Functional Analysis Exercises

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Mathematics 62-413-01/512-01

Winter 2017
Assignment One (Due January 24, 2017)

1. For an infinite metric space (X, d), x0 X, and r > 0, it is possible that the open
ball B(x0 , r) is a singleton. Please give an example.
Prove that in an infinite normed space (X, k k), B(x0 , r) is always infinite.

2. Two norms k k1 and k k2 on a linear space X are said to be equivalent if there

exist positive constants A and B such that
Akxk1 kxk2 Bkxk1
for all x X. Prove that k k1 and k k2 are equivalent if and only if for any sequence
(xn ) in X and x X, we have xn x in k k1 xn x in k k2 .

3. Let (X, k k) be a Banach space and let X0 be a linear subspace of X. We say that
X0 is norm closed in X if for any sequence (xn ) in X0 and x X with kxn xk 0
in X, we have x X0 . Prove that X0 is norm closed in X if and only if X0 (as a
subspace of (X, k k)) is a Banach space.

4. Prove that if (xn ) is a Cauchy sequence in a normed space such that there exists
a subsequence (xnk ) that converges to x0 , then xn x0 .

5. Prove that (C0 (R), k k) is a Banach space under the norm kf k = sup |f (x)|.

6? . Use #4 above to prove that a normed space X is a Banach space if and only if

whenever (xn ) is a sequence in X such that kxn || < , then xn is convergent.
n=1 n=1

7? . Prove directly that Cc (R) is norm dense in (C0 (R), k k) , but is not norm closed
in C0 (R).

Note. Questions with a star are optional.

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