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The Character of God's Love

1. It is a pardoning love. Isaiah 55:7; Psalm 32:3-4.

2. It is a chastening love. Hebrews 12:6.
3. It is a sympathizing love. Isaiah 63:9.
4. It is a long-suffering love. 2_Peter 3:9.
5. It is a self-sacrificing love. John 3:16.

III. Our Treatment of God's Love.

1. Accepting His love. The result of yielding to God's love is eternal
life. -John 3:16.

2. Rejecting His love. What is the result of rejecting His love?

(a) First of all, awful guilt.
(b) The loss of eternal life. John 5:40.
(c) Awful punishment. Hebrews 10:26-31.

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