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Texila American University


Whats an Article Review?

An Article review is an attempt by one or more writers to sum up the current state of the
research on a particular topic. Ideally, the writer searches for everything relevant to the topic
and then sorts it all out into a coherent view of the state of the art as it now stands.

Article Review will teach you about:

The main people working in a field.
Recent major advances and discoveries.
Significant gaps in the research.
Current debates.
Ideas of where research might go next.

Article Reviews are virtual gold mines if you want to find out what the key articles are for a
given topic. Unlike research articles, review articles are good places to get a basic idea about a

Objectives of an Article Review

Writing Article Review is an essential component of higher learning which will-

Enhance students understanding in to the subject.
Orient students to the contemporary development in the field.
Help students to contextualize his learning skills.

How to Review a Journal Article?

Suggestions for First-Time Reviewers and Reminders for Seasoned Experts

Guidelines for Reviewing

Here are nine things you should consider as you examine the manuscript and write your review:
1. Look for the "intellectual plot-line" of the article. You can do this from first skimming
through the manuscript and then giving it a once-over read.
2. As you do this, ask the five major questions that are central to the research review
What do the researchers want to find out?
Why is that important to investigate or understand?
How are the researchers investigating this?
Are their research methods appropriate and adequate to the task?
What do they claim to have found out? Are the findings clearly stated?
3. How does this advance knowledge in the field?
4. How well do the researchers place their findings within the context of ongoing scholarly
inquiry about this topic?
5. Look at the organization of the article. Can you find answers to the above questions
quickly and easily? Can you trace the logic of investigation consistently from the opening
paragraphs to the conclusion?
Then go back to the opening paragraphs of the article. Are the research questions specifically
stated? Is it clear what the authors want to find out? Do they make the case that this is an
important area for research inquiry?

Information Sheet

Name of the Student Zakaria ahmed

Subject microbiology

Level [ MD-1,2,3,4] MD-3

Year 2

FOR MD 3 (Medical Microbiology & Parasitology)

Instruction: Please fill in the appropriate information

1 Title of the article (Mention Antibacterial activity of silver and zinc nanoparticles against
exactly as given in the actual Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxic Escherichia coli
article that you reviewed)

2 Website URL (It should start

with http:www. It should
preferably be from a .edu
domain or an authoritative
database, e.g. Pubmed,
Medscape, eMedicine, EBSCO,
PLoS etc)

3. Journal name (Example New A)University of Graz, Institute of Molecular Biosciences,

England Journal of Medicine, BioTechMed-Graz, Humboldtstrasse 50, A-8010 Graz, Austria
British Journal of Surgery) B)South Valley University, Faculty of Science, Qena, Egypt
C)Institute of Biophysics, Medical University of Graz,
BioTechMed-Graz, Schmiedlstrae 6, 8042 Graz, Austria
D)Institute for Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, University of
Graz, BioTechMed-Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria
4. Impact Factor if any
In addition, Ag-NPs-F had no impact on biofilm
formation of both pathogens. Thus, Ag-NPs-L were
selected for further analysis. First, the killing dynamic
of Ag-NPs-L against log-phase cultures of V.
cholerae and ETEC was determined. Two different
concentrations of Ag-NPs-L were tested, with one
close to the MIC and the other 2-fold higher. Addition
of Ag-NPs-L at these two different concentrations to
a V. cholerae culture resulted in both cases in a
rapid, continuous drop of viable cells with no
detectable CFUs after 2 h. In the case of ETEC,
killing was delayed with a steady decrease of CFUs
over time for both concentrations tested. Finally no
detection of viable cells could be observed after 20 h
for the higher or 22 h for the lower concentration of
Ag-NPs-L, respectively.
5. Indexed by e.g Thomson Wesam Salema, Deborah R. Leitner ,Franz G. Zingl Gebhart
Reuters, Scopus, etc Schratter , Ruth Prassl , Walter Goessler , Joachim Reidl ,
Stefan Schilda,
6. Publication year (Mention 4 November 2014
month also, if available)

7. Principle Author name (Mention Deborah R. Leitner, Faculty of Science, South Valley
affiliation also, example University.
Professor of Pathology in Texila Walter Goessler, Austriad Institute for Chemistry, Analytical
Chemistry, University of Graz,
American University)

8. Co-authors name(s) (Mention Wesam Salem,University of Graz, Institute of Molecular

affiliation also, example Biosciences.
Professor of Pathology in Texila
American University)

9. Has the abstract been written Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxic Escherichia coli (ETEC)
as per norms? (yes or no remain two dominant bacterial causes of severe secretory
explain) (Typically abstract diarrhea and still a significant cause of death, especially in
should be 200-250 words. It developing countries. In order to investigate new effective
and inexpensive therapeutic approaches, we analyzed
should be succinct and contain
nanoparticles synthesized by a green approach using
the following headings:
corresponding salt(silver or zinc nitrate) with aqueous
Introduction; Study design, extract of Caltropis procera fruit or leaves. We characterized
Material and methods, Data the quantity and quality of nanoparticles by UVvisible
sources, Main outcome wavelength scans and nanoparticle tracking analysis.
measures, Results, Conclusion) Nanoparticles could be synthesized in reproducible yields of
approximately 108 particles/ml with mode particles sizes of
Write an Abstract of your own approx. 90100 nm. Antibacterial activity againsttwo
after reading the main article pathogens was assessed by minimal inhibitory concentration
(250 words) assays and survival curves. Both pathogens exhibited similar
resistance profiles with minimal inhibitory concentrations
ranging between 5 105 and 107 particles/ml. Interestingly,
zinc nanoparticles showed a slightly higher efficacy, but
sublethal concentrations caused adverse effects and resulted
in increased biofilm formation of V. cholerae. Using the
expression levels ofthe outer membrane porin OmpT as an
indicator for cAMP levels, our results suggest that zinc
nanoparticles inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity. This
consequently deceases the levels of this second messenger,
which is a known inhibitor of biofilm formation. Finally, we
demonstrated that a single oral administration of silver
nanoparticles to infant mice colonized with V. cholerae or
ETEC significantly reduces the colonization rates of the
pathogens by 75- or 100-fold, respectively.
10. Are the key words given as per Nanoparticles, In vivo, Colonization, Infant mouse model, ,
norms? (Should not be more ,Antimicrobial activity.
than 5, Should be relevant to
the article heading and content)
11. Introduction (Does it Recently, nanotechnology has become increasingly
adequately set the stage for the important in the biomedical and pharmaceutical areas
rest of the article? Is it relevant? as alternative antimicrobial strategy due to re-
Is it irrelevant or immaterial?) emergence infectious diseases and the appearance of
antibiotic-resistant strains especially within Gram-
negative microorganisms. Biosynthesis of green
nanoparticles using plant extracts is an interesting area
in the field of nanotechnology, which has economic and
eco-friendly benefits over chemical and physical
methods of synthesis. Nanoparticles (NPs) are typically
no greater than 100 nm in size and their biocidal
effectiveness is suggested to be owing to a combination
of their small size and high surface-to-volume ratio,
which enable intimate interactions with microbial
membranes. In addition, inorganic antibacterial agents
such as metal and metal oxides are advantageous
compared to organic compound due to their stability.
Among these metal oxides, ZnO has attracted a special
attention as antibacterial agent. For instance, ZnO
inhibits the adhesion and internalization of
enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) into enterocytes. In
addition, ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) exhibit
antibacterial activity and can reduce the attachment
and viability of microbes on biomedical surfaces.
Interestingly, several results suggest a selective toxicity
of ZnO-NPs preferentially targeting prokaryotic
systems, although killing of cancer cells has also been
demonstrated. Several mechanisms have been reported
for the antibacterial activity of ZnO-NPs. For example
ZnO-NPs can interact with membrane lipids and
disorganize the membrane structure, which leads to
loss of membrane integrity, malfunction, and finally to
bacterial death. ZnO may also penetrate into bacterial
cells at a nanoscale level and result in the production of
toxic oxygen radicals, which damage DNA, cell
membranes or cell proteins, and may finally lead to the
inhibition of bacterial growth and eventually to
bacterial death.
12. Hypothesis (Does is adequately In order to confirm the hypothesis of adenylyl cyclase
address the Research question? inhibition by ZnO-NPs, the outer membrane (OM) proteins
Has it been stated correctly? Is were isolated from V. cholerae cultures grown in absence or
it an alternate Hypothesis or a presence of sublethal concentrations of ZnO-NPs, Ag-NPs or
zinc- and silver nitrate solutions. Subsequently, these OM
Null hypothesis?)
preparations were subjected to immunoblot analysis . Kang
staining and detection of OmpU by immunoblot served as
loading controls. While no difference in the abundance of
OmpU was observed, all preparations grown in presence of
ZnO-NPs or zinc nitrate exhibited only low levels of OmpT.
This result strengthens the hypothesis that treatment with
ZnO-NPs inhibits the adenylyl cyclase activity resulting in low
cAMP levels.
Consistent with this hypothesis we found only low levels of
the cAMP-induced porin OmpT in the OM of V.
cholerae treated with sublethal concentrations of ZnO-NPs.
13 Research methodology (What is Bacterial strains, culture conditions and supplements. V.
the study design, e.g. cholerae AC53 and ETEC H10407, spontaneous
Randomized controlled trial, streptomycinresistant (SmR) derivatives of the clinical
Cohort longitudinal prospective isolates O1 El Tor Ogawa E7946 (Miller et al., 1989); (Schild
et al., 2007) or ETEC O78:H11:K80 (Evans and Evans, 1973),
study, Cross-sectional
were used in this study. Unless stated otherwise strains were
retrospective study etc) (Is it a
grown in LB broth with aeration at 37 C or for biofilm
blinded study?) formation under static conditions at room temperature (RT).
If required, streptomycin was used with a final concentration
of 100 g/ml.
14. Sampling (How have the Elements were determined in the samples after
samples selected? What are the mineralization with nitric acid using ICP-MS. Briefly,
selection criteria? How have the liquid samples (500 mg weighed to 0.1 mg)
they been stratified (age / were placed in 12 ml quartz vessels, 1 ml subboiled
nitric acid was added and the samples were placed in
the autoclave (UltraCLAVE IV, EMLS, Leutkirch,
Germany). Then the autoclave was pressurized with
argon to 40 bars and the samples heated in 45 min to
a temperature of 250 C and kept at this temperature
for 45 min. After cooling the samples were transferred
into 15 ml polypropylene tubes (Greiner Bio-One). Zn
(determined at m/z 66) and Ag (determined
at m/z 107) were determined with ICP-MS (Agilent
7500ce, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany)
after appropriate dilution. The accuracy of the results
was validated with the certified reference material
1640a (trace elements in water, NIST, Gaithersburg,
15. Statistical analysis (What Data were analyzed using the MannWhitney U test or a
statistical methods have been KruskalWallis test followed by post hoc Dunns multiple
used on the observational data comparisons. Differences were considered significant at P
in order to arrive at the results?) values of 0.05. For all statistical analyses, GraphPad Prism
version 4.0a was used.
16. Conclusion/Summary (Have Zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs and Ag-NPs)
they been adequately were synthesized according to established protocols using
addressed? Does it clearly prove leaf (L) and fruit extracts (F) from C. procera , resulting in the
or disprove the Hypothesis?) four different types of nanoparticles ZnO-NPs-L, ZnO-NPs-F,
Ag-NPs-L and Ag-NPs-F. After the addition of leaf and fruit
extracts to the silver or zinc nitrate solutions, color changes
appeared within 30 min indicating the completion of the
reaction, which is due to the excitation of plasmon vibrations
in the metal nanoparticles (data not shown). In contrast, the
control silver or zinc nitrate solution without extracts
showed no color change (data not shown). The intensity of
colors steadily increased along the incubation period. Finally,
Ag-NPs-L and Ag-NPs-F solutions exhibited a dark brown
color, while solutions of Zn-NPs-L and Zn-NPs-F exhibited
dark yellow color. This may be due to the excitation of the
surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect and the reduction of
either AgNO3 or zinc nitrate. The reduction of aqueous
extracts by silver or zinc ions and the formation of each NP-
type were confirmed using UVvis spectroscopy. A
wavelength scans in the UVvis spectra revealed an
absorption peak at approximately = 340 for ZnO-NPs-L and
Zn-NPs-F. Furthermore Ag-NPs-L and Ag-NPs-F exhibited
characteristic absorption peaks at approximately = 370 nm
as previously published. The presence of Zn and Ag in the
NPs solutions was confirmed by inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which revealed an at least 7-
fold increase in case of Zn or 400-fold in case of Ag in the
NPs solutions compared to the plant extracts, respectively.
The exact size distributions and concentrations of
independent NP preparations used in the assays presented
herein were determined by nanoparticle tracking analysis.
Throughout the study, each type of NP has been prepared at
least three times without tremendous changes in yield or
quality, suggesting a reproducible production of the NPs. In
general, all NP preparations showed similar results with
mean concentrations ranging from 1.65 to 3.8 108 NPs/ml,
mode particle sizes of 88100 nm and average particle size
of 120169 nm. The difference between mode and average
particle sizes indicates a non-parametric distribution of the
NPs with the majority ranging around 90100 nm in size as
well as a minor population with bigger diameters. No
aggregations or debris were detected by visualization of the
NPs within the nanoparticle tracking analysis (data not
shown), which indicates that NP suspensions are quite pure
and homogenous
17. Reference (What style has been Abasaheb, R.N., Swati, S.S., Gajanan, L.B., Namdeo, B.A.,
used? Vancouver, APA, MLA, Sambhaji, D.S., Vaishali, V.G., 2013. Rapid biosynthesis of
Harvard) silver nanoparticles using bottle ground fruit extract and
potential application as bactericide. Res. Pharm. 3, 2228
18. Other research related to the 1.Microbial glycolipoprotein-capped silver
above research (Mention 2 or 3 nanoparticles as emerging antibacterial agents against
from your own search) cholera.
2. The antimicrobial activity of ZnO nanoparticles
against Vibrio cholerae: Variation in response
depends on biotype

19. Your Perspective (Write your In the present study, we synthesized metallic ZnO- and
own reflection on the article in Ag-NPs using leaf and fruit extract of Calotropis
about 150-200 words) procera and characterized their antibacterial activity
against V. cholerae and ETEC. Especially Ag-NPs
synthesized from leaf extracts showed the most robust
antibacterial efficacy against both pathogens
throughout the study. Furthermore, these Ag-NPs
reduced fitness of the bacteria in biofilms as well as in
We characterised the quantity and fine of nanoparticles
through UVseen wavelength scans and nanoparticle
tracking evaluation. Nanoparticles can be synthesized in
reproducible yields of approximately 108 debris/ml
with mode particles sizes of approx. ninetyone
hundred nm. Antibacterial interest towards two
pathogens became assessed with the aid of minimum
inhibitory awareness assays and survival curves. both
pathogens exhibited comparable resistance profiles
with minimal inhibitory concentrations ranging among
5 a hundred and five and 107 debris/ml. curiously,
zinc nanoparticles showed a barely higher efficacy, but
sublethal concentrations precipitated detrimental
outcomes and resulted in improved biofilm formation
of V. cholerae. the usage of the expression stages of the
outer membrane porin OmpT as an indicator for cAMP
levels, our results suggest that zinc nanoparticles inhibit
adenylyl cyclase pastime. This consequently deceases
the stages of this second messenger, which is a
regarded inhibitor of biofilm formation. sooner or later,
we demonstrated that a single oral management of
silver nanoparticles to little one mice colonized with V.
cholerae or ETEC notably reduces the colonization costs
of the pathogens by using seventy five- or a hundred-
fold, respectively.

20. What else could have been Enteric infections and the vaccines to counter them: future
included (Example, Future directions.
study? Extrapolation to other
areas? Generalizability? Areas
of weakness? What this study
adds to what is already known)

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