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Merokok dan mengunyah tembakau dapat menginduksi stress oksidatif dan

dihubungkan dengan penurunan kadar antioksidan, askorbat dan karotenoid.20
Merokok menyebabkan penumpukan molekul berpigmen 3 hydroxykhynurinine
dan chromophores, yang menyebabkan terjadinya penguningan warna lensa.
Sianat dalam rokok juga menyebabkan terjadinya karbamilasi dan denaturasi

Smoking. In the AREDS population, current smokers had a significantly higher risk of
cortical cataract and former smokers had a higher risk of cataract surgery compared with
those who had never smoked. These findings agree with many large cross-sectional and
prospective studies. It has even been shown that there is a dose-response relationship and
that smoking cessation can decrease the risk of cataract. Overall, smoking is one of the most
consistently noted modifiable risk factors for cataract progression.

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