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Pre-Assessment Goal:

The goal of this pre-assessment was to see where my group of students was at. After giving the
pre-assessment, the results will be used to adapt the lesson plans and differentiate instruction for each

The pre-assessment includes:

Minutes in an hour
Writing down the time on an analog clock
Telling time on an analog clock

During the pre-assessment, I observed the students as they took the test and they answered what they
could and then handed their tests to me when they were finished.

Reliability, Validity, and Bias:

Reliable: The pre-assessment was reliable because no matter who gave the students the pre-
assessment, their results would have been the same. The pre-assessment would have been consistent
and therefore it was reliable.

Valid: For the most part I think the pre-assessment was valid because it included telling time, but it
didnt include telling time to the minute, or elapsed time which is part of what we were teaching. It was
a good pre-assessment to see if the students understood the basics of what we were going to teach, but
didnt include everything we were going to teach.

Un-bias: This pre-assessment was not biased because each student was given the same pre-assessment
so that we could see where each student was at on being able to tell time.

Administration Conditions:

Administered in: Small Groups

Date administered: March 20, 2017
Time administered: 9:15 a.m.
Time given: As long as they needed to finish, no set time

The students were able to use as much time as they needed to finish their pre-assessment. They were in
small groups of 4 to take it and told that to do their best. I believe the content was matched well against
the knowledge of the students and their ability because as I looked over the pre-assessments, most of
them struggled to get all of the answers correct. (Key to test is on the next page).


If I was given the chance to give this pre-assessment again I would change what was on it by
adding to it. I liked what we had, but I wished we wouldve thought to put elapsed time and times by the
minute on there. We chose to use the questions we did, because we thought it would be a good base to
see where the students were at. Although we got a pretty good idea about where they were at, I would
still add to the content that was on the assessment to get a better picture of what the students have
learned and understand.

Pre-Assessment Results

Mean: 5

Median: 4.5

Mode: 4

Analyze the Data/Summarize:

The data based on the pre-assessment shows that my group of students need to work on pretty
much everything. They seemed to do alright at telling the time, but showing the time on an analog clock
proved to be a little bit trickier. I learned that my students seemed to have a general understanding of
time and how to tell it, but still needed a little more help. The biggest area of weakness I saw from the
data was knowing what an hour, half-hour, and quarter hour were. We included this with our first lesson
to help the students understand vocabulary about time a little bit better.

Reflection of Results:

After this pre-assessment, my partner and I decided that on the first day we would go over the
different kinds of clocks, time increments of one hour, half an hour, and a quarter hour. We also talked
about how we would go over the minute and the hour hand on the clock because some students got
them confused and reversed the hour and minute. If the students understood those things we would
move on to increments of 5 minutes on the clock. There really wasnt one specific topic in time that the
students understood really well so we would still use the topics we were planning for, but we would
teach them in depth enough that it was understood.
Post Assessment
Post-Assessment Goal

The goal of the post-assessment and data from it are to see if the students learned anything by
what was being taught and to see if any progression was made. We kept the post-assessment the same
to see if any of the scores improved from the beginning of the unit to the end of the unit. Through
observation and testing in the pre-assessment we decided to keep the post-assessment the same and
see if the students understood showing and telling time better.

The post-assessment includes:



Minutes in an hour

Writing down the time on an analog clock

Telling time on an analog clock

Reliability, Validity, & Bias

Reliable: The post-assessment was reliable because if the students were given this assessment by
anyone else it wouldnt have affected their scores. The students each had the same test and they had
the time they needed to take it.

Valid: As well as with the pre-assessment this post-assessment could have been more valid. We didnt
want to change up too much what was on the post-assessment, but it wouldve been better to have all
of the things we taught in the assessment rather than just some of the things we taught.

Un-Bias: I feel like this assessment was unbiased because nothing was done to make it different for one
student over another. Each student had the same test and questions, and each student was able to have
efficient time to take the assessment.

Administration Conditions:

Administered: Small groups- pairs

Date: March 27, 2017
Time: 9:00 a.m.

The students had as much time as they needed to look over and complete the post-assessment.


If I gave this post-assessment again I would change the content. I think it would have been more
beneficial to the students and to me for the results, if I had added more to the post-assessment to test
their knowledge on all of the things we taught them.
Post-Assessment Results

Mean: 6

Median: 6

Mode: 7, 5

Analyze Data/Summarize:

The post-assessment results showed me that my students did learn more about telling time, but
on the telling time questions, we shouldve spent more time on learning that because they didnt
improve on those even though the scores didnt get worse. There was still a little bit of confusion on the
hands and which one is the minute and hour hand.


If I were to teach this unit again I would spend more time on the clock hands and on telling
whether the time is on the hour, half past, or quarters. The students picked up on showing and telling
time pretty quickly but more time on the clock hands would not have been a bad thing. I did see that the
result either stayed the same or went up though, so the things we were doing did make a difference and
help the students learn better about time.

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