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Design Checks for HVAC

A quality control framework (Second edition)

Revised by Kevin Pennycook

Supported by

BG 4/2007
Design considerations Design data Calculations Systems and equipment


This publication provides practical, easy to follow HVAC design guidance. It is presented in a format that can be readily
incorporated into company Quality Assurance (QA) systems and become part of the daily routine of design. It can be
used to demonstrate compliance with the relevant requirements of ISO 9001 and BS 7000 Part 4.

There are two major elements of the guidance. The design guidance sheets provide information and guidance on design
inputs, outputs and practical watchpoints for 62 key building services design topics, to aid the design process and reduce
errors. The design check sheets provide checks that can be used as part of the project quality assurance process to record
and demonstrate control of design inputs and outputs.

The guidance and check sheets are detailed and relevant to many design applications, although they cannot be fully
comprehensive or exclusive or cover every possible design scenario. Every design project is different and has differing
needs. It is the responsibility of the design engineer to consider fully all design requirements. In particular, the design
watchpoints are not an exhaustive list of all factors to be considered, so designers should exercise professional judgement
to decide which factors are relevant. Diagrams are included for illustrative purposes only and do not necessarily include
all required components.

Designers must be aware of their contractual obligations and ensure that these are met. Adherence to this guidance does
not preclude or imply compliance with those obligations. Similarly, it is the duty of the designer to ensure compliance
with all relevant legislation and regulations. This publication is also relevant to those responsible for the installation,
commissioning, operation and maintenance of building services.

This second edition of Design Checks for HVAC is up to date with the requirements of the latest building legislation,
standards and codes of practice current in January 2007. The guide also contains new design checks for whole life
costing and health and safety. Where possible, design topics have been cross-referenced to the relevant Common
Arrangement of Work Sections (CAWS).

It is hoped that design practices and individual designers will be encouraged to further share knowledge and experience
by extending and adding to the design watchpoints and disseminating this within their organisations. BSRIA would be
pleased to receive any such contributions for incorporation into any future revisions of this publication.


BSRIA BG 4/2007
Design considerations Design data Calculations Systems and equipment


Design considerations Systems and equipment

1 Design margins 12 30 Radiators 78

2 Future needs 14 31 Natural convectors 80
3 Plant space allowance 16 32 Radiant panels/radiant systems 82
4 Spatial co-ordination 18 33 Underfloor heating 84
5 Zoning 20 34 Perimeter fan Coils 86
6 Ventilation requirements 22 35 Overhead fan coils 88
7 Intake and discharge locations 24 36 Natural ventilation 90
8 Pressurised zones 26 37 Mixed mode ventilation systems 92
9 Sensor locations 28 38 Constant air volume air conditioning systems (CAV) 94
10 Commissioning piped systems 30 39 Displacement ventilation 96
11 Commissioning ducted systems 32 40 Chilled beams 98
12 Flushing and chemical cleaning 34 41 Chilled ceilings 100
13 Maintenance 36 42 Variable air volume systems (VAV) 102
14 Whole life costing 38 43 Variable refrigerant flow systems (VRF) 104
15 Health and safety 42 44 Toilet extract 106
45 Kitchen extract 108
46 Pipework 110
47 Ductwork 112
48 Diffusers 114
49 Pumps 116
50 Fans 118
51 Boilers 120
Design data 52 Air handling units (AHUs) 122
53 Humidifiers 124
16 Site location factors 46 54 Chillers 126
17 External design criteria 48 55 Cooling towers 128
18 Internal design criteria 50 56 Heat recovery systems 130
19 Occupancy 52 57 Heat pumps 132
20 Internal gains 54 58 Water side free cooling - direct 134
21 Infiltration 56 59 Water side free cooling - indirect 136
22 Fabric 58 60 Oil storage tanks 138
23 Glazing 60 61 HVAC control systems 140
24 Condensation 62 62 Building management systems (BMS) 142

Calculations Additional contents

25 Computer calculations 66 Common Arrangement of Work Sections references 145

26 Heat loss 68 Design checks Bibliography 146
27 Heat gain 70 References 154
28 Pump and pipe sizing 72 Alphabetical list of design checks 155
29 Fan and duct sizing 74


BSRIA BG 4/2007
Design considerations Design data Calculations Systems and equipment


Aim Intended users

The aim of Design Checks for HVAC is to improve the This guidance is intended for practising HVAC design engineers.
quality control and performance of the technical design Clients, PII providers and others involved in the design process
process within the building services industry by identifying and its outcomes are also potential users as they may request
best practice. This should reduce the risk of design errors compliance with this guidance or ask to see evidence that
and omissions, improve the overall efficiency of the design reasonable design quality assurance procedures are being followed.
process, and provide HVAC services that better meet the The guidance complements the CIBSE Guide B, Heating,
needs of the client. Ventilating, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, and the CIBSE
Concise Guide.
A comprehensive review of current building services design
practice and procedures was carried out in consultation with The check sheets and design inputs and outputs guidance are
the industry to identify best practice and current problems intended for use by all design engineers, whether to gather
and explore relevant design tools. The result includes: information and complete the sheets or to check or sign off as
completed. While the more detailed guidance in the design
A map of the HVAC building services design process watchpoints is obviously directly useful for junior engineers,
Design guidance sheets giving information and guidance experienced engineers will also find it useful when designing a
on design inputs, outputs and practical watchpoints for less-familiar system.
62 key design topics, to aid the design process and reduce
errors Companies may also use the guidance to support formal design
Design check sheets that can be included in project quality assurance procedures while the check sheets may be
quality assurance procedures. photocopied, they are also available, for purchase in electronic
format, thus enabling them to be customised for particular projects
These provide a formal framework to record and review and kept on specific project files. For further information visit
design inputs and encourage designers to consider the
requirements for installation, commissioning, operation and
control and subsequent maintenance of their selected Note that the design of HVAC systems involves working in a
systems at the design stage. design team with other disciplines. This involves interactive
efforts, co-ordination and project programming.
This should lead to improvements in both the design
process and in the subsequent implementation of that
design, and reduce the risk of problems occurring during
installation, commissioning or system operation.

This practical easy to follow guidance can be incorporated

into company quality assurance systems to become part of
the daily routine of design and can be used to demonstrate
compliance with the relevant requirements of ISO
1 2
9001:2000 and BS 7000 Part 4:1996 .

The guidance incorporates practical design watchpoints

based on feedback from many practising engineers and
others experienced in design. These vary from avoidance of
possible errors or misunderstandings that could be made by
inexperienced, junior engineers to very practical tips based
on experience of installation, commissioning, maintenance
and facilities management over many years. Use of the
design checks will allow these lessons to be passed on to
other engineers, particularly junior engineers, and future
projects. This can help improve design quality, reduce risk
and increase client confidence.


BSRIA BG 4/2007
Design considerations Design data Calculations Systems and equipment


Project title ........................................................................... Project No............................................... Design stage ....................

Engineer................................................................................... Revision No ............................................ Date .......................................

Checked by............................................................................ Approved by .......................................... Date........................................

Design outputs Notes / Design file cross-reference

Overall design margin strategy, including QA
procedures, and design reviews
Clear identification in the design file of any margins
used within design calculations, together with a
written justification for their use
Clear statement of operating limits of the design for

Key design checks Notes / Design file cross-reference

Agree margins policy with client as part of a value
engineering strategy
At the end of a calculation procedure review all
margins used to avoid possible double counting and
remove excess margins
At design review stage review again the
appropriateness of any design margins used
Assess system part load performance and review the
impact of the use of any margins on the system

Project specific checks and notes Notes / Design file cross-reference


BSRIA BG 4/2007
Design considerations Design data Calculations Systems and equipment


Why consider this? Design outputs

Consideration of design margins at design stage is essential for: Overall design margin strategy, including QA procedures
and design reviews
Avoidance of unnecessary oversizing of plant and systems Clear identification in the design file of any margins used
Good part load performance of plant and systems within design calculations, together with a written
Client future need requirements justification for their use
Equipment and system selection Clear statement of operating limits of the design for client
Plant space allowance
Avoidance of re-design and extension of programme Key design checks
Agree margins policy with client as part of a value
Design information engineering strategy
Client brief including future needs requirements and any At the end of a calculation procedure review all margins
specific requirements for system or plant duplication or used to avoid possible double counting and remove excess
critical systems margins
Details of building and space use to determine the level of At design review stage review again the appropriateness of
system reliability required any design margins used
Building construction details such as heavyweight or Assess system part load performance and review the impact
lightweight of the use of any margins on the system design

See also: Future needs


General watchpoints 11. To optimise part load performance consider installing two or three smaller
boilers instead of one larger boiler. Each will then run at full load more
1. Clearly identify and justify the use of all margins added during the design
frequently, increasing efficiency. This must be balanced against the increased
process in the design file.
2. Reduce the need for margins where possible. Provide the client with a
12. Margins added to pipework and ductwork distribution systems to account
clear statement of operating limits of the design to ensure client is aware
for future needs can result in low initial operating fluid velocities. For air
of, and satisfied with, the anticipated real performance of the system. Make
systems this can affect the performance of grilles and diffusers and make
explicit any risk of under-performance and get client agreement. Some
commissioning and system control difficult.
clients are now accepting designs where design conditions are exceeded by
an agreed amount, such as 1-2 C for short periods of time. 13. Where grilles and diffusers are selected on a greater air volume to allow
for future needs, they are likely to underperform, resulting in poor room
3. Clarify with the client the level of system reliability required. Critical
air distribution and possible occupant discomfort. The lower air volume
systems and services will require a different level of safety provided by
gives reduced face velocity and reduced throw.
redundancy, or installed plant margins, to non-critical ones.
14. Check that suitable controls have been provided to cope with the margins
4. At the end of a calculation procedure review all margins used to avoid
applied. In ductwork systems low air velocities due to oversizing may make
possible double counting and remove excess margins.
air sensing and subsequent control difficult.
5. At design review stage review again the appropriateness of any design
15. Do not assume that control systems can make an oversized design operate
margins used.
efficiently and effectively to meet building and occupant needs. Controls
6. Design margins can be added for legitimate operational reasons and these cannot cure bad design. Part load performance should always be assessed.
should be clearly identified, for example in heating systems, a pre-heat
16. Avoid oversizing chillers as this can cause cycling and excessive starts.
margin may be required to provide rapid heat-up in the mornings to avoid
Consider selection of chillers with more stages, the addition of extra
the plant having to run all night.
system capacity or widening the control band to increase the switching
7. Margins are sometimes added to allow for design or installation differential.
uncertainties and missing design information. Uncertainties or assumptions
should be clearly flagged and reviewed when correct information is Economics
available. Reduce uncertainties in design as much as possible by clarifying
17. Agree margins policy with client as part of a value engineering strategy.
the brief, agreeing acceptable airtightness standards, and having equipment
performance tested. 18. Sizing systems and equipment initially for anticipated future expansion can
result in lower operating efficiencies and increased running costs. Allow
8. Avoid unnecessary use of margins. Excessive use can result in system space for future plant items or, where additional capacity is required, select
oversizing and inefficient plant operation with plant running at a fraction of
systems to maximise energy efficiency and optimise part load performance,
rated load for much of the time. This may result in hunting and cycling for example by the use of modular or multiple plant systems.
under low load conditions, reduced efficiency, excessive wear through
continual stop/start operation and increased risk of failure. 19. Where a known margin is to be applied to a system to cater for future
expansion, consider selecting plant and equipment that can provide a
9. Assess the impact of the use of margins on system design and system part variable supply, such as variable speed pumps and fans. This will allow
load performance.
optimum efficiency in both cases, and the increased capital cost should be
Installation, operation and control recovered through increased energy efficiency.
20. Applying margins to a system can lead to increased installation costs as well
10. For good part load operation consider using boilers with fully modulating
as increased capital costs.
burners, not just on/off or two stage firing as the output can be more
accurately controlled to the system load at any time, giving good operating 21. Consider the life cycle cost implications imposed by enhanced controls, and
efficiency at part load. plant selection.


BSRIA BG 4/2007
A guide to
HVAC Building Services
Second edition

BSRIA Guide 30/2007

Supported by the DTI

BG 30-2007coverfnt.p65 1 01/06/2007, 11:12

Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


The first edition of this publication was produced by BSRIA as part of a contract placed by the Department of
Trade & Industry and funded by the DTI, BSRIA membership and industry partners.

BSRIA would like to thank the following sponsors for their contributions to the first edition Guide:

Department of Trade and Industry

CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers)
ACE (Association of Consulting Engineers)
ESTTL (Engineering Services Training Trust Limited)
HVCA (Heating and Ventilating Contractors Association)
Crown House Engineering
Hoare Lea
N G Bailey
South Bank University
Troup Bywaters & Anders
W S Atkins

The research project was undertaken under the guidance of a project steering group drawn from industry
representatives and BSRIA staff. The steering group contributors were:

Fulcrum Consulting Andrew Ford, representing DTI

Independent chair Bryan Franklin
CIBSE Hywel Davies
ACE Jeremy Croxson
Bovis Jean-Louis Auguste
Crown House Engineering Susan Hone-Brookes
ESTTL Tony Barton
FaberMaunsell Quinten Babcock
Ant Wilson
Hoare Lea Graham Cossons
Les Mackenzie
Terry Wyatt
HVCA Derrick Newson
Bob Towse
N G Bailey Ken Sargeant
Roland Edkins
South Bank University Martin Ratcliffe
Troup Bywaters & Anders David Arnold (representing CIBSE)
W S Atkins Adrian Defalco
Steve Platt

The first edition of this guide was authored by Gay Lawrence Race and Sally Mitchell. This second edition of
the Guide to HVAC Building Services Calculations has been extensively revised and added to by Kevin Pennycook,
David Churcher and David Bleicher from BSRIA.

The authors have sought to incorporate the views of the steering group, but final editorial control of this
document rested with BSRIA.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written
permission of the publisher.
BSRIA 70186 June 2007 ISBN 978-0-86022-657-4 Printed by ImageData Group


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


This publication provides practical, easy to follow methodologies for a range of calculations used in the design of heating ventilating
and air conditioning building services systems.

The calculation sheets are presented in five sections covering:

Heating loads and plant

Cooling loads and plant
Water flow distribution systems
Air flow distribution systems
Acoustics for building services

The calculation sheets provide practical guidance including design watchpoints, design tips and rules of thumb, and are intended to
aid the design process and reduce errors. The guidance is based primarily on data and procedures contained within the CIBSE
Guides, together with other sources such as Building Regulations, with clear cross-referencing provided to data sources.

This publication is intended primarily to help junior design engineers, working within a structured and supervised training
framework, by providing assistance in completing the basic calculations needed to define operating conditions for systems, size
distribution systems and to specify required duties for plant and equipment. It is not the purpose of this guide to identify the most
appropriate system for a particular application. Such decisions require knowledge, experience and analysis of the application.

This guidance is also not intended to be exhaustive or definitive. It will be necessary for users to exercise their own professional
judgement, or obtain further advice from senior engineers within their organisation when deciding whether to abide by or depart
from the guide. The calculation sheets are relevant to many design applications, but cannot be fully comprehensive or cover every
possible design scenario. Every design project is different and has differing needs, and it is the professional duty of the responsible
design engineer to consider fully all design requirements. Designers should exercise professional judgement to decide relevant factors
and establish the most appropriate data sources and methodologies to use for a particular application.

Designers must be aware of their contractual obligations and ensure that these are met. Following this guidance - or any other
guidance - does not preclude or imply compliance with those obligations. Similarly, it is the duty of the designer to ensure
compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations.

It is hoped that design practices and individual designers will be encouraged to share knowledge and experience by extending and
adding to the design watchpoints and design tips, and disseminating this work within their organisations. BSRIA would be pleased
to receive any such contributions for incorporation into any future revisions of this publication to provide wider industry sharing of
such knowledge.


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


Aim 2
Objectives 2
Intended users 2


HVAC building services design tasks and design map 4


Use of the guidance 6




Heating loads and plant 9
Cooling loads and plant 39
Water flow distribution systems 67
Air flow distribution systems 93
Acoustics for building services 125



BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


BSRIA has been researching into the design process and design Aim
methodology in the building services industry since the mid 1990s. As a result of all these factors many of the leading organisations
This has produced guidance on the use of engineering design involved in education and training in the building services industry,
1 2
margins , feedback to design and quality control systems for detailed including BSRIA, CIBSE, ESTTL and HVCA and a number of
technical design . The overall aim has been to develop systematic industrial contributors embarked on this project to develop simple
guidance for the industry that would contribute to greater and clear guidance on building services calculation procedures that
consistency in design and to an overall raising of design standards. would be applicable across the industry.
The studies have involved considerable discussions with industrial Objectives
partners on their current and future needs, and several visits to the The resulting guidance is intended to be suitable as an in-company
design offices of a number of industrial contributors to the projects. learning resource, in order to improve quality and communication
A majority of those organisations consulted said that a lack of formal within the design process. This should reduce the risk of design
design guidance and inadequate recording of calculations was a calculation errors and omissions, simplify the task of calculation
major barrier to quality improvement in design. Many also felt that checks and improve the overall efficiency of the design process.
standardised formal procedures would help improve the quality of
design outputs. A comprehensive review of current building services design practice
and calculation procedures was carried out in consultation with the
BSRIAs research also revealed that there is a lack of standardisation industry. This was closely linked to current industry design guides
in design procedures, both between companies and between and reference material in order to develop this good practice
individuals. Many companies have developed their own design guidance for building services calculation procedures, including:
guidance and approaches to calculation procedures, leading to
considerable diversity within the industry. This can make it An overview of the building services design process;
difficult to cross-check work done by others, which could lead to Flowcharts of key calculation sequences;
differences in system design parameters and sizes, and even Practical procedures and calculation sheets covering 30 key
calculation and design errors. There are many specific examples of building services calculation design topics;
design errors and issues that should have been considered during Clear cross-referencing to the CIBSE Guide and other
design calculations and have led, (or could have led) to operational appropriate reference sources.
problems or subsequent litigation , including:
The calculation sheets provide an overview of each procedure,
Omission of HEPA filter resistance from fan-pressure with guidance on design information, inputs and outputs, design
calculations, requiring subsequent fan motor replacement which tips and watchpoints and worked examples, to aid the design
then required additional silencing process and reduce errors. They are supplemented with illustrations
Omission of duct sizes and flows from drawings, leading to and guidance on how to use appropriate tables, figures and design
incorrect sizes being installed information correctly.
Incorrect pipe and pump sizing for a constant temperature
heating circuit, necessitating replacement of system distribution Intended users
network This guidance is intended for practising building services design
engineers, and will be particularly relevant to junior engineers and
No allowance for pipework expansion on a heating mains.
students on building services courses. Junior engineers would be
Although there is considerable design guidance and data available to expected to use it under supervision, (for example within a formal
inform the design process much of it is intended for use by company training scheme) as part of their practical design work.
experienced engineers, who have fulfilled a programme of Students can use it within the taught framework or industrial
education and training and have design experience. For example, training component of their course, guided by course tutors as
while the design guides published by the Chartered Institution of appropriate. The guidance should also encourage clear recording
Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) provide essential design data and referencing of calculation procedures which will aid quality
for building services engineers, they are intended for use by assurance requirements and allow simpler and easier in-house
experienced engineers, and therefore do not always show how to checking of design work.
design in detail by giving every necessary calculation step. They
also do not show how different calculation routines link together to The guidance complements the CIBSE Guides, in particular Guide
build up the design process. A covering design data, Guide B covering heating, ventilation and
air conditioning, and Guide C covering reference data. It
Research has also shown that many employers are currently finding especially complements the CIBSE Concise Handbook a
it difficult to recruit design engineers with appropriate building companion volume showing the use and practical application of
services skills and experience, which necessitates recruiting and commonly used design data from other CIBSE Guides.
retraining engineers from other disciplines. Output from building
services courses is currently falling, which implies there will be no The Practical Guide to Building Services calculations also closely
short term improvement in this situation. complements the BSRIA Guide: BG 4/2007 Design Checks for
HVAC a quality control framework (Second edition) . This provides
These recruits, with no building services training or experience, good practice guidance for building services technical procedures
will require close supervision and considerable training which can and design management, including design guidance sheets for 60
place a heavy burden on company resources. key design topics and check sheets that can be used in project
quality assurance procedures.
While there is no substitute for an appropriate quality control
framework and adequate supervision by qualified senior staff, good New entrants to building services may find it helpful to read the
training resources and technical support can provide an invaluable overview information given in the BSRIA illustrated guides
adjunct to company training provision. volumes 1 and 2.


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


Calculation procedures are a necessary component of design but Figure 1: Simple example of a building services design process.
it is important to see them in the context of the whole design
process. Decisions made as part of initial design and during the
calculation procedures will affect system design, installation,
operation and control.

The BSRIA publication Design Checks for HVAC a quality

control framework (Second edition)3, provides a useful and relevant
discussion of the building services design process. As part of this
work, a detailed analysis of design procedures and tasks was
carried out for building services design and a simple linear
model of the building services design process derived was
derived as shown. This gives a single design sequence, from
statement of need, through problem analysis, synthesis and
evaluation to final solution and enables design tasks to be clearly
linked to both preceding and succeeding actions. Some primary
feedback loops are shown, but in practice there are often
feedback loops between all tasks and even within specific tasks.

This work also mapped the building services design process,

both as a sequence of design tasks and as a series of topics that
make up the design process. This detailed map of the process is
shown opposite. The map is shown as a linear view of design,
(with iteration and intermediate feedback omitted) in the form
of an Ishikawa or fishbone diagram. The process originates from
the clients need on the left with various branches feeding into
the main design line to eventually reach design completion and
design feedback. The map may be of particular benefit to
junior engineers as it will enable them to put their contribution
to the whole design process in context. When engineers carry
out load calculations or pipe sizing, it is easy to forget that this is
part of a larger process with consequences for impact on future
system installation, operation and control.

Note that CIBSE Guides B1 to B5 have been combined to form

Guide B Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.
This publication provides references to both individual B guides
and the combined B Guide where appropriate.


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics



BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


The calculation sheets are organised into five sections covering

over 30 topics relevant to building services design:
Heating loads and plant
This section covers the key topics and calculations relevant to
establishing heat loads for a space or building and sizing heating
plant, covering infiltration, U values, heat loss, heating load, radiator
sizing and boiler sizing. It explains how to use design data from
different sources to establish heat losses and heating loads and
explains the different components that make up plant loads.
Cooling loads and plant
This section covers the key topics and calculations relevant to
establishing cooling loads for a space or building and sizing cooling
plant, covering internal gains, external gains, cooling load, supply air
temperature, cooler battery sizing and humidifier duty selection. It
provides an overview of heat gains, explains maximum simultaneous
loads and explains how to determine acceptable supply air
temperatures and size plant components.
Water flow distribution systems
This section covers the key topics and calculations relevant to the
sizing of water flow distribution systems, covering pipe sizing,
system resistance, pump sizing and water system pressurisation. It
explains how to read information from pipe sizing tables, how to
work out pressure loss through pipe fittings, and how to determine
the index run.
Air flow distribution systems
This section covers the key topics and calculations relevant to the
sizing of air flow distribution systems, covering duct sizing, system
resistance, fan sizing, grille and diffuser sizing, and space For each calculation topic the guidance provides the following
pressurisation. It explains how to read information from the CIBSE information, as appropriate:
duct sizing chart, how to convert from circular to rectangular duct
sizes, discusses practical selection of duct sizes to enable economic
system installation, explains how to work out pressure loss through
An overview of the calculation topic and procedure explaining
duct fittings, and how to apply corrections for air density changes.
what it is and where and when it is used to put it in context.
This section shows how acoustics must be considered in building Design information required
services design as most items of mechanical plant or equipment This explains literally what you need to know to carry out a
generate noise. This noise can be transmitted through the building particular calculation, such as the design information necessary
to its occupants and outside the building to the external for a procedure, for related design decisions, system layouts or
environment. selection of equipment. This could include design data such as
an internal design temperature or a mass flow rate, fluid type
Calculation flowcharts are provided at the beginning of each and temperature, and other design information such as duct
section as shown opposite. These show the calculation material, insulation details and floor to ceiling heights.
procedures in that section and help to explain how different
calculation routines link in sequence to build up the design Key design inputs
process. This enables any one calculation sequence to be Key technical data (with units) essential for that particular
viewed in the context of the broader design process. Some calculation procedure such as mass flow rate, heating load, and
other relevant design inputs and related processes are also shown limiting pressure drops.
for completeness, although they are not included in this current
guidance as detailed calculation procedures.
Design outputs
The required design output from a particular calculation
Although the calculation procedures provided in this guide are
procedure which will be used to either inform future design, or
grouped into four sections with calculation sequence flowcharts
to form part of the specification or design production, such as
given for each section, during a real design process all the
schedules of loads, schematic diagrams, system layout drawings
sections will inter-link. For example, emitter and boiler sizing
with sizes and design data included, and schedules of equipment
will require consideration of pipe sizing, boiler sizing needs,
sizes and duties.
details of heater batteries, duct sizing requires consideration of
heating and cooling loads and ventilation requirements.


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


Heating loads and plant Water flow distribution systems

H1 Stack effect W1 Pipe sizing General

H2 Infiltration W2 Pipe sizing Straight lengths
H3 U values W3 Pipe sizing Pressure drop across fittings
H4 Condensation risk W4 System resistance for pipework Index run
H5 Heat loss W5 Pump sizing
H6 Plant heating load W6 Control valve selection/sizing
H7 Heating plant configuration and load matching W7 Water system pressurisation
H8 Radiator sizing
H9 Boiler sizing
H10 Flue sizing

Air flow distribution systems

Cooling loads and plant A1 Duct sizing General

A2 Duct sizing Selecting a circular duct size
A3 Duct sizing Circular to rectangular ducts
C1 Internal heat gains
A4 Duct sizing Pressure loss through fittings
C2 External gains
A5 Duct system Index run
C3 Cooling plant loads
A6 Fan sizing
C4 Ventilation Outdoor air requirements
A7 Grille and diffuser sizing
C5 Supply air quantity and condition
A8 Air density correction
C6 Heating/cooling coil sizing
A9 Pressurisation of spaces
C7 Return air temperature effects on coil duty
C8 Humidifier duty
C9 Dehumidification


AC1 Acoustics for building services


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


1 Lawrence Race G, BSRIA, Parand F, BRE, Engineering Design Margins, CIBSE Research Report RR04 1997. Available free
to CIBSE members at

2 Lawrence Race G, Pearson C & De Saulles T, Feedback for Better Building Services Design, AG 21/98, BSRIA 1998
ISBN 0 86022 520 8

3 Lawrence Race G, Design Checks for HVAC A Quality Control Framework (Second edition), BSRIA BG 4/2007. ISBN 978-0-

4 From information gathered for the publication Design Checks for HVAC A Quality Control Framework (Second edition), BSRIA
BG 4/2007

5 CIBSE Design Guides, including Volumes: A Environmental Design, 2006, ISBN 1 903287 66 9; B Heating, Ventilating, Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration., ISBN 1 903287 58 8, C Reference Data 2007, ISBN 9 781903287 80 4

6 H Connor, S Dench, P Bates, An Assessment of Skill Needs in Engineering. DfEE Skills Dialogues SD2, February 2001.

7 Professor D Gann & Dr A Salter, Interdisciplinary Skills for the Built Environment Professional, Arup Foundation 1999.

8 CIBSE, Concise Handbook, 2003, ISBN 1 903287 44 8

9 De Saulles, T, Illustrated Guide to Building Services, 27/99, BSRIA 1999, ISBN 0 86022 543 3, and Illustrated Guide to Electrical
Building Services AG 14/2001, BSRIA 2001, ISBN 0 86022 586 0


BSRIA BG 30/2007
Heating loads Cooling loads Water flow Air flow Acoustics


Acoustics for building services AC1 127

Air density correction A8 121
Boiler sizing H9 33
Condensation risk H4 20
Control valve selection/sizing W6 81
Cooling plant loads C3 44
Dehumidification C9 64
Duct sizing Circular to rectangular ducts A3 103
Duct sizing General A1 96
Duct sizing Pressure loss through fittings A4 107
Duct sizing Selecting a circular duct size A2 100
Duct system Index run A5 109
External gains C2 43
Fan sizing A6 113
Flue sizing H10 36
Grille and diffuser sizing A7 117
Heat loss H5 24
Heating/cooling coil sizing C6 51
Heating plant configuration and load matching H7 29
Humidifier duty C8 62
Infiltration H2 14
Internal heat gains C1 42
Pipe sizing Pressure drop across fittings W3 74
Pipe sizing General W1 70
Pipe sizing Straight lengths W2 72
Plant heating load H6 26
Pressurisation of spaces A9 123
Pump sizing W5 77
Radiator sizing H8 30
Return air temperature effects on coil duty C7 56
Stack effect H1 12
Supply air quantity and condition C5 48
System resistance for pipework Index run W4 75
U values H3 17
Ventilation Outdoor air requirements C4 46
Water system pressurisation W7 91


BSRIA BG 30/2007

Choosing building services

A practical guide to system selection

By John Langmaid

BG 9/2004

This publication and accompanying CD Rom provide information to

help clients obtain an understanding of building services in order to
satisfy functional needs in buildings. The guide will enable a client to
specify the type of environment it wants rather than a particular
building services solution. They do not provide in-depth technical
information as this is readily available elsewhere and is unlikely to be
needed by the client in making essential business-related decisions.

The two publications help the client and the professional design team
to ask the right questions, and arrive at reasoned answers, in order to
identify the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions to clients
business needs. They are therefore of greatest value to clients during
the design process.

Both the CD Rom and the publication will also be of use to

experienced professionals in architecture, design and construction in
that they provide information on building services in straightforward,
non-technical language. They will also enable an audit trail to be
established which directly links the original needs of the business to
the actual operation of the building services.

Of the multitude of services generically aggregated under the term

building services, this publication concentrates on mechanical and
electrical services.

The publication contains many questions. The most important two

that the client can ask when presented with a technical proposal are
why and how:

Why that solution and not another one?

why those functions?
why are those functions missing?
why does this compromise my use of the space?
why do I need such high maintenance equipment?
why do I need this level of complexity?
how will this affect my business?
how will users operate this?
how do I maintain this?
how can I increase the value?
how can I achieve the same function with less complexity?

The main aim of this publication is to avoid unmanageable

complexity and an excessive dependency on technology and
management. It helps give control tasks to the occupants and to cut
waste, especially energy.


BSRIA BG 9/2004




4.1 The concept 9
4.2 Descriptions 9


6.1 Health and safety 13
6.2 Comfortable environment 13
6.3 Power requirements 16
6.4 Domestic hot water 18
6.5 Fundamentals of energy and resource efficient design 19
6.6 Access and risers 21
6.7 Plant rooms 22
6.8 Spatial co-ordination 22
6.9 Commissioning 23
6.10 Lease agreements 24
7.1 Environment 26
7.2 Flexibility and adaptability 28
7.3 Operation 31
8.1 Equipment life 34
8.2 Maintenance 37
9.1 Refurbishment 43
9.2 Decommissioning 44
9.3 Legislation 44


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Table 1: Functional spaces 10

Table 2: Office power requirements 16
Table 3: Conference room power requirements 17
Table 4: Power outlet requirements 17
Table 5: Expected economic life of various types of mechanical
and electrical services 36



Figure 1: The introductory page of the decision tool 4

Figure 2: Example of a functional space table in the decision tool 4
Figure 3: A filled in example from part of the decision table 5
Figure 4: The professional response form 6
Figure 5: Relation to well-known process maps 8
Figure 6: Comparison of calculated internal gains to composite
guidance values 20
Figure 7: Building life-cycle flow 26
Figure 8: Achievable level of operational savings 32
Figure 9: Achievable levels of carbon emissions 32
Figure 10: A maintenance logic tree 39


BSRIA BG 9/2004


Building services engineers provide the internal environmental conditions that

enable business processes to function at an optimum level while providing comfort
conditions for occupants to achieve their maximum performance potential. 1

This quote from a CIBSE publication contains several truths.

Unfortunately, these truths tend to become forgotten in the rush for
project start and completion, the smoke-screen of technology, and the
unswerving aim to keep to budget. However, added value comes from
increasing the functionality required by the client and not necessarily
from reducing costs.2

Providing an internal environment which enhances the business process

requires that all aspects of the system provided are linked to that process.
Unless the system designer acquires an in-depth understanding of what
the client needs to support and augment the business process, any
proposed solution may prove to be invalid.

Providing what the client needs (and only what the client needs) is the
key to providing value and satisfaction. Unfortunately, from a suppliers
viewpoint, defining client value can be a stumbling block and something
more often avoided rather than overcome.

From the clients viewpoint, trying to ensure that the technical proposal
meets business needs can be a daunting task. Clients are forced to rely on
advisors to avoid spending a great deal of time and effort in penetrating
what can, at times, seem to be an arcane art. With the best will in the
world, these advisors do not fully recognise that what they have successfully
provided to others may not be the best answer for other clients.

Clients must also accept that, for an advisor to gain the necessary in-
depth understanding of what the clients business is about and how the
proposed project will enhance that business, time and money must be
expended at the outset of the project. This is often time and money
which the client is unwilling to commit.

The quality of the air (and other environmental factors) provided for the
workforce has been shown by many researchers to be fundamental to
good productivity, especially in commercial or service environments. For
example, ASHRAE3 has reported relationships between air quality and
the following factors:

Absence from work

sick leave, accidents and injuries
interruptions to work
controlled independent judgements of work quality
self assessments of productivity
speed and accuracy of work
output from pre-existing work groups
cost of the product or service
exchanging output in response to graded reward
volunteer overtime
cycle time from initiation to completion of process


BSRIA BG 9/2004

multiple measures at all organisational levels

visual measures of performance, health and well-being at work
development of measures and patterns of change over time.

The ASHRAE Journal4 also quotes that operational productivity may be

influenced by up to 17% by addressing factors such as noise, temperature
fluctuation, lighting and glare, comfort, relocation frequency, layout and
the users perception and level of control.

A study by Dorgan and Dorgan5 concluded that the American economy

could be improved by US$55 bn per annum for a one-time investment
of US$120 bn to improve poor air quality in all buildings.

This benefit is achieved because people work better (and therefore more
productively) as a direct result of good air quality.

This does not mean that all buildings require full air-conditioning. They do
not. What it does emphasise very strongly is that, given the 1:5:200 ratio6
(where 1 represents the cost of construction of a facility, 5 the cost of
operating and maintaining that facility, and 200 the cost of the business
process being undertaken in the facility) there is a convincing argument that
the money needed to fully and properly define and plan the M&E services
in a facility is easily recoverable within a short period of occupation.

CRISP Report 00/047 states that 87% of survey responders (representing

companies who commission building projects) said that they received
what they expected but this was not necessarily what they wanted. It
should not be surprising, then, to find that no facilities managers were
involved in the development of the client statement of requirements
(often called the client brief).

In an attempt to ensure client satisfaction without understanding what

that clients adjudication will be based upon, it would seem, that
architects, designers, and development surveyors specify the highest level
of implementation achievable within the budget that can be forced from
the client, irrespective of whether the functionality thus provided is
required or not. If this is the case, the level of unwanted function and
therefore unnecessary cost, must be considered excessively high.

The primary objective of the rules of thumb contained in this publication

is not to provide prescriptive or quantative answers. Rather, they are
designed to assist the client and the clients advisors towards asking and
getting answers to the questions that are fundamental to understanding
the business needs and thus the available generic solutions.

The identification and definition of business needs, which are the drivers
in most construction projects, are two important factors in achieving a
high client perception of value for money.


BSRIA BG 9/2004


The document is split into two parts.

Part 1 discusses many of the issues surrounding the whole-life of the

proposed installation and guides clients towards the questions which must
be addressed during the early stages of the project. Part 1 also lists further
reading and useful web addresses.

Part 2 (on CD-ROM) deals with the definitions of building services and
functional spaces. It provides look-up tables for matching functional
space (see example in Figure 2) to building services (useful for new
construction) it also matches building service to functional space (useful
when dealing with refurbishment and existing facilities).

Included on the CD is a fill-in decision table primarily designed for client

use. The data collected via this table (see example extract in Figure 3) is
to be used by the professional team in the development of alternate
options for meeting the clients business needs.

A professional response form, is available for use by a professional team

(see Figure 4). As a first pass the form should be used to identify
contentions within the clients functional requirements and to propose
solutions to those contentions. Once the contentions have been
successfully resolved, the form should be used to formalise the
professional teams recommended solution for the named functional

The objective is to guide the client towards an understanding of the

issues and topics which need to be addressed to ensure that the clients
requirements are met.

The guide provides background information to enable a client and a

professional team to engage in useful and value-adding dialogue.

The publication cannot provide definitive or quantative data. This would

not be possible given the scope of building services and the innumerable
variables within the construction and business environments.

Clients should not feel that the decision table must be completed in
isolation. The reverse applies a professional team should be consulted
regarding the meaning that the client is placing on each statement of
requirement and the reasons behind the clients responses.

By completing the decision table, a client can provide a professional team

with a concise, non-technical statement of the functions required to be
performed by the building service. This will provide the team with the
scope to recommend alternative and innovative solutions while still
ensuring that no functionality is lost and no unwanted functions (and
thus unnecessary cost) remain.


BSRIA BG 9/2004

Figure 1: The introductory page of the decision tool.

Figure 2: Example of a functional space table in the decision tool.


BSRIA BG 9/2004

Figure 3: A filled in example from part of the decision table.

Decision Table
Project title Headquarteres Bldg - Bracknell Date 19/08/04
Client BSRIA Ltd
Project number FN0070820
Functional space 1st floor open plan office
Go to functional space

Size (square metres) 400 Number of occupants:

Comments on Initial: 50

Contains some high heat output areas

Growth ( 25 in 5 years)
Component 1 2 3 Comments
Activity level 3
Occupancy pattern Normal 8h30-17h00
Space requires high protection 3
High degree of remote indication 3
Simple control 3
Provide individual control of temperature, ventilation
air, and lighting
3 Perimeter lighting control separate

Provide adjustable floor diffusers with under-floor 3 From main body

displacement air supply systems
Provide maximum access to natural daylight and 3 Minimise external noise
views to the outdoors
Maximise conditioning through natural means/methods 3
Clean appearance/ Aesthetically neutral 3
Heat/cool large spaces 3 See comments above
No false ceilings 3
No false floors 3
Clean ceiling appearance 3
Close temperature control ( 2C) 3
Good temperature control 3
Flexible working hours 3
High occupant comfort 3
Maximise energy efficiency
Specify materials and furnishings that are low 3
emitters of indoor air contaminants such as volatile
organic compounds (VOC).
Minimise recirculation while assuring energy 3
efficiency through energy recovery.
Provide recessed grates, 'walk off' mats, and other
techniques to reduce the amount of dirt entering the
3 Reqd in receptions
No haze, loss of light transmission, or colour change, 3
during entire expected service life of glazing
Space requires special solid waste disposal 3
Space requires special liquid waste disposal 3
Stated environment maintained 100% of time 3
Stated environment maintained less than 100% of tim 3
Separate ventilation from cooling and heating 3
Minimise water usage 3
Capital, operation and maintenance
Low maintenance complexity
Low operating complexity
Low maintenance cost
Low operating cost


BSRIA BG 9/2004

Figure 4: The professional response form.

Professional Team Response

Project titles Date

Project number
Functional space1
Size in square metres Number of occupants
Comments on space 2 Initial

Growth (

Contentions in functional requirements identified and why contention exists

Options available to resolve contention (state business advantages and disadvantages, plus functionality
provided beyond that required by client)

Chosen solution

Functionality provided beyond that required above and why this cannot be removed
Functionality required by client which cannot be provided by chosen solution and why this cannot be provided


BSRIA BG 9/2004

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