Ochem Ii (Ace20201) : Course Intro & Ch12

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OChem II (ACE20201): Course Intro & Ch12 Lecture 01

The aim of the course: understanding of molecular structure,

chemical transformations & spectroscopic characterization

2016-08-29 S. Y. Hong
Course Intro

Text book
Organic Chemistry, 7th or 8th Ed By Wade
Chapter 12 Chapter 22

Grading: A-F

Attendance + Attitude: (10%)

Assignments (2 times): (10%)

Mid-exam (40%), Final-exam (40%)

Pre-requisite: OChem I
Pre-requisites OrgChem 1

Most stable conformation of trans-1,2-diethylcyclohexane?

Pre-requisites OrgChem 1

Suggest mechanisms for the following products

Characteristics of FT-IR Spectra
Organic Spectroscopy: Molecular Vibration

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