Esl-3 F Communication Lesson Plan

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TESOL Certificate Programs

ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

ESL Student Teaching: Communication Lesson Plan

Hsin-Yu (Teresa) Hsu

28 unites Advanced TESOL Certificate Program

University of California, Riverside Extension Center

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan


Level: Intermediate IEP Level 300

Teaching Context:

Student Age- 20-50

Skill- Communication

Topic- Mini Presentation: Celebrating National Holiday!


Listening Listen and take notes for the presentation

Listen to the instruction.

Reading Comprehend details in the paragraph.

Writing Unscramble sentences with the correct grammar.

Take notes to prepare for the presentation.

Speaking Answer the questions with complete sentences.

Discuss in pairs and groups.


Students will learn to communicate and cooperate as a group to present culture

differences of celebrating New Year using the grammar expression.

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

1. recognize the subjects, verbs, direct and indirect objects in the sentences.

2. apply the forms of direct and indirect object 80% accurately in the writing practice.

3. distinguish the function of the indirect objects

4. introduce another culture with the use of target expressions.


Grammar Forms
a) verb + indirect object + direct object
b) verb + direct object + to + indirect object
Form (a) is more natural, especially when the indirect object is a
pronoun (me, him, them, etc.) .


Saumell, M.V., Birchley, S.L. (2012) English in common. White Plains, NY: Pearson.


PowerPoint slide / grammar handout (Appendix 1) / poster paper / markers / whiteboard /

preparation guide (Appendix 2)

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan



1. Warm-up

1-1 Teacher tells the students that they will do a mini-project and present their works at

the end of this lesson.

1-2 Teacher shows the group arrangements on the slides.

1-3 Teacher distributes the job (speaker, note taker, presenter) for each member.

2. Building up the context

2-1 Teacher shows a short paragraph on the slide. She then asks students to read through

the slide and answer the following questions?

What is the speakers job?

What question might the note taker ask the speaker?

2-2 Students will be given three minutes to read through the paragraph.

2-3 Teacher asks the whole class for the answers.

3. Present the grammar focus

3-1 Teacher puts a poster on the white board. There are four column on the poster Subject,
TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

Verb, Object and Indirect Object but the teacher will just show the first three in this stage.

3-2 Teacher tells the students to look at three sentences on the slide (each sentence is

selected from the paragraph that the students read in the previous step).

3-3 Teacher asks students where is the subject, verb and object of the sentences.

3-4 Teacher introduces the difference between direct and indirect object using the poster.

3-5 Teacher shows the forms of the sentence with direct and indirect object on the slide.


4. Unscramble the sentence

4-1 Teacher tells the students that they are going to put the sentence into the correct

order. She shows an example using the slides.

4-2 Teacher distributes the handout (Appendix 1) and gives student five minutes to do

the practice.

4-3 Teacher checks the answer with whole class.


5. Prepare the presentation in a group

5-1 Teacher leads students attention to the group work.

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

5-2 Teacher reviews what each person is going to do with his or her job.

5-3 Teacher demonstrates an example with the student teachers.

5-4 Teacher shows sample questions that the note-taker might want to know and

information that each group can present. She encourages the students to come up with

their own idea.

5-5 Teacher distributes the preparation guide to all the students. (Appendix 2)

5-6 Teacher give a poster and markers to each group.

5-7 Each group will be given 15 minutes to work on their task. Teacher walks around

and observes students work.

6. Presenting the topic

6-1 Teacher invites each presenter from the groups to present their poster.

6-2 After each presenter presented his or her poster, teacher asks other group questions

about the presentation.

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

Appendix 1 Unscramble the sentences.

Read and Write

The sentences below are in the incorrect order. Read the sentence and put them into

the correct order. Pay attention to the order of the direct and indirect object.

Grammar Forms
c) verb + indirect object + direct object
d) verb + direct object + to + indirect object
Form (a) is more natural, especially when the indirect object is a
pronoun (me, him, them, etc.) .


1. Our company/ more choices / offers /you.

Our company offers you more choices.

2. I / him / lent / $20 / about three weeks ago.

3. a huge bunch of flowers / sent / Boris / his mother / to.

4. We should / our teachers / a special gift / give.

5. anything / me / Would you like to / tell ?

6. bring / that book / when you come / Could / you ?

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

Appendix 2 Preparation Guides

TESOL Certificate Programs
ESL Student Teaching Lesson Plan

Appendix 2 Preparation Guides

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