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God Wants You to Have Sex: Enjoy It Gods Way

Sarah I. Omonoyan


Ms. Dias

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

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Extramarital sex has existed as long as ancient biblical times. In this day, the ideals of

cheating are prevalent and often congratulated in the culture. Whether having a side chick(s), or

open relationships, or even reading an article on Thirteen ways you can cheat without getting

caught.1 This desire for spouses to cheat has been a phenomenon for thousands of years

using sex as escapism and relinquish the beauty of the action. There is a lot of preconceptions on

what Catholics believe about sex. Usually, most people believe that the Churchs stance is this,

sex is evil and it promotes secular pleasures which will lead to sexually transmitted demons or

internal damnation. This is not the truth! God gave his creations the gift of sex and He makes it

not only efficient for procreation but pleasurable and spiritually satisfying. But Gods gift is only

through the covenant of marriage! This means that all other expressions of sex are wrong; no sex

with anyone before marriage or with anyone else once married. This is not because God is the

greatest killjoy, but because, sex is not a means of self-gratification or entertainment; it is a

passion sublimated by a love respectful of the dignity of the other, it becomes a pure,

unadulterated affirmation revealing the marvels of which the human heart is capable2. The

Church calls young adults to go against extramarital sex. They cite the apostle Paul, as he

expressed that the body is the temple of Gods spirit (Holy Spirit). We are to honor God with our

bodies and committing sexual immorality is a defilement of the body. In addition, Paul says

marriage is an earthly picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church. God

commands us to love our spouses3, so the excuse, I used to love her, but I do not love her

Wikihow article

Francis, Pope (19 March 2016). Amoris ltitia: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in
the family, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Omonoyan 3

anymore, does not cut it. Lastly, extramarital sex is a sin. It is stressed in the Ten

Commandments 4and over six times in the New testament. In todays cultural, it is a huge

temptation but, God will never give more than what people can bear5.

The Catholic Church stresses on the doctrines of what the Apostle Paul teaches to the

Christians in Corinth; the body is a temple that the Holy Spirit dwells in. How the word

temple used in the passage is a huge deal. God is conveying that the body is a shrine, or the

sacred place, where the Holy Spirit not only lives but is revered and honored. People cannot live

out this testimony by engaging in extramarital affairs. There is a defilement of the temple within

yourself, and it simply gets worst from there. If individuals could realize that God gave humans

flesh it is upheld to the highest of standards, so people can love one another without regret,

cheating would be unheard of. However, many do not take this seriously, they believe controlling

sexual temptations is unnatural and weird. This culture is centered on, what benefits my own

wants, and even to go as far as believing, its okay to cheat on your spouse if they cannot

satisfy your needs in bed. Nobody should ever follow that thinking, it is insane and immoral. As

teenagers or young adults, the best way to have a happy married life is to remember that the body

is a temple of Gods Spirit, and the best way to live this out is to practice chastity in relationships

and remember this passage anytime theres a temptation. Use the body to glorify God!6

Ephesians 5:21-33 ESV


Luke 18:18-20 ESV


1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV


Acts 2:23
Omonoyan 4

In scripture, it is spoken that Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the

church, and gave Himself for her.7 Jesus loves the church so much that he died for her. He

became human and suffered death on the crossall for the churchfor the sins of humans! He

is the standard on how to love not only spouses but one another. Marriage is an earthly picture of

the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church.8 Hence it is not enough to say, Id die

for my spouse! but ask: Are you crucifying yourself daily on behalf of your spouse?9 That is a

strong statement that cannot be taken lightly. The Apostle Paul is saying that in marriage, the

main responsibility is, to love unconditionally. It is difficult, but it is the top priority. The couples

of todays cultural think their main duty is to only provide for their spouses and children, so they

can indulge in secular pleasuresif theres food on the table, theyve done no wrong. Some

people just get married for the advantages that their spouse can offer them or jump into marriage

because they believe love is something that just a feeling. So, it is easy to see how the culture

contradicts the Christian perspective on marriage. For teenagers and young adults, its hard not

give the pleasures of this world, sometimes adultery is done in the heart unintentionally10, but a

little can go a long way. It may be as simple as asking about their day or helping with the

household chores. Love should be sacrificial, not selfish, and not to have a happy marriage, but

to glorify God, who loved people so much He gave His only son on the cross.

Ephesians 5:23-33 NKJV


Francis, Pope (19 March 2016). Amoris ltitia: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in
the family, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Francis, Pope (19 March 2016). Amoris ltitia: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on love in
the family, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Matthew 15:19 NKJV

Omonoyan 5

Committing extramarital sex goes against Gods very own commandment. There is no

need to explain for why He made it so! The path of extramarital sex will only lead to wounds and

scars not only in one who commits it but on everyone else involved.11 This society may portray

cheating as a hip new cool trend (open marriage), but the reality is it not the way God intended

His people to live. He will never command something unless He gives the power to live it it is

not impossible to follow His will!12 Many famous people have fallen due to extramarital affairs,

for example Kristen Stewart, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Brad Pitt. In truth, its easier to count

how many couples in Hollywood did not cheat on each other than who has. But that is why He

provides His people with thousands of pages of scripture to check when facing this difficulty.

Also, this means that the excuse, I used to love her, but I dont love her anymore, wont cut it.

Gods reply is, work harder at obeying this command!

The Catholic Church teaches that the sex between the husband and wife expresses the full

meaning of love, and expresses the beauty of Gods creation. So, yes God wants you to have sex

and experience this wonderful gift He gave, but we must follow His rules to enjoy it. Society is

counter-cultural in the Catholic Church beliefs, promoting keeping women or men on the side in

relationship or Buzzfeed putting out articles on how to commit extramarital affairs. This is

proven to be wrong. God asks His people to treat the body as a temple so that love can be

without regret and to love spouses as Christ as loved the Church to live out Christian ideals of

marriage. Fortunately, Hell always be with His people every step of the way.


Proverbs 6:32-33

1 Corinthians 10:13
Omonoyan 6

Works Cited

Francis, Pope (19 March 2016). Amoris ltitia: Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation on

love in the family, Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana.

Pope John Paul II. The Theology of the Body: Human Love in the Divine Plan. Boston:

Pauline Books & Media, 1997. Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.), nos. 369-373, 1601-

1666, 2360-2379. Washington, DC: Libreria Editrice VaticanaUnited States Conference of

Catholic Bishops, 2000.

Pope John Paul II. Encyclical Evangelium Vitae (On the Value and Inviolability of

Human Life). Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1995.
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