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Abe T.

Apao Movie Analysis April 27, 2017

The movie Medicine Man is a romantic comedy movie, which talks about Dr. Campbells
efforts of synthesizing a said flower found in the rainforest to produce a compound. The said
compound is able to cure cancer. Dr. Campbells objective of his research was to synthesize a
certain flower (but later on, it was really the ants) to produce a compound that can cure cancer.
The flow of Dr. Campbells research went like this:
1) Hypothesis formulation: He hypothesized that a certain flower that is only available
in the Amazon Jungle can be synthesized to form a compound that can cure
cancer. But, later on, it was actually the ants which enabled the compound to cure
cancer. He lived in the Amazon Jungle for six years before he discovered about
the flowers.
2) Experimental Design: In doing the said research, Dr. Campbell synthesizes the
said flower, and with the help of a chromatograph, tests the said compound on
people and rats with nodes. In testing with the chromatograph, the said equipment
must display a certain graph that reaches the line 37 at one point; only then will the
compound be tested on rats and people.
3) Experimentation: Once Campbell and Crane synthesized the said compound, they
tested it using the chromatograph. Once the graph shown satisfies the said
expectations, they would then test it on rats with nodes to confirm that it is, indeed,
the compound that can cure cancer.
4) Data Analysis and Interpretation: When the chromatograph displays a graph where
it reaches the line 37 at some point, it was then deemed as the compound which
can cure cancer, as based on Dr. Campbells past tests. The compound is then
injected to people and rats which had nodes, and will then be checked the next
day if the compound was successful.
5) Conclusion: The ants were actually the subjects needed to be synthesized, in
order to produce the said compound. But since a large part of the forest was
destroyed, Dr. Campbell and Crane needed to find another place in the Amazon
jungle where the ants are plentiful.
Every research needs to have identified variables, and so here are the important variables
of Dr. Campbells research:
1) Independent Variable: The synthesized compound from the said specie;
2) Dependent Variable: The rats and/or people with nodes/lumps near their throats;
3) Treatment and Control: Half of the rats with nodes were injected with the said
compound (treatment), while the remaining rats were not injected with the
compound (control);
4) Subject of the Study: Rats or people with nodes, most of them located in their
5) Samples or Groups: People or rats living or found in the Amazon jungle;
6) Method of Assignment: Random assignment of putting the nodes into rats;
7) Replicates and Trials: The researchers tested the compound and did the
experiment many times until they found the right compound; and
8) Statistical Analysis: It can be determined when the right compound is made,
because in the middle of the graph, the testing of the substance reaches 37.

As seen in the research process, Dr. Campbells research can be considered as a Pure
Sciences Research, since his experiments did not rely on any recent researches, but Dr.
Campbell made the discovery himself. The other scientists did not know that when the ants
were synthesized, it could produce a compound that can cure cancer.
His discoveries were important to the present world. The movie may be fictional, but it was
said that it was based on a real-life research. Even if it may be true or not, the said cure for
cancer will soon be found, sooner or later.

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