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Culture and Climate Committee Minutes

September 15, 2016

In attendance: E. Gomez, E. Espino, C. Delia, M. DeBonis, S.

Edelberg, M. Cohen, N. George, S. Sanzari, J. Lehmann, S. Chinni, E.
Barnes, J. Byrne

Bobcat Paw Campaign

-school wide incentive for positive behavior, including PRIDE and
- paws will be cut up, every staff member would have one
-whenever students are demonstrating these behaviors, they get a
bobcat paw
-personalize yours- put name on front
-container in each homeroom
-every Friday- a student brings down their container and will put
them in grade level bin- different staff numbers pick one, that
student gets a prize
-make announcement of winners at the end of the day
-two reward menus

-we keep all the tickets every week.then they are all mixed
-monthly winner gets the big prize- teacher gets a prize as well

We need to come up with PAW prizes- example, free HW pass?

Teachers do informal survey of what the students would like to earn

Students learn what the expectations are

BH Heroes know their ABC's
Always Be
-Student council or older students model situations at community
-October community meeting will be the launch

-Melissa Cohen offered to come up with a song incorporating the

rules and anything we want to target

Plan of action/next steps

-Erika will survey the teachers
-Teachers survey their classes about prizes- teachers email Erika a list
-Melissa Cohen will come up with a song
-any ideas for cheap purchases?
-come up with skits and situations for older students to model

Next meeting date Tues Sept 27th at 2:45

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