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CSL 570
Summer 2017

LESSON TOPIC: Informational Writing: States of Matter

RATIONALE: In previous lessons, students have identified different aspects of matter by

describing its three states, solid, liquid, and gas separately, and together. Students have used
vocabulary words that demonstrate the physical appearance and change of these three states from
one another. Throughout prior lessons, students have identified different objects that are either
within the solid, liquid, or gas phase. The reason for this lesson is so students will be able to
write about the three different parts of matter that they have learned about previously using
examples and vocabulary words they have learned. They will be asked to draw a picture to
demonstrate their knowledge and information identified in their informational writing piece to
their readers as a visual aid.


W.2.2- Text Types and Purposes
- Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and
definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
W.2.8.- Research to build and Present Knowledge
- Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.
SL. 2.1- Comprehension and Collaboration
- Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and
texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
SL. 2.2- Comprehension and Collaboration
- Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented
orally or through other media.
L. 2.3- Knowledge of Language
- Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or
L.2.6.- Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
- Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and
responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe.
OBJECTIVE: The student will use vocabulary words to identify and describe what matter is
and its three phases. Students will draw and illustrate a solid, liquid, or gas object that was
identified in their informational writing piece.

ACADEMIC LANGUAGE: Matter, Properties, Change, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Color, Texture,
Mass, Size, Air, Empty, Space, Informational, Writing.

MOTIVATION OR ANTICIPATORY SET: Students will watch a Brainpop Jr. video to aid
as visual information for their informational writing piece. Students will fill in a worksheet to
then aid in their writing piece of the three states of matter. This video will give them details and
examples to write to use in their informational writing piece.

- Students will sit in their desks to begin the lesson.
- Teacher will discuss the three stages of matter to spark students prior knowledge.
- Students will identify the three stages of matter in a class discussion.
- Teacher will discuss a worksheet students will complete during a video to later help them
in their writing assignment.
- Students will be asked to fill in four important facts they learned in the video that
can be incorporated into their writing piece.
- Teacher will hand out worksheets for students to complete while watching a Brainpop Jr.
- Teacher will begin video and students will watch the video played.
- Students will fill in their worksheet identifying important facts they learned in the
video that they can incorporate into their writing piece.
- Teacher will talk about video with students in a mini whole class discussion.
- Students will join in the mini class discussion with their peers and teacher.
- Teacher will explain how to write an informational writing piece to students.
- An informational writing piece must include at least three paragraphs. One
paragraph will introduce the topic you are writing about which is the three states
of matter. The body paragraph will talk about the three states of matter. This
paragraph will demonstrate your information about each state of matter and how
they are different. Finally, the final paragraph is your conclusion where you wrap
up the information you described to your reader.
- Teacher will explain directions for their information writing piece as in what they need to
- Informational piece must include an introduction, body, and conclusion
paragraph. This must also include details to support your information on the three
states of matter, solid, liquid and gas. Draw a picture of one of the states of matter
identified in your writing piece to show an example of a state of matter.
- Students will ask any questions they misunderstand.
- Teacher will identify that they will be graded on their assignment through the use of the
rubric they recently discussed.
- Teacher will display rubric on Smartboard to guide students of what she is looking for in
their assignment.
- Teacher will take any questions students still have about the rubric.
- Students will begin writing their informational piece independently using their notes from
previous lessons and today's Brainpop Jr. video.
- After writing their informational piece, students will draw a picture that will demonstrate
their knowledge of the three stages of matter that correlates to their informational writing
piece. Their picture will represent an example they gave within their writing.
- Once students are finished, they will hand it into their teacher and take out a book to read
until others have completed their writing piece.

- Brainpop Jr.
- Smartboard
- Pencils/pens
- Crayons
- Video worksheet
- Writing worksheet

TECHNOLOGY COMPONENT (IF APPLICABLE): Students will watch a Brainpop Jr.

video that will be viewed on a SmartBoard. The website for the Brainpop Jr. video of the three
states of matter is, .


- Formal: Students will be assessed on the information they display in their writing on the
three states of matter, solid, liquid and gas. The teacher will grade students informational
writing piece on the rubric handed out previously. They must display organization, focus
on the given topic, content, convention, and a drawing to earn the highest point value in
each portion of the rubric.

- Informal: Teacher will assess students informally on their ability to complete the
worksheet to go with their Brainpop Jr. video. This will demonstrate their ability to
identify information presented that will aid in their formal assessment later on.
- Student with special needs: An adaption for students with special needs is that they will
be given a different worksheet that they will write a sentence on each state of matter to
demonstrate their knowledge of how they differ from one another. During the video,
students will be asked to fill in at least two facts they learned from the video that can be
used for their writing piece.

- English Language Learner: An adaption for ELL students is to provide extra assistance
to these students by giving the directions and worksheet in Spanish while partnered up
with another student that can help them during the media video introduction. They will be
assessed like the other students however, will have to write less to display their
understanding of the topic being taught.

- Struggling Reader: An adaption for struggling readers is that they will be given extra
time to work on their informational writing assignment. This time will allow students to
take their time to demonstrate their knowledge of the the three states of matter. They will
have time to work with the teacher to help them decipher the worksheet and directions
given for the assignment.

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