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ABE Mathematics Verification Checklist Level 1 - Grade Level 0.0 - 1.9 (M.1.1:1 Assocate qumbers and words for M311 Model and use drecbonal and numbers with quantities postional vocabulary appropriately. 1¥.2.1.2 Domonetrate an understanding that Demonstrate an understanding of items are rearenged, the numbers stay the perimeter being the measure atound the same. ‘outside edges of squares and rectangles. 1W.i.1.3 Read, te, onder, and compare ‘numbers from 0 to 100, ‘Wai. Recognize and Count mumbers through 999, 1M.1.1.5 Count by 25,55, and 105 up to 100, 1M1.4.0 Tdentfy even and odd numbers 1W.1.1.7 Aad whale numbers up to three digits (without carrying). 1M.1.1.9 Demonstrate understanding ofthe ‘concept of subiraction, Le, asin taking away cor separating, from numbers up to twenty. 1W.1..9 Subtract whole numbers up to three digits (without borrowing). ‘W.2.1.10 Demonstrate an understanding of te] times tables for the numbers 1,2, 4, and 10. M3.1.3 Hdentfy and describe the propertios ‘of common two-dimensional shapes (square, crc, rectangle, triangle) using everyday language (straight, curved, etc). M.a.L Adendfy and name vanous visual data (araphs, charts, tables) found in authentic publications. M412 Interpret data organized in basic “ategones and groupings. MA.13 Cole abel, and order numerical information for 3 partculr purpose (8, % «count and list stock). 1W.2.1.11 Hale even numbere upto 10 and eaile whole numbers up to 10. 1M.1.1.12 deny place value of ones, tons, and hundreds. 1M.i.1.13 Identify basic functions (+= % =, = nvoff) on the ealculstor and digs (0-9). 1M.i.4.14 Tdeniy fractional pats (1/4, 173, 1/2) and whole. 1.1.15 Recognize curency (up to $20.00) and cons; count and trade pennies, nickos, dimes, et quertersto 100 cents. MS.L.1 Identfy basic number patios and relationships inherent in akition ne subsacton, 5.1.2 Sort up to 20 objects or lists by color, ‘shape, number ett, of ste, 5.1.3 Understand and complete simple umber sentences, M.1.1.16 Make and verify change. 1M.2.1.1 Recognize and record timo to the nearest hour and half hour, from an analog {and digital clock, including understanding the ‘meaning between am and pm. 1¥.2.1.2 Interpret numanc representations of dates. 1M.2.1.3 Understand use of standard US linear measurements (Inches, fest) 1M.2.1.4 Understand use of standard US capacity measurements (cups, pts, quarts, and gallons). INC ABE Mathematics Content Standards 28

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