4th Monthly Sharing Meeting

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i i ODISHA PRIMARY EDUCATION PROGRAMME AUTHORITY “SHIKSHA SOUDHA’, UNIT-V, BHUBANESWAR-751001 PhNo 0674.2381267(0) FAX.0674-2302721 aston i peemeaal Nov atamempasy to Dated: QS: I Jy" SHRI SURYA NARAYAN MISHRA, OES - I. DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Ped&TT) By Speed Post/E-Mail/FAX To All District Project Coordinators, RTE. ‘A, Odisha Sub: 4" Monthly Sharing Meeting, 2015. Sir, In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, I am directed to sent herewith the topic for 4th MSM. The key discussion in the MSM for the month of December 2015 is attached herewith. A consolidated report on conduct of the MSM should be sent to OPEPA by 12" Dee. 2015 by Speed post FAX/ E-Mail (ttpedagogy@gmail.com/ mishra.surya41@gmail.com). Yours faithfully, Encl: 1. Information on MSM 2. Session Plan Demee eputy Direcior ETH Memo no-l sn [Ped My pa QI ppp ee e Copy forwarded to all DEOs/BEOs for information and necessary action. soe benty SAREE NATIONAL INITIATIVE ON READING RATIONAL INITIATIVE ON READING INTRODUCTION Reading is essential to full participation in modem society, It adds quality to life, Provides access to culture and cultural heritage, empowers and emancipates citizen as well as brings people together. Reading is one of the fundamental building blocks of learning. Becoming a skilled and adaptable reader enhances the chances of success at school and beyond. Reading is not just for school, it is for life Children need to learn to read early to have success in school; success in school is a key factor to escaping poverty 2.0 FACILITATIVE ENVIRONMENT FACILITATIVE ENVIRONMENT. |n order to build a culture of reading it is important that the following are in place * Easy access to reading resources, (at school, at home, in public libraries, at book stores or any place where people can sit together and read * Dedicated time to read, * Appropriate reading material Reading could be linked to other activities like book development; logging the minutes that someone may have read a book; sharing a book, donating a book, Firstly as per the RTE Act 2009 every schoo! must have a school library. In classes 1 and 2 under Padhe Bharat Badhe Bharat ees must have a reading corner with story books, supplementary readers are available for independent reading. 3.0 ACTIVITIES UNDER SSA t 3.1 A number of activities can be done to promote reading in classes and Two * Teachers read aloud a book to children (reading aloud is one of the most important activity to help children to learn to ead) * Children can be-asked to pick up their favourite bookiand-asked:tovead, tella story, or a poem in their own language * Children can enact a story that has been read to them in class * Children can draw characters of a book that they have read + An adult from the community can come and read a book to children * Children on their birthday donate a book to the school library (a practice done in schools in Kerala) Children and their mothers|together read.a book at school Teachers and children to ereate posters with local rhymes sung by children which can be used for reading in class - Famous personalities, role models could also read to children. Classes 3-8 Everyone reads a page / paragraph from their favourite book Children maintain a diary of the books they read. The children who would have read the most could be presented with a book Childten can spend time maintaining books ( as books get used they also tear)in their school library Children can make their own books with pictures drawn by them or pictures from newspapers ete _ Parents can tell story which children can write and draw Parents and children can Legetner develop books and read Children can read their favourite book in a community reading event (Chavadi Vachan in Maharashtra) . | Children can donate a boot to the school library ( optional) Children host book clubs in their class (read, discuss a book) Authors are invited to read books to children school Children enact out a book they have read at school ‘Schools lend books to children to run libraries during summer vacations from their homes Organising a teachers and children’s reading melas where they share books they have read and their reading interests Create posters to showcase the most popular books in a school Workshops to develop comics by students Children to write story / book reviews Parents / important people in the community/role models read books to children Community members to tell local stories and children to document these stories and make new books Children to do local projects/ document local stories at community level and make books on these | Having theme days (mystery book day/ information book day/ adventure story day! folk: tales day/ poem |book day/ autobiography day) to get children to enjoy reading different genres Book release day, new books added to the school are talked about / some portions read to introduce to children ‘Schools:conducting such activities maybe acknowledged given a selection of books to add to their schoo! library : Children to create their own school children’s magazine 4.0 Children taken for a visit toa local library/ book store Use of audio books for conducting a story telling session at school Teachers conducting a workshop for parents on how to read to children Children and teachers to create their own dictionary / Pictionary at school Children to make a school journal for reading Children to write and read letters to sent to their friends and teachers Children to make posters / slogans to promote reading Next Steps The Annual Work Plan and Budgets are to be appraised and approved by the Project Approval Board Meetings chaired by Secretary (SE&L) from 5" February, 2015. The State Governments may be briefed about the different components of National Reading Programme and encouraged to set aside some funds under innovation head for taking up these activities. aysese - ¥ glaitie gaa Adie Qeide aeiae ewagzaelal Jae Fadgicice, © gate gaa Gee aadea ad cgaica geara ease | + 626015 dea qatige ga eid c¥eaIA eGce | aaa -eg, ¢84, [ agai aac Fea © GHIA BIGRIER (Do Gi. ) Cae AEM GS GEN? 9. AER ATMOS CE OFF 2 A. gakie saa Gaidinies Gee cael gate aaa Gee casio Ge Gad? ¥. Gadiane Ree eacig qaeaciaid zea Ggaica ced ced @idy eGalae! 2 © Gaim igaIGe! (e# A.) - 8. NB aRSeAR g AIGA Ga AqoR ? (Queer <8 erysear a Gasca eo 6 qsu’a caq orice ) | due edie ait qeel 4a Gaise Gagtiag ieca smae caad eel cegia “Ee ede ga | a4 gag. AIAG GACIA NE CRI 1 Fee CaqMEeEe “el Ge ACT eel cea! Ad gies 1 Ga Glad Giaica caqalaId eae aaca zeae Gea SSP aIge aiGelg aSaN | Nag AAO QRIAM IN AMAGeG GRR APA GIG GIES GAGA Jeia GAeIg cAI Gaia 1 GAG FIIAGA LIGA ACRE LIQ AIAG AYAIQ AI- GF GaN, CAI GUISSI We go BONG | . Gaidiace Gee aunca Gaagai ede! ade aarsaid vag qov aia edad 1 NIG GHSTIE GEA OYA GaNg QAR eEeldId, Gdee eG aga! ald, ger See IA RA 6P@I AIG Sera ANeSHeS! ATE | Goa aaa Gadicise ass GAGA BEA Gq ae.caciaycigi dai ae qa; OA Baa Gia ae.siaciey, cei GOUT sage 1 AIG glaAe gaca qadee, qomae, Qegiaamae, UgERe Gee, cleo, ZerAGe G qate ae cra genINe ABE, IAW, SG COP 6 Gain, AGU | QB de EBAI , IE AIA C4 AGI, ga Gee Ge uleeeei, aage Gain Sea geala 20 cage! ABe géqd eam, dOF 6 cmET g arcAIIP Gade | “aI AEE alert GARGS AQdG ala csesoe ae age eA videa cag cide | ain Hegiaga cesialagel Gesce Age aca ge ga age ae qe 9a aaag Baalg & /2aaIg, aig ASIA 4 /ASI2y, aise ager are1ae aigiae signee agree at ae gal gal Gard Fare ee aes aera aaa adieede amieae aire gale @agea @eaasa Sgaca Seasa aRANIga arauige agd age Gad aq Nese, eg qavaaia geduiaaia qauiae ggiae PAT QACAIGN EQEER FIM CATIA Gea-¥ BCeAe — Qoudie TaIae :- vrageeeial gaicteica 2a! dale ais qea Qéael eyeal AAG - ea. eB A. 20a GAKAIM agence GIA GABAA! Gaming Ie Gal cea! aici cInde saca qge Gace | Satie daidh 6 Geuen adices ae stlagein eel Ga 9. GoueAEA BOEAIse XE Garnies atsl cad Gadl Ga ge gS cece ? 1, Galen oueag aKa ceeg oF aisca aia Ageia sacl Ged algal aan 2 ¥, GaURA AIGA! Cag Aas alsica ced ced adie age ara 7 8. X@ dammiewa Geureasa Fate aaaie aid ced sed geala 98 eaiaiaarie ? 9. AAAS TIPEA ARCA XE Gainiega Gai gS asa GAG age g8 eaimel ? 1D. Gaital ZuGRIERI (@0 Fae) 9.28 NB AYETIRY LIGA @S Age ? ARNE SE ES TE TE TTT Gora aaa gg6 eiduen (Readiness Programme) 9+ Q ey Od adie Soumaca ain casa g Ael Gaining GAG gaEAIEI EgaICA aie EREIRE! AA CAAICE NOG vB Ge adie Fouma QBS eidigeGA (Schoo! Readiness Programme) eraged e869 | AGS eidien gates Gaia ein cme Goa Se, aASPO!g laa ealde | Gaia eaa aacsaicn Eq 1H (Motivational Activities) WE" E19 GEIS Sera 62e1 FA @IH (Life skill Activities) QG@ 296 eidiena ads | woostere, Goiierg, aaird 6e1 @idy (Counselling) Fl 12Ia Xe age Sac! Soumo Sa adie ae Gag zig del, aloag! ee Ree ont ere aisgéie eel & Aeeg Ae Gaol acl Gag saaci coe caad a6 eidiaria gan ace 9.8 gas eidiena acest QSq GaaINs 6a Qoa Gaae aid ain casiaael Gai dace USS eidica erages eGo |< ags AIGSe qeHos Cae, Ga, ato, SeeAer, orci cee! ACIS 1 AGS eiduanra acasugGe Sqca acqet PRIDIQS : Gag, Seuma asian eel 6 aioagl ald zacade ede | Sauna AAees eB Gog Aer oA AIS GAAIGe | GAC alse Souma eldica eraged adel Grice Gaig aaiso Ge! | SAA QAGAIG GEETA BIO GOI acl Gaia cise eal aisedie agd Se ede! Amia e199 6aSeA Seid GHAI! © doiricie rake dain Gags accor! ga adel ade cariewa eraaaag G40 eal! 9.9 ggS eidigna qasasi | AuiMaes GOR PACA GIF GREICAE! Gairice ze anaiege Gai | Gq eincg «ice SCHMACA AAAS AAIAGA AIM CRAIREAIS | FHSAA AIM & GAIA CAAICR ABNER AACIA Gall ARIE aida False caiseld | WB eidica GcaiGo ceel Vial caIRGOKA ZEAE eine eNEIR Geld S2IMEIN | SHLAGA FIFI CABINS! 6OOG.XS Gairiawoica zEre ASREl 6 AINEH aN 1g. AIO Gee! at XB Gaicoica aigSale er] AN aig! quo GaAIAg, gaa AIO AIGceeIA AAs CINE G2!RZN | 6oq, Gas a caEIAE ASA TaeGTA dst EcH AAI O1’A AIQSAIA OF C4 GIG. gine Gal ac eA! alc’ SOAK GAITING | 6Oq_ IQS ardica Eee Bide AFAe Gal Gaia cag aacaIAl aIIAKee eidia CHeg! CaldIAg, cad eidigGe qsNos ziiegaal cal e1oR calaea Said Gees ATS | MEME OEE n saa 996 eid 1 acgasige cal Geiniois Sia aaind edt a1 6Glae Seid ai @lelt (Parent Counselling) (Motivational & Life skill Activities) 296 eidiqn add age eaianad aidigGe genes elegaaine | “gail Sg deiaa eidigge WE PBaica aGeodo eaiaiad | WB eidigGe qaves ez gay aeiaa. - @) Gguie), 0a, Peat (Drawing, Painting and Clay modeling) @) @16@ @'A1 (Paper Craft) @) 6a@ (Game) @) gies1Ae! (Song) &) Ga eBe1 6 ial (Listening Stories and Story telling) ©) 682 G1 (Puppet show) 2) BOI, 62H (Riddles and Puzzles) @) ©G@°G9 (Collection of materials) &) gee eid cag aEqeia (Project Works andfield Trips) I.AseR calae CORTE HOMER ASIF CRAAT! AFIAUTSY ATRAICS ANUP ERE! FICS QEGe Gaioica o1oT CEKIER 2861 Sald 62GI BICEHE | qIsHOR YOR AB AKT air adie Aie\ i aki Wei AS qaggd | sre cAlewa Seid 626A Faid Code erensa AgEIP GABAA! AABIA AMIUIER 6ElEegse Kia ABO Fea amin GE aAeIca end ga age eidiqnes ziads ads e1encdlaagge cease : © 21g a6ee96) (Self Awareness) © = ae1G96 (Empathy) © = APIAHi API (Problem Solving) © cam GIS SAAD (Effective Communication) © = — g@RIge SEP (Creative Thinking) © = @6@Ga8 (Critical Thinking) © — Gad ges (Decision Making) © algae cra (Interpersonal Relationship) EEE ¥ © cine ola eg axicaiee' (Coping with Stress) © © -aic@a ae AeIEAIEe! (Coping with Emotion) - aa 9.9 G8q eidica dale rages a6 elder ape Gaig, Soupatdiqan e4 s''oica aloag! G1 GdSIG, CAAA CalsICM at aFe 1 cagaid eae AagIae 7. “22e" eign sal daidiea ea eacia ceed > 8. QAIggee Aung -9 6 GoRgge qauae-e Fudd weeded age eidign Gaeq Gad algiay aca > 8. "229" eidign 6a 21a Bye @ 6 eid aca Gadiaise ae QAGE SaIRAIace 7 AUPETIE Aig gear aGaine egy aeedh Gq UAE e862 6 eraggaian Gae Geinice vee aaa @@6e1 “URel 6a ae 22, Aig, Ae, 2a BIG “aag" @iIEA AlaMEa saiQaiae 621M edie! eee | O86 ace aia criea eee aare adi aie 929 Fe1a sala edca a86 aig gan aca Gael SIA 6aEA VAIS 2188 286 a ong Fora gael cara saiaca Beg Goan Fx ca aca NB Uaidg Gu odee BIG AA SEI ge1 ade ae eo Pe Eis oa ans aust atod x ( Cole E> Iain a| Reno tars ka ia\o (7d gael zai gee géiae eiduan (Special Training Programme) “al tein aysAA - 9000""'sa 5Q ew ed Adis ANG Gaga Alda! 6 oRICIee Gade ntary) Gal Geen 19g) CAIAIEET | Qsore Gal Ge cragiea Geced Scupace ea |, JaAe dal aig eel a gaigeriPa Gages el Grice ~B zmarKca eeeqen Hog! | SsIaIN | Souieaca AQUA Tals Core SoHieA aigica aei 9g ZRIe @ ey ed Gesa del Gace del | Od dal zueia aasana sial-wa Sqnce geiaies | | “cadoica a6 22 98g ag Cage Gg saad qasa MA smEIa G18 Gal AS gag ala gage Gal | BAY e6 AGA AIP CINEREA 6a EIA PA BAEAIAI SAINI GEENA MIT ERGIRE | 298 sadioisa Geided HIA6a 6aION 34g GIaIa Cae ARAGA aagS 6geIEA HIT EAI Gear S200 608 Ago an ar cagA Ggrine aS area Ee! Gage Gee AaE AREA eReIR ABE Ne" 698 cagA Od géiad wer ana aren andl eqanAKcE saad gale dase gees eae Iq ex ed ena asa na ginde Gar anig eee) adie araey Gai araanie 1 ”” al Zagia AUFAAA XB UISIa Qala Grice 6FAl Fl 6 eaaigge Gal za@ia Fae, 90 eoK6a, Sagee! Gziaias | GAMIA FAI Gina EFAAE AIGA 6 ABowAGA gel Sora AHIR GE Gee Gilad aioe egae SgAeg O96 eBe) ao S9mde Gasca ag gaan og 9862, aal- @) gee gaas, aAMaAA ala 90 (e)6a FSGS almiegte egaae Gel AgsAIEe MIA GRY TAT AIEP ASF Cascade Aaa ang alg Ze EG? @) Seima aBaaca Gal gado o1aginsa cada 6geIco IE gage Gee / a) © Poumaca eldine dae Gal ! en qos gaia aidugeia AGS a AG DAGsca qoe Gasca Gziaiaand : (@) wee (Residential) (G1) eel alee (Non- a Residential) ee a6 Gai Gan clagien Feces Sougaca ain caaia 6 ca Seuoaca ceagei goa gassg «= 2a ZISIGe eIdieA QeIEN | FAQ IRQ 12S Gairies Xe LIgae Scugaca saliaia qos ese %. Geiioa| Geaa eG Gq afie, zie ade 6 Gaga aS Gale as alee goa gaaa Scea gaara | es e.¥ goa Qaiaaa Ulal % Sousa OA AGAIN EECA IF GaaINg Aca SHEA Adicea ATC aig ga oSeica Waa Gainiega 2gGui caiaand | cage goa gaisa zion eel dq cagald caring age EaIaIeAN | goa Gasa eidiein caaael anaca geove SF claca cariewa das aigada Jaulae eaiainZn NIG" GAPIPG QBHEIO CAETER 29H EAIAION | XS G4Q

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