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Article Reference (use APA) Objective

Action research study aimed

at understanding how to
sensitize young English
language learners towards
caring for the environment.
Castillo, R & Rojas, M, Sensitizing Young It consisted in the use of
English Language Learners towards creative
1 Environmental Care. (2014). Retrieved writing strategies to express
March 03, 2017, from learners ideas. Three stages
id=EJ1062671 were followed:
recognizing facts, reflecting
on them and proposing a
solution to a problem. The
progress learners made at
each stage was analyzed.

The researcher aims to shed

light to
Grsoy, E, Implementing environmental
different ways to spread
education to foreign language teaching to
environmental education to
young learners. (2010). Retrieved March
03, 2017, from
2 curriculum, by specifically
focusing on the ways to
integrate environmental
issues to EFL (English as a
Foreign Language) lessons
for young learners. P.2

The study was conducted

around the following
Jaramillo,L & Medina, S, Adolescents research question: How can
Awareness of Environmental Care: we sensitize ninth grade
Experiences when students at Aquileo Parra
3 Writing Short Descriptive Texts in English. School (morning shift)
(2010). Retrieved March 15, 2017, from towards environmental care
Repository of University Distrital Francisco and conservation by
Jose de Caldas. engaging them in the writing
of short descriptive
texts in English? P. 4


type of study, context and

instruments participants

programs in
University /
Research study
Thirteen boys
and seven girls,
ages 9 and 10,

This research
was made in
Educational Research
4th primary

The project
was developed
with forty
in Course 903
Educational Research (morning shift)
at Aquileo
School, located
in zone 1,

Constructs defined in the theoretical framework

How might CBI contribute to
fostering the development of environmental awareness in a 5th grade
class? P. 182
How do fifth graders perceive changes in their attitudes
towards environmental issues after engaging in environmental topics in EFL? p. 182
Communities of practice:
Considers the social, Learners drew wrote and spoke
in English about their drawings.
Modes of identification:
Engagement, the three stages of the intervention, recognizing facts,
reflecting on them, and proposing a solution to a problem, provided
evidence of critical thinking development.

1.The researcher argues that this is because the teachers who will provide such an education have limited
environmental knowledge. In addition, she also suggests that teachers consider environmental education as a
duty rather than a responsibilityThe researcher argues that this is because the teachers who will provide such an
education have limited environmental knowledge. In addition, she also suggests that teachers consider environmental
education as a duty rather than a responsibility. 2. Environmental
education should be considered as an integral part and constituent of formal education. Furthermore, teachers should be
aware of opportunities to integrate environmental knowledge into their teaching. Although, environmental education and
foreign language teaching seem to be irrelevant, some language teaching approaches such as communicative approach,
Content-Based Instruction (CBI) and ThemeBased Teaching make the integration of these two topics possible. Jacobs and
Goatly (2000) suggest that the inclusion of environmental issues in L2 course books suits with these approaches

The Teachers Role when Teaching Writing through the Content Areas in English.The role of guidance in developing writing
skills is very important because students often have difficulty learning how to write in a foreign language. Sensitizing
students about the environment including motivation and recognition of vocabulary. Improving writing skills
in English and writing short texts about environmental care and conservation, which accounted for sentence construction
and reading comprehension with questions. P.11 Writing short texts about
environmental care and conservation, which took into considerationreading comprehension worksheets, construction of
short paragraphs, making short descriptive environmental articles and publishing them in Planeta Aquileo, the
schoolnewspaper. P. (17)
Results/ conclusions

Commitment to learn to teach:
1. learners showed sensitivity to the issues.
2. They developed an understanding, and then their self-expression guided
them to gain environmental awareness to the point of proposing green
solutions themselves in EFL/ EFL
Alignment with social discourse
1. Sensitizing students towards the environment has become essential and urgent.
This demands from the educational curriculum the incorporation of current
and cross-curricular topics in the classroom (UNESCO-UNEP, 1987)
1. The authors noticed that the youngsters at the school under study
did not seem to have quality information or practices about caring for
the environment. 3.reflections are
an essential part of what environmental education should be, that is
equipping individuals with knowledge and attitudes that raise concern for the
2. The researcher wondered how relevant it would be to address this lack
of awareness while teaching another language (L2).
The study revealed that the environmental awareness on ELF obtains a good
results with the level of English in those children .
Learners expressed themselves by combining drawing and composing, they were
able to plan their writing and make language choices. With the teachers
assistance. Youngsters
managed to express themselves. Their work on
key vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the elaboration of ideas in
paragraphs shows that they made progress in L2.

Conclusions: Environmental education needs to be given at all levels of formal

education from kindergarten to pre-service teacher education. As well as it can be a
separate course it can also be integrated to the content of other courses.
Especially, in foreign language teaching there are certain approaches and
techniques that make it possible to provide environmental education. 2,
The process of teacher training, trainees need to be informed about the ways to
integrate environmental issues with the subject matter they aregoing to teach and
be encouraged to develop activities necessary for such integrated teaching

1. Students often have problems writing, even in their own language, because of
the lack of interaction or feedback. The teachers action is important during the
writing process, more so in a second or foreign language because she/he
enhances the possibility of identifying grammar problems, providing suggestions
and offering possibilities and activities to promote the strengthening of students
writing skills. 2. In their project, the writing process through the content of the
subject of ecology fostered motivation and gave functionality to the teaching
Comments on the worth on effectiveness, and uselfuness of the work in
terms of the topic being researched and /or your own research project

1. this research helps us to understand how The teacher-researchers

can contribute with learners creativity to propose real solutions, and
with their commitment to carrying them out. they can evolve in their learning
as a Second language.
2. We undestood the importance of teaching environmental awereness in
EFL students because students can be sensibilized throughout different
strategies that they can use in the real life and they can improve their abilities
in english.

In this article we found that the result was increased attention to the
environmental care through educational curriculum, it means that topics like
enviromental care are connected in an educational enviromental that is why
young learners can express their opinions about envirometal issues.

This article give us ideas that how we can structured our project according
with authors in Turquey that have implemented lessons to develop
awareness wih excelent results. Furthermore it gives a point of view about the
issues that the world is facing and why is necessary to implement insidethe
classrooms as a part of curriculum. Finally, it generates a lot expectations for
our reseach even though it is not the same purpose this article give a
guidelines how we can develop and give us a lot of authors that talk about
this relevant topic.

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