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1. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb: Can/ cant, could/ couldnt, must,
mustnt, have to, dont have to, should/ shouldnt.
1. Granddad, you ride a bicycle when you were my age?
2. We ...................... sleep because of the noise.
3. You ...................... touch that plate! Youll burn your hand.
4. Our class didnt ...................... do any homework yesterday. Our teacher was ill.
5. Peter ...................... go on the school trip. He hasnt decided yet.
6. ...................... You help me with my homework, please?
7. Laura ...................... go to a doctor. Shes not feeling well.
8. Cars ...................... stop when the traffic lights are red.

9. You .............. smoke here.

10. I play the guitar 5 years ago.
11. You . make hamburgers without bread. It is impossible.
12. He ..write very fast.
13. You with fire. Its dangerous
14. They.. ................... swim very well.
15. Today it is Sunday. You to go to school.

2. Correct the following sentences.

1. If I were you, I will go to the doctor.
2. She has played football yesterday.
3. They have lived here since 4 years.
4. He works very hardly.
5. She has just ran the race.
6. This is one of the better places I have ever visited.
7. You havent got to get up early on Sunday.
8. While I watched TV, it started to rain.
9. You mustnt pay attention in class.
10. Have you got many homework?
Fill in the gaps with the correct tense form. Present simple, present continuous, past simple,
past continuous, present perfect, past perfect.

1. Children _______________ (watch) tv in the living room now.

2. Mr Browns _______just ________ (sell) his antique car.
3. My father usually ____________ (drink) Turkish coffee after breakfast.
4. Mrs Golden ____________ (go) to the supermarket yesterday but she _______________ (not-
buy) anything.
5. Where _________ you _______ (travel) next summer?
6. ______you ever ________ (be) to abroad before?
7. Look! A car _______________ (come) towards you.
8. Last year my family and I ___________ (travel) to Turkey.
9. _______ Eve ________ (visit) her grandparents every weekend?
10. I think they _____________ (win) the match tomorrow.
11. What ________ you ________ (do) at that time yesterday?
Complete the chat with irregular verbs

Fill the gaps with the correct vocabulary.

Bones, calorie, dietician, fat, fitness trainer, gym, junk food, lose weight, healthy lifestyle,
sugar, heart, snack, salt, team etc.
1. The human body has got 206 .
2. This is a place where you can exercise yourself.
3. Mc Donalds, Burger King sell like hamburgers and fresh fries.
4. If you want to get fit a could help you. This person will give you advice
how to eat healthy.
5. If you want to get fit a .. could help you. This person will give you advice
how to exercise and the routines that you have to do every day.
6. Football and Basketball are sports.
7. It is typical to have a . Between the meal.
8. This is the most important muscle of your body..
9. Dont put too much .. to your coffee. It is bad for your health.

Fill the gaps with the correct vocabulary. It could be more than one possible answer.
1. There is a lot of . in the coffee and tea.
2. The athletes ran around the .
3. The opposite of lose weight..
4. If you want to lose weight you eat less ..
5. There are a lot of carbohydrates in bread and rice.
6. If you go to the country side you can breathe (respirar) .
7. To eat processed .. it is bad for you.
8. When you do a lot of sport it is important to drink a lot of

Accumulative vocabulary:
Harbour/ ferry/ cross/ risky/ thief/ graduate from/ improve/ put out a fire/ lightening/
security guard.
1. When it is stormy there are a lot . in the sky.
2. The synonym of dangerous .
3. If you want to go to go the Cies Islands, you have to take the the
4. The police caught the yesterday.
5. You can . the river in this boat.
6. The workers want to . their labor conditions.

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