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EdwardLument a-29316075
MuhammadFi qriRihyawan-29316056

TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................. i

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1

1.1 VIRTUAL REALITY .....................................................................................1

1.2 IMMERSIVE VIRTUAL REALITY .............................................................3

1.3 BRAINWAVE ................................................................................................3


TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................................5

2.1 VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNICAL DISPLAY ...........................................5

2.2 BRAINWAVE TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION ...................................6


TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................................8

3.1 MARKET ASSESSMENT .............................................................................8

3.2 PROSPECT OF ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY ....................................11

3.3 VALUE PROPOSITION ANALYSIS .........................................................12


IMPLEMENTATION IN IVR TECHNOLOGY ................................................14

4.1 TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION LIFECYCLE ...............................................14

4.2 5C MARKET ANALYSIS ...........................................................................16


IN IVR TECHNOLOGY .....................................................................................20

5.1 BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS ...................................................................20

BIBLIOGRAPHY .....................................................................................................................24

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR i



Virtual Reality is a high-end user interface that involves real-time simulations and
interactions through multiple sensorial channels. It means feeling an imaginary (virtual) world,
rather than the real one. The imaginary world is a simulation running in a computer. The sense
data is fed by some system to our brain (Burdea, 1993). The first implementation of virtual
reality is Sensorama by the cinamographer Morton Heilig called Sensorama, it enabled the user
to watch television in three-dimensional way in 1950s. By the time, virtual reality developed
so fast (Fig. 1.1), then the head mounted virtual reality was invented in 1960. And then, for the
first time virtual reality was commercialized in 1988 for entertainment purpose. In 1990s, the
developers started to adapt virtual reality became game machine, for examples Virtuality Group
Arcade Machine, Virtual Boy by Nintendo, and Sega.

Nowadays, we could find many developers that develop virtual reality well and make
the virtual reality more viral by making simple head-mounted virtual reality with the
implementation of gyroscope sensor in smartphone as the display, for examples Google
Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR. And it became more viral when there was a special gaming
virtual reality device that indulged gamers to experience new way of gaming, for example
Oculus Rift.

1950s 1960s 1990s

Fig 1.1

21st Century
Fig. 1.1 Evolution of virtual reality devices

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 1

Virtual reality can be divided into threetypes based on the system itself (Fig. 1.2):

Non-immersive system: Information about the simulated world is displayed via

a screen.
Augmented reality system: Display a simulated world or objects on top of the
real world.
Immersive system: simulated feeling present via perceptive, cognitive, and
functional immersion and interaction in a (computer) generated environment.

Non-immersive VR system

Augmented reality VR system

Immersive VR system

Fig. 1.2 Classification of virtual reality based on the system

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 2


Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) is the science and technology required for a user to
feel present via perceptive, cognitive, and functional immersion and interaction in a (computer)
generated environment. Sebastien Kuntz (CEO of MiddleVR)

By that definition of IVR, we could conclude that VR can be called immersive when
there is interaction between the user and the environment. The environment of VR can be the
simulation and games. The interaction in this context is about the user sensor feedback that was
caused by the experience of using the immersive virtual reality.

The reason why we choose the immersive system in virtual reality as our concern in
future technology, because it needs more than just the display to maximize the use of VR. User
must be involved to control and experience the VR by their sensors. So that with the immersive
system, virtual reality can be implemented in many industries, like entertainment, medical (Fig.
1.3), military, marketing, etc.

Fig. 1.3 Immersive Virtual Reality in medical therapy


Brainwaves are delivered by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons

interact with each other. It actually could show our thoughts, emotions and behaviours. Our
brainwaves change according to what were doing and feeling. Nowadays, there are many
methods of brainwave reading for many applications. One of them is Electroencephalograph
(EEG). EEG is a device that can detect electrical activity activity in the brain by attaching
several electrodes on the users scalp. In practice the things are very complex, because all of our

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 3

activity would express and reflect different brainwave aspects when they occur in different
locations in the brain.
One of the EEG implementation is to control the wheel-chair for the disabilities (Fig.
1.4). So, people with the disability could control the movement of wheel-chair by brainwaves
sensor, which means that they just think about what direction to go with the wheel-chair, then
the wheel-chair will follow the instruction that they give via brainwave sensor.
So, we plan to implement this brainwaves sensor reading to the IVR, in order to get new
way of experiencing and get maximize uses of virtual reality.

Fig. 1.4 EEG implementation with the wheel-chair

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 4



Fig. 2.1 How our eyes see the object

Virtual reality headset is using stereoscopis / stereopsis which replicate how our eye see
things. As we can see from Fig. 2.1, each eye captures its own view and the two separate images
are sent on to the brain for processing. When the two images arrive simultaneously in the back
of the brain, they are united into one picture. The mind combines the two images by matching
up the similarities and adding in the small differences. The small differences between the two
images add up to a big difference in the final picture. The combined image is more than the
sum of its parts. It is a three-dimensional stereo picture. This is the basic how VR display

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 5


We plan to combine Electroencephalograph (EEG) with VR. EEG is a device that can
detect electrical activity in the brain by attaching several electrodes on the users scalp. The
signal than can be translated into control command which can be implemented into many

Fig. 2.2 Brain-wave sensor measurement

In the Fig. 2.2,Figure

A is theAnames and the distribution of EEG electrodes.
B The red ones are

the one that is used for data processing. Meanwhile B shows the differentiation of brain activity
on each state. This can be concluded that the motor movements will results different EEG
reading. Therefore using the reading obtained by the EEG can be processed using an algorithm
that can be translated into movement control which can be applied in a program generated

Fig. of
Fig. 2.3 Types 0.2brainwave

Fig. 0.3
Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 6
Fig. 2.4 Brainwave sensor processing
Fig. 2.4 shows the process how to translate raw EEG readings into the movement of
avatars. As we can see in Fig. 2.3, there are a lot of types of brainwave that is transmitted from
humans brain. The raw signal first will be filtered than using transformations like Fast Fourier
Transformation and Wavelet Transformation. We can add a threshold so we can differentiate
each state of human movement based on the brain activity. After we differentiate the signal the
movement control can be sent to the generated simulation according to the users brain activity.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 7



In this part, it will be explained about the offering of Brainwave IVR technology to
properly deliver for a market inside the directed industry. It shows the information about how
huge the span of our market. Below is the assessment of Brainwave IVR technology:


Worldwide Video Gamers PC and Console Virtual Reality Gamers

Video Gamers
Fig. 3.1 Market size analysis of Brainwave IVR

TAM (Total Available Market): Worldwide Video Gamers (2.2 billion people)

Playing video games is part of enjoying the entertainment. In general, video games that
are played require a hardware as a place to play the desired games. For example, console
gaming hardware, personal computer, handheld console, mobile phone, and so forth. To play
video games on existing hardware, it takes an interaction to give action to the games we play.
Like controlling the movement of characters in the game. Usually needs a control device that
mediates the movement of human interaction to the game being played.

The reason video gamers become the Total Available Market of Brainwave IVR because
video gaming require a controller device that can deliver our desired interaction to the games
that we play. For example, shooting, driving, flying a plane, fishing, etc. There are 2.2 billion
gamers in the world (29% of the world population). Some of them have the potential to try new
technologies that can enhance the personal experience of the games being played.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 8

SAM (Serviceable Available Market): PC and Console Video Gamers (1.36 Billion

Computers and gaming consoles is a hardware that is often used by gamers as a tool that
can provide a high level of personal benefits. As it provides a variety of customization systems
in the game, a high level of interaction between players and games, as well as good visual
imagery and even almost like the real-world environment. The ability to provide visual images
as well as a good game system requires high computing capabilities as well. Computers and
console is a gaming tools that has high hardware capabilities so that both computers and
console can provide maximum satisfaction and pleasure for its users.

There are 1.36 billion gamer that play using computer and console which is 62% of
worldwide video gamers. The reason why pc and console gamers are taken to serve as
Serviceable Available Market because this tool has a higher ability to be able to display visual
images to virtual reality device also computer and consoles commonly used as a tool for gaming
using virtual reality based games.

SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market): Virtual Reality Gamers (around 90 million)

When a person can experience gaming in a three-dimensional environment and made a

possible interaction inside of a generated environment is what we call VR gaming. VR headsets
are head-mounted goggles with a screen before the eyes. VR itself may incorporate sound
through speakers or earphones. The combination of gaming using VR headsets and controller
system (physical controller or sensors controller) enable the person to "look around" the
artificial generated world, and with VR the person can move around the environment inside it
and interact with virtual features, items, or characters.Gaming with VR has a gradual increase
in users every year. Where in 2017 VR gaming users reach a total of 90 million users, including
innovators, early adopters, and early majority. It is predicted that by 2018, VR gaming users
will experience an increase about 90% to 171 million users (Fig. 3.2).

The reasons why the VR gamers are becoming the Serviceable Obtainable Market is
because VR gamers are a group that familiar in using VR technology. You could say that they
are users who are passionate for new technologies that can boost their personal experience in
playing a VR game. If a combination between a VR and a new controller using brainwave
sensors is introduced to them, it is likely they will try to use the technology.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 9

It can be seen at the beginning of VR introduced, the control begins only using our head
movement to look around in the generated artificial environment. Then, the control switches to
devices like keyboard and mouse, and joystick to increase player interaction with characters or
features that are played in VR games. On April 5, 2016, launched a VR headset called HTC
Vive developed by HTC and Valve, where the headset is intended to use "room scale"
technology to transform a room into three-dimensional space via sensors. With the virtual
world enabling the users to explore normally, with the capacity to walk around and utilize
motion tracked handheld controllers to distinctively control objects, controlling with precision,
communicate and experience immersive situations inside the generated artificial world inside
the VR games.

Fig. 3.2 The Amount of Virtual Reality Users (grey: innovators, dark blue:
early adopters, blue: early majority)

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 10


The entertainment industry especially in gaming have higher potential market because of
the existing practical benefit of VR itself. Such as giving satisfaction to interactive
entertainment enthusiasts, bringing users into a virtual world that expands the limitations of
activities that are not possible in the real world, feeling and doing activities in a visual space
that is done in a safe place, and also provides the expressive nature that we have into characters
and features that exist in the game being played. All of this when combined as one will become
something called personal experience in playing video games.

Bringing brainwave IVR technology to other industries such as medical might bring
potential benefits to patients who want to be given therapy like paralysis on certain body parts.
But the difficulty level in introducing the VR brainwave practice might be higher if it is
implemented to the medical industry rather than gaming industry. Because not many people
are paralyzed and in need of brainwave IVR treatment when compared to people who want to
play video games. Also in medical industry is not yet ready to receive such technology because
in medical industry, the tools that is used need further development to test the readiness and
effectiveness of therapy using the brainwave VR that can last for years. This make other
industries still didnt have a purpose by using brainwave IVR for a short-term period.

People in the gaming industry certainly want a new technology that will improve their
experience level in playing games. It can be said that the level of market demand will be
increase gradually altogether with the development of technology in the game industry.

Gaming industry already have the required education of using such technology because
they are familiar with the use of virtual reality and the usefulness of virtual reality in video
games. No doubt that the industry has low-barrier when introducing the new brainwave IVR
technology. Gamers also indirectly forced to being faced with their current gaming platform
being surpassed by an updated model and technology, thats what encouraged them to catching
up with the latest technology. So, the likelihood of the industry will receive well this brainwave
IVR technology is high.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 11


In value proposition canvas, it will be explained the analysis of value proposition of the
brainwave IVR within the serviceable market of choice. There will be a deeper explanation to
what sort of problem the technology will solve and what gains will customers experience by
using brainwave IVR technology.

In value proposition canvas, there will be two parts taken from business model canvas,
which is the value proposition and customer segments. They are called value map on the left
and customer profile on the right. In the customer profile, there will be a description of the jobs
that customer trying to get done. And then there will be a highlight of the customer pain that
needs to be solved and also the customer gain which is a positive outcome that they want to
achieve. The second part is the value map which contain the list of products or services where
the value proposition builds on. And then a description in which the products can be a pain
reliever like how they eliminate, reduce, or minimize pains that customers care about. And then
there will be an outlined in which way they are becoming the gain creators that produce an
increase or maximizing the outcome and benefits that the customers expect.

Fig. 3.3 Value Proposition Canvas of Brainwave IVR

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 12

In the customers profile parts, the number of hardware components used is a pain that
can be overcome with a single device on the pain reliever parts. Where the use of brainwave
sensors will minimize additional controller devices such as joystick, mouse & keyboard, and
so forth. The use of an IVR headset brainwave device will also save some additional space and
by using a set of IVR brainwave headset will certainly reduce the maintenance requirements.
Also, to be expected with single device use, it will certainly have a slightly cheaper price than
the VR that still use some controller device.

In the value map, it can be seen that the brainwave sensor controller will provide a new
experience to enjoy video games. Users can also interact with existing features in generated
artificial world with a good control precision, such as shooting, fishing, driving a car, and
others. Because the IVR brainwave headset is only sit on the users head, the absence of
activities such as pressing buttons and moving the analog sticks / joystick will make the headset
device cannot easily damaged. Brainwave IVR headsets are also equipped with wireless
connections to enhance the level of user comfort while wearing them. The use of digital
surround sound systems in the IVR brainwave headset will also increase the immersive level
that users can feel.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 13



Below are the concept of Brainwave IVR to understand the future trajectory inside the
technology adoption lifecycle.

Fig. 4.1 Brainwave IVR Adoption Lifecycle

The projected Technology Adoption Lifecycle for Virtual Reality (Green) with Economy
of Scale (Red) and the Gartner Hype Cycle (Blue) overlaid.

As we can see by looking at the diagram above, the chasm is at the lowest point on the
Gartner hype cycle. To cross the chasm as we can see from above we need to penetrate the
barriers by achieving economics of scale and increase the functionality and effectiveness of
our product. So, we can make the IVR technology a trend. By becoming a trend the early
majority will using our product and the other stages will follow using our product.

The lifecycle can be applicable to any problematic innovation, and is divided into five
stages in view of the market segment willing to embrace the given product. The early adopters
are the pioneers. This is the original of completely competent customer level items. Brainwave

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 14

IVR is at the second period of the selection lifecycle which is the early adopters. One of the
problem behind is that customers acquiring brainwave IVR headsets will then fortify the
improvement of the video games, making a self-strengthening cycle to move the appropriation
of brainwave IVR. Once these essential steps are in place, consumers will begin seeing VR as
a possible purchase. Therefore, the current sales figures should not be perceived as
underperforming, but as an indication of the inherent potential that VR must transform our
lives. The current price of brainwave IVR is certainly additionally keeping down numerous
potential purchasers. As the innovation develops, supplier enhance the creation methods, and
developers turn out to be more comfortable with the framework's natural characteristics and
requirements, we will see economies of scale start to drop the cost of VR frameworks into a
more buyer agreeable range.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 15


Innovating new gaming product, which implement brainwave sensor in
immersive virtual reality
Virtual reality gamers
All existing virtual reality gaming product (e.g. Oculus Rift, Playstation VR,
Brainwave sensor developers
Virtual reality developers
Game developers
Sound system manufacturer
E-commerce (online store)
Game Convention
Mass media
Influencers (youtube gaming channel, game reviewer, etc)

The health issues are still unknown
High-end gaming lifestyle is trending upward
Intellectual property issues


Our purpose is to innovate new way of gaming by implementing brainwave sensor in

existing virtual reality gaming console, in order that user can get new experiences of gaming.
By developing this kind of new virtual reality gaming console, it increases the value of the
existing virtual reality itself. We hope that someday this kind of technology could be advanced
not only for the entertainment purposes but also many industries could implement it well. For
now we focused on developing it for the entertainment purpose due to the bigger market size
and the market needs. For the other purpose like medical, the needs of this kind technology
was still low and not really have potential in around 5-10 years from now.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 16

For the target consumer that we focused is virtual reality gamers, because they have the
highest potential with greater quantity to buy the product. These are some of the consumers

Others, 8.80%
18.90% Asia, 45.20%

North America,

Fig. 4.2 Percentage of Worldwide VR Gamers


Males, 20-30 years old, high income

o Enjoying the latest games and consoles
o Frequently attending gaming conventions
o Have willingness and ability to spend on game and console
o Adventurous (Explore new gaming experiences)

o Hardcore gaming
o High-end gaming lifestyle

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 17


There are a lot of VR developers who already commercialized their own VR console in
many uses, but we tend to focus on the VR product that serves game on it, for example like
Oculus Rift, Playstation VR, etc. Those existing VR developer company have already their
own markets. But something that our product offers from those existing product is about the
enhancement of the game controller. We offer no-controller which means that our thinking is
the controller of the game. We think that its one of our value proposition that could beat the
market of the existing VR gaming product. The problem about how to penetrate our product to
the market is by doing the collaboration to the other parties that help us to do partnering,
distributing, and promoting.

This kind of collaboration involved the suppliers that will make our product become
existed. They are the developers and manufacturers that were related to the part of
our product. There are four main parts of our brainwave IVR product, which are the
brainwave sensor, the virtual reality device itself, and sound system. Every parts of
our products need to be collaborated with the manufacturers and developers.
Its all about how we could make sales of our product. It shows that many
distributing channels that we could use to sell our product which are retailers, online
store (e-commerce), and game conventions. Those three channels are our main
focus to sell the product considering that this product was totally different from the
existing VR console, so that we just need to be focus on some segments of the
market which are VR gamers.
In order to make people know about our brainwave IVR, we should do more efforts
on promoting our products. Our main purpose to promote our product is about how
to make it viral globally. We can collaborate with the mass media to buzz our
product and influencers who could make review about our product in media social,
youtube channels, blog, etc.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 18


There are at least three contexts that could influence the presence of our product in the

As people experienced the existing VR product, they feel like headache, queasiness,
blurred vision, or a combination of all three. But actually the long-term effects of
using VR is still unknown. Many side effects came to be only temporary, but for
the long-term we dont know for sure. In order to deal with the health issue, we as
the brainwave IVR developer would do the medical research so that we could know
about the long-term side effects. If its dangerous to used VR for the long time, we
give the warning system to the users that at least 10- or 15-minute break for every
30 minutes of use, even if you dont think you need it.
As we know the growth of VR gaming users is increasing around 90% from year-
to-year. It means that there is a pattern of lifestyle that make people need to
experience high-end gaming. With the existence of the VR community that follows
the trend of the VR development which can involve to new VR product means that
the lifestyle of high-end gaming is trending upward. So, it will be our opportunity
to reach kind of people with this lifestyle.
Intellectual property must be considered to all of the technology developer like our
company. In this VR case, its not only about the intellectual property in real stuff
like hardware but there will be intellectual property that consists of the virtual things
which must be considered as well. Many developers got the violation of intellectual
property legal, because they just focused on real stuff of intellectual property and
ignoring the virtual one. In order to avoid this case of legal, our company should
establish the legal entity with the specialty of virtual world.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 19



After several analysis about the technical, market, and value, in this chapter we will
describe about how the business create, deliver, and capture the value of our product innovation
includes the companys activities, resources, and partners in order to do the business by making
Business Model Canvas (Fig. 5.1)

07 06 2017
Brainwave VR Group 4

Single device

Wireless Service Center

Room efficient Purchasing

Game Mass VR Gamers
VR Developer Less Maintenance
Developer produce
Sell &
Promote Community
Brain-Controlled Gaming

Surround Sound

Sound system Developer

Game Con

Marketing Manufacturing B2B B2C

Fig. 5.1 Business Model Canvas of Brainwave IVR

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 20

Key Partners
VR Developers: It will help to keep up with the latest Virtual Reality technology.

Game Developers: So that games devoted to virtual reality can run well with the
given device (brainwave IVR).

EEG Developer: This is important because the control that is used to manipulate or
interact with the VR game is by using the EEG device to capture brainwave

Sound system manufacturer: To get brainwave IVR headset to be implemented and

get further development with 3-Dimensional sound system to keep the immersion

Key Activities
Product Development: To develop continuous practices and strategies to improve
and enhance the capability of the brainwave IVR product

Mass Production: The need for mass production will make the product to be
standardized as well as an action to anticipate high market demand

Sell Promote: Of course, it takes promotion as a first step introduction and education
of the product to be launched and sold to the market. The level of education about
the products provided, will have a big impact on the amount of sales.

Key Resources
Research and Development: It is an investigative activity to improve existing
products which is brainwave IVR and procedures to lead the development of new
products (it can be an improved or updated product to the latest technology) and

Manufacturing: The making of IVR brainwave headset which is a combination of

EEG sensors to detect brain waves that will play the role of the controller along with
the virtual reality immersive display.

Marketing: Any marketing strategy along with forecasting will be deployed for the
sake of the product sales.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 21

Value Propositions
Single device: Experiencing using one helmet device.

Wireless: Connecting the device without any cables.

Room efficient: The size of the product is the same as motorcycle helmet that you
can play it in small space.

Less maintenance: All-in-one controller which needs low maintenance.

Brain-control gaming: Controlling the game only by thinking.

Surround sound: For more immersive experience of gaming.

Customer Relationships
Service Center: we maintain our customer relationship by conducting after sales
service as if theres need of maintenance and service from our product, so that we
send the technician to handle the problem directly.

Purchasing: Our company more focused on selling the product B2C relationship.
We communicate frequently with the potential buyers that were interested to our
product, so that they could consult to our people about our product and give them
gaming-test on the spot in order to attract the potential buyers.

Community: Supporting our users with official Brainwave IVR Community, in

order to reach the sustainability of the customer relationships.

Retailer: It is one of our distribution channels, because the retailer has already had
frequent buyers which will be our potential customers.
E-commerce: It helps commercialized our product to go globally and viral, because
the online store could reach our worldwide potential buyers.
Game Convention: Participating in many gaming events in order to reach the
specific segment of VR game console.

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 22

Customer Segments
VR Gamers: In 2017, VR gamers reach a total of 90 million users, including
innovators, early adopters, and early majority. It is predicted in 2018, VR gamers
will increase about 90% to 171 million users.

Cost Structure
R&D: In order to continously improve the quality of product, R&D is needed to
reduce the glitch, error, bug, and increase the performance of the IVR.

Manufacturing: To reach economic of scales, we need to switch our existing

manufacturing process to mass production, so that we could reduce the price of the

Marketing: To achieve the target of sales and increase the revenue stream,
marketing is needed to boost the sales of the product.

Revenue Stream
B2B: The revenue that the company gains from selling the product to the other
companies such as game developer.

B2C: The revenue from the end-customers like VR gamers.

Royalty: The revenue that company gets from the bundling and future development
that using our current system, including the game developers that want to develop

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 23


Burdea G. 1993. Virtual Reality Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Jinyi L., Yuanqing Li. 2012. A Hybrid Brain Computer Interface to Control the Direction and
Speed of a Simulated or Real Wheelchair. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL
Kzero. 2017. Virtual Reality Market. Available at:
budget/ [Accessed on 7 June 2017]
Mygaming. 2016. Gamers in the World. Available at:
world-and-pc-gaming-dominates-the-market.html [Accessed on 7 June 2017]
Robert L., Doron F. 2007. Self-Paced (Asynchronous) BCI Control of aWheelchair in Virtual
Environments: A Case Study with a Tetraplegic. Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Volume 2007.
Sebastien K. 2010. Immersive Virtual Reality Presentation. Available at: [Accessed on 27 May
Statista. 2017. Statistics of Game Share and Number World Genre and Gender Virtual
Reality. Available at:
[Accessed on 7 June 2017]

Group 4 GM 3 Innovation Report: Brainwave Implementation in IVR 24

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