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sTRs( ts Reading whe # 64 reading exercises # A wide range of reading skills # Easy-to-follow questions Copyright © Peter Howard 2004 Reprinted 2006, 2007 ISBN-13: 978 1 74125 1678 ISBN-10; 174125 167 2 Publisher: Vivienne Petris Joannou Edited by Christine Es lustrations by Art Explosion Page layout and typesetting by Typecellars Pty Ltd Cover by Dizign Printed in Singapore by Gi Giant Press Reproduction and Communication for educational purposes ‘The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of the pages of this book, whichever is the greater, to be reproduced and/or communicaied by any educational institution for its educational pusposes provided that that educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given remuneration notices to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act, For details of the CAL licence for educational institutions contact: Copyright Agency Limited Level 19, 157 Liverpool Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 9394 7600 Facsimile: (02) 9394 7601 E-mail: au Reproduction and Communication for other purposes Except as permitted under the Act (for example, any fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism orreview)no part ofthis book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission, Allinquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above. Contents fo St “2? SP 2 — iv Misprints 33 What is a mummy? What happened to diving suits? 34 Who was Davy Crockett? Who was Florence Nightingale? 35 Missing words 1 Same sounding words 1 21. 36 One good turn deserves another 4 Persuasion is better than force 37 Why was the nurse shot? 5 Which animal is the smartest? 38 Who is speaking? 1 6 Words that are not harsh 8D Who was blind and deat? How did X-rays get their name? 40 Money may not make you happy 8 Who is speaking? 4 At Missing words 2 9 Appearance isn't everything A2 What happened to the plates? 10 Who made the first motor cars? 43 Who is speaking? 2 44 Same sounding words 2 44 Who were first on the moon? Z How long have we had radios? 45 ‘Slow and steady wins the race 13 Better to be poor but happy 46 ‘Anagrams 1 14 Anagrams 2 ar What is lightning? 15 Who first invented paper? . 2 48 Missing words 3 w...16 Same sounding words 3 49 Who first wrote geometry? 17 Why is Monopoly popular? 50 Waste not want not 18 Save for the future 51 Change words 1 19 Who is speaking? 5... “ 52 What is the smalest living thing? 20 Who invented the ballpoint pen? 53 Who were the Spartans? .21 What holds the stars in place? wu 54 Which two words rhyme? 22 One word is not needed Beauty is not the important thing 23 Be yourself 56 Which king had six wives? .. . . _.24 Which Australian fish is deadly? 57 One word is not needed 1 Change words 2 58 Who made the fist fight? 26 Domammals lay eggs? 59 Leave well enough alone ss x 27 Beware of mischief makers. eee BO Missing words 4 28 One word from two How did the stethoscope develop? 29 Which composer was poor? 62 Who first used antiseptics? 30 Howwasoilfomed? Who is speaking? 3 ce St Missing words 5 64 Be satisfied with what you have... 32 Answers in centre of book Excel Basic SI is Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 Introduction BaF” ZF FF SF 7 In today’s world, most children probably read less than their parents or grandparents did at the same age. Distractions such as television and video games take up many hours that could be spent in reading. To excel in reading requires plenty of practice. The Excel Basic Skills: Basic Reading Skills series is a three-book set of workbooks for Years 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 which aims to give primary school children this important practice in reading and understanding using a variety of accessible texts. Each varied one-page exercise should not take more than about 15 minutes. Most pages have questions that require one-word answers. These words are found in the text or on the page. This ensures that a child must concentrate hard and read every word. In this third book in the series, Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6, the activities cover a wide range of reading skills such as: * basic comprehension of a text * predicting words in a story * recognising different ‘voices’ in a text * finding words that are wrong © sorting different kinds of words. Fun activities, such as anagram puzzles and simple crosswords, are also included. Parents and teachers are advised to remove the answers from the centre of the book. When correcting a child’s work, it is important to explain any errors that have been made. a iv Excel Basic Skills Building Your Reading Skills Years 5-6 What is a mummy? A mummy is a dead body that has been specially preserved so it remains intact for hundreds of years. The ancient Egyptians believed that the dead could go on living in the next world. They took a lot of care and time to make sure that the whole body did not rot away in the tomb or grave. Of course it was an expensive process, and only the rich or royalty could afford to be treated this way. The process is called embalming. First, the brain was removed through the nose cavity with a hook. Most of the stomach was taken out and the cavity was filled with cotton pads or sawdust. The body was treated with chemicals to dry it out. Last, the embalmers wrapped the body in layers of bandages before it was placed in a coffin. The most famous mummy is that of a pharaoh named Tutankhamen. His gold inlaid coffin is now on display in the Cairo museum in Egypt. ee ee oe oy a Use a word from the story to fill each space. A body that has been embalmed is a Long ago bodies were embalmed by ancient The stomach was filled with or cotton pads. The last process was to wrap around the body. Which word means the same as costly? DHF WN- Which word means the opposite of demolished? Research (circle the correct answers). 7 Which river flows through the city of Cairo? Nile Mississippi Niger Amazon Tigris 8 Which of these is not the name of a town or city in Egypt? Alexandria Luxor Algiers Ismalia Suez Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 4 who was Davy Crockett? Davy Crockett was a famous American. He lived over 160 years ago. He was a crack shot with a rifle and had the reputation of being a skilled hunter. Davy once claimed to have hunted and killed over a hundred wild bears in a period of seven months. The type of hat he wore, made of a raccoon skin, is still known as a Davy Crockett hat. In 1836 Davy went to Texas to help fight against Mexicans who wanted this territory to be part of Mexico. Davy and a handful of men became surrounded in an old fort called the ‘Alamo’. These brave men managed to hold out for two weeks. When almost out of food and ammunition, they still thought they could keep on fighting. In the end, Mexican soldiers scaled the walls and captured the fort. All the Americans were killed. ‘Remember the Alamo’ became a battle cry. An American general, Sam Houston, managed to beat the Mexican army and Texas was no longer part of Mexico. —— Oo @ 2 Use a word from the story to Fill each space. | Davy Crockett hunted and killed many 2 In which state of America did Davy fight Mexicans? 3 What was the name of the old fort? L What nationality was General Houston? 5 Which word means the same as encircled? 6 Which word means the opposite of tame? Research (circle the correct answers). 7 Which of these cities is not in Texas? Dallas Houston Austin Tampa 8 What well-known product is found in Texas? cotton oil oranges iron ~=— 2 Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6, Missing words | One word is missing in each line where there are four dots. Write the word that you think should be there. _— ~~ ~~ a When choosing a puppy, m.... sure you meet its | mother so you k.... what it may be like later on. You will have to wait at least until it is six w.... old before you bring it home. Be certain the f.... you buy to feed the pup is suitable. Always h.... a bowl of clean w.... handy. Three or four small meals a day is enough for the dog u.... it is fully grown. There are three important w.... of command that you should first t.... a dog. They are ‘come here’, Cr wm~NAN FWD ‘stay’ and ‘sit’. Praise your dog w... it obeys. Never h.... the animal if it does not obey. Try making it understand b.... saying, ‘No’. 12 Train your dog to w.... on a leash by your side. 13 If it pulls ahead, say ‘Heel’. M.... it sit and wait 1 before walking on. It will s.... learn to walk slowly 15 with you. Remember, dogs n..... plenty of exercise 16 to stay fit. SSS eee Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 3 One good turn deserves another One day an ant was trying to cross a stream. He was balanced on a pebble which was at the water's edge. Suddenly a surge came in the current. The pebble was covered with water, and the ant found himself being carried downstream. A dove, sitting in a tree above, saw the ant in distress. She flew down and picked up a dead twig, then flying ahead of the ant, she dropped the twig in front of him. The ant was able to crawl onto the twig. Down the stream went the twig and the ant, and soon they lodged among some stones near the river bank. The ant crawled ashore safely. A short while later, the ant saw a man with a bow and arrow. He was taking aim at the dove. As the man drew back his bowstring, the ant ran up the back of his boot and bit his leg. The man gave a sudden start, which made him miss his aim. Luckily for the dove, she flew away unharmed. FF ee ew ~~ ~~ 4 Tick the box against each sentence that is true. | The ant went for his usual swim in the river. 2 He had been swimming all morning. 3 A dove happened to see the ant was in trouble. L The dove dropped a leaf for the ant. 5 The ant managed to scramble onto the leaf. 6 A hunter was hoping to kill the dove. 7 The hunter was just about to fire an arrow at the dove. DOUOOUCOCCOU 8 The ant bit the man’s leg and spoiled his aim. 4 Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 Why was the nurse shot? In World War | an English nurse named Edith Cavell was in charge of a hospital in Brussels, the capital city of Belgium. German troops had captured the city, but they allowed wounded and sick British, Belgian and French soldiers to stay in hospital until they recovered. They were then sent to camps for prisoners. Edith was allowed to remain working in the hospital, even though England was at war with Germany. For several months she helped soldiers who were well enough to escape from the hospital. These soldiers stayed with friendly Belgian families and tried to find their way back to their various homes. The Germans arrested Edith, and sentenced her to be shot. A firing squad carried out this order, and her body was later buried in England. A statue in her memory still stands in London near the National Gallery. i —_— -_ oo 4 Use a word from the story to Fill each space. | The hospital where Edith worked was in the city of Z. She helped soldiers to 3 Edith Cavell was arrested by the L For her crime she was dead. 5 Which word means the same as stay? 6 Which word means the opposite of released? Research (circle the correct answers). 7 = which country fought with the Germans in World War |? Belgium France America Australia Turkey 8 Which of these is not the name of a town or city in Belgium? Paris Bruges Ghent Brussels Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 5 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Missing words 2 One word is missing in each line where there are four dots. Write the word that you think should be there to the right. B°BD*B~*P*P* Astronauts are men and w.... who travel in space. The first man to go into orbit r.... Earth was a Russian n.... Yuri Gagarin. Other men went by a spacecraft and I.... on the Moon. All were blasted upwards by giant r. Ins.... there is no gravity, so anything not tied down will float around. Food and d.... must be squeezed into the m.... and then swallowed. Returning to Earth is the most dangerous t.... . Ox w~ANRAOH FWD The capsule or shuttle becomes v.... hot. Not long a.... the whole crew of an American i space shuttle d.... as the craft exploded when 12 entering the Earth’s atmosphere. P.... of the 13 wreckage were scattered over a w.... area. 14 More and m.... research is needed to find 15 n.... materials that are resistant to heat. 16 I Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 2 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Slow and steady wins the race A hare jeered at a tortoise for being so slow. ‘Why, | can even run backwards faster than you run forwards,’ boasted the hare. But the tortoise only laughed in a good- natured way. Surprisingly, the tortoise even challenged the hare to a race. The hare thought this was a huge joke and accepted. The course was worked out and a number of animals waited at the finish to cheer the winner. A tape was held by two goats. The tortoise set off at a steady pace. On the other hand, the hare took off like a rocket. Half way round the course, the hare thought it would be nice to take a little nap. He thought he would wake up after a doze and then sprint to the finish line. Meanwhile the tortoise kept plodding on. He wasn't going to stop for anything. Gradually the tortoise came closer and closer to where the goats were holding the tape. At last the hare woke up. He made a final dash - only to see the tortoise breasting the tape and all the other animals cheering for the slow but steady winner. ee oe oe a Tick the box against each sentence that is true. The hare was quite a modest animal. The tortoise was inclined to boast. 406g 2 The hare agreed to race but thought the idea funny. The hare took several naps during the race. The tortoise kept going at his usual speed The hare won when he reached the goats. The hare gave up the race when he woke up. OUKRH EWN - The animals were pleased at the outcome of the race. UOOUOeveud Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 13 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. Who first wrote geometry? The first person who wrote down the laws of geometry was a Greek named Euclid. He lived cover 2000 years ago. Most of his work was done at a mathematical school in Alexandria, Egypt. This is where he wrote 13 geometry books that formed a volume called The Elements. Every statement of fact was backed up by a method of proving that statement correct. He was the founder of a completely new science ~ one of lines, surfaces and solids. This is one of the many laws that Euclid wrote in his Elements: No matter what shape you draw a triangle, the three angles add up to 180 degrees. Without a knowledge of geometry, none of the spectacular steel bridges that have been built around the world could have been designed. To name a few, there are the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the George Washington Bridge in America and the Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland. A BADD PD Use a word from the story to Fill each Space. Euclid was a man who worked in Egypt. The Elements was made up of books on What is the total number of degrees of three angles ina triangle? What kinds of steel structures are mentioned? Which word means the same as erected? QnF WN- Which word means the opposite of dull? Research (circle the correct answers). 7 Which of these is not a solid shape? sphere circle cube cone pyramid & 8 A square has four angles. How many degrees in each angle? 60 90 180 360 450 Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 7 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. who were the Spartans? At one time, Greece was made up of small city states. One of the Greek city states was Sparta. The men and women of Sparta did nothing else but train for war. Spartans ‘sometimes fought their Greek neighbours, but they could also be hired to fight for anyone who paid them enough. If a Spartan baby was born and looked sick or deformed, the baby was thrown over a cliff. Mothers only wanted children who would grow up to be warriors. King Xerxes of Persia wished to conquer all the Greek city states. He brought a huge army across from Persia in boats. For a long time the Persian army was held up by Leonidas, a brave Spartan. He and a few men held a narrow pass and killed many Persians. Finally the Persians managed to take the pass. Leonidas and his men all died, but they allowed many citizens of Athens to run away before the Persians took their city. Later, the Persians were defeated by the Greeks in a huge naval battle. The small Greek navy smashed the larger Persian fleet and then won a land battle. So ended the Persian wars that lasted for twelve years. >_> @ a Use a word from the story to Fill each space. | Sparta was a city state. 2 Spartan mothers wanted their babies to be 3 Who was the Persian king who attacked the Greeks? Ly How many years did the Persian wars last? 5 Which word means the same as hurled? 6 Which word means the opposite of lost? Research (circle the correct answers). aq Which famous Greek conquered Egypt? wy Socrates Plato Euclid Alexander Pharaoh g % 8 The Greek flag is white with one other colour. What colour? green blue red black yellow ES | Excel Basic Skills Basic Reading Skills Years 5-6 21 aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. aa You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this book. One word is not needed | Read each sentence. One word need not be in it for the meaning to remain the same. Write this word in the space. Af AF

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