Week 2 - Field Notes Template Scripting Dialogue and Conversation

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Name: Amy Bolick Date: 5/ 24 /2017

EDE 4943 Alternative Field Experience: Field Notes

Elementary School
(circle the name of your school placement site)

Colson Lopez Schmidt Yates

Expectations: Field notes from the week will be uploaded on Canvas by Friday at midnight.

Take field notes the first day and throughout the week. Field notes should be taken during each activity block
about what is observed and informal conversations with students. You may refer to the Dana & Yendol-Hoppey
Book pages: 92-100 for more guidelines and examples.

Types of Field Notes:


Provided, below, are some examples of templates that can be used for scripting dialogue and conversation field notes.

You may customize this document to reflect your choice of using one or more of the templates provided.

Class: 2nd grade

Date: 5/24/17
Start Time: 2:30
End Time: 2:40
Codes Teacher (You) Student

T: How long have you been at Colson?

S: Since first grade

T: What grade are you in now?

S: 2nd

T: Where did you go for kindergarten?


T: What is your favorite subject?

S: Soccer

T: What is your favorite subject in school?

S: Math

T: What do you like about math?

S: Counting money
T: What kind of stuff do you in your class?

S: Count quarters, dimes and nickels and money

T: Have you lived in Florida your whole life? Have you ever lived somewhere else?

S: I started to go to Florida because I moved, cause I was in Puerto Rico and it was a little bit um, cause I
didnt know what my dad was saying

T: How long did you live in Puerto Rico?

S: Like two weeks

T: So you were born, then two weeks later you moved?

S: Yes

T: Do you ever visit?

S: No, but when Im twelve I can visit there

T: Do you have family that live there still?

S: Yes its my Uncle, and , I think it two Uncles and my Aunt

T: So what is your favorite color?

S: Blue

T: Blue, Why?

S: Cause water is blue and so is the sky

T: Because the water is blue and so is the sky?

S: Yes, and so is a hair band

T: Do you have any Brothers or sisters?

S: Yes, its Joshua and Alysha

T: Are they older than you?

S: No, Im older than them

T: How old are you?

S: Eight

T: Are you excited to go to third grade?

S: Yes

T: What is your favorite book to read?

S: Frozen
T: Do you like the movie?

S: yeah

T: What do you like about 2nd grade?

S: You get to have fun and you got to think and you got to spell words out

T: Do you like your teacher?

S: Yes

T: What do you like about your teacher?

S: That she let us get, eat popsicles

T: Do you like writing?

S: Kind of

T: What do you like to write about?

S: about otters or dolphins

T: Otters?

S: or dolphins

T: Thats cool, I like otters, they are cute

S: yeah, I like the babies

T: Do you have a favorite animal?

S: Yes. puppies

T: What do you like about puppies?

S: You get to play with them and you get to touch them

T: Teach them to do stuff?

S: Id teach them tricks

T: Yeah? Interesting

Have you ever been to a theme park, like Busch Gardens or the zoo?

S: Yeah, we had a field trip with the school

T: Can you tell me a story of what happened at Busch Gardens?

S: Well, um, I went, I saw um some animals, I couldnt touch them. One of them were penguins, they
were in a plastic thing and I couldnt touch them. I saw, um, turtles




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