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Caleb Marin

English Period 1
4/29/17 Justification Paper

It is not easy being a good person in a world where most people are rude to each other;

however, there are ways, or rules, that would help everyone be nice to others if they follow them.

Through my learning about ethics I learned that there are many duties that, if followed, result in

someone being a good person. Based on my ten rules, natural duty is my theme because all of the

guidelines apply to everyone.

Do no harm. This rule is important because, if followed, everyone will be physically and

emotionally safe. As stated in a passage from Justice, Were not only sentient beings we are

also rational beings (Sandel 116-124). What the text is saying is that we are people who know

what its like to feel and understand, so that would explain why harming others and yourself with

our words and actions are not right. This rule relates to my theme because it is simple to not do

any harm to people and it applies to every living thing.

Be nice to everyone. This order is significant because being kind to others brightens their

day. As stated by Sandel, Natural duties are universal (223-225), which would make this rule

one that is open to everyone. This rule states that, no matter what, everyone should treat others in

a positive manner in order to become good people. If this rule is not followed, there would be an

unequal balance that results in the world being how it is now.

Respect others. The reason why this rule is crucial is because respect is well valued and

showing it to others makes one a good person. This rule would apply to everyone because, as

stated in an excerpt from Justice, They include the duty to treat persons with respect, to do

justice, to avoid cruelty, and so on (Sandel 223-225). What this quote is saying is that this rule

would be for anyone and everyone and it does not require consent because it is universal, this

would show how this rule is a natural duty.

Caleb Marin
English Period 1
4/29/17 Justification Paper

Lie only if it is to be nice, not to benefit you. This rule is beneficial because it makes

other people feel good about themselves, especially when they are self-conscious. This rule is

also related to the first rule, do no harm, because by lying, in a positive way, you are not doing

any harm to others. As stated in Justice, What matters is doing the right thing because its right,

not some ulterior motive (Sandel 116-124). This quote is saying that lying for the right reason is

better than lying to benefit you, doesnt matter on the person either.

Do not judge. The reason why this regulation is important is because someone who is

good doesnt judge others. This rule means that you would have to treat persons with respect, to

do justice, to avoid cruelty, and so on (Sandel (223-225) as stated in an excerpt from Justice. Do

not judge is the same as treating someone with respect, as you are not dispensing critical

emotions or attitude that would cause someone to feel bad about themselves. The following of

this order would be for people who you talk to and those you dont because it is universal and

applies to everyone, meaning it is not right to judge but it is okay to have an opinion.

Dont put yourself before others, be equal. The reason why this order is beneficial is

because everyone deserves an equal opportunity for everything. This rule is probably a rule that

must be followed when it comes to people you are close with, which would make it an obligation

of solidarity. This duty is only for particular people but it could also apply to anyone, which

could also be a natural duty. The quote, If we act out of some motive other that duty, such as

self-interest, for example, our action lacks moral worth (Sandel 116-124) is saying that if we

put ourself for our convenience we are not being good people.

Say please and thank you. This rule is necessary because it shows politeness towards

others and it does not have to be someone you know personally, it can be anyone. He insists that
Caleb Marin
English Period 1
4/29/17 Justification Paper

actions done only out of the motive of duty have moral worth (116-124), as written by Sandel.

What I believe Sandel is saying here is that only actions that you truly mean are actions that truly

matter, which is why following this rule with all and sundry would result in a moral action rather

than obeying it with particular others.

Do not talk back to people in a bad way. The reason why this rule is significant is

because it expresses well manners towards others. To be a good person, this rule applies to

everyone, people who you know well or dont. As stated previously, What matters is doing the

right thing because its right, not some ulterior motive (Sandel 116-124) also mean that treating

people right is superior to treating them poorly and making the situation worse. Internally

handling the bad situation and not responding makes you a good person because you didnt

inflict negative emotions towards the other person.

Do good things for yourself and others. This rule is crucial because it goes along with one

of my previous rule that talks about being equal. Everyone should always do good things for

themselves and others because it shows equality and compassion. What matters is doing the

right thing because its right, not some ulterior motive (Sandel 116-124). By doing good things

for everyone, including yourself, you are doing moral tasks that result in you becoming a

marvelous person.

Treat others like they treat you. The reason why this rule is necessary is because it would

be equal if you treated others the same way they treat you. Although, there is an exception, you

cannot treat them badly or else that would demean the idea of being a good person. They

include the duty to treat persons with respect, to do justice, to avoid cruelty, and so on (Sandel

223-225). This quote applies to this rule because it describes how natural duties, rules that apply
Caleb Marin
English Period 1
4/29/17 Justification Paper

to everyone, are to avoid cruelty, so by treating someone poorly instead of a positive way would

result in you not being a good person.

The way that I developed my list is by the natural duties. I created my list for people to

follow and be well mannered. I also asked my peers for what they thought were good rules to

follow, for my last three rules, and I combined some ideas together to create the best three rules

that some people think are important to follow. Some revisions that I had to make on my rules

are that I had to make some clearer because they were too vague and some were not about being

a good person but about being having a nice personality.

If I was to follow these rules my life would be much more pleasant because I would be

polite to others and being equal instead of putting them before myself and vice versa. If everyone

followed my ten rules the world would have much less drama and violence but will be full of

compassion, respect and equality instead. My rules are all about being equal to yourself and

others as well as being well behaved to everyone.

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