Board Papers 13th May

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201* No.**

The Kensington and Chelsea (Housing Estates) (Off-Street Parking Places and
Waiting and Loading Restrictions) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*

Made: ** *** 201*

Coming into operation: See Article 1.1

The Council of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, after consulting the Commissioner of
Police of the Metropolis, in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 35 and 124 of and Part IV of
Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984(a), as amended, and of all other powers thereunto
enabling, hereby make the following Order:-

1. Citation and Commencement

1.1 This Order shall come into operation for the purposes of

(a) the provisions of Article 3 and 4 of this Order in so far as any existing parking provision is
revoked, or any new parking provision imposed, on the date on which it is indicated by either the
removal, replacement or installation of traffic signs; and

(b) all other provisions of this Order on ** *** 201*.

1.2 This Order may be cited as the Kensington and Chelsea (Housing Estates) (Off-Street Parking
Places and Waiting and Loading Restrictions) (Amendment No. *) Order 201*.

2. Interpretation

2.1 In this Order the Order of 2015 means the Kensington and Chelsea (Housing Estates) (Off-Street
Parking Places and Waiting and Loading Restrictions) Order 2015(b).

2.2 Any reference in this Order to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment
as amended, applied, consolidated, re-enacted by or as having effect by virtue of any subsequent

2.3 Unless the context otherwise requires, any expression used in this Order which is also used in the
Order of 2015 shall have the same meaning as in that Order.

(a) 1984 c.27 (b) RBKC 2015/6

RBKC 201*/** Page 1 of 3

3. Substitution of drawings

3.1 Without prejudice to the validity of anything done or to any liability incurred in respect of any act
or omission before the coming into operation of this Order, the Order of 2015 shall have effect as
though for the drawings attached to that Order and listed in column 1 of the Schedule to this
Order, there were substituted the drawings attached to this Order and specified in relation thereto
in column 2 of the Schedule to this Order.
3.2 The substitution of any drawing referred to in Article 3.1 of this Order will have the effect of
revoking any provision provided or designated by a previous version of that drawing and not
incorporated into the latest version.

4. Amendment of the Order of 2015

4.1 Without prejudice to the validity of anything done or to any liability incurred in respect of any act
or omission before the coming into operation of this Order, the Order of 2015 shall have effect as
though for the reference in respect of drawing number KCTMO 17 (Convent Estate) in
Schedule 1 to that Order, there were substituted the drawing reference specified in the following
table -

Drawing Housing Estate Zone Permit

Number Identification
1 2 3 4
KCTMO 17A Convent Estate North CON

5. Placing of Traffic Signs, etc

The Council shall:

5.1 place and maintain adequate and appropriate traffic signs indicating the parking provisions
imposed by this Order; and

5.2 carry out such other work as is reasonably required by the Order of 2015 or by this Order for the
purpose of the satisfactory operation of such parking provisions.

Dated this ** day of *** 201*

Mahmood Siddiqi
Director for Transport and Highways

RBKC 201*/** Page 2 of 3

(see Article 3.1)

Drawing attached to the Order of 2015 Drawing attached to this Order

1 2
Drawing number KCTMO 06, dated 10/08/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 06, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 08A, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 08A, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 12A, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 12A, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 17A, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 17A, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 25, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 25, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 35, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 35, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 36A, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 36A, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 40, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 40, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 41, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 41, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 49, dated 10/08/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 49, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 52, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 52, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 54A, dated 29/06/2015 Drawing number KCTMO 54A, dated * 2017
Drawing number KCTMO 56, dated 25/04/2016 Drawing number KCTMO 56, dated * 2017


(This Note is not part of the Order but is intended to indicate its general purport)

This Order, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, makes changes to the Convent, Corbett
House, Cremorne, Henry Dickens Court, Hortensia House, Longlands Court, Octavia House, 375
Portobello Road, St. Marks Grove, Silchester Estate West, Trellick Tower, the Worlds End Estate and
the Worlds End Underground Car Park off-street parking provisions managed by the
Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Ltd., by replacing versions of the
appropriate drawings attached to the Order of 2015 and changes the Convent Estate identifier from
CVE to CON..

RBKC 201*/** Page 3 of 3

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