CCTV Operator - Handbook

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Working as a CCTV


By Umais & Aisha ZAHID


M2 CH1 Roles and responsibilities

CCTV Closed Circuit Television Information accessible by authorised people only.
Purpose of CCTV monitor, evidence gathering, to deter, support the response team.
(pss) CCTV Public space surveillance
CCTV Operator must be in possession of their badge at all time but it does not have to be displayed.

M2 CH1 Codes of Practice, Operational Procedures & Guidance

Legal CCTV system
Operational requirements (purpose/need) prevention of crime and disorder.
Operational procedures (internal)
Codes of practice (public)
ICO registration (ICO body in charge of data/information.

M2 CH3 CCTV Equipment & Operation

Two types of systems Two types of transmission
Analogue - VHS Tape Wired
Digital - Hard Drive Wireless

Hard Wired cables

Twisted Pair - Reliable but limited to short runs
Fibre Optics - Easy installation, Minimum groundwork, Good quality images, Economical, expensive
to set up
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) - Slow analogue transmissions
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Much faster digital transmission

Radio wave (FM) - the cheapest option bad signal
Microwave very expensive
Infrared - night vision
Laser Links the best known transmission (army, satellites)
Functional Checks physical examination of all the equipment done at the beginning of each shift.
Telemetry (Extras)
Keyboard Report fault every time you
Joystick come across it.


Monitors work by converting electronic signals into pictures on the screen.

CCTV monitors use the same technology as TV TVL (Television lines)
Monitor Setup


Analogue Equipment

Matrix Switcher the brain

Multiplexer many
of the system. It allows
cameras, one recorder.
the management of a
number of sources and
output devices
Degassers demagnetises
images from the tapes
Recorder this
magnetically records data
Tapes must be degaussed
on a tape
before use to prevent
Cameras light is captured by the camera lens. The lens focused the light on a sensor chip. The light is
then converted to an electronic signal.


ANPR Automated Number Plate Recognition

Image quality image is effected by 3 things Artificial lighting

Light (lux) Floodlight
Weather Spot light
Position Infrared


M2 - CH4 - Control room Communication

Radio Procedures
Clear Police may have a direct link
with the control room.
To the point

M2 CH5 Legislation

DPA The data protection act this is the law to do with how information about us is held. Under the DPA
anybody can ask about copy of their own data that any company may hold.
ICO body in charge of the data protection
Maximum charge for withdrawal of any
personal data max 10
Information raw text Reply time - within 40 days from request

Data text processed using a system

Personal Data data regarding a living individual which can be identified
Sensitive Personal Data information regarding a person to do with any of the following:
The racial or ethnic origin of the data subject
Their political views
Their religious beliefs or other beliefs of a similar nature
Their sexual life
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 This law allows anybody the right to access non personal
information held by any public authority at the time of the request. They must respond within 20 working


The Human Rights Act 1988 These are basic rights and freedoms we are all entitled to.
Human Rights are divided into two types of articles:
Absolute no one can interfere with them.
Qualified only the state has the right to interfere with them.

Absolute Qualified
Article 2 - The right to life Article 9 the right to freedom of thought,
Article 3 the prohibition of torture conscience and religion
Article 4 the prohibition of slavery and forced labour Article 10 the right to freedom of expression
Article 5 the right to liberty and security Article 11 the right to freedom of assembly and
Article 6 the right to a fair trial association
Article 7 no punishment without law Article 12 the right to marry and found a family
Article 8 the right to respect for private & family life Article 14 the prohibition of discrimination

Articles 6, 8 and 14 are the most important to us as

these may be breached by a CCTV operator.

RIPA the Regulatory of investigatory Powers Act under RIPA police or a similar body can do two types
of surveillance:

Intrusive - takes place on any residential premises or in any private vehicle.

Directed - covert surveillance that is undertaken in relation to a specific investigation or operation.

PACE The Police & Criminal Evidence Act 1984 gives police power to seize evidence contained on a

Evidence any use of testimony (oral or written statements), physical objects or any other documentary

Different types of evidence

A statement - written account of
Primary originals what evidence a witness can give
Secondary copies about an incident.

M2 CH6 Dealing with incidents

Daily Occurrence (routine) planned event, planned action.

Incident unplanned event, requires action.

Emergency unplanned event, requires immediate action.


Uses of CCTV
DETER the visual presence of the camera PROTECT protect sites and areas from
DETECT identifies individuals and detects attack
crime SUPPORT support response forces

Audit trails a chronological series of communications and actions that prove how something was done.

Multi-incidents When the control room is managed by a single operator then there may be the
need for that operator to prioritise which incident is covered. Prioritise incidents by the severity of the
crime or the greater risk to life.

Handover where current operator from one shift discuss ongoing issues with the next shift staff.

Ongoing issues e.g. suspicious vehicles or people, staff absences, current faults.

M2 CH7 CCTV Surveillance Techniques

Always remain vigilant. What is suspicious to one operator may not Deploy cameras strategically!
be suspicious to another.
At times police may request you to interrupt
CCTV Patrolling
Hot spot - Crime attracting areas, e.g. abandoned area, minimum lighting.
Operation Techniques
Pan - Joystick/Mouse moves the camera left or right (360)
Tilt - Joystick/Mouse moves the camera up or down
Zoom In & Zoom Out - Joystick/Mouse allows HOSDB percentages
Focus - Lenses brought into focus allowing clear images
Set up - Many cameras covering one spot at the different angles.
Tracking following an individuals or vehicles camera to camera as they move through different locations.
Lost contact drills performing when the target has been lost. In this case complete the full routine patrol of
the system by starting at the last point of contact, covering 360 where possible.


M2 CH8 Emergency Procedures in the Control Room

Counterterrorism being vigilant

Dealing with Improvised Explosive Device (IDE) - homemade bomb
Confirm Communicate
Clear the area Control
Cordon the area
Bomb threat check list a form kept close to the telephone
IED evacuation procedures
1. Locate and confirm the presence of the device if safe to do so
2. Take your belongings if safe to do so
3. While you leave make sure you leave doors and windows open
4. RE entry only after all clear is declared by Police
5. Check the work area as you might have been distracted by a full alarm
6. Run a full system check
7. Audit trail report it/log it. Non urgent anti terrorism hotline
Urgent 999/112
Access control
Manual Electronic Biometric (anything to do with the body)
Lock & Key Fob Retina/Iris Scan
Security Officer Swipe card Finger Scan
Manual Keypad Electronic Keypad Voice recognition
Signature recognition
M2 CH9 Health & Safety at Work in the CCTV Environment
Display Screen Equipment Regulations it covers
anybody working with any kind of screen/monitor. The Employer must provide you with an eye
employer of these people must plan their work test upon request.
activities in such a way that there are regular breaks or
changes of activities given to them.
Lone working Stress the bodys reaction to change
Regular check calls. that requires a physical, mental or
Regular mobile patrol visits emotional adjustment or response. The
chemicals that are released by your body
Automatic warning devices
as a result of stress can build up and
cause various problems over time.
Physical Mental
Chest pain A Tendency to Depression Lack of appetite/
Diarrhoea sweat Anger food craving
Muscle cramps Breathlessness Anxiety Difficulty sleeping
Dizziness Nail biting Mood swing Difficulty


Channelsea Business Centre
Canning Road
E15 3ND

Contact No: 0208 5199114

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