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1. Do you own a home?

(a)Yes (b) No

2. Are you aware of the home loan product of any of the following banks/NBFC?
(a)ICICI (b) HDFC (c) DHFL
(d)IIFL (e) Any Other (Please Specify)_______________

3. Have you ever taken home loan?

(a)Yes (b) No

4. If yes, from which bank/NBFC? (Please specify the ROI)

(a) ICICI (b) HDFC (c) DHFL
(d) IIFL (e) Any Other (Please Specify)_______________

5. While taking home loan, which features/attributes attract you the most?
(a) Interest rates (b) Service Provided (c) Pay back period
(d) Scheme (e) Company/Bank name

6. In near future would you be interested to take home loan?

(a)Yes (b) No (c) Cant say

7. If yes why?
(a) Non availability of funds (b) Reluctance to pay cash in one go
(c) Tax benefit (d) Renovation of house (e) Any other

8. Are you aware of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana/ Housing for All?
(a) Yes (b) No

9. Are you aware of the home loan product offered by IIFL Home Loans?
(a)Yes (b) No

10. From where have you got information about these?

(a) Newspapers (b) Magazines (c) Hoardings
(d) Word of mouth (e) Sales Personnel (f) Relative/Friends

11. In near future would you be interested to buy home loan product of IIFL Home Loans?
(a) Yes (b) No (c) Cant say

Respondents Profile:
1. Name: ___________________________________ Mobile No. _______________________

2. Age:
(a) Below 30 (b) 30-40 (c) 40-50 (d) Above 50

3. Size of the family?

(a) Upto 2 (b) 3-4 (c) More than 4

4. Occupation:
(a) Professional (b) Self-employed (c) Salaried (e) Any Other (Please
5. Income? (Per annum)
(a) Below 3 lakhs (b) 3-6 lakhs (c) 6-9 lakhs (d) 9 lakhs and above

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