RAC POLARIS Program Concept

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R.A.C. - P.O.L.A.R.I.S.


The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program is conceived and developed jointly by the 2

REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL and the various stakeholders represented in the
Advisory Council. The proponents of the Program are the members of the RAC.

As the name implies, the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program is not an Organization, but an

initiative that allows for a sustainable partnership between POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE
02 and the different sectors in Cagayan Valley with the end goal of promoting and
advancing the noble objectives of PATROL PLAN 2030.


The PNP integrated Transformation Program Performance Governance

System (PNP ITP-PGS) 2030 is the governance Roadmap of the PNP which is an
upgraded version of the Integrated Transformation Plan (ITP). The PNP ITP-PGS
Roadmap is called as the "PNP PATROL Plan 2030" which is now required to be
adopted and cascaded across the Philippine National Police.

The PGS Framework is a holistic approach. It provides balance on all the

perspectives that are closely interrelated and inter-connected that address the issues
and concerns of the PNP as it moves toward the realization of its vision. As a
management tool, it provides transparent reporting of measures, targets and
initiatives and milestones which are all made available to all its personnel and
external stakeholders. Performance of the individual PNP personnel as well as the
performance of the PNP as an organization can be easily tracked by the use of
scorecard. It serves as a useful aid in planning at all levels. It provides for the clear
direction individually and collectively towards PNP vision 2030.

The contents of the PATROL PLAN are basically the entire range of policing. It
laid down the strategies to keep the PNP responsive at all times to the needs of the

As mentioned in the Center for Police Strategy Management, the rationale

behind the timeline of 2030 of the PATROL PLAN is the need to aspire for realistic
greater heights and for more sustainable progress.

To become A TRULY TRANSFORMED PNP, there is a need to strive for more and

do better. We must strive to become the best we could be, by way of:
1. Strengthen and reinforce the Leadership
2. Re-examine our capabilities & renew commitment
3. Build momentum & nurture success
4. Promote & establish partnerships
5. Measure progress & make adjustment
6. Define responsibilities & demand accountabilities

In response to the challenge of raising the bar of service, the POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02, as advised and guided by the able hands of the members of the RAC,
has designed a program that seeks to encapsulate the entire range of objectives of
INSTITUTES, or the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program. The foci in the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program are
Community Relations, Community Support, and Community Services. The
explanation is straightforward.

The improvement of Community Relations is aggressively sought under the

P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program because it is one of the different processes and practices the
PNP uses in carrying out its mission, and it is one of the four (4) processes that are given
top considerations and priority under the PATROL PLAN 2030, to include "intelligence",
"investigation", and "operations". The improvement of Community Support, where
residents actively assist the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in crime prevention, crime
solution, and public safety, could only be achieved if Community Relations
improve. It is when people give their selfless support to PNP that we could truly
achieve the purposes of PATROL PLAN 2030, hence, of improved police service for
the Community.
The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, therefore, seeks to embody the two (2) concrete
strategic priorities of the PATROL PLAN 2030. These are: "improvement on crime
prevention and control" and "improving community safety awareness through
community-oriented and human rights-based policing".

The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program puts into operation a highly sustainable, inclusive

and participative approach in achieving the primary goal of the PATROL PLAN 2030
in promoting a community-supported PNP that is highly committed, professional,
and pro-active for a better and safer Cagayan Valley. The Program capitalizes on
existing support institutes and mechanisms and resources that are already in place in
Cagayan Valley; the research and extension programs, projects, and activities of
the STATE UNIVERSITIES and COLLEGES and other H E I s; various Business entities; the
different tri-media outfits operating in the City; Transportation groups and
associations; Non-governmental Organizations; Farmers cooperatives and other
People Organizations; Government Agencies; L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t U n i t s
and the Faith Based Communities. All the aforementioned willing participants in
every sector represented in the RAC have a specific role to play based on their
respective mandates and nature, ability and capability.

Under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S., the RAC is empowered to directly participate in

improving the overall condition and performance of the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02
as it enables the Council to go beyond a mere advisory body. The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. is
designed to assist participating provincial offices and Police Stations respond to the
four measures in the PATROL PLAN 2030 scorecard, i.e. Resource Management,
Learning and Growth, Process Excellence, and Community.

However, in rare instances when the RAC cannot, for some reasons,
convene or agree on crucial matters which affect the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program, and
when time is of the essence that action must be taken swiftly, the RAC may, on its
own, communicate to, and forge agreement with, the concerned party, subject to
the review and confirmation of the Advisory Council later on.

Clearly, the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program is not only holistic in its approach and view of
policing, but it is likewise centered on the concept of human flourishing and
mutual-aid. The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, by actively engaging the Community, is trying
to win over the ultimate force multiplier: the people, or the community residents.


In all reform-driven programs like the PATROL PLAN 2030, Philosophical

bedrock is needed. In the case of the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, Human flourishing and
mutual-aid form its two philosophical foundations because the proponents believe
that they directly render support to the theory of change that is championed by
PATROL PLAN 2030. It must be emphasized that the change management agenda
of the PNP is grounded on the principle of transparency, accountability and
stakeholders participation set on clear and well-defined systems and procedures
that are realistic, easily understandable, measurable and time-bound. This is
promoted, in the final analysis, to win over the support of the Community because it
results to positive policing. Ultimately, therefore, the community is best served by

capable PNP personnel that effectively uphold the rule of law resulting in a safer place
to live, work and do business.

The RAC believes that a genuine community support may never be possible
without anchoring it to something more fundamental and basic, as the philosophical
basis which the concept of human flourishing and mutual aid provides.

We start with Human Flourishing.

Human flourishing is a condition of living within an optimal range of human

functioning, one that connotes goodness, growth, and resilience. A flourishing
human life, in turn, is anchored on the sense of peace which a strong belief in God
provides; the sense of pride which the love of country gives; the joy of having the
sense of care for other people, and the sense of stability that is associated with
the protection of the environment. This embraces completely the PNP CORE VALUES
of "makaDiyos, makabayan, makatao and makakalikasan" (pro-God, pro-country, pro-
people and pro-environment).

Applied to the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program, the concept of human flourishing

dictates that the key function of the PNP is in promoting the goodness in the human
person which is found in, and must be enhanced for, both its personnel who do the
police works, and for the people in the general public to whom the PNP is sworn to
serve. It means that successful policing is anchored in supporting conditions
favorable for maximum human progress and development, which, if attained and
summed up, would result to a community which vibrantly thrives and prosper.

Obviously, a peaceful community is required for human activities to be

successful, and for human lives to flourish, hence, promoting peace and order
becomes a matter not only of legal or administrative obligation for the PNP, but also,
and more importantly, of moral responsibility for all stakeholders. The search and
attainment of peaceful community, the overall objective of PATROL PLAN 2030,
becomes an assignment not only by PNP but of the larger community. P.O.L.A.R.I.S.
Program, in short, seeks to encourage communities to work towards peace,
progress, and development, by actively engaging the stakeholders or the primary
customers of the PNP, represented in the RAC, specifically, the Local Government
Unit, the Academe, Business sector, Government sector, NGO, and the Faith
community, in all of the four (4) strategic perspectives of the PNP Strategy Map, i.e.
Resource Management, Learning and Growth, Process Excellence, and Community.

This leads us to the concept of mutual-aid.

The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program is designed as a convergent platform of different

stakeholders, each having its own interest to promote and resources to dispose,
working together and mutually aiding each other, in harmony, through the active
assistance and intervention of a socially sensitive and responsive PNP CAGAYAN
VALLEY. The concept of mutual aid drives the point that no individual or entity is
self- sufficient. The PNP, on its own, cannot provide the peace and order which the
community needs. The PNP needs the help of the community. In the same
manner that the community, without the PNP, cannot achieve the much needed
peace and order for it to thrive and to develop. In short, the shared goal of the PNP
and the Community for peace and order can only be achieved and sustained if PNP
and the Community mutually aid each other.

The premise of the argument for the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program begins with the
realization that the PNP and the Community are part of a larger human organization
which demands mutual assistance and mutual aid for its proper and continued
functioning and existence. If the men and women of the PNP learn, by heart, that
their organization exists for the community, operates within the community, and is
part of the community, and then the PNP will be supported genuinely and selflessly by
the Community, whose residents will, likewise, realize that the PNP is a natural extension
of their community.

These elements of the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, when considered as an initiative

of the RAC, make the pursuit of the PATROL PLAN 2030 a truly rewarding endeavor as
it transforms all the activities of the various stakeholders in Cagayan Valley into a
beautiful tapestry of convergent projects, all for the purpose of promoting the cause
of Peace and Order.


The following are the ten (10) major objectives of the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM:

1. To utilize existing local resource institutes (LRIs), such as, but not limited to,
Higher Education Institutions, Professional organizations and associations,
Business enterprises, and others, found to be operating in Cagayan Valley
in promoting and achieving the Charter Statement, Mission, and Vision, of
the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 under the PNP PATROL Plan 2030;

2. To encourage and promote, through convergent activities by stakeholders

based on mutual aid, the genuine human flourishing of POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 personnel and the members of the various
communities which the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 serves towards a safer
place to live, work and do business;

3. To provide opportunity for all stakeholders, including ordinary folks and

residents of the different communities in Cagayan Valley, an avenue to
actively participate and take part in Crime Prevention, Crime Solution,
and Public Safety;

4. To encourage effective and directed convergence of all stakeholders

programs, projects, and activities in the Region designed to assist the
POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in strengthening and reinforcing its
leadership, and improving its capabilities;

5. To assist the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in initiating and building

momentum for positive change and nurturing success for all its police works
and activities;

6. To provide the HEIs in the Region the opportunity to conduct more

meaningful activities for its instruction, research, and extension programs,
projects and activities, thereby allowing them to contribute directly to the
building of a more peaceful and orderly community where their
students, teachers, and administrators could thrive in tranquility;
7. To provide the Business sector and the NGO to contribute directly to the
building of a more peaceful and orderly community where business and
other activities may be best pursued;

8. To facilitate the achievement of the noble goals of "PNP PATROL Plan

2030" by identifying specific activities that are customized for the specific
requirements of the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in support of the strategic
priorities of the Region;

9. To provide avenue for the alignment of private and public portfolio of

initiatives and action programs with the long-term strategic needs of the
Region and of the country;

10. To effectively and genuinely win over community support for the POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and empower communities to actively engage in
activities which strengthen and contribute to the common good of the
Cagayano and the Filipino people;


The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program is designed to bring RAC - ADOPTED PS Partnership

with the Community in all the four (4) strategic perspectives of the PNP Strategy
Map, specifically Resource Management, Learning and Growth, Process Excellence,
and Community.

The first perspective is "resource management." For the PNP to eventually realize
its vision, the resources provided in pursuit of its mission should be "adequate".
Moreover, those resources provided should be used "optimally."

The POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02, through the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, aims to
compliment its activities under this strategic perspective by way of engaging the
assistance and contribution of its key partners and stakeholders.
Strategic Perspectives Stakeholder/ Sector P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION
of The PNP Strategy Responsible

Resource Education Free Automotive Servicing, to include

Management Sector/ ignition System, Starting, Charging,
STATE Under Chassis, Power train, Electrical
UNIVERSITIE System, and Driving Lessons for POLICE
S AND REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and PS Personnel;
Free Building/Office Wiring Installation
and Servicing for POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 and PS Office Building;

Free Electronics Equipment and Office

Appliances Servicing and Installation;

Free Maintenance and Repair of Office

Refrigerators and Air-conditioning Units;

Free Table Set-up Servicing and Food

Processing during POLICE REGIONAL

OFFICE 02 and PS special events;

Spare parts and other items shall be

shouldered by the POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 and PS, or may be sponsored
by business entities which participate
in the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, while
technical services are provided by the
concerned HEI;

Free laboratory use by POLICE

REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and PS personnel
of all criminology, computer science,
and physical and natural science
laboratories, and other specialized
laboratories and/ or laboratory services,
for training needs and related purposes;

Priority in the deployment of On the Job

Training programs of HEIs that
specifically targets the requirements of
for personnel support in its office
operations, community visitations, Press
works and media relations

Provision of free legal consultations with

the law practitioners in the HEIs College
of Law, and other related/ appropriate
Colleges/ Departments, and the
provision of other related Consultancy
services for the POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 and PS, particularly, for its
legal and other technical service
Strategic Perspectives Stakeholder/ Sector P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION
of The PNP Strategy Responsible

Provision of free trainings for the

personnel to help them achieve
maximum utilization of resources under
the PATROL PLAN 2030, which is the
observance of high standards of
"transparency and accountability" in all
its "financial and logistical transactions."

Stakeholders, as represented in the

RAC, using their respective existing
linkages and through their various
activities, shall actively seek funding
sources both locally and internationally,
and for the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program;

Inclusion of the POLICE REGIONAL

OFFICE 02 and PS, as a special
beneficiary, in the distribution of
proceeds of all major production events
of the participating HEIs, such as, but not
limited to, concerts, and other
performances. The reason for this is to
augment the limited budget and
resources of the POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 and PS. Part of the proceeds
from concerts, and other
performances, whenever they are held
with the assistance of the POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and PS, shall be
allotted for a specific purpose for the
identified and approved by the
members of the advisory council
specifically for the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program; Page
Strategic Perspectives Stakeholder/ Sector P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION
of The PNP Strategy Responsible

Resource Business Sector Innovative, creative, and sustainable

funding support mechanism from the
Management business sector, by sponsoring specific
activities under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program,
cooperating in the implementation of
peace and order plan of the LGU and
PS webpages or websites, or printing/
publishing instruction materials, among

Education Sector, Joint community extension, supported by

Business Sector, NGO, joint funding arrangements and schemes,
Faith Communities, for convergent programs, projects and
LGU, Media activities designed to improve and
promote community relations and support
between and among the POLICE
stakeholders, such as the conduct of joint
school visitations, tree planting, feeding
activities, disaster relief operations,
dialogues, and others.

Confidence and trust building activities for

shall be included in the action plans of
participating agencies or entities, and in
the extension program menu of
participating HEIs, focusing on CHEDs
institutional sustainability assessment
requirements on extension, specifically, the
presence, extent, and outcomes of the
extension program.

The second perspective is "learning and growth." This is crucial for the POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 because it cannot keep doing the same things as in the past if
it is to realize its vision by 2030. The POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 joins the entire PNP
organization in the realization that 'status quo' and 'doing business as usual' is not an
option anymore. Thus, it has to invest in people and processes so it can win
"stakeholders' support" and undertake proper, efficient and effective "management
of its resources."

Recognizing how crucial "learning and growth" to the police organization, the
PNP has decided to put two (2) strategic priorities closely related and tightly inter-
connected. The set of strategic priorities starts with developing competent, motivated
and values-oriented police personnel.

This, when attained, will result to the development of a responsive police

organization that is capable and ready to do its mandated tasks.
Along this line, the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program provides the following convergent
activities for the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 from among its stakeholders:

Strategic Perspectives Stakeholder/ Sector P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION

of The PNP Strategy Responsible

Learning And Education Sector/ Free special trainings for the POLICE
AND COLLEGES to include the following:
a) The concept of Human rights and its
application to police works;
b) Blotter writing, blotter reporting,
Business Letter writing, and other
English Language Proficiency
training programs;
c) Values and Work Ethics Trainings;
d) Gender sensitivity trainings, seminars,
e) Witness and suspect interview
training, search techniques, and
other important subject matters;
f) Training on Special Laws: Barangay
Justice System; Alternative Dispute
Resolution, Juvenile Justice System,
and others; Anti-Violence Against
Women and their Children,

In the case of Anti-Violence Against Women

and their Children Act, the STATE UNIVERSITIES
AND COLLEGES, through its Department of
Psychology and Department of Guidance and
Counseling, shall design training for POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and PS Personnel on how
to best deal with victims and perpetuators.
Counseling programs shall likewise be designed
by licensed Counselors of the University for
Women and Child/Children victims and a
separate guidance counseling program for
perpetuators. The program will be different and
distinct from the regular works of the Social
Worker of the DSWD. The objective of this
program is the psychological rehabilitation of
the parties involved in the case, in the hope for
the same to be resolved, avoided, and

Conduct of research studies aimed at

improving the processes of POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 and PS in order to
align it better for a more efficient and
effective achievement of the goals of
Faith Based The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, through the
Community, Local participating Faith communities and/ or
Government Unit, HEIs, will design and provide spiritual
Business Sector, retreats, moral recovery seminars,
Education Sector, leadership trainings, and other activities.
The LGU and the Business Sector may
provide funding and other support for
these trainings;

The third perspective is the "process excellence". This refers to the different
processes and practices the PNP uses in carrying out its mission. The four (4)
processes of "intelligence", "investigation", "operations" and "community relations"
are given top consideration. In addition, two (2) concrete strategic priorities are
highlighted. These are: "improvement on crime prevention and control" and
"improving community safety awareness through community- oriented and human
rights-based policing".

There is due stress to the importance of reaching out to the communities the
PNP serves and of obtaining their support, cooperation, and eventually their
higher level of trust and confidence in their police force which also underscores
excellence and integration (close coordination for maximum effectiveness and
efficiency) in the conduct of police operations. There is absolutely no doubt how
important these strategic priorities under "process excellence" are. Progress in
pursuing them effectively and efficiently would strengthen and widen the base of
stakeholders support, and would eventually facilitate the provision of more
resources for the organization. Under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, the following are
the activities under this strategic perspective:

Strategic Stakeholder/ P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION

Perspectives of Sector
The PNP Strategy Responsible

Process Education Convergence with innovative

Excellence Sector, p r o g r a m s , s u c h a s t h e CHARACTER
Media, FIRST! Program of the Local Government Unit
Local in order for the RAC - ADOPTED PS to benefit
Governme from the network and linkages the
nt Unit aforementioned program has already
established. The reform orientation and the
social processes of the Character First
Program make it highly suitable for the
P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program;

Convergence with extension activities of the

HEIs or Schools in the City, benefiting from
extension activities which the Schools
implement in the Community. This saves the
RAC - ADOPTED PS the human resources, time,
and funds which it would otherwise invest if it
does the Community extension work all by itself.
The fourth Strategic perspective is the Community. The PNP strategy map
makes clear that this is to be done mainly through improving further the positive
performance of the PNP, and undertaking a sustained public information program
utilizing its Communications Plan (COMPLAN) with a view towards strengthening
the partnership and cooperation it should be forging with the communities it serves.
Ultimately, the community is best served by capable PNP personnel that
effectively uphold the rule of law resulting in a safer place to live, work and do

Strategic Perspectives Stakeholder/ Sector P.O.L.A.R.I.S. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION

of The PNP Strategy Responsible

Community Education Sector/ Sustained and more collaborative partnership

AND COLLEGES media sector in the City. Image building
endeavor of the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02
requires open communications and timely
releases of positive information about the
activities of the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02.

Presence in local television, radio, print and

internet media shall be maximized to secure
wide community support for all POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 programs, projects, and
activities. The Department of Mass
Communications of the participating HEIs shall
assist in the preparation of Audio-Visual
productions and other materials for the POLICE
REGIONAL OFFICE 02 designed to solicit
community support in preventing and solving
crimes, promote better understanding and
enhanced image of the RAC - ADOPTED PS
among the community and all stakeholders;

Enhanced web and social media presence of

the POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 by allowing
live feeds and streaming of information from
stakeholders websites and pages. The
College of Information and Computing
Sciences of participating HEIs shall assist the
POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in implementing
this 24/7 web presence. The POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 shall identify a focal person who
will identify information to be posted in the
websites and social networking sites as herein

HEIs school publications may contain a page

or a section dedicated to POLICE REGIONAL
OFFICE 02 announcements or information for
crime prevention. The HEIs, through their Mass
Communications department, may assist the
POLICE REGIONAL OFFICE 02 in developing its
A special partnership that may be forged under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program is
the provision of alternative office spaces for PS within the property or premises o f
H E I s , w h e n e v e r p o s s i b l e a n d p r a c t i c a b l e and i f t h e s a m e becomes
necessary in promoting peace and order in the PS jurisdiction.


The P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program becomes more relevant and effective if it is adopted

by as many willing PS in the Region as possible, and if the same is supported by many
stakeholders as possible:
1. The adopting PS has an existing and functional MAC or CAC, and has at least
one sectoral representative who understands the intricacies of the P.O.L.A.R.I.S.
2. The Provincial Advisory Council adopts and recommends the implementation of
the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program in the PS within its jurisdiction. This is the basic
requirement. Once this is satisfied, then the MAC or CAC, via Resolution,
recommends the adoption and implementation of the P.O.L.A.R.I..S. Program in
their respective PS;
3. The sponsor/s identify from program menu the different projects it could fund for
much broader and wider application (e.g. Specialized training on Human Rights
policing may be funded for more comprehensive training design, and for more
inclusive participation from among the PS. Although the training is initially
offered for free by the HEI, it may be expanded to include more PS Personnel);


Funding requirements shall be identified based on the specific activities

identified by the Advisory Council. Funding shall be proposal based. For the purpose,
a Technical Working Group shall be formed to develop proposals. POLARIS adopters
may opt to fund specific activity or activities under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S... In the case of
the HEIs, specific School may adopt activity or activities under the P.O.L.A.R.I.S.
and consider the same as part of its own extension program, hence, may be funded
by the HEI as if it is funding its own extension program.

A resolution adopting the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. Program, as herein defined and

described, shall be issued by the RAC. Once so issued, the Council Resolution shall be
individually and separately adopted by the institutions or agencies represented in
the RAC, Provided: the adoption or confirmation of the Council action on
P.O.L.A.R.I.S. by the individual institution or agency, does not bind others which are
also represented in the RAC.

A Joint Memorandum of Understanding shall be signed by all entities which

decided to adopt or confirm the Council action on the P.O.L.A.R.I.S. program.

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