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Glossary Unit # : 5(access)

1)Database Represent objects which are used to organize

data and manipulate it. The data could be
tables, queries, etc.
2) Relational Database A set of tables containing data with
predefined categories
3) Query Collects data from multiple tables, which
than serves as the main source for a form or
4) Field Makes the source for a data page
5) Tables Stores data in records and fields ( rows and
6) Forms you place controls for entering, displaying,
and editing data in fields
7) Reports An access object which you can print
containing information that is organized
according to your design and specifications
8) Data vs. Info Data: Facts which are not organized and need
to be processed. It is useless until it is

Information: when data is processed and

organized, it is usefull
9) Qualitative data Data which is given in words, text,
paragraphs, etc.
10)Quantitative data Data which is given in numbers
11) Microsoft Access A database management system

12) Primary Key One or more fields which identify each record
in a table. It is used to relate a table to
foreign keys in other tables

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