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Luke 18:9-14.
INTRODUCTION. -- Some of you may think I have this subject twisted, and that
it ought to read: A good man saved and a bad man lost. But it is right just as it is.
Jesus Christ Himself has given us the picture of the good man and the bad man,
and Jesus Himself is responsible for the statement that the good man was lost and
the bad man saved.

I. The Good Man Who was Lost.

1. We notice first of all that he was a moral man in his personal habits.
2. Square in his business relations.
3. Highly respected member of society.
4. The Pharisee saw no flaw in himself. He was the best man --in his own
estimation-- that he knew. (RV)
5. This Pharisee was a religious man.
6. This Pharisee was a generous man. He could tell God that he gave a tenth
of all he made. But he was lost. Why? For precisely the same reason that
many here tonight are lost.
(a) He trusted in himself, v.9.
(b) He despised others.
(c) He did not acknowledge himself a sinner.
(d) He did not cry to God for mercy.

II. The Bad Man Who was Saved.

1. First note he had been an immoral man.
2. He had been irreligious.
3. He was looked down upon by his fellow men.
4. He saw many faults in himself.

III. Why was this Man Saved?

1. He saw himself a lost sinner.
2. He saw he could do nothing to save himself.
3. He saw that there was a God of mercy.
4. He just cried to this God to have mercy upon him.
5. He was in earnest.

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