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Psych 1XX3 Hunger and Chemical Senses Notes Mar 26, 2010

Human evolutionary past: food sources were scarce and behaviours were
motivated by the constant need to obtain energy and nutrients essential to survival
Feeding behaviours may be motivated by hunger and satiety signals, but are
guided by the interaction of the senses of taste and smell

Hunger and Satiety:

Glucose and Glycogen Balance:
One of the main reasons that you feel hungry is low blood glucose levels.
Glucose is important for keeping your body's functions operating and is the
preferred source of energy for the brain; unlike other organs and tissues, the brain
cannot use fat energy stores for fuel which makes regulating glucose availability a
top priority.
You are very sensitive to the level of glucose in your blood, and this directly
relates to your feelings of hunger.
To keep your brain constantly supplied with energy, your body can store glucose
in the form of glycogen which can be released in between meals.
Some glycogen is stored in the muscles, but the main supply is in your liver where
it can be readily converted back into glucose.
This glucose-glycogen balance is mediated to a large degree by the liver and a
pancreatic hormone called insulin
The pancreas secretes insulin to promote the uptake of glucose by cells in your
body for immediate use, but also to stimulate storage of excess glucose as
When these levels get low enough, the liver begins to break down 'its stored
glycogen into glucose, releasing it back into circulation.
In this way, the liver and pancreas help to buffer extreme swings in blood glucose
levels. As this cycle continues and the time since your feast increases, your
glycogen reserves in the liver will decrease and a status signal is sent to the brain.
At some point, the glucose and glycogen levels get too low and you will feel
hungry. (See chart below.)

Neuropeptide Y:
Another hunger cue comes from Neuropeptide Y or NPY.
High levels of NPY activity in the hypothalamus are associated with increased
appetite and food seeking behaviours - such as heading to the kitchen.
NPV affects feeding behaviour similarly in fish, reptiles, birds, and other non-
human mammals.

Satiety and the Liver:

What makes you stop after eating?
Just as your liver can send signals to your brain to trigger hunger it also sends
signals to the brain that trigger satiety.
If you take a dog that is eating and you inject glucose into a vein that connects
directly to the liver, the dog will stop eating.
However, when the same glucose dose is injected into a different vein, say one
that does not directly connect to the liver; the dog will continue eating.

CCK and Meal Duration:

The small intestine also has a role to play in feelings of satiety.
food moves from your stomach to your gut, the small intestine produces
Cholecystokinin, or CCK, a hormone that is responsible for feelings of satiety or
fullness after a meal.
Receptors in the brain detect CCK, which serve as a signal to stop eating.
How do we know this? Well, scientists have found that if you inject individuals
with CCK, they report feeling satiated sooner.
In another study researchers administered CCK to rats leading to shorter than
average meal durations, compared to controls.
Interestingly, these rats who received CCK ate more total meals per day than the
controls, and the total daily intake was the same for both groups.
This shows that CCK is a short-term satiety signal.

Long-Term Weight Regulation:

Whenever possible, long-term energy storage takes place in the form of fat (i.e.
adipose tissue).
Both short-term and long-term mechanisms interact to regulate overall energy
balance and body-weight.
Why do animals store most of their excess energy in the form of fat? Why not
store it all as glycogen, which is a quickly transferable source of energy?
o Fat has more than twice the energy that carbohydrates, like glycogen,
have. For every 1 gram of fat, there are 9 units of kilocalories. Compare
that with carbohydrates which contain only 4 kilocalories per gram.
o And unlike glycogen, fat is found in virtually all parts of the body. If you
took a 70 kg man, he has about 1200 kcal of energy stored in the form of
glycogen. This would be enough to fuel his activities for 12-18 hours.
o However, that same man has approximately 120 000 kcal stored in fat -
thats enough energy to live off of for a couple of months!
o So for the long-term, fat is the better choice for storing more energy. But
the fat or adipose tissue is so much more than just a passive energy
storehouse. It is an active component of your regulatory physiology and
was fairly recently classified as an endocrine organ as well.
Adipose tissue secretes a hormone called leptin, which is involved in long-term
energy balance and correlated with fat mass.
When leptin levels rise, they act on receptors in the hypothalamus to reduce
appetite food consumption decreases.
Leptin production is controlled by the OB Gene in genetically altered knock-
out mice lacking an OB Gene, leptin production stops; in this state, mice are
missing a key hormonal signal to regulate appetite and become extremely obese.
This condition can be reversed if the mice are given regular injections of leptin,
causing their eating behaviour and weight to return to normal.

OB Gene Revisited:
These studies suggest that a contributing factor for obesity in humans may
involve defective OB genes or receptors.
However, this inference is not supported in clinical findings; very few obese
people have known defects in the leptin signalling system.
What happens if you give leptin to an obese animal who happens to have normal
leptin levels? In this case, giving additional leptin actually does not reliably result
in weight loss to return to normal levels.
It appears that humans and other animals are capable of becoming leptin resistant:
that is, at beyond a certain point, leptin's ability to inhibit appetite is reduced.
Consider that access to calories was a limited resource for most of human
evolutionary history;' taking in too many calories must have been a rare luxury.
It is more likely that the primary adaptive function of leptin was to serve as
indicator of low energy stores, rather than as a signal to directly reduce food
Low leptin levels would signal to increase foraging effort or minimize activity in
order to conserve energy.
Rarely would an individual have had very high levels of leptin or suffered from
the negative effects associated with excess adipose tissue.

What is the mechanism of leptin action? If you think of NPV activity in the
hypothalamus as the ON switch for appetite, leptin acts to inhibit the actions of
And so, the NPV mediated increase is appetite is prevented by leptin, leading to
decreased appetite and energy consumption.
Together leptin and NPV interact to regulate your weight to optimal levels.

Maladaptive Feeding and NPY:

Evidence in rats suggests that NPYergic neurons can specifically affect reward-
driven feeding for high calorie foods such as sucrose.
o In one series of experiments, NPY was injected directly into the brain of
rats who were satiated by previous food consumption. This revealed some
interesting results: first, there is an increase in the intake of sucrose.
o Second, rats will begin to work harder for a cue associated with sucrose
o Third, rats also increased the consumption of saccharin (similar taste to
sucrose but without calories)
o Finally, these rats will also preferentially choose a diet of carbohydrates
over protein, or fat.
This line of research suggests that NPV action promotes unconditional and
conditional behaviours that specifically lead to increased carbohydrate
A rats preexisting preferences, plays an important role in this NPV-induced
increase in carbohydrate preference; rats that showed a higher baseline preference
for carbohydrates showed the greatest preference for carbohydrates following the
NPY injection.
These studies suggest an interesting implication for genetic predisposition toward
carbohydrate consumption.

Endogenous Opioids:
Another interesting hypothesis on overeating is related to endogenous opioids.
Endogenous opioids have morphine-like actions within the body and also
contribute to palatability and reward driven feeding.
Interestingly, blocking the opioid receptors with a drug called naloxone reduces
intake of rewarding foods such as saccharin and sucrose.
Consistent with this hypothesis, knock-in mice which have been genetically
modified to lack the opioid receptor show lower preference for saccharin than do
control mice.
Some researchers have speculated that overeating in some people may be
reflective of a maladaptive opioid-mediated reward-driven feeding.

Energy balance and body weight regulation by hormones and mechanisms are
asymmetric. That is, the body defends itself against weight loss more strongly
than it does against weight gain.
This asymmetry can be understood from an evolutionary perspective, where
calories and nutrition were less certain. However, this asymmetry may have an
unintentional maladaptive expression in a modern, fast-food nation where calories
are cheap and physical exertion is minimal.

Taste Preferences and Food Selection:
Through the course of evolution, foods that are bitter or sour are associated with
flavours not commonly enjoyed, because they are often indicative of toxins or
noxious foods.
Special acquired tastes for bitter and sour must be learned through experience.
In contrast, foods that are sweet, salty or savory are associated with flavours that
are craved, because they are more often indicative of foods that are safe,
nutritious and rich in energy, such as fruits and protein.
Individuals who could detect these taste differences effectively had a survival
advantage, as they were better able to avoid dangerous foods while accessing
reliable sources of energy for good health.

Choosy Tasters:
Two lines of evidence suggest that certain taste responses are universal, and basic
to human behaviour, Particular tastes will elicit the same reactions in infants from
all over the world.
Fully healthy infants as well as those with extensive brain damage, exhibit the
same characteristic responses to tastes. (See image below.)
In panel A, infant subjects are given a neutral solution to taste. When given a
sweet or salty solution to sample in panel 8 and C, infants show characteristic
acceptance responses and smile.
When given a bitter or sour solution in panel D and E, infants show a
characteristic rejection response and are altogether unhappy.

Interestingly, these same responses are mirrored by the infant without a cortex in
the centre, and by the infant with hydrocephalus in the right-most column,
suggesting that these responses are governed by lower regions of the brain.
The perception and response to particular tastes are adaptive mechanisms,
controlled by older regions of the brain and they enable you to discriminate foods
that are safe and nutritious from foods that are potentially spoiled or toxic.
Cultural Influences:
Although these universal taste responses guide your consumption of food, taste
preference is also shaped by cultural influences which presumably were shaped
by local food availability.
In addition to the universal taste preferences that infants display, the foods that
you enjoy are learned by experience.
But just like any other trait, there are individual differences in taste sensitivity.

Taste Sensitivity:
Perhaps within your own family, you can spot differences in taste sensitivity.
Why is that?
One reason for this individual difference may have to do with the number of taste
buds on your tongue. (See image below)
Highly sensitive tasters have many more taste buds than the average person.

Generally, women tend to be more sensitive to some sweet and bitter tastes than
men. This increases even more so during the first trimester of pregnancy
corresponding to the period during which the fetus is most sensitive to toxins and
harmful substances.
It's easy to speculate how superior tasting abilities would have evolved: enhanced
taste sensitivity would have allowed for better nutrition and toxin avoidance
during pregnancy and beyond.

Taste Preferences:
Taste preferences and sensitivity guide your feeding behaviour because for much
of evolutionary history, humans have lived in an environment where calories and
essential nutrients were difficult to come by.
The sense of taste provided critical information about the safety and nutritional
quality of a wide range of potential foods.
Introduction to the Chemical Senses:
While visual, auditory and tactile sensory systems deal with physical stimuli like
light, sound waves and touch, your sense of taste and smell are unique in their
ability to detect chemical stimuli.
The chemical senses" of taste and smell depend on receptors that can interact
with molecules of food particles to provide you with the pleasurable experience of
Together; taste and smell influence your perception of flavour Im sure you can
recall the experience of food tasting bland when you were sick; it's your clogged
sinuses and impaired sense of smell that are to blame.

How Taste is Processed in the Brain:

Chewing on a juicy apple grinds the whole fruit pieces into a pulp of saliva and
molecules of water, sugar and carbohydrates.
Taste buds containing taste receptor cells detect and respond to the dissolved
apple molecules.
Each taste bud has anywhere from 50 to 150 taste receptor cells. About two-thirds
of your taste buds are located on your tongue, with the remaining on the soft
palate and the opening of the throat.

5 Taste Receptor Cell Types:

You can discern 5 different tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami or
Each of these tastes gives you information about the nutritional quality and
content of foods.
Sweet signifies energy-rich foods like fruits and their sugars.
The ability to taste salt helps you to identify and ingest essential electrolytes.
Sour and bitter tastes warn of you of harmful, spoiled or potentially poisonous
Umami, the most recently classified taste literally means delicious flavour" in
Japanese. The umami taste detects the amino acids glutamate and aspartate.
You may have once learned of a taste map, where different regions of the tongue
respond uniquely to one particular taste. This older view has been revised in
recent research. In fact, all areas of the tongue are able to detect the 5 basic tastes.
Specifically, each taste bud contains some proportion of all 5 taste receptors.
From each of these taste receptor cells, afferent neurons send signals to the brain
for processing, to create your perception of taste.
The mechanisms by which these signals are transduced at the levels of the taste
receptor cells is still a major topic of research in neuroscience today.

Pathways to Taste:
After a taste receptor cell fires an action potential, the information is sent from the
main gustatory nerve to the brainstem, where it diverges into two main pathways.
See image on next page.
One pathway travels through the medulla to the thalamus, from which the
information is sent to both the primary somatosensory cortex and the gustatory
cortex. (See image below).

Taste and the Somatosensory Cortex:

In the primary somatosensory cortex, the feel and texture of the food in your
mouth is processed, along with where on the tongue the taste is sensed.
See image on next page.
Taste and the Gustatory Cortex:
The gustatory cortex is the primary taste area of the brain, with sets of neurons
that respond to each of the 5 basic tastes.
The gustatory cortex passes information to the orbital cortex, which is near the
region where olfactory information enters the olfactory cortex.
This is where smell and taste information is combined to result in flavour. (See
image below.)

The Second Pathway:

The second pathway of information traveling from the brainstem goes on to the
pons, and from there, to the hypothalamus and amygdala.
This second pathway is thought to be involved in other aspects of feeding
behaviour such as satiety which complements the actions of the CCK mechanism
of satiety discussed earlier.
The Nose and Taste:
Why can't you tell the difference between two jellybeans with your nose plugged?
To answer this question, you must distinguish between taste and flavour
Molecules from the two jellybeans would bind with receptors on taste receptor
cells that detect sweetness.
The subtle differences between the 2 jellybeans ns are not perceived by the taste
buds, and instead broadly categorized as the taste of "sweet".
Your more sophisticated ability to sense flavour comes from an interaction with
taste and smell that occurs in the nasal pharynx at the back of the throat.
It is here that the subtleness of the orange, lemon or toasted marshmallow comes
When your nose is blocked, either by pinching it or by stuffed sinuses from a
cold, the contribution of smell is reduced. (See image below.)
You're left with the only the taste of food and deprived of its flavour.

How Smell is Processed in the Brain:

Humans are certainly less adept at smell compared to some other mammals, but
nevertheless, the range of the human sense of smell is still quite impressive.
While you can distinguish up to 10,000 different smells, your deficit likely lies
more with labelling these smells.
Humans often have difficulty with naming all the different smells that can be

Critical Nature of Smell:

Of the five senses, your sense of smell is unique in that it has a direct link to the
cortex, without being routed through the thalamus first.
This may be because smell is an important system for alerting you to significant
events in the environment.
Even more so than visual stimuli or sounds, airborne molecules that you perceive
by smell can communicate information over extremely long distances; this can
have advantage for finding food and mates or avoiding potential predators.
Olfactory Receptor Cells:
Like the receptors for your other senses, olfactory receptor cells respond to a
range of stimuli. A specific smell does not activate a unique receptor cell, but
rather activates a unique pattern of firing across receptors.
Once an action potential is triggered in an olfactory receptor cell, it travels down
the axon and synapses with cells in the olfactory bulb of the brain.
Here, the cells form synapses with dendrites of other cells called glomeruli, each
of which receives input from thousands of olfactory receptor cells.
The output from the glomeruli is sent to different areas of the brain, most of
which goes to the hypothalamus and areas of the limbic system that deal with
basic drives and emotions.
Some of the output also goes to the primary olfactory cortex in the temporal lobe,
as well as the secondary olfactory cortex in the frontal lobe. (See image below.)

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