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Good morning and welcome to Bannagao Elementary Schools

Nutrition month Celebration and Induction Ceremony!

Today culminates the month long celebration of nutrition month

which is conducted every year. Coloring, poster and slogan
making, nutri-dikit, nutri quiz, cup-cake decoration and cook fest
are the activities. Today, is the time to harvest the fruits of the
labor done. Our todays program is to be highlighted by our A-1
boys and girls as they carry their selves to win the title A-1 child
2016. More so, our respected GPTA officials will take their oath of

I, in behalf of the teaching force of Bannagao Elementary school

invites you then in this occasion. Please join as until the end of
this program and let us all together taste the flavour of the
program served to us.

To begin with this nutritious event, I request everybody to stand

as we invoke the almighty through a doxology to be performed by
selected pupils.

Remain standing and let as show our love and patriotism to our
beloved Philippines as we sing the Philippine National Anthem
with Ms. Rhea Derrada, conducting.

Mrs. Floraida A. Blas, Chairman of Nutrition Month Celebration

2016 will now give to as her basket full of words of welcome.

Thank you mam, for your warm welcome.

Our kindergarten pupils will now showcase their cute talent as

they render their sabayang pagbigkas.
Thank you kids for that performance.

Our very active and motherly district supervisor Dr. Marietta M.

Fontanilla will now give her inspiring message.

Thank you mam, for your message and thank you for always
serving the hottest and most delicious thoughts for our minds to
digest and ponder upon.

And now, the most awaited part of the program the

presentation and the production number of our A-1boys and girls!
Are you ready?

Our candidates will be judge according to the following criteria. 1 st

criterion is Health and Fitness 35%.. the candidates had they pre-
judging last Monday, July 25, 2016. Their teeth, nails, skin, ears
and hair were checked. Totality of their health and fitness is also
judge thru their nutritional status. The 2 nd criterion production
number 25 percent and sportswear 30 % for a total of 100

(presentation of jurors)

Our A-1 Child is divided into two categories. 1st category is

composed of candidates from kindergarten to grade 3 and the 2 nd
category is from grade 4 grade 6. Fasten your seatbelt
seatback and relax as we present to you our A-1 child production

Thank you children for your body shaking moves

At this juncture, let us all be mesmerized by our Grade 1 and 2

pupils as they perform their healthy bahay kubo dance.
Our newly elected GPTA president, Mrs. Imelda A. Caraang will
now deliver her nutritious message.

Thank Ms. President for your fresh message.

Our grade 3 pupils will now have they parade of palatable fruits
and vegetables on stage.

Thank you for reminding us with the nutrition that we could get
from you kids! Good job!

And now ladies and gentlemen, we give you once again our a-1
children in their sportswearlet us welcome them with a
resounding round of applause.

Our selected grade 4, 5 and 6 pupils will now have their jingle.

Thank you for that vigorous performance kids!

Mrs. Floraida L. Blas will now bountifully introduce our able

resource speaker.

Thank you mam Marlyn, for your nourishing and well balanced

And now is the moment of truth the time to harvest the fruit of
your labor.. the awarding ceremony.

Coloring kinder chairman Ms. Elgielyn Vidad

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________
2nd ___________________________________________________________

Coloring grade 1 chairman Ms. Elgielyn Vidad

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ______________________________

Coloring grade 2 chairman Ms. Rhea Blnca c. derada

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Coloring grade 3 chairman Ms. Rhea Blanca C. DErrada

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Coloring grade 3 chairman Ms.Rhea Blnaca C. Derrada

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Cupcake decoration Ms. Maryjoy T. Gabur

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Slogan Ms. Leticia O. Caraang

Champion ______________________
1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Poster Ms. MAryjoy GAbur

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Nutridikit Ms. Mildred Torres

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Nutri Quiz Ms. Gumaru

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

Cookfest ms. Floraida Blas

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

A-1 Child

Champion ______________________

1st ___________________________________________________________

2nd ________________

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