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Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753

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Dynamics of a composite Timoshenko beam with delamination

Emil Manoach a,b, , Jerzy Warminski a , Andrzej Mitura a , Sylwester Samborski a
Department of Applied Mechanics, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland
Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Soa, Bulgaria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this work dynamic behaviour of a composite beam having delamination is presented. The model of
Received 3 February 2012 delamination takes into account a contact interaction between sublaminates including normal forces,
Received in revised form 1 August 2012 shear forces and additional damping. Numerical calculations are performed in order to estimate the
Available online 30 August 2012
inuence of the new terms included into the model.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sublaminate interaction
Pulse loading
Numerical simulations

1. Introduction in experimental studies. In the work of Luo and Hanagud (2000)

the contact/separation phenomenon between sublaminates is con-
It is well known that delamination is one of the most impor- sidered by using a piecewise linear spring model. Wang and Tong
tant failure mechanisms in composite structures. Due to this reason (2002) extended this model by a nonlinear interpenetration model
considerable theoretical, numerical and experimental studies have of the sublaminates of vibrating beams. This well-known model
been performed to analyze the phenomena, which delamination does not consider the shear forces and friction between sublami-
provokes in the structures. Beams are the simplest structural ele- nates. More complex models are developed for dynamics of plates
ments and that is why they are attractive for performing a detailed with delamination where the sliding between the sublaminates is
theoretical study of the phenomena arising during the dynamic considered (see the works of Andrews and Massabo, 2008; Andrews
behaviour of composite structures having delamination. A detailed et al., 2009). To our knowledge the existing models of the dynamic
review of dynamics of beams with delamination could be found in behaviour of beams with delamination do not consider the addi-
the works of Luo and Hanagud (2000) and in the recently published tional shear forces and damping, which arise between sublaminates
article for free vibrations of beams with delamination (Qiao and in delaminated areas of beams. As referred in Zou et al. (2000)
Chen, 2012). Interesting analytical approaches for free vibration the increased damping is an important phenomenon in delami-
analysis of multiple delamination in composite EulerBernoulli nated structures and could be used for a delamination detection
beams have been proposed by Shu (1995) and Della and Shu (2007). but usually it is not considered in the theoretical models.
This approach has been extended and applied by Liu and Shu (2012) In the present work in progress a variation of the existing mod-
to study free vibrations of rotating Timoshenko beams with multi- els mentioned above is suggested. The proposed model considers
ple delamination. Wang et al. (1982) introduced the so-called free the interaction of sublaminates (contact/separation), takes into
model where sublaminates are free to vibrate, which results in account the shear forces between the layers and introduces an
interpenetration of the delaminated sublaminates. Then Mujumdar additional damping, caused by the friction between the sublam-
and Suryanarayan (1988) assumed that delaminated sublaminates inates. The correctness of the proposed model and the possibility
are constrained to have identical transverse displacements. This to describe adequately the dynamic behaviour of the beam with
model, or as it is called a constrained model excludes the pos- delamination is studied numerically for pulse loaded beams. The
sible opening vibration mode of sublaminates, which is observed inuence of the additional damping and the shear contact forces
(for beams with different thickness) on the response is shown.
It turned out that the contact shear force could have essential
Corresponding author at: Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, inuence on the response in the case of thick beams with delam-
1113 Soa, Bulgaria. ination. The additional damping could also affect considerably the
E-mail address: (E. Manoach). response.

0093-6413/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
48 E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753

z w2 w3
 S (x, t) = K S h2 2 h3 3
x x

+ K S [h3 3 h2 2 ] (4)

b where KN , KS , K N and K S are coefcients. Generally speaking, the

coefcients K N and K S are material characteristics and they are
connected with the coefcients of the dry friction of the material.
Section 2 Section 4 x Accepting again the proportional damping one can accept that they
Section 1 h2 are proportional to the stiffness of the material and the relation
z1 h
given by Eq. (2) for c1 and c2 is valid for K N and K S .
Section 3 h3
Here and everywhere below the subscripts 14 denote variables
x1 of the corresponding sections 14.
x2 The term considering normal forces is used by most of the exist-
l ing models of delamination. It was shown by Wang and Tong (2002)
that, following simple considerations, spring constant KN can be
Fig. 1. Geometry of the beam. x1 and x2 denote the beginning and the end of the approximated as:
delaminated area.
KN H(w2 w3 ), (5)
2. Basic equations h2 /E2 + h3 /E3

If one starts from the equilibrium equations written for each where by H(.) is denoted the Heaviside step function,
layer it is easy to obtain the equations: 
0 for 0
H() = (6)
Q (k) w(k) 2 w(k) 1 for > 0
+  (k)  (k1) c1 = (k) h(k) q(x, t)
x t t 2
Following the considerations similar to the ones applied
M (k) (k) (1)
+ Q (k) + hk  (k) h(k1)  (k1) c2 by these authors the following approximate formula for the
x t coefcients counting the shear forces inuence on the sublaminate
2 (k)
= (k) I (k) interactions could be accepted:
t 2

Here, the coordinate system is assumed to be located at the left KS b
G2 +
G3 H(w2 w3 ) (7)
edge of the beam (Fig. 1) and the axis x coincides with the mid- h h
axis of the beam, axis z is in the direction of the beams transversal
The meaning of Eqs. (3)(7) is that the contact phenomenon is
displacement (see Fig. 1), k denotes the number of layers.
modelled by considering each contacting sublaminate acting as a
In Eq. (1) the normal and shear forces (per unit length) arising
two parametric elastic foundation (with spring constants KN and
at the upper and lower surface of the layers are denoted by  and
KS ) on which the other contacting sublaminate is resting. However,
, c1 and c2 are damping coefcients. In this work a proportional
the possibility of separation (opening of the delaminated area) and
damping of the beam is accepted in sense
friction between delaminated layers is taken into account.
 l  Following the arguments of Mujumdar and Suryanarayan
h2 2
c1 1 + c2 w12 dx = 21 1 (2) (1988), sections 2 and 3 are assumed to be subjected to an equal
axial force of the opposite sign P
where 1 is the rst natural frequency of the beam and  1 is a
damping parameter determined from the orthogonality condition
x x x2 x1

1 h
2 1
P = + [ 1 (x1 ) 4 (x2 )]
of the normal modes. In Eq. (1) (k) is the density of the correspond- E2 F2 E3 F3 2
ing layer, M(k) and Q(k) are the bending moment and the shear force
of the layer with thickness h(k) , w(k) is the deections, (k) is the  x2  2  x2  2
1 w2 1 w3
angular rotation of the cross-section, I(k) is the inertia moment and dx + dx (8)
2 x 2 x
q is the external load. x1 x1
Following the approach of most authors suggesting models for
delamination, the considered beam was conditionally considered which in fact takes into account the inuence of the longitudinal
to consist of four sections (Fig. 1). Section 1 and section 4 are with- displacements due to the sliding between the sublaminates.
out defects. The cross-section between these two parts contains Following the above considerations the equations for sections
a delamination. Sections 2 and 3 denote the parts of the beam 14 can be written in the form:
cross-section divided by the delamination.  
2 i 2 i i wi
The traditional form of the Timoshenko beam equations will be i Ii 2
= Ei Ii c2i kGi Fi i
t x2 t x
used and the elastic properties of the corresponding sections will be  
considered as effective properties of the composite beams. How to
+(1)i K S  (h2 w2 h3 w3 ) (h2 2 h3 3)
obtain the effective properties of the composite Timoshenko beam x
could be seen, for example, in Reddy (2003). (1)i K S (h2 2 h3 3 ),
For sections 2 and 3 we assume that normal and shear forces i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (9)
act when these two sections are in contact. An additional damp- 2 wi 2 wi i wi
ing due to delamination, which is experimentally observed, is also i Fi = kGi Fi c1i
t 2 x2 x t
included by adding velocity dependent terms in the expressions for
2 wi
the contact forces: +(1)i P + (1)i K N (w2 w3 )
i N
 N (x, t) = K N (w2 w3 ) + K N (w2 w3 ) (3) +(1) K (w2 w3 ) q(x, t)
E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753 49

A numerical approach is used to solve these equations. The fol-

lowing dimensionless variables are introduced for the numerical
w x tc E
w = , x = , t = , c2 = (13)
l l l 
The governing Eq. (9), the boundary conditions (11) and the
continuity conditions (12) are discretized along x by the nite dif-
ference (FD) method using the central difference formulas with
order O(s2 ) (s is the discretization step):
(j) (j) (j) (j) (j) (j) (j)
2 wi wi+1 2wi + wi1 2 i(j) i+1
2 i
+ i1
= , =
x2 s2 x2 s2
(j) (j) (j)
i i+1
= , etc.
x 2s
In the applied notation the upper index in brackets denotes a
number of the beam sections.
A doubled numeration of the nodes in sections 2 and 3 is
introduced as well.
If section 1 is discretized by N1 nodes, section 2 and 3 are
discretized by N2 nodes (they coincide) and section 4 by
N4 nodes, then the total number of the second order ordinary
differential equations (ODE) obtained after the discretization is
N = N1 + N4 + 2N2 . By a simple substitution they are transformed in
4N rst order ODE with respect to the variables y = { , , w, w} ,
Fig. 2. Photo and a scheme of the experimental setup. l = 0.237 m, xq = 0.168 m,
y = [A]y + q (15)
xs = 0.117 m. 1 sensor; 2 modal hammer.
Eq. (15) is solved numerically by using the so-called Gears method
Parameter  is introduced to take into account the fact that (see Gear, 1971). An iteration procedure is used to recalculate the
for section 1 and 4 the terms containing K N , K S , K N , K S and reaction forces in the sublaminates when a contact interaction
P disappear, i.e.: arises.

1 for i = 2 and 3 3. Results and discussion
0 for i = 1 and 4
Numbers of numerical calculations are performed in order to
In (9) we take:
check the applicability of the model to describe the delamination
 and the concomitant phenomena and to study the inuence of the
(h/2) z3 z13 ((h/2))
Fi = bhi , I2 = b 1 , I3 = b , model parameters.
3 3 3 3
First of all the numerical model was veried. A comparison of
h h the response of a simple Timoshenko beam (without delamination)
h2 = z1 , h3 = z1 (10)
2 2 subjected to a harmonic loading (frequency of excitation equal to
the half of the rst natural frequency of the healthy beam) by the
and k is the shear correction factor which is accepted k = 5/6.
numerical scheme and the created computer code were compared
Eq. (9) is solved at the following boundary conditions
with the results for the same cases obtained by the commercial
(clampedclamped beam):
software package MSC NASTRAN. A case without damping was
w1 (0, t) = 0, 1 (0, t) = 0, w4 (l, t) = 0, 4 (l, t) = 0, (11) considered. The results coincided.

and the continuity conditions:

w1 (x1 , t) = w2 (x1 , t), w1 (x1 , t) = w3 (x1 , t), 1 (x1 , t) = 2 (x1 , t), 1 (x1 , t) = 3 (x1 , t)

1 (x1 , t) 2 (x1 , t) 3 (x1 , t) h

E1 I1 = E2 I2 + E3 I3 P x
x x x 2 x = x1
w1 (x1 , t) w2 (x1 , t) w3 (x1 , t)
G1 F1 1 (x1 , t) = G2 F2 2 (x1 , t) + G3 F3 3 (x1 , t)
x x x
w4 (x2 , t) = w2 (x2 , t), w4 (x2 , t) = w3 (x2 , t), 4 (x2 , t) = 2 (x2 , t), 4 (x2 , t) = 3 (x2 , t)

4 (x2 , t) 2 (x2 , t) 3 (x2 , t) h

E4 I4 = E2 I2 + E3 I3 +P
x x x 2 x = x2
w4 (x2 , t) w2 (x2 , t) w3 (x2 , t)
G4 F4 4 (x2 , t) = G2 F2 2 (x2 , t) + G3 F3 3 (x2 , t)
x x x

Eqs. (8)(12) form a strong nonlinear system due to the contact

interaction between the sublaminates and the presence of force P,
which is related to the sliding between sublaminates.
50 E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753

As far as the damping of the material and the additional damping 70

due to delamination which we have introduced in the model is
essential to this study an experimental test has been performed on 6.0E-005 40

Force, N
vibration of a composite beam. A composite beam made of Kevlar 30
fabrics has been taken under the study. 20
The experimental setup consisted of a heavy frame, at which a 2 10
4.0E-005 0
composite beam was mounted. The beam was xed at both ends. -10
An accelerometer (PCB 352B10) was glued at the centre of the beam 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014
to measure its response (acceleration). Then, a pulse of force was time, sec.

imposed into the selected point of the beam by a modal hammer 2.0E-005
(PCB 086C01). The place of a force pulse is pointed by coordinate
xq shown in Fig. 2b. For data acquisition an inputoutput device

w, m
LMS Scadas Mobile and a software Text.Xpress were applied. A 0.0E+000
top view photo and schematic model of the experimental set-up
are shown in Fig. 2a and b.
The tested Kevlar beam consists of 24 layers. It has the following
geometrical dimensions l = 0.237 m, h = 0.00585 m and b = 0.0254 m.
The Youngs modulus and material density were measured as
E = 30507 MPa and  = 1370 kg/m3 , correspondingly. The Poissons 3
ratio was accepted as = 0.35.
The beam was subjected to a short pulse by the modal hammer
and then the applied force and the acceleration of the response
were recorded. -6.0E-005
0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Then, the same geometrical and mechanical properties were
used for the numerical studies. The beam was discretized by 139 time, sec
nodes (N = 139). The same beam was considered to have a delam-
Fig. 3. Response of the beam subjected to a triangular pulse loading. 1 experi-
ination with a length of 0.04 m located between 5 and 6 layers mental measurement (blue colour), 2 beam without delamination, 3 beam with
(z1 = 0.00171 m) and at the central part of the beam along its length delamination (red colour). (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure
(29 nodes between nodes 55 and 84). In the case of a beam with legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
delamination the total number of nodes was 168. The impact of the
hammer was modelled as a triangular pulse with duration 0.0042 s takes into account the additional damping due to the sublaminates
and amplitude 69 N distributed at nodes 98, 99 and 100 following friction c1 , is accepted to be the same as the dimensionless damping
the rule: due to material, i.e. c1 = 0.00436 Computations were performed
also considering damping coefcients between the sublaminates
2p t/t for t t0 /2
0 0 to be two times bigger, i.e. c1 = 0.00872.
p(x, t) = 2p0 t(1 t/t0 ) for t0 /2 < t t0 . The results are shown in Fig. 4.

As can be seen the inuence of the additional damping due to
0 for t > t0 the sublaminates interaction is essential for the beam responses. In

In Fig. 3 the responses of the beam obtained experimentally and

numerically are shown. The recorded value of the force during the 0.0002
impact with the hammer is included in the right corner of the gure.
The transition part of the responses during the impact was omitted.
As it can be seen the results obtained numerically and exper-
imentally for a beam without delamination are very close. These 0.0001
results conrm the applicability of the numerical model. Because
a production of beams with delamination at the present state was
not possible therefore only numerical study was performed for this
case. The results obtained numerically for beams with a delamina-

tion are close to the ones for healthy beam and they correspond 0
to the physical phenomenon observed in the engineering prac-
tise physical phenomenon. The response of the beam shows that
the deection due to delamination has larger amplitudes than the
healthy beam. This is in a correspondence with the previous results
obtained by other authors (see for example the paper of Wang
and Tong, 2002; Manoach et al., 2012). The results obtained by the
numerical and experimental methods are very close to each other.
The damping in the vibration of the real beam is obviously a bit
higher than the one introduced in the model. -0.0002
In numerical calculations for a beam with delamination the coef- 100 200 300 400 500
cient counting for normal and shear forces between sublaminates dimensionless time
are taken into account and their values are KN = 2.65 1011 N and
KS = 2.87 108 N/m. Fig. 4. The response of the beam centre subjected to a triangular pulse loading with
different values of damping due to the friction between sublaminates. Black colour
For the same beam, having the same delamination, the inuence
c1 = 0.0; blue colour (dashed line) c1 = 0.00436, red colour c1 = 0.00872. (For
of the additional damping due to the friction between the sublam- interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred
inates was studied. The dimensionless damping coefcient which to the web version of the article.)
E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753 51

1.2E-006 0.0002

8E-007 0

4E-007 -0.0002

140 150 160 170 0 100 200 300 400 500
dimensionless time dimensionless time
Fig. 5. The difference between the deections from section 2 and section 3 in the
Fig. 6. Timehistory of the centre of delamination at the beam with h = 0.00585. Side
centre of delamination (w69 w98 ) in time.
delamination. Blue colour KS = 0; red colour KS = 2.87.108 N/m. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of the article.)
spite of the fact that the additional damping appears only in a small
part of the beam and only for the periods when the sublaminates are
in contact the responses which consider this additional damping The responses of the thicker beam having delamination located
decrease much faster (Fig. 4). These results conrm the statements at the left part of the beam xd (0.03435 m, 0.0824 m), i.e. between
of the authors of the work of Zou et al. (2000) that the damping is nodes 21 and 49 for section 2 and 5078 for section 3 are
generally far more sensitive to delamination than stiffness is. shown in Fig. 8. Along the beam thickness the delamination is at
The contact interaction/separation in the centre of the delam- z1 = 0.00342 m.
inated area presented in Fig. 5. The differences between the The considered shear forces between the sublaminates during
deections in Nodes 6998 (the place where the sensor was located their interaction have an essential inuence on the response of the
xs ) having the same x coordinate but belonging to section 2 and structure. These forces changed not only the amplitude of the vibra-
3 correspondingly are shown here. As can be seen the differences tion but the period of vibration, as well. The inuence of the shear
between the deections during the opening mode of vibration are forces for a thicker beam (h = 0.034 m) is even larger (the obtained
very small. results are not shown here).
The next step for checking the model developed here was to The deections along the beam length at a selected moment of
study the inuence of the shear forces between the sublaminates time are shown in Fig. 9. The difference between the model consid-
which the present model takes into account. ering shear forces between sublaminates and the one which takes
As can be expected for the delamination in the centre of the into account the normal forces during sublaminate interaction is
beam the inuence of the shear force terms are negligible, as far very essential. The reason for such a big difference is also the fact
as the angular rotation is zero in the centre (for symmetrically that the period of vibrations of the beams described by the dif-
loaded beam) or it is very small. The numerical simulation con- ferent models is different as can be seen in Fig. 8. At the small
rmed these expectations. It is reasonable to expect, also that the
inuence of the terms considering the shear forces between the
sublaminates will increase with the increasing of the beam thick- 0.0001
ness. Taking into account these considerations the next numerical
examples were performed for a beam having delamination with the
same length but located at the left part at the beam. For the beam 8E-005
with the same thickness the delamination was considered again
dimensionless amplitude

to be at z1 = 0.00171 m but between nodes 21 and 49 (for section

2) and 5078 (for section 3). In Fig. 6 is shown the timehistory 6E-005
diagram of the thicker beam at the centre of delamination in the
case of delamination in the central part of the beam along the beam 2
length. The inuence of the shear forces arising during the contact
4E-005 3
of the sublaminates on the response is not very essential for this
relation of h/l. It turned out, however, that in the case of a side
delamination the second mode of vibration is also involved in the
response but not only the rst and third modes as it is in the case 2E-005
of the central delamination. This is clearly seen in Fig. 7 where the 1
Fourier transforms of the responses are plotted. A small decrease
in the rst frequency due to the delamination can be observed. 0
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
Then a beam with the same length but having 3 times bigger
thickness (h = 0.0171 m) was considered. dimensionless frequencies
The location of the pulse remained unchanged but the pulse
Fig. 7. Discrete Fourier transform of the responses of the beam (h/l = 0.00247). 1
duration was assumed to be a little smaller t0 = 0.0033 s and the
Black line healthy beam, 2 blue line a beam with delamination in the middle, 3
pulse amplitude was 3 times bigger than the one used in the pre- red line beam with a side delamination. (For interpretation of the references to
vious case. color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.)
52 E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753

6E-005 3E-007
1 2




-3E-005 1E-007

200 300 400 500
dimensionless time 230 240 250 260 270
Fig. 8. Timehistory diagram of the centre of delamination for a thick beam dimensionless time
(h/l = 0.072). Side delamination. 1 (black colour) KS = 0; 2 (red colour)
KS = 2.87.108 N/m. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, Fig. 10. The difference between the deections from section 2 and section 3 in the
the reader is referred to the web version of the article.) centre of the delamination (w35 w64 ) in time. Side delamination of a thicker beam
(h/l = 0.072).

gure inserted into the main gure the deections of the part of
4. Conclusions
the beam with the delamination is enhanced. In this gure the
opening mode of the sublaminates described by the present model
This paper presents a model of dynamic behaviour of
can be seen.
composite beams having delamination. The model considers con-
The differences between the displacements of the nodes at
tact/separation of the sublaminates during a forced response. The
the centre of the delamination having the same x coordinate but
contact interaction is based on a model of two parametric elas-
belonging to two different sections (section 2 and section 3) for a
tic foundations thus it considers the normal and shear forces
short period of time can be seen clearly in Fig. 10.
arising during the contact between the sublaminates. An addi-
tional damping due to the friction between delaminated parts of
the beam is also introduced in the model. A numerical approach
based on the nite difference method and the Gears method
is applied and a computer programme is created in order to
solve the nonlinear equations describing the dynamic behaviour
of the beam. The obtained numerical results for a forced response
-5E-005 of the beam with delamination conrm the applicability of the
model and the applied numerical method to describe the arising
phenomena due to delamination. It is shown that the additional
0 damping due to the contact interaction between the sublaminates
-8E-005 introduced in the present model of delamination leads to increas-
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 ing the damping of the total response of the beam. The inuence
of the shear forces arising during the contact between sublami-
-2E-005 nates increases with the increase of the thickness of the beam.
The inuence of the location of the delamination on the beam
response is also demonstrated. In the near future experimental tests
of delaminated beams made of different composite materials will

be carried out in the Department of Applied Mechanics Laboratory
1 of Lublin University of Technology to identify precisely the model
parameters and validate the coefcients of the new theoretical
-6E-005 model.

1 24 47 70 93 116 139 The research leading to these results has received funding from
Node numbers the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-
2013), FP7-REGPOT-2009-1, under grant agreement no.: 245479.
Fig. 9. Deections of the beam along its length at the moment t = 190.66. 1 KS = 0. The support by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Edu-
2 KS = 2.87.108 N/m. 1 Delamination model considering normal force only; 2 cation Grant No. 1471-1/7.PR UE/2010/7 is acknowledged by
delamination model considering normal and shear forces between sublaminates the second, third and fourth author. The rst author would like to
(present model). Black colour (solid line) deections at section 2; red colour
(dashed line) deection at section 3. (For interpretation of the references to color
acknowledge the partial support received through Bulgarian NSF
in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.) Grant DCVP 02/1.
E. Manoach et al. / Mechanics Research Communications 46 (2012) 4753 53

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