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Appendix 1 Board Report

Thursday 10th February 2011

Service Plan Goals 20010/11
K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is

1 Keeping our
customers and residents
centre stage

CEO Position at Quarter 3

Improve customer Implement POD & CEO Mar H Hearts & Minds Phase 1 completed.
satisfaction by 10% customer care 2010
programme & TMO-wide door knocking survey commenced in
review August and is still continuing with new target end
standards date of February 2011. To date, satisfaction levels
have risen from 68% (2008 status) to 74%. 1782
responses have been registered on TP Tracker,
aiming for two more door knocking days and to
introduce new starters to process.

Work beginning on joining-up satisfaction

indicators to provide baselines.

Service Standards to be reviewed. Preliminary

work to be done for Residents Conference.

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
Amendments to sent to BIT by 14th February.

DirPOD Review and POD Q3 Position at Quarter 3

update Revised L Newsletter branded.
communication Target
strategy and from Communications strategy will be produced by Q4 .
corporate Summer Communications Manager appointed and in post.
branding and 2010
newspapers Door knocking includes some feedback on
preferences for communication and the Link, which
will be taken into account. Timescale put back to
end of Quarter 4.

Dir CS Improve access for Review access All plans Phase 1 H Position at Quarter 3
residents arrangements July Better access at Network Hub offices.
and implement 2010 Opening hours standardised.
strategy that
places CSC as Director of Customer Services and Assistant
first point of Director of Contact and Access in post.
contact Phase 2
End Q2 Access not reviewed yet. ADCS to draft Access
Strategy - currently in progress on target for
Quarter 4.

Sheltered DDA Works programme in progress with

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
Asset Mgt Team. DDA access works to
Communal Area also in progress with works to
some blocks already completed.

Procure new C Services Dec H Position at Quarter 3

ADir repairs contract 2009 Contract procured.

HoS&E Enhance resident Review and All Plans May H Position at Quarter 3
engagement update resident 2010 Implemented TP Tracker. TP Tracker module now
involvement being used for TMO In Touch door knocking event
strategy and and work has begun on tracking resident events
practice, with regard to type of involvement and cost.
feedback loops,
and impact Resident Engagement Strategy agreed by Board in
assessment. May.
Incl. ARB & TCC
jointly with Supported Housing Residents Group created.
council Capital Projects Resident satisfaction/feedback
surveys, (during and post contract) being further
developed to increase engagement,
communication and satisfaction.

(ARB review planned for 2011/12)

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
Dir POD Update All plans 2010 L Position at Quarter 3
K&CTMO web- Website up-dated but further work needed to
site to introduce improve functionality. This will form part of the
greater Communications strategy action plan.
functionality for

Dir CS Improve partnering Align capital Asset End Q2 Position at Quarter 3

arrangements for service programme Managemen Report produced for RBKC Programme Board
delivery priorities with t containing proposals and options to implement
customer cost reduction measures in line with available HRA
preferences and funding.
HRA deficit
requirements End Q3 Stock condition data now embedded in Keystone
11/12 Asset Management Software and being utilised to
produce 30 year investment plan.

Capital programme not aligned because customer

preference focus group not set-up yet.

HHO Vary service Home Phase 1 H Position at Quarter 3

charge Ownership April A large drive to have lessees pay by direct debit
arrangements to Fin & IT 2010 (thus securing payments under the bad debt
calculate on the provision) has proved successful so far with an

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
basis of actual Phase 2 18% increase. Payment plans have also been
costs, widen April targeted with an increase of 37%. This exercise is
payment options 2011 complete but the outcome will not be reflected until
for customers September.
and improve
written Written communication is monitored by Senior
communication Officers and customers appear to appreciate the
standards increased communication. Correspondence turn
around times remain strong at 98.99% with target
time for the year to date.

(A similar objective will be set next year.)

ADir NS Determine NS Services April M Position at Quarter 3

strategy for 2010 Meeting with TMO Finance, RBKC and Chair and
future agency Vice Chair of EMB being held the 2nd February
management 2010 to prepare for new financial year, consider
arrangements structure and delivery of services.
with Lancaster
West EMB

2 Being Competitive and

increasing our income

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
CEO Deliver efficiency and Produce vfm All plans Q3 Position at Quarter 3
DirPOD service costs that achieve plan to make Workstream Report: Value for Money and
a balanced HRA HRA workable Partnership went to Cabinet Working Group on
13th October 2010 which set out the work
undertaken on the vfm review of housing costs.

CEO Deliver top quartile Benchmark BIT Phase 1 H Position at Quarter 3

performance at lowest services and April Benchmarking take-up by teams has improved but
cost trigger best 2010 further work needed to bed-in. RBKC compare
value reviews TMO with other West London organisations
where services although not many London ALMOs report in order
fail to achieve that comparisons can be made with them.
top quartile
when compared TMO has achieved more top quartile PIs for voids,
to RSLs rents, gas servicing and costs for the provision of
operating in capital works.
K&C and
London ALMOs HQN latest benchmarking report recently received
and being reviewed for implications for TMO.

CEO Maximise income from Review parking BIT April M Position at Quarter 3
existing assets and by and other uses 2010 HRA deficit project.
generating new business and recommend
income options to This forms part of the options appraisal work by
increase Drivers Jonas to be reviewed in 2011/12.

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
CEO Develop hidden BIT Phase 1 M Position at Quarter 3
homes as a pilot Apr HRA deficit project.
to the 2010
development of This forms part of the options appraisal work by
new housing Drivers Jonas to be reviewed in 2011/12.
opportunities for

Dir Fin Review HRA Fin April L Position at Quarter 3

payment 2010 Interfaces with Morrison implemented on 6th
mechanisms for September. System now bedding-in.
all activities

Review TMO Position at Quarter 3

payment Reviewing Direct Debits and different ways of
mechanisms for paying for home owners.
all activities

HHSS Review the Supported July L Position at Quarter 3

options for Housing 2011 Income and Arrears Management Transfer to
increasing CAS Finance Team completed.
income and Income/Arrears Management Procedures
services to the completed.

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
wider community
Strategy implemented and direct debit introduced.

CAS Income projecting an extra 20,000 this year.

HIT Review the IT IT Dec H Position at Quarter 3

strategy and 2009 Delayed due to staff being involved in other IT
implementation priorities such as the office move and EDMS.
plan to assure Review in 2011/12.
that priorities fit
with business

CEO Fully participate BIT Tech Dec M Position at Quarter 3

in the stock Fin 2010 Work stream and stock options full engagement
options review with RBK&C and final papers went to Cabinet in
as an active October. Workstreams to be embedded in
partner to operational activities going forward

3 Developing
CEO Develop TMO governance Implement a CEO Team March H Position at Quarter 3
governance 2010 Governance Improvement Plan in place.

K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
plan The Board received a Governance review at its
meeting 21st October 2010.

DirPOD Review and HR & Org March H Position at Quarter 3 no change

implement top Dev 2010 Management Arrangements now achieved and all
management staff appointed.

CEO Complete a move to new Implement new BIT June H Position at Quarter 3
offices for staff at Charles office 2010 Move to Network Hub and 346 successfully
House arrangements completed.
which reflect the
needs of the (Planning permission obtained for Blantyre but
customer base works will not start until 2011/12.)
and contact

Dir POD Implement staff Implement HR & Org April 10 M Position at Quarter 3
development programme management Dev Staff development programme 2009 implemented
development and completed. New performance framework has
programme for been introduced and used successfully. SMT are
all managers working on Leadership behaviours and this will
flow down so that behaviours for rest of staff will be
launched in time for Performance Management

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K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
round in 2011/12.

Further work in reviewing competencies is on-


(This objective has been met with regard to HR but

not for all organisation)

Dir POD Implement the HR & Bus Dec M Position at Quarter 3

current and Dev 2010 As above. Staff Survey done. Action Plan, based
review and on survey results to be produced at end of Q4.
implement a
new staff
plan for
based upon the
outcomes of a
staff survey to
be conducted 6
months after the
move into new

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K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

Strategic Priority Business Plan Service Target R Comments/Progress

Objective Plan Date is
DirCS Achieve and All Plans Annuall M Position at Quarter 3
DirPOD Accredit key services and retain the y IiP retained March 2010
processes externally. external
accreditation of Service excellence Award (Chartermark ) retained.
processes and

Exec Implement Equality Action Deliver equality SMT & Annuall H Position at Quarter 3
Plans ensuring Equality actions and fully EXEC y Equality Action Plan implementation to be
and Diversity is full develop role reviewed
embedded in service profiling &
action plans, appraisals, 1 service
to 1 and all team meetings assessments for
customer base
and service
areas. Develop
diversity targets
and review
practices in the
light of the self
assessed impact

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K&C TMO Business Plan 2009

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