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NOD-like receptors interfacing the immune and

reproductive systems
Hanne Van Gorp1,2*, Anna Kuchmiy1,2*, Filip Van Hauwermeiren1,2 and Mohamed Lamkanfi1,2
1 Department of Medical Protein Research, VIB, Ghent, Belgium
2 Department of Biochemistry, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Keywords Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptors (NOD-like receptors,

disease, embryogenesis, imprinting, NLRs) are intracellular proteins that are chiefly known for their critical
inflammasomes, maternal effect gene,
functions in inflammatory responses and host defense against microbial
mole, NOD-like receptors, oocyte,
pathogens. Several NLRs have been demonstrated to assemble inflamma-
reproduction, subcortical maternal complex
somes or to engage transcriptional signaling cascades that result in the pro-
duction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and bactericidal factors. In recent
Correspondence years, NLRs have also emerged as key regulators of early mammalian
M. Lamkanfi, Department of Medical embryogenesis and reproduction. A subset of phylogenetically related
Protein Research, VIB, Albert Baertsoenkaai NLRs represents a new class of maternal effect genes that are highly
3, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
expressed in maturing oocytes and pre-implantation embryos. Mutations in
Fax: +32 9 264 9490
several of these NLRs have been linked to hereditary reproductive defects
Tel: +32 9 264 9341
E-mail: and imprinting diseases. In this review, we discuss the expression profiles,
the emerging functions and molecular mode of action of these NLRs with
*These authors contributed equally newly recognized roles at the interfaces of the immune and reproductive
systems. In addition, we provide an overview of coding mutations in NLRs
(Received 30 June 2014, revised 13 August that have been associated with human reproductive diseases, and outline
2014, accepted 19 August 2014)
crucial outstanding questions in this emerging research field.

Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptors and often guided by innate immune cells [1,2].
(NOD-like receptors, NLRs) are intracellular proteins Macrophages, dendritic cells, epithelial cells and innate
that have mainly been characterized in the context of lymphoid cells that contribute to innate immunity are
mammalian immunity. The vertebrate immune system equipped with a defined set of germline-encoded pat-
relies on the combined action of germline-encoded tern recognition receptors (PRRs). PRRs together with
(innate) and gene-rearrangement-based (adaptive) anti- the complement system enable innate effector cells to
gen receptors to recognize microbial pathogens and mount fast and broadly effective protection against
environmental challenges that threaten homeostasis. external and internal threats. This is accomplished
Antigen receptor gene recombination in single T and B through engagement of signaling cascades that result
cell clones empowers them to selectively recognize and in the production of inflammatory cytokines, microbi-
eliminate the threat. But clonal expansion of individual cidal agents, the activation and recruitment of addi-
antigen-specific T and B cells is temporally delayed tional immune cells to the affected tissue, and by

BWS, BeckwithWiedemann syndrome; CARD, caspase-recruitment domain; IL, interleukin; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NF-jB, nuclear factor
jB; NLR, NOD-like receptor; NOD-like receptor, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptor; PRR, pattern recognition receptor; PYD,
pyrin domain; SCMC, subcortical maternal complex; siRNA, small interfering RNA; SRS, SilverRussell syndrome.

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H. Van Gorp et al. NLRs in immunity and reproduction

tagging the foreign agents for degradation by profes-

sional phagocytes [3].
Surface-bound PRRs of the Toll-like receptor and
C-type lectin receptor family continuously monitor the
extracellular environment, while different classes of
more recently discovered intracellular PRRs safeguard
the intracellular space. The latter group comprises
members of the RIG-I-like receptor, AIM2-like recep-
tor, NLR protein families, along with a growing
collection of cytosolic nucleic acid sensors [3,4]. In the
last decade, NLRs have emerged as key components
of the innate immune system where they steer host
defense by recognizing pathogen-associated molecular
patterns (PAMPs) and danger-associated molecular
patterns (DAMPs) [5]. PAMPs constitute essential
microbial components, while DAMPs are generally
regarded as host-derived agents that accumulate under Fig. 1. Domain structure of human NLR subfamilies. NOD-like
conditions of (sterile) stress and tissue damage [4]. receptors are composed of several protein domains, each fulfilling
NLRs are subdivided according to their amino-ter- a specific function. The different NLR subfamilies share a central
nucleotide-binding and oligomerization (NACHT) domain, and
minal effector domain, which generally comprises a
carboxy-terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The NACHT domain is
caspase-recruitment (CARD), a pyrin (PYD) or a an oligomerization domain that possesses NTPase activity, while
baculovirus inhibitor repeat motif (Fig. 1). As we learn the LRRs are commonly involved in proteinprotein interactions.
more about their biological roles, NLRs can also be Different subfamilies can be defined based on the presence of a
grouped according to their known physiological func- particular amino-terminal proteinprotein interaction domain. The
tions in the immune system. NLRP1b, NLRC4 and NLRA subfamily is equipped with a CARD supplemented with an
NLRP3 are NLRs with well-established roles in the acid transactivation domain (AD), while the NLRB subfamily can be
identified based on the presence of a baculovirus inhibitory repeat
assembly of inflammasomes [6]. These cytosolic multi-
domain (BIR). The NLRC/X subfamily groups the proteins
protein complexes recruit and activate the pro-inflam- containing either a CARD domain or a still unidentified domain, and
matory cysteine proteases caspase-1 and -11, which in finally the NLRP subfamily is supplied with a PYD.
their turn promote secretion of the inflammatory cyto-
kines interleukin (IL) 1b and IL-18, and induce a pro- organ systems and signaling pathways. A significant
grammed cell death mode (pyroptosis) that restricts body of recent work has provided compelling evidence
pathogen replication [6,7]. On the other hand, the that links a subset of NLRs to key functions in repro-
NLRs NOD1 and NOD2 are chiefly known for their duction and during early stages of embryonic develop-
roles in promoting activation of nuclear factor jB ment. In this paper, we review recently gained insight,
(NF-jB), MAPK and TRAF3 signaling cascades spe- based on in vitro as well as in vivo models, into the
cifically upon cytosolic detection of bacterial peptido- roles and mechanisms by which these NLRs regulate
glycan fragments. Notably, mutations in the latter early embryonic development. We argue for the exis-
NLRs are closely linked to inflammatory syndromes of tence of a clearly defined subset of NLRs that operates
the intestinal tract [8]. Finally, CIITA is a transcrip- at the interfaces of the immune and reproductive sys-
tional co-activator that is critical for major histocom- tems and that can be segregated from other NLRs
patibility complex II expression in antigen-presenting based on their distinctive phylogeny, expression pro-
cells, and mutations in CIITA cause bare lymphocyte files in gametes and the clustered genomic localization
syndrome in humans [9]. Unlike the former NLRs, the of their genes. Finally, we also reflect on the functional
immune roles of other family members are less clear. evidence linking mutations in these NLRs to reproduc-
NLRP6, NLRP7 and NLRP12 have been implicated tion-related syndromes in patients.
in inflammasome signaling and are proposed to dam-
pen NF-jB-mediated cytokine production [1012], but
The ABC of reproduction: on maternal
further analysis is required to clarify their molecular
effect genes and imprinting disorders
modes of action.
While new and diverse roles exerted by NLRs in Humans like nearly all multi-cellular organisms in the
immunity are rapidly emerging, many questions animal and plant kingdoms generate offspring
remain regarding their potential involvement in other through sexual reproduction. At the first stage, this

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process requires meiosis to produce gametes, reproduc- single allele. Which of the two alleles is expressed in
tive cells that bear half the number of chromosomes of the developing embryo is determined by the parent-of-
somatic cells. The 23 chromosomes of each haploid origin of the considered allele [20]. For maternally
human oocyte and sperm cell thus carry a unique com- imprinted genes, the maternal allele is repressed to
bination of genes obtained after homologous recombi- ensure that transcription occurs uniquely from the
nation of parental DNA strands. During fertilization, paternally inherited allele. In contrast, transcription
the two gametes fuse to generate a unique diploid cell from the paternal allele is silenced in the case of pater-
(zygote) that develops into a new organism. Apart from nally imprinted genes. The methylation status of
their own unique genetic material, the sperm cell and imprinted regions is conserved in all somatic cells of
oocyte also supply cytoplasmic factors such as mRNA the adult organism, but primordial germ cells in the
or proteins that are required for initial, vital stages of gonads of the developing embryo remove the parental
embryogenesis. In particular, the products of maternal imprinting patterns in order to allow oocytes and
effect genes are critical to guide the complex processes sperm cells to subsequently re-establish proper gender-
that are needed for the fertilized oocyte to correctly specific imprinting patterns [21].
transition into a developing embryo by full transcrip- Other maternal effect proteins may ensure normal
tional activation of the zygotic genome [1315]. early embryogenesis as components of intracellular
In vertebrates, maternal effect genes may be protein complexes in maturing oocytes. In this regard,
involved in properly combining the maternal and the subcortical maternal complex (SCMC) is a large
paternal haploid genomes in zygotes, in facilitating multiprotein complex that was recently discovered in
embryonic genome activation shortly thereafter, and in the subcortex of oocytes and pre-implantation
ensuring correct pre-implantation development [15]. embryos. Zygotes originating from mutant oocytes
Given their roles in these key pre- and post-fertiliza- that are defective in SCMC assembly failed to progress
tion processes, it is not surprising that mutations in beyond the first embryonic cell divisions, suggesting an
maternal effect genes almost invariably lead to early essential role for the SCMC in early embryonic devel-
embryonic arrest [15,16]. Maternal effect gene products opment [14]. However, these mutant oocytes also
are produced by the oocyte prior to fertilization, and lacked oocyte cytoplasmic lattices, oocyte-specific cyto-
embryonic genome activation coincides with a steep plasmic cytoskeletal elements that were suggested to
decline in the amount of maternal effect gene tran- support maternal ribosome transport and organelle
scripts. The kinetics of this distinctive expression pat- (re)distribution during oocyte maturation [22]. Clarifi-
tern is species-specific, since the precise moment in the cation of the relative importance of the SCMC and
developmental plan at which embryonic genome acti- cytoplasmic lattice protein complexes in oocyte matu-
vation occurs varies greatly among animal species. ration and early embryonic development requires addi-
Murine embryos undergo genome activation at the tional analysis.
two-cell stage, cattle at the 816-cell stage and humans Although the molecular modes of action of mater-
when the embryo comprises foureight cells [13,17]. nal effect genes are still vague, it has become clear in
Several maternal effect proteins are of critical recent years that mutations in some of these genes
importance for fetal growth because they orchestrate and the resulting imprinting defects are associated
epigenetic reprogramming in primordial germ cells and with multiple fetal growth disorders and reproductive
zygotes. After gametogenesis, terminally differentiated wastage in humans [21,23]. The BeckwithWiedemann
male and female haploid genomes acquire a con- syndrome (BWS) is an imprinting disease that is
densed, transcriptionally quiescent structure. This is associated with congenital overgrowth, undescended
achieved by targeted DNA methylation and histone testes in male progeny, abdominal wall defects, sei-
modifications, which are reversible epigenetic mecha- zures and predisposition to embryonic tumorigenesis
nisms that play key roles in switching transcriptional [24]. SilverRussell syndrome (SRS) on the other
activity on and off [18]. At fertilization, the embryonic hand is characterized by growth retardation prior to
genome is globally demethylated until the developing and after birth, and patients display colored spots on
embryo reaches the morula stage. However, a few the skin, excessive sweating and inward curving of
genomic loci, called imprinted regions, escape this gen- the fifth fingers. Hydatidiform moles are another
ome-wide epigenetic reprogramming and maintain the example of a human disorder caused by hypermethy-
methylation patterns that were set in the oocyte and lation or hypomethylation of imprinted control
sperm cell [19]. As a consequence, transcription of regions. Moles constitute abnormal or molar preg-
imprinted genes a subset of an estimated few hun- nancies in which a non-viable fertilized egg implants
dred autosomal genes in mammals occurs from a in the uterus, consequently leading to absent or

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abnormal embryonic development with abnormal A phylogenetic NLR cluster implicated

trophoblastic growth [25]. Abnormal molar tissues in reproductive functions
have different genotypes (Fig. 2AG) [26,27]. Unlike
most types of moles, familial biparental hydatidiform The NLR gene family is evolutionarily ancient and
moles have a diploid genotype originating from both predates the emergence of mammals. Large sets of
parents (Fig. 2E). Notwithstanding the presence of a NLR genes are found in several invertebrates with
paternal as well as a maternal genome, the embryo sequenced genomes, including Hydra (simple freshwa-
does not develop properly because of multiple ter animals with radial symmetry), Strongylocentrotus
imprinting defects. Familial cases of biparental hyda- (sea urchins) and Amphimedon (sponges) [3538]. The
tidiform moles are typically caused by autosomal apparent absence of NLR genes in the genomes of
recessive mutations in maternal effect genes that Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly) and Apis mellifera
affect oocyte sufficiency [28,29], while the paternal (honey bee) form interesting exceptions that suggest
genotype does not contribute to the pathogenesis that a common insect ancestor has probably lost the
[30,31]. Molar pregnancies may also develop into an NLR repertoire during speciation. Also Caenorhabd-
invasive form, with persistent trophoblastic disease itis elegans (roundworm) is devoid of NLR genes,
(PTD) being strongly associated with familial bipa- which is consistent with the particularly high levels
rental hydatidiform moles and developing in an esti- of gene loss observed in the model organisms D. mel-
mated 1015% of all hydatidiform mole cases anogaster and C. elegans [36,39]. The NLR gene sets
[32,33]. PTD can further lead to the development of in mammals are highly plastic, with the human gen-
choriocarcinomas that necessitate chemotherapeutic ome encoding 22 NLR genes and the mouse genome
treatment for their eradication [34]. 34 NLR genes [40]. The evolutionary bifurcation of
Each of the above developmental disorders has been rodents and primates about 80100 million years ago
associated with mutations in a subset of NLR genes. is thought to have coincided with gene duplication
In the following, we highlight recent evidence suggest- events that gave rise to novel and altered protein
ing that this NLR subset may represent a novel group functions [41,42]. In agreement, mice express three
of maternal effect genes, and review our current under- orthologs of human NLRP1, four orthologs of
standing of the molecular mechanisms by which they human NAIP, seven orthologs of human NLRP4
exert their functions at the interfaces of the immune and three orthologs of human NLRP9. Gene duplica-
and reproductive systems. tion events are also suggested to account for the

Fig. 2. Genetics of hydatidiform moles

(HM). Genetically, sporadic complete HM C
are androgenic diploid conceptions (AnHM)
hypothetically originating (A) from a
duplicated paternal haploid genome (46,
XX) or (B) after fertilization of an empty D
egg with two haploid sperm cells (46, XX
and 46, XY). (C) Sporadic partial HM
(PHM) are dispermic triploid conceptions E
and usually originate from dispermic
fertilization of an oocyte (69, XXX; 69,
XXY; 69, XYY). (D) Digynic triploid
conceptions originate from duplication of a F
maternal haploid set of chromosomes. (E)
Biparental HM are diploid and contain a
maternal and paternal set of genes. (F, G) G
Hypothetical schemes of conception

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existence of primate-specific NLRP7. Apart from Notably, phylogenetic analysis of the protein
being duplicated, genes might also get lost from the sequences of the complete human NLR set along with
genome during speciation. Indeed, rodents lack or- their murine orthologs reveals that NLRP2, 4, 5, 7, 8,
thologs of human NLRP8, 11 and 13, most probably 9, 11, 13 and 14 form a phylogenetic cluster that sepa-
reflecting loss of those genes during rodent evolution rates from other NLR clusters with clearly established
[40,43,44]. immune roles (Fig. 3A) [43,44]. Interestingly, within

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the PYD-containing NLR subfamily, the immune- Nlrp4a, 4b, 4c, 4e, 4f, 4 g, 5, 9ac, and 14 levels dur-
related NLRs NLRP1, 3, 6, 10 and 12 form a separate ing early-stage embryogenesis (Fig. 3C). Immune-
cluster. In addition, the CARD-containing NLRC4 related NLRs do not show similar kinetics of mRNA
clusters together with the NAIPs with which it forms decay during early developmental stages (Fig. 3C).
an inflammasome complex in response to bacteria [45]. Another marked observation is that, apart from
This suggests that NLRs may be divided in several NLRP14, all reproduction-related NLRP genes in the
phylogenetic subgroups that might have distinct func- human genome are located on chromosome 19, while
tions [43,44,46]. In this regard, the cluster containing the murine syntenic region on chromosome 7 contains
NLRP2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 and 14 coincides remark- all murine reproduction-related NLR genes with the
ably with the emerging reproduction-associated NLR notable exceptions of Nlrp4f, Nlrp4g and Nlrp14
subset. Meta-analysis of publicly available expression (Fig. 3D,E). Moreover, the genes coding for these
data demonstrates that members of this reproduction- reproduction-associated NLRs are physically clustered
associated human NLR gene cluster are expressed at together in chromosomal loci that contain other genes
high levels in oocytes and ovaries (Fig. 3B) [47]. At that are important for reproductive traits [55]. A good
the protein level, human NLRP7, NLRP5 and NLRP9 example is the genomic localization of Nlrp4 and
are expressed at all stages of developing follicles Nlrp9 paralogs on mouse chromosome 7 in the vicinity
[31,48]. The murine orthologs belonging to this cluster, of the V1r genes which belong to a chemosensory
namely Nlrp2, 4a-g, 5, 9a-c and 14, are similarly receptor family and are involved in pheromone detec-
expressed at high levels in oocytes and ovaries, while tion (Fig. 3D) [44]. Also, NLRP9 in cattle and NLRP5
immune-related NLRs are not (Fig. 3B) [49]. The fact in pigs were mapped to a quantitative trait locus
that expressed sequence tags corresponding to mouse region for reproductive traits [56,57]. In agreement,
Nlrp4a, 4c, 4e, 4f, 9b and 9c were found in cDNA mutations in some of these NLRs have been associated
libraries of oocytes, zygotes and two-cell stage with mice sterility [51] and human imprinting diseases
embryos supports this notion [50,51]. Several published (see above) [58]. However, it should be mentioned
reports validated the high expression levels of mouse that possibly not all NLRs in these syntenic regions
Nlrp2, Nlrp4a-f [52], Nlrp5, Nlrp9a-c [53] and Nlrp14 are important for reproduction. The NLRP12 gene is
in female and male gonads and maturing gametes located in this region but is most probably not
[50,54]. They also showed that mRNA expression lev- involved in reproduction since Nlrp12-deficient mice
els of these NLRs drop steeply shortly after fertiliza- develop normally without apparent reproductive
tion towards the blastocyst stage, a characterizing defects [59,60]. In addition, the protein clusters phylo-
feature of maternal effect genes [15,16]. Our meta- genetically with the immune-associated NLRs
analysis along 12 developmental stages in mouse (Fig. 3A) [44] and is known to play a role in immu-
indeed nicely re-confirms the gradual decrease of nity based on hyper-responsive reactions to Toll-like

Fig. 3. Reproduction-related NLR cluster in humans and mice: phylogeny, chromosomal clustering and expression. (A) Full-length NLR
protein sequences from both human and mouse were retrieved from the Uniprot database and analyzed with the MEGA6 package hereby
using default settings [110]. Alignment was performed with MUSCLE, while MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD was used for tree building. The resulting
phylogenetic tree file was uploaded to EVOLVIEW for visualization [111]. A reproduction-related NLR cluster (light blue) separates from the
immune-related NLRs. The whole NLRP subfamily is indicated in blue, with immune- and reproduction-related NLRPs in dark and light blue,
respectively. The NAIP subfamily forms a separate cluster together with NLRC4 (red), while most of the NLRC/X subfamily clusters
together with the NLRA subfamily (grey). (B) GENEVESTIGATOR [47] was used to explore NLR expression in human (left panel) and mouse (right
panel) revealing strong expression of reproduction-related NLRs in oocytes. In contrast, low expression levels were detected in
reproduction-related tissues for established immune-related NLRs. The darkest red color represents the maximum level of expression for a
given gene across all measurements available in the database for this gene. Adult but not embryonic or early postnatal tissue samples were
selected for analysis. The values for mouse Nod2, Naip4, Naip7, Nlrc4, Nlrp1a, Nlrp1b, Nlrp1c, Nlrp2, Nlrp4d are absent in the database. (C)
GENEVESTIGATOR [47] was used to explore expression of immune- and reproduction-related NLRs along different stages of mouse

embryogenesis. Reproduction-related NLRs are highly expressed during prenatal period day 01 (corresponding to two-cell stage embryos)
and their levels strongly decrease during prenatal period days 24 (corresponding to four-cell embryos and blastocysts). This particular
profile matches the expression pattern of maternal effect genes. (D) Reproduction-related NLRPs are clustered on chromosome 19 in
humans and on chromosome 7 in mice. (E) Based on Uniprot sequences, the domain structure of different reproduction-related NLRPs is
depicted: blue box, PYD; green box, nucleotide-binding and oligomerization (NACHT) domain; yellow circles, leucine-rich repeats. In humans,
nine different reproduction-related NLRPs could be identified, four of which are absent in mouse. In mouse, however, duplication events
occurred leading to an NLRP4 and NLRP9 cluster.

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Fig. 4. Mutations in human NLRs associated with reproductive diseases. (A) Schematic view of the NLRP2 protein with indication of
harmful mutations (Uniprot Q9NX02-1; Unigene NP_001167552.1). (B) Schematic view of the NLRP7 protein with indication of harmful
mutations (Uniprot Q8WX94-3; Unigene NP_001120727.1). (C) Schematic view of the NLRP14 protein with indication of harmful mutations
(Uniprot Q86W24-1; Unigene NP_789792.1). NLR domains are represented as follows: blue box, PYD; green box, nucleotide-binding and
oligomerization (NACHT) domain; yellow circles, leucine-rich repeats. Mutations are grouped to a certain level corresponding to particular
diseases. Different colors indicate zygosity of the mutation, and cases with live birth are underlined. Mutations are presented based on the
nomenclature recommendations of the Human Genome Variation Society.

receptor stimulation in Nlrp12-deficient immune cells functional inflammasome upon its ectopic expression
[59,61]. with ASC and caspase-1 in 293T cells [70]. In addi-
In the following sections, we review the evidence tion, endogenous NLRP2 was found to co-immuno-
linking NLRP2, NLRP5 and NLRP7 to reproductive precipitate with the inflammasome adaptor ASC in
functions and immunity. For most other reproduction- lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated THP-1 cells, and
related NLRs, however, much less is known and the siRNA-mediated knockdown of NLRP2 reduced the
molecular mechanisms employed still need to be levels of secreted IL-1b from these cells [70,71]. Apart
unraveled. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) mediated from its suggested role in inflammasome signaling,
knockdown of Nlrp4e and Nlrp14 in fertilized eggs led ectopically expressed NLRP2 was demonstrated to
to early embryonic arrest indicating that they may be inhibit activation of the pro-inflammatory transcrip-
maternal effect genes [50,62,63]. In addition, NLRP14 tion factor NF-jB in 293T cells [7173]. Human
has been implicated in spermatogenesis (Fig. 4C) NLRP2 transcripts were readily detectable under
[64,65], while human NLRP4 was shown to play a role steady-state conditions in thymus and spleen. In addi-
in immunity [6669]. Further research is clearly needed tion, NLRP2 mRNA levels in THP-1 cells were upreg-
to fully appreciate the role of all under-investigated ulated by diverse pro-inflammatory stimuli, including
NLRs in reproduction and immunity. LPS and IL-1b, supporting a potential role for
NLRP2 in immune signaling [71,73]. Moreover,
NLRP2 mRNA levels were upregulated in CD34+
NLRP2: at the interface of immunity
progenitor cells during differentiation in macrophages
and reproduction
and neutrophils, and in mesenchymal stem cells under-
Together with NLRP3 and NLRP1, NLRP2 was one going adipogenesis [72]. Interestingly, common genetic
of the first NLR family members shown to assemble a variants in NLRP2 were suggested to correlate with

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the outcome of HLA-identical allogeneic stem cell syndrome/neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory
transplantation. Donor cells with homozygous NLRP2 disease [78,79]) and related inflammasome components
variants rs1043673, corresponding to missense muta- such as pyrin (familial Mediterranean fever) [80].
tion A1052Q, and rs1043684, corresponding to a Undoubtedly, clarification of the molecular functions
mutation in the non-coding 30 -UTR, were associated and signaling partners of NLRP2 in maturing oocytes
with non-relapse mortality and overall survival [74]. and developing zygotes will shed light on this intrigu-
Further work is needed to determine how these ing possibility.
NLRP2-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms
may alter susceptibility to severe acute graft-versus-
NLRP5: a pioneering maternal effect
host disease and infections [74].
While NLRP2 is expressed in immune cells and
other somatic cells in humans, in mice the highest NLRP5 was one of the first maternal effect genes
expression levels were noted in developing oocytes and reported in mammals [51]. It was originally cloned as
associated granulosa cells [49]. siRNA-mediated down- an oocyte-specific factor targeted by autoantibodies in
regulation of Nlrp2 expression in oocytes did not inhi- a mouse model of autoimmune oophoritis, a syndrome
bit oocyte fertilization [63], but these cells failed to characterized by premature ovarian failure that results
progress normally after fertilization and most zygotes in menopausal symptoms and infertility in young
arrested at the first and second cleavage events [49]. women [81,82]. Autoantibodies against NLRP5 were
A similar early blockade of embryonic development also described as a marker for hypoparathyroidism
has been shown to occur upon disruption of Nlrp5 that is detected in about half the patients suffering
(see later) [51] and other maternal effect genes such as from autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, a
Floped [14], Filia [75] and Stella [76] among others. rare autosomal recessive disorder that develops in
The functional relevance of NLRP2 in early human early childhood and affects a number of endocrine
embryonic development was inferred from a limited organs such as the adrenal cortex, ovaries and para-
set of disease-association studies (Fig. 4A). One of thyroid glands [83]. The development of mice with a
these mutations R493SerfsX32 was discovered in a targeted hypomorph allele of Nlrp5 that reduced Nlrp5
familial case of BWS and causes a frameshift in expression by 9095% (Nlrp5tm/tm mice) formally
NLRP2 mRNA that is predicted to result in a trun- established the role of Nlrp5 in early embryogenesis
cated protein [24]. However, analysis of another 11 [51,84]. Both male and female Nlrp5tm/tm mice devel-
cases of non-familial BWS failed to reveal mutations oped normally, and fertility of male Nlrp5tm/tm mice
in NLRP2, suggesting that defective NLRP2 expres- was unaffected. In contrast, female Nlrp5tm/tm mice
sion is not the principal cause of sporadic BWS [24]. A produced oocytes that could be fertilized but the
homozygous missense (Q884R) mutation in NLRP2 resulting zygotes arrested at the two-cell stage [51].
was also described in a female patient with biparental Consequently, female Nlrp5tm/tm mice were incapable
hydatidiform mole [77]. In addition to the homozygous of generating offspring and presented with a sterile
mutations described above, a heterozygous (I352S) phenotype.
missense mutation in NLRP2 was found in an SRS While the precise molecular function of NLRP5 in
patient presenting with defective methylation at six maturing oocytes and zygotes remains enigmatic, it
maternally imprinted regions [25]. Screening larger was shown to localize primarily to the subcortex in
cohorts of BWS, biparental hydatidiform mole and human oocytes [48]. In mice, Nlrp5 was shown to
SRS patients is recommended to confirm the associa- assemble the SCMC, a large multiprotein complex that
tion of NLRP2 mutations with these reproductive dis- lines the subcortex of mature oocytes and pre-implan-
orders, and to estimate the fraction of these patients tation embryos (Fig. 5) [14]. In the latter, the subcellu-
presenting with homozygous NLRP2 mutations. It is lar localization of the SCMC appears to result from its
tempting to speculate that some etiological forms of active exclusion from regions of cellcell contact, thus
reproductive syndromes may have a common underly- confining its localization to the cytocortex of the outer
ing mechanism that involves defective activation of morula cells and to the trophectoderm of blastocysts,
NLRP2 and/or its signaling pathways. This might while the inner cell mass of the pre-implantation
resemble the causal association of several hereditary embryos are devoid of the SCMC [14,84]. The molecu-
autoinflammatory syndromes with mutations in the lar mechanism guiding this peculiar intracellular distri-
inflammasome adaptor NLRP3 (familial cold auto- bution at the subcortex remains to be addressed.
inflammatory syndrome, MuckleWells syndrome and However, it is clear that Nlrp5 is crucial for assembly
chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular of the SCMC because Nlrp5tm/tm oocytes are devoid of

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due to protein degradation because mRNA expression

of SCMC components was not affected in Floped/
and Nlrp5tm/tm oocytes. In contrast, Nlrp5tm/tm oocytes
expressed normal levels of Padi6 [85], suggesting that
Padi6 stability is not critically dependent on the
SCMC complex or that the protein has a significantly
longer half-life. Whether Padi6 deletion disrupts
assembly of the SCMC remains to be shown. How-
ever, Filia deficiency did not reduce expression of
other SCMC proteins in mature oocytes, nor was
assembly of the SCMC affected [75]. These observa-
tions suggest that Filia is not essential for SCMC
assembly. In agreement, Filia/ female mice were not
sterile, although they produced significantly fewer off-
spring than Filia-sufficient controls [75].
Fig. 5. Subcellular localization of Nlrp5 in germinal vesicle oocytes. The role of NLRP5 in early embryogenesis is
Nlrp5 is part of the SCMC, which is a high molecular weight likely to be conserved in primates because RNAi-
multiprotein complex localized at the subcortex of oocytes and pre-
based downregulation of NLRP5 expression led to
implantation embryos. The complex assembles during oocyte
growth and is essential for zygotes to progress beyond the first
embryonic arrest of in vitro fertilized rhesus macaque
embryonic cell divisions. Apart from Nlrp5, four additional monkey oocytes between the eight- and 16-cell stages
maternally encoded proteins have been identified to be part of the [90]. It would thus be of major interest to establish
SCMC: Floped, Tle6, Filia and Padi6. Nlrp5, Tle6 and Floped the functional roles of the SCMC complex, and to
interact with each other, while Filia binds to Nlrp5 independently. determine whether mutations in the human homologs
The precise interaction partners of Padi6 in the SCMC remain to of Nlrp5, Floped, Filia and other genes encoding
be identified. In addition, Nlrp5, Padi6 and Floped co-localize at the
other SCMC components are clinically associated
oocyte cytoplasmic lattices, a unique oocyte cytoskeletal element
involved in maternal ribosomal storage and transport, as well as in
with fetal wastage in humans. It is noteworthy in
organelle positioning and (re)distribution. this regard that mutations in the human ortholog of
mouse Figla (factor in germline alpha) have been
identified in two patients with premature ovarian
these ooplasm structures [14]. In addition to Nlrp5, failure [91]. Figla is a basic helixloophelix tran-
the maternal effect gene products Floped, Tle6 and scription factor that drives expression of Floped,
Filia also localized to the SCMC (Fig. 5) [14]. Floped Nlrp5, Tle6, Padi6 and possibly other SCMC compo-
and Nlrp5 also co-localized with the oocyte-specific nents in mice [14,92], suggesting that defective
peptidylarginine deiminase Padi6 in oocyte cytoplasmic SCMC function may be clinically associated with
lattices, suggesting that these structures visible in elec- female sterility in at least a subset of patients pre-
tron micrographs may correspond to the SCMC senting with infertility or recurrent spontaneous
[22,8588]. Indeed, electron micrographs of Padi6/, abortion.
Nlrp5tm/tm and Floped/ oocytes contained markedly
reduced cytoplasmic lattice structures [85,87,88]. Of
NLRP7: a mystery of molar
note, Floped was also reported to be diffusely
expressed in the cytosol of agarose-embedded mature
oocytes and pre-implantation embryos, suggesting that Unlike primates, rodents lack NLRP7. The human
staining procedures may differentially affect the locali- gene is thought to have emerged from the duplication
zation of SCMC components [88,89]. of an ancestral NLRP2/7 gene after the split of the
Importantly, both Floped/ and Padi6/ mice phe- rodent and primate lineages [40,43,44]. In agreement,
nocopied Nlrp5tm/tm mice because oocytes lacking our phylogenetic analysis clustered mouse Nlrp2
either Floped or Padi6 also failed to progress beyond together with human NLRP2 and NLRP7, with the
the initial cleavage events after fertilization [14,16,87]. human paralogs being more closely related to each
Defective expression of Floped or Nlrp5 disrupted other than to mouse Nlrp2 (Fig. 3A). While many
assembly of the SCMC complex and led to virtual questions remain regarding the functions of this pri-
depletion of SCMC components such as Tle6, Filia mate-specific NLR, recent work has illuminated some
and each others cellular pools in Floped/ and aspects of the mechanisms by which it regulates
Nlrp5tm/tm ovaries, respectively [14]. This was probably immune and reproductive functions.

4576 FEBS Journal 281 (2014) 45684582 2014 FEBS

H. Van Gorp et al. NLRs in immunity and reproduction

Human NLRP7 mRNA is detected in the spleen, biparental hydatidiform moles appear to be causally
thymus and in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBMCs), linked to homozygous and compound heterozygous
suggesting that NLRP7 contributes to immune signal- NLRP7 mutations, it is not clear whether single het-
ing [73,93]. In agreement, NLRP7 mRNA levels were erozygous variants of NLRP7 lead to familial biparen-
further upregulated in LPS- and IL-1b-stimulated tal hydatidiform moles [27,30,93,103,104]. These
PBMCs and macrophages [73]. Initial studies with homozygous and compound heterozygous NLRP7
ectopically expressed NLRP7 suggested it negatively mutations are often are located in coding exons and
regulates extracellular IL-1b levels by inhibiting splice junctions, and are predicted to affect the protein
inflammasome-mediated maturation of IL-1b or by by introducing deleterious amino acid changes, inser-
reducing cellular proIL-1b levels or by affecting its tions, intragenic duplications and deletions that lead to
secretion [73,94]. However, another report failed to a mutated or truncated protein product (Fig. 4B)
observe defective inflammasome-driven IL-1b secretion [105]. The identification of homozygous or compound
upon transient expression of NLRP7 [69]. More heterozygous NLRP7 missense and non-sense muta-
recently, siRNA-mediated knockdown of endogenous tions in men with apparently normal reproductive
NLRP7 in human primary macrophages and THP-1 functions suggests that NLRP7 may specifically regu-
cells suggested that NLRP7 assembles a canonical late female reproduction [30,31].
inflammasome that in contrast drives IL-1b secretion So far, the molecular mechanisms of NLRP7 in
upon cytosolic detection of bacterial lipopeptides [12]. imprinting defects underlying familial biparental
NLRP7 downregulation failed to affect secretion of molar pregnancies are not clear [106108], and this
the inflammasome-independent cytokines IL-6 and is complicated by the wide spectrum of disease phe-
tumor necrosis factor, suggesting that NLRP7 specifi- notypes observed. NLRP7 does not contain any
cally regulated inflammasome-driven IL-1b secretion DNA-binding domains and is localized in the cyto-
[12]. Notably, lipopeptide-induced NLRP7 activation plasm. Seemingly, the immunological function of
did not trigger pyroptosis, a lytic cell death mode that NLRP7 to control IL-1b secretion is not involved
usually accompanies IL-1b secretion by other canoni- since IL-1b-deficient mice are fertile. Besides, mono-
cal inflammasomes [7]. Determining how NLRP7 spe- cytes from some patients with familial biparental
cifically engages inflammasome-dependent cytokine moles with NLRP7 mutations show reduced IL-1b
secretion may reveal novel mechanisms that suppress secretion [94], whereas others show increased IL-1b
pyroptosis induction. secretion [104]. It should be noted, however, that
Apart from its expression in hematopoietic cells, even the general population shows varying IL-1b
NLRP7 transcripts were found to be abundantly secretion levels [109]. Additional work is clearly
expressed in testes and ovaries, suggesting that it exerts needed to fully understand the pathophysiological
reproductive functions (Fig. 3B) [73,95]. Notably, role of NLRP7 in familial biparental molar pregnan-
NLRP7 transcript levels were shown to decrease pro- cies, in order to comprehend its contribution to nor-
gressively during oocyte maturation, and to rise signifi- mal embryonic development.
cantly 35 days after fertilization, when the embryo
has reached the blastocyst stage [96]. In contrast, tran-
Conclusion and perspectives
script levels of the reproduction-associated NLRs dis-
cussed above decline irreversibly starting from the In addition to their well-established roles in the
zygote stage [50]. In addition, NLRP7 expression was immune system, the existence of an NLR subset that
detected in endometrial cancer tissues and testicular operates at the interface of the immune and reproduc-
seminomas, showing the trend to be associated with tive systems has emerged during the past 15 years. The
cancer pathogenesis [95,97]. formal demonstration that NLRP5 acts as a maternal
NLRP7 was predicted to function as a maternal effect gene product in mammals [51] has paved the way
effect gene based on the causal association of NLRP7 for recognizing the critical importance of several addi-
mutations with familial biparental hydatidiform moles tional NLR family members in the reproductive sys-
(Figs 2E,D, and 4B) [29,31]. NLRP7 mutations are tem. Members of the reproduction-associated NLR
found in as many as 60% of clinical cases of familial subset have in common that their sequences cluster in a
biparental molar pregnancies [93]. It is currently separate phylogenetic branch, that they are highly
debated whether mutations in NLRP7 also contribute expressed in mature oocytes and pre-implantation
to the pathogenesis of other forms of molar pregnan- embryos, and that deletions and mutations in their
cies (Fig. 2AD,F,G) and reproductive wastage genes are associated with human wastage syndromes.
syndromes [77,93,98102]. While familial diploid However, many important questions remain to be

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NLRs in immunity and reproduction H. Van Gorp et al.

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The authors apologize to those whose citations were 96107.
omitted owing to space limitations. H.V.G. and 12 Khare S, Dorfleutner A, Bryan NB, Yun C, Radian
F.V.H. are postdoctoral fellows with the Research AD, de Almeida L, Rojanasakul Y & Stehlik C (2012)
Foundation Flanders (FWO grant 1.2.449.13N and An NLRP7-containing inflammasome mediates
1.2.E99.14N). M.L. is supported in part by the Ghent recognition of microbial lipopeptides in human
University Concerted Research Actions (grant BOF14/ macrophages. Immunity 36, 464476.
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