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Program Description:

"ENDPLMC9" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis and design of end plate
moment connections per the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual. Specifically the program can analyze both single
4-tension bolt and 8-tension bolt configurations, as well as the conditions of having moment connections on
each side of the column attached to the column flanges.

This program is a workbook consisting of five (5) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
4-Tension Bolt MC Single 4-tension bolt end plate moment connection
(2) 4-Tension Bolt MC's Double 4-tension bolt end plate moment connections
8-Tension Bolt MC Single 8-tension bolt end plate moment connection
(2) 8-Tension Bolt MC's Double 8-tension bolt end plate moment connections

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes
Database", Version 3.0 (2001) as well as the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
2. This program is based on the non-seismic specific design procedures found in the following two references:
a. "Moment Connections - End Plate (Static Loading Only)" on pages 4-116 through 4-125
(Static Loading Only)" on pages 4-116 through 4-125, AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
b. "Extended End-Plate Moment Connections" - AISC Steel Design Guide Series #4,
by Thomas M. Murray, PhD, P.E., First Edition (AISC 1990).
3. This program also refers to "Extended End-Plate Moment Connections" - AISC Steel Design Guide Series #4,
First Edition (1990), by Thomas M. Murray, PhD, P.E.
4. This program contains numerous comment boxes which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box
is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Using Unstiffened End Plate Field Bolted to Column Flange
and 4-Tension Bolt Analysis Method Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
Job Name: Subject: ###
Job Number: Originator: Checker: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam and Column Data: ###
Beam Size = W16x36 C.L. Column
Column Size = W14x193 End Plate ("tp" x "Bp" x "Lp") ###
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 36 ksi ###
Column Yield Stress, Fyc = 36 ksi ###
ED ###
Connection Loadings: (both D1 ###
sides) S
Beam End Moment, M = 120.00 ft-k ###
Moment Includes Wind or Seismic? No (Beam) ###
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 30.00 kips P A325
Beam Axial Force, P = 0.00 3" M A490
(Min.) N
Connection Data and Parameters: X
End Plate Length, Lp = 21.750 in. S SC
End Plate Width, Bp = 8.000 D1 Standard
in. Stiffener
(both ED
End Plate Thickness, tp = 0.7500 in. sides)
End Plate Yield Stress, Fyp = 36 ksi ###
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325 "Nb" - "db" Bolts on "g" Gage ###
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N ###
Bolt Hole Type (in End Plate) = Standard Nomenclature ###
Diameter of Bolts, db = 0.875 in. ###
Total Number of Bolts, Nb = 8 ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S = 3.250 in. Member Properties: ###
Dist. to Outer Tension Bolts, D1 = 1.375 in. Beam: ###
Bolt Gage in Column, g = 5.500 in. d = 15.900 in. ###
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED = 1.500 in. tw = 0.295 in. ###
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.375 in. bf = 6.990 in. ###
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 ksi tf = 0.430 in. ###
Stiffener Plate Thickness, ts = 0.0000 in. k = 0.8320 in. ###
Stiffener Plate Yield Stress, Fys = 36 ksi Column: ###
Full-Depth or Half-Depth Stiffeners? Half-Depth d = 15.500 in. ###
tw = 0.890 in. ###
bf = 15.700 in. ###
tf = 1.440 in. ###
k = 2.0400 in. Yes
k1 = 1.6875 in. No
Rp =
Shear Stres
fv =
Fv =
Column Web
Column Web

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

tw(req'd) =
Results: Column Web
td(min) =
Bolt Design: Web Double
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Assume 1/2 of beam axial force is also taken at each flange Vd =
Ff = 93.08 kips Ff = (M*12)/(d-tf)+P/2 Lw =
fw =
Bolt Tension and Shear: w=
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = p*db^2/4 w(max) =
V = 15.00 kips V = (R/Nb)*(4 bolts) (portion of end shear taken by 4 tension bolts) Web Double
fv = 6.24 ksi fv = (V/(4 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 4 tension bolts) h/twc =
ft = 38.70 ksi ft = (Ff/(4 bolts))/Ab (4 tension bolts acting at one time) h/twc(max) =
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) h/td =
Vb = 12.60 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab h/td(max) =
Ft = 42.02 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) Column Stiffe
B = 25.30 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) Fyc(use) =
T(cap) = 101.20 kips T(cap) = B*(4 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K. Local Web Y
V(cap) = 74.44 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb-4)+SQRT(((44*Ab*4)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts) Pbf =
V(cap) >= R, O.K. Pwy =
End Plate Design: Compressiv
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: Pbf =
Lw = 14.545 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw Pwb =
fw = 6.399 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw Local Flange
w= 0.431 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Pbf =
w(max) = 0.208 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) Pf =
Weld size > weld max., Fail bp =
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weldPec =
End Plate Required Thickness: Ca =
Bp(max) = 7.990 in. Bp(max) = bf+1" Cb =
D= 7 D = w*16, rounded up to nearest 1/16" Afc/Awc =
Pf = 1.4450 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S-(D1+tf) am =
Pe = 0.917 in. Pe = Pf-(db/4)-0.7071*D/16 Me =
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 for Fyb = 36 ksi, Ca = 1.11 for Fyb = 50 ksi tfc(req'd) =
Cb = 0.935 Cb = SQRT(bf/Bp(max)) Pfb =
Af/Aw = 0.677 Af/Aw = (bf*tf)/((d-(2*tf))*tw) Stiff. Req'd?
am = 0.939 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pe/db)^(1/4) Column Stiffe
Me = 20.04 in.-kips Me = am*Ff*Pe/4 Required Ar
tp(req'd) = 0.746 in. tp(req'd) = SQRT((6*Me)/(Bp*(0.75*Fyp))) tp >= tp(req'd), O.K.Ps =
As(req'd) =
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Stiffener Wid
fw = 3.186 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R/(2*(d/2-tf)) bs(min) =
w = 0.215 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) bs(use) =
Stiffener Thi
Bolt Bearing on End Plate: ts(min) =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Stiffener Len
Rpe = 65.25 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED)*tp) (based on bolt edge distance) Ls(min) =
Rps = 274.05 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp*db*(Nb/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) Ls(use) =
Rp = 339.30 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp*db*Nb Provided Are
Rp >= R, O.K. As(prov) =
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: Check Stiffe
fv = 7.76 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp*tp) b/t =
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. b/t(max) =

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Ps =
Column Web Doubler Plate Requirement: Lw =
Column Web Panel Shear: fw =
SF = 95.33 kips SF = M*12/(0.95*d) w=
tw(req'd) = 0.427 in. tw(req'd) = SF/(0.4*Fyc*dc) w(max)
twc >= tw(req'd), O.K. =
Stiffener We
Column Web Doubler Plate: Ps =
td(min) = N.A. in. td(min) = (tw(req'd)-twc)*Fyc/Fyd but not < 1/4" min. Lw =
fw =
Web Doubler Plate Welding: w=
Vd = N.A. kips Vd = SF*td/(td+twc) (at each vertical edge) w(max) =
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = d (plate height = beam depth) W27x307
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Vd/Lw W27x281
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W27x258
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) W27x235
Web Doubler Plate Plug Welding Requirements: W27x194
h/twc = N.A. h/twc = (dc-2*tfc)/twc W27x178
h/twc(max) = N.A. h/twc(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyc) W27x161
h/td = N.A. h/td = (dc-2*tfc)/td W27x146
h/td(max) = N.A. h/td(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyd) W27x129
Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4) W27x94
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf <= Pwy W27x84
Pbf = 155.13 kips Pbf = (5/3)*Ff W24x492
Pwy = 482.04 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp+2*(D/16)) Pbf <= Pwy, O.K. W24x450
Compressive Buckling of Web: W24x370
Pbf = 155.13 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf <= Pwb W24x335
Pwb = 1518.58 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf <= Pwb, O.K. W24x306
Local Flange Bending: W24x250
Pbf = 155.13 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf <= Pwb W24x229
Pf = 1.4450 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S-(D1+tf) W24x207
bp = 8.300 in. bp = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W24x192
Pec = 0.844 in. Pec = (g/2)-k1-(db/4) W24x176
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W24x162
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W24x146
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W24x131
am = 1.120 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db)^(1/4) W24x117
Pfb = 327.89 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf <= Pfb, O.K. W24x104
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W24x103

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Column Web Stiffener Design: W21x248
Required Area of Stiffener: W21x223
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W21x201
As(req'd) = N.A. in.^2 Ast = Ps/Fys W21x182
Stiffener Width: W21x147
bs(min) = N.A. in. bs(min) = Bp/3-twc/2 W21x132
bs(use) = N.A. in. bs(use) = bfc/2-twc/2 (rounded down to nearest whole inch) W21x122
Stiffener Thickness: W21x101
ts(min) = N.A. in. ts(min) = larger of: tp/2 or bs(use)*SQRT(Fyc)/95 W21x93
Stiffener Length: W21x73
Ls(min) = N.A. in. Ls(min) = dc/2-tfc W21x68
Ls(use) = N.A. in. Ls(use) = dc/2-tfc W21x62
Provided Area of Pair of Stiffeners: W21x55
As(prov) = N.A. in.^2 As(prov) = 2*bs(use)*ts W21x50
Check Stiffener Slenderness: W21x44
b/t = N.A. b/t = bs(use)/ts W18x311
b/t(max) = N.A. b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) W18x283
Stiffener Welding to Column Flange: W18x234
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W18x211
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (bfc/2-(twc/2+0.75))*4 W18x192
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W18x175
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W18x158
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) W18x143
Stiffener Welding to Column Web: W18x119
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W18x106
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (dc/2-(k+0.25))*4 W18x97
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W18x86
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W18x76
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*2) W18x71
Comments: W18x55
*Note: Check calculated fillet weld sizes (w) against thickness of materials being attached.

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Using Unstiffened End Plates Field Bolted to Both Column Flanges
and 4-Tension Bolt Analysis Method Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
Job Name: Subject: ###
Job Number: Originator: Checker: ###
Input Data: ###
Beams and Column Data: ###
Left Side Beam Size = W18x40 "Nb1" - "db1" Bolts on "g1" ###
Right Side Beam Size = W16x40 Gage ###
C.L. Column
Column Size = W14x193 Stiffener End Plate ###
(both "tp2"x"Bp2"x"Lp2"
Yield Stress of Beams, Fyb = 36 ksi sides) ###
Yield Stress of Column, Fyc = 36 ksi ###
ED1 ED2 ###
Connection Loadings: D1 D2
S1 S2 ###
Left Beam Lateral Moment, M1L = 120.00 ft-k ###
(Left Beam) (Right Beam)
Left Beam Gravity Moment, M1G = 0.00 ft-k A325
Left Beam End Reaction, R1 = 30.00 kips P1 P2 A490
Left Beam Axial Force, P1 = 0.00 M1 3" M2 N
Right Beam Lateral Moment, M2L = 120.00 ft-k (Min.) X
R1 R2
Right Beam Gravity Moment, M2G = 0.00 ft-k SC
Right Beam End Reaction, R2 = 30.00 kips S1 Standard
Right Beam Axial Force, P2 = 0.00 D1 D2 Oversized
Connection Data and Parameters: End Plate ###
Left Side End Plate Length, Lp1 = 23.750 in. "tp1"x"Bp1"x"Lp1" ###
"Nb2" - "db2" Bolts on "g2"
Left Side End Plate Width, Bp1 = 8.000 in. Stiffener Gage ###
Left Side End Plate Thk., tp1 = 0.7500 in. sides) ###
Right Side End Plate Length, Lp2 = 21.750 in. Nomenclature
Right Side End Plate Width, Bp2 = 8.000 in. ###
Right Side End Plate Thk., tp2 = 0.7500 in. Member Properties: ###
End Plate Yield Stress, Fyp = 36 ksi Left Beam: ###
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 or A490) = A325 d = 17.900 in. ###
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N tw = 0.315 in. ###
Bolt Hole Type (in End Plate) = Standard bf = 6.020 in. ###
Diameter of Bolts, db1 = 0.875 in. tf = 0.525 in. ###
Total Number of Bolts, Nb1 = 8 k = 0.9270 in. ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S1 = 3.250 in. Right Beam: ###
Dist. to Outer Tension Bolts, D1 = 1.375 in. d = 16.000 in. ###
Bolt Gage in Column, g1 = 5.500 in. tw = 0.305 in. ###
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED1 = 1.500 in. bf = 7.000 in. ###
Diameter of Bolts, db2 = 0.875 in. tf = 0.505 in. w(max) =
Total Number of Bolts, Nb2 = 8 k = 0.9070 in. Bolt Bearing
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S2 = 3.250 in. Column: Fu =
Dist. to Outer Tension Bolts, D2 = 1.375 in. d = 15.500 in. Rpe =
Bolt Gage in Column, g2 = 5.500 in. tw = 0.890 in. Rps =
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED2 = 1.500 in. bf = 15.700 in. Rp =
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.375 in. tf = 1.440 in. Shear Stres
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 ksi k = 2.0400 in. fv =
Stiffener Plate Thickness, ts = 0.0000 in. k1 = 1.6875 in. Fv =
Stiffener Plate Yield Stress, Fys = 36 ksi Right Side Bo

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

M2t =
Results: Ff =
Bolt Tension
Left Side Bolt Design: Ab =
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Assume 1/2 of beam axial force is also taken at each flange V=
M1t = 120.00 ft-k M1t = M1L+M1G fv =
Ff = 82.88 kips Ff = (M1t*12)/(d-tf)+P1/2 ft =
Bolt Tension and Shear: Fv =
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = p*db1^2/4 Fv =
V = 15.00 kips V = (R1/Nb1)*(4 bolts) (portion of end shear taken by 4 tension bolts)Vb =
fv = 6.24 ksi fv = (V/(4 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 4 tension bolts) Ft =
ft = 34.46 ksi ft = (Ff/(4 bolts))/Ab (4 tension bolts acting at one time) Ft =
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) B=
Vb = 12.60 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab B=
Ft = 42.02 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) =
B = 25.30 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) =
T(cap) = 101.20 kips T(cap) = B*(4 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K.
V(cap) =
V(cap) = 81.81 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb1-4)+SQRT(((44*Ab*4)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts) V(cap) =
V(cap) >= R1, O.K. Right Side En
Left Side End Plate Design: Top Flange t
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: Lw =
Lw = 12.775 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw fw =
fw = 6.488 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw w=
w= 0.437 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) w(max) =
w(max) = 0.255 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) End Plate R
Weld size > weld max., Fail
Bp2(max) =
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weld D =
End Plate Required Thickness: Pf =
Bp1(max) = 7.020 in. Bp1(max) = bf+1" Pe =
D= 7 D = w*16, rounded up to nearest 1/16" Ca =
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) Cb =
Pe = 0.847 in. Pe = Pf-(db1/4)-0.7071*D/16 Af/Aw =
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 for Fyb = 36 ksi, Ca = 1.11 for Fyb = 50 ksi am =
Cb = 0.926 Cb = SQRT(bf/Bp1(max)) Me =
Af/Aw = 0.595 Af/Aw = (bf*tf)/((d-(2*tf))*tw) tp2(req'd) =
am = 0.873 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pe/db1)^(1/4) Beam Web t
Me = 15.32 in.-kips Me = am*Ff*Pe/4 fw =
tp1(req'd) = 0.652 in. tp1(req'd) = SQRT((6*Me)/(Bp1*(0.75*Fyp))) tp1 >= tp1(req'd), O.K.w=
w(max) =
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Bolt Bearing
fw = 3.402 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R1/(2*(d/2-tf)) Fu =
w = 0.229 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Rpe =
Rps =
Bolt Bearing on End Plate: Rp =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Shear Stres
Rpe = 65.25 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED1)*tp1) (based on bolt edge distance) fv =
Rps = 274.05 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp1*db1*(Nb1/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) Fv =
Rp = 339.30 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp1*db1*Nb1 Column Web
Rp >= R1, O.K. Column Web
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: M1 =
fv = 6.91 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp1*tp1) M2 =
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. SF =

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Column Web
Right Side Bolt Design: td(min) =
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Web Double
M2t = 120.00 ft-k M2t = M2L+M2G Vd =
Ff = 92.93 kips Ff = (M2t*12)/(d-tf)+P2/2 Lw =
Bolt Tension and Shear: fw =
Ab = 0.6013 in.^2 Ab = p*db2^2/4 w=
V = 15.00 kips V = (R2/Nb2)*(4 bolts) (portion of shear force taken by 4 tensionw(max)
bolts) =
fv = 6.24 ksi fv = (V/(4 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 4 tension bolts) Web Double
ft = 38.64 ksi ft = (Ff/(4 bolts))/Ab (4 tension bolts acting at one time) h/twc =
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) h/twc(max) =
Vb = 12.60 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab h/td =
Ft = 42.02 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) h/td(max) =
B = 25.30 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) Left Side Colu
T(cap) = 101.20 kips T(cap) = B*(4 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff,Fyc(use)
O.K. =
V(cap) = 74.57 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb2-4)+SQRT(((44*Ab*4)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts) Local Web Y
V(cap) >= R2, O.K. Pbf1 =
Right Side End Plate Design: Pwy =
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: Compressiv
Lw = 14.705 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw Pbf1 =
fw = 6.320 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw Pwb =
w= 0.426 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Local Flange
w(max) = 0.245 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) Pbf1 =
Weld size > weld max., Fail Pf =
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weld bp =
End Plate Required Thickness: Pec =
Bp2(max) = 8.000 in. Bp1(max) = bf+1" Ca =
D= 7 D = w*16, rounded up to nearest 1/16" Cb =
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) Afc/Awc =
Pe = 0.847 in. Pe = Pf-(db1/4)-0.7071*D/16 am =
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 for Fyb = 36 ksi, Ca = 1.11 for Fyb = 50 ksi Me =
Cb = 0.935 Cb = SQRT(bf/Bp1(max)) tfc(req'd) =
Af/Aw = 0.773 Af/Aw = (bf*tf)/((d-(2*tf))*tw) Pfb =
am = 0.962 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pe/db1)^(1/4) Stiff. Req'd?
Me = 18.93 in.-kips Me = am*Ff*Pe/4 Right Side Co
tp2(req'd) = 0.725 in. tp1(req'd) = SQRT((6*Me)/(Bp1*(0.75*Fyp))) tp2 >= tp2(req'd),
O.K. =
Local Web Y
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Pbf2 =
fw = 3.294 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R2/(2*(d/2-tf)) Pwy =
w = 0.222 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Compressiv
Pbf2 =
Bolt Bearing on End Plate: Pwb =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Local Flange
Rpe = 65.25 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED2)*tp2) (based on bolt edge distance) Pbf2 =
Rps = 274.05 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp2*db2*(Nb2/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) Pf =
Rp = 339.30 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp2*db2*Nb2 bp =
Rp >= R2, O.K. Pec =
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: Ca =
fv = 7.74 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp2*tp2) Cb =
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. Afc/Awc =
am =
Me =

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Pfb =
Column Web Doubler Plate Requirement: Stiff. Req'd?
Column Web Panel Shear: Column Stiffe
M1 = 120.00 ft-k M1 = M1L+M1G Required Ar
M2 = 120.00 ft-k M2 = M2L-M2G Ps1 =
SF = 179.42 kips SF = (M1*12/(0.95*d))+(M2*12/(0.95*d)) Ps2 =
tw(req'd) = 0.804 in. tw(req'd) = SF/(0.4*Fyc*dc) twc >= tw(req'd),
O.K. =
As(req'd) =
Column Web Doubler Plate: Stiffener Wid
td(min) = N.A. in. td(min) = (tw(req'd)-twc)*Fyc/Fyd but not < 1/4" min. Bp(max) =
bs(min) =
Web Doubler Plate Welding: bs(use) =
Vd = N.A. kips Vd = SF*td/(td+twc) (at each vertical edge) Stiffener Thi
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = d (plate height = beam depth) tp(max) =
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Vd/Lw ts(min) =
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Stiffener Len
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) Ls(min) =
Ls(use) =
Web Doubler Plate Plug Welding Requirements: Provided Are
h/twc = N.A. h/twc = (dc-2*tfc)/twc As(prov) =
h/twc(max) = N.A. h/twc(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyc) Check Stiffe
h/td = N.A. h/td = (dc-2*tfc)/td b/t =
h/td(max) = N.A. h/td(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyd) b/t(max) =
Stiffener We
Ps(max) =
Left Side Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4) Lw =
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf1 <= Pwy fw =
Pbf1 = 138.13 kips Pbf1 = (5/3)*Ff w=
Pwy = 485.09 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp+2*(D/16)) w(max) =
Pbf1 <= Pwy, O.K.
Stiffener We
Compressive Buckling of Web: Ps(max) =
Pbf1 = 138.13 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf1 <= Pwb Lw =
Pwb = 1518.58 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf1 <= Pwb, O.K. fw =
Local Flange Bending: w(max) =
Pbf1 = 138.13 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf1 <= Pwb W18x76
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) W18x71
bp = 8.188 in. bp1 = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W18x65
Pec = 0.844 in. Pec = (g1/2)-k1-(db1/4) W18x60
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W18x55
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W18x50
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W18x46
am = 1.120 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db1)^(1/4) W18x40
Pfb = 323.45 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp1)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf1 <= Pfb, O.K. W18x35
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W16x100

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Right Side Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4)W16x26
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf2 <= Pwy W14x808
Pbf2 = 154.88 kips Pbf2 = (5/3)*Ff W14x730
Pwy = 484.44 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp2+2*(D/16)) Pbf2 <= Pwy, O.K. W14x665
Compressive Buckling of Web: W14x550
Pbf2 = 154.88 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf2 <= Pwb W14x500
Pwb = 1518.58 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf2 <= Pwb, O.K. W14x455
Local Flange Bending: W14x398
Pbf2 = 154.88 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf2 <= Pwb W14x370
Pf = 1.3750 in. Pf = maximum of: D2 or S2-(D2+tf) W14x342
bp = 8.138 in. bp2 = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W14x311
Pec = 0.844 in. Pec = (g2/2)-k2-(db2/4) W14x283
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W14x257
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W14x233
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W14x211
am = 1.120 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db2)^(1/4) W14x193
Pfb = 321.47 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp2)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf2 <= Pfb, O.K. W14x176
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W14x159
Column Web Stiffener Design: W14x132
Required Area of Stiffener: W14x120
Ps1 = N.A. kips Ps1 = Pbf1-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) W14x109
Ps2 = N.A. kips Ps2 = Pbf2-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) W14x99
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W14x90
As(req'd) = N.A. in.^2 Ast = Ps(max)/Fys W14x82
Stiffener Width: W14x68
Bp(max) = N.A. in. Bp(max) = max. of: Bp1 or Bp2 W14x61
bs(min) = N.A. in. bs(min) = Bp(max)/3-twc/2 W14x53
bs(use) = N.A. in. bs(use) = bfc/2-twc/2 (rounded down to nearest whole inch) W14x48
Stiffener Thickness: W14x38
tp(max) = N.A. in. tp(max) = max. of: tp1 or tp2 W14x34
ts(min) = N.A. in. ts(min) = larger of: tp(max)/2 or bs(use)*SQRT(Fyc)/95 W14x30
Stiffener Length: W14x22
Ls(min) = N.A. in. Ls(min) = dc/2-tfc W12x336
Ls(use) = N.A. in. Ls(use) = dc-2*tfc W12x305
Provided Area of Pair of Stiffeners: W12x252
As(prov) = N.A. in.^2 As(prov) = 2*bs(use)*ts W12x230
Check Stiffener Slenderness: W12x190
b/t = N.A. b/t = bs(use)/ts W12x170
b/t(max) = N.A. b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) W12x152

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Version 1.0

Column Web Stiffener Design (continued): W12x72
Stiffener Welding to Column Flange: W12x58
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W12x53
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (bfc/2-(twc/2+0.75))*4 W12x50
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps(max)/Lw W12x45
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W12x40
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) W12x35
Stiffener Welding to Column Web: W12x26
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W12x22
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (dc-2*(k+0.25))*4 W12x19
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps(max)/Lw W12x16
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W12x14
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*2) W10x112
Comments: W10x68
*Note: Check calculated fillet weld sizes (w) against thickness of materials being attached.

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Using Unstiffened End Plate Field Bolted to Column Flange
and 8-Tension Bolt Analysis Method Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
Job Name: Subject: ###
Job Number: Originator: Checker: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam and Column Data: ###
Beam Size = W24x94 C.L. Column
Column Size = W14x311 End Plate ("tp" x "Bp" x "Lp") ###
Beam Yield Stress, Fyb = 36 ksi ###
Column Yield Stress, Fyc = 36 ksi ED ###
Stiffener S2 ###
Connection Loadings: (both D1 ###
sides) S1
Beam End Moment, M = 440.00 ft-k S2
Moment Includes Wind or Seismic? No (Beam) ###
Beam End Reaction (Shear), R = 30.00 kips P ###
Beam Axial Force, P = 0.00 3" M ###
(Min.) A325
Connection Data and Parameters: S2 A490(not used)
End Plate Length, Lp = 38.000 in. S1 N
End Plate Width, Bp = 10.000 D1 X
in. Stiffener S2
End Plate Thickness, tp = 1.2500 in. (both SC
sides) ED
End Plate Yield Stress, Fyp = 36 ksi Standard
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 only) = A325 Oversized
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N ###
Bolt Hole Type (in End Plate) = Standard ###
Diameter of Bolts, db = 1.125 in. "Nb" - "db" Bolts on "g" Gage ###
Total Number of Bolts, Nb = 16 Nomenclature ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S1 = 4.125 in. ###
Dist. to Nearest Tension Bolts, D1 = 1.625 in. ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S2 = 3.375 in. Member Properties: ###
Bolt Gage in Column, g = 5.500 in. Beam: ###
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED = 1.750 in. d = 24.300 in. ###
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.375 in. tw = 0.515 in. ###
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 ksi bf = 9.070 in. ###
Stiffener Plate Thickness, ts = 0.5000 in. tf = 0.875 in. ###
Stiffener Plate Yield Stress, Fys = 36 ksi k = 1.3800 in. Yes
Full-Depth or Half-Depth Stiffeners? Half-Depth Column: No
d = 17.100 in. Full-Depth
tw = 1.410 in. Half-Depth
bf = 16.200 in. Rpe =
tf = 2.260 in. Rps =
k = 2.8600 in. Rp =
k1 = 1.9375 in. Shear Stres
fv =
Fv =
Column Web
Column Web
SF =
tw(req'd) =

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td(min) =
Results: Web Double
Vd =
Bolt Design: Lw =
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Assume 1/2 of beam axial force is also taken at each flange fw =
Ff = 225.40 kips Ff = (M*12)/(d-tf)+P/2 w=
w(max) =
Bolt Tension and Shear: Web Double
Ab = 0.9940 in.^2 Ab = p*db^2/4 h/twc =
V = 15.00 kips V = (R/Nb)*(8 bolts) (portion of end shear taken by 8 tensionh/twc(max)
bolts) =
fv = 1.89 ksi fv = (V/(8 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 8 tension bolts) h/td =
ft = 28.34 ksi ft = (Ff/(8 bolts))/Ab (8 tension bolts acting at one time) h/td(max) =
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) Column Stiffe
Vb = 20.90 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab Fyc(use) =
Ft = 43.82 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) Local Web Y
B = 43.60 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) Pbf =
T(cap) = 348.80 kips T(cap) = B*(8 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K.Pwy =
V(cap) = 294.93 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb-8)+SQRT(((44*Ab*8)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts) Compressiv
V(cap) >= R, O.K.Pbf =
End Plate Design: Pwb =
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: Local Flange
Lw = 19.375 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw Pbf =
fw = 11.634 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw Pf =
w= 0.783 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) bp =
w(max) = 0.424 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) Pec =
Weld size > weld max., Fail Ca =
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weld Cb =
End Plate Required Thickness: Afc/Awc =
Bp(max) = 10.070 in. Bp(max) = bf+1" am =
Pf = 1.625 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) Me =
Pb = 3.375 in. Pe = 3*db tfc(req'd) =
T = 37.57 T = Ff/(6 bolts) (assume only 6 of 8 bolts are fully effective) Pfb =
Ma = 61.05 in.-kips Ma = 2*T*(Pf/2) = T*Pf Stiff. Req'd?
tpa = 1.165 in. tpa = SQRT((6*Ma)/(Bp*(0.75*Fyp))) Column Stiffe
CF = 1.071 CF = SQRT(SQRT(g^2+Pf^2)/5) (CF = Correction Factor) Required Ar
tp(req'd) = 1.247 in. tp(req'd) = tpa*CF tp >= tp(req'd), O.K.Ps =
As(req'd) =
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Stiffener Wid
fw = 5.562 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R/(2*(d/2-tf)) bs(min) =
w = 0.375 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) bs(use) =
Stiffener Thi
Bearing on End Plate: ts(min) =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Stiffener Len
Rpe = 126.88 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED)*tp) (based on bolt edge distance) Ls(min) =
Rps = 1370.25 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp*db*(Nb/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) Ls(use) =
Rp = 1497.13 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp*db*Nb Provided Are
Rp >= R, O.K. As(prov) =
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: Check Stiffe
fv = 9.02 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp*tp) b/t =
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. b/t(max) =
Stiffener We
Ps =

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fw =
Column Web Doubler Plate Requirement: w=
Column Web Panel Shear: w(max) =
SF = 228.72 kips SF = M*12/(0.95*d) Stiffener We
tw(req'd) = 0.929 in. tw(req'd) = SF/(0.4*Fyc*dc) twc >= tw(req'd), O.K.
Ps =
Lw =
Column Web Doubler Plate: fw =
td(min) = N.A. in. td(min) = (tw(req'd)-twc)*Fyc/Fyd but not < 1/4" min. w=
w(max) =
Web Doubler Plate Welding: W27x368
Vd = N.A. kips Vd = SF*td/(td+twc) (at each vertical edge) W27x336
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = d (plate height = beam depth) W27x307
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Vd/Lw W27x281
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W27x258
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) W27x235
Web Doubler Plate Plug Welding Requirements: W27x194
h/twc = N.A. h/twc = (dc-2*tfc)/twc W27x178
h/twc(max) = N.A. h/twc(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyc) W27x161
h/td = N.A. h/td = (dc-2*tfc)/td W27x146
h/td(max) = N.A. h/td(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyd) W27x129
Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4) W27x94
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf <= Pwy W27x84
Pbf = 375.67 kips Pbf = (5/3)*Ff W24x492
Pwy = 1042.36 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp) Pbf <= Pwy, O.K. W24x450
Compressive Buckling of Web: W24x370
Pbf = 375.67 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf <= Pwb W24x335
Pwb = 6059.69 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf <= Pwb, O.K. W24x306
Local Flange Bending: W24x250
Pbf = 375.67 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf <= Pwb W24x229
Pf = 1.6250 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) W24x207
bp = 15.938 in. bp = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W24x192
Pec = 0.531 in. Pec = (g/2)-k1-(db/4) W24x176
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W24x162
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W24x146
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W24x131
am = 0.937 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db)^(1/4) W24x117
Pfb = 2944.39 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf <= Pfb, O.K. W24x104
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W24x103

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Column Web Stiffener Design: W21x248
Required Area of Stiffener: W21x201
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W21x182
As(req'd) = N.A. in.^2 Ast = Ps/Fys W21x166
Stiffener Width: W21x132
bs(min) = N.A. in. bs(min) = Bp/3-twc/2 W21x122
bs(use) = N.A. in. bs(use) = bfc/2-twc/2 (rounded down to nearest whole inch) W21x111
Stiffener Thickness: W21x93
ts(min) = N.A. in. ts(min) = larger of: tp/2 or bs(use)*SQRT(Fyc)/95 W21x83
Stiffener Length: W21x68
Ls(min) = N.A. in. Ls(min) = dc/2-tfc W21x62
Ls(use) = N.A. in. Ls(use) = dc/2-tfc W21x57
Provided Area of Pair of Stiffeners: W21x50
As(prov) = N.A. in.^2 As(prov) = 2*bs(use)*ts W21x48
Check Stiffener Slenderness: W18x311
b/t = N.A. b/t = bs(use)/ts W18x283
b/t(max) = N.A. b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) W18x258
Stiffener Welding to Column Flange: W18x211
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W18x192
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (bfc/2-(twc/2+0.75))*4 W18x175
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W18x158
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W18x143
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) W18x130
Stiffener Welding to Column Web: W18x106
Ps = N.A. kips Ps = Pbf-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) (design force) W18x97
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (dc/2-(k+0.25))*4 W18x86
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps/Lw W18x76
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W18x71
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*2) W18x65
Comments: W18x50
*Note: Check calculated fillet weld sizes (w) against thickness of materials being attached.

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


Using Unstiffened End Plates Field Bolted to Both Column Flanges
and 8-Tension Bolt Analysis Method Per AISC 9th Edition (ASD)
Job Name: Subject: ###
Job Number: Originator: Checker: ###
Input Data: ###
Beam and Column Data: "Nb1" - "db1" Bolts on "g1" ###
Left Side Beam Size = W24x94 Gage ###
C.L. Column End Plate
Right Side Beam Size = W21x101 Stiffener "tp2"x"Bp2"x"Lp2" ###
Column Size = W14x311 sides) ###
Yield Stress of Beams, Fyb = 36 ksi ED1 ED2 ###
Yield Stress of Column, Fyc = 36 ksi S2 S4 ###
Connection Loadings: D1 D2
S1 S3 ###
Left Beam Lateral Moment, M1L = 440.00 ft-k S2 S4
Left Beam Gravity Moment, M1G = 0.000 ft-k (Left Beam) (Right Beam) ###
Left Beam End Reaction, R1 = 30.00 kips P1 P2 ###
Left Beam Axial Force, P1 = 0.00 M1 3" M2 ###
Right Beam Lateral Moment, M2L = 440.00 ft-k (Min.) ###
R1 R2
Right Beam Gravity Moment, M2G = 0.000 ft-k S2 S4 A325
Right Beam End Reaction, R2 = 30.00 kips S1 A490(not
S3 used)
Right Beam Axial Force, P2 = 0.00 D1 D2 N
S2 S4
Connection Data and Parameters: ED1
Left Side End Plate Length, Lp1 = 38.000 in. SC
Left Side End Plate Width, Bp1 = 10.000 in. End Plate Standard
"tp1"x"Bp1"x"Lp1" "Nb2" - "db2" Bolts on "g2"
Left Side End Plate Thk., tp1 = 1.2500 in. Gage Oversized
Right Side End Plate Length, Lp2 = 35.000 in. (both ###
Right Side End Plate Width, Bp2 = 10.000 in. Nomenclature
Right Side End Plate Thk., tp2 = 1.5000 in. ###
End Plate Yield Stress, Fyp = 36 ksi Member Properties: ###
ASTM Bolt Desig. (A325 only) = A325 Left Beam: ###
Bolt Type (N, X, or SC) = N d = 24.300 in. ###
Bolt Hole Type (in End Plate) = Standard tw = 0.515 in. ###
Diameter of Bolts, db1 = 1.125 in. bf = 9.070 in. ###
Total Number of Bolts, Nb1 = 16 tf = 0.875 in. ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S1 = 4.125 in. k = 1.3800 in. ###
Dist. to Nearest Tension Bolts, D1 = 1.625 in. Right Beam: ###
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S2 = 3.375 in. d = 21.400 in. ###
Bolt Gage in Column, g1 = 5.500 in. tw = 0.500 in. w=
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED1 = 1.750 in. bf = 12.300 in. w(max) =
Diameter of Bolts, db2 = 1.125 in. tf = 0.800 in. Bolt Bearing
Total Number of Bolts, Nb2 = 16 k = 1.3000 in. Fu =
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S3 = 4.125 in. Column: Rpe =
Dist. to Nearest Tension Bolts, D2 = 1.625 in. d = 17.100 in. Rps =
Tension Bolts Vertical Spacing, S4 = 3.375 in. tw = 1.410 in. Rp =
Bolt Gage in Column, g2 = 5.500 in. bf = 16.200 in. Shear Stres
Edge Distance for End Plate, ED2 = 1.750 in. tf = 2.260 in. fv =
Col. Web Doubler Plate Thk., td = 0.375 in. k = 2.8600 in. Fv =
Doubler Plate Yield Stress, Fyd = 36 ksi k1 = 1.9375 in. Right Side Bo
Stiffener Plate Thickness, ts = 0.5000 in. Horizontal F
Stiffener Plate Yield Stress, Fys = 36 ksi M2t =

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0


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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Bolt Tension
Results: Ab =
Left Side Bolt Design: fv =
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: Assume 1/2 of beam axial force is also taken at each flange ft =
M1t = 440.00 ft-k M1t = M1L+M1G Fv =
Ff = 225.40 kips Ff = (M1t*12)/(d-tf)+P1/2 Fv =
Vb =
Bolt Tension and Shear: Ft =
Ab = 0.9940 in.^2 Ab = p*db1^2/4 Ft =
V = 15.00 kips V = (R1/Nb1)*(8 bolts) (portion of end shear taken by 8 tension bolts) B =
fv = 1.89 ksi fv = (V/(8 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 8 tension bolts) B=
ft = 28.34 ksi ft = (Ff/(8 bolts))/Ab (8 tension bolts acting at one time) T(cap) =
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) T(cap) =
Vb = 20.90 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab V(cap) =
Ft = 43.82 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) V(cap) =
B = 43.60 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) Right Side En
T(cap) = 348.80 kips T(cap) = B*(8 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K. Top Flange t
V(cap) = 294.93 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb1-8)+SQRT(((44*Ab*8)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts)Lw =
V(cap) >= R1, O.K.fw =
Left Side End Plate Design: w=
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: w(max) =
Lw = 19.375 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw End Plate R
fw = 11.634 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw Bp2(max) =
w= 0.783 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Pf =
w(max) = 0.424 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) Pb =
Weld size > weld max., Fail T=
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weld Ma =
End Plate Required Thickness: tpa =
Bp1(max) = 10.070 in. Bp1(max) = bf+1" CF =
Pf = 1.625 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) tp2(req'd) =
Pb = 3.375 in. Pe = 3*db1 Beam Web t
T = 37.57 T = Ff/(6 bolts) (assume only 6 of 8 bolts are fully effective) fw =
Ma = 61.05 in.-kips Ma = 2*T*(Pf/2) = T*Pf w=
tpa = 1.165 in. tpa = SQRT((6*Ma)/(Bp1*(0.75*Fyp))) w(max) =
CF = 1.071 CF = SQRT(SQRT(g1^2+Pf^2)/5) (CF = Correction Factor) Bolt Bearing
tp1(req'd) = 1.247 in. tp1(req'd) = tpa*CF tp1 >= tp1(req'd), O.K.
Fu =
Rpe =
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Rps =
fw = 5.562 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R1/(2*(d/2-tf)) Rp =
w = 0.375 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Shear Stres
fv =
Bearing on End Plate: Fv =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Column Web
Rpe = 126.88 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED1)*tp1) (based on bolt edge distance) Column Web
Rps = 1370.25 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp1*db1*(Nb1/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) M1 =
Rp = 1497.13 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp1*db1*Nb1 M2 =
Rp >= R1, O.K. SF =
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: tw(req'd) =
fv = 9.02 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp1*tp1) Column Web
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. td(min) =
Web Double

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Lw =
Right Side Bolt Design: fw =
Horizontal Force at Beam Flange: w=
M2t = 440.00 ft-k M2t = M2L+M2G w(max) =
Ff = 256.31 kips Ff = (M2t*12)/(d-tf)+P2/2 Web Double
Bolt Tension and Shear: h/twc =
Ab = 0.9940 in.^2 Ab = p*db2^2/4 h/twc(max) =
V = 15.00 kips V = (R2/Nb2)*(8 bolts) (portion of shear force taken by 8 tension bolts) h/td =
fv = 1.89 ksi fv = (V/(8 bolts))/Ab (shear stress on 8 tension bolts) h/td(max) =
ft = 32.23 ksi ft = (Ff/(8 bolts))/Ab (8 tension bolts acting at one time) Left Side Colu
Fv = 21.00 ksi Fv = 21.0 from AISC Table J3.2 (for N bolts in shear) Fyc(use) =
Vb = 20.90 kips/bolt Vb = Fv*Ab Local Web Y
Ft = 43.82 ksi Ft = SQRT(44^2-4.39*fv^2) (for N, X bolts in tension) Pbf1 =
B = 43.60 kips/bolt B = Ft*Ab (for N, X bolts in tension) Pwy =
T(cap) = 348.80 kips T(cap) = B*(8 bolts) (for N, X bolts in tension) T(cap) >= Ff, O.K. Compressiv
V(cap) = 280.88 kips V(cap) = Vb*(Nb2-8)+SQRT(((44*Ab*8)^2-Ff^2)/4.39) (for N, X bolts) Pbf1 =
V(cap) >= R2, O.K. Pwb =
Right Side End Plate Design: Local Flange
Top Flange to End Plate Welding: Pbf1 =
Lw = 25.700 in. Lw = 2*(bf+tf)-tw Pf =
fw = 9.973 kips/in. fw = Ff/Lw bp =
w= 0.672 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Pec =
w(max) = 0.388 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyb*tf/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) Ca =
Weld size > weld max., Fail Cb =
Increase beam size or use full-pen. weldAfc/Awc =
End Plate Required Thickness: am =
Bp2(max) = 13.300 in. Bp2(max) = bf+1" Me =
Pf = 1.700 in. Pf = maximum of: D2 or S3-(D2+tf) tfc(req'd) =
Pb = 3.375 in. Pe = 3*db2 Pfb =
T = 42.72 T = Ff/(6 bolts) (assume only 6 of 8 bolts are fully effective) Stiff. Req'd?
Ma = 72.62 in.-kips Ma = 2*T*(Pf/2) = T*Pf Right Side Co
tpa = 1.270 in. tpa = SQRT((6*Ma)/(Bp2*(0.75*Fyp))) Fyc(use) =
CF = 1.073 CF = SQRT(SQRT(g2^2+Pf^2)/5) (CF = Correction Factor) Local Web Y
tp2(req'd) = 1.363 in. tp2(req'd) = tpa*CF tp2 >= tp2(req'd), O.K.
Pbf2 =
Pwy =
Beam Web to End Plate Welding: Compressiv
fw = 5.400 kips/in. fw = maximum of: (0.60*Fyb)*tw/2 or R2/(2*(d/2-tf)) Pbf2 =
w = 0.364 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) Pwb =
Local Flange
Bearing on End Plate: Pbf2 =
Fu = 58.00 ksi Fu = 58 for Fyp = 36, Fu = 65 for Fyp = 50 Pf =
Rpe = 152.25 kips Rpe = 2*(0.5*Fu*(ED2)*tp2) (based on bolt edge distance) bp =
Rps = 1644.30 kips Rps = 2*(1.2*Fu*tp2*db2*(Nb2/2-1)) (based on bolt spacing) Pec =
Rp = 1796.55 kips Rp = Minimum of: Rpe+Rps or 1.2*Fu*tp2*db2*Nb2 Ca =
Rp >= R2, O.K. Cb =
Shear Stress (out of plane) on End Plate: Afc/Awc =
fv = 8.54 ksi fv = Ff/(2*Bp2*tp2) am =
Fv = 14.40 ksi Fv = 0.40*Fyc Fv >= fv, O.K. Me =
tfc(req'd) =
Pfb =
Stiff. Req'd?
Column Stiffe

22 of 25 06/14/2017 08:33:38
"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Ps1 =
Column Web Doubler Plate Requirement: Ps2 =
Column Web Panel Shear: Ps(max) =
M1 = 440.00 ft-k M1 = M1L+M1G As(req'd) =
M2 = 440.00 ft-k M2 = M2L-M2G Stiffener Wid
SF = 488.43 kips SF = (M1*12/(0.95*d))+(M2*12/(0.95*d)) Bp(max) =
tw(req'd) = 1.984 in. tw(req'd) = SF/(0.4*Fyc*dc) twc < tw(req'd) bs(min) =
Web doubler plate is req'd.
bs(use) =
Column Web Doubler Plate: Stiffener Thi
td(min) = 0.574 in. td(min) = (tw(req'd)-twc)*Fyc/Fyd but not < 1/4" min. tp(max) =
td < td(min), Failts(min) =
Web Doubler Plate Welding: Stiffener Len
Vd = 102.61 kips Vd = SF*td/(td+twc) (at each vertical edge) Ls(min) =
Lw = 21.40 in. Lw = d (plate height = beam depth) Ls(use) =
fw = 4.79 kips/in. fw = Vd/Lw Provided Are
w = 0.323 in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) As(prov) =
w(max) = 0.364 in. w(max) = 0.40*Fyd*td/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70) Check Stiffe
Weld size <= weld max., O.K. b/t =
Web Doubler Plate Plug Welding Requirements: b/t(max) =
h/twc = 8.92 h/twc = (dc-2*tfc)/twc Stiffener We
h/twc(max) = 63.33 h/twc(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyc) h/twc <= h/twc(max), O.K.Ps(max) =
h/td = 33.55 h/td = (dc-2*tfc)/td Lw =
h/td(max) = 63.33 h/td(max) = 380/SQRT(Fyd) h/td <= h/td(max), O.K. fw =
Conclusion: Plug welds are not required w=
w(max) =
Left Side Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4) Stiffener We
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf1 <= Pwy Ps(max) =
Pbf1 = 375.67 kips Pbf1 = (5/3)*Ff Lw =
Pwy = 1042.36 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp1) Pbf1 <= Pwy, O.K. fw =
Compressive Buckling of Web: w(max) =
Pbf1 = 375.67 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf1 <= Pwb W18x119
Pwb = 6059.69 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf1 <= Pwb, O.K. W18x106
Local Flange Bending: W18x86
Pbf1 = 375.67 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf1 <= Pwb W18x76
Pf = 1.6250 in. Pf = maximum of: D1 or S1-(D1+tf) W18x71
bp = 15.938 in. bp = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W18x65
Pec = 0.531 in. Pec = (g1/2)-k1-(db1/4) W18x60
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W18x55
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W18x50
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W18x46
am = 0.937 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db1)^(1/4) W18x40
Pfb = 2944.39 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp1)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf1 <= Pfb, O.K. W18x35
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W16x100

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Right Side Column Stiffener Requirements: (Assume Fyc = 36 ksi, per AISC Design Guide Series #4)W16x26
Local Web Yielding: Stiffeners not req'd. at both flanges if: Pbf2 <= Pwy W14x808
Pbf2 = 427.18 kips Pbf2 = (5/3)*Ff W14x730
Pwy = 1063.93 kips Pwy = Fyc*twc*(tf+6*k+2*tp2) Pbf2 <= Pwy, O.K. W14x665
Compressive Buckling of Web: W14x550
Pbf2 = 427.18 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf2 <= Pwb W14x500
Pwb = 6059.69 kips Pwb = 4100*twc^3*SQRT(Fyc)/(dc-2*k) Pbf2 <= Pwb, O.K. W14x455
Local Flange Bending: W14x398
Pbf2 = 427.18 kips Stiffeners not required at compression flange if: Pbf2 <= Pwb W14x370
Pf = 1.7000 in. Pf = maximum of: D2 or S3-(D2+tf) W14x342
bp = 16.013 in. bp = 2.5*(Pf+tf+Pf) (effective column flange length) W14x311
Pec = 0.531 in. Pec = (g2/2)-k1-(db2/4) W14x283
Ca = 1.13 Ca = 1.13 (for Fyc =36 ksi) W14x257
Cb = 1.00 Cb = 1.0 (assumed) W14x233
Afc/Awc = 1.00 Afc/Awc = 1.0 (assumed) W14x211
am = 0.937 am = Ca*Cb*(Af/Aw)^(1/3)*(Pec/db2)^(1/4) W14x193
Pfb = 2958.25 kips Pfb = ((tfc^2*(0.75*Fyc)*bp2)/6)/(am*Pec/4) Pbf2 <= Pfb, O.K. W14x176
Conclusion: Stiffeners are not required W14x159
Column Web Stiffener Design: W14x132
Required Area of Stiffener: W14x120
Ps1 = N.A. kips Ps1 = Pbf1-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) W14x109
Ps2 = N.A. kips Ps2 = Pbf2-(Minimum of Pwy,Pwb, or Pfb) W14x99
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W14x90
As(req'd) = N.A. in.^2 Ast = Ps(max)/Fys W14x82
Stiffener Width: W14x68
Bp(max) = N.A. Bp(max) = max. of: Bp1 or Bp2 W14x61
bs(min) = N.A. in. bs(min) = Bp(max)/3-twc/2 W14x53
bs(use) = N.A. in. bs(use) = bfc/2-twc/2 (rounded down to nearest whole inch) W14x48
Stiffener Thickness: W14x38
tp(max) = N.A. in. tp(max) = max. of: tp1 or tp2 W14x34
ts(min) = N.A. in. ts(min) = larger of: tp(max)/2 or bs(use)*SQRT(Fyc)/95 W14x30
Stiffener Length: W14x22
Ls(min) = N.A. in. Ls(min) = dc/2-tfc W12x336
Ls(use) = N.A. in. Ls(use) = dc-2*tfc W12x305
Provided Area of Pair of Stiffeners: W12x252
As(prov) = N.A. in.^2 As(prov) = 2*bs(use)*ts W12x230
Check Stiffener Slenderness: W12x190
b/t = N.A. b/t = bs(use)/ts W12x170
b/t(max) = N.A. b/t(max) = 95/SQRT(Fys) W12x152

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"ENDPLMC9.xls" Program
Version 1.0

Column Web Stiffener Design (continued): W12x72
Stiffener Welding to Column Flange: W12x65
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W12x58
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (bfc/2-(twc/2+0.75))*4 W12x53
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps(max)/Lw W12x50
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W12x45
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.30*70*2) W12x40
Stiffener Welding to Column Web: W12x30
Ps(max) = N.A. kips Ps(max) = max. of: Ps1 or Ps2 W12x26
Lw = N.A. in. Lw = (dc-2*(k+0.25))*4 W12x22
fw = N.A. kips/in. fw = Ps(max)/Lw W12x19
w= N.A. in. (size*) w = fw/((SQRT(2)/2)*(0.30*70)) W12x16
w(max) = N.A. in. w(max) = 0.40*Fys*ts/((SQRT(2)/2)*0.3*70*2) W12x14
Comments: W10x77
*Note: Check calculated fillet weld sizes (w) against thickness of materials being attached.

25 of 25 06/14/2017 08:33:38

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