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Burnet Hill Elementary

Burnet Hill School Guide

Welcome to the Burnet Hill School Community! This handbook is designed to inform and
help you familiarize yourself with Burnet Hill School. Please keep this guide at your
fingertips as a handy reference to answer the many questions you may have. Feel free to
call us any time you need more information-we are here to help!



Our school mascot Bobcat

Our school motto Be a Burnet Hill Hero
Our school colors Blue and gold
Our grades Pre-K to 5th Grade


1. School Hours:

Academic Day Begins 8:05 a.m. An early arrival aide is available to supervise children beginning at
7:35 a.m. for those attending morning activities. Children enter the building and report to the
cafeteria; therefore, it is a good idea to arrive at least 5 minutes early to allow your child to line up.
Please allow for extra time in the morning because of traffic during inclement weather.
Dismissal Time 2:40 p.m. Children are dismissed through the front door and the blacktop doors.
Kindergarten children are released a few minutes early through their own doors to avoid the big kid
o Kindergarten kids and first graders must be released to an adult.
the teacher to inform him/her who is picking up your child. This information must be in
o Grades K-2 will dismiss from the doors in the back on the blacktop.
o Grades 3-5 will dismiss through the front doors of the school.
Delayed Opening 10:05 You will be informed by phone, an automated message or email, if this
occurs. Buses run on the same schedule, only 2 hours later. Line-up occurs the same as above.
Early Dismissal 12:15 Please consult your calendar for these dates. Dismissal procedures are the
same as above. Students cannot be called to the office for dismissal after 12:05.
Emergency Closing 12:15 You will be informed by phone, an automated message or email, if this
occurs. In addition, information will be posted on the Livingston website
Dismissal procedures are the same and yes, the buses will run.

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2. Driving & Parking at School:
Drive slowly!! The speed limit around the school is 25 mph. The speed limit on school
grounds is 5 mph.
When dropping off in the morning, cars are permitted in the front parking lot to drop off only.
When dropping off in the morning or picking up in the afternoon, cars can be parked on Ridge
Road or on Byron Place. Please note that parking is only permitted on one side of the street.
The drop off zone in the front of the school is for children that can exit the car quickly,
independently, and on the passenger side of the car only. If your child requires any assistance
during the morning drop-off, please park in the front parking lot and feel free to assist your
Children should only enter or exit on the passenger side of the car - use the curb side only.
Children should never walk in between or behind cars in the parking lot or drop off line.
Students should never be dropped off in the Staff Parking Lot. This is extremely dangerous.
Please observe the traffic rules for the safety of our children. Any violations of traffic safety
rules may be subject to ticketing by the Livingston Police Departments.
When visiting the school during the day, cars may not be parked in the Staff Parking Lot or
Front Parking Lot. Please park on Byron Place or in the visitors spots located at the entrance
of the school driveway on Byron Place.
If your car is parked on Ridge Road or Byron Place at dismissal, please note that K-turns are
not permitted.

3. How to Contact the School and Faculty

The district phone number is 973-535-8000 To reach the Burnet Hill office or principal, dial
Burnet Hill office hours are 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
You may also email the person you wish to contact: all district employees have a email - it is the persons first initial and the last name For
example, Mary Smith would be

4. Chain of Command
Developing communication between all members of this learning community is also critical.
Please remember to follow the proper chain of communication by always contacting the teacher
first. Questions for teachers should go directly to the teachers, where most answers will be found.
Once the communication between a parent and a teacher has happened, if further clarification is
needed, please feel free to contact the principal by e-mail or by phone at 973-535-8000, extension

5. If your child is sick or going to be late..

Please call the Call for Safety phone number by 8 a.m. to report your childs absence or
tardiness. The number is 973-535-8000, extension 7100. After 8:05, all children must be walked
into the main office by an adult and signed in. Please refer to the attendance policy in the Code of
Conduct for further clarification. If your child will be picked up early, please provide a note in the
morning and pick them up in the office. You will be asked to sign them out.

6. Visiting School
All entrance doors in our school are locked after the children enter.
Please push the buzzer outside the main entrance and you will be buzzed in after identifying
yourself and giving the reason for your visit.
Upon entering, you are required to go to the main office, immediately on your left, sign in and
obtain a visitors pass.

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After you have completed your business, please sign out and exit the building --- do not let
anyone in behind you for security reasons.

7. Snacks and Drinks

Children in grades K-4 are given time for a brought from home. We encourage using
recyclable bags/containers. Please send healthy snacks with your child.

8. Birthday Invitations
In order to avoid hurt feelings, invitations to birthday parties may be given out at school only if all
members of the class are included.

9. Birthday celebrations at school

Please discuss with your childs homeroom teacher possible opportunities to honor your child.

10. Lunch Program

See lunch program information in this email.

11. Homework Policy for Absences

Absence due to sickness:
o First day of absence - NO HOMEWORK sent home
o Second day of absence homework sent home upon parent request
Absence due to surgery sent home as soon as possible
Absence due to vacation:
o NO HOMEWORK sent prior to vacation
o Teacher recommendation: bring books to read and write daily
Holidays/Breaks No homework


We communicate through email and our websites or Please be sure to check our website regularly for updates.


Remember, it is the schools and the HSAs responsibility to disseminate information, but it is every
parents responsibility to seek out information. Stay informed!

1. Summer Mailing/Emails/Important Information

You will receive information from the Board Office during the summer, both in the mail and
via email, which will include the Code of Conduct and other important forms.
Additional information will be sent home with your child on the first day of school.
Please review all of this information as soon as you receive it and feel free to call with any

2. Buzz Book
A Buzz Book form is located on the Burnet Hill HSA website.
The Buzz Book is our school phone directory. It is also a quick reference for a lot of

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information. It contains school hours, school phone numbers, the school calendar, HSA
committee chairperson information, and a faculty/staff list.
In order for your child to be listed, you must complete the form on line.
Being included in the Buzz Book is not mandatory, but is highly recommended for inclusion in
birthday parties, making play dates and just for making new friends!
The Buzz Book is only for Burnet Hill Learning Community use and is not distributed outside
of our school for any purpose.

3. School Flyers
Flyers will be posted on the Burnet Hill HSA website and on the bulletin board
at the blacktop/kindergarten pick-up area.

4. School Website
Information will be posted on our website, Additional
information is available at the district website, Various flyers and forms are
available for download on these sites.


These activities are school functions.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

1. Back to School Night

This evening is designed to familiarize yourself with our school and with your childs
It is not designed to address specific concerns or questions about your child. Feel free to make
an appointment with your childs teacher for a discussion of this nature.
Plan to leave your child at home as this evening is for adults only.

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher conferences are held twice per year-consult your calendar; these will be early
dismissal days.
Your teacher will send home a notice to set up a convenient time for your conference.
Conferences usually last 15 minutes-it is helpful to come prepared with a short list of
questions or concerns.
You can, of course, set up a conference with your childs teacher any time you feel it is
necessary. Communication is vital to your childs success!

3. Picture Day
Individual and class pictures are taken in the fall.
These pictures are also used for our yearbook.
Look for a form to come home in your childs backpack.
Direct all questions to the school office.

4. Writers Celebration
Each class celebrates writing at the end of each and every unit. Families are invited to
participate in a whole writing celebration in the late spring. This will give you a chance to see
our writing process in action. It is one of the most exciting events of your childs year.

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5. Halloween Parade
You will be invited to school on Halloween to watch the Halloween Parade.
Your child will be given time to change into costume with school personnel.
Children are not required to participate in the parade. If you do not wish your child to
participate, we will have an alternate activity planned. Prior to the parade, your teacher will
ask your preference.
The children will walk around a designated area of the building two times which gives you an
ample opportunity to take pictures. Please allow yourselves extra time to get to school.
Parking becomes very difficult!

6. Report Cards
Report cards are issued twice per year for Kindergarten and three times per year for 1st through
5th grade. The report cards are available on line through the student portal. On the day that report
cards are available, you will receive an email from the district to indicate that you can log on to
view your child's report card. If you have any difficulty locating your child's report card, please
contact our main office at 973-535-8000 x 6920.

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What is the HSA?

The Home & School Association is an organization comprised of parents, faculty and administration.
Information can be found on the website

Together we share ideas, solve problems and provide many extras for our children that are
not provided by the districts budget.
These extras cost money, so fundraisers are held during the school year so that we may
continue to offer our children outstanding programs and opportunities.
Please also be aware that the HSA does not accept cash; all payments should be made by check
payable to Burnet Hill School HSA with the reason for the check written on the memo line.
1. Parent Volunteers
We rely on parent volunteers and encourage every parent to become active in the HSA.
Not only will you be more informed about your childs education, but by becoming part of the
process, you show your child that you value his/her education.
There is a job for everyone! Look for the HSA Interest Sheet on line, which lists all of the
As new parents, we encourage you to volunteer. Once you get a chance to work with our
committees, we hope that you will continue to volunteer in future years to be a committee
Many of the activities would not be able to occur without your help.
2. Monthly HSA Meetings
We encourage you to come to our HSA meetings, which are usually held on the second
Tuesday of each month in our Media Center, beginning in October and ending in May. Check
the calendar each month for meeting dates/times.
It is a wonderful way for you to become informed about the events that are occurring in our
school community and meet other Burnet Hill Elementary School parents.
The principal will be discussing important district curricular topics at each meeting.


Many activities are run by the HSA. Please consult your Buzz Book or flyers for chairperson contact
information if you should have any questions.

Please familiarize yourselves with all of the information which will be found on the HSA website

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