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Evidencia 10: Sentences Marketing plan

Para realizar esta evidencia usted debe tener en cuenta los siguientes

1. Estudiar el vocabulario que encuentra en el material denominado English

Word Marketing plan (Material de formacin).

2. crear 20 frases referentes al plan de mercadeo.

1. The objectives are central to the development of the marketing plan, as

everything that precedes them leads to the establishment thereof.

2. The marketing plan is a tool that allows us to set ourselves the way to get
to a particular place. We can hardly produce it unless we know where we
are and where we want to go.

3. To properly implement control over plans strategic it is necessary to

determine and analyze the organizational structure

4. Through the marketing plan knowledge of the objective facts and a real
analysis of the situation is obtained, leaving nothing to guess.

5. Marketing is one of the most important parts of any business, as it is

allowing you to connect with customers, build relationships and convey
the message to perform sales and generate money.

6. The marketing plan is essential to the success of all businesses and

leads to efficient use of resources.

7. Strategic Planning seeks to concentrate on those achievable goals to

accomplish and what business area or compete.

8. The marketing plan provides a clear vision of the ultimate goal and what
we want to achieve on the way to the goal

9. Any object can be achieved since the implementation of various strategic

assumptions and each of them requires the application of a number of

10. The marketing plan is a management tool by which the step is

determined, methodologies and time to achieve certain objectives.
11. Control mechanisms allow us to identify the target partial realizations in
relatively short periods of time, so the ability to react almost immediately.
12. The strategies are the courses of action available to the company to
achieve its objectives; when a marketing plan elaborates these must be
well defined

13. Without a marketing plan we never know how we achieved the results of
our company, and therefore we will be exposed to shocks in the market.

14. The marketing plan is part of the strategic planning of a company

15. Control is the last requirement applicable to a marketing plan, control of

management and use of dashboards let you know the degree of
fulfillment of the objectives.
16. Marketing Plan requires a methodology to follow with some precision lest
we fall into disorder. It is important to follow each and every stage
17. Strategic marketing plan is part of the strategic planning of a company

18. If you want to be consistent with the strategies selected, will be

developed an action plan to achieve the goals set in the specified
19. The method s penetration into international markets and s strategies in
place to achieve this objective, are not by themselves the path
to success
20. To be successful in marketing need to create clear benefits for our

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