)_______ health care and pensions, so people will have to pay for
The ethnic minorities, most of whom are immigrants to Britain, (48)_______ a lot of money for the
government in the form of taxes . This is because these minorities have many young people in
(49)_______ The report calls for a (50)_______ of attitude towards immigrants: they are now some of our
most valuable citizens.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 58 - School: L Anh Xun
41. A. want B. cause B. lack D. need
42. A. find B. create C. solve D. answer
43. A. size B. number C. total D. figure
44. A. following B. future C. next D. later
45. A. For B. as C. with D. to
46. A. keep B. spend C. help D. afford
47. A. provide B. prepare C. put D. take
48. A. give B. pay C. support D. afford
49. A. work B. job C. labour D. profession
50. A. turn B. change C. direction D. exchange

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. cups B. stamps C. books D. pens
2. A. garden B. part C. care D. card
3. A. sit B. leak C. hit D. lick
4. A. hated B. liked C. finished D. chopped
5. A. destroy B. intend C. end D. cent

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. shampoo B. toothpaste C. cigar D. discos
7. A. country B. tourist C. receipt D. children
8. A. travel B. survive C. worry D. visit
9. A. families B. government C. magazine D. together
10. A. reporter B. racial C. marvelous D. recently

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. "Excuse me. Do you know where the bus terminal is?"
"It is______ the large police station"
A. opposite B. opposed to C. opposite with D. opposite to
12. "Those students will perform the annual school play"
"Yes, it is______ for next week"
A. due B. scheduled C. time-tabled D. put on
13. This new service will be available to all users ______ up for paid membership.
A. that signed B. that signed it C. which signed D. sign
14. That is a story of hardship______ our own situation into perspective.
A. puts C. it puts C. that it puts D. that puts
15. ______ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher.
A. Despite of B. In spite of C. Even though D. Nonetheless
16. ______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite of D. Nevertheless
17. It is said he was a man, ______ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion.
A. who appeared B. he appeared C. that appears D. and appears
18. Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, ______ encountered many
great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods.
A. they B. who C. which D. and
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 59 - School: L Anh Xun
19. A gifted scientist, Newton______ some of the most fundamental laws in the history of science.
A. keeps discovering B. who discovered C. the discoverer of D. discovered
20. As it had not rained for several months, there was a ______ of water.
A. waste B. shortage C. drop D. lost
21. The concert was not successful. Only______ friends came to hear him play.
A. few B. a few C. several D. a little
22. My teacher has given me______ precious advice.
A. a great deal of B. most of C. many D. at lot
23. Vehicles also account______ air pollution in the city.
A. for B. to C. with D. on
24. There is always______ traffic in the city centre in the rush-hour
A. many B. strong C. full D. heavy
25. Thank you very much. It's very______ you to help me.
A. good with B. good of C. good about D. good for

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time.
A. We have a good time because of the terrible weather.
B. We had a good time in spite of the terrible weather.
C. Despite of the terrible weather we had a good time.
D. We didnt have a good holiday because of the terrible weather.
27. I regret taking up smoking
A. I feel sorry for not taking up smoking B. I wish I had taken up smoking
C. I wish I hadn't taken up smoking D. I wish I give up smoking
28. It's too cold for swimming today
A. We could go swimming if it were not so cold today
B. It is not cold enough for swimming today
C. I cannot go swimming today because I have got a cold
D. It is a very cold day today
29. "Have you seen my gloves anywhere, Eric?" asked Mrs. Noble
A. Mrs. Noble asked Eric if he has seen her gloves anywhere
B. Mrs. Noble asked Eric if has he seen her gloves anywhere
C. Mrs. Noble asked Eric if he saw her gloves anywhere.
D. Mrs. Noble asked Eric if he had seen her gloves anywhere.
30. "I will complete the work only if you pay me 500 pounds extra". said Frank.
A. "I will not complete the work if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.
B. "I will not complete the work unless you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.
C. "I will not complete the work if you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.
D. "I will not complete the work unless you pay me 500 pounds extra" said Frank.
hoose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. After the social science lecture (A) all students are invited to (B) take parts in a discussion (C) of the
issues which (D) were raised in the talk.
32. If you (A) lend me that book, I promise that I (B) will give it back (C) by Friday (D) on the latest.
33. He was (A) accused of (B) stealing an old lady in the high street (C) just after she (D) had left the
34. Let me (A) knowing when you (B) come back from your holidays so that we (C) can make
arrangements (D) to meet.
35. This (A) meat is very (B) hard and I think you (C) should ask the (D) chef to cook it for a bit longer.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 60 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Students should be allowed to study without worrying about grades. Fortunately, most educators
are becoming aware of the fact that students have different interests and abilities. However, the
regimentation resulting from grades still exists. Grades often stifle creativity. Competing for better grades
causes many students to turn down opportunities to pursue music, dramatics and sports. Grades impose
an arbitrary standard of success on everyone. I do not demand as some extremists do, that grades be
abolished immediately. However, I do believe that less emphasis should be placed on grades, I hope that
someday grades will become optional at Village High School.

36. Magdalena Smith thinks it is important for______

A. students to get good jobs.
B. students to participate in music, dramatics, and sports.
C. students to compete more for grades.
D. educators to have more control over grades.
37. Which of the following states a fact about grades at Village High School?
A. They are not useful B. They foster unnecessary competition
C. They should be optional D. They are currently in use
38. Grades
A. promote creativity B. enhance competition
C. limit creativity D. limit success
39. Which of the following is NOT an opinion expressed by Magdalena Smith.
A. Grades should be abolished
B. Grades impose arbitrary standards of success.
C. Students should be able to learn without worrying about grades.
D. Competition many discourage students from pursuing subjects such as drama and art
40. Magdalena Smith think that there should be ______
A. more emphasis on grades B. less emphasis
C. less emphasis on music, dramatics and sports
D. less emphasis on an arbitrary standard of success

I do not think it possible for many people at the age of six to be able to predict their future with
(41)_______ accuracy. However, at that age I felt confident enough to inform my mother that I intended
(42)_______ my own zoo and moreover, I added, I would give her a cottage in the grounds to live
(43)_______. If my mother had been and American parents, she (44)_______ me to the nearest
psychiatrist however, being fairly phlegmatic, she merely said she thought that it (45)_______ lovely and
promptly forgot (46)_______. She should have been warned since, from the age of two, I (47)_______
matchboxes and my pockets with a wide variety of the smaller fauna that came (48)_______ my way, so
the progress from a matchbox to a zoo (49)_______ predicted. it is nice to record though that, before she
died, I had fulfilled my promise and (50)_______ her to live in my zoo, not in a cottage but in a manor

41. A. an b. any C. the D. no

42. A. on having B. that I would have C. to have D. having
43. A. - B. in C. at D. by
44. A. must have rushed B. would have rushed probably
C. should probably have rushed D. would probably have rushed
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 61 - School: L Anh Xun
45. B. would be B. was going to be C. had been D. was to be
46. A. - B. all about C. all about it D. about
47. A. was filling B. have filled C. filled D. had been filling
48. A. on B. by C. - D. at
49. A. could be B. could have C. could have been D. may have been
50. A. taking B. have taken C. taken D. take

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. knew B. grew C. sew D. threw
2. A. afraid B. made C. shake D. take
3. A. shoes B. choose C. does D. goose
4. A. bubble B. on C. blunt D. won
5. A. there B. care C. here D. wear

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. celebration B. contribution C. operation D. remarkable
7. A. recognise B. recollect C. recommend D. recipe
8. A. compose B. recent C. gentle D. stupid
9. A. publish B. rewrite C. study D. practise
10. A. exercise B. decorate C. extinguish D. advertise
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. Did you_______ anywhere interesting last weekend?
A. go B. going C. was D. went
12. I work as a teacher and my wife________ too
A. do B. is C. work D. does
13. I think _______ taxi driver
A. her job is B. she's a C. her job is an D. she's
14. What is your hometown__________?
A. situated B. age C. like D. located
15. I'm afraid I_____ here for your birthday party.
A. have not to be B. am not being C. will be not D. can't be
16. How ________ are you?
A. high B. wide C. long D. heavy
17. How long_________ married?
A. have you been B. are you C. have you D. been
18. Would like _______ help?
A. a B. some C. me D. I
19. They___________ go to the cinema
A. a lot B. much C. rare D. seldom
20. He hasn't played since he ________ the accident.
A. had B. has had C. has D. had had
21. This is the best tea I've_____ tasted.
A. never B. ever C. already D. still
22. I'm looking___ the summer holidays
A. before B. forward C. for D. forward to
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 62 - School: L Anh Xun
23. My girlfriend ______ born on the 2nd of September 1974
A. is B. was C. had D. has been
24. The beer tastes_______
A. badly B. lovely C. well D. normaly
25. In life________ can make a mistake; we're all human
A. anyone B. some people C. not anybody D. someone

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Susan wore warm clothes, so she got a cold.
A. If Susan wore warm clothes, she wouldn't get a cold.
B. If Susan wore warm clothes, she wouldn't have got a cold
C. If Susan had worn warm clothes, she wouldn't have got a cold
D. If Susan had worn warm clothes, she wouldn't get a cold.
27. There are no tickets left tonight's performance.
A. The tickets for tonight's performance are left
B. All the tickets for tonight's performance are booked
C. They don't sell the tickets for tonight's performance
D. The tickets for the performance is sold tonight
28. At the end of his speech, Mr. White thanked the organizers
A. Mr. White ended his speech by thanking the organizers
B. The organizers thanked Mr. White for his wonderful speech
C. Mr. White's speech eventually ended.
D. Mr. White thanked the organizers for ending the speech.
29. He just failed to break the world record
A. He broke the world record.
B. He successed in breaking the world record
C. The world record was broken by him
D. He didn't succeed in breaking the world record
30. Who was the previous owner of the car?
A. Nobody owned this car
B. The car didn't have any owner before
C. Who did the car belong to before?
D. He didn't succeed in breaking the world record.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. You should know (A) by now that I cannot (B) stand it when my steak is not (C) cooked properly as I
always have mine well (D) made.
32. You really must (A) more careful when you (B) do your exercises because you (C) did six elementary
mistakes in this (D) one.
33. I (A) see you have some apples (B) for sale and I only want two. Can you please tell me (C) how
much they are (D) the piece?
34. (A) In view of his (B) poor health and also because he found it difficult to (C) breath the doctor (D)
recommended that he moved to a warmer country.
35. I'm (A) afraid the number you want is (B) occupied at the moment so I (C) suggest you (D) ring back

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 63 - School: L Anh Xun
Fast Food Facts
There are more than 300,000 nfast food restaurants in the U.S. Why is fast food so polular?
Because it's convenient, predictable, and fast. Fast food has become a part of the busy American
lifestyle. But nutrition experts point out, fast food is often high in calories, sodium, fat and cholesterol. This
does not mean fast food is bad. But it does mean you should fit fast food into a balanced, healthy diet.
On the average, to maintain desirable weight, men need about 2,700 calories per day and women
need about 2,000 calories per day. It is not well understood why some people can eat much more than
others and still maintain a desirable weight. However, one thing is certain- to lose weight, you must take in
fewer calories than you burn. This means that you must either choose foods with fewer calories, or you
must increase your physical activity, preferably both. Most Americans get more than 40 percent of their
daily calories from fat, the American Heart Association recommends limiting fat to less than 50- 80 grams
per day. Fast food meals can be high in calories, fat, sodium, and cholesterol. See an example on how
easily these red-flag items can add up.
Lately, fast-food chains have noticed that consumers are more health-conscious, and as a result
many chains are adding healthier choices to their menus.

36. Why is fast food so popular in US?

A. Because it is good for your health and it is fast
B. Because American way of life is on fashion
C. Because American people are very busy and fast food is ready to take
D. Because American do not like cooking.
37. If you want to lose weight, what should you do?
A. It is not important what you eat, providing you eat less
B. Take in fewer calories than you spend
C. Eat food which contains less fat and consequently fewer
D. Eat food which contains more fat and more calories.
38. Some people eat much more than others, but still don't put on weight, Why?
A. We don't really know it
B. They burn more calories than others
C. They do not eat fast food meals
D. They need more calories than others
39. What are fast food meals high in?
A. Water, fat and calories B. Fat and cholesterol
C. Salt, fat and cholesterol D. All are correct
40. Is it possible to eat well in a fast food restaurant?
A. Yes, but you shouldn't eat in a fast food restaurant everyday
B. Yes, but only if you choose low in fat and calories meals
C. No, all fast food meals contain too much fat and cholesterol
D. Yes, if the menus have more choices.
Water is our life source. It makes up 70 per cent of (41)_______ bodies and the average person
actually spends 18 months of his life (42)_______ bath or shower.
But we are only now learning how to look (43)_______ water. Acid rain (44)_______ polluted as
many as 18,000 lakes and our seas and rivers are polluted with waste products. It is now (45)_______
expensive to try to repair the damage which has been done. We have some hope for the future, though,
(46)_______ new sources of water have been discovered. People (47)_______ in the Sahara Desert
have (48)_______ fish swimming in deep underground streams. Scientists also believe (49)_______ is a
huge lake underneath London. If we have (50)_______ anything from our mistakes we will try to keep
these new areas of water clean.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 64 - School: L Anh Xun
41. A. the B. their C. our D. these
42. A. in B. to C. on D. at
43. A. over B. on C. after D. to
44. A. will B. has C. would D. is
45. A. very B. such C. more D. much
46. A. which B. because C. so D. even
47. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived
48. A. realized B. put C. looked D. found
49. A. it B. here C. that D. there
50. A. taught B. practised C. known D. learnt

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. steak B. break C. clean D. rate
2. A. lazy B. lapel C. label D. labour
3. A. come B. bone C. bold D. grow
4. A. sugar B. cassette C. fashion D. castle
5. A. allow B. doubt C. brought D. scout

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. person B. contact C. persuade D. purple
7. A. surgeon B. surprise C. surplus D. surface
8. A. complete B. company C. comment D. comical
9. A. comedy B. command C. schooling D. compass
10. A. chemical B. bicycle C. mystery D. recycle
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for________
A. a revision B. a control C. an investigation D. a check-up
12. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a
A. product B. outcome C. amount D. crop
13. When the starter gave the _________ all the competitors in the race began to run round track.
A. signal B. warning C. shot D. show
14. ________ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
15. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ______ new procedures to save time and
A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore
16. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not__________ your television set.
A. change B. adjust C. repair D. switch
17. The crowd at a football match are often_______
A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excitement
18. I'm very _______ in the information you have given me.
A. concerned B. surprised C. bored D. interested
19. I saw a thief Peter's wallet so I ran________ him, but I didn't catch him.
A. into B. after C. over D. near
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 65 - School: L Anh Xun
20. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have to_________ the match till Sunday.
A. put off B. cancel C. play D. put away
21. He is very________ on meeting Vietnamese people and making friends with them.
A. fond B. keen C. sharp D. sensitive
22. We all _________ forward to our summer holidays
A. bring B. carry C. look D. wish
23. He has been absent______ home for a long time.
A. away B. out of C. from D. off
24. That was all she remembered. She couldn't remember_______
A. some more B. any more C. no more D. none more
25. Someone_______ it twenty minutes ago.
A. stolen B. has stolen C. was stolen D. stole

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. There were fewer people in the shop than usual.
A. There were as many people in the shop as usual
B. There were as few people in the shop as usual
C. There were not as many people in the shop as usual
D. There were more people in the shop than usual
27. John Smith used to drive a taxi. This means______
A. he has stopped driving a taxi B. he got used to driving
C. he is used to driving D. he still drives a taxi
28. Mike was not able to finish his homework, so he didn't come to class.
A. If Mike is able to finish his homework, he will come to class
B. If Mike would be able to finish his homework , he would come to class
C. If Mike could finish his homework, he would have come to class
D. If Mike had been able to finish his homework, he would have come to class.
29. "Please do not give anyone that new information but the manager". They said to him.
A. They asked him not to give anyone that new information but the manager.
B. They asked him to do not give anyone that new information but the manager
C. They asked him no give anyone that new information but the manager
D. They asked him to no give anyone that new information but the manager.
30. "I am working all day on Sunday", said he.
A. He said that he was working all day on Sunday
B. He said that he will have worked all day on Sunday
C. He said that he will have worked all day on Sunday
D. He said that he might have worked all day on Sunday

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. The secretary (A) said me (B) that I (C) would receive a letter (D) from him soon.
32. "Romeo and Juliet" (A) is one of the (B) more exciting (C) films I have ever (D) seen.
33. Mr. Brown, (A) his picture you saw (B) in the newspaper (C) lives next door (D) to us.
34. Good scientists (A) always cooperate (B) with each other no matter (C) how their nationalities (D)
35. They (A) don't like coffee (B) and Mary (C) doesn't, (D) too.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 66 - School: L Anh Xun
Good health is important to everyone. Without good health, you cannot perform you daily activities.
You will not be able to work, study and even enjoy your food.
Personal hygiene is one of the ways to good health. Personal hygiene means taking care of the
cleanliness of your body. A good bath with plenty of soap and water once a day is a must in a hot country
like ours. Wearing clean clothes is also important. Nails, hair and teeth must always be looked after and
kept clean. Hair can be kept long provided you wash it with a suitable shampoo at least two times a week.
Brushing your teeth, especially after your meals is a sure way to prevent dental decay.
Next is eating a balanced diet. As you know, there are so many classes of food such as
carbohydrates, fat, proteins, vitamins, minerals and roughage. So, our meals must contain food from all
the different classes. Growing children must eat food containing proteins such as fish, meat, eggs, and
pulses. Proteins hold to build strong bodies. Carbohydrates and fat provide us with energy. Vitamins and
minerals give us general good health. It is very healthy to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your
diet. Drinking plenty of water is necessary as it replaces the water that is lost from our bodies.
Regular exercise also helps to keep us in good health. Exercise can building strong muscles and
bones. It also improves the circulation of blood in our bodies. Any form of exercise like jogging or
swimming can be done to keep fit. Rest and relaxation are necessary, too. Our bodies need rest after
being active, and one good way of resting is to sleep. We must have enough hours of sleep to allow our
bodies to relax.
Relaxation helps to reduce our stress and tension sin our daily life. We can either relax by listening
to music or by doing something that we enjoy. Hence, it is good to have an interesting hobby.

36. Why is it important to have good health?

A. It helps you reduce your stress
B. You can do anything you like
C. You cannot perform you daily activities
D. You cannot eat the food you like
37. According to the text, how can tooth decay be prevented?
A. By taking care of your body
B. By brushing your teeth after meals
C. By doing regular exercise
D. By relaxation
38. Why do growing children need more protein?
A. To get more energy B. To do exercise
C. To perform daily activities D. To build strong bodies
39. What are benefits of regular exercises?
A. Taking care of the cleanliness of your body
B. Building strong muscles and bones
C. Improving the circulation of blood in our bodies.
40. Why is it encouraged to have a hobby?
A. To keep hair long B. To relax
C. To eat balanced diet D. To get more proteins

Traffic in our cities

The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand. This causes many
problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents. Clearly,
something must be done, but it is often difficult to (41)_______ people to change their habits and leave
their cars at home.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 67 - School: L Anh Xun
One possible approach is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by (42)_______
charges of parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who (43)_______ the law. In addition, drivers
could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. This system (44)_______
as "road pricing", is already being introduced in a (45)_______ of cities, using a special electronic card
fixed to the windscreen of the car.
Another way of (46)_______ with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the (47)_______ of
the city, and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the center. Drivers and their passengers
then use a special bus service for the (48)_______ stage of their journey.
Of course, the most important thing is to provide good public transport. However, to get people to
(49)_______ the comfort of their cars, public transport must be felt to be reliable, convenient and
comfortable, with fares (50)_______ at an acceptable level.

41. A. make B. arrange C. suggest D. persuade

42. A. enlarging B. increasing C. growing D. developing
43. A. crosses B. refuses C. breaks D. cracks
44. A. named B. seen C. called D. known
45. A. quantity B. number C. total D. sum
46. A. doing B. handling C. dealing D. solving
47. A. outskirts B. border C. outside D. limit
48. A. late B. end C. complete D. final
49. A. pass on B. throw away C. give up D. leave out
50. A. taken B. kept C. given D. stood

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. slogan B. motor C. total D. copper
2. A. replace B. purchase C. palace D. tense
3. A. absent B. recent C. descent D. present
4. A. promise B. devise C. surprise D. realize
5. A. liable B. livid C. revival D. final

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. commentary B. alert C. legal D. model
7. A. register B. regular C. request D. reference
8. A. sonic B. curious C. suspicous D. numerous
9. A. voluntary B. compulsory C. necessary D. stationary
10. A. comfortable B. remarkable C. teenager D. sensible
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. I'll hand over all my files to my assistant before I ________
A. am leaving B. leave C. will leave D. shall leave
12. By the time Brown's daughter graduates__________ retired
A. he B. he has C. he'll being D. he'll have
13. How long has the property__________ to your family?
A. belonged B. belonging C. belongs D. been belonging
14. According to________ surveys, the majority of Britons want capital punishment restored.
A. the most B. most C. most of D. the most of
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 68 - School: L Anh Xun
15. You __________continue. You've made your point clearly enough already
A. needn't B. mustn't C. don't have D. won't
16. Only _________ research has been carried out in this field.
A. a little B. a few C. few D. not much
17. When the company has to close because of economic difficulties he becomes_______
A. inconsiderable B. redundant C. deliberate D. unsatisfactory
18. Since 1950 ________ at football matches has fallen by nearly fifty percent.
A. discipline B. entertainment C. attendance D. competition
19. Lord Gurney was a very_________ man in the village.
A. unlike B. impossible C. unpopular D. uninterested
20. I will have your car__________ soon.
A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired
21. I disagree. My ideas are entirely opposite__________ yours.
A. to B. from C. of D. against
22. The more________ we walk, the longer it will take us to get home.
A. slowest B. slower C. slowly D. slow
23. Would you _____________ opening the window, please?
A. care B. mind C. like D. help
24. I'll you just one more story before you go to sleep.
A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk
25. Your car is very__________ It hardly seems to use any petrol at all.
A. economical B. economic C. ecumenical D. ecological
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. They signed the contract at lunchtime.
A. They were signed the contract at lunchtime
B. At lunchtime, the contract were signed by them
C. The contract at lunchtime was signed at lunchtime by them
D. The contract was signed at lunchtime
27. They saw him searching the truck.
A. He is seen searching the truck
B. He was seen searching the truck
C. He is seen in search the truck
D. He was being seen searching the truck
28. "Can you driver a car?", he asked.
A. He asked if I can driver a car
B. He asked if I could driver a car
C. He asked if could I driver a car
D. He asked if can I drive a car
29. His parents made him do it
A. He was made do it
B. He was made his parents to do it
C. His parents were made to do it
D. He was made to do it
30. Someone ought to do something about it
A. Something about it ought to be done
B. Something ought to be done about it
C. Someone ought to be done about it
D. It ought to be done something about it
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 69 - School: L Anh Xun
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. (A) Looked around, he (B) realized that he was the (C) only passenger (D) left on the bus.
32. (A) Catching (B) at Regent's park, (C) the elephant (D) was taken back to the zoo.
33. My sister succeeded (A) in (B) study English (C) at school five years (D) ago.
34. He (A) left (B) home very early (C) in order that arrive the airport (D) in time.
35. The teacher (A) told that Shakespeare (B) was a famous playwright (C) in the English (D) literature.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Mane people like to keep pets. Dogs and cats are very popular pets. Some people, however, keep
birds or goldfish. They need less space and are easier to look after.
If you want to have a pet, you can buy one from a pet shop but you must be careful to buy a sick
animal. It is best if you know something about the pet you want. This helps you choose a healthy pet.
However if you do not have much money and know very little about animals, you can visit the Royal
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).
The first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded in England in 1821. It was
set up to make sure that all animals are treated with kindness. The RSPCA in Hong Kong carries out this
aim. The RSPCA officers collect animals which have no homes and are left in the street. They look after
them until they are healthy again. People visiting the RSPCA may choose their pets from these animals
and you can be sure that you will get a healthy pet. If later your pet becomes ill, you can take it to the
doctors at RSPCA for treatment.
When you have a pet, it is very important that you look after it properly. You must remember to feed
it at suitable times. You should also give it a clean and comfortable place to rest. Your pet will be happy
and healthy if you love it and care for it properly.

36. Many people love to_______

A. own a pet shop B. keep pets C. look after sick pets D. buy and sell pets
37. According to the passage, what kind of pet needs more space?
A. A dog B. A bird C. A goldfish D. A mouse
38. What can help you choose a healthy pet?
A. Being careful with your money B. learning about a pet you want
C. Having a lot of money D. Visiting many pet shops
39. The first society for the Prevention of Cruetly for Animals was founded_______
A. in 1924 B. more than 1000 years ago
C. in England D. in 1842
40. What does the RSPCA do with sick and homeless animals?
A. Leave them in the street B. Make them healthy again
C. Give them to people who cure sick pets D. Sell them to pet shops.
A Welsh Festival

Wales has a population of about three million. English is the main language and only twenty per
cent speak both Welsh and English. Every year (41)_______ August there is a Welsh-speaking festival. It
(42)_______ place in a different town each year so everyone has the chance for it to be near them. Local
people (43)_______ year making plans for when the festival will be in (44)_______ town.
Each festival is (45)_______ by about 160,000 people. They travel not only from nearby towns and
villages (46)_______ also from the rest of the British Isles and (47)_______ from abroad. There are
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 70 - School: L Anh Xun
concerts, plays and (48)_______ to find the best singers, poets, writers and so on. Shops sell Welsh
music, books, pictures and clothes as (49)_______ as food and drink. The festival provides a chance for
Welsh-speaking people to be together for a whole week, with (50)_______ Welsh language all around

41. A. on B. by C. in D. at
42. A. takes B. finds C. has D. makes
43. A. pass B. put C. spend D. do
44. A. our B. their C. his D. its
45. A. arrive B. attended C. joined D. come
46. A. but B. and C. since D. however
47. A. just B. hardly C. quite D. even
48. A. tests B. examinations C. competitions D. races
49. A. long B. far C. good D. well
50. A. one B. a C. the D. some

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. houses B. faces C. horse D. places
2. A. pudding B. put C. bull D. puncture
3. A. medicine B. then C. help D. reflect
4. A. season B. treasure C. pleasure D. dreadful
5. A. danger B. angel C. anger D. magic

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. eating B. requests C. follow D. notice
7. A. listen B. cancel C. travel D. regret
8. A. author B. painter C. permit D. surfing
9. A. detail B. distress C. symbol D. sausage
10. A. embarrassing B. communicate C. advertisement D. babysitting
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. She has just bought_________
A. an old interesting painting French B. old an interesting painting French
C. a French old interesting painting D. an interesting old French painting
12. He looks younger than his wife, in _______ fact he is a lot older.
A. actual B. actually C. action D. acting
13. _______ those present were the Prime Minister and his wife.
A. Whatever B. Actually C. Among D. Whoever
14. He didn't wear warm clothes______ cold it was.
A. whenever B. however C. whoever D. whatever
15. What is the synonym of trader?
A. vendor B. merchant C. seller D. business
16. I have known Jack________ ten years
A. since B. in C. almost D. for
17. What do you call the person who collects stamps?
A. stamper B. collector C. collecting stamps D. stamp collector
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 71 - School: L Anh Xun
18. The New Oxford Garage is_________ for more salesmen.
A. advertising B. informing C. requesting D. advising
19. I have three books. One is mine________ are yours.
A. the others B. another C. the other D. others
20. You are________ your time trying to persuade him. He will never help.
A. wasting B. spending C. losing D. missing
21. He learnt that the house was for sale through a (n)_________
A. billboard B. product C. advertising D. advertisement
22. We are very disappointed _________ her exam results.
A. by B. with C. for D. to
23. She is always afraid________ ghost.
A. by B. of C. for D. with
24. _______ of you broke that window will have to pay for it.
A. Whoever B. However C. Whichever D. Whatever
25. He will graduate in __________ two years.
A. another B. other C. the other D. others

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Payment must be made at the time of booking
A. You must pay before you book
B. You are not allowed to pay before you book
C. You must pay when you book
D. You can delay payment when you book
27. The team is sponsored by a tourist company
A. The team is part of the company
B. The team is a local one
C. The company is giving money to support the team's activities.
28. Should you see Eric, tell him I haven't forgotten my promise.
A. You must see Eric and tell him I haven't forgotten my promise.
B. You really ought to see Eric and tell him I haven't forgotten my promise
C. If you see Eric, tell him I haven't forgotten my promise
D. If you had seen Eric, you could have told him I hadn't forgotten my promise
29. You needn't have bought me an expensive birthday present.
A. There was no need to buy me an expensive birthday present but you did.
B. There was no need to buy me an expensive birthday present and you didn't
C. Why didn't you buy me an expensive birthday present?
D. I am glad you didn't buy me an expensive birthday present
30. People who live by the river are often good swimmers
A. People who live far from the river cannot swim
B. To be a good swimmer you need to live by the river
C. They are good swimmers because they live by the river
D. Good swimmers often live by the river
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. To eliminate (A) any delays on handover we would (B) remember you to bring (C) all the (D)
necessary documentation.
32. I (A) would like (B) to express my (C) thankfulness to you for your (D) business.
33. Foreign (A) ministers from the six countries involved (B) have gon (C) to the conference (D) last
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 72 - School: L Anh Xun
34. After about (A) an one hour the director (B) appeared and announced that there (C) would be no (D)
35. The point (A) of these event is (B) to give colleagues a chance to (C) recognize each (D) other

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

One of the most dangerous drugs for pregnant women to consume is alcohol . Because alcohol.
Because alcohol is delivered quickly into the blood and passes quickly into the tissues and membranes,
the human fetus is particularly vulnerable to its effects. In fact, the negative effects on a fetus are so
pronounced that babies born after exposure to alcohol are said to be suffering from fetal alcohol
As a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, the alcohol is passed into her bloodstream almost
simultaneously. Moreover, because the bloodstream of the fetus is inextricably tied to that of the mother,
the alcohol passes directly into the bloodstream of the fetus as well. And what is more, the concentration
of alcohol in the fetus is exactly the same as in the mother. For the mother, this concentration is not a
problem because her liver can remove one ounce of alcohol from her system per hour. However, the
fetus's liver is not completely developed (how developed it is depends on its stage of development). The
rate at which it is able to eliminate the alcohol from the blood of the fetus is much slower. Eventually, the
alcohol will be returned to the mother's system by passing across the placenta, but this process is slow.
By the time this takes place, major neurological damage may have already occurred. Research has
shown that as little as one drink of alcohol can produce significant, irreversible damage to the fetus.
Babies born after exposure to alcohol generally exhibit facial distortion, inability to concentrate, and
difficulty in remembering. Simply speaking, it is imperative that pregnant women avoid alcohol.

36. What is the main topic of this reading?

A. Women and drugs B. The dangers of pregnancy
C. The fetus and alcohol D. Drinking and the human body
37. How much time can it be inferred that it takes alcohol to enter a woman's bloodstream after she
takes a drink?
A. about one hour B. a few seconds
C. several minutes D. at least 24 hours
38. According to the passage, how does the concentration of alcohol in a fetus compare to that in the
A. The concentration is more B. The concentration is less
C. The concentration is equivalent D. The concentration cannot be measured
39. It can be inferred that the development of a fetal liver depends on
A. how many months pregnant the mother is
B. how much alcohol the mother has consumed
C. how large the fetus is
D. how well the mother has taken care of the fetus.
40. According to the passage, how is alcohol finally returned to the mother's system?
A. It is carried through the bloodstream B. It is transferred across the placenta
C. It is expelled by the fetus's liver D. It is not completely returned
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 73 - School: L Anh Xun
How Television has changed

You really have to get very old before you realize you're old. I'm in my middle fifties and I don't feel
old yet. However, sometimes I look back at my childhood and (41)_______ things to the way life is for
(42)_______ kids. Some things have certainly changed.
One area of change is television. Some changes have been improvements. Some changes, on the
other hand, have been (43)_______
When I started school, most people didn't have a television; TV was just beginning to get
(44)_______ My father decided to go all out and buy a 16 inch black and white Motorola set. I still
remember watching the Lone Ranger save people from the (45)_______ guys on that awesome
electronic machine. That was exciting!
Now, (46)_______ have larger pictures in full color. The pictures are clearer and the sound is much
more realistic. The new high definition sets are made to rival (47)_______ screens.
The variety and quantity of programming has (48)_______ greatly. There are hundreds of channels and
more shows than one person could ever watch. There are many fine entertainment and educational
(49)_______ There's also a lot of garbage, stuff that most parents don't want their kids exposed to.
Overall, we have more choices, and that is good.
I wonder what (50)_______ will be like when today's kids are my age.

41. A. forget B. remember C. compare D. miss

42. A. tomorrow's B. today's C. yesterday's D. poor
43. A. great B. huge C. setbacks D. remarkable
44. A. gone B. replaced C. expensive D. popular
45. A. old B. good C. bad D. best
46. A. films B. movies C. billboards D. televisions
47. A. movie B. video C. watch D. telephone
48. A. loss B. increased C. decreased D. played
49. A. books B. shows C. authors D. awards
50. A. movies B. food C. cars D. television

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. suitable B. biscuits C. guilty D. building
2. A. physical B. philosophy C. psychology D. biology
3. A. hello B. hour C. hate D. hit
4. A. this B. though C. those D. thin
5. A. hand B. nation C. brave D. basic

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. explanation B. celebrating C. fortunately D. calculator
7. A. absolutely B. exhibition C. affirmative D. opposition
8. A. office B. police C. service D. story
9. A. advise B. hurry C. matter D. happen
10. A. manageable B. magnificient C. considerate D. analysis

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 74 - School: L Anh Xun
11. Please Mr. Smith if I ______ him next week.
A. am seeing B. can be seeing C. will be seen D. see
12. You_______ to register for this course.
A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. don't need D. can have
13. We have been working hard. Let's ______ a break.
A. do B. take C. make D. find
14. As you drive down the road, take the ______, and you will see his house ahead.
A. left second B. turn second C. turn left D. left turning
15. He has lost a lot of weight________ he went on that diet.
A. in time B. since C. even though D. when
16. ________ you ever been to England.
A. Are B. Do C. Have D. Were
17. We are talking about the writer _______ book is best-selling.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. fast
18. My______ to work takes an hour.
A. travel B. journey C. driving D. way
19. How_______ can you drive through town?
A. long B. far C. much D. fast
20. How long does it__________ to travel from London to Oxford by train.
A. cost B. take C. last D. need
21. I've got a ______ in my arm.
A. hurt B. pain C. ache D. disease
22. The film made her__________
A. crying B. cry C. to cry D. cried
23. My exam result disappointing. I wish I__________ it better.
A. cost B. take C. last D. need
24. I__________ home for work at eight o'clock every morning.
A. leave B. start C. go D. walk
25. This book________ written recently.
A. was B. has been C. had been D. is

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. People often say that he is a talented actor.
A. He is often said to be a talented actor.
B. people are often said that he is a talented actor.
C. He often said that he is a talented actor.
D. He is often said that he is a talented actor.
27. I began to learnt English a long time ago.
A. I have learnt English so long ago.
B. I have learnt English long time.
C. I have learnt English for a long time.
D. I have learnt English for many time.
28. They had to cancel the match because of the bad weather.
A. The football match had cancelled because of the bad weather.
B. The football match had to be cancelled because of the bad weather.
C. Although the weather was bad, the football match took place.
D. The football match was had to cancel because of the bad weather.
29. No one has used this machine for three years.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 75 - School: L Anh Xun
A. This machine has been used for three years.
B. This machine has to be used for three years.
C. This machine has not used three years.
D. This machine has not been used for three years.
30. Do not disturb.
A. Go this way. B. Don't go inside
C. Don't close the door D. Knock and enter

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Those employees (A) which were working (B) on the upper floors of the building (C) were unaware
(D) of the fire.
32. The (A) most cheapest way (B) to buy (C) those products is (D) to offer cash.
33. They wanted to (A) leave in America (B) in order (C) to fulfill their (D) aspirations.
34. The (A) main reason (B) for further (C) study is (D) for to get a better job.
35. (A) Businesses are responsible (B) to the International Revenue Service (C) to keep accurate (D)
financial records.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

The Polygraph
When we tell lies, we usually fear getting caught. This fear causes small changes in our bodies.
Our hearts beat more quickly, our blood flows faster and we breathe harder. A machine called a polygraph
or lie detector, measures these changes. It can tell if a person is lying. Police often use lie detectors to
question suspects. Companies use polygraphs to screen people for jobs or to investigate theft. However,
people cannot be forced to take lie detector tests. The person being tested wears an arm band that
attaches to the polygraph. At first the person is asked simple questions such as. "What is your name?"
From answers to these types of questions, the machine measures the person's normal body activity. If a
person tells the truth there is little or no change in the polygraph. Later, the questions, the machine
measures the person's normal body activity. If a person tells the truth there is little or no change in the
polygraph. Later, the questions are more pointed. They focus more and more on what the tester really
wants to know. If the answers cause a large change on the polygraph it may mean the person is lying.
Polygraphs are not always right. They sometimes measure changes a person might feel even when
telling the truth.
This is especially true when the tester has not been trained to ask questions the right way. People
can sometimes learn to control their emotions and fool the lie detector, too. Still, polygraphs are very
useful in many kinds of police work.
36. What is the machine called that can tell if a person is lying?
A. a screening machine B. a polygraph
C. a fib detector D. none of the above
37. How is a person connected to this machine?
A. electrical wires B. by a chest strap C. by an arm strap D. none of the above
38. How does the machine know if you are lying?
A. It watches your eyes
B. It measures changes in the body
C. It check to see if you are crossing your fingers
D. It tells the truth.
39. How can someone fool a lie detector?
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 76 - School: L Anh Xun
A. they cannot B. unplugging it
C. controlling their emotions D. none of the above
40. What happens if you tell the truth?
A. There is little or no change in the polygraph.
B. The polygraph will not work.
C. The tester asked the wrong questions.
D. None of the above.

A village is a quiet place where the influence of the city is not (41)_______ mucj. It is indeed a very
good place for rest and relaxation.
In village people do not live very close to one another. Their houses are far (42)_______. Each
house therefore has a lot of (43)_______ around it. So, almost every house is (44)_______ by flowers
and fruit plants and vegetables. All these make the village look (45)_______ and fresh. There are also tall
trees everywhere which provide (46)_______ from the sun and keep the village (47)_______
Some villages are surrounded by rice fields or mountains. There are also many streams and rivers
in many villages. All these (48)_______ great beauty and variety to village scene.
The village people are friendly and helpful. They work together and live in (49)_______ Living
among (50)_______ friendly and simple people in such a quiet place is indeed a real pleasure.

41. A. done B. made C. felt D. interesting

42. A. apart B. away C. from D. along
43. A. air B. space C. areas D. environment
44. A. covered B. occupied C. grown D. surrounded
45. A. green B. blue C. beauty D. gray
46. A. shadow B. light C. heat D. shade
47. A. hot B. cold C. cool D. fresh
48. A. make B. plus C. add D. increase
49. A. happy B. friendly C. well D. peace
50. A. so B. with C. such D. between

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. hasty B. nasty C. tasty D. waste
2. A. seize B. measure C. confusion D. tension
3. A. distribute B. tribe C. trial D. triangle
4. A. learn B. clergy C. heart D. worth
5. A. cream B. creature C. bean D. clean

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. cottage B. cotton C. success D. petal
7. A. promote B. bury C. control D. prevent
8. A. frighten B. approve C. accept D. remind
9. A. pleasant B. system C. genuine D. surprised
10. A. generate B. guarantee C. experience D. currency

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 77 - School: L Anh Xun
11. ________ you like a cup of coffee? No, thanks
A. Do B. Would C. Will D. Could
12. I don't know what to do this evening. What about______ to the movies?
A. homework B. housework C. going D. goes
13. I dont like doing the_____, especially cleaning the windows.
A. homework B. housework C. jobs D. occupation
14. My favorite_____ is literature.
A. play B. game C. subject D. activity
15. My mother is very _____ at cooking.
A. well B. good C. popular D. famous
16. Time_____, it's difficult to believe that we've been here all day
A. flows B. flies C. flees D. files
17. I haven't seen Jenny_____
A. for a long time B. in the last time C. since long D. lastly
18. If you hurry, you will be in Burton_____ midnight.
A. until B. while C. on D. by
19. Don't drink so much tea, it's bad_____ your stomach.
A. by B. in C. on D. for
20. It's nice to be_____ friends.
A. under B. between C. among D. by
21. she spends all her money _____clothes.
A. for B. on C. in D. to
22. _____ study hard when you were at school?
A. Must you B. Had you C. Did you have to D. Were you
23. I don't agree_____ what you said.
A. to B. with C. by D. for
24. Can you_____ me five pounds?
A. lend B. borrow C. rent D. do
25. Please, drive_____ you're making me nervous.
A. slow B. more slowly C. more slow D. slowlier

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Please hand in your key at the desk.
A. Do not lock the room B. Keep you key safe
C. Lock your desk before leaving D. Leave your key at the desk
27. Please ask if you need a porter to help with your luggage.
A. You must carry the luggage yourself.
B. Porters are available if your need any help with your luggage
C. Ask a porter if you need your luggage
D. A porter will come if you ring
28. I saw it with my own eyes - so I believe it.
A. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.
B. If I saw it with my own eyes, I would believe it.
C. If I had seen it with my own eyes, I would have believed it
D. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it.
29. The police are inspecting the scene of the robbery.
A. The scene of the robbery is inspected by the police
B. The scene of the robbery was inspected by the police
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 78 - School: L Anh Xun
C. The scene of the robbery is being inspected by the police
D. The scene of the robbery were inspected by the police
30. We hope to hear from you soon.
A. We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
B. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
C. You are looking forward to hear from us soon.
D. You are looking forward to hearing from us soon.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. For years, elephants were (A) hunted for food and ivory, and as a result (B) their (C) numbers have
been (D) greatly reduced.
32. Different (A) species of octopuses may measure (B) anywhere from two inches (C) to over thirty feet
(D) in long.
33. George Washington Carver found (A) hundred of uses for the peanut, the sweet potato, and the
soybean and thus (B) stimulated the (C) cultivation of these (D) crops.
34. conservative philosophers (A) argue that the very structure of society (B) is threatening by civil
disobedience, (C) while humanists (D) stress the primacy of the individual conscience.
35. (A) Since 1971 the (B) regional corporations set up in Alaska by congress (C) managing everything
from fishing to (D) banking.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Halloween Fun by Makoto Nakazawa

Halloween is one of the most famous holidays in the U.S, and it is on October 31. People carve
pumpkins and make funny faces on them. These are called "Jack -O- Lanterns". On October 31, children
wear a special costume such as a witch, ghost, or clown. They go to many houses and they knock on the
door saying, "Trick or Treat!" It means that if people don't give them a treat, they will play some kind of
trick on the household. So, usually people give candy to them.
I carved my first Halloween pumpkin at my Friendship Family's house. First, I cut open the top of
the pumpkin and pulled the seeds out. It was not good for me because it was sticky and smelled bad. I
had never carved a pumpkin, so it was interesting for me. Next, I carved the eyes and the mouth. I
wanted to make a face like a pirate. When I finished making the face, I put a candle inside. It was very
beautiful, so I was happy.
I had a good experience because I learned one new idea about American culture by taking part in
it. I think Halloween is an interesting American holiday which involves all family members and neighbors

36. When is Halloween celebrated?

A. At the beginning of October B. During the Fall
C. at the end of October D. about 3 months before Christmas
37. Which is true about Halloween?
A. Children rarely say, "Trick or Treat!"
B. Stores sell many costumes, pumpkins and candles
C. Children receive gifts from their parents.
D. A with or ghost may come to your door.
38. Which is NOT true about a Jack-O-Lantern?
A. It is made from a pumpkin.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 79 - School: L Anh Xun
B. You should have a knife to make it.
C. You should light a candle inside it to make it beautiful.
D. You fill it with candy for children.
39. What is the first step in making a Jack-O-Lantern?
A. Carve the face B. Pull out the seeds
C. Put a candle inside D. Cut open the top of the pumpkin
40. The author had a good experience of American culture by _______
A. taking part in Halloween B. living in American
C. making a Jack-O-Lantern D. going to many houses on Halloween

Samuel Pepys
The most of famous diary in English was written by Samuel Pepys. It gives a detailed and
interesting (41)_______ of everyday life in England (42)_______1660 and 1669. Pepys writes about
important news stories of the time, like disease, an enemy navy (43)_______up the river Thames, and the
Great Fire of London.
He also writes about himself, even about his (44)_______- He often slept during church or
(45)_______ at the pretty girls. He describes his home life- a (46)_______ with his wife and how they
became friends again, his worry about her illness. As well as books he liked music, the theatre, card
(47)_______, and parties with good food and (48)_______ of fun. Pepys was a busy man who had many
important (49)_______. He was a member of Parliament and President of Royal Society. He is also
(50)_______ for his work for the British Navy.

41. A. description B. letter C. notice D. story

42. A. between B. from C. through D. to
43. A. driving B. flying C. running D. sailing
44. A. accidents B. plans C. dreams D. faults
45. A. looked B. prayed C. talked D. met
46. A. conversation B. discussion C. quarrel D. talk
47. A. battles B. games C. matches D. plays
48. A. amount B. plenty C. much D. some
49. A. acts B. hobbies C. jobs D. studies
50. A. reviewed B. remembered C. reminded D. reported

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. evening B. key C. secret D. eye
2. A. kite B. fine C. principle D. knife
3. A. both B. bottle C. cotton D. hot
4. A. catch B. bag C. lab D. gate
5. A. ceiling B. country C. cake D. cooker
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. complain B. bargain C. certain D. conscious
7. A. advantage B. dynamic C. scholarship D. abundant
8. A. separate B. moderate C. marvelous D. resemble
9. A. wonder B. amuse C. fancy D. bother
10. A. furious B. specific C. powerful D. friendly
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 80 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. Let's play cards _______ dinner.
A. since B. after C. on D. for
12. We met when we were __________
A. in holiday B. during holiday C. on holiday D. by holiday
13. It looks ________ rain.
A. like B. as C. so D. for
14. Why__________ school yesterday?
A. hasn't she been at B. she wasn't at C. isn't she gone to D. wasn't she at
15. ______ boots were they left them.
A. The three players' B. The three player's
C. The three players D. Three players' their
16. He______________
A. will be here soon B. will here be soon C. will be soon here D. soon will be here
17. I'll wait here___________ 8 o'clock.
A. since B. by C. for D. until
18. When ___________ give us your final decision?
A. are you B. will you C. going out to D. you going to
19. ________________________.
A. I waited for at the airport long eight hours.
B. I waited for at the airport eight long hours.
C. At the airport for eight long hours I waited.
D. I waited at the airport for eight long hours.
20. One of our lawyers_________ the case.
A. has studying B. has been studying
C. was studied D. had studying
21. It was Friday afternoon and he shops were full________ customers.
A. of B. in C. by D. with
22. ___________ is often made of wood.
A. Items of furniture B. Furniture
C. A piece of furniture D. Furnitures
23. This young man can get along not only with girls, but also with _______ parents.
A. they're B. their's C. theirs D. their
24. The driver_______ to read a newspaper while he_______ for the lights to change.
A. had started- waited B. has started- has been waiting
C. was starting- has waited D. started- was waiting
25. ________ did you say_________ called?
A. What- what were you B. How- you were
C. What- you were D. What- how were you

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. "Why don't you wait by the phone box, Brenda?" said Leslie.
A. Leslie suggested that Brenda should wait by the phone box
B. Leslie asked Brenda why she waited by the phone box
C. Leslie asked Brenda why she hadn't waited by the phone box
D. Leslie wanted to know why she didn't wait by the phone box
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 81 - School: L Anh Xun
27. After a long chase the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief.
A. Although the police chased the thief for a long time, they couldn't arrest him.
B. It took the police a long time to chase the thief, but they couldn't arrest him.
C. After a long chase, the police finally arrested the thief.
D. It was too difficult to arrest the thief.
28. His handwrting is so small that I can hardly read it.
A. His handwriting is too bad to read
B. He is used to small writing so I can hardly read it
C. His handwrting is the smallest I have ever read.
D. He has such small writing that I can hardly read it.
29. Someone has to pick the visitors up from the airport.
A. The visitors have to be picked up from the airport.
B. The visitors have to be seen off at the airport.
C. Someone has to see the visitors off from the airport.
D. The visitors came here by plane.
30. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early.
A. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early.
B. To everyone's surprise, Geoff left the party early.
C. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff come to the party early.
D. Geoff surprised everyone at the party by his early coming.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) Most of the (B) production like (C) fruit and vegetables that you find in this supermarket has been
(D) imported.
32. (A) Remember that if you buy something expensive, it's very important to (B) keep the (C) recipe just
(D) in case there's a problem.
33. She never (A) wears ordinary (B) cloths when she does the (C) gardening specially (D) during the
34. When you buy (A) items like perfume and (B) jewellery on the plane itself, you can usually (C) save
money because the goods are less (D) valuable.
35. We were having such an (A) enjoyable time on our holiday that we (B) visited our travel agent at the
airport and asked (C) whether it would be possible to (D) lengthen our stay by another week.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

Immigrants Suffer from Losing Their Identity by Howard Kim

Language is a way to communicate with each other. We started to learn language when we were
born. However, people are used to speaking their native language, so immigrants are having many
problems between the first generation and the second generation because they don't have the same
native language. Also, the second generation is losing their identity. Especially in America, there are many
immigrants that came from different countries to succeed in the States. Because they suffer in lots of
areas such as getting a job and trying to speak English, they want their children to speak English, not only
at school, but also at home in order to be more successful. Because of this situation, their children are
losing their ethnic identity and even more, they are ignoring their parents whose English is not very good.
For example, my aunt, who has been living in Chicago for fifteen years, has three children and they
were all born in the States. The eighteen-year-old daughter speaks English as a native language and she
speak Korean very well, too. She has no problems talking with her parents, but she still doesn't
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 82 - School: L Anh Xun
understand Korean jokes, and there are sometimes misunderstandings. The second daughter is fourteen
years old, and she doesn't want to speak Korean. My aunt often gets upset with her because she is very
Americanized and they cannot understand each other. Even when my aunt punishes her, this daughter
does not understand what my aunt is talking about. I felt sympathy for my aunt whenever my fourteen
year old cousin said. "Mom, what is your problems?". The third child is a twelve year old son. He speaks
English to his parents and my aunt speaks Korean to him as she does to the second daughter. He also
has a problem communicating with his parents. My aunt is trying to teach him to speak both languages
very well, but it is very hard for him because he speaks English all day and does not understand why he
should learn to speak Korean.
We must realize that language is important and valuable for many reasons. Immigrants should
make and effort not to be ignored by their children and to make their children understand their heritage by
teaching them the parent's language. This is very important, not only for the harmony of the family, but
also in helping the second generation establish their identity.

36. Look at the title and scan the article quickly. What do you think this article will be about?
A. Learning a second language
B. Immigrants who become sick in the U.S
C. Language and its effect on the identity of immigrants
D. Schools attended by immigrants to the U.S
37. Which of these statements is NOT true according to the first paragraph of the article?
A. Second generation immigrants are usually eager to learn their parent's native language.
B. It is often hard for first and second generation family members to communicate with each other.
C. Because second generation immigrant children often speak only English, they may lose their
ethnic identity.
D. Sometimes second generation immigrant children ignore their parents because of language
38. Which of the following is NOT true about the 18 year old daughter?
A. She was born in the U.S
B. She speaks only English very well; her Korean is poor.
C. She gets along better with her parents than her brother and other sister do.
D. She doesn't understand Korean jokes well.
39. Which is NOT a reason that the 14 year old sister has problems with her mother.
A. She doesn't want to speak Korean
B. She doesn't love her mother
C. She is very Americanized.
D. She does not understand her mother when she gets punished.
40. To whom does the mother speak Korean?
A. Her oldest daughter only B. All of her children
C. Her two daughters only D. Only to her son.

We are all slowly destroying the earth. The sea and the rivers are (41)_______ dirty to swim in.
There is (42)_______ smoke in the air that it is unhealthy to live in many of the world's cities. In one well-
known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars pollute the air (43)_______ that traffic policemen
have to wear oxygen masks.
We have cut down (44)_______ trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world.
As a result, farmers in parts of Africa cannot grow (45)_______ to eat. In certain countries in Asia there is
(46)_______ little rice. Moreover, we do not take (47)_______ care of the countryside. Wild animals are
quickly disappearing. For instance, tigers are rare in India now because we have killed (48)_______ for
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 83 - School: L Anh Xun
them to survive. However, it isn't (49)_______ simple to talk about the problem. We must act now before it
is (50)_______ late to do anything about it. Join us now. Save the earth. This is too important to ignore.

41. A. so B. too C. so much D. too much

42. A. many B. much C. so much D. so many
43. A. many B. much C. so much D. so many
44. A. a lot B. a lot of C. many D. so many
45. A. enough B. too C. many D. so
46. A. enough B. less C. much D. so
47. A. enough B. less C. fewer D. so
48. A. many B. much C. so much D. so may
49. A. enough B. too C. so much D. so
50. A. so B. too C. so much D. too much

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. chip B. chocolate C. job D. lunch
2. A. village B. package C. message D. stage
3. A. polish B. seaside C. license D. light
4. A. taught B. laughter C. sauce D. naughty
5. A. now B. flow C. snow D. slow

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. comic B. nation C. cartoon D. western
7. A. evening B. decision C. ambition D. attention
8. A. promotion B. newspaper C. business D. average
9. A. journalist B. poisonous C. generous D. engineer
10. A. documentary B. hilarious C. ridiculous D. continuous

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. ______ books on this shelf were written by Dickens.
A. All B. All the C. Every D. The all
12. She said she_______ for five hours.
A. had been working B. has worked
C. worked D. has been working
13. They ______ married in church last year.
A. are B. made C. got D. have
14. Janet is_________
A. an old friend of mine B. an old my friend
C. a my old friend D. an old friend of me
15. He's _______ intelligent than his sister.
A. lesser B. much less C. much fewer D. not so
16. My house is opposite __________ the park.
A. from B. of C. - D. to
17. She loves __________ Hungarian music.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 84 - School: L Anh Xun
A. the B. - C. some of D. a
18. As the sun _________ I decided to go out.
A. shines B. has shine C. shine D. was shining
19. I _______ your uncle tomorrow, so I'll give him your note.
A. have seen B. shall have seen C. am seeing D. going to see
20. By the time the police arrived, the thieves________ the stolen.
A. hide B. had hidden C. are hiding D. will have hiding
21. She walked_________ the road without looking.
A. by B. through C. across D. long
22. We spent_________ day sunbathing.
A. the whole B. all the C. whole D. whole of the
23. It's a long journey by train, it's much________ by road.
A. quickly B. more quickly C. more quick D. quicker
24. Hasn't______ .
A. come the post yet B. yet the post came
C. the post yet come D. the post come yet
25. During his stay in Rome, Elmer________ a lot of photographs.
A. pushed B. put C. took D. caught

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Water is the best thing to drink when you are thirsty.
A. People should drink nothing but water when you are thirsty.
B. You should drink only water when you are thirsty.
C. It's best to not drink water unless you are thirsty.
D. Water is the best "thirst- quencher"
27. His speech was so boring that everyone got up and left.
A. He got up and left because everyone was talking
B. No one stayed to listen to him because his speech was poor.
C. Everyone stood up so that they could hear his speech.
D. His speech was interesting enough for people to listen.
28. Shallow water- No diving
A. This water is very deep.
B. You can dive from here
C. This water is not deep enough for diving
D. This water is not deep enough for swimming
29. It's necessary to have your car washed.
A. Your car needs washing B. You have to wash you car
C. You should wash your car D. Your car needs to wash
30. Tom doesn't have enough money, so he can't go anywhere this summer.
A. Tom is short of money
B. If Tom had enough money, he would go somewhere this summer.
C. Tim is tired of traveling
D. If Tom has enough money, he will go somewhere this summer.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. After breakfast on the second day there was a (A) notice pinned up on a board near (B) reception
that indicated the new (C) position where the afternoon's activities (D) whould be held.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 85 - School: L Anh Xun
32. One of the speakers (A) scheduled for the day before the final meeting was known to be very boring
and so (B) few delegates (C) waited his (D) presentation.
33. For (A) the most popular speakers the committee (B) had decided to use the (C) main hall that is
capable of (D) supporting at least 200 people.
34. (A) At the end of the conference (B) organizations had been made for all members who (C) had
come by train (D) to be taken by taxi to the station.
35. They (A) are such (B) a nice people (C) that everybody (D) loves them.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
The novelist Robert Herrick was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on April 26, 1868. His oldest
American ancestor, a nephew of the author of Hesperides, had settled at Salem in 1638; he was related
to the Hales, the Mannings, the Hawthornes, and the Peabodys; his immediate forebears were lawyers,
teachers, and clergymen. His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William
Rainey Harper lured him to the new University of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a
generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom
but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences. During his later years the spot of earth
dearest to his heart was York Village, Maine, but after his retirement from teaching he brought his career
to a rather amazing close as government secretary of the Virgin islands. He died at St. Thomas on
December 23, 1938.

36. To which of the following families was Herrick related?

A. The Santayanas B. The Hawthornes C. The Moodys D. The Hapgoods
37. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a profassion of Herrick's relatives?
A. Farmer B. Teacher C.Clergyman D. Lawyer
38. Herrick moved to the University of Chicago at the request of
A. the Hales B. the Mannings
C. Robert Morss Lovett D. William Rainey Harper
39. According to the passage, Herrick's students thought he was
A. gifted in teaching B. unfair in his grading
C. easy to understand D. kind during personal contact
40. In which of the following activities was Herrick involved during the last years of his life?
A. University teaching B. Government work
C. Translating D. Lecturing

When man first learnt how to make fire, he began to use fuel for the first time. The fuel he used was
probably wood. As time passed, man eventually discovered that substances such as coal and oil
Coal (42)_______ very widely as a source of energy until the last century. With the coming of the
industrial revolution, it was soon realized that production (43)_______ if coal was used instead of wood.
Nowadays, many of the huge factories and electricity generating stations (44)_______ to function if there
was no coal there.
In the last twenty or thirty years, however, the use of coal (45)_______ As a result, there have
been changes in the coal industry. It (46)_______ that more people (47)_______ coal if oil and gas were
not available.
There is more than enough coal in the world for man's needs for the next two hundred years if your
use of coal (48)_______ Unfortunately, however, about half of the world's coal (49)_______ Mining much
of it (50)_______ very expensive even if it was to use new equipment.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 86 - School: L Anh Xun
41. A. are burning B. would burn C. have burnt D. were burnt
42. A. not used B. did not used C. not using D. was not used
43. A. doubles B. had doubled C. will double D. would double
44. A. were unable B. would be unable C. will be unable D. are unable
45. A. has declined B. will decline C. declines D. will decline
46. A. believed B. is believing C. believing D. is believed
47. A. would use B. used C. use D. will use
48. A. did not increasing B. would not increasedC. does not increased D. may not increase
49. A. would never use B. may never be used C. would never be used D. may never use
50. A. was B. used to be C. would be D. had been

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. could B. should C. bound D. would
2. A. knives B. cases C. changes D. pages
3. A. herb B. nervous C. commercial D. advertise
4. A. roll B. other C. hope D. opponent
5. A. mill B. needle C. receive D. wheel

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. sociable B. adorable C. cheerful D. selfish
7. A. treatment B. bandage C. poison D. malaria
8. A. disease B. headache C. cancer D. toothache
9. A. bedroom B. window C. compound D. carpet
10. A. structure B. literature C. signature D. nature
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. I bought ______ yesterday
A. a trouser B. a pair of trousers C. a trousers D. the trouser
12. Our plane will arrive_________ London at noon.
A. in B. at C. on D. to
13. We get_________ the bus at the same bus stop every day.
A. down B. out C. up D. off
14. Every girl ought to learn_________ to cook.
A. where B. what C. how D. when
15. A person who installs water pipes is a_______
A. butler B. patient C. plumber D. spectator
16. A_______ is someone who sells flowers.
A. typist B. dentist C. florist D. chemist
17. If we use another house we must pay_________
A. fee B. fare C. tip D. rent
18. ________in big cities are controlled by red and green lights.
A. Traffic B. Delivery C. Transportation D. Communication
19. Please let Jack ______ with you.
A. go B. going C. to go D. goes
20. After the party we thanked Pat for________ us a lovely evening.
A. letting B. asking C. enjoying D. giving
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 87 - School: L Anh Xun
21. She came into the room while they_______ television
A. have watched B. watched
C. have been watching D. were watching
22. The baby_________ non-stop for half an hour.
A. cried B. is crying C. has been crying D. was crying
23. The entrance examination_________ in March
A. begin B. begins C. has begun D. shall begin
24. Mr. Smith said he would come but he_________ yet.
A. did not come B. had not come C. does not come D. has not come
25. _______ when you drive
A. Be careful B. Do careful C. Be carefully D. Do carefully

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I last saw him at my twenty-first birthday party.
A. I haven't seen him since my twenty-first birthday party.
B. I didn't see him since my twenty-first birthday party.
C. I haven't had a birthday party for twenty-one years.
D. I had twenty-once birthday parties.
27. I regret drinking so much last night.
A. I wish I wouldn't drink so much last night.
B. I wish I didn't drink so much last night.
C. I didn't drink so much last night.
D. If only I hadn't drunk so much last night.
28. If you do the shopping, I'll cook lunch.
A. I can't go shopping but I'll cook.
B. You do the shopping and I'll cook lunch.
C. If you don't do anything, I won't, either.
D. If you can't cook, you can go shopping.
29. Working so much will make you tired.
A. You are tired of working so much.
B. You are tired because you are working so much.
C. If you work so much, you'll get tired.
D. You were tired because you have been working so much.
30. Please don't smoke inside the building.
A. Would you mind not smoking inside the building?
B. Would you like to smoke outside the building?
C. People are allowed to smoke in this building.
D. People don't smoke in this building.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) Many people believe that Dalat is (B) the (C) most great city (D) in Vietnam.
32. After he (A) had bought (B) herself a new car, he (C) sold (D) his old me.
33. (A) I'll make (B) some sandwiches before (C) I'll leave (D) for work.
34. We (A) have rented two videos and watched (B) them (C) with some friends (D) after dinner last
35. Every people (A) around the world (B) spending billions of dollars (C) buying goods (D) on the
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 88 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

The Montessori method of educating children is guided by perhaps a half-dozen major principles of
education. The first affirms the biological programming of child development, the child's capacity for self-
realization, for "auto-education". The second calls for "scientific pedagogy". A science of childhood based
on observation. The third demands a natural environment in which self-development can be expressed
and observed. Montessori believed that the school could be made into such an environment, thus
becoming a laboratory for scientific pedagogy. This environment should be determined scientifically. In
order to expand, children, left at liberty to exercise their activities, ought to find in their surroundings
something organized in direct relation to the children's internal organization. All of these principles imply
the next, which Montessori calls the "biological concept of liberty in pedagogy": the child must be free to
act spontaneously and to interact with the prepared environment. The entire program is concerned with
the individual child; the spontaneity, the needs, the observation, the freedom are always those of the
individual. Finally, the modus operandi of the method is sensory training.

36. Which of the following is the best title for the passenge?
A. Principles of the Montessori Method B. Modern Principles of Education
C. Results of the Montessori Method D. Stages of Child Development
37. In line 6, the phrase "such an environment" refers to which of the following kinds of environment?
A. Biological, accompanies by specimens
B. Scientific, accompanied by experiments
C. Pedagogical, in which ideology prevails
D. Natural, in which self-expression prevails
38. According to the passage, the Montessori method focuses on
A. the individual child B. pairs of children
C. small groups of children D. large groups of children
39. It can be inferred from the passage that the Montessori method was named after a
A. school B. town C. person D. book
40. Which of the following would NOT be advocated by the Montessori method?
A. Tightly controlling children's group activities
B. Carefully teaching children to listen and observe
C. Permitting children to work at their own pace.
D. Allowing children to speak out at will during classes.

Agriculture is the world's most important industry. It provide us with (41)_______ all our food. It
also (42)_______ materials for two other basic human needs- clothing and shelter (43)_______
agriculture provides materials (44)_______ in many industrial products, such as paints and medicines.
About half the world's workers are employed in agriculture- far more than in (45)_______industry.
Agriculture is one of the world's oldest industries. It began about 10,000 years ago in the Middle East
(46)_______ that time, certain Middle Eastern tribes had discovered how to grow plants from seeds and
how to raise animals in captivity. Having mastered these skills, they could begin to practise agriculture.
Before the development of agriculture, people got all their food by gathering wild plants, hunting
and fishing. They had to search for food continually, (47)_______ left little time for other activities, but as
agriculture developed and farm (48)_______ increased, fewer people were needed to produce food. The
nonfarmers could then develop the arts, crafts, trades and other activities of civilized life. Agriculture
(49)_______ not only greatly (50)_______ the food supply but also made civilization possible.
41. A. almost B. most C. the most D. the almost
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 89 - School: L Anh Xun
42. A. gives B. supplies C. brings D. takes
43. A. However B. Yet C. In addition D. Although
44. A. made B. used C. produced D. done
45. A. any other B. others C. some D. the other
46. A. On B. Under C. In D. By
47. A. who B. which C. whom D. where
48. A. land B. animals C. output D. houses
49. A. so B. also C. still D. therefore
50. A. affected B. adds C. provided D. influenced

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. girl B. tired C. bird D. first
2. A. nurse B. suburb C. disturb D. sure
3. A. heal B. breath C. health D. ready
4. A. name B. hate C. make D. ban
5. A. agreed B. borrowed C. listened D. practised

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. music B. physics C. science D. compare
7. A. training B. statistics C. computing D. mathematics
8. A. geometry B. philosophy C. geography D. economics
9. A. reasonable B. enjoyable C. avoidable D. forgettable
10. A. likeable B. reliable C. profitable D. readable
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. "Why was Bob so angry with his wife?" "Because of ________ late".
A. her to be B. her being C. she is D. she be
12. We are very _______ with our new car.
A. pleasing B. pleasure C. please D. pleased
13. "_______ does the plane fly?" "It flies at 600 miles an hour".
A. How far B. How fast C. How soon D. How long
14. The visitors found the little girl's conversation very _________
A. amuse B. amused C. amusement D. amusing
15. "How long have you know him?" "__________"
A. Since five years B. For five years
C. Ever since five years D. Along five years
16. I worked in Paris _________ the war.
A. during B. between C. when D. among
17. There are two temples and __________ of them are very old.
A. one B. all C. both D. each
18. Can I ___________ your dictionary, please? I can't find mine.
A. look B. owe C. borrow D. lend
19. ________ is yours, the red one or the green one?
A. Why B. Which C. When D. What
20. The lift is not working now. It is out _______ order.
A. in B. for C. to D. of
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 90 - School: L Anh Xun
21. ________ this medicine and you will feel well again.
A. Have B. Drink C. Take D. Eat
22. Haywood is the village______________
A. where I was born B. which I was born
C. I was born D. which I was born there
23. Travelling by car is very fast now because there are many_________
A. motorway B. motorways C. motorsway D. motorsways
24. There is now much_________ water in the lake than there was last year.
A. smaller B. fewer C. less D. lesser
25. When you come to the crossroads, you will see the___________ showing the way to Middleton.
A. advertisement B. signal C. signpost D. announcement

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. I wasn't at home when you called yesterday.
A. I wish I was at home when you called yesterday.
B. I wish I were at home when you called yesterday.
C. I wish I am at home when you called yesterday.
D. I wish I had been at home when you called yesterday.
27. Even though they were late, they didn't hurry.
A. Despite being late, they didn't hurry
B. In spite that they were late, they didn't hurry
C. They were in a hurry because they were late
D. Because of being late they were in a hurry.
28. We can send date from one place to another using a variety of technologies.
A. We can use a variety of technologies now
B. Data can be sent from one plate to another using a variety of technologies
C. Technology is very useful now
D. Data can be kept using a variety of technologies.
29. We were able to finish to job only because Mike helped us.
A. Without Mike we couldn't have finished the job
B. Mike was the only person that could finish the job
C. We could finish the job without any help
D. Mike was very kind to help us finish the job.
30. We had nothing to eat but bananas.
A. We ate everything but not bananas B. We didn't eat anything even bananas
C. Bananas were all we had to eat D. Nothing to eat was better than bananas.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. They (A) drinked a lot of (B) beer (C) at the party because they (D) felt happy.
32. My dictionary is not as good (A) than (B) yours although (C) mine is (D) newer.
33. Jackson (A) was late (B) because (C) he was not aware (D) with the time.
34. She (A) washes her hair (B) at least six (C) time (D) a week.
35. The quality (A) of these photographs (B) is (C) unacceptable bad. Let's (D) send them back!

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 91 - School: L Anh Xun
The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily- more
fruits and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So that means fewer burgers, chips and fried food as well as
cutting down on sweet things. We went into central London yesterday at lunchtime and asked people
what they though about it. "It's got nothing to do with the government what I eat", says Paul Keel, a
building worker, as he eats a beef burger and chips washed down with strawberry milkshake. "I think I
have a healthy diet. You see, I don't normally eat a beef burger for lunch. Normally I just have chips. "Any
fish?" I like cod. But I've only ever had it once". Tim Kennor, a librarian, welcome the government advice.
But he also has his own rules. "I think", he explains, eating his fried chicken and chips, "it's important to
eat a variety of food". We then asked Dorothy Matthews, aged 84. "I don't think it's the government's
business to tell us what to eat." We went into Simpson's Restaurant and asked the manager if people
changed what they were eating. "I don't think people believe all these reports anymore. What they say
good for you in June, they say is bad for you in July. People have stopped taking notice. We serve what
we're always served. Almost all of it is fattening".

36. What is the writer trying to explain in the text?

A. what people think B. his own opinion
C. the government report D. the popularity of certain foods
37. What can the reader learn from the text?
A. what the government is going to do B. which meals are the healthiest
C. whether the advice will be followed D. what kind of people like beef burgers
38. What is Paul Klee's opinion?
A. The government advice is wrong B. Fish isn't good for you
C. He doesn't need to change his habits D. He eats too many beef burgers
39. What does the manager think of the report?
A. People don't understand the advice given
B. People think they will soon be given different advice
C. People don't bother to read these reports
D. People are more concerned about losing weight.
40. Which of the following is part of the government report?
A. The population of this country should eat less
B. Bad health in this country is caused by people eating the wrong kinds of food
C. People should take the time to prepare their own food at home instead of eating in restaurants.
D. Working people should make sure they have a good hot meal in the middle of they day.

Keeping Fit

Bodies are made to move! They are not designed for sitting around in front of the television or
reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn't (41)_______ you have to be a super athlete and even a
(42)_______ exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you are fit and healthy, you will find you look better
and feel better. You'll (43)_______ more energy and self-confidence.
Every time you move, you (44)_______ exercising. The human body is designed to bend, stretch,
run, jump and climb. The human body is designed to bend, stretch, run, jump and climb. The
(45)_______ it does, the stronger and fitter it will become. Best of (46)_______ exercise is fun. It's
(47)_______ your body likes doing most-keeping on the move.
Physical exercise is not only good (48)_______ your body. People who take regular exercise are
usually happier, more relaxed and more alert (49)_______people who sit around all day. Try an
experiment next time you're (50)_______ a bad mood, go for a walk or play a ball game.
41. A. mean B. meaning C. definition D. significance
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 92 - School: L Anh Xun
42. A. much B. little C. few D. no much
43. A. boosting B. accelerating C. develop D. undeveloped
44. A. were B. is C. have D. are
45. A. more B. little C. not much D. tiny
46. A. least B. all C. both D. many
47. A. when B. which C. what D. while
48. A. with B. on C. across D. for
49. A. than B. less C. much more D. at least
50. A. under B. in C. between D. for

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. hour B. sour C. four D. flour
2. A. show B. blow C. cow D. how
3. A. tango B. mango C. tomorrow D. longer
4. A. sing B. month C. hunger D. think
5. A. curriculum B. news C. usual D. future

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. oxygen B. energy C. nitrogen D. rotation
7. A. electric B. radius C. hydrogen D. astronaut
8. A. technical B. personal C. national D. financial
9. A. angry B. sarcastic C. witty D. famous
10. A. frightened B. terrified C. fascinated D. tired

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. _________ of the visitors were strangers to me.
A. Mostly B. Almost C. Most D. The most
12. All the furniture in the house________ old-fashioned.
A. is B. are C. have D. have been
13. Tim ______ go fishing with his father when he was young.
A. used to B. is used to C. has used to D. was used to
14. I haven't seen much of you lately. We______ three months ago.
A. last meet B. last met C. have last D. have last met
15. He asked her______
A. what day was it B. what day it was C. it was what day D. what was the day
16. When the headmaster________ the room, all the pupils stood up.
A. came B. arrived C. appeared D. entered
17. I couldn't go to the party because of a ________ cold.
A. quick B. surprising C. sudden D. hurried
18. I like these shoes but they don't ________ me very well.
A. meet B. fit C. agree D. reach
19. This is the material which I ________ for my new dress.
A. bought it B. have bought it C. bought D. bought them
20. You should always_______ your food well before you swallow it.
A. drink B. grind C. chew D. suck
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 93 - School: L Anh Xun
21. I like ______ of sports
A. any kinds B. kinds C. all kind D. all kinds
22. We_________ to get the news
A. were surprised B. were surprise C. were surprising D. surprised
23. Ann refused to take___________ in the preparations for the school concert
A. place B. notice C. leave D. part
24. Dickens is my_________ English novelist.
A. favorable B. preferable C. likeable D. favourite
25. That desk______ several times this year.
A. has been repaired B. has repaired C. is repaired D. repaired

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Although he got more votes, he did not become president.
A. Despite getting more votes he did not become president.
B. Despite he got more votes, he did not become president
C. If he got more votes, he would become president
D. He needed more votes to become president
27. I'm never going to do this again.
A. I want to do this again
B. I have never done this before
C. This is the last time I am going to do this
D. This is the first time I have done this.
28. I have arranged to play tennis with Harry tomorrow.
A. Harry and I are playing tennis tomorrow
B. Harry is playing tennis tomorrow but I am not
C. I refused to play tennis with Harry tomorrow
D. I am playing tennis tomorrow but Harry is not.
29. I didn't understand what he was saying because I hadn't read his book.
A. His book was too difficult to understand
B. If I had read his book I would have understood what he was saying
C. What he was saying in his book was too difficult to understand
D. I had read his book but I didn't understand what he was saying
30. They were still playing tennis after three hours.
A. They had been playing tennis for three hours
B. They played tennis for three hours
C. They were playing tennis for three hours
D. They have been playing tennis since three hours.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. On their (A) very first evening he told his wife he was (B) just going out for a short (C) walking but it
was (D) really to buy her some flowers.
32. He (A) found a shop (B) quickly and (C) brought the flowers but he couldn't remember how to (D) get
back to the hotel.
33. (A) ate too (B) many of those greasy bacon (C) pies, and now I feel (D) sickly.
34. He (A) was upset last Monday morning (B) by (C) her bad (D) attitudes.
35. (A) My brother (B) is not (C) old enough (D) for driving a car.

Part 3: Reading
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 94 - School: L Anh Xun
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
The tooth decay

In most animals, dental decay is a rare problem. In man, and especially in the affluent West, the
disease has reached epidemic proportions.
The cause of tooth decay in human beings is a bacterium that feeds on the sugar in our food. It
digests the sugar more easily by converting it into an acid. The acid then dissolves the enamel , the outer
coating of the teeth and finally attacks the living nerve within. The result is the agonizing pain we know as
36. According to the passage how common are it for animals to suffer from tooth decay?
A. They never suffer from it
B. They seldom suffer from it
C. They suffer from it as commonly as people do
D. They suffer from it more commonly than people do
37. What does the passage say about the problem of tooth decay in the rich Western country?
A. It is steadily decreasing each year.
B. It has remained unchanged for a long time
C. It has been increasing slowly for years
D. It is now virtually out of control
38. Human teeth decay when they are attacked by a kind of________
A. sugar B. acid C. nerve D. food
39. Decay cannot begin until the bacterium produces_____
A. food from sugar B. sugar from food C. acid from sugar D. sugar from acid
40. The term "tooth decay" refers to the_________
A. digestion of the food B. conversation of the sugar
C. Production of the acid D. dissolution of the enamel

Table tennis
People first played table tennis (41)_______ the 19th century. It really started as a children's game,
which was played (42)_______ home. But now it (43)_______ an adult sport, and there are many
international competitions. Sometimes more (44)_______ 10,000 people watch an important table tennis
A table tennis table is 2.7 metres long and 1.5 metres wide and there is a net (45)_______ the
middle. Players hit a light plastic ball over (46)_______ net with a small wooden bat.
Many people (47)_______ that table tennis is an easy sport, but (48)_______ isn't true. Players
have to (49)_______ very fast because the ball can (50)_______ at over 100 kilometres au hour!

41. A. in B. on C. at D. to
42. A. to B. at C. in D. for
43. A. is B. was C. has D. be
44. A. then B. that C. than D. this
45. A. in B. across C. by D. on
46. A. is B. a C. it D. the
47. A. thinks B. though C. to think D. think
48. A. those B. this C. there D. these
49. A. walk B. be C. speak D. go
50. A. throw B. go C. hit D. move
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 95 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. tower B. power C. shower D. lower
2. A. shout B. south C. route D. sprout
3. A. town B. grown C. brown D. down
4. A. death B. describe C. vegetarian D. intelligent
5. A. dead B. beach C. beak D. underneath

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. boiling B. freezing C. disgusting D. worrying
7. A. apology B. hesitation C. generosity D. productivity
8. A. revision B. courage C. invasion D. explosion
9. A. cleverness B. politeness C. happiness D. usefulness
10. A. dismiss B. discharge C. district D. destroy
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. Ann could not speak Chinese and _________ could John.
A. either B. neither C. so D. too
12. I don't know_______ to do.
A. what B. when C. how D. why
13. The school_______ a system of monthly tests in place of annual exam.
A. gathered B. collected C. took D. put
14. Can you explain the difference_________ these two words?
A. from B. between C. of D. to
15. We wanted to give him_____ help but he refused.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
16. You should be very ______ to your teachers for their great support.
A. thankful B. grateful C. thanking D. considerate
17. ________ enough time to talk over the matter now.
A. It hasn't B. There isn't C. There hasn't D. It isn't
18. My uncle is sixty years old but he keeps on working______ ever.
A. harder than B. as hard as C. harder D. more hardly than
19. The curtain have _______ because of the strong sunlight.
A. dulled B. fainted C. weakened D. faded
20. The man seemed________ about something.
A. nervous and anxious B. nervously and anxiously
C. being nervous and anxious D. nervous and being anxious
21. The company is losing a lot this year. That's why it plans to hire______ workers.
A. lesser B. fewer C. less D. few
22. John Wayne is famous_______ a film star.
A. as B. by C. for D. to be
23. I find the temperature in here too high________ on a cool day such as today.
A. though B. still C. perhaps D. even
24. After______ that chapter carefully they began their experiments.
A. having read B. read C. having been read D. have read
25. If you don't mind, I would like to________ a suggestion.
A. say B. make C. show D. reach
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 96 - School: L Anh Xun
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. If you don't know how to spell the word, why don't you check in the dictionary?
A. Why don't you look the word up in the dictionary to know how to spell it?
B. Let's look the word up in the dictionary to know how to spell it.
C. Look every word up in the dictionary to know how to spell it.
D. If you don't know how to spell the word, buy a dictionary.
27. He hasn't smoke a cigarette for a week.
A. It's for a week that he hasn't smoked a cigarette.
B. It's a week since he last smoked a cigarette.
C. It's the cigarette that he smoked a week ago.
D. It's a week ago that he smoked a cigarette.
28. "Don't put your legs on the table, Jack". I said.
A. I told Jack that he didn't put his legs on the table
B. I told Jack not to put his legs on the table
C. I told Jack to put his legs on the table
D. I told Jack that he shouldn't put his legs on the table
29. "I visited this museum last year". Mr. Green said.
A. Mr. Green said that he visited that museum the previous year
B. Mr. Green said that he had visited that museum last year
C. Mr. Green said that he visited that museum last year
D. Mr. Green said that he had visited that museum the previous year.
30. "Is it going to be a busy day?" I asked him.
A. I asked him if it is going to be a busy day
B. I asked him if it was going to be a busy day
C. I asked him that if it was going to be a busy day
D. I asked him whether it is going to be a busy day or not.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. (A) Because of (B) having missed the train they (C) forced (D) to walk.
32. Why (A) don't you buy bananas (B) when they are much (C) not expensive (D) than apples?
33. (A) Papermaking began (B) in China and (C) from there it (D) speread on North Africa.
34. He (A) was my best friend (B) at school, so it's strange (C) how we don't (D) get in at all these days.
35. When I (A) applied for my passport (B) to renew I had (C) to send a (D) recent photograph.
Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
The Warren Toy Museum
This museum is in the centre of the town, a few metres from the cathedral, and near the market. It
contains dolls, dolls' houses, books, games and pastimes, mechanical and constructional toys. In this
collection there are toys made by all sorts of toy manufacturers from the most important to the smallest,
including the most ordinary toys and the most precious. There are also records of children's pastimes
over the last hundred and fifty years. Most major manufacturing countries of Europe had toy industries in
the last century; French and German factories produced millions of toys each year. Many collectors of
toys think that the second half of the nineteenth century was the best period for toy production and the
museum has many examples of toys from this period which are still in perfect condition. There is now a
growing interest in the toys of the 1920s and 1930s and as a result of this the museum has begun to
build up a collection from these years. Visitors to the museum will find that someone is always available to
answer questions - we hope you will visit us. Hours of opening 10.00 - 17.30 every day (except December
25 and 26).
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 97 - School: L Anh Xun
36. This writing is from
A. and advertisement B. a school history book C. a story book D. a textbook.
37. What is the writer trying to do?
A. to give advise B. to give warnings C. to give opinions D. to give information
38. The museum has so many toys from the late 19th century because
A. it is located in the middle of town
B. there is a large selection of all kinds of toys.
C. many consider this period the best for manufactured toys.
D. visitors are interested in toys from that time.
39. What period of toy manufacturing is receiving increased attention?
A. the 20th century B. every day except in December
C. French and German D. the 1920's and 1930's
40. The museum opens
A. every day B. on weekdays
C. every day except two days in December D. at weekends

When you (41)_______ a new car, you should start by using consumer magazines. You can find
them in the (42)_______ section of a library. You can read about the advantages and disadvantages of
each new car and get (43)_______ of how much you should pay. When you decide (44)_______ which
make and (45)_______ you want to buy, you should go to a dealer and test-drive the car to see
(46)_______ you like it. The salesperson will tell you the sticker price. You should bargain with the
salesperson and make (47)_______ based on what you learnt from the consumer magazines. Then you
should go to one or two other dealers to see if you can get a better price. Sometimes you have to go
back and forth several times between dealers to bargain for the best price.
When you agree on a price with a salesperson, you usually have to leave a small (48)_______. The
salesperson writes up a contract that you both have to sign. When the dealer (49)_______ the car you
have to pay the balance or get a loan. Most people make a down payment and take out a loan for the
rest. You can get a loan from the bank or sometimes from the auto company. You can (50)_______ the
loan over a period of time, usually from two or five years.

41. A. shop for B. purchase for C. afford for D. get for

42. A. reference B. auto C. science D. fiction
43. A. a thought B. a consideration C. an idea D. a value
44. A. at B. on C. by D. out
45. A. structure B. shape C. model D. pattern
46. A. as B. that C. when D. if
47. A. an offer B. a price C. a payment D. a judgement
48. A. a tip B. deposit C. gift D. payment
49. A. drivers B. delivers C. orders D. presents
50. A. cover B. give away C. carry our D. pay off
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. chief B. related C. discovered D. president
2. A. common B. opera C. dishonest D. divorce
3. A. life B. strike C. site D. with
4. A. couple B. conquer C. husband D. front
5. A. court B. cause C. for D. bomb
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 98 - School: L Anh Xun
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. expect B. public C. smoke D. football
7. A. miraculous B. relaxing C. delicate D. unpleasant
8. A. certainly B. technique C. vacancy D. vapour
9. A. volcano B. arrival C. female D. certificate
10. A. inclusive B. internal C. interior D. incoming

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. I wish our teacher_____ our problems a little better.
A. understand B. understands C. understood D. will understand
12. He promised to pick me________ at the corner on his way to town.
A. on B. over C. off D. up
13. Please write your answer______ ink.
A. in B. with C. of D. by
14. It's______ that I'd like to go for a walk.
A. such nine weather B. so nice weather C. too nice weather D. nice weather so
15. Many of us felt_______ of the dark.
A. frighten B. frightening C. to frighten D. frightened
16. The workers looked tired________?
A. don't they B. did they C. didn't they D. weren't they
17. Why don't you tell your employer that you need_______ time to finish it?
A. a few more B. a little more C. a some more D. small more
18. A child whose parents are both dead is called an_______
A. emigrant B. orphan C. infant D. author
19. If you visit a doctor, you must pay him a ________
A. fare B. commission C. fee D. tip
20. When the violinist finished playing, the audience____ for five minutes.
A. shouted B. kept silent C. opposed D. clapped
21. He was unwilling to apologize but in the end I ______ him to do so.
A. had B. made C. persuaded D. let
22. The students refused_______ to school in the afternoon.
A. returning B. to return C. to be returned D. return
23. Dick_______ in London when I last saw him.
A. was working B. is working C. has worked D. has been working
24. He showed us the house_______ he was born.
A. which B. in which C. in where D. in that
25. Do you know________ makes people fat?
A. who B. that C. what D. how

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. A train leaves at 8 o'clock every morning.
A. Every train leaves 8 o'clock every morning
B. There is a train leaving at 8 o'clock every morning
C. Every morning you can see a train leaving
D. There was an 8 o'clock train every morning
27. They wish they had never got married
A. They wish they had never got married
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 99 - School: L Anh Xun
B. They wish they never got married
C. They wish they didn't get married
D. They wish they have never got married
28. Cocaine will destroy more people and the environment as it spreads to other countries.
A. Spreading to other countries, cocaine will destroy more people and the environment.
B. Cocaine spreads to other countries after destroying more people and the environment.
C. Cocaine destroys more countries with people and the environment.
D. Cocaine will spread to other countries and destroy the environment.
29. We feel happy because of our coming summer holidays.
A. Because we don't have to go to school, we feel happy.
B. We feel happy to go on summer holidays.
C. Our coming summer holidays makes us happy.
D. Out coming summer holidays will happily come.
30. It took her a long time to get over her mother's death
A. Her mother died a long time ago
B. Getting over her mother's death took her a long time than she expected.
C. Her mother has died for a long time
D. It took her long to forget her mother's death.

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting

31. Methods (A) of printing (B) have developed (C) by the newspaper industry over the past (D) hundred
32. Food and drink prices in New York (A) is very high; (B) furthermore, (C) renting an apartment (D) is
very expensive.
33. There (A) was no food (B) left when I returned. They (C) ate (D) everything!
34. If she had visited (A) us last summer, she (B) would enjoy (C) the hikes (D) in the mountains.
35. She (A) told that she (B) was flying to Chicago last week. She (C) must have been in (D) her hotel
room last night.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

I get a lot of letters at this time of year from people complaining that they have a cold which won't
go away. There are so many different stories about how to prevent or cure a cold it's often difficult to know
what to do. Although colds are rarely dangerous, except for people who are already weak, such as the
elderly or young babies, they are always uncomfortable and usually most unpleasant. Of course you can
buy lots of medicines which will help to make your cold less unpleasant, but you must remember that
nothing can actually cure a cold or make it go away faster. Another thing is that any medicine which is
strong enough to make you feel better could be dangerous if you are already taking drugs for some other
illness so always check with your chemist or doctor to see whether they are all right for you. And
remember they might make you sleep- please don't try to drive if they do! Lastly, as far as avoiding colds
is concerned, whatever you may be told about magic foods or drinks, the best answer is to keep strong
and healthy- you'll have less chance of catching a cold, and if you do, it shouldn't be so bad!

36. This is writing is from

A. a doctor's notebook B. a magazine
C. a diary D. a school biology book
37. What is the writer's intention?
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 100 - School: L Anh Xun
A. to write in an amusing way B. to give general advice
C. to complain about his/ her health D. to describe personal experiences.
38. Who should talk to the doctor before getting medications for a cold?
A. The chemist B. Old people and babies
C. People using other medications D. People who keep strong and healthy
39. What is the writer's opinion of how to avoid colds?
A. stay healthy and strong B. see you doctor
C. by medications D. use magic foods and drinks
40. If drugs make you feel sleepy, don't_________
A. sleep B. take them C. drive D. avoid

According to a recent survey, most Chinese in Hong Kong preferred to work for Americans. They
said that during the past ten years or so American businesses (41)_______ well and were friendly. Almost
all of the who had worked for Americans said they (42)_______ happy in their work.
The were the asked (43)_______ they liked working for American bosses. Most replied
(44)_______ they were usually fair, kind, friendly and generous.
When asked whether (45)_______ working for British bosses, however, the Chinese (46)_______
that the British bosses too strict and proud.
The survey (47)_______ among 200 Chinese manager and advanced business students in Hong
Kong. Most of the people (48)_______ said that the working conditions were also much better in
American companies.
When managers were asked (49)_______ they often conducted business, they replied that they
(50)_______ to tea houses. A few people said that they had often done business with Americans over
lunch at expensive hotel restaurants.
41. A. pay B. will pay C. are paying D. paid
42. A. are B. will be C. have been D. were
43. A. that B. if C. about D. why
44. A. to B. that C. if D. about
45. A. did they like B. they liked C. they did like D. liked they
46. A. answer B. will answer C. answered D. have answered
47. A. conducted B. was conducted C. has conducted D. was conducting
48. A. interview B. to interview C. interviewed D. interviewing
49. A. where B. when C. how D. if
50. A. are going B. have gone C. went D. will go
Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. revive B. strive C. alive D. attractive
2. A. drove B. prove C. love D. glove
3. A. vacation B. vacuum C. valley D. vanish
4. A. club B. rubber C. cube D. pub
5. A. look B. book C. roof D. hook
Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. awake B. clever C. lovely D. dusty
7. A. critical B. continent C. condition D. criminal
8. A. surrounding B. sympathy C. tradition D. suggestion
9. A. occasion B. profession C. possession D. movement
10. A. property B. proposal C. ornament D. president
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 101 - School: L Anh Xun
Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. We have to stop soon because the car is almost_________ petrol
A. out off B. out of C. not having D. lacking
12. I can't find my wallet anywhere I ___________ it at the cinema.
A. must leave B. must be leaving C. must have left D. leave
13. ________ to have lunch with us today?
A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Will you like D. Have you like
14. Margaret didn't remember what I______ her the day before?
A. had told B. would tell C. had been told D. told
15. I tried to solve the problem_______ the noise and interruptions?
A. because of B. in case of C. in spite of D. according to
16. I'd rather you________ anything about it now.
A. do B. didn't do C. don't do D. didn't
17. I slept badly last night. The noise of the traffic kept me________
A. wake B. waken C. awaken D. awake
18. I am looking forward to_______
A. vacation's week B. a vacation of the week
C. a week's vacation D. a week of the vacation
19. "What are you doing" "________"
A. No B. None C. Not D. Nothing
20. The boy had a _________ escape when he ran across, the road in front of the bus.
A. narrow B. close C. good D. fine
21. There are many_______ on television where a team of peole have to answer questions.
A. queries B. riddles C. quizzes D. inquiries
22. He is looking forward to_________ his old friends
A. meet B. have meet C. met D. meeting
23. It _______ every day so far this week.
A. has rained B. is raining C. rains D. rained
24. I suggest that the matter_________ reconsidered.
A. has B. being C. is D. be
25. He speaks________ good English that it is pleasure to talk with him.
A. so B. such C. such a D. very
Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?
26. Julia has been working for this company for 6 years.
A. Julia started working for this company 6 years ago
B. Julia has had a job for 6 years
C. This was the company where Julia worked six years ago
D. Julia started working for this company for 6 years
27. I can't understand him because he speakers so quickly.
A. If he speaks slowly, I can understand him
B. He speaks unclearly so we don't understand him
C. If he didn't speak so quickly, I would be able to understand him.
D. If he didn't speak so quickly, I can understand him.
28. His house is more beautiful as my house.
A. His house is not as beautiful as his house
B. My house is not as beautiful as his house
C. He has a beautiful house
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 102 - School: L Anh Xun
D. My house is not as ugly as his house
29. It was such an awful meal that we complained to the waiter
A. That was the worst meal we had ever had, so we complained to the waiter
B. We complained to the waiter for his bad service
C. The waiter served us a wonderful meal
D. The meal was so awful that we complained to the waiter.
30. England has many old towns and villages.
A. Town and villages in England are all very old.
B. There are many old towns and villages in England
C. England has the oldest towns and villages in the world
D. If you go to England you will only see many old towns and villages.
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. If (A) got a scholarship (B) to England, my parents (C) would be very proud (D) by me.
32. The boy (A) complained that (B) some one had stolen (C) his book and also his (D) brothers.
33. We (A) have been informed that (B) most of animals (C) at the zoo are starving (D) to death.
34. (A) Where I am living now (B) is convenient (C) for work because I don't (D) have travel far.
35. (A) These days people who (B) do manual work often receive (C) far much money than people (D)
who work in an offce.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.
I know that it is my job to make sure that everything goes well for the tourists and I feel I work hard
for the company. I cannot be blamed for last week. I met the group 25 at the airport and took them to the
coach. The coach driver was a bit annoyed because the flight was late. But it wasn't far to the hotel and
everyone was looking forward to their dinner. We hadn't used the Hotel Riviera before but our normal one
had a conference in it so was fully booked. When I announced our arrival at the reception desk, they said
they were full. I had booked rooms for the group but the manager said they were cancelled by phone a
few days before. He insisted that he recognized my voice and that I had made the phone call.
We had a bit of an argument but they obviously didn't have enough rooms. In the end the manager
phoned other hotels in the town and found rooms for everyone but in four different hotels. By this time the
coach had gone so we had to get taxis and some of the tourists started to get very angry with me. I still
don't know who made that phone call but it definitely wasn't me.

36. What is the writer trying to do?

A. argue B. apologise C. explain D. complain
37. Who was the text written to?
A. one of the tourists B. the writer's
C. the hotel manager D. the coach company
38. Why weren't any rooms available at the Hotel Riviera?
A. A conference
B. There were more people in the group than expected
C. Someone had forgotten to book them
D. Someone had said they were not needed.
39. What happened in the end?
A. The tourists got angry with the local manager
B. The tourists couldn't stay together
C. The writer called the coach driver back
D. The writer found other hotels with rooms
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 103 - School: L Anh Xun
40. Which sentence is true according to the text?
A. There was something wrong with our booking and the hotel had given booked rooms to other
B. The hotel was not a good one so we moved to a better one.
C. The tourists came to the hotel late so there weren't any rooms left
D. The tourists hadn't book rooms in advance that was why there weren't any rooms left.

I am learning English because I am studying law and when I finish my course I (41)_______ like to
work for a big company, or possibly, I will continue my (42)_______ in Britain or in the USA. To do
(43)_______ of these things, it is important to reach a certain (44)_______ of English. Another reason is
(45)_______ I want to communicate with foreign people because nowadays countries are becoming
closer and closer. You need to be (46)_______ to speak a foreign language if you want to travel
(47)_______ any problems. My sister, who lives in England, says that life is very different there and the
weather is not so good. Later this year I am going to visit England and stay with my sister for two months.
I hope to (48)________my level of English. I am certainly looking (49)_______ to spending the Summer
in England. After studying at college for six weeks I will be going on holiday with my sister. We plan to hire
a car and visit the south west of the country (50)_______ I have heard is very interesting with lovely

41. A. will B. could C. should D. would

42. A. work B. study C. job D. occupation
43. A. a B. an C. the D. one
44. A. degree B. barrier C. level D. stage
45. A. that B. why C. what D. which
46. A. sure B. well C. able D. proud
47. A. with B. without C. not D. no
48. A. improve B. increase C. go up D. move
49. A. for B. at C. to D. forward
50. A. that B. what C. where D. which

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. dollar B. code C. enroll D. bowling
2. A. fond B. blond C. nonstop D. marathon
3. A. before B. score C. more D. corridor
4. A. effort B. force C. horse D. absorb
5. A. pea B. peace C. tear D. peach

Choose the word whose syllable is stressed differently from the rest in each group
6. A. castle B. carpet C. contain D. college
7. A. enjoyment B. equipment C. examine D. excellence
8. A. motorway B. musician C. movement D. messenger
9. A. translation B. tendency C. transcription D. transparent
10. A. unusual B. untidy C. unhappy D. unemployed

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 104 - School: L Anh Xun
11. Silver is ________ than gold
A. valuable than B. valuable less than
C. less valuable than D. valuable more than
12. Do you come to school_______
A. by feet B. with foot C. on foot D. by feet
13. Please buy me________ the next time you are in town
A. a scissor B. scissors C. pairs of scissor D. a pair of scissors
14. My sister is busy_______ a letter
A. in writing B. writing C. to write D. at writing
15. John is the boy who lives_________ from the school
A. the farthest B. farthest C. farther D. furthest
16. He acted as if he_________ English perfectly
A. know B. know C. knew D. is knowing
17. The teacher speaks slowly_______ the pupils may understand him
A. because B. in order to C. so that D. or
18. It is difficult_________ there on time.
A. get B. to get C. in getting D. for getting
19. Will you tell me________ the ticket?
A. where to buy B. whom to buy C. where do you buy D. from where to buy
20. When the thief was questioned by the police, he didn't_______ the truth
A. say B. answer C. reply D. tell
21. The street is so narrow that the local authority have decided to______ it.
A. increase B. widen C. lengthen D. extend
22. A red light is a_______ of danger.
A. design B. mark C. signal D. spot
23. If you want to see the dentist, it's best to make_______ with him.
A. an appointment B. a date C. a meeting D. an interview
24. The energy of the sun is one of alternative__________
A. waster B. minerals C. conservation D. fuels
25. She is accustomed to________ early.
A. rise B. rising C. rose D. risen

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?

26. Harry couldn't get his parents' permission to buy a motorbike.
A. Harry's parents let him buy a motorbike
B. Harry's parents didn't let him buy a motorbike
C. Harry didn't want to buy a motorbike
D. Harry asked his parents if he could buy a motorbike
27. "Where have I left my sunglasses, David?" asked Susan
A. Susan asked David where she has left her sunglasses
B. Susan asked David where has she left her sunglasses
C. Susan asked David where she had left her sunglasses
D. Susan asked David where had she left her sunglasses
28. John's behaviour at the party annoyed me.
A. I was annoyed by John's behaviour at the party
B. John went to the party, which annoyed me
C. John behaved well at the party
D. Everybody was angry with John because of his behaviour at the party
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 105 - School: L Anh Xun
29. When he was a child in Australia. Mark went swimming almost every day.
A. Mark could swim when he was a little boy
B. When he was a child, Mark's favourite sport was swimming
C. Mark went swimming almost every day during his childhood in Australia.
D. Mark went swimming a lot when he was a child in Australia. he doesn't now.
30. Matthew didn't listen to what is doctor told him.
A. Matthew took no notice of his doctor's advice.
B. The doctor spoke so quietly that Matthew couldn't hear his advice
C. The doctor's advice was not good for him to listen to
D. The doctor's advice was to bad for him to listen to
Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. (A) Violent programmes (B) on television (C) may have a bad influence (D) to children.
32. It is not easy (A) to tell the true age of a tortoise because (B) its size often (C) bears no relation (D)
with its age.
33. Although my mother (A) and my father (B) like classical music, (C) but I like (D) light music.
34. (A) Would you mind (B) if had you see peter (C) out at the (D) airport tomorrow?
35. Valerie found (A) it hard (B) to concentrate on her (C) work (D) because the noise.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.

During the teenage years, many young peole can sometimes be difficult to talk to. They often seem
to dislike being questioned. They may seem unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a normal
development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to understand. It is part of becoming
independent of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually more
willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of real interest and not because people are
trying to check up on them.
Parent should do their best to talk to their son or their daughter about school work and future plan
but should not push them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs
some young people in trying to be adult may experiment with sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents
need to watch for any signs of unusual behavour which may be connected with these and get help if

36. This is from a ________

A. parents handbook B. school timetable C. teenage magazine D. children's book
37. What is the writer trying to do?
A. to be amusing B. to be argumentative
C. to be helpful D. to be apologetic
38. Why do adults sometimes find teenagers difficult?
A. because most teenagers are quiet
B. because teenagers don't want to talk to their parents
C. because teenagers hate adults
D. because most teenagers hate adults
39. When can you expect a young person to be more talkative than usual?
A. When people talk to them because they are really interested and not just checking on them.
B. When adults talk to them about something other than their work in school.
C. When adults give them a lot of money to spend
D. When adults talk to them about sex, alcohol and drugs.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 106 - School: L Anh Xun
40. Some teenagers experiment with drinking and smoking because_______
A. hey regard it as mark of adulthood
B. women like a smoking and drinking man
C. cigarettes and alcohol are cheap
D. cigarettes and alcohol are available everywhere.
How transportation affects our life?
Without transportation, our modern society could not (41)_______ We would have no metals, no
coal and no oil nor would we have any (42)_______ made from these materials (43)_______ , we would
have to spend most of our time (44)_______ food and food would be (45)_______ to the kinds that could
grow in the climate and soil of our own neighbourhoods.
Transportation also (46)_______ our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the
(47)_______ of a sick person, even if the patient lives on an isolated farm. It can take police to the
(48)_______ of a crime within moments of being notified. Transportation (49)_______ teams of athletes to
compete in national and international sports contests. In time of (50)_______ transportation can rush ad
to person in areas stricken by floods, famines and earthquakes.

41. A. happen B. exist C. take place D. establish

42. A. production B. producers C. productivity D. products
43. A. Besides B. However C. Although D. Even
44. A. buying B. taking C. raising D. paying
45. A. related B. limited C. focused D. connected
46. A. makes B. influences C. affects D. effects
47. A. side B. way C. body D. part
48. A. location B. scene C. place D. site
49. A. brings B. gets C. fetches D. enables
50. A. disasters B. wars C. accidents D. problems
Cu 1: Chn cm t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
What will you do when you.....................
A. growing B. grew up C. grown up D. grow up
Chn t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) in vo ch trng trong on vn sau, t
cu 2 n cu 11
When George finished his study at the university, he began (2)_________ for a job. He
did not know what he (3)________ like to do. His uncle had worked for the government for
thirty years and he advised George (4)________ to get a job of the same kind, so he went for
a job interview one day. He was (5) __________ and his first job was in a large government (6)
__________ in London. When George had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle
(7)_________ him a visit. The uncle was delighted that his (8)_______ had managed to get a
job working (9)________ the government, he asked George a lot of questions about the job.
One of the questions he asked was (10)_______ people work in your department. The young
man thought for a (11)________ then answered, "about half of them".
Cu 2: A. trying B. finding C. seeing D. looking
Cu 3: A. should B. had C. would D. has
Cu 4: A. trying B. tried C. tries D. to try
Cu 5: A. successful B. impatient C. unsuccessful D. achieving
Cu 6: A. office B. room C. basement D. had
Cu 7: A. offered B. paid C. came D. gave
Cu 8: A. son B. grandson C. niece D. nephew
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 107 - School: L Anh Xun
Cu 9: A. for B. from C. in D. at
Cu 10: A. how long B. how many C. how often D. how
Cu 11: A. hour B. time C. moment D.
Cu 12: Xc nh t hoc cm t c gch di, cn phi sa cu tr thnh chnh xc
(A) How (B) length (C) is the rives? - (D) About 30 kilometers
Cu 13: Chn t m phn gch chn c cch pht m khc vi nhng t
cn li:
A. some B. one C. done D. home
Cu 14: Chn t c trng m chnh nhn vo m tit c v tr khc vi
cc t cn li
A. nation B. between C. again D. about
Cu 15: Chn t c trng m chnh nhn vo m tit c v tr khc vi cc t cn li:
A. happy B. admire C. habit D. hobby
Cu 16: Chn t m phn gch chn c cch pht m khc vi nhng t
cn li
A. which B. where C. what D. who
Cu 17: Chn nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
We will come back home when................................................................................
A. the school time will be over B. the school time is over
B. the school time was over B. the school has been over
Cu 18: Chn nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
Bill is a good driver. He usually drives.....................................................................
A. carefully B. carelessly C. careful D. careless
Cu 19: Chn t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
She is a very famous stamp________ in England.
A. collection B. collective C. collector D. collect
Cu 20: Chn thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
The______ is in the vase
A. flower B. jacket C. child D. dress
Cu 21: Chn thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
A. There's a film______eight o'clock.
A. after B. on C. in D. at
Cu 22: Chn thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
Thre's one_______ in a school.
A. master B. headmaster C. teacher D. head teacher
Cu 23: Chn t/ cm t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
Jane and I________ school in 1987.
A. finish B. have finished C. finishes D. finishes
Cu 24: Chn t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
James Watt is a famous Scottish_____________
A. invention B. inventive C. invent D. inventor
Cu 25: Chn thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
This is the factory______ my father used to work
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
Cu 26: Xc nh t hoc cm t c gch di, cn phi sa, cu tr thnh chnh xc:
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 108 - School: L Anh Xun
When their mother is (A) away from home, the children (B) are look (C) after (D) by
their grandmother.
Cu 27: Chn nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
Farmers grow rice in the field. Rice_________
A. are grown in the field by farmers B. is grown in the field by farmers
C. is being grown in the field by farmers D. are growing in the
field by farmers
Cu 28: Chn t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
Don't you know the writer______ wrote this novel?
A. who B. whose C. which D. where
Cu 29: Chn t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
I'm not tall______ to reach the ceiling fan.
A. too B. enough C. so D. such
Cu 30: Chn t / nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
Her children_____ football when I came.
A. is playing B. were playing C. play D. played
Cu 31: Chn t / nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
Nobody______to me since my birthday
A. has written B. is writing C. writes D. wrote
Cu 32: Chn t / nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
Nothing______ better than going to the play tonight
A. has been B. had been C. is D. are
Cu 33: Chn cm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
He doesn't mind_____while he's working.
A. to be disturbing B. being disturbed C. to be disturbed D. being disturbing
Cu 34: Chn t / nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
Would you mind______
A. having answered the phone? B. answering the phone?
C. answer the phone? D. to answer the phone?
Cu 35: Chn t / nhm t hoc mnh (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu
There is a sofa in the______
A. sitting - room B. bathroom C. classroom D. lab
Cu 36: Chn cu (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
"Daisy had a careful look at the pictures on the wall" means______
A. Daisy looked careful at the pictures on the wall
B. Daisy took a care look at the pictures on the wall.
C. Daisy is carefully looking at the pictures on the wall.
D. Daisy looked at the pictures on the wall carefully.
Cu 37: Chn t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
There are regional_____between the North and the South of England.
A. different B. differ C. differently D. differences
Cu 38: Chn t / cm t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 109 - School: L Anh Xun
An important football match between our school team and their_____ on Monday
A. took place B. will be taken place C. takes place D. will take place
Cu 39: Xc nh t hoc cm t c gch di, cn phi sa, cu tr thnh chnh xc:
(A) Before (B) to go out, (C) remember (D) to turn off the lights.
Cu 40: Chn t/ cm t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
You cant see Tom now. He_____ a bath.
A. has B. has had C. have D. is having
Cu 41: Chn t m phn gch chn c cch pht m khc vi nhng t
cn li
A. but B. cut C. minute D. umbrella
Cu 42: Xc nh t hoc cm t c gch di, cn phi sa, cu tr thnh chnh xc:
Everybody I (A) know (B) like to ear (C) chocolate and (D) ice-creams.
Cu 43: Chn t thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
There's a school______ my house
A. on B. near C. in D. between
c k on vn v tr li cc cu hi (bng cch chn phng n ng, ng vi A
hoc B, C, D) t cu 44 nc u 48
Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a city of contrasts. It is an exciting, crowded,
modern country, and at the same time, a city that is full of history. The streets of Bangkok
are usually noisy and crowded with people. Some are selling food, others are selling clothes,
cassette tapes, flowers or souvenirs. Visitors love the rice markets, the beautiful temples,
the architecture, and the night life. They also enjoy the food, the shopping and the friendly
Thai people. Everyone seems to smile there.
Cu 44: What are usually noisy and crowded with people in Bangkok?
A. hotels B. streets C. houses D. schools
Cu 45: Who loves the beautiful temples and night life?
A. learners B. doctors C. directors D. visitors
Cu 46: How is Bangkok?
A. exciting B. boring C. expensive D. cheap
Cu 47: What can we buy in Bangkok?
A. food and clothes B. cassette tapes
C. flowers and souvenirs D. all are correct
Cu 48: How are Thai people?
A. rich B. kind C. friendly D. economical

Cu 49: Xc nh t hoc cm t c gch di, cn phi sa, cu tr thnh chnh xc:

I (A) have to (B) finished (C) writing the report (D) by myself.
Cu 50: Chn cu thch hp (ng vi A hoc B, C, D) hon thnh cu sau:
"He left school three years ago" means__________
A. It is three years since he has left school.
B. It is three years since he left school.
C. It is three years ago he left school.
D. It is three years since he had left school.


I. Tm mt t m phn nghing c cch pht m khc vi nhng t cn li

Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 110 - School: L Anh Xun
1. A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing
2. A. meat B. teach C. reach D. head
3. A. buses B. passes C. glasses D. houses
4. A. laid B. said C. paid D. main
5. A. hear B. clear C. tear D. bear

II. Chn t c trng m chnh nhn vo m tit c v tr khc vi t cn li

6. A. cinematographer B. arithmetic C. physician D. laboratory
7. A. democracy B. committee C. proficiency D. television
8. A. submarine B. cheerio C. balloon D. understand
9. A. contemporary B. geometry C. trigonometry D. succession
10. A. guarantee B. expenditure C. complicate D. wholesaler

III. Hy xc nh mt li trong cc t hoc cm t c gch chn ca cc cu sau:

11. one of (A) the worst (B) disease that mankind (C) has ever had is (D) cancer.
12. It is (A) the writing English (B) that causes (C) difficulties to (D) foreigners.
13. (A) Gravity is the force (B) in the earth to (C) attract everything towards (D) its centre.
14. (A) Today (B) advertising is (C) one of the biggest (D) business.
15. (A) Burning garbage and paper wastes (B) pollute the air (C) with unpleasant (D) odours.
16. (A) Five years (B) have passed since I (C) began (D) learning English.
17. (A) A shape with (B) four equal sides and (C) one right angle is called (D) a rectangle.
18. (A) On the (B) computer system at work, (C) information (D) updates every hour.
19. (A) Unless you (B) behave yourself well, your parents (C) will be (D) happy.
20. Janet (A) is finally (B) used (C) to cook on (D) electric stove.
IV. Chn phng n tt nht hon thnh cc cu sau:
21. I think you should_________
A. have your hair be cut B. have your hair cut
C. cut your hair D. have your hair been cut
22. Please tell me where_________
A. does Peter live B. is Peter living C. Peter lives D. Peter lived
23. He wanted to win the race. He ran_________
A. faster than he canB. fast as he could C. as fast as he could D. so fast as he can
24. The effects of cigarette smoking_________ to be extremely harmful so far.
A. is proved B. are proved C. will be proved D. have been proved
25. Did they say they_________ me?
A. will telephone B. would telephone C. have telephoned D. had telephone

V. Hon thnh nhng cu sau bng cch chn t hoc cm t ng nht

26. We'll meet him at the post office_________ we last met.
A. when B. that C. where D. what
27. Paul can't go to school_________ his illness.
A. as B. because C. because of D. since
28. The bank is on_________ side of the street.
A. another B. other C. the other D. the next
29. _________ patient and you will succeed.
A. To be B. be C. being D. in order to be
30. The smaller the room is, _________ furniture it needs.
A. less B. little C. the less D. the fewer
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 111 - School: L Anh Xun
31. I hope I haven't go_________ luggage
A. so many B. so much C. too much D. too many
32. In the 1960s_________ was concerned about pollution
A. hardly everyone B. rarely anyone C. hardly anyone D. rarely everyone
33. What he says makes no_________ to me.
A. reason B. truth C. sense D. matter
34. It is a new clock but it doesn't always keep_________ time.
A. serious B. accurate C. true D. certain
35. Do you know the beautiful girl_________?
A. sat in the car B. sitting in the car C. who sit in the car D. sits in the car

VI. c on vn sau v chn mt t thch hp nht trong s nhng t cho sn (A,

B, C, D) ca cc cu trc nghim 36 - 45 pha di bi hc.

Julie always thought of herself as an easy going and (36)_______ person, who put up with
people's differences. She hardly ever became upset about anything and believed that if you treated
people well, they would (37)_______ with you. That is, until Alex and Harry moved in next door. At first
when their music woke her in the night, she was just a bit (38)_______, but did not feel offended. She
shrugged her (39)_______ and said to herself, "Never mind, I make a lot of noise sometimes. I'll go round
and (40)_______, in as nice a way as possible". When she knocked at Alex and Harry's door she said
"I'm not very (41)_______ on very loud music, to be honest. Do you think you could turn down a bit?".
They just grinned and then Alex said.
"You can think whatever you like, as far as we're concerned". Then they shut the door in Julie's
face. By the end of the week, Julie felt angry, but was determined no to (42)_______ her temper. She had
hardly slept, and kept (43)_______ all the time, but she kept busy. The next time she called next door,
she gave Harry and Alex a present. "It's just a cake I made for you. Please (44)_______ my apologies for
last time!". And that day the noise, stopped. "What a (45)_______" thought Julie. Now there's some
peace and quiet and I can read my favourite book "The History of Poison".
36. A. dull B. glad C. quarrelsome D. tolerant
37. A. scream B. like C. co-operate D. mind
38. A. furious B. irritated C. annoying D. thrilled
39. A. shoulders B. arms C. hands D. head
40. A. cry B. quarrel C. complain D. fall out
41. A. interested B. like C. happy D. keen
42. A. have B. lose C. shout D. break
43. A. accept B. snoring C. yawning D. growling
44. A. accept B. take C. attempt D. invite
45. A. believe B. naughty C. shame D. relief

VII. c on vn sau v chn cu tr li ph hp nht cho cc cu hit 46 - 50


Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local
policed. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police,
but the went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station he was told by a
smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 112 - School: L Anh Xun
Five days ago, the policeman told him that his bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred
miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised when he heard the news.
He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago
when Ted was a boy of fifteen.
46. Ted was worried because________
A. he received a letter B. he went to police station yesterday
C. the police would catch him D. he didn't know why the police wanted him
47. The policeman who talked to Ted was________
A. pleasant B. worried C. surprised D. small
48. Why was Ted very surprised when he heard the news?
A. Because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago.
B. Because his bicycle was found when he was 15.
C. Because he thought he would never find the bicycle.
D. Because the bicycle was sent to him by train.
49. When was Ted's bicycles found?
A. Last Tuesday B. Five days ago C. Twenty years ago D. Yesterday
50. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The police asked Ted to go to their station
B. The police told Ted the good news five days ago.
C. Ted is no longer anxious.
D. Ted is 35 years old now.
I. Tm t m phn gch di c cch pht m khc vi cc t cn li:
1. A. erosion B. pollution C. cold D. rotation
2. A. opened B. painted C. provided D. wanted
3. A. then B. send C. set D. respect
4. A. national B. nation C. international D. nationality
5. A. encounter B. about C. sound D. thought
II. Hon thnh nhng cu sau bng cch chn t hoc cm t ng nht
6. We had a river______
A. where we could swim in B. which we could swim
C. to swim in D. to swim
7. She had never been in good health, but she ______ her husband by 20 years.
A. outnumbered B. surpassed C. surlived D. outlived
8. Ten years of waiting______ nothing to those who are in love.
A. means B. mean C. to mean D. meaning
9. Farmers often______ their soil by adding fertilizers.
A. rich B. enrich C. riches D. enrichment
10. The students in the next classroom______ very loudly every day
A. talk B. talked C. are talking D. talks
11. This is not the first time the car has broken down. It has happened ______ times before.
A. a few B. little C. a little D. few
12. Do you consider______ to the seaside this weekend?
A. going B. to go C. goes D. go
13. Would you like______ to the party?
A. come B. to come C. to have come D. coming
14. Let's go and have a drink. We've got______ time before the train leaves.
A. a few B. few C. a little D. little
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 113 - School: L Anh Xun
15. Neither the teacher nor the students ______ happy about the test results.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
16. We can preserve flood by ______ the forests.
A. preserving B. preserved C. preservation D. preserve
17. Our teacher told us yesterday that he ______ England.
A. has visited B. has visited C. visits D. visited
18. We ______ waste paper to preserve wood pulp.
A. recycle B. produce C. rebuild D. use up
19. Your exam results are rather ______ I expected you to do better.
A. disappointed B. disappointedly C. disappointment D. disappointing
20. It was very kind______ you to help me.
A. of B. with C. about D. to
21. Women______ to live longer than men.
A. tend B. tends C. to tend D. tendency
22. I will not ______ your behaving that way.
A. tolerance B. tolerate C. tolerant D. tolerable
23. The classroom with 10 tables______ 20 chairs in it.
A. has B. have C. is D. are
24. His opinion is different ______ yours.
A. to B. in C. with D. from
25. They discussed the matter calmly and______
A. reasonable B. reasonably C. reasoning D. reason
26. There are a lot of ______ jobs in this company.
A. attracted B. attraction C. attractive D. attract
27. Fortunately, the plane landed ______ after the violent storm.
A. safely B. safety C. safe D. unsafe
28. During his ______, his family lived in the United States.
A. child B. childlike C. childish D. childhood
29. He always wears clothes ______ are too small for him.
A. where B. which C. why D. what
30. I am used to ______ by train.
A. traveled B. to travel C. travel D. travelling
III. Hy xc nh mt li trong cc cm t c gch chn ca cc cu sau:
31. (A) The actor, (B) along with his manager and some friends, (C) are going to the party (D) tonight.
32. You can learn as (A) much therey (B) as you like, (C) but you only master a skill by (D) practice a lot.
33. (A) Most my students (B) are familiar (C) with this kind of school (D) activities.
34. (A) When we returned (B) home late (C) at night, he (D) has already left.
35. It is (A) so a heavy suitcase (B) that I (C) can't carry (D) it.

IV. Chn phng n tt nht hon thnh cc cu sau:

36. Neither he______
A. or they comes here B. nor they comes here
C. nor they come here D. or they come here
37. Please tell me______ you look so sad.
A. the reason why B. why the reason C. that the reason D. the reason that
38. Are you good______?
A. at speaking English B. on speaking English
C. at speak English D. in speaking English
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 114 - School: L Anh Xun
39. English is an important language______
A. that to study B. for to study C. to study D. which to study
40. I am not interested______.
A. to playing games B. in playing games C. in play games D. with playing games
V. Chn mt t thch hp nht trong s nhng t cho sn (A, B, C, D) ca cc
cu trc nghim t 41- 50 hont hnh on vn sau:
Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities. Motor vehicles, factories and other sources create
so (41)_______ air pollution that it may hang in the air (42)_______ dirty fog. Air pollution threatens the
health of the people who (43)_______ in cities. City wastes cause water pollution when they (44)_______
into the waterways. These wastes kill fish and make some areas (45)_______ for swimming. In addition,
many large cities have difficulties (46)_______ disposing of their garbage. The amount of garbage
(47)_______ each year, but places to put it are quickly filling (48)_______ Citizens, governments,
industries, scientists, and business people must work (49)_______ in different ways to gradually reduce
pollution. For example, (50)_______ cities have introduced recycling programmes.

41. A. much B. a lot C. a lot of D. many

42. A. similar B. like C. as D. same
43. A. lives B. live C. is living D. are living
44. A. are pouring B. are poured C. have poured D. pour
45. A. fit B. safe C. unfit D. healthy
46. A. with B. on C. about D. in
47. A. develops B. grows C. raises D. rises
48. A. down B. in C. - D. up
49. A. each other B. together C. themselves D. all
50. A. most of B. much of C. most D. many of
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean
2. A. cuts B. reads C. opens D. plays
3. A. after B. advice C. agree D. alone
4. A. book B. look C. floor D. food
5. A. shirt B. fire C. first D. bird
6. A. worked B. cleaned C. played D. agreed
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
7. All of the people______ to the party for an hour.
A. go B. went C. have gone D. has gone
8. A large number of students______ answered the first three question
A. has B. have C. has been D. had
9. He knows________of the people here.
A. much B. a little C. most D. more
10. We are going to buy some eggs because there are only____ in the fridge.
A. a few B. much C. a little D. many
11. Mrs. Mary lives____ Dublin.
A. in B. at C. to D. for
12. I am going______ this afternoon.
A. to the work B. in work C. to work D. work
13. The plane will take_____ at 16:30.
A. up B. off C. on D. away
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 115 - School: L Anh Xun
14. I had a salad______
A. for lunch B. to lunch C. at a lunch D. for the lunch
15. Would you like ______ tea?
A. some B. a C. any D. many
16. Could you please tell me the______ to the railway station
A. road B. path C. direct D. way
17. The weather was ______ nice on that day.
A. much B. some C. quite D. a lot
18. He did______ in his examination.
A. good B. right C. possible D. well
19. Lan is______ with the result of her test.
A. satisfaction B. satisfactorily C. satisfy D. satisfied
20. The story is______ and it makes us laugh a lot.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interestingly
21. The weather this month______ him because it has been raining most of the time.
A. disappoints B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment
22. This job is______ and a lot of young people like it.
A. attraction B. attracted C. attract D. attractive
23. This shirt is good and its price is______
A. reason B. reasonable C. reasonably D. reasoning
24. Have you got anything_____?
A. eat B. ate C. eating D. to ear
25. _____ is good for our health
A. Swim B. Swimming C. Swam D. Being swim
26. My friend wants_____ a teacher when she finishes school.
A. become B. became C. becoming D. to become
27. I remember_____ the door before going to bed.
A. locking B. locked C. lock D. have locked
28. The children enjoy_____ football.
A. watch B. watched C. watching D. having watched
29. Life here is much easier than it _____ be.
A. use B. used C. uses D. used to
30. Which would you_____, tea or coffee?
A. preference B. preferencial C. prefer D. preferment
Read the text below and choose the best word(s) to fill each space
When William Hall left university in 1989, he moved to London. He (31)_______ the job in the same
year with an insurance company that his grandfather had started exactly 80 years (32)_______, in 1909.
(33)_______ working there for two years, he was promoted and (34)_______ the assistant manager of
the Edinburgh office in 1991. (35)_______ this time, he was engaged to Janet Simpson. They had met
the (36)_______ year. While he was (37)_______ working in London, she also moved to Edinburgh. They
got married a year (38)_______ and in the (39)_______ year, their son, Henry (40)_______ born.
31. A. received B. was C. got D. took
32. A. during B. earlier C. sooner D. recently
33. A. Until B. By C. While D. After
34. A. is becoming B. has become C. became D. had become
35. A. Until B. By C. After D. From
36. A. previous B. last C. late D. recent
37. A. still B. already C. yet D. just
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 116 - School: L Anh Xun
38. A. after B. later C. following D. next
39. A. later B. coming C. after D. following
40. A. is B. has been C. was D. had been
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group
1. A. teacher B. clear C. reason D. mean
2. A. cuts B. reads C. opens D. plays
3. A. after B. advice C. agree D. alone
4. A. book B. look C. floor D. food
5. A. shirt B. fire C. first D. bird
6. A. worked B. cleaned C. played D. agreed
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences
7. All of the people________ to the party for an hour.
A. go B. went C. have gone D. has gone
8. A large number of students________ answered the first three questions.
A. has B. have C. has been D. had
9. He knows________ of the people here.
A. much B. a little C. most D. more
10. We are going to buy some eggs because there are only_________ in the fridge.
A. a few B. much C. a little D. many
11. Mrs. Mary lives_______ Dublin.
A. in B. at C. to D. for
12. I am going ________ this afternoon.
A. to the work B. in work C. to work D. work
13. The plane will take________ at 16.30
A. up B. off C. on D. away
14. I had a salad_________
A. for lunch B. to lunch C. at a lunch D. for the lunch
15. Would you like_______ tea?
A. some B. a C. any D. many
16. Could you please tell me the ________ to the railway station
A. road B. path C. direct D. way
17. The weather was ________ nice on that day.
A. much B. some C. quite D. a lot
18. He did_________ in his examination.
A. good B. right C. possible D. well
19. Lan is_______ with result of her test.
A. satisfaction B. satisfactorily C. satisfy D. satisfied
20. The story is_________ and it makes us laugh a lot.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interestingly
21. The weather this month_______ him because it has been raining most of the time.
A. disappoints B. disappointing C. disappointed D. disappointment
22. This job is ________ and a lot of young people like it.
A. attraction B. attracted C. attract D. attractive
23. This shirt is good and its price is_______
A. reason B. reasonable C. reasonably D. reasoning
24. Have you got anything_________?
A. eat B. ate C. eating D. to eat
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 117 - School: L Anh Xun
25. __________ is good for our health
A. Swim B. Swimming C. Swam D. Being swim
26. My friend wants________ a teacher when she finishes school
A. become B. became C. becoming D. to become
27. I remember ______ the door before going to bed.
A. locking B. locked C. lock D. have locked
28. The children enjoy________ football.
A. watch B. watched C. watching D. having watched
29. Life here is much easier than it________ be.
A. use B. used C. uses D. used to
30. Which would you _________ tea or coffee?
A. preference B. preferencial C. prefer D. preferment
Read the text below and choose the best word(s) to fill each space
When William Hall left university in 1989, he moved to London. He (31)_______ the job in the same
year with an insurance company that his grandfather had started exactly 80 years (32)_______ in 1909
(33)_______ working there for two years, he was promoted and (34)_______ the assistant manager of
the Edinburgh office in 1991 (35)_______ this time, he was engaged to Janet Simpson. They had met the
(36)_______ year. While he was (37)_______ working in London, she also moved to Edinburgh. They got
married a year (38)_______ and in the (39)_______ year, their son, Henry (40)_______ born.
31. A. received B. was C. got D. took
32. A. during B. earlier C. sooner D. recently
33. A. Until B. By C. While D. After
34. A. is becoming B. has become C. became D. had become
35. A. Until B. By C. After D. From
36. A. previous B. last C. late D. recent
37. A. still B. already C. yet D. just
38. A. after B. later C. following D. next
39. A. later B. coming C. after D. following
40. A. is B. has been C. was D. had been
Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct
1. She is studying English. She started learning it 3 years ago. She _____ English for 3 years.
A. studied B. had studied C. has been studying D. studies
2. I will have you car _____ soon
A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired
3. I've never heard of it. Where_____?
A. did it make B. made it C. was it make D. was it made
4. Some more money was sent to Sam. Sam _____ some more money.
A. sent B. has sent C. was sent D. had sent
5. They _____ for Japan tomorrow
A. will be leaving B. will have left C. are left D. have left
6. _____ we offer you this job, when car you start?
A. and B. if C. or D. because
7. _____ did he go? - 1,600 miles.
A. How long B. How long ago C. How many further D. How far
8. An operation is usually performed by a _____
A. nurse B. dentist C. scientist D. surgeon
9. _____ all Sam's money was returned
Teacher : Nguyn nh Mai - 118 - School: L Anh Xun
A. at time B. after a time C. with the times D. a long time
10. _____ he has never borrowed any money from me.
A. last week B. up till now C. since D. a week ago
11. _____ you're going to the fruit market, would you please pick up a few apples for me?
A. even if B. although C. so D. as long as
12. After Joe's father died, he was_____ up by his grandmother.
A. grown B. brought C. taken D. looked
13. They wanted to know if the woman had died of the rare_____
A. illness B. pain C. ache D. hurt
14. I carried one of the_____
A. box of books B. boxes of books C. boxes of book D. book's boxes
15. The inn- keeper returned with my bag. He _____ quickly.
A. turned B. turned back C. came back D. turned round
16. The old couple have saved a lot of money for their_____
A. retire B. retirement C. retired D. retiring
17. He spet his_____ in Hue city.
A. child B. childhood C. childlike D. all are incorrect
18. These companies are in _____ for the same contract.
A. compete B. competitive C. competitors D. competition
19. I've just been told some _____ news.
A. astonishing B. astonished C. astonishment D. astonish
20. Travelling by public transport is very_____ as there are long delays.
A. attractive B. unattractive C. unattractively D. attraction
21. My father's health was serious affected and he suffered from constant_____
A. unsleepness B. dissleepness C. sleeplessness D. sleepness
22. We must take steps to preserve natural resources otherwise the planet will be in danger.
Unless we_____
A. take steps to preserve natural resources otherwise the planet will be in danger.
B. take steps to preserve natural resources, the planet will be in danger.
C. don't take steps to preserve natural resources the planet will be in danger.
D. take steps to preserving natural resources otherwise the planet will be in danger.
23. They last visited me five years ago
They haven't______
A. visit to me in five years B. visited me for five years
C. met me for five years D. come with me in five years
24. I'm never going to visit them again.
That's ______
A. my going to visit them again B. my last visit them
C. the last time I visited them D. the last time I've visited them
25. This lecture bores me to tears
I am ______
A. very bored with the lecture B. boring with the lecture to tears
C. crying for the lecture D. bored to the lecture to tears.
26. The car was so rusty that it couldn't be repaired
The car was too______
A. rusty for us to repair B. rusty to repair
C. rusty to be repaired D. rusty it couldn't be repaired

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