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November/Decemeber 20050

Success or failure of dental implants?
A literature review with treatment considerations
Judith A. Porter, DDS, MA, EdD | J. Anthony von Fraunhofer, MSc, PhD

This study reviews the literature concerning the success or failure of dental um implant.7 The use of titanium and
implants and provides the general dentist with information to decide whether to Schroeders concept of functional anky-
recommend dental implant therapy to a patient. The authors conducted an losis (later termed osseointegration) are
extensive literature search for articles relating to dental implant failure. Meta- thought to have led to the well-estab-
analyses and multi-center studies were predominant in the selection. lished procedure of simple, one-step im-
plant surgery that is preferred at present.7
Predictors of dental implant success or failure were gleaned from various articles Endosseous implants were accepted even
and presented in the form of text and tables. The main predictors for implant more widely with the development of the
success are the quantity and quality of bone, the patients age, the dentists single tooth root implant by Branemark.8
experience, location of implant placement, length of the implant, axial loading, In a detailed clinical study, Branemark
and oral hygiene maintenance. Primary predictors of implant failure are poor reported success rates of 70% and more in
bone quality, chronic periodontitis, systemic diseases, smoking, unresolved caries the maxilla and 75% and higher for the
or infection, advanced age, implant location, short implants, acentric loading, an mandible.9 At present, survival rates of en-
inadequate number of implants, parafunctional habits and absence/loss of implant dosseous root-form dental implants range
integration with hard and soft tissues. Inappropriate prosthesis design also may from 85% for fixed prosthodontics to 95%
contribute to implant failure. and higher for single implants and remov-
able prostheses.1,9 Ongoing research pro-
Received: May 3, 2005 Accepted: August 18, 2005 vides valuable information for improving
materials and techniques. As a result,
Endosseous dental implants have become tooth root implants. For many years, Misch recently suggested revising the crite-
a significant factor in prosthodontics and subperiosteal implants were used suc- rion for a 5-year success rate from 75%
restorative dentistry since the early 1970s. cessfully for the edentulous ridge where (the criterion established in 1978) to 90%,
Despite the many advances in techniques, there was significant ridge resorption but with a success rate of 85% for 10 years.10
materials, and implant design, the poten- these devices no longer are favored.2 The The literature appears to be undecid-
tial for clinical failure is a significant con- significant surgical procedures and the ed in specifying the criteria for success or
cern for both dentist and patient. Success extensive laboratory fabrication require- failure with implants. Some authors
rates of endosseous implants depend on ments for implant and superstructure maintain that a successful implant is
the site of the implant, patient factors, the castings are major disadvantages.2 characterized primarily by the absence of
skill and judgment of the surgeon, and Endosseous dental implants, which also pain, combined with rigid fixation.10
the type of implant placed. The literature are known as intraosseous and endosteal Others cite more specific criteria, such as
suggests, in fact, that all of these factors implants, have been developed and refined probing depth of less than 6.0 mm, bone
interact and determine success or failure. continuously since the very early designs of loss that is less than one-third of the cre-
A distinction should be made at this Chercheve in 1960.3-6 Blade vents were the stal height, a minimal bleeding index, less
point between implant failure (that is, most successful devices prior to the evolu- than two weeks of peri-implantitis, and
loss of osseointegration) and an implant tion of the tooth root implant.2 The clini- no radiolucency in the adjacent bone.1,10-13
complication, such as the failure of a cal success of blade vents was dependent A variety of factors can precipitate
component of the implant system (for upon careful patient selection, availability failure of an implant, including occlusal
example, a set screw that can be repaired of significant amounts of cortical bone, overloading, preoperative or postopera-
or replaced).1 It should be noted that and highly skilled surgeons. However, sub- tive infection, and placement in bone of
loosening or fracturing a set screw often sequent restorative treatment of the im- inadequate quality or quantity. Other
indicates that the dental implant is sub- plant may have affected clinical outcomes causative or precipitating factors are the
ject to conditions that ultimately may so that blade vents exhibited varying de- patients overall health, oral hygiene, and
lead to failure.1 grees of success. caries susceptibility, in addition to the
A variety of dental implants were eval- One of the early pioneers in the field technique and experience of the operator.
uated clinically and in vitro (with varying of dental implants, Schroeder, worked The most common patient complaints
degrees of success) for approximately 30 with a company manufacturing Swiss indicative of implant problems are pain
years before the almost universal accept- watch components in the 1960s and and/or postoperative infection. Indicators
ance and clinical success of endosseous 1970s to develop a hollow-basket titani- of implant failure include a horizontal
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mobility greater than 1.0 mm, any clinical- types.18 Type I bone is comprised of ho- implant success than a radiographic or
ly observed vertical movement, rapid pro- mogeneous, compact bone throughout densitometric (that is, a peripheral dual-
gressive bone loss and/or pain during per- the entire jaw, Type II bone has a core of energy x-ray absorptiometry, also known
cussion or function, and infection. 1,10,11,12,14 dense trabecular bone surrounded by a as pDEXA) diagnosis of osteoporosis.26
This article provides an overview of thick layer of compact bone, Type III It has been suggested that other sys-
the clinical use of dental implants. The bone has only a thin layer of cortical bone temic diseases, such as Sjogrens syn-
literature pertaining to the criteria for surrounding a core of dense trabecular drome, lupus, lichen planus, immunolog-
success or failure with dental implants bone, and Type IV bone has a core of ical disorders, and malabsorption
and the factors that determine these out- low-density trabecular bone of poor syndromes, are influencing factors in im-
comes are reviewed critically. Finally, a strength encased in thin cortical bone. plant outcome, although no consensus
summary of the factors predisposing im- Using the above hierarchy, Types I and II has been reached to date. In fact, since
plants to failure and the factors that con- promise the most successful implants. decreased salivary flow (as happens with
tribute to implant success is provided. Various studies report that the maxilla Sjogrens syndrome, for example) predis-
(where the bone is less dense) and poses the patient to dental caries, im-
Patient factors in dental mandibles that have suffered severe re- plants have been suggested as the treat-
implantology sorption produce the most implant fail- ment of choice for such cases.15
Patients elect to have one or more im- ures.12,17,19 Some authors believe bone
plants for a variety of reasons. The pri- density to be the most significant factor, Irradiation
mary reasons prompting the decision to while others suggest that the combination When considering the advisability of plac-
undergo implant placement are eliminat- of volume and density is a better predictor ing dental implants in an irradiated jaw,
ing the need for removable partial or of implant success.20 Low bone volume three issues are predominant: xerostomia,
complete dentures, esthetics, and the de- combined with soft bone quality (that is, decreased blood supply, and the possible
sire to conserve tooth structure in an oth- Type IV in the above classification) in- presence of osteoradionecrosis.1,27,28 The
erwise caries-free mouth. Secondary creases the incidence of implant failure.21 failure rate for implants that can be ascribed
(and sometimes primary) factors include to irradiation therapy seems to be minimal
financial considerations, specifically Systemic diseases but the long-term effects on bone quality
whether the patient can afford the sur- Patients with systemic diseases (most are indeterminate.29 Accordingly, it would
gery and subsequent restoration of im- commonly uncontrolled diabetes) may appear advisable for the surgeon to consid-
plants. For example, the patient also experience an increased incidence of im- er sufficient postradiation healing time be-
must judge whether it is more cost-effec- plant failure.22 Uncontrolled diabetes fore proceeding with treatment. According
tive to extract an endodontically involved mellitus can impair circulation and fur- to the literature, that healing time varies
tooth and replace it with an implant than ther reduce the chemotactic and phago- from 3.012 months.1,28,30-32 Jisander et al fa-
to perform alternative endodontic thera- cytic functions of neutrophils. As a result, vor longer healing periods in conjunction
py involving possible crown-lengthening circulation at the site of an implant may with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.27 Irradia-
and/or post and core fabrication, which be compromised and the susceptibility to tion is more of a concern in the maxilla,
may result in a more guarded prognosis. infection may increase.14 Several studies with reports of a 25% failure rate, compared
The clinician will incorporate any or all in the more recent literature show no sig- to a 6.0% failure rate in the mandible.16,21 As
of the above criteria when providing rec- nificant differences in implant failure a result, irradiation therapy should not be
ommendations and advice to the patient rates between controlled diabetics and viewed as an absolute contraindication, es-
considering implant placement. The den- control patients without the disease.23 pecially in the mandible.15,21
tist also must consider a variety of other Some authors have suggested that os-
patient-dependent criteria when deciding teoporosis is a risk factor for implant suc- Infection
to undertake implant therapy. In particu- cess, especially for postmenopausal The presence of infection may have a role
lar, clinical considerations, such as bone women.1,9,10,24,25 Likewise, osteopenic pa- in implant failure. Typically, implant fail-
quality and quantity, oral and general tients may be predisposed to adverse im- ures have been observed when pathology
health, and the patients oral habits, are plant outcomes because of the reduced is at (or within close proximity to) the im-
pre-eminent in the decision process. bone density. Patients with these two dis- plant site (for example, placement in an
Clearly, systemic diseases may have an ad- eases may fall into the category of Type infected tooth socket), adjacent to an un-
verse impact upon the prognosis of oral IV bone. Few clinical studies have been diagnosed endodontically involved tooth,
implants, especially autoimmune diseases published on the topic and opinions con- adjacent to an existing lesion (such as a
and chronic oral diseases such as erosive flict. El Askary et al suggested that osteo- cyst), or when periodontitis is present.33,34
lichen planus, Sjogrens syndrome, leuko- porosis has a negative effect on dental Immediate implant placement (that is, an
plakia, stomatitis, aphthous ulceration, lu- implant integration, while others note implant placed into a fresh socket after
pus, and diabetes mellitus.1,10,11,13,14-16 that dental implants have been placed tooth removal) may have a poor progno-
successfully in patients suffering from os- sis if extraction was necessitated by infec-
Bone quality teoporosis in the lumbar spine and tion or perio-dontal disease.10,35 In such
Bone quality and quantity are essential hip.1,24,25 Overall, it appears that the visu- situations, the adverse outcome may be
considerations in implant success.12,17 al assessment of bone density at the time the result of contamination of the im-
Bone quality has been classified into four of placement may be more pertinent to plant by bacteria from the site of the im-
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plant or persistent chronic infection after that bacteria migrating from endodontic them particularly susceptible to plaque ac-
the implant is placed. Heydenrijk et al de- lesions challenge the host resistance and cumulation and bacterial attack. If the dis-
termined that the microflora of the the fragile bony integration process. This ease processes and their causes are not
mouth prior to the placement of a dental situation can be averted by examining eliminated, the initiation of inflammatory
implant determines the flora in the peri- adjacent teeth radiographically prior to processes due to bacterial ingress, plaque
implant area.36 Stabile implants usually implant surgery to ensure that an unbro- accumulation, and/or calculus formation
reflect the flora of periodontally healthy ken periodontal ligament space exists ultimately leads to implant failure.
patients while the flora of peri-implanti- around all remaining teeth. At that point,
tus lesions usually resembles periodonti- appropriate endodontic treatment and Age and gender
tis.36 Thorough debridement and lavage antibiotic therapy can be undertaken, al- The impact of age and gender on implant
of the implant site, together with pre- and lowing a suitable time for healing. failure is unclear. Some authors believe
postoperative antibiotic therapy (in addi- that there is an increased risk of failure
tion to the postsurgical use of chlorhexi- Oral lesions for patients over 60.22,49 Others suggest
dine rinse or gel), may eliminate bacterial Cysts are an uncommon but still impor- that age has a minor effect and is non-
contamination, allowing the host to acti- tant contraindication for implant place- contributory to dental implant failure.50,51
vate the healing process and promote suc- ment and one that can easily be avoided With advancing age, changes do occur in
cess of the implant.21,37-40 by radiological examination. Changes in the mineral composition of bone, colla-
Most authors agree that chronic perio- the cysts status may result in bone loss gen, and bone proteins and fractures may
dontitis predisposes the patient to implant and increase the risk of the implant be- take longer to heal in older patients.15,52
failure.1,13,22,36,41 It appears that endodonti- coming loose and nonfunctional.1 As a As a result, older patients may require a
cally compromised teeth have a higher result, failure may not be immediate but longer period of healing following dental
success rate than periodontally involved it may be inevitable for many types of implant placement and before loading.
teeth when such teeth must be replaced.42 bone and soft tissue cysts. Authors disagree on the impact and
Typically, patients with perio-dontal dis- Mucosal lesions (such as severe erosive the tendency of postmenopausal women
ease have a lower survival rate for dental lichen planus) may lead to dental implant to develop some form of osteoporosis or
implants and an increased incidence of complications.21 Since inflammatory osteopenia.1,15 The current thought is
complications compared to patients who processes in general can affect the osseoin- that postmenopausal estrogen status is a
lose their teeth due to conditions such as tegration process and the long- and short- concern in the maxilla only.19,53-55
trauma and dental caries. 35,41,43 term survival of implants, erosive lichen
The risk of cross-contamination from planus (as well as other mucosal lesions) Oral habits
periodontally involved sites to implant should figure prominently in case selec- According to the literature, the most com-
locations appears to be significant.1 This tion. Similar considerations probably ap- mon patient habits that adversely affect
observation has been corroborated by ply to recurrent aphthous ulceration and dental implants are bruxing and smoking,
cross-sectional microbial studies of fail- stomatitis. Obviously, patients with au- although parafunctional activities (such as
ing implants whose microbial profiles toimmune diseases (for example, AIDS, chewing ice and nibbling on hard objects)
were similar to those of pathological pe- HIV, lupus, Crohns disease, and pemphi- may cause premature implant failure. 1
riodontal pickets, especially Gram-nega- gus) and those receiving immunosuppres- Understandably, habitual bruxing increas-
tive anaerobic rods, which are no longer sive drugs may have a poor implant prog- es the horizontal stress on implants; even
detectable when edentulous.26,36,44 nosis. Allergic reactions also involve the aggressive tongue thrusting may cause
Ideally, in the presence of infection, immune system but the literature offers problems with anterior implants.12,56
placement of the implant will be delayed.10 little data concerning how allergies affect For natural teeth, optimal loading oc-
However, if delayed placement is not pos- the success or failure of implants. Al- curs along the long axis of the tooth; hor-
sible, the previously suggested alternative though approximately 30% of the popula- izontal or shearing forces are the most
procedure of preoperative antibiotic ther- tion has at least one allergy, the prevalence destructive. Bruxing is not a positive
apyincluding antibiotic lavage of the of those who actually suffer from allergy force even for natural teeth because the
site, hand instrumentation of the implant complications is only 10% or so.47 dental implant is osseointegrated (that is,
site to remove affected bone, and postop- anchored into the mandible or maxilla by
erative antibiotic coverage in combination Untreated dental disease/ the bone itself). As a result, the implant
with the daily use of chlorhexidine gel oral hygiene does not have the ligaments that anchor
during the entire healing periodmay Untreated dental disease nurtures the pro- natural teeth within their sockets. Loads
improve the clinical outcome, provided liferation of oral bacteria; along with inad- transmitted by the implant to surround-
there is no active suppuration at the time equate dental care and oral hygiene, it pro- ing bone under asymmetric loading may
of implant placement.40,42,45 motes the risk for bacterial contamination induce osteoclasis, without the corre-
Because implant survival is highly of the implant site.1,48 Poor oral hygiene in- sponding osteoblastic activity resulting
susceptible to bacterial infiltration, unre- duces plaque formation and, in severe cas- from periodontal fibers (for example,
solved or undiagnosed endodontic le- es, the establishment of calculus and sub- when bone remodels during orthodontic
sions within the vicinity of the implant and supragingival calculus deposits. The therapy). As a result, horizontal/shearing
site pose a threat during the critical initial orientation of suprabony connective tissue forces on implants can be just as destruc-
phase of osseointegration.1,46 It appears fibers surrounding dental implants makes tive (and possibly even more so) as those
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Table 1. Clinician- placement (see Table 1). The experience the implant site has adequate blood supply
dependent factors. and surgical skill of the clinician play a and there is no micromovement of the
significant role in terms of the success or placed implant.10 The reported success rate
failure of dental implants. for implants placed in grafted bone has
Case selection
Before beginning any dental implant ranged from 7785%.29 By contrast, im-
Site selection case, the experienced clinician will con- plants placed in mature ungrafted bone
Implant design duct a thorough dental and medical his- have a success rate of 95% or more.10
Implant number/spacing tory review. The decision to continue When determining the optimum site
Surgical technique with dental implant therapy will be made for an implant, one also must consider the
One- or two-stage policy based on these findings. occlusal forces to which the implant may
be subjected. As mentioned previously,
Premature loading
Site selection implants lack a periodontal ligament; as a
Design of the prosthesis Site selection involves considering bone result, the osseointegrated bone does not
Commitment to recall protocol quality and quantity, the forces of masti- receive all of the possible benefits that
cation to which the implant will be sub- natural teeth experience from the stresses
jected, and its proximity to existing or of mastication. This was confirmed in a
likely endodontic therapy. The dentist limited study by Skalak, in which a tooth
that occur to natural teeth, since the ap- must have the experience to categorize model was subjected to nonaxial loading
plied force may not translate into the what type of bone exists for the patient in and showed uniform stress distribution in
kind of tension that can cause bone dep- question. At that point, decisions can be the supporting bone, with low stress con-
osition when a periodontal membrane is made as to what type of implant (for ex- centration in the supporting bone around
present. Based on limited data, clinical ample, the length and width) to employ the tooth neck. 68 By contrast, the implant
opinion suggests that occlusal forces or whether to avoid implant surgery alto- model showed stress concentration in the
should be directed along the long axis of gether. Design and surface finish are im- supporting bone around the implant
the implant during restoration, typically portant considerations that obviously de- neck, especially in the buccal area. In ad-
by anterior or canine guidance.57 Reduc- pend on the personal preference of the dition, shear loading generated higher
ing the size of the occlusal table of the surgeon placing the implant. stresses than axial forces at the implant
prosthesis and increasing the length The literature suggests that bone graft- neck, suggesting that shear forces may be
and/or width of the dental implant also ing can affect osseointegration of dental more damaging to the bone surrounding
may reduce the effects of asymmetrical implants.15,64,65 Bone grafting (also known dental implants than when the same
implant loading and the similar stresses as bone augmentation) often is undertak- forces are present with a natural tooth.
of the bruxing patient. en when the bone at the intended implant Consequently, the restoration (and the
Smoking is an important factor in the site is inadequate for supporting the im- angle of implant placement) should be
failure of dental implants.1,12,16,21,48,49,53,55,58-60 plant. If the need for augmentation arises designed carefully to ensure that the oc-
Some authors have found that smoking from bone loss due to periodontal disease, clusal forces assumed by the restored im-
increases the risk of dental implant failure infection, or osteoporosis, it is possible plant are directed along its long axis and
by a factor of 2.5.61,62 In a 2002 study (n = that these conditions will affect the suc- are well-distributed, especially in the case
2,614), there was no significant difference cessful integration of the graft. The bio- of multiple units. Forces along the long
in implant survival between smokers and logic elements of a sinus (for example, axis of implants and natural teeth are the
nonsmokers.63 The cause of the increased bacteria, pressure, allergy implications) most likely to be tolerated, whereas shear-
failure rate is uncertain but anoxia of the must be considered when the size of the ing forces are the least acceptable. Sites
oral cavity and/or increased plaque for- maxillary sinus makes a graft necessary. that are more posterior will be subjected
mation and tar deposits due to smoking In addition, timing the placement of to greater occlusal forces, since they are
may be significant contributors. The pa- dental implants in grafted bone is critical. closer to the fulcrum of the mandible.
tient and dentist must consider these bio- Grafted bone must have time to integrate Most authors agree that mandibular
logic and human variables before pro- and mature to a highly organized struc- implants have a greater chance for success
ceeding with dental implant therapy. ture.10,65,66 Immature bone cannot be ex- than those placed in the maxilla.
pected to withstand the torque inherent Goodacre cited mean failure rates of 10%
Clinician-dependent factors of in dental implants while its replacement for complete dentures in the maxilla and
implant success/failure lamellar bone takes time (612 months) 3.0% in the mandible. 16 For overdentures,
Many factors that contribute to the suc- to evolve. By contrast, lamellar bone has the mean failure rate in the maxilla was
cess or failure of an implant are beyond a more organized structure, providing 19%, compared to 4.0% for the
the realm of the clinicians control but greater implant-to-bone contact and of- mandible.16 Fixed partial dentures and
nevertheless must play a part in guiding fering a better prognosis. single crowns showed little difference be-
his or her judgment as to the practicality Current opinion suggests that the graft- tween arches (6.0% for the maxillary arch
of implant therapy. There are other vari- ed bone should be monitored carefully and and 3.0% for the mandibular arch). A
ables to consider that are within the con- should not be loaded before it has integrat- 2000 report by Snauwaert et al agreed and
trol of the clinician and relate strongly to ed completely with the recipient site. Bone postulated the difference in bone quality
the success or failure of dental implant grafting can be predictable, provided that as the reason for the difference in success. 19
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A clinician may consider an overdenture Table 2. The increase in surface area with
in the maxilla because there is insufficient diameter for an implant 12.5 mm in length.
high-quality bone for a fixed restoration
requiring more implants.
Diameter (in mm) Circumference (in mm) Surface area (mm2) Increase (%)
Implant design 3.00 18.85 235.62 Not applicable
Certain design elements appear to influ-
3.75 23.56 294.52 25
ence the success or failure of an osseous
implant, including length, diameter, sur- 5.00 31.42 392.70 66.7
face characteristics, and core characteris- 7.50 47.12 589.05 150
tics. Implant length depends entirely upon
the amount of available bone. Dental im-
plants are available in lengths ranging from
7.020 mm, although common usage gree. A healthy distance (2.03.0 mm) With three or more implants, the im-
ranges from 1016 mm.10 Many studies must be maintained between the implant plants can be positioned in a stepped
suggest that longer implants result in a and the crestal bone to minimize both the fashion, allowing better stress distribu-
higher success rate, possibly because the inflammatory response to bacteria in the tion due to tripodization.66,71
increased length of the bone implant inter- soft tissue that surrounds the implant and In general, there should be a minimum
facial contact increases the potential for the eventual apical migration of the separation of 3.0 mm between a natural
greater mechanical resistance to masticato- bone.10 The selection of implant dimen- tooth and an implant to preserve the blood
ry forces, another important factor in suc- sions (that is, diameter and length) de- supply to the natural tooths periodontal
cess.1,19,64,69 Naert et al have suggested that pends on the width and depth of bone ligament.10 The clinical evidence suggests
the use of longer implants implies that into which the implant is to be placed. that implants should be spaced 4.07.0
there is more available bone (that is, less The crestal bone usually remodels 0.51.0 mm apart to avoid bone necrosis.1,10
prior resorption) and a lowered predispo- mm below the ridge crest shortly after im-
sition for failure as a result.64 By contrast, plant placement.10 There must be suffi- Surgical technique
shorter implants with their lower bone-to- cient bone at the implant site to accom- Many authors consider surgical trauma
implant contact, may exhibit less resistance modate the selected implant; at the same and/or limited surgical experience to be
to occlusal forces, thereby predisposing time, the ensuing bone resorption and a one of the most important causative fac-
them to early failure.1 It should be noted proper biological width after implant tors in early implant failure.1,13,49 Among
that implants longer than 18 mm also may placement also must be considered. surgeons who have placed fewer than 50
be predisposed to failure, possibly because It has been suggested that stress levels implants, early failure rates are twice
of the tendency for the bone to be over- for a given applied load are reduced on those of surgeons who have placed more
heated when such a deep site is prepared.19 longer implants because of the greater than 50 implants.72,73 The most common
Implant diameter also contributes to surface area.10 As a result, the bone may iatrogenic elements related to surgical
the amount of bone-to-implant contact experience less resorption and may be technique are listed below.
and to the attendant resistance to occlusal less prone to pathological complications Overheating the bone during preparation
forces, since the circumference of the im- following implant placement and entry of the implant site can lead to necrosis and a
plant increases with the diameter (see Table into service. However, Misch has sug- lack of implant osseointegration.1,12,74,75 It gen-
2). Increasing the diameter for a given gested that a large biological width allows erally is accepted that collagen is denatured and
length of implant with the same design and dentists to place longer implants, with necrosis of bone cells occurs when bone is
thread characteristics increases the nominal less risk when the top of the implant is heated to 47C for more than one minute.74 A
surface area markedly, to the extent that the placed within 2.0 mm of the bone crest.70 corollary to thermal bone cell damage is that
amount of bone surface contacted by the interfacial formation of connective tissue may
dental implant increases with a concomi- Implant spacing/number occur between the implant and the bone, ulti-
tant increase in the resistance to occlusal Preserving an adequate blood supply to mately leading to a loss of integration and loos-
forces. A thread surface has an even greater the bone is critical to dental implant suc- ening of the dental implant.15,42,75,76
surface area than a smooth cylinder. cess; therefore, it is essential to maintain Contributory factors to bone over-
The sulcular tissue and epithelial junc- adequate separation between implants heating during implant site preparation
tion that surrounds an implant is similar and natural teeth.10 In contradistinction include poor irrigation of the surgical site,
but not identical to that of a natural to this separation is the need to maximize excessive force applied during cutting,
tooth. With implants, the tissue attach- the number of implants that are placed to and the use of dull or poorly designed
ments are different from natural teeth but support a prosthesis, so that the occlusal surgical burs.77 Oral surgeons typically
the concept of biological width is still rel- forces will be distributed over as great an apply a force of 200500 g during tooth
evant. The biological width of natural area as possible. When designing fixed sectioning, using crosscut fissure and ta-
teeth is the separation between the depth prostheses, it generally is accepted that pered and round tungsten carbide burs at
of the sulcus and the crest of the alveolar more implants are better than fewer. Im- a handpiece speed of 100,000 rpm.78 This
bone.10 The presence of bacteria around a plant failures are most prevalent in study indicated that irrigation of the bone
tooth or implant is inevitable to some de- bridges supported by two implants.12,19,21 with saline and (preferably) lactated
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Ringers solution increased cutting rates of four months, delivering the final pros- ing and osseointegration prior to implant
markedly, especially when the handpiece thesis as early as six months after loading. restoration and loading.
experienced higher applied loads.79 Due to their density, bone types 1 and 2 In accordance with a stress-free heal-
The literature indicates that certain have an initial bone-to-implant contact of ing time, a dental implant patients diet
general recommendations can be made 7080%.10 Type 3 bone has an initial bone- often is modified to protect the healing
concerning implant site preparation, al- to-implant contact of only 50% and must implant. Chewing on the site should be
though each surgeon has his or her own endure a slower loading process as a result. discouraged until the implant is uncov-
technique for such procedures. The ap- After an initial healing stage of six months, ered; when that occurs, progressively
plied pressure/load on the handpiece prosthetic loading appointments should harder foods may be introduced. A soft
clearly must not be so high as to stall the occur three weeks apart. The final pros- initial diet of pasta and fish usually is ad-
rotating bur but obviously should not be thesis may be delivered after 10 months.10 vised, followed several weeks later by
so light that it generates only heat. Exces- Type 4 bone is the least dense and has meats. Raw vegetables should not be at-
sive cutting speeds or pressures during the highest rate of implant failure. Since tempted until the clinician approves
drilling may prevent the coolant/irrigant the initial bone-to-implant contact is them after a final evaluation.10
from accessing the surgical site adequately merely 25%, loading is accomplished in Similarly, occlusion of the prosthesis is
and may affect bone cutting detrimentally, slower time increments. After an initial modified to protect the site during healing
in terms of both heat generation and cut- healing stage of six to eight months, pros- and increased progressively as osseointe-
ting efficiency. Cutting rates should be ap- thetic loading appointments should be gration occurs. Initially, there should be no
proximately 0.51.0 mm/5.0 seconds, with four weeks apart; the final prosthesis occlusal contacts and only minimal contact
copious saline irrigation used to remove should be delivered one year after initial should be added until the final restoration
chips as they are generated. Using a pilot placement of the dental implant.10 is delivered.10 All parafunctional and can-
drill (for example, a No. 2 round bur) for Various protocols have been devel- tilever contacts should be avoided.10
initial penetration allows the surgeon to oped that involve immediate loading of According to Sennerby and Roos, cases
evaluate bone density and thickness and implants, which are particularly relevant involving immediate implant loading may
provides an initial check on the direction for the completely edentulous patient. show low failure rates over the first five
of implant placement. Thereafter, increas- For example, when a number of implants years, although failures increased in num-
ing drill diameter gradually will facilitate are placed in an edentulous arch, several ber when a longer follow-up time was ob-
bone penetration by reducing the required are left submerged without loading and a served.21 In a 2002 report, Penarrocha et al
applied force as well as the heat transmit- proportion are restored and placed im- recommended that full osseointegration
ted to bone. 10 Additionally, slower bur mediately into occlusion to permit deliv- should occur before dental implants are
speeds, sharp new burs, and a graded se- ery of a transitional prosthesis.83 The loaded, to guarantee the greatest success.77
ries of bur sizes all contribute to reduced submerged implants are allowed to os-
heat generation during implant site prepa- seointegrate before they are restored. Design of the prosthesis
ration, increasing a favorable prognosis The immediately loaded implants that re- Before the dental implants are placed, the
for implant integration. 1 main functional may be incorporated clinician usually decides whether the pros-
into the final prosthesis; the failed im- thesis should be a removable implant-sup-
Time of implant loading plants are considered dispensable be- ported prosthesis (for example, an over-
Loading implants too rapidly is one of cause provisions have been made to en- denture) or a fixed prosthesis. Removable
the most common causes of dental im- sure other implants are available.83 prostheses require fewer implants, less
plant failure.10,13,59 As discussed previous- Another approach that permits immedi- maintenance, and shorter
ly, the lack of mechanoreceptors associat- ate loading involves placing 1013 im- recall appointments; in addition, they can
ed with dental implants compromises a plants and splinting them together so be removed at night to rest the tissues and
patients awareness of heavy forces; if pre- that the occlusal load is spread over the prevent damage from nocturnal parafunc-
ventive measures are not taken, this com- entire arch rather than isolated sites.83 tional habits. 10 An overdenture often is se-
promise may permit premature loading Immediate restoration of an implant lected as a treatment option for esthetic
of implants before osseointegration is also is an option when the implant is reasons since it is possible to fabricate the
complete. If loading does occur, the mi- placed in an esthetically important loca- prosthesis with flanges that substitute for
cromotion sustained by the implant may tion (for example, maxillary central or lost bone, resulting in better support of fa-
inhibit bone growth, resulting in deposi- maxillary lateral). In such cases, immedi- cial tissue.10 A removable device may be
tion of fibrous tissue repair and eventual ate restoration satisfies the esthetic needs the treatment of choice for the completely
loosening of the dental implant.16,44,80,81 of the patient but restricts the imposition edentulous arch, since five implants can be
Branemark advises a stress-free healing of masticatory forces by ensuring that the placed in the anterior segment (that is, an-
period of at least three to six months.82 restoration is out of occlusion. In gener- terior to the mental foramen) of the arch.
Misch has recommended a protocol, al, immediate loading of implants is a vi- They may be designed to support a pros-
based on observed bone density, for pro- able treatment modality if the implant is thesis that replaces an entire compliment
gressive loading of dental implants.10 Bone adequately stable (a stability figure of of teeth without the need for posterior im-
types 1 and 2 often respond well to physi- more than 32 ncm has been cited).84 plants.10 Many patients object to a remov-
cal loading, loading progressively in two- Nevertheless, many clinicians adhere to able appliance, either for reasons of vanity
week intervals after an initial healing time the principle of allowing complete heal- or because they prefer a prosthesis as sim-
39442:160 Flanagan.qxd 10/28/13 11:53 AM Page 429

ilar to their natural teeth as possible. Ob- Table 3. Predictors of implant success or failure.
viously in the case of a single missing
tooth, a fixed prosthesis is clearly the treat-
ment of choice, especially in the anterior Positive factors Negative factors
region of the mouth. Bone type (Types 1 and 2) Bone type (Types 3 and 4)
When designing fixed prostheses, more High bone volume Low bone volume
implants are preferred, provided bone qual- Patient is less than 60 years old Osteonecrosis
ity and quantity are good. Implant failures
Clinician experience (more than 50 cases) Patient is more than 60 years old
are more prevalent in bridges supported by
two implants compared with those sup- Mandibular placement Limited clinician experience
ported by three or more.12,21,64,65 With three Single tooth implant Systemic diseases (for example,
or more implants, positioning can be de- Implant length >8.0 mm uncontrolled diabetes)
signed in a stepped fashion (as opposed to a Fixed partial denture with more Auto-immune disease (for example,
straight line), allowing better stress distribu- than two implants lupus or HIV)
tion through tripodization.68 Conversely,
Axial loading of implant Chronic periodontitis
some authors believe that the increased
time involved in placing multiple implants Regular postoperative recalls Smoking and tobacco use
surgically may carry with it an increased risk Good oral hygiene Unresolved caries, endodontic lesions,
of infection.85 Still, dentists should avoid frank pathology
overloading for any full-arch or partial fixed Maxillary placement, particularly
prosthesis.86 Some of the factors that con-
posterior region
tribute to overload include bruxing and
clenching, off-axis inclination, high Short implants (<7.0 mm)
crown/implant ratio, and long cantilever.19,87 Acentric loading
To provide a functional arch for the Inappropriate early clinical loading
patient without placing implants posteri- Fixed partial denture with two implants
or to the mental foramen, it sometimes is Bruxism and other parafunctional habits
necessary to design a cantilevered pros-
thesis. From an engineering standpoint,
it is difficult for a cantilever to provide
centric loading along the long axis of the ways possible; in those instances, a natural recall regimen, together with meticulous
implant. When a cantilever design is nec- tooth may be used as an abutment for the oral hygiene. Like natural teeth, implants
essary, the maximum length for posterior prosthesis, although many authors feel are subject to bacterial attack and possi-
cantilevers should be 15 mm.88 that using natural teeth in combination ble periodontal pocket formation. The
Regardless of the type of device used with dental implants is contraindicat- goals of implant placement are osseointe-
(that is, fixed or removable), distribution ed. 10,91-93 Accoding to Misch, the natural gration and formation of a perimucosal
of forces on the implants must be adhered tooth in question should have a long-term seal that acts as a barrier to bacterial and
to strictly, notably along the long axis of prognosis of more than 10 years as well as chemical invasion. Failing implants have
the implant.1,12,89 This requirement can be a satisfactory pulpal status (or else it been shown to harbor increased levels of
a challenge when significant bone loss has should have received root canal therapy).94 subgingival spirochetes and gingival in-
changed the crestal width.10 When signif- It should be noted that combining a flammation. A wide variety of micro-
icant bone loss requires offset positioning rigid implant with the more elastic natu- organisms are known to occur within the
of the implant prosthesis for optimal es- ral tooth and its supporting periodontal sulcus of failing implants and the detect-
thetics, the clinician may opt for some tis- ligament may subject the implant to flex- ed species are significantly different from
sue support of the prosthesis to facilitate ural forces.13,91,95 Although these difficul- those found in periodontally diseased
masticatory force distribution. Implant ties may be minimized through nonrigid teeth.99 Well-maintained implants rarely
failure is a concern if the angle of change connectors, such designs appear to pres- exhibit subgingival spirochetes, a possible
exceeds 25 degrees, since offset loading of ent a high incidence of complications.96,97 causative agent of soft-tissue damage and
this type may generate shearing forces Conversely, it has been suggested that impeded healing.100,101 The microbial
that the bone cannot tolerate.10,90 combining implant and natural tooth population that surrounds implants
When an implant prosthesis replaces a support for a prosthesis may enhance pa- should be minimized or eliminated and
long span (that is, two or three teeth), the tient perception of masticatory force plaque should be removed to ensure
clinician should use at least two implants through proprioception, reducing the long-term success. A recent study report-
to support the prosthesis independently. chances of overload as a result.97,98 ed that the local delivery of antibiotics
As the number of implants increase, the such as tetracycline has a markedly bene-
occlusal forces applied to the abutment Commitment to patient recall ficial effect on peri-implantitis and a po-
screws decrease, as does the attendant risk Although implant maintenance cannot tentially positive effect on clinical and
of screw loosening. 10 However, a totally be stressed enough, the dentist also must microbiological parameters.102
implant-supported prosthesis is not al- emphasize the importance of the precise The patients oral hygiene may include
39442:160 Flanagan.qxd 10/28/13 11:53 AM Page 430

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Reprinted with permission from General Dentistry, November/December 2005. On the web at
Academy of General Dentistry. All rights reserved. Foster Printing Service: 866-879-9144,

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