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* Burgers ` n Happy
* Tools of the Trade
* Sides * Attention
servedwith To
coleslawor potato
A Good Blender:
The Almighty Vitamix Blender
I highly recommend anyone serious about their health
Just as a notice, feel free to print and share
this publication with others as long as you do
For a variety of frickin' recipes including Sweet & invest inFrench
so in its entirety or otherwise include a link to
a Vitamix, without a doubt it is the best$2.25 blender
Savoury Soups, Salads, Coleslaws, Noodle Dishes,
Hamburger and most useful tool for both the new and seasoned raw
Stews and more, peep my 101 Frickin' Rawsome Cheese
foodist. You Fries...................................................
can order your very own Vitamix by$2.75 following
Recipes; mustard,
available bymayo, lettuce,
donation tomato,
on my website. the link, and dont forget to use my affiliate code below Super Sweet Treats focuses entirely on
pickle,onion(addcheesefor50 cents)$8.00 for free shipping. :) dense, dessert-like, sweet fruit recipes
Watch out for my new ButternutSquash.......................................... $2.25 designed to provide maximum calories per The Raw Advantage Presents
Cravings Busters Transitional Raw Recipes
covering slightly more complex recipes, all 811RV
$2.75 bite. One of the most common pitfalls on a
Get free shipping to Canada & U.S.A
low fatground beef,gourmet
raw vegan hickorybacon,
delicacies. Sweet Potato
by using Fries.......................................
affiliate code 06-004171 $2.75
simple low fat raw food diet is learning to

Super Sweet Treats

swiss,mozzarella,or Americancheddar$8.50 actually consume enough calories, and I
Macaroni Salad.............................................
A Good Knife and Cutting Board:$2.50 ain't kidding, this book can truly help.
The information and recipes contained within Super I feel very blessed to .offer
Applesauce what I feel is truly the best of
Sweet Treats Burger
not intended to treat, despite the best in ceramic knives, they are a simple joy to cut
ground beef, redorchili,
meltedcheddar Rice
with. After Pilaf............................................................
searching around, I found a new friend, $2.25 Bryan Getting adequate sunshine, fresh air,
treats the title, cure, diagnose any disease or
Au, and his signature Raw Star 6 Black Ceramic Chef vigorous exercise, and enjoying these
illness. This publication$8.75
is not meant to replace your
Knife with Bamboo Handle, and I am able to offer it for decadent Super Sweet Treats can make
health care professional or family physicians advice,
only $60 with tax and shipping included! succeeding on this path, well, a Sweet Treat!
* Beverages *
as with any major change in diet consult your doctor
withtomato,onion,lettuceandgarlicmayo Raw Ice Cream Float for Lunch?! Whaaat?! Desserts that are meant
Having avidly studied $7.50
Nutrition since 1998, obtaining Shredders, Slicers and Noodle Makers:
certification from an accredited school as a Regis- There are Fountain
a varietySoda..................................................
of tools which are used to slice, $1.75 dice, Happy eating! to be the whole meal!
tered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN) in 2004, and rolling and make vegetable noodles. Often a simple knife will Enjoy Much,
100% raw since then, Veggie Burger
I, the Banana Commander have suffice,Lemonade ........................................................
but using tools can make the job faster, $2.75
Peacelovenseasonalfruit ck :)
been vegan
truly been patty,
walking thewith
walktomato, onion, the
and shouting uniform, IcedTea.............................................................
and provide a change in the taste, $2.75
and texture of a meal. My favourite handheld tool is a
talk. In eternal garlicfor
gratitude mayothe$7.00
Blessings I have
speciality peelerorwith
small blades that makes excellent $1.75 Published by: Chris Kendall
come into, it has become my greatest joy to help linguini noodles. This tool is most often called a julienne
peeler, Premium
as seen at Loose-Leaf Tea..........................
$1.75 I 411 Candle Place,
* Soups *
others on their path to optimal health in loving many department or kitchen stores.
service. am alsoBottled
stoked toJuice.....................................................
offer the Amazing Joyce Chen $1.75
Spiral Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Slicer, also known as the Saladacco Spiralizer. Having tried S7K5A8
It is my bliss to made
flow as fresh daily
a Registered Holistic Nutri- Pellegrino ............................................................
many noodle makers, I think this is by far the best. This
tionist, offering 100% Raw Food and Transitional tool easily and quickly produces the thinnest most tender
Lifestyle Coaching. Through mutual sharing
Chocolate or WhiteMilk......................... $2.00 1st Edition
French 3.75it is my
Onion.................................................... angel hair pasta noodles of any device.
passion to help you to learn how to increase your by: Chris Kendall
Chicken & aspects
4.25 weight
wellness in all of your life; from easy RHN, 100% Raw & Transitional
management, increased athletic performance,
able well being, superior resistance to colds and
3.25 envi-
* Desserts
A Good Dehydrator :
A dehydrator can be tons of fun bringing new textures, * Lifestyle Coach
disease (I have not been sick in over 12 years), to a options and tastes to your raw flow! I love to make Fruit
life with with increased spiritual, mental, and emo- or Savoury Wraps, Chips, Crackers, Dried Fruit and Raw
tional poise. We live in a time where disease of the Tiramisu ............................................................
Pancakesas you will see in this book!$5.75
body and mind is rampant, misinformation is wide- The finest culinary schools, raw restaurants and retreat
centres, such as Farm of Life in Costa Rica usually have
spread without good conscience, and the almighty
dollar is above all. I hope to show you how to regain more thanCrme CaramelDehydrators
a few Excalibur ..........................................
behind the $5.25scenes.
your God Given natural state of pristine health,
I have noticed even Dr. Doug Graham, author of The Brought to you in part by:
80/10/10 Cobbler
Diet to always have ...................................
six or more at his$4.75 events
youthful vitality, and the security of lifelong wellness including his Simply Delicious Culinary Skills Week.
ConsumerAdvisory: Red VelvetCake .........................................
through improved diet and lifestyle. May you live
Consumptionof undercookedmeat,poultry,eggs,or
free and happy without reliance on costly and dan- I am proud to be an affiliate with Excalibur and am excited
seafoodmayincreasetheriskof foodborneillnesses.Alert
gerous pills, drugs, vitamins, superfoods or surgery, to offer them to you!
yourserverif youhavespecialdietaryrequirements.
while thriving clear-headed and pain free, just as
nature intended.
Why Super Sweet Treats?
* sediS * Chris
* srKendall
egruB *
Blissings and thanks for signing up Because Humans Frickin' Love Sweets, Dang It! Born ointa1980,
top row Chris
for my mailing list! There is no food that is more commonly considered a treat than sweet foods. On the raw food diet, sweet meals tered Holistic Nutritionist flowing as a 100% Raw
Hope you enjoy checking out this
5..2....2..$...........................................daerB cilraG
which we love to eat become one of the most important meals to have at our disposal. Sweet juicy fruits, specifically dalas
and Transitional Lifestyle Coach at TheRawAd-
Super Sweet Treats ebook! 5...2...2...$....That
sweet tropical fruits, offer us a nearly perfect nutritional profile per calorie.
F what Since the age of six he has pushed
we need in the ratios we need them per bite than of any other food! Yes, that includes carbohydrates, protein (amino
FeseehC himself athletically regasruabskateboarder
maH and is
acids), fat (omegas), vitamins, organic minerals, enzymes, antioxidants,
currently ,tecuttel,oyam ,dratsumTaking
amateur. htiwdevpart
res in
loC food the partying lifestyle and making poor food
Sweet juicy fruit is not only the best choice we can make for optimal health, 00.8$)stnec 05rofeseehcdda(noino,elkcip
I really hope you enjoy these recipes choice (second to nuts and fatty fruits), and our most nutritionally sound5.2...2.choice
auqStubut nreittis
B the choices in his teens led to early injury, poor
and other recipes, tips, and videos you brightest, sweetest, most refreshing, satisfying, natural, and delicious choice. While fatty foods such as avocado, nuts recovery, and depression with a predictable
can peep for free on my website: and seeds, etc., are much higher in calories, they are not recommended.5
toccuS less decline in vitalityregand
caBthese experi-
than 10% of total calories for a variety of reasons. Those who routinely say, I don't really like sweets are generally
57...2...$.................................seirFotatoPteewS ences that,nspawned
rf found to be sedentary and typically consume a high fat and often high sodium diet. In alignment with the body's wisdom and its0connection to health and fitness by,sage18.
in such a scenario, sweets are not desired because one's physiology does 0.5....2not..$
oracaM More 5.8$raddehcnaciremA ro,allerazzom siws
It is truly a blessing to be given the on this topic is explained in the FAQ's in my 10 Sure Shot Ways to Drastically Improve your Health, as well as in the During his first 5 years of personal research,
opportunity to help make your journey .5..2...2...$...Graham.
famed The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas ........................................e..cuaselppA Chris underwent regmultiple
ehC ilihCread dozens
on the raw food lifestyle as sweet and ..5..2.integral
Having a bunch of Super Sweet Treats that you love love love plays an raddand
of books ehclearned
ihc devarious
as streamlined as it can be. practitioners and enthusiasts. It was in these first
success on either a 100% or a transitional high carb, low fat, raw food vegan lifestyle. 57.8$
few years that a transition from SAD (Standard
Do you know of any other diet that not only allows, but recommends eating as much of your favourite foods as you American Diet) to a whole foods vegetarian diet

Check out my FAQ's, my blog and

* segareveB *
want, and adamantly encourages you to eat abundant Super Sweet Treats in order to gain and increase optimal health?!
When we are born, our first food is sweet and juicy. Mothers milk has nearly double the lactose content (milk sugar,
was made and true
A second
video blog posts, as well as my consul- made of glucose and galactose) as cows or goats milk and about a third of the amount of protein. Place a young child in
Hygiene, one that would 05.7$ consume him and
tation pages for more insight and a room with all manner of whole food and animals, and you will be sure to see him or her pet and play with the animals,
and choose the bright colourful sweet and juicy fruits to eat almost every time!
entwine with his life forever.
golden nuggets of help.
.5..7....2..$..............................................e.danomeL While attending rschool egruBat eigCSNNgeV to become a
With inherited habits and modern processed foods abundant, our natural taste sensations have been turned against us!
All of my services are offered by For too long we have been fed utterly unhealthful processed Sweet .Treats,
ecI our RHN,nin oiVancouver,
no,otamothtChris iw,yttafound pnagethe vedalow
donation including my first best selling natural biological cravings for simple carbohydrates. With this in mind, I felt it was time to team up with Mother Nature vegan lifestyle. It was at a vegan health festival
simple hygienic low fat raw recipe and bring you a book filled with exceptionally delicious5.and
ceD roeeffoC that found him in meeting and learning directly
book, 57..1..$.......................aeTfaeL-esooLmuimerP from the undisputed leader in the field, Dr. Doug
101 Frickin Rawsome Recipes Many people find it hard to get enough calories in their high carb raw food diet, especially in the first few months of
their journey. It sounds amazing, but along with getting enough greens, 5...7...1.(tons
oB * spuoS *
Graham. As if hit by lightening Chris knew Doug
embodied optimal health more than anyone he
Recipes) it's the most common issue or pitfall that people have. Coming to complete ease conceptually and digestively
For more fancy 80/10/10 raw vegan
eating large quantities of high fibre, high water, high vibrational..5 ..7....1..$.meals
fruit ...........can
lleP had met; literally glowing, yliadhserbrimming fedam with vitality,
gourmet recipes, check out my newest meal-by-meal, aiming between all we care for and all we can, is a piece of some of my favourite advice, Thanks Dr. D! confidence, truth, compassion and love. Within
book, Cravings Busters Transitional 00..2..$......................kliMetihW roetalocohC the first
Through enjoying at least one large sweet meal per day in the form of a mono-meals, or with one of these Super Sweet
cnerF a
Raw Recipes, Treats recipes, can make the difference between surviving and thriving! 100% low fat raw vegan lifestyle. The first trial
showcasing amazing low fat, salt- and lasted..5.for
.2....4..1....month, ..Chris
.eciRby &n8ekmonths.
oil-free raw gourmet dishes. It's unfortunate to find that in this era, most people are programed see sweet treats as just only comprised of candy
..2RHN, 100% ....Raw a&ddTransitional
From authentic East Indian to Thai,
Mexican, Italian, Ukrainian, American,
* stresseD *
and baked desserts. Kids go crazy for them, banging their hands, singing songs, and screaming for candies and ice
cream. Teens indulge in them as often as possible, digging in to cabinets for cookies, cakes, and sodas. Adults often
Since .5 then....3....he
common transitional bumps.
Lifestyle Coach
tuck their heads into heavy, decadent desserts wishing to escape into a short-lived pleasure. It's quite common for
Japanese, Cajun and more, these are Since becoming a 100% raw vegan in 2004, Chris
people to finish their main meals with something sweet, if not a dessert, then a sweet drink such as coffee with sugar or
sure to bust any craving! ..5..7....5..$.................................................u. simariT
soda. It is easy to see that Sweet Treats are a big part of our lives. They are what we eat for celebration, we eat them
has compiled his early experiences, successes,
and failures to help others sift through what took
Questions, comments, concerns or simply
when we are sad or angry, and we grow up as infant 52humans
..seirrefoods.BhtiwekaceseehC him years to find, and others a lifetime our
for an ear or a hand to reach out to, email: When we are born, our first food is sweet and juicy. Mothers milk has5nearly .2...5...$.....double
.......... lecontent
maraC e(milkmrCsug ar, natural diet. Chriss greatest wish is to live to schedule a made of glucose and galactose) of cows or goats milk, and about a third of the amount of protein. Place a young child through dedicating his life to helping others
consultation by donation! in a room with all manner of whole foods, including animals, and you will 57...4see ..$.....him
lB offerings his services by donation in doing so
and choose the bright colourful sweet and juicy fruits ..$
. ekaCtevleV deR spreading the message :yrosivdArof emheart-based
usnoC loving
Wishing you much r o , s g g e, y r t l u o p, t a e m
d e k o o c r ednassisting
u fonoitpmupeople snoC
Peacelovenseasonalfruit ck With passed on habits and modern foods, our natural taste sensations have been turned against us! For too long we
service, Natural Hygiene, and
t r e l A
. s e s s e n l l
e i n r o b d o
come in tune with natures design, all whileo f f o k s i re h t
e s a e r c n iy a md oofaes
have been fed utterly unhealthful processed Sweet Treats, making it nearly impossible to fulfill our natural biological cravings for simple carbohydrates. With this in mind, I felt it was time to team up with Mother Nature and bring you a
coconstantly qeryrateidlaicto epsgrow evahuoin y fihis
book filled with exceptionally delicious and healthful Super Sweet Treats! peace and chosen disciplines.
Smoothies and Floats
* Starters * * Coco Date Nog *
* Salads * Entrees * Sandwiches
Mmmm who doesn't love sweet, thick smoothies and ice
Smooth, creamy, sweet, and delicious this recipe is really ** Cole Cream * * * Raw B&D Float * *
tough to beat. No need to add the coconut jelly (coconut
cream floats? Or WTB (What the Banana) Seriously Raw meat), but it can make this even more hearty and filling.
While flowing as a live-in raw food chef and coach for Oh my oh my, this toserved withof
me is one hand
my cut fries, recipes in
Ice Cream Honey
Floats!Glazed Onion
These Super Rings
Sweet Treats are sure to usenearly clear-looking jelly, which
I prefer the young, or TexasI toast
Steve Berra of The Berrics, met Cole Hargett, who the whole Super Sweet coleslawor potatosaladI first made
Treats book! When
this, I jumped with glee, so excited and satisfied as I truly
bring you more bang for your buck and punch to
batter, romaine,iceberg,red cabbage,
contains more carbohydrate carrots,
than fat and is extremely was their sales manger at the time. Having being both a
created a monumentally epic raw food recipe! Thick,
your lunch than your average recipe. Sitting at 1,000+ easily digestible. skater and a Straight G in common, we became instant
calories each,with thyme
these 100%honey $6.50 make it much
raw recipes cucumbers,andcherrytomatoes$3.75 ChickenStrips
friends. For nearly a decade I took food combining as a
sweet, filling and fun, this Hotmeal
is a hearty Dogyou can serve
easier to get in enough simple carbohydrates needed in 12-15 Medjool Dates (3/4 lb 345g) all-white
steadfast chicken
rule, and breast,
because with
of this ranch
there areor honey
more than a all-beef,withonions,relish,and
to anyone to create a huge smile ofmustard
delight! on a
order toSmoked
thrive! YouChicken
can alwaysQuesadilla
add frozen fruit in a ratio Chicken
1 young Thai Salad
coconut (jelly and water)
water if needed to desired thickness
few combinations I simply hadnt tried or considered poppy
10 Medjool datesseed
lb $4.75
of 1/4 frozen to 3/4 fresh for more of a shake taste and under this point of view. Cole came up with the following
texture. If these are onions,
too big,roasted poblano
remember you can always twoscoopson a bedof lettucewithtomatoand recipe, and it was a instant hit. Thank you Cole for remind-
4 frozen bananas (1lb 460g)
water to desired thickness
Texas toast $6.50Open the coconut by ing me that foodGrilled Liver
is a&tool
Onions Reuben
drink jicama
until you're full salsa & chipotle
and finish $8.50
them later when you're Pit Dates and place in the blender.
combining and a guideline for
ready for more, even if it's just ten minutes later. Enjoy! either one of two methods. First is to use the end corner
of a cleaver or heavy knife creating a triangle with three withbacon,servedwithsteamedfresh
optimal digestion, not an inflexible vegetables
set of strict Pit dates withswissin
and place cheese, sauerkraut,
the blender, if you 1000 Island
dont have a

P.S. Peep Ancho Chile101

out my book, Shrimp Tacos
Frickin' Rawsome Recipes hard blows on the top. Chef Salad
Second method is to pop or slice
black-and-white rules. This no-no combo exibits pretty
smooth digestion, and reminds us that it's good to remem-
Vitamix you will wantdressing
to pre-soak the dates
on rye $5.25 for 4-8 hours
in order to soften them for optimal blending. Add water to
for mango
many moresalsa,jalapeno-lime
sweet crme
smoothies and frache,
other fruity recipes. romaine,
the top ofsmoked turkey,
the coconut offhoney
with aham,tomato,
machete or aegg
ber it's what you do most of the time that brings the most cover the dates inside the blender plus a bit extra, about
knife. Be careful! Add the water, as well as the young jelly
guacamole& shreddedcabbage8.50 andcucumber$7.00
to the blender if desired. Blend until smooth, adding more
noticeable results! 500 ml or 1/2 a litre, and blend BLT
until smooth, adding water
wildAlaska salmonwith honey slowly to meet desired consistency. Pourbutter
into a lettuce,
large mug
water if you desire a thinner nog consistency. If you have 5 ripe bananas (1 1/4 lb mustard
575g) sauce applewoodsmokedbacon,
or glass. Add frozen bananas to the Vitamix or to a juicer
This is one ofHummus
my all-timePlate
favourite smoothies; thick, a Vitamix Grilled
blender, Chicken
this will beCaesar Salad
no problem. If not, soaking $10.50
1 1 1/2 honeydews (3 lb 1380g) heirloom tomato,
the dates for 4-8 hours in advance will help a ton with with the blank plate (no blade). Blend or use juicer to
sweet, filling, and blue to boot! The Medjool dates in this
house-madehummus,carrotsticks,cucumber romaine,parmesanandgarliccroutons$9.50
blending. Cherish this special sweet treat to the max! Cut the velvety ripe honeydew in half and either discard, andmayo
create thick Banana on sourdough
Ice Cream $5.50in next
(recipe detailed
recipe provide excellent caloric density and the delightful
plant, or compost the Pork
chapter). Add Banana Ice Cream carefully on top of the
blueberries freshradish
mad & toasted
flavour pita
'n all 7.75
those amazing berry Enjoy (1,000 calories)!! Lovingly scoop the sweet
* Burgers *
Date Smoothie with a slight stir and enjoy with a big
antioxidants. insidesbroiled inhoney
of the melon intodijon sauce,
a blender. served
Peel and with
add the
12-15 Medjool Brie (3/4 lb 345g) * Durian Nog (Ho Ho Ho!) * bananas to the blender and blend well. This tastes like a
vanilla ice cream shake. Again in this recipe, using a few
(1,040with twoslicesof American
servedwithhandcutfries,coleslawor potatosalad on thickTexastoast$4.50
withslicedbaguette,apples& walnuts
2 cups frozen blueberries (2 cups8.50
345g) frozen bananas can make it taste divine!!
pure water to desired thickness A sweet and thick treat reminiscent of Holiday Nog, and Enjoy Pepper Steak
(1,000 calories)!!
fit for any time of the Hamburger
year. While eating sweet fruit and
grilledstripsteakencrustedwithpepperandwine TunaMelt
Pit dates and Grilled Artichoke
place in the blender with enough water to fatty fruit (e.g. durian) together is a typical food combin-
cover, plus one inch. If you have a Vitamix, no need to served
ing no-no, I with
feel itmustard,
poignantmayo, lettuce,
to note tomato,
that food combining sauce, ourownrecipe,piledon a sliceof sourdough
withslicedbaguette& garlicaioli 8.00
presoak, othewise best to soak pitted dates for 8 hours in pickle,
truly canonion (addcheese
be considered forrather
a tool 50 cents)
than a$8.00
black and * Mom' s Favourite *
servedon mashedpotatoes$9.25 toast,toppedwithmeltedcheddarandserved
advance. Blend until smooth, then add the frozen blueber- white rule. Nature itself provides examples of this Another recipe that is so delicious but bends or breaks a
* Soups *
ries, or if you prefer, use fresh ones. Blend well adjusting fat-and-sweet combination, durian being a perfect exam- precept of classic food combining is this one. I would like open-faced$5.50
ple, where theBacon Cheeseburger
the amount of water to your desired thickness. I could eat
this one every day, one of my all time favourites! drates andfresh
ratio consists
a bit of fat.beef,
of mostly sweet carbohy-
In essence, bacon,
the most important
* Beverages
point out here, every recipe in my 101 Frickin' Rawsome
Recipes uses perfect hygienic food combining to the
made freshdaily
Enjoy (1,000 calories)!! element lies in the ratios of your meal. A bit of fatty fruit
swiss,mozzarella,or Americancheddar $8.50 letter, if you prefer that style. This recipe is one of my
Momsspecialrecipeservedon a toasted
(durian, coconut, avocado) with sweet fruit can taste great Mom's all-time favourite recipes (hence the title),and one
FrenchOnion.................................................... FountainSoda..................................................
* Erik' s Boba * 3.75 sesamebun$4.75
and digest decently well, while nuts and seeds with sweet I'll admit I rejected at first but decided I just had to share!
Chili Cheese
fruit tend to be harder Burger
on digestion. Try it for yourself with Lemonade........................................................
This sweet&recipe
was contributed from 4.25 my friend and this recipe!
freshgroundbeef,red chili,meltedcheddar$8.75 7 bananas (1 3/4 lb 805g)
past consult Erik J. Honer. Enjoy a raw twist on the classic 1Iced
sweet pineapple (1 3/4 lb 805g) $2.75 Hot Turkey
treat, Japanese Boba Tea! Check out Erik and his sister 7 ripe bananas (1 3/4 lb 805g) water to desired thickness
Coffeeor Decaf..............................................$1.75 grilledturkeybreastwithcranberryandmayoon
Courtney's website frozenTurkey
(1 cup 240g)
1-2 shakes of cinnamon Slice the sweet pineapple into medium sized chunks, add
withtomato,onion, lettuceof
1-2 shakes and garlicmayo$7.50
to blender. I like to squeeze all of the pineapple juice into
9 ripe bananas (2 1/4 lb 1035g)
2 ripe dragon fruits (3/4 lb 345g) pure water to desired thickness Bottled
the blender Juice.....................................................
from all the scraps that are created $1.75in
optional: young coconut water in place of water
pure water to desired thickness VeggieBurger cutting off the sides. Peel and add the bananas to the
blender Pellegrino ............................................................
and blend well until thick and frothy, adding $1.75 water
Cut both of the dragon fruits in half and use either a small house-made
Peel bananas andvegan
place patty,with
them in thetomato,
Add frozen at this stage if desired. This goes for all smoothies,
mellon baller or a teaspoon to make 1/4 inch balls from durian making sure there are no seeds
lettuceandgarlicmayo$7.00 remaining in the Chocolateor WhiteMilk......................... $2.00 in but
particular with those that bend or break food combining
the dragon fruit. These are the boba balls. Place the fruit pods. Add 1-2 shakes of both nutmeg and cinnamon and drink slowly, mindfully, and even try to chew the smoothie
balls into a large jug or cup. Peel bananas and blend with water or young coconut water while blending to desired very well. The sweeter the pineapple, the less chance of a
thickness. Pour into a mug and add an additional small
enough water to create your own desired thickness. Pour burp or two! Consumptionof undercookedmeat,poultry,eggs,or
the banana blend over the boba balls. Sip slowly using a
large boba straw, any straw you find, or just use a spoon!
shake of cinnamon on top.
Enjoy (1,050 calories)!!
Enjoy (1,000 calories)!!
*Smoothies and Floats*
seafoodmayincreasetheriskof foodborneillnesses.Alert
yourserverif youhavespecialdietaryrequirements.
Enjoy (1,020 calories)!!
Ice Cream and* Splits
* Starters
* Coco Banana Ice Cream *
* Salads *
Coco Banana Ice Cream is really just a small step above
* Black Forest Ice Cream *
* Entrees * * Sandwiches *
Oh oh my, how I used to love Black Forest Cake and
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!! Come
Classic Banana Ice Cream, adding a bit of young coco-
nut jelly to the mix. I prefer the really young and slightly especially
servedBlack Forrest
cream! I remember my 5th
* Deluxe Banana Split *
on, really, who doesnt love love love ice cream? Some of birthday like it was yesterday, surrounded by family and Sometimes you just wanna go the extra mile!! This is a
my fondest Glazed
memories Onion
revolve Rings
around ice cream cones
translucent jelly asuse
it is higher in carbohydrates, thus or Texastoast
friends while enjoying cherry-filled chocolatey goodness!! deluxe Super Sweet coleslaw or potato
Treat perfect for salad
birthdays, special
digests faster than the thicker white coconut meat. The
when onions,
was hot, familydeep fried
dessert inbeer
trips batter,splits or
for banana romaine, iceberg,red cabbage,carrots,
smooth and creamy texture cant be beat! Mmmmm, why not repeat that today!? celebrations, or just because you feel like it!! :)
or getting
withthymehoney$6.50 just diving into
home after school and
a container of ice cream! Once I discovered the secret of
cucumbers,andcherrytomatoes$3.75 ChickenStrips
8 frozen bananas (2 lb 920g)
ChicagoHot Dog
7 frozen bananas (1 3/4 lb 805g)
9 frozen bananas (2 1/4 lb 1035g)
raw ice cream, I was hooked, as are my nieces and neph- jelly of one young coconut (1/4 cup 60g)
cherries breast,cups
(2 heaping withranch or honey
500g) all-beef,withbananas
1 1/2 fresh onions,relish,
(.37 lband mustardon a
ews!! This Chicken
is a treat you can Quesadilla
feel good about eating lots ChickenSalad mustard$6.75
raw carob powder (3 Tbsp 21g) poppyseedroll$4.75
10 ripe strawberries (.37 lb 170g)
of!! One thing I would mention, however, as with any cold 3 Medjool dates (.13 lb 60g)
withcaramelizedonions,roastedpoblano twoscoops
Follow on a bedfor
the instructions ofClassic
lettucewith tomato
Banana Ice and
Peel and freeze 8 bananas, pit the cherries and slice in half, 1/2 small pineapple (1/2 lb 230g)
food in general, is that its best to eat slowly, chew well, simply adding the coconut jelly first, blending well, then
and swallow jicama
whensalsa & chipotle
it reaches room $8.50
temperature. Texasquarters
add the frozen banana toast$6.50
and blend until smooth. place all in the Grilled Liver
dehydrator & Onions
(optional) and dry for 6-12 Reuben
1 dried fig (.05 lb 23g)
hours, depending on preference. Follow the vegetables
instructions raw carob powder (3 Tbsp 21g)
Swallowing cold or frozen foods slows digestion and is Depending on what you are using to blend, you may find withbacon,servedwithsteamedfresh withswisscheese,sauerkraut,1000 Island
for Classic Banana Ice Cream with the 8 frozen bananas,
hard on the beneficial bacteria responsible for a wide
Ancho Chile ShrimpTacos Chef Salad
you need split the ingredients into two even batches.
adding the raw carob powder. $7.25
At the very end, add all of dressing
Peel and freeze 7 bananas, ondates
pit rye $5.25
and soak both the
array of healthful functions! Enjoy (1,050 calories)!!
withmango Whysalsa, jalapeno-lime
dream?? Enjoy more crme frache,
ice cream!! romaine,smokedturkey,honeyham,tomato,egg the cherry halves, giving one or two pulses to help mix in. dates and figs in water to cover for 4-8 hours they can
be in the same container. Slice 2 strawberries, 3/4 of the
guacamole& shreddedcabbage8.50 andcucumber$7.00 Grilled
If you didnt dehydrate Salmon
the cherries simply stir them in.
pineapple and 1/2 of one freshBLT banana into small bit-sized
Both options are equally delicious.
wildAlaska salmon with honeymustardsauce applewood
pieces. Place smokedtray
on a dehydrator bacon,
and butter
dry at lettuce,
* Banana Ice Cream Cone *
HummusPlate *Grilled
Creamy KingCaesar
Chicken Ice Cream
Salad *
Enjoy (1,000 calories)!!
$10.50 for 6-8 hours. Slice theheirloom
one freshtomato,
banana in half length-
Durian, also known as the king of fruits is renowned ways on a nice plate, fancy bowl or in a special ice cream
Banana Ice Cream is truly the classic raw ice cream; so
house-made romaine, parmesan and garliccroutons $9.50 for andthemayo
split.on sourdough $5.50 for
simple yet so hummus,
amazing andcarrot sticks,cucumber
satisfying. I have served plain its thick, sweet, and creamy texture. Matched with frozen dish to create Follow the instructions
raw rounds, freshradish
vegan banana & toasted
ice cream to top pita
pleased to hear bananas, it sure is a tough combination to beat!! * ClassicPork ChopsSplit *
Banana Classic Banana Ice Cream, starting first with 3 frozen
them ask, whats in this? The cone recipe is a bit of an
addtional twist if you have a dehydrator and wish to give
* Burgers *
5 frozen bananas (1 1/4 lb 575g)
Who doesn't love a banana split? This recipe can be as
bananas, scoop into the Grilled
middle Cheese
of the split. Blend 2
frozen bananas with the remaining fresh pineapple and 1/2
Baked Brie frozen durian (1 1/2 cups 360g) easy or as herbed mashed
deluxe as potatoes
you make it; the $8.75
sky is the limit. of the simple anddelicious
dehydrated pineapple,with twobetween
scoop slicesofthe
your ice cream a lovely home to be served in! :) servedwithhandcutfries,coleslawor potatosalad Here is my favourite quick and easy base recipe.
withslicedbaguette,apples& walnuts8.50 on thick
Blend the last 2 frozen Texas
bananas toast
with the$4.50
6 fresh strawber-
Follow the instructions for Classic Banana Ice Cream,
simply adding the frozen banana quarters and then the
7 frozen bananas (1Steak
3/4 lb 805g)
ries until smooth then add to the split and place back in
3 bananas (3/4 lb 345g) Hamburger grilledstrip steak
1 fresh encrusted
banana (1/4with
lb pepper
115g) andwine
the freezer. Put 2 of the dates, the carob powder and 1/2
3 Grilled
dates (.13 lb 60g) frozen durian (cut into chunks). Make sure no seeds of the soak water into the blender, blend till smooth
remain fromwith
themustard, mayo,
durian! Blend lettuce,
well usingtomato,
the tamper, a
2 ripe strawberries (.1 lb 45g)
sauce, adding hot our owntorecipe,
water piled
thin into to on a slicesauce,
a smooth of sourdough
put aside.
bananas and dates & garlic aioli 8.00
until smooth, spread or pour pickle, onion
celery stalk, (addprocessor
food cheesefor or50 cents)
juicer until$8.00
3 Medjool dates (.13 lb 60g)
Blend 1 toast,
fig with 1/2 of the dehydrated pineapple and the
1/4 inch thick onto a Teflex or parchment paper lined Enjoy (1,050 calories)!!
served on mashed
2 dried figs (.1 potatoes
lb 45g)$9.25 toppedwithmeltedcheddarandserved
raw carob powder (1 Tbsp 7g) rest of the soak water into a smooth sauce. Add hot water
* Soups *
dehydrator sheet into a large, loose triangle or cone open-faced
if needed to thin slightly, $5.50
place aside. Blend the 2 last
shape. Dehydrate at 109-115F for about 7 hours or until
pliable and you can easily lift it up off the sheet. Form the freshgroundbeef,hickorybacon, * Beverages
Peel and freeze 7 bananas, pit dates and soak both the
dates and figs in water to cover for 4-8 hours they can
* strawberries and remaining medjool date with a bit of hot
water into a nice red sauce Sloppy Joe ready! Grab the
and youre
flat cake into a cone freshby dailyrolling it from the bottom
up with the Teflex or paper still attached and seal by * mozzarella,
swiss, Chunky Monkey Icecheddar
or American Cream *
$8.50 be in the same container. Follow the instructions for
Classic Banana Ice Cream with the 7 frozen bananas.
banana split from the freezer and pour one sauce at a
time over each special
scoop, yourrecipe
whichon a toasted
goes on which!
wetting Onion....................................................
pinching the adjoining ends. Next, 3.75 place the Without a doubt, some of my old favourite ice creams had
Slice the one fresh banana in half lengthways, scoop the
$1.75 Sprinkle the dehydratedsesamebanana,bun $4.75 and pineapple
seam down, remove the Teflex or parchment paper, and tasty chunks ofChili Cheese
goodness Burger
in them, why not do the same ice cream Lemonade ........................................................
into 3 large scoops between the banana $2.75halves bits over top of the finished Deluxe Banana Split!!
for an additional hour. 4.25 freshgroundbeef,red chili,meltedvariations
with some tasty raw ice creams? The cheddar$8.75
are really and carefully place back in freezer. Put 2 of the dates, the
3.25 limitless, this too is one of my personal favourites. IcedTea.............................................................
raw carob and 1/2 of the soak water into the$2.75 blender. P.S. Again, sometimes thisHot Turkey
is easier to accomplish if you
Classic Banana Ice Cream Blend until smooth, slowly add hot water to thin
Coffeeor Decaf.............................................. into to a
$1.75 grilled
pre-make theturkey breast
ice cream andwith cranberry
freeze furtherand mayoon
to harden in
6 frozen bananas (1 1/2 lb 690g) 7 frozen Turkey
(1 3/4 lb 805g) runny sauce and put aside. Blend the 2 figs and the remain- order to helpTexas
make toast
nice big scoops! :)
2 fresh bananas (1/2 lb 230g) $5.50
If you have a Vitamix, simply break the frozen bananas into withtomato,onion,lettuceandgarlicmayo$7.50 ing soakPremium Loose-Leaf
water into a smoothTea..........................
sauce adding hot $1.75
water if Enjoy (1,300 calories)!!
3 Medjool dates (.13 lb 60g) needed to thin slightly, place aside. Blend the strawberries
quarters and place them in the blender. Use the tamper to Bottledmedjool
and remaining Juice.....................................................
date with a bit of hot water $1.75 into a
push the bananas into the blades at high speed, mixing Peel and freeze the Veggie BurgerPeel and slice the 2
first 7 bananas.
nice red Pellegrino
sauce and............................................................
youre ready! Grab the banana$1.75 split
rapidly to prevent motor burn. If using a food processor, fresh bananas 1/4 inch thick and place in the dehydrator
do the same minus the tamper. If using a regular blender, house-made
for 8 hours, flip vegan
and drypatty, with
a extra tomato,
2-4 hours. onion,
If desired,
from the freezer and pour one sauce over each scoop.
start with 2 fresh and 4 frozen bananas and use a celery lettuce
roughly chop smalland garlic
extra mayo
banana $7.00
bits along with the 3
Chocolateor WhiteMilk.........................
P.S. Sometimes this is easier to accomplish if you
stalk to press the bananas into the blades (carefully). With medjool dates after you pitting. Follow the instructions for pre-make the ice cream and freeze further to harden in
a juicer, use the blank plate and push the bananas through. Classic Banana Ice Cream with the 7 frozen bananas, order to help make nice big scoops! :) ConsumerAdvisory:
Serve immediately either in the cone, on top of raw then at the very end add all of the bits into the blender,
banana pancakes, or in a bowl. Adding persimmon at the
end as a topping is off the hook!
giving one or two pulses to help mix in. Serve, mmmm!!
Enjoy (1,080 calories)!!
Enjoy (1,140 calories)!!
*Ice Cream and Splits*
Consumptionof undercookedmeat,poultry,eggs,or
seafoodmayincreasetheriskof foodborneillnesses.Alert
Enjoy (1,000 calories)!!
yourserverif youhavespecialdietaryrequirements.
Pancakes and* Crpes
* Starters
* Deluxe Banana Pancakes *
* Salads *
Deluxe? You don't say... yes, actually I do! :)
This recipe is just a simple expansion of the last one with
**Fruit Syrup * *
* Persimmons ` n Cream Crpe *
* Sandwiches *
This is a creamy dreamy crepe recipe that you just cant
Fruit Syrup is simply thinned-out Fruit Jam, simple, but
one big difference. Adding chia seeds thickens the batter get enough of. You can easily substitute peach, nectarine,
there areserved
a zillionwithmashed
fruits potatoes,
you can hand
use, ways youcut
make it, served with handcutfries,
Holy mango, RAW pancakes and crepes you say? Yes I do! substantially and magically provides a much more mango or blueberries for the persimmon depending on
WhenHoney Glazed someOnion Rings useYou can serve these and many and ways to use it! My personal favourite uses dates, fresh
I first made of these recipes I seriously pancake-like texture! or Texastoast
mango, and warm water. If you have dried fruit, you can
season or potatosalad
and availability.
sweet vidalia
couldnt onions,
believe deep
it. They arefried
veryin beerbatter,
similar in texture and peopleromaine, iceberg,
wont know red cabbage,
you didnt carrots,
cook a flour based pancake. absolutely use 100% dried mango and blend with warm
taste to traditional pancakes and crepes but way sweeter, They actually taste way better in my opinion, as they are 4 bananas (1 lb 460g)
glazedwiththymehoney$6.50 cucumbers,andcherrytomatoes$3.75 water adding dates forChicken Strips The possibilities
extra sweetness. Chicago(2
6 Fuyu persimmons Hot Dog
lb 920g)
tastier, more nutritious, and they actually leave you feeling already sweet before you add any syrup at all. and combination are endless!
light and great!! While they do take a bit more prep time Mmmmm!! all-whitechickenbreast,withranchor honey jelly ofall-beef,
one young onions,relish,
coconut (1/2-1and
cupmustardon a
compared to the Chicken
average rawQuesadilla
recipe, it simply requires ChickenSalad mustard
1 mango (.4 lb $6.75
180g) Blend 4 bananas withpoppy seedroll$4.75
2 persimmons until thick and
thinking ahead. Blending, pouring, dehydrating, chopping, 11 Burro bananas (2 lb 920g) 3 Medjool dates (.13 lb 60g)
withcaramelizedonions,roastedpoblano twoscoopsonchia
whole a bed of lettuce
seeds ( 1/2 withtomato
cup 83g) and smooth. Pour onto Teflex or parchment paper lined
and setting up a plate for everyone to enjoy is all it takes
impress your jicama
results $8.50
are well worth it. Texastoast
blueberries (1 1/2$6.50
cups 225g ) Grilled
If you are not using Liver
a Vitamix, pit&and
pre-soak the dates
dehydrator sheet into large Reuben
circle shapes, you should be
able to make one big one or two smaller 1/6 1/4'' thin
cinnamon to taste
These recipes are ideal for a special cccasion breakfast, optional: 1 vanilla bean pod or withbacon,
4-8 hours served
to soften, withsteamed
otherwise fresh
blend dates vegetables
with enough withswissatcheese,
circles. Dehydrate 109-115Fsauerkraut, 1000or
for 6- 8 hours Island
an amazing luxurious lunch, or simply something to
Ancho Chile ShrimpTacos dash of Chef Saladcelery salt
homemade warm water to make a slightly runny sauce. Add mango
$7.25 dressing
pliable and you can easily lift iton
the sheet without
impress and pamper those you love. and blend, adding water if needed to desired consistency.
romaine,smokedturkey,honeyham,tomato,egg tearing. It is nice if the crepe is still a little bit soft. No need
crmefrache, If you cant find Burro bananas, use 9 regular Cavendish. Serve over Pancakes, Crepes, dip in Fruit Sushi, or serve
flip, simply place the dried side down on a plate. Slice 3 1/2
guacamole& shreddedcabbage8.50 andand
Peel all bananas cucumber $7.00any water, use the
blend without over sliced bananas,Grilled
shredded Salmon
pears or diced apples.. BLT and stack inside the
of the persimmons into 1/2'' strips
Limitless options!! Simply use a different sweet or subacid
tamper or blend in batches if needed. Add the chia seeds, wildAlaskasalmonwithhoneymustardsauce
fresh fruit for a new syrup and try using different dried
crepes. Blend applewood
the coconutsmoked bacon,
jelly with butterlettuce,
the remaining persim-
* Simple Banana
Hummus PlatePancakes *
just a tad of cinnamon, and optional ingredients (if
GrilledChickenCaesar Salad
desired) and blend until completely smooth. Add the fruits for fun$10.50
mon and pour over topheirloom
of the fruit. Wrap
tomato, it
really mean it and enjoy the creamy sweetness!
up like you
This is the simple recipe, its not quite as fluffy, but it
house-made hummus,carrotsticks,cucumber romaine, parmesan
blueberries and
and mix garlic
with croutons
a large spoon.$9.50
Let sit and(1,100-1,200
Enjoy mayoon sourdough $5.50
Hot Tip: Any dried fruit combines like a sweet fruit.
For example, date andPork
works really well. You can use regular bananas but I and thicken for 3-5 minutes. Slowly pour the batter onto
rounds, freshvery
radish & toasted pita 7.75 pineapple taste amazing,
* Burgers *
strongly prefer ripe Burro bananas. They are the Teflex or parchment paper lined dehydrator sheets, slowly
short and stubby ones which have a bit of a triangular making as thick as possible (1/2 -1 1/2 ''). I find it easy to driedbroiledinhoney
raisins served
are also
* AppleGrilled Cheese*
Pie Crpe
shape, as opposed to long and round standard Cavendish.
BakedBrie make 4 on each large Excalibur tray, pouring directly in the herbedmashedpotatoes$8.75 simpleanddeliciouswithtwoslicesof American
This simple apple pie crepe is filling and wonderfully
These are much more dense and make a thicker batter. served
and hand
at thecut
adding or potato
one circle salad
to thicken the on thickTexas
pie. toast
If you$4.50
withslicedbaguette,apples& walnuts8.50 edges. A slight touch-up with a sharp knife helps to
reminiscent of baked apple dehydrate the
13 Burro bananas (2.4lb - 1105g) smooth the top out or bring a sloppy side in. :)
PepperSteak finished product for 20 minutes it makes the whole house
cinnamon to taste Hamburger grilledstripsteakencrustedwithpepperandwine Tuna
smell like you are Melt
baking apple pie!!
GrilledArtichoke served withmustard, mayo,lettuce, tomato, :)
That is seriously
with all you need!
slicedbaguette & garlic If you
aiolican 8.00 not find Burro
Same dehydrating as Simple Banana Pancakes
Enjoy (1,360 calories)!!
* Banana Pear sauce,Crpe * ourown recipe,piled
4 bananas (1 lbon a sliceof sourdough
bananas, use about 10 regular Cavendish. Peel all bananas pickle,onion(addcheesefor50 cents)$8.00 servedon mashedpotatoes$9.25 toast, 2 pears (3/4 lb 345g)
and blend without any water, use the tamper or blend in This is ridiculously good, one of my favourites by far! The 3 medium apples (1 lb 460g)
* Soups * * Sweet Sushi * 4 Medjoolopen-faced
main difference between the crepe and the sushi roll is $5.50
dates (.15 lb 80g)
batches if needed. Add just a tad of cinnamon and pour BaconCheeseburger
onto Teflex or parchment paper lined dehydrator sheets,
slowly trying tomade
as thick as possible (1/2 -1 1/2''). I
Sweet Sushi looks nice, its fun to serve and everyone
freshgroundbeef,hickorybacon, * Beverages
the size and the texture of the wrap itself.
* cinnamon to taste
Sloppy Joe until thick and
daily loves it! Are there any negatives, nope, except maybe that 5 bananas (1 1/4 lb 575g) Blend 4 bananas with the two 2 pears
find it easy to make 4 on each large Excalibur tray, pouring itswiss, mozzarella,
requires ortime
a bit more American cheddar
than peeling $8.50 The
a banana. 4 plump pears (1 1/2 lb 690g) smooth. Moms
Pour ontospecial recipe
Teflex servedon
or parchment a toasted
paper lined
directly in the middle and at the end adding one circle to combinations of this are limitless, enjoy this base recipe FountainSoda..................................................
raisins (1/2 cup 83g) $1.75
Frenchthe Onion.................................................... dehydrator sheet into large circle shapes, you should be
thicken edges. A slight touch-up with3.75 a sharp knife and have fun creating more your own! sesamebun$4.75
helps to smooth the top out or bring a sloppy side in. :) Chili CheeseBurger Blend 4Lemonade ........................................................
$2.75until able to make one big one or two smaller 1/6-1/4'' thin
Chicken& Rice................................................
4.25 freshground5beef,
red chili,
melted cheddar$8.75
bananas with 2 pears and 1/2 of the raisins circles. Dehydrate at 109-115F for 6-8 hours or until
bananas (1 1/4 lb 575g) thick andIced
smooth (you may need to pre soak the raisins).
$2.75 pliable and you can easilyHotlift itTurkey
up off the sheet without
Dehydrate at 109F for 8-10 hours, or until3.25 you can care- 6 nectarines (2 lb 920g) Pour onto Teflex or parchment paper lined dehydrator tearing.Itgrilled
is niceturkey
if the breast
crepe is still a little bit soft. No need
fully peel the pancakes off the sheets. Flip over and 1 mango (.4 lb 180g) sheet intoCoffee or Decaf..............................................
large circle shapes. You should be able $1.75
to make withcranberry andmayo on
continue dehydrating for 1-3 hours depending on the TurkeyBurger flip, simply place the dried side down on a plate. Slice 2 of
one big one or two smaller 1/6 1/4'' thin circles. Dehy- the apples (while sweetTexas
applestoast $5.50 best, I prefer
do combine
withtomato, onion, lettuceandgarlic mayo drate atPremium
109-115FLoose-Leaf Tea..........................
or until pliable$1.75
thickness. The centre should remain a little bit soft so that Blend 4 bananas with 3 nectarines, pour onto$7.50
Teflex or
for 6-8 hours and can tart ones for this, like Gala or Pink Lady) into 1/4'' strips
you can pick up a pancake and it does not run or fall apart, parchment paper lined dehydrator sheet into a large
but you dont want if fully dried like a rollup. square shape; you should be able to make two. Dehydrate BottledJuice.....................................................
easily lift off the sheet without tearing. It is nice$1.75
if the and stack inside the crepes. Blend the dates with the
at 109-115F for 6-8Veggie
hours orBurger
crepe is still a little bit soft. No need flip, simply place the remaining apple and cinnamon and pour over top of the
Plate and serve with Banana Ice Cream, Fruit Syrup, or any until pliable and can be easily Pellegrino ............................................................
dried side down on a plate. Slice11/2 of the remaining apples. Wrap up loosely and place back in the dehydrator
other Sweet Treats or Greens! :) house-made
flipped. Slice the vegan
whole patty,
panel with
into 1tomato, onion,
1/2'' wide strips and
pears and the last banana, place inside of the crepe.
Should make 8+ pancakes, plenty to share! cut these in half. You should be left with 10 to 14 1 1/2'' x
lettuceandgarlicmayo$7.00 Chocolateor WhiteMilk.........................
Partially blend the remaining raisins and 1/2 pear into a
$2.00 for 20-30 minutes. Enjoy slighly warm n gooey seriously
Enjoy (1,040 calories)!! 5-7'' sushi wraps (depending on dehydrator tray size). off the hook and great with a glob of Banana Ice cream!
chunky sauce, pour over the sliced fruit filling. Fold up Enjoy (1,050 calories)!!
Slice the banana into long, thin 1/4'' strips cutting into
loosely like a burrito and serve. ConsumerAdvisory:
1 1/2'' long pieces and do the same with the mango. Slice
Enjoy (1,020 calories)!! Consumptionof undercookedmeat,poultry,eggs,or
the nectarine slightly thicker into 1/2'' pieces and 1 1/2''
long. Place one slice of each banana mango and nectarine
on each wrap and roll baby, roll! *Pancakes and Crpes*
seafoodmayincreasetheriskof foodborneillnesses.Alert
yourserverif youhavespecialdietaryrequirements.
Enjoy (1,030 calories)!!
Super Sweet* Treats
* Starters
* Treat-more Bars *
* Salads *
When I was little I used to love love love Eat-more bars!
* True Trail Mix *
* Entrees *
Most trail mixes have tons of nuts, only a bit of raisins and
leave you thirsty, hungry, and sluggish. This simple raw trail
* Special Halloween Bonus
* Sandwiches * *
There were a few other bars I loved, but the ooey gooey mix will leave you feeling great, satiated, and energetic.
Well well well, this is the name of the book, gosh these
sweetness with little bits just tickled me somewhere that I
servedwithmashedpotatoes,handcutfries, servedwith
* Eyeball hand
Fruit cutfries,
Salad *
recipes better be really, really good! No pressure! Ah ha,
HoneyGlazed OnionRings
just as the name says these are the books most super really loved! Theseuse
are similar bars except they are filled 8 Medjoolordates
Texas toast
(.4 lb 180g) coleslaw
This amazingly scary or potato
fruit salad is the salad
brainchild of my
dried golden mulberries (1 cup 160g)
sweetvidalia onions,
and dense deep
treats. friedofinthese
Some beerbatter,
I may not make with romaine, iceberg,
super healthy and red cabbage,
delicious carrots,Perfect!!
raisins (1 cup 166g) good friend Darin Langhorst and his son, Oliver! Thanks so
every with
day, but thyme
some of honey $6.50would (Banana
them I surely cucumbers,
36 Halawi tomatoes
dates (3/4 $3.75
lb 345g) 7 stalks Chicken Strips
celery (1/2 lb 230g) Chicago
much for the recipe! While thisHot Dog
recipe is not quite as
Commander Pudding)! Mmmm, they can sure make good calorie dense and sweet as the others, it is a really fun and
travel food or accompany any meal, adding a special
hulled hemp seed hearts (4 Tbsp 40g)
Pit andall-white
loosely chicken
chop thebreast, withpeanut
dates into ranchor honey
sized pieces, all-beef,
awesome treatwith
wellonions, relish,
worth the timeand mustard
it takes onita
to put
Smoked Chicken
Super SweetQuesadilla
Treat punch! ChickenSalad
Simplest recipe ever! Simply pit the dates and food mix with mulberries andmustard
Dice celery into 1/4 inch poppy seedroll$4.75
withcaramelizedonions,roastedpoblano twoscoops
process, blend,onoramash
bedof lettuce
into withtomato
a semi-smooth and
consistency. bits, mix in well. Great in a bag to take on a hike, to a
movie, while traveling, or even in a big water bottle with 50 lychees (1 lb 460g)
* Super
guacamole, Fudge
jicamasalsa Brownies
& chipotle$8.50 * Slowly roll and mashTexasin toast $6.50
the hulled hemp hearts. Form into
bars on wax paper. Ridiculously delicious and filling, great
GrilledLiver& Onions
some water. A little goes a long way and satisfies for a 25 green grapesReuben
(1/3 lb 148g)
Raw brownie recipes are a dime a dozen and getting one with celery as a travel food. Halawi dates are chewy and with
quite longbacon,
onesteamed freshvegetables
stalk of celery to eat at the with
50swiss cheese,(1/2
blueberries sauerkraut, 1000 Island
cup 70g)
raspberries or strawberries (1 cup 125g)
that tastes Chile
amazing andShrimp Tacoscan be a bit tricky.
is also nut-free delicious with a hint Chef Saladyou will probably have to
of caramel, $7.25
end is a good tip for cleaning your teeth. dressingon rye $5.25
I really enjoy this one on occasion, usually splitting the Enjoy (1,000 calories)!!
with mangosalsa,jalapeno-lime crmefrache, romaine,
mail ordersmoked turkey,
them unless youhoney ham,
live near tomato,
date eggI love
growers. Peel and pit all 50 lychees carefully so that the fruit is
recipe into two or three portions, enjoying with some (The Bautista Family) as well as The Date
guacamole & shredded
whole, sweet fruit, or cabbage
and greens andcucumber$7.00
People. Both offer very high quality fresh organic dates
* Fruitsie Rolls *
intact and not shredded, theseBLT are the eyeballs. Take half
as many green grapes (25) as lychees and slice them in
for a great price. I get them for only about $1 more per A Superwild Alaska
Sweet salmon
Treat withhoney
addition by the mustard
father of sauce
80/10/10 half acrossapplewood smoked
the grape, these bacon,
make greenbutter
Count out
10 Medjool dates (1/2 lb 230g) Grilled Chicken Caesar SaladMedjool dates
Hummus Plate
2 dried figs (.1 lb 45g)
pound with delivery compared to standard $10.50This treat, as the name
himself, Dr. Douglas Graham! 50 plump blueberries and heirloom tomato,
put aside, these are the pupils of
here in Saskatoon! Use Medjool or Khadrawi if you cant suggests, is reminiscent of the classic Tootsie Roll, provid- the eyeballs. Take a small, sharp paring knife and prepare a
house-made golden mulberries
hummus,carrotsticks, (1 cup 160g)
cucumber romaine,parmesanandgarliccroutons$9.50
find Halawi. You can always substitute mulberries for the andmayoon sourdough$5.50
ing a few options. I remember each Halloween I used to cored out area on the centre of the flat, sliced end each
raw carob powder (3 Tbsp 21g)
rounds,freshradish& toastedpita 7.75 hemp if you want to avoid the fat/sweet combination. I count out mine and put Pork
aside so I could eat them of the halved grapes. The size of the core needs to be
You may prefer to use a food processor for this one, * Burgers *
find a small mix like this on occasion isnt a big deal but
this isn't an everyday recipe, either.
last, suchbroiled
a sweetintreat.
honey dijonDoug
Thanks sauce, served
for with
sharing this jem! Grilled
snugly hold one blueberry
Take each
when Cheese
complete, watch your
although the Vitamix, or even a knife and lots of chopping
Baked Briepre-soak 4 of the dates and Enjoy (1,100 calories)!!
4 mammea sapote (2 lbs 920g; edible portion)
blueberry-stuffed slicesand jam it into
of American
the open end of the lychee. To finish things off nicely,
can work in a pinch. Pit and servedwithhandcutfries,coleslawor potatosalad on thickstrawberries,
both sliced baguette,
the figs for 4-6apples
hours & in walnuts 8.50
pure water. Pit the rest of pure enough raspberries, and other reddish
the dates and pulse blend starting with the pre-soaked
Slice fruit in half, remove Pepper
and carefully peel skin off coloured fruits for a bloody-looking sauce.
Hamburger Pudding *
* Banana Commander or scoop in one large side at a time. Cut fruit into long
grilled strip steakasencrusted withpepper Pour over fruit eyeballs and serve!
logs and wine
dates and figs, adding the dry dates until they are mixed
togother veryGrilled
well butArtichoke
strips 1'' x 1'' making many mammea as you can. Guaranteed to score points with the elementary school
not quite completely smooth. Add served
Ohh babywith mustard,
I like it RAW!!mayo,
This islettuce,
one of mytomato,
favourite Spread out on Teflex sheets sauce,
and dehydrate at 109F for ourownrecipe,
crowd piled
on Octon31st!
a sliceof sourdough
thewith slicedbaguette& garlicpulse
carob powder and continue aioli 8.00
blending until thick
and crumbly. Add the mulberries and pulse a few times,
classics onion
that (addallcheese
I make of the for 50It'scents)
time. a sure$8.00
fire hit with 6-8 hours orserved
until the
mashedshrink up by a$9.25
potatoes third, forming a toast,topped
(500melted cheddarandserved
kids, athletes, elderly heck you've gotta be silly not to dry dark skin and remaining soft. Serve while slightly
* Soups *
leaving some little mulberry bits. Form into your favourite
like this one! I find this to be one of the easiest ways to warm, a perfect end of meal or side dish to share! Great open-faced$5.50
Bacon Cheeseburger
brownie shapes and enjoy with a friend. Makes 2-4 brown-
ies or more, depending on size!! These pair so well with
pack in a bunch
non of the fresh
of calories.
Watch the strange phenome-
shrink! hickory bacon,
variations here are truly
* Beverages
with strips of papaya or bananas rolled in cinnamon or
carob. Soft and sweet like little marshmallow sticks!
raw ice cream, butfresh
what sweet treat doesnt?!
limitless. Enjoy starting with this combination and build
Enjoy (1,130 calories)!! swiss,mozzarella,or Americancheddar$8.50 Enjoy (985 calories)!!
Momsspecialrecipeservedon a toasted
your own from there!
3.75* Fountain Soda..................................................
* Compote Pudding * $1.75 sesamebun$4.75
* Persimmon Sandwiches Chili
12 Cheese
bananas Burger
(3 lbs 1380g)
Rice................................................ Handy inLemonade ........................................................
a pinch, when no ripe fruit is available$2.75 or if youre
I discovered recipe one fall day while 4.25 I was basking in raisins (1/2 cup 83g)
freshgroundbeef, red chili,melted cheddar$8.75
my persimmon abundance and thought of making a thick cinnamon to taste just really hungry. This can double as a thick dip for sliced
$2.75 Hot Turkey
3.25 bananas, pears, or any other sweet fruit, as well as celery
date-jam sandwich. Haha, wow, that just sounds so silly, but
Peel 10 bananas and Coffeeorand Decaf..............................................
or any tender green. $1.75 grilledturkeybreastwithcranberryandmayoon
its the truth! TurkeyplaceBurger
in a large bowl. Roll up your
sleeves, wash your hands, mash and squish the bananas Texastoast$5.50
with tomato,
your bareonion,
hands!lettuce andgarlic
This technique mayo
works $7.50
some Banana Premium Loose-Leaf
5 Medjool datesTea..........................
(.2 lb 90g) $1.75
6 Fuyu persimmons (2 lb 920g) 4 dried figs (.2 lb 90g)
5 Medjool dates (.2 lb 90g) Commander magic, creating the best texture and sweet- BottledJuice.....................................................
raisins (1/2 cup 83g) $1.75
4 dried figs (.2 lb 90g) Veggie
est taste. Squish until Burger
smooth, lick off hands, then wash :)
Peel and slice the last 2 bananas and add to the pudding,
dried apricots (1 cup 166g)
Pellegrino ............................................................
Remove leaves from the tops of the persimmons, slice in house-made
then vegan
add the raisins andpatty, with
dash of tomato,onion,
cinnamon. Stir well and
half horizontally. Remove any seeds and place aside. Pit getlettuce andgarlicmayo$7.00
ready for some serious sweetness!! :) Chocolate
Pit the dates or White
and loosely chopMilk.........................
the dates, figs and $2.00 apricots.
Place all dried fruits into a medium sized bowl, add water
the dates and finely chop together with the figs, mash and to fully cover. Let sit 6-8 hours or overnight. Scoop 2/3 of
mix while chopping. Split the fig and date mixture into 6 You can also add on some Frickin' Rawsome optional
accent fruits such as blueberries, mangos, dried mulber-
the rehydrated fruit pieces into the blender and blend with ConsumerAdvisory:
balls and squish into the bottom cut half of each persim- soak water, adding more if needed to thin. Pour back over Consumptionof undercookedmeat,poultry,eggs,or
mon. Place the top half back on and there you have it
simple Persimmon Sandwiches to go!!
ries, pears, or apples sliced, shredded, or diced!
Enjoy (1,420 calories)!!
the remaining rehydrated fruit and stir well. Great with
celery, blueberries, or sliced bananas if you wish.
* Super Sweet Treats *
seafoodmayincreasetheriskof foodborneillnesses.Alert
yourserverif youhavespecialdietaryrequirements.
Enjoy (1,000 calories)!!
Enjoy (1,050 calories)!!

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