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Grade 4 Social Studies

May - June
Essential Framing Question
Big Idea:
Big Idea: Uncovering the past....shaping the future.
Has early societies impacted the way we live today?
Overall Curriculum Expectations
A1. Application: compare key aspects of life in a few early societies (3000 BCE1500 CE), each from a different region and era
and representing a different culture, and describe some key similarities and differences between these early societies and
present-day Canadian society (FOCUS ON: Continuity and Change; Perspective)

A2. Inquiry: use the social studies inquiry process to investigate ways of life and relationships with the environment in two of
more early societies (3000 BCE1500 CE), with an emphasis on aspects of the interrelationship between the environment and life
in those societies (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships)

A3. Understanding Context: demonstrate an understanding of key aspects of a few early societies (3000 BCE1500 CE), each from
a different region and era and representing a different culture, with reference to their political and social organization, daily life,
and relationships with the environment and with each other (FOCUS ON: Significance)

Summative Task: Critical Challenge- Demonstration of Learning

As an archeologist, you have uncovered a scrapbook that depicts the key aspects of daily life of early societies.
Design to spec: Students will design and create a scrapbook that demonstrates the key aspects of daily life in early
societies and will compare them to each other and to present day.(knowledge and application, communication-
product). Students will identify the most significant differences and similarities and through a flipbook insert, will
determine the interrelationships between the societies and their environment (thinking- conversation/observation
and product).

Ancient Civilization(China, Egypt, Greece, India, Myan,(Medieval (Europe) (Today)

2 early societies- Different region and era
Lesson Challenge 1 Lesson Challenge 2 Lesson Challenge 3
S.E. Addressed: S.E. Addressed: A1.1
Read: Question: How are societies S.E. Addressed: 3.10
Have students create a list of questions they have socially organized?
based on (in inquiry journals/small) Question: Why were there
Task: Perform to spec: Students will create significant differences
Question: How did early societies rely on natural a tableaux that effectively demonstrates between beliefs and values in
resources and location to meet their needs? the different roles of the social hierarchy of various early civilizations?
the society. They will create a
Task: Deconstruct a variety of maps to determine caption that describes the most significant Task: Compare a myth or legend
the resources found in a location and infer how differences/ changes between different of one civilization to a myth or
early societies used their resources to meet their societies and present day. Students will legend of another.
needs. gather information from a variety of Using a two paneled poster,
sources of how societies are illustrate the belief being depicted
*Draw a map structured in the myth/legend
and create a caption that
Wanted Poster explains the belief/value.
*Picture that represents conflict

Lesson Challenge: Lesson Challenge: Lesson Challenge:

S.E. Addressed: S.E. Addressed: A1.3
Question: How did early societies rely on their Question: How do the daily lives of S.E. Addressed: 3.9
location to meet their needs? children differ from society to another? Question: Why did groups have
Task: Analyse a variety of texts pertaining to Task: Judge better or best: Students will
landforms processes and events in order to investigate the daily lives of young people Task: Design to spec: Students
determine locations of early societies. through pen pal letters and will) and will will create three effective
decide which society would be most ideal interview questions that you
Design to Spec: Create a convincing PSA/poster for their family. would ask individuals who
that demonstrates a call to action that protects a were part of the conflict.
natural resources used by a society. Students will compare the differences and Students will gather
similarities between different early information of the different
societies with a partner life (e.g. perspectives of the individuals
recreation, education, family life, who were part of the conflict
responsibility, etc and infer why they were part
of it.

Lesson Challenge:
S.E. Addressed:
Question: What significant challenges are created
by natural occurrences ( floods, volcanoes, etc)?
Task: Design to spec: Create a caption for a
given photograph that effectively describes the
impacts of the natural process on the land used
by an early society.
*Picture and caption

Lesson Challenge:
S.E. Addressed:
Question: How has technological innovations
affected early societies?

Task: Design to spec: Students will read articles

about different technological innovations. Create
a timeline that demonstrates the change in
technological developments over time in a
*One technological innovation- how its changed
through time

Resources Key Vocabulary

BCE: Before Common Era
CE: Common Era
ME: Modern Era

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