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Both the Montagues and the Capulets should be banished from Verona! It all
started years ago. They have an awful feud with each other and have caused many
unnecessary deaths among the streets. They always fight with each other and cause
too many civil wars. I am sick and tired of having clean up their mess time and time
again. This must stop at once!

For starters, Sammy and Gregory picked a fight with two Montagues because they
were annoyed with them. They were talking smack about them for no reason. Now,
just because they were getting on their nerves and they bit their thumb at the
Montagues. A duel then broke out and put everyone in the town in danger.

Next, because the Capulets servant couldn't read, he asked Romeo to help him read
it to him, but little did the servant know, that Romeo was a Montague. He then
invited Romeo to the party because Romeo helped him read it out loud. This isnt
good because Romeo shouldnt be thinking about going to a party where he is at
risk. He is only going because he wants to see a pretty girl named Rosaline. Romeo
should be able to go to a regular high class ball without having to be worried that he
will be killed, but the two families hate each other so much that Romeo was worried
about dying early.

Finally, Romeo meets a beautiful named Juliet who is looking for marriage at this
party but not from a Montague. Even though Romeo is a Montague, he kissed Juliet
not caring that she is a Capulet. Tybalt recognizes Romeos voice immediately and
wants to kill Romeo. This just proves that just because someone of a different family
is at your familys party and he wants to kill him, already proves that this is just
another issue between the Capulets and the Montagues

In conclusion, I think that the citizens should all come together and talk to the Prince
of Verona and convince him to banish both families form Verona forever!

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