v10 Cas Annual Update

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Agenda Item 2






Present: Reg Kerr-Bell, Resident Board Member RKB

Iain Smith, Resident Board Member IS
Jeff Zitron, Council appointed Board Member JZ
Mary Benjamin, Resident Board Member MB
Tony Annis, Resident Board Member TA
Anthony Preiskel, Independent Board Member AP
Jon Dee, Independent Board Member (Chair) JD

In Attendance: Anthony Parkes, Executive Director of Finance APa

and ICT
Rupa Bhola, Assistant Director of Finance RB
Angela Bosnjak-Szekeres, Company Secretary ABS
& Governance Manager
Janet Seward, Business Improvement JS
Andy Marshall, Assistant Director of Repairs AM
and Partnering
Peter Dunne, Consultant PD
Steve Armstrong, Internal Auditors RBKC SA
Chris Theobald, Baker Tilly CT
Thorin Ward, Baker Tilly TW

Apologies: None.

Not present: Celine Green, Resident Board Member CG

Action by
1. Welcome and apologies

As above.

The Chair of the Committee, RKB asked JD to lead the


Declarations of Interest

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th of December 2012

The minutes of the meeting were agreed as a correct record.

Matters Arising

APa informed the Committee that he spoke to the Company

bankers, Lloyds TSB about opening a sweep account and he
offered the advice that the opening of the sweep account should
be considered following the Board decision on formation of the
repairs internal services provider. The Committee will be
provided with further updates. APa

3. Internal Audit Update

SA from RBKC Internal Audit introduced the report and set out
the key findings of the internal audit works completed during
quarter two of 2012/13. During that period three audit reports
were issued for which satisfactory assurance was provided in all
three cases.

The internal audits carried out were Leasehold Service Charges

and Major Works Estimated and Final Accounts; Repairs; and
Server Infrastructure and Security Audit.

The Committee was informed that there were two recent

internal audits and they have both received substantial
assurance. The reports for these audits will be presented to the
next meeting

4. Corporate Risk Map

JS introduced the report and informed the Committee that there

has been no real change at the end of quarter 2. The Executive
Team and the Senior Management Team have also reviewed
the risk map.

There is work in progress on projects and initiatives and the

following risks have been considered:

i. RISK 1 The organisation is unable to respond to the

asset funding gap
Work is continuing with the council to consider the
options available.
ii. RISK 2 The organisation has no track record of
business diversification
The Board will make a decision on an option for the
repairs service at its January meeting which may
increase business diversification.

iii. RISK 3 The organisation is unable to set-up an

alternative repair option
The Board will make a decision on an option for the
repairs service at its January meeting.

iv. RISK 8 KCTMO will manage the process regarding

future housing options but is not in control of the
The Board has discussed the options and referred their
preferences to the Council.

The remaining four risks on the risk map relate to on-going

issues where the risk is currently unchanged.

The Committee noted the report.

6. AOB

IS asked if the Credit Union is looking into jam jar accounts.

APa explained that it is being considered, but it is likely to occur
in October 2014 and it is not an immediate target for the Credit

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