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CARBON FROM Telfairia occidentalis AND
Gambeya albida SEED SHELLS





CARBON FROM Telfairia occidentalis AND
Gambeya albida SEED SHELLS








ACTIVATED CARBON FROM Telfairia occidentalis AND Gambeya albida SEED


OKOYE, Amalachukwu I, a postgraduate student in the Department of Pure and

Industrial Chemistry with Registration Number PG/M.Sc./07/42984 has satisfactorily

completed the requirements for research work for the degree of M.Sc. in Industrial


Prof. O. D. Onukwuli Dr. P.O. Ukoha

Supervisor Head of Department

External Examiner


This work is dedicated to Almighty God and to my loved ones.



I wish to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor, Professor O.D Onukwuli, whose

guidance and advice enabled me to carry through this project. I also greatly appreciate Mr

P.M Ejikeme for his many useful suggestions during the course of this project.

My appreciation also goes to Mr F. Sale of Kogi State University, Ayingba, who ensured the

prompt analyses of my samples. I also thank the staff of Soil Science Department, UNN,

especially Miss Ngozi and Mr Attamah, who provided me with most of the equipments I

needed during the early stages of my laboratory work. Likewise, I greatly thank the staff of

National Centre for Energy Research and Development, UNN, especially Mr A.C. Ofomatah,

who provided me with most of the equipments I needed during the latter stages of the

laboratory work.

I am also very grateful to my parents and brothers whose support and encouragement

sustained me throughout my period of study. Finally, my appreciation goes to all my friends

and well-wishers and to all others who in one way or the other helped me during my period of



Activated carbons were produced from fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) seed shell

(TOSS) and star apple (Gambeya albida) seed shell (GASS). Phosphoric acid and ammonium

chloride were used as activating agents. Carbonization was carried out at different four

different temperatures (from 300 to 600oC) and for different lengths of time (from 60 to

120minutes). Each of the adsorbents produced was characterized and their potential for

removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ from solution was determined. Phosphoric acid activated carbons

were found to have better adsorption properties than ammonium chloride activated carbons.

Increase in carbonization temperature and time resulted in carbons with higher adsorption

potentials. Adsorption equilibrium was attained between 130 170 minutes. Adsorption

decreased with increase in adsorption temperature and particle size and increased with

increase in initial concentration of the metal ions and adsorbent weight. Adsorption also

increased with increase in pH of the metal solutions up to a pH value of 5, beyond which the

metal ions were precipitated out of their solutions as their hydroxides. Lead was more

effectively adsorbed than copper by both adsorbents. Kinetic studies showed that the

adsorption processes were best fitted by the pseudo-second order equation except the

adsorption of 50mg/l of Cu2+ on activated carbon from Gambeya albida seed shell, which

was best fitted by the pseudo-first order equation. The rates of the adsorption processes were

controlled by film (boundary layer) diffusion. The adsorption processes were exothermic in

nature and involved monolayer coverage of the metal ions on the adsorbents.











1.1 Research Objectives ................3


2.1 Historical Background of Activated Carbon5

2.2 Methods of Production of Activated Carbon.11

2.2.1 Carbonization......................................13

2.2.2 Activation....13

2.3 Characteristics of Activated Carbon ..15

2.3.1 Classifications of Activated Carbon........................16

2.3.2 Properties of Activated Carbon...18 Physical properties...19 Chemical properties..23
2.4 Adsorption Phenomenon................25

2.4.1 Adsorption Isotherm........................27 Isotherm....28 Freundlich Isotherm.........................30 Temkin Isotherm..32

2.4.2 Adsorption Kinetics.33 Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Model...33
vii Lagergren Pseudo-first Order Model...34 Pseudo-second Order Model................................35 Elovich Model..........................36 Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Kinetics...36

2.4.3 Previous Work on Pb2+ and Cu2+ Removal from Simulated Waste


3.1 Chemicals and Instrumentation..43

3.2 Production of Activated Carbon.....43

3.2.1 Effect of Activating Conditions..43

3.2.2 Effect of Carbonization Temperature..44

3.2.3 Effect of Carbonization Time..44

3.3 Characterization of Adsorbents..44

3.3.1 Determination of Yield and Weight Loss............44

3.3.2 Surface Area Measurement.....45

3.3.3 Determination of Ash Content....................45

3.3.4 Determination of Bulk Density...46

3.3.5 Determination of Total Pore Volume..46

3.4 Adsorption Tests46

3.4.1 Effect of Particle Size.....47

3.4.2 Effect of Solution pH.....47

3.4.3 Effect of Adsorbent Weight...48

3.4.4 Effect of Temperature.48

3.5 Kinetic Study..48

3.6 Isotherm Study...............48


4.1 Characterization of Adsorbents..............................49


4.1.1 Characterization of Adsorbents Produced Using Different Activating

4.1.2 Characterization of Adsorbents Carbonized at Different

4.1.3 Characterization of Adsorbents Carbonized for Different Lengths of


4.2 Effect of Process Variables on Adsorption....53

4.2.1 Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption..53

4.2.2 Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption..55

4.2.3 Effect of Carbonization Time..57

4.3.4 Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption..59

4.2.5 Effect of Solution pH on Adsorption .61

4.2.4 Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption ..62

4.2.7 Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Amount of Metals Adsorbed.64

4.2.8 Effect of Contact Time and Initial Metal Ion Concentration on


4.3 Kinetic Studies...69

4.3.1 Kinetic analysis of Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon.69

4.3.2 Kinetic analysis of Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon.73

4.3.3 Kinetic analysis of Pb2+ adsorption on GASS carbon.78

4.3.4 Kinetic analysis of Cu2+ adsorption on GASS carbon82

4.4 Isotherm Studies.86

4.4.1 Isotherm study of Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon..86

4.4.2 Isotherm study of Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon..90

4.4.3 Isotherm study of Pb2+ adsorption on GASS carbon..93

4.4.4 Isotherm study of Cu2+ adsorption on GASS carbon..96



Figure 2.1: Activated carbon particle...18
Figure 4.1: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Amount of Metal Adsorbed..55
Figure 4.2: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS on
Amount of Metal Adsorbed57

Figure 4.3: Effect of Particle Size on Amount of Metals Adsorbed59

Figure 4.4: Effect of Solution pH on Amount of Metals Adsorbed.61
Figure 4.5: Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Amount of Metals Adsorbed...63
Figure 4.6: Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Amount of Metals Adsorbed ....64
Figure 4.7: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Pb2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using TOSS carbon....66

Figure 4.8: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Cu2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using TOSS carbon66
Figure 4.9: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Pb2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using GASS carbon....67
Figure 4.10: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Cu2 on its Amount
Adsorbed using GASS carbon..67
Figure 4.11: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon.69
Figure 4.12: Pseudo First Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon...70

Figure 4.13: Elovich Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon70

Figure 4.14: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon..71
Figure 4.15: Weber and Morris Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon71
Figure 4.16: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon.....74
Figure 4.17: Pseudo First Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon..74
Figure 4.18: Elovich Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon...75
Figure 4.19: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon..75
Figure 4.20: Weber and Morris Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon ..76
Figure 4.21: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon.78
Figure 4.22: Pseudo First Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..79

Figure 4.23: Elovich Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon...79

Figure 4.24: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..80

Figure 4.25: Weber and Morris Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon...80
Figure 4.26: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon82
Figure 4.27: Pseudo First Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon.83

Figure 4.28: Elovich Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..83

Figure 4.29: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon.84
Figure 4.30: Weber and Morris Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..84
Figure 4.31: Langmuir Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon..87
Figure 4.32: Freundlich Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon.88
Figure 4.33: Temkin Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon..88
Figure 4.34: Langmuir Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon..90
Figure 4.35: Freundlich Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon91
Figure 4.36: Temkin Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon.91
Figure 4.37: Langmuir Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon..93
Figure 4.38: Freundlich Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon94
Figure 4.39: Temkin Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon.94
Figure 4.40: Langmuir Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon.96
Figure 4.41: Freundlich Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon97
Figure 4.42: Temkin Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon.97

Table 2.1: Pore Classifications by Pore Width21
Table 2.2: Amount of Water Soluble Inorganic Substances in Carbon...24
Table 4.1: Effect of Activating Agent on Properties of Gambeya albida Seed Shell......49
Table 4.2: Effect of Activating Agent on Properties of Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell..50
Table 4.3: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Properties of Adsorbents Produced
Using H3PO4 as Activating Agent ......51

Table 4.4: Effect of Carbonization Time on Properties of Adsorbents Produced Using

H3PO4 as Activating Agent at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS ......53

Table 4.5: Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption Parameters using Gambeya albida
Seed Shell Processed at 600oC53

Table 4.6: Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption Parameters using Telfairia

occidentalis Seed Shell Processed at 500oC ...54

Table 4.7: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption of Pb2+.....55

Table 4.8: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption of Cu2+.56
Table 4.9: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS on
Adsorption of Pb2+...58

Table 4.10: Table 4.10: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for
GASS on Adsorption of Cu2+...58
Table 4.11: Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption of Pb2+...60

Table 4.12: Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption of Cu2+...60

Table 4.13: Effect of Solution pH on Adsorption of Pb2+....61

Table 4.14: Effects of Solution pH on Adsorption of Cu2+..62

Table 4.15: Effects of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption of Pb2+....63

Table 4.16: Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption of Cu2+.63

Table 4.17: Effect of Temperature on Adsorption of Pb2+...65
Table 4.18: Effect of Temperature on Adsorption of Cu2+..65
Table 4.19: The Kinetic Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon....72
Table 4.20: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS
Table 4.21: The Kinetic Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon...77

Table 4.22: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS
Table 4.23: The Kinetic Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon....81
Table 4.24: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS
Table 4.25: The Kinetic Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon...85

Table 4.26: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS
Table 4.27: Isotherm Data for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon..87
Table 4.28: The Isotherm Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon.89
Table 4.29: Isotherm Data for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon..90
Table 4.30: The Isotherm Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon.....92
Table 4.31: Isotherm Data for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..93
Table 4.32: The Isotherm Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon.95
Table 4.33: Isotherm Data for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon..96
Table 4.34: The Isotherm Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon.98
Table A.1: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 50mg/l of Pb2+.111

Table A.2: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l of Pb2+...111
Table A.3: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l of Pb2+...112

Table A.4: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l of Pb2+..112

Table A.5: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 50mg/l of Cu2+.113

Table A.6: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l of Cu2+...113
Table A.7: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l of Cu2+...114
Table A.8: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l of Cu2+...114
Table A.9: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated

Carbon with 50mg/l Pb2+....115

Table A.10: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l Pb2+..115
Table A.11: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l Pb2+..116
Table A.12: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l Pb2+..116
Table A.13: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 50mg/l Cu2+...117
Table A.14: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l Cu2+.117

Table A.15: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l Cu2+.118
Table A.16: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l Cu2+.118



In recent years, increasing awareness of water pollution and its harmful effects has incited

diverse efforts towards pollution abatement. The rate at which effluents are discharged into

the environment and water bodies, have been on the increase due to rapid growth of cities in

the world. Generally, water bodies are major sites of heavy metal deposits due to the fact that

streams and rivers flow through agricultural areas where pesticides and fungicides may have

been used, through industrial districts where there may have been many metals wastes

deposits or direct discharge of effluents into these water bodies. The primary sources of

heavy metals pollution in coastal lagoons are input from rivers, sediments and atmosphere,

which can affect aquaculture profitability in certain areas1. The anthropogenic sources of

heavy metals include wastes from the electroplating and metal finishing industries,

metallurgical industries, tannery operations, chemical manufacturing, mine drainage, battery

manufacturing, leather and tanning industries, fertilizer industries, pigment manufacturing

industries, leachates from land fills and contaminated ground water from hazardous waste

sites2. Heavy metals are also emitted from resource recovery plants in relatively high levels

on fly ash particles3. Metal ions in water can also occur naturally from leaching of ore

deposits. The presence of heavy metal contaminants in the treated or untreated waste water

from the industries either producing or using these metal bearing products introduces these

metals into water bodies4.

These metal pollutants are conservative contaminants that are not easily degradable

chemically or biologically. They are therefore permanent chemical overload in the

environment5. When these metals are present in significant quantities in the environment they

constitute source of pollution and pollutants and pose threat to the environment, human,

animal and aquatic lives, even though in small quantities they can be beneficial in the

sustenance of life. The toxicity of metal ions is owing to their ability to bind with protein

molecules and prevent replication of DNA and thus subsequent cell division6.

Lead is one of these heavy metals with high toxicity when in excess. In children, lead causes

a decrease in intelligent quotient (IQ) score, retardation of physical growth, hearing

impairment, impaired learning as well as decreased attention and classroom performance. In

individuals of all ages, lead can cause anaemia, kidney malfunction, brain diseases and

impaired function of peripheral nervous system, high blood pressure, reproduction

abnormality, developmental defects, abnormal vitamin D metabolism, colic-like abnormal

pains, dementia, madness and, in some situations, death7. Lead as Pb2+ ion has a large affinity

for the thio (-SH) and phosphate ion (PO4) containing enzymes, ligands and bio molecules,

thereby, inhibiting the biosynthesis of haeme units, affecting membrane permeability of

kidney, liver, and brain cells. These result in either reduced functions or complete breakdown

of these organs8. Lead forms complexes with oxo-groups in enzymes to affect virtually all

steps in the process of heamoglobin synthesis and porphyrin metabolism9.

Copper is another heavy metal with high toxicity when in excess. It has been reported as one

of the most widely used heavy metal and is mainly employed in electrical and electroplating

industries10. It is, also, an essential trace element for human beings. However, it can cause

harmful and acute effects. The major effects of excessive large doses of copper in the human

body include high blood pressure, severe mucosal irritation, widespread capillary damage,

anemia, hepatic damage and necrotic changes in the liver and kidney11.

The bioaccumulation of these metal pollutants has increased the interest of researchers in

developing suitable remediation strategies12. Presently, the majority of heavy metals in

wastewater are removed by means of precipitation by adding calcium hydroxide, in which


large amounts of nontoxic metal compounds such as calcium sulfate are also precipitated

together with heavy metals as a precipitated sludge, which are dumped in the landfill sites. It

is not only difficult to meet stringent environmental regulation by means of precipitation

technique, but also unavailability of landfill sites due to the occupation by large amounts of

polluted sludge. Adsorptive recovery and removal using ion exchange chelating resin are also

used. However this approach is expensive taking account of the post-treatment of spent resin,

and, in addition, it also poses other environmental problems if such synthetic plastic materials

are incinerated13. Oxidation, reduction, sedimentation, lime softening, sorptive floatation,

reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ultrafiltration, phytoremediation, etc. have also been

employed. These methods also have disadvantages like high cost, not being readily available,

introducing novel chemicals into the environment and not being environmentally friendly14.

The need to develop an alternative, more environmentally friendly and cost effective method

therefore became imperative. Adsorption is one of the easiest, safest and most cost-effective

methods for the removal of these metals15. The major advantage of an adsorption system for

water pollution control are less investment in terms of both initial cost and land, simple

design and easy operation and no effect of toxic substances compared to conventional

biological treatment processes16. Activated carbon can be used to remove heavy metal

pollutants from wastewater due to its good adsorption properties17.

1.1 Research Objectives

The objectives of this work are:

To determine the optimum production conditions of low cost activated carbon from

fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) and star apple (Gambeya albida) seed shells.

To characterize the activated carbons produced.


To determine their potentials for the removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ from simulated waste


To test the data obtained from the work on various kinetic models, and

To also determine the isotherm behaviour of the adsorption processes.




2.1 Historical Background of Activated Carbon

The use of activated carbon in the form of carbonized wood began many centuries ago.

During the 1500s BC, it was used by the Egyptians as a purifying agent and also as an

adsorbent for medicinal purposes in which it was used to adsorb odour from rotten wounds18.

In 1773, Scheele recognized the specific adsorptive powers charcoal had with various gases19.

In 1777, Fontanna disclosed an experiment in which glowing charcoal was plunged under

mercury and allowed to rise into an inverted tube containing a gas, whereupon much of the

gas disappeared20. In 1785, Lowitz21 observed the ability of charcoal to decolorize many

liquids. In 1794, natural forms of activated carbon, such as charred animal bones (called bone

black), were used for the refinement of sugar22.

Since the 1800s, production of activated carbon moved from woody precursors and bones to

various other precursors in search of more effective adsorbents. In 1822, Bussy applied heat

to a mixture of potash and blood which resulted in carbon with much more decolourizing

effect than bone char and was called blood char23. In 1856, Stenhouse, prepared a

decolorizing char by heating a mixture of flour, tar, and magnesium carbonate and in 1863,

Lee prepared a deodorizing carbon by the action of superheated steam and air on peat20.

Commercial production of activated carbon started first in Europe in 1909 with the

production of a powdered carbon called Eponite24. The manufacture of higher quality gas-

adsorbent carbons was given new encouragement in the period of World War I, during which

they were used in gas masks for protection against poisonous gases25. In 1929, Spadling26

demonstrated that activated carbon could correct taste conditions in municipal waste supplies

at a very moderate cost. In 1963, activated charcoal became more widely accepted in the

management of ingested toxins27. In 1970, Smisek Cerny28 discussed the general principles of

production of low cost chemically activated carbon from several materials such as sawdust,

rice husk, etc. using activating agents like ZnCl2, potassium sulphide, H2SO4 and phosphoric


Since the 1980s, attention has shifted to the production of activated carbon from low cost

materials. Agricultural by-products and wastes have been seen to help achieve this goal. In

1986, Laine et al29 prepared activated carbon from coconut shell by impregnation with

phosphoric acid in a one-step carbonization process. They studied the effect of carbonization

temperature on the surface area of the produced carbons and found that the optimum

temperature for a high surface area was 450C.

Ozer et al30 in 1996 prepared activated carbon by carbonizing sugar beet pulp in a constant

flow rate of carbon dioxide at different temperatures and for different lengths of time. They

found that percentage yield of activated carbon decreased while percentage ash content and

pH increased with increase in carbonization temperature from 350oC to 750oC and with

increase in carbonization time from 15 to 120minutes. The produced carbons were tested for

adsorption of Cd2+ and the most effective activated carbon for the adsorption process was the

one produced by carbonization at 700oC for 120minutes. They also found the optimum pH

for the adsorption process to be 7 and adsorption equilibrium was attained after a contact time

of 120minutes. They carried out isotherm studies of the adsorption process and found that the

adsorption of Cd2+ was better described by Langmuir isotherm than Freundlich isotherm.

In 1999, Guo and Lua31 prepared activated carbon from oil-palm stone by pre-treatment with

H2SO4 and KOH and carried out textural and chemical characterisations of the prepared

carbons. They carried out adsorption of SO2 and NH3 on the produced carbons and found that

the activated carbons pre-treated with KOH adsorbed more SO2 but less NH3 than those pre-

treated with H2SO4. From chemical characterisation of the prepared carbons, they found that

the samples pre-treated with H2SO4 presented acidic groups such as phenols and carboxylic

acids, whereas those pre-treated with KOH showed alkaline groups, which they suggested to

be pyrones (cyclic ketone) and other keto-derivatives of pyran. They concluded that the

activated carbons prepared from oil-palm stones by impregnation with KOH and H2SO4 are

suitable for use as gas-phase adsorbents for the removal of acidic and alkaline gases,


In 2004, Girgis et al32 prepared activated carbon from sugar cane bagasse by impregnation

with 50% inorganic acids and carbonization at 500oC for three hours. They found the

produced carbons to show the sequence H3PO4 > H2SO4 > HCl > HNO3, with respect to

efficiency of activation. They studied the effect of carbonization temperature on the

properties of the carbons using phosphoric acid as activating agent. Their results show that

the surface area and total pore volume increased with increase in carbonization temperature

from 300oC to 500oC. They also found that increase in the period of carbonization led to a

small decrease in both surface area and pore volume.

Gaikwad33 in 2004 prepared activated charcoal from coconut shell and the produced carbon

was found to have a surface area of 630.80m2/g and porosity of 0.5ml/g. The carbon was

tested for adsorption of Cd(II) ion from aqueous solution and they found that adsorption

increased with increase in pH up to a value of 6, after which it decreased with further increase

in pH. Adsorption equilibrium was attained after 80minutes.

In 2005, Tawalbeh et al34 prepared activated carbon from jojoba seed residue by chemical

activation in a static bed reactor using zinc chloride, potassium chloride and phosphoric acid

as activating agents. They found that the activated carbon produced by activation with zinc

chloride had higher iodine number (adsorptive capacity) than the potassium chloride and

phosphoric acid activated carbons. They also studied the effect of carbonization temperature

and time on the production of carbons from the jojoba seed residue. Their results show that

percentage yield of activated carbon decreased while iodine number increased with increase

in carbonization temperature and time. They concluded that for the production of activated

carbon from jojoba seed residue by chemical activation using a static bed reactor, the

optimum carbonization temperature and time are 600oC and 90minutes, respectively.

Arivoli et al35 in 2007 prepared activated carbon from banana bark by chemical activation

using concentrated sulphuric acid as activating agent and carbonizing in a furnace at 400oC

for twelve hours. The produced activated carbon was tested for its efficiency in removing

chromium ion. The effects of agitation time, initial chromium ion concentration, carbon dose,

pH and temperature on the adsorption of the metal ion were studied. Their results show that

percent adsorption decreased while the actual amount of chromium ion adsorbed per unit

mass of activated carbon increased with increase in initial chromium ion concentration from

5mg/L to 20mg/L. Both percent adsorption and actual amount of chromium ion adsorbed per

unit mass of activated carbon increased with increase in temperature from 30oC to 60oC.

Percent adsorption also increased with increase in activated carbon dosage from 0.5mg/L to

5mg/L and with increase in pH up to pH value of 7, beyond which the percent adsorption

decreased with further increase in pH. The adsorption followed first order kinetic model and

the rate was mainly controlled by intra-particle diffusion. The adsorption capacity obtained

from the Langmuir isotherm plots at initial pH of 7.0 were 11.51, 11.69, 12.00 and 12.57

mg/g at 30, 40, 50 and 60oC, respectively.

In 2008, Mopoung and Nogklai36 studied the chemical compositions and surface properties of

activated charcoal from longan seed. They investigated the influences of phosphoric acid

activation before and after carbonization. Carbonization temperatures in the study were

ranged from 400 - 800C. They found that higher carbonization temperatures resulted in a

high amount of organic carbon and ashes, while the volatile matters were reversely lowered.

They also found that for the studied range of carbonization temperatures, the activated longan

seed possessed higher iodine number in comparison to the unactivated but carbonized longan

seed. Also, the longan seed activated charcoal produced by activation prior to carbonization

had a greater iodine number than the one produced by carbonization prior to activation. The

highest iodine number was obtained from longan seed produced by activation prior to

carbonization at 500C.

Lori et al37 in 2008 prepared activated carbon from bagasse, sorghum and millet straws by

chemical activation using ortho phosphoric acid as activating agent. They found that the

adsorption capacities of the activated carbons for large molecular weight compounds such as

methylene blue were 502, 662 and 390mg/g for bagasse, sorghum and millet straws,

respectively. They also found that the iodine numbers, which indicate the adsorptive

capacities for low molecular weight substances were 626, 667 and 593mg/g for bagasse,

sorghum and millet straws, respectively.

Woody pod of oil bean (Penthaclethra mycrophylla) was used by Ejikeme and Ochonogor38

to prepare activated carbon in 2008. The activated carbon was prepared by chemical

activation using zinc chloride as activating agent and carbonizing in a muffle furnace at

600oC for one hour. The prepared activated carbon was tested for adsorption of basic violet 1.

They found that adsorption increased with increase in the concentration of the dye solution

from 0.0093 to 0.0372g/L. They also found that the adsorption followed first order kinetics

and that Langmuir isotherm described the adsorption process better than the Freundlich


Soleimani and Kaghazchi39, in 2008, prepared activated carbon from apricot stones by

impregnation with phosphoric acid and carbonization in programmable electrical furnace

with heating rate of 5K/min to a final carbonization temperature of 673K. The activated

carbon had BET surface area of 1387m2/g, pore volume of 0.954ml/g, bulk density of

0.452g/m3 and percentage ash content of 0.2. They tested the potential of the activated carbon

to adsorb gold ions from aqueous solution and found that adsorption increased with decrease

in carbon particle size from 12 16 to 35 50 mesh size and with increase in carbon dose

from 1 to 20kg/m3. They found the optimum pH for the gold adsorption to be 10.5 at which

98.15% of gold ions were adsorbed onto the activated carbon after three hours.

Arivoli and Thenkuzhali40, in 2008, prepared activated carbon from phoenix sylvestric leaves

by chemical activation using concentrated sulphuric acid as activating agent and carbonizing

in a furnace at 800oC for twelve hours. They studied the effects of agitation time, initial dye

concentration, carbon dose, pH and temperature on the adsorption of Rhodamine B on the

produced carbon. They found that percent adsorption decreased while the actual amount of

chromium ion adsorbed per unit mass of carbon increased with increase in initial chromium

ion concentration from 10 to 60mg/L. The percent adsorption also decreased with increase in

pH up to pH value of 8, beyond which the percent adsorption increased with further increase

in pH. Both percent adsorption and actual amount of chromium ion adsorbed per unit mass of

carbon increased with increase in temperature from 30 to 60oC. The percent adsorption also

increased with increase in carbon dosage from 0.5 to 5mg/l. The adsorption followed first

order kinetic model and the rate was mainly controlled by intra-particle diffusion. The

adsorption capacity obtained from the Langmuir isotherm plots at initial pH of 7.0 were

51.546, 47.236, 44.072 and 41.841 mg/g at 30, 40, 50 and 60oC, respectively.

Al-Qodah and Shawabkah41, in 2009, produced activated carbon from activated sludge using

sulphuric acid as a chemical activation agent. The produced activated carbon had specific

surface area of 580m2/g. They tested its adsorption behavior with pesticides in aqueous

solution. They studied the adsorption isotherm at solution pH of 3 using Langmuir,

Freundlich and Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) models and found that the adsorption

isotherm data were closely fitted to the BET adsorption model indicating multilayer pesticide

adsorption. The estimated maximum adsorption capacity was 110 mg/g and the value

decreased with increase in the pH of the solution.

2.2 Methods of Production of Activated Carbon

Activated carbon can be produced from most carbon containing materials. Various natural

and synthetic materials have been used as raw materials for the manufacture of activated

carbons. Young fossil materials such as wood, peat and wastes of vegetable origin, which

include sawdust, nutshells and fruit stones were preferred in early production procedures

since the chars from them can be easily activated yielding reasonably high quality activated

carbon. However, presently, there is an increasing use of various kinds of natural coal which

are readily available and relatively cheap, though this still ranks second to the use of wood

and other plant materials42. Various wastes, such as sulphite liquors, waste lignin and wastes

from processing of petroleum and lubricating oil industries have also been used as raw

materials for the production of activated carbon. Commercially, the most frequently used

raw materials are peat, coal, lignite, wood and coconut shells.

In general, the raw materials to make activated carbon must accomplish a sort of

requirements like high carbon content, low mineral content, easily activation, low

degradation during storage, and, of course, low cost43. The phase of application of an

activated carbon also determines the type of raw material to be employed in the production of

the carbon. For vapour phase applications, carbon from lignin and wood, which are low

density materials and have high volatile content are not very suitable because they have large

pore volume but low density. However, the quality of the carbon can be improved by

densification, reconstitution or compression during carbonization. Carbons from fruit pits,

semi-hard coals, coconut shells and other nut shells, which have higher density than wood

and possess high volatile contents, are hard and granular with large micropore volumes and

are therefore quite suitable for solution as well as vapour phase application44.

The processing technique to be used for the production of activated carbon depends on the

nature and type of raw material available as well as the desired physical form of the activated

carbon. The production of activated carbon involves two major steps; carbonization and

activation. These processes are carried out after the raw material has been prepared and put in

a form that will be easy to handle.

Preparation of Raw Materials

The following processes are carried out on the raw material to put it in a form suitable for


(i) Sizing This involves breaking down of the raw material into lumps or granules of

appropriate sizes, which can be handled effectively in subsequent operations.

(ii) Sieving This is done using wire gauze in the case of materials with fibre or fluffy

particles in order to remove these particles and leave the desired material for

carbonization. Winnowing could also be carried out alongside the sieving.

(iii) Reconstitution This involves pulverization of the raw material followed by

agglomeration by extrusion or briquetting. It is usually done on low-density

materials in order to improve their quality.


2.2.1 Carbonization

Carbonization is the thermal separation of carbonaceous materials, elimination of organic

materials and production of porous fixed carbon45. This process is usually carried out in a

muffle furnace or in rotary kilns at elevated temperatures. It involves thermal decomposition

of the raw material as it is heated under a time schedule to remove the volatile or non-carbon

entities leaving basically carbon possessing a partially developed or rudimentary pore

structure. Usually, basic microstructure of carbon is formed at 500, although there may be

blockages of the micropores by pyrolytic products, which can only volatilize at higher

temperatures. According to Hassler46, temperatures below 600 are suitable for the

production of chars that are to be activated with steam but this is not an invariable rule.

Carbonization product is non-active material as a result of its small surface area47.

2.2.2 Activation

This is the process of transforming inert carbon into highly adsorbent material by conferring

on it a porous material structure and large specific surface area48. The objective is to enhance

the volume and enlarge the pores which were created during the carbonization process, and

also to create new pores. Activation is of two main types, namely physical and chemical


Physical Activation

Physical activation involves the treatment of carbonized materials with oxidizing gases at

elevated temperatures between 700-1000oC. Common gases used include CO2, steam, and

O2. The reaction between steam and charcoal takes place at all the internal surfaces of the

carbon structure, removing carbon from the pore wall and thereby enlarging them49. This

creates more sites for adsorption with the liberation of gases such as H2, CO2 and CO. The

active oxygen in the activating agent basically burns away the more reactive portions of the

carbon skeleton as CO and CO2. The extent of this depends on the nature of the gas employed

and the temperature of activation.

The endothermic gasification reactions of carbon with steam and CO2 with their respective

heats of reaction (Hr) are shown in equations (2.1) and (2.2).

C(s) + H2O(g) CO(g) + H2(g) + 117 kJ/(g.mol (2.1)

C(s) + CO2(g) 2CO(g) + 159 kJ/(g.mol) (2.2)

The reaction of steam with carbon also produces a side reaction whereby the carbon surface

catalyzes an exothermic reaction of CO and steam to yield CO2 and H2 as shown in equation

(2.3) 50.

CO(s) + H2O(g) CO2(g) + H2(g) + 42 kJ/(g.mol) (2.3)

This reaction retards activation, since the H2(g) becomes strongly adsorbed at active sites on

the carbon surface. In general, steam is preferred to CO2 as an activation gas because the

water molecule has a smaller van der Waals radius than CO2 (~3.8 vs. ~4.8) . This

leads to a faster diffusion of steam in the porous matrix of the carbon and a subsequent faster

reaction rate. The reaction of solid carbon and CO2 (equation 2.2) can be retarded by the

addition of CO(g) to drive the thermodynamic equilibrium to the left, which may improve

microporous structure through a decreased gasification rate.

The process of steam activation produces a carbonaceous substance with many small pores

and thus a very large internal surface area. This carbon is then crushed, if desired, to yield a

pulverized product.

Chemical Activation

Chemical activation is typically employed when wood products are used as raw material and

it involves impregnation of the feedstock with chemicals either before or after pyrolysis

(carbonization). Typical chemicals used as activating agents in chemical activation include

phosphoric acid (H3PO4), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), potassium

sulfide (K2S), carbonates of alkali metals, and metal chlorides. The common property of

chemical activation compounds is to dehydrate the carbonaceous material which usually

enhances pyrolytic decomposition and inhibits formation of tar. This process has an

advantage over physical activation processes since it normally occurs at temperatures lower

than those used in the latter52. This may also benefit the development of a microporous

structure. The mechanism of chemical activation is not fully understood. According to Byrne

and Marsh53, during chemical activation, the chemistry of pyrolysis is changed and a

different, macromolecular network is established with enhanced porosity. However, the

chemical detail of this remains unexplored. Distribution of pore sizes in the product depends

on the degree of impregnation. Therefore, it is of productive and economic interest to use the

ratio of activating agent to raw material that gives the best results.

The obtained carbon is then washed to neutral pH and then dried and preserved.

2.3 Characteristics of Activated Carbon

Activated carbon represents substances with high carbon content which have undergone the

process of activation. It also refers to carbons in which the adsorptive powers have been

supposedly increased by man-made operations. According to Soleimani and Kaghazchi39,

activated carbon is the trade name for a carbonaceous adsorbent that has high porous

structure and a large surface area. A generalized definition is that activated carbons are non-

hazardous, processed, carbonaceous products having a high degree of porosity and an


extended inter-particulate surface area54. Hence, they are able to adsorb a wide variety of

substances and are good adsorbents.

Structurally, activated carbon is an amorphous form of carbon. This implies that it has no

regular atomic structure unlike the other allotropes (forms) of elemental carbon (diamond,

fullerenes or nanotubes). Activated carbon is hydrophobic and non-polar.

2.3.1 Classifications of Activated Carbon

Activated carbons are complex products which are difficult to classify on the basis of their

behaviour, surface characteristics and preparation methods. However, some broad

classification is made for general purpose based on their physical characteristics.

Powdered activated carbon (PAC)

PAC material is defined as fine activated carbon material. PAC is made up of crushed or

ground carbon particles. They are so finely powdered that most of them can easily pass

through a designated mesh size. Due to their small size they form large internal surface

having small diffusion distance (barrier to adsorption) and large pore diameters. Hence, their

rate of adsorption is high and mass transfer problems are very low. PAC is not commonly

used in a dedicated vessel, owing to the high head loss that would occur. PAC is generally

added directly to other process units, such as raw water intakes, rapid mix basins, clarifiers,

and gravity filters. In general, PAC is used to adsorb materials from liquids.

Granulated activated carbon (GAC)

GAC is usually prepared from coal, petroleum, heavy oils, rubber, and the pyrolysis of waste

rubber tyres55. They come in both granular and extruded form. Granulated activated carbon

forms are of larger particle size than the powdered activated carbon forms. Granulated

carbons are mainly used for treating water. Their main function includes deodorization and

separation of components of flow system. They are generally used for the removal of

hazardous and/or pollutant chemicals from wastewater and for purification of water, air and

other materials56. Hard granules and relatively dust free pellets are usually used for adsorbing

gaseous materials in packed beds.

Pelleted activated carbon

They are granulated in smaller size and come in extruded and cylindrical shape with

diameters from 0.8 to 5 mm. These are mainly used for gas phase applications because of

their low pressure drop, high mechanical strength and low dust content.

Spherical activated carbon

These are usually small and spherical and have high mechanical strength and excellent SO2

and NO2 adsorption capacity.

Impregnated carbon

These are porous carbons which have been impregnated with other substances. They are

usually prepared for specific applications in air pollution control especially in museums and

galleries. Silver loaded activated carbon is used as an adsorbent for purification of domestic

water. Drinking water can be obtained from natural water by treating the natural water with a

mixture of activated carbon and flocculating agent [Al(OH)3]. Impregnated carbons are also

used for the adsorption of H2S and mercaptans.

Polymers coated carbon

These are porous carbons produced by coating with a biocompatible polymer to give a

smooth and permeable coat without blocking the pores. The resulting carbon is useful for

hemo-perfusion which is a treatment technique in which large volumes of the patient's blood

are passed over an adsorbent substance in order to remove toxic substances from the blood.


Activated carbon is also available in special forms such as cloths and fibres.

2.3.2 Properties of Activated Carbon

An activated carbon particle can be depicted as in Figure 2.1.

Large and

Pores available to both

Carb small
on and largeavailable
moleculeonly to
molecule adsorption

Figure 2.1: Activated carbon particle. (Adapted from New Concepts in Water


Activated carbon is not a pure carbon. It contains other elements in various proportions

depending on the source material and on the mechanism of its production. Such other

elements, which are chemically combined with the carbon atoms, include hydrogen, oxygen,

nitrogen, sulphur, etc. The adsorptive and catalytic powers of the activated carbons are traced

to the presence of these elements in the carbon. The morphology of an activated carbon as

observed by an electron microscopy is greatly determined by the raw material that was used

for its production. This is as a result of the fact that the nature of the starting material is

directly reflected in the final product. The properties of commercially available activated

carbons are responsible for their use as either gas-phase or liquid-phase adsorbents. These

properties are grouped into two broad classes; physical and chemical properties Physical properties


Activated carbons are available in different forms such as symmetrical pellets, irregularly

shaped granules, powder and specialties like pre-formed shapes, example, wool and slurry for

coating supports. The major forms of activated carbon are the powdered form, the granular

form and the pellets. These forms of activated carbon have been described in section 2.3.1.

Particle size

This property is important due to the fact that adsorption rate varies inversely with particle

size. Mathematically,

r (1/s) (2.4)

where r is the rate of adsorption and s is the particle size. This means that, an increase in

particle size will lead to a decrease in adsorption rate while a decrease in particle size will

favour high adsorption rate. The finer the particles size of an activated carbon, the better the

access to the surface area and the faster the rate of adsorption kinetics. In vapour phase

systems, this needs to be considered against pressure drop which will affect energy cost.

Careful consideration of particle size distribution can provide significant operating benefits.

Abrasion resistance

Abrasion resistance refers to a carbons ability to withstand degradation during handling and

is expressed in terms of abrasion number or handling number. It is an important indicator of

an activated carbons ability to maintain its physical integrity and withstand frictional forces

imposed by backwashing and other factors. During handling and use, the harder the activated

carbon, the less it will crumble into fine particles which can escape from the system leading

to losses. It is estimated by comparing the screen analysis of a carbon before and after

subjection to abrasion and shows the mechanical strength of the activated carbon.

There are large differences in the hardness of activated carbons, depending on the raw

material and activating level. For adsorption of liquids or solids dissolved in liquid, the

activated carbon needs mechanical strength enough to support the adhering solutes as they

are being adsorbed. For adsorption of gases under high pressure, activated carbon of high

mechanical strength is also required due to the fact that high force is associated with

increased pressure for a given surface area since pressure is directly proportional to force58.

This can be expressed mathematically as equation (2.5) or (2.6).

Pressure = (Force/Unit area) (2.5)

Force = Pressure x Unit area (2.6)

This means that for a constant unit area (surface area of the adsorbent), a rise in the pressure

of the adsorbate results in a corresponding rise in the force exerted by the adsorbate on the

activated carbon.

Bulk density

Apparent or bulk density is a measure of the weight of material that can be contained in a

given volume under specified conditions9. It is determined by measuring the volume of a

weighed sample of activated carbon after tapping till no further reduction in volume occurs.

The volume used in this determination includes, in addition to the volume of the skeletal

solid, the volume of the voids among the particles and the volume of the pores within the

particles. Bulk density of carbon determines how much of it can be contained in a given

container. Bulk density is affected by the raw material used and the degree of activation. The

density does not affect the effectiveness of the activated carbon measured in adsorption per

unit weight, but will have an effect on adsorption per unit volume. Higher density provides

greater volume activity.

Surface area

Activated carbons have very large surface area, typically ranging from 500 1400m2g-1 59.

This is an important property of activated carbon as it greatly affects the adsorptive properties

of the carbon. Increase in surface area enhances the adsorptive capabilities of activated

carbon by exposing a wide surface for physical as well as chemical adsorptions.

Pore structure

The amount and distribution of pores in an adsorbent play key roles in determining how well

adsorbates are adsorbed. Practically, the type of raw material and the method of activation are

important parameters which may influence the type of porosity60. The pore structure of an

activated carbon limits the size of the molecules that can be adsorbed on it. Individual pores

can vary greatly in size and shape for different adsorbents and even within the same

adsorbent. Pores are usually characterized in terms of their width, meaning the diameter of a

cylindrical pore or the distance between two sides of a slit-shaped pore. The pore

classification adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry61 is shown

in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Pore Classifications by Pore Width

Pore Classification Pore Width

Micropores Less than ~ 20 (2nm)
Mesopores Between ~20 and ~500 (2 and 50nm)
Macropores More than ~500 (50nm)

The basis for the pore classifications presented in Table 2.1 is that each size range

corresponds to different adsorption effects, as observed in an adsorption isotherm. Physical

adsorption of molecules from gas or liquid onto activated carbon takes place in the pores and

usually involves 3 steps:

(1) Macro transport: The movement of adsorbate material through the macropore system

of the activated carbon

(2) Micro transport: The movement of adsorbate material through the mesopore and

micropore system of the activated carbon.

(3) Sorption: The physical attachment of adsorbate material in the mesopores and

micropores on the surface of activated carbon.

Pore size is a determinant of efficient adsorption. Within the pores exists an adsorption

energy potential which emanates from each pore wall. In the case of physical adsorption,

these forces closely resemble dispersion (or van der Waals forces). If large enough, this

energy of adsorption is able to capture adsorbate molecules as they enter the pore, adhering

the molecules to the pore wall62. If the proximity of the pore walls causes overlap of the

adsorption fields, as in the case of micropores, the result is an increase in the potential for

adsorption. So, although some activated carbons may have lower surface areas and total pore

volumes, their smaller pore sizes increases their potential for adsorption. This makes small

pores prime candidates for removal of low adsorbate concentrations, where the driving force

for diffusional transport of the molecule to the surface is minimal63.

The presence of micropores increase the adsorption potentials of carbons over those of non-

porous and mesoporous materials. These micropores are responsible for the large surface area

of activated carbon particles created during the activation process. It is in the micropores that

adsorption largely takes place. The interaction potential in micropores is much greater than

that in larger pores due to the closeness of the pore walls, resulting in an enhanced adsorption

potential. An adsorbate molecule within a micropore is held there by adsorption forces

originating from approximately the ten nearest surface atoms. The forces on adsorbate

molecules depend on the distance between adsorbate and adsorbent atoms (pore size) 64. The

macropores and large mesopores play an extensive role in the molecular transport process by

providing a passage-way to the internal part of the activated carbon into the micropores. They

do not contribute substantially to the particle surface area unlike the micropores. Capillary

condensation takes place within mesopores, resulting in a hysteresis loop in the adsorption

isotherm. In macropores, the pores are so wide that it is almost impossible to map out the

isotherm in detail, especially for gaseous adsorbate in which case pressures of the adsorbate

would become so close to unity. The more widely the pore sizes are distributed, the more

enhanced the adsorptive capacity of the carbon. Chemical properties


The pH of an activated carbon is a measure of the surface acidity/basicity of the carbon. This

is the pH of a suspension of the activated carbon in distilled water. The numerical values of

the pH are affected by the experimental conditions when carrying out the experiment. A

carbon pH of 6-8 is acceptable for most application such as sugar decolorization, water

treatment, etc65. The pH of many of the commercial carbons is due to inorganic components

originating from the raw material used or added during the manufacturing process. After

activation (with acid) and carbonization, activated carbons are usually washed to bring them

to neutral pH.

Moisture content

This is determined by drying an isolated portion of an activated carbon in an oven at 105

110oC until constant weight is attained. This property is important in adsorptive capacity test.

Inorganic constituents

Activated carbons contain different inorganic substances, which originate from the raw

materials used and also from the ingredients added during the processing of the carbon.

However, the total amount of these inorganic constituents varies from one grade of activated

carbon to another. The inorganic constituents include:

(1) Ash

This is the form in which the inorganic constituents of carbon exist after the carbon has

undergone complete combustion at controlled temperature. Ash in an activated carbon is an

impurity and is not desired. It reduces the overall activity of the activated carbon and reduces

the efficiency of re-activation. The metals (Fe2O3) can leach out of activated carbon resulting

in discoloration. Acid/water soluble ash content is more significant than total ash content. In

some carbons, not all inorganic constituents remain as ash after combustion of the carbons.

Therefore, in such carbons, the amount of inorganic substances that can be eluted from them

is less than the water soluble inorganic substances found in their ash. This is illustrated in

Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Amount of Water Soluble Inorganic Substances in Carbon*

Carbon Found in ash from 100g carbon Eluted from 100g original carbon
Grade (g) (g)
EE 0.75 0.50
FF 0.80 0.41
GG 1.52 1.55
MM 2.50 1.20
NN 3.50 2.05

*obtained from reference 24.


(2) Inorganic constituents as ion exchangers

Some types of activated carbon usually contain a normally soluble inorganic compound

bonded to the carbon in the form of an ion exchanger, usually an anion exchanger. These ion

exchangers attract free ions in solution or suspension. The capability of an activated carbon to

exchange a particular type of ion often depends on the way the carbon is treated.

2.4 Adsorption Phenomena

Adsorption is the occupation of the surface and pores (if any) of a substance (solid, liquid or

gas) by molecules of another substance as a result of some attractive forces between the

adsorbing surface and the substance adsorbed. This becomes feasible only when the

substance to be adsorbed is in contact with the adsorbing surface. The adsorbing surface is

called the adsorbent while the adsorbed substance is called the adsorbate. The chemical

equilibrium which represents the adsorption of molecules on a surface is as follows:

A + B AB (2.7)

where, A is the adsorbate, B is the adsorbent and AB is the product of the adsorption process.

For adsorption of compounds on activated carbon, which is a reversible reaction, molecules

continue to accumulate on the surface of the carbon until the rate of the forward reaction

(adsorption process) is equal to the rate of the backward reaction (desorption process). At this

point, equilibrium state is attained and no further accumulation of the adsorbate on the

adsorbent surface occurs. Hence, adsorption stops. This equilibrium state enables relationship

known as adsorption isotherm66.


Based on the energy associated with adsorption and the type of bond responsible for the

adherence of the adsorbate on the adsorbent, adsorption process can be classified into

physical and chemical adsorption.

Physical Adsorption (Physisorption)

This is a weak form of interaction between an adsorbent and adsorbate molecules. The forces

involved are similar to van der Waals forces and the heat evolved during the exothermic

adsorption reaction is low (usually of the same magnitude as the enthalpy of condensation, <

42KJ/mol). This amount of energy can be adsorbed as vibrations of the lattice and dissipated

as thermal motion. Because of the energy requirements for the process, equilibrium between

the solid surface and the gas molecules is usually easily attained and is readily reversible. The

amount of physisorption decreases rapidly as temperature is raised and is generally very

small above the critical temperature of the adsorbed specie. Due to the weak force involved in

physisorption, the activation energy is low, not more than 42kJ/mol. The rate of physisorption

is very high but the process is non-specific.

Generally, the process of physical adsorption begins as an adsorbate molecule is transported

from the bulk adsorbate phase to the surface of the adsorbent. Next, the molecule then

diffuses into the pore and then physically bonds with the surface. Heat is usually evolved,

making adsorption an exothermic process. In the first step, the bulk adsorbate stream must be

intimately mixed with the adsorbent to promote good contact between the two components.

In the second and third stages, the concentration gradient between the amount of adsorbate

present in the bulk adsorbate stream and that within the micropore provides the driving force

for adsorption.

Chemical Adsorption (Chemisorption)

This type of adsorption is one in which chemical bond is formed between the adsorbate and

the adsorbent. The chemical bond involved is usually covalent bond and the adsorbent tends

to find sites that will maximize its co-ordination number with the substrate. Chemisorption is

specific and involves forces which are stronger than those associated with physisorption.

Hence, the heat of adsorption in this case is high and is of the same order as heat of reaction.

This process requires generally high temperature and is often irreversible. Unlike

physisorption, in which multilayer coverage is possible, chemisorption does not exceed

monolayer coverage. This is because the valence force holding the molecules on the

adsorbent surface diminishes rapidly with distance. Generally, chemical adsorption is linked

to the porosity and surface chemistry of the carbon, since chemisorption is associated with

the number of active sites and carbon surface.

Chemisorption is of two kinds; activated and non-activated chemisorptions. In activated

chemisorptions, high activation energy is involved and the rate varies with temperature

according to the finite activation energy (between 8.4 83.7kJ/mol) in the Arrhenius

equation (equation 2.8) 67.

k = Ae(-E/RT) (2.8)

where k is the rate of reaction, A is a proportionality constant, E is the activation energy, R is

the universal gas constant and T is the absolute temperature. In non-activated chemisorption,

the process occurs very rapidly, hence, the activation energy is low, usually close to zero.

2.4.1 Adsorption Isotherm

Adsorption isotherm is a set of data which represents constant temperature measurements of

the quantities adsorbed by a unit weight of adsorbent in equilibrium with each of a number of

different activities (concentration for liquids and partial pressure for gases) of the mobile

phase or an analytical expression representing such data. In a closed system, the adsorption of

an adsorbate onto a solid can be measured by monitoring the decrease in adsorbate activity

within a known volume or by measuring the mass gain of the adsorbent due to the adsorbing

molecules. The amount of an adsorbate adsorbed in moles per gram solid is a function of the

activity of the adsorbate, the temperature of the system, the pH of the solution, the amount of

contact between the adsorbate and the adsorbent, dose rate of the adsorbent, particle size of

the adsorbent and the presence of other substances that could be adsorbed.

The models used to describe the isotherm function of adsorption include the Langmuir

isotherm, Freundlich isotherm, and Temkin isotherm. Langmuir Isotherm

The Langmuir isotherm is based on four hypotheses68:

1. The adsorption takes place on the free sites of the adsorbent.

2. One adsorption site can adsorb one molecule; at most monolayer coverage is present.

3. The adsorption sites have the same energy (homogeneous surface), no interaction is

between the adsorbed molecules. It means that the adsorption energy is independent

on coverage.

4. There is adsorption equilibrium between the phases.

Langmuir suggested that adsorption takes place as follows:


A+S AS (2.9)

where, A is an adsorbate molecule, S is an adsorption site, ka corresponds to the rate constant

for the adsorption process and kd corresponds to the rate constant for the desorption process.

At equilibrium, the rate of adsorption is equal to the rate of desorption. On a uniform catalyst

surface, the equilibrium condition for a gaseous adsorbate is represented by the following


kaP(1 ) = kd (2.10)

where, P is the pressure of the adsorbate, A, and is the fractional surface coverage. The

required relationship for Langmuir isotherm becomes:

= (KP)/(1 + KP) (2.11)


K = (kakd) = koe(qRT) (2.12)

ko is a constant and q is the heat of adsorption.

The applicability of the Langmuir isotherm to any gas adsorption process can be tested by the

use of equation (2.13), which is a rearranged form of equation (2.11).

(P/) = (1/K) + P (2.13)

Thus, a plot of (P/) against P should yield a straight line graph whose slope is 1 and the

intercept is 1K. Also, K, which is the adsorption equilibrium constant, should increase with


For liquid adsorbates, however, the Langmuir isotherm is usually expressed as follows:

qe = (qmaxCe)(KL + Ce) (2.14)

where, qe is the equilibrium value of adsorbate adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent (mg/g),

qmax is the maximum amount of adsorption corresponding to monomolecular layer coverage

(mg/g), Ce is the equilibrium concentration of the adsorbate, kL is the Langmuirs constant and
is related to the measure of affinity of the adsorbate for the adsorbent (l/mg) . For

correlation purposes, the equation is rearranged as follows:

Ceqe = (1kL.qmax) + (1qmax).Ce (2.15)

A linearized plot of Ceqe against Ce yields a straight line graph which has an intercept and

slope which correspond to (1kL.qmax) and (1qmax), respectively, from which the qmax and kL

can be calculated.

To confirm the favourability of an adsorption process to Langmuir isotherm, the essential

features of the isotherm can be expressed in terms of a dimensionless constant known as the

separation factor or equation parameter, RL, which can be calculated by the following


RL = 1(1 + kL.Co) (2.16)

where, Co is the initial adsorbate concentration. The value of RL indicates whether the

isotherm is irreversible (RL=0), favourable (0 < RL < 1), linear (RL=1) or unfavourable (RL >

1) . Freundlich Isotherm

The Freundlich equation assumes that different sites with several adsorption energies are

involved in the process of adsorption71. It therefore incorporates surface heterogeneity of


active sites. The Freundlich isotherm can be derived by applying the Langmuir model and

assuming that the heat of adsorption, H, is exponentially dependent on the fractional surface

coverage, 72. This is expressed in the following equation.

= (aoP)(-RTHm) = (aoP)RTqm = ggm (2.17)


qm = -Hm (2.18)

ao = kakd (2.19)

P is the pressure of the adsorbate, R is the universal constant, T is the temperature, g is the

amount of adsorbate adsorbed by adsorbent, gm is the amount of adsorbate adsorbed when the

surface of the adsorbent is completely covered with a monolayer, ka is the rate of adsorption

and kd is the rate of desorption.

For purposes of data analysis, the isotherm can be arranged as follows:

ln g = [ln gm + (RTqm) ln ao] + (RTqm) ln P (2.20)

The terms in the brackets are constants at constant temperature. A plot of ln g against ln P

yields a straight line whose slope is (RTqm), from which qm can be calculated.

For liquid adsorbates, the Freundlich relationship is shown as follows:

qe = kF.Ce1/n (2.21)

where, 1/n is a heterogeneity factor, which is a measure of intensity of sorption or affinity of

the adsorbate for the adsorbent73; kF is the Freundlich constant.

The Freundlich equation can be linearized as shown in equation (2.22).


log qe = log kF + 1/n log C (2.22)

The constants, kF and n, are determined by plotting log C on the abscissa and log qe on the

ordinate. A best fit of the experimental data provides values for kF and n based on the y-

intercept and the slope, respectively. The Freundlich equation is useful in cases where the

actual identity of the adsorbate is not known74. Temkin Isotherm

The Temkin isotherm assumes that the fall in the heat of sorption is linear rather than

logarithmic, as implied in the Freundlich equation75. The isotherm can be derived by

assuming that for adsorption at a single site, the appropriate Langmuir isotherm is as shown

in the following equation76.

/(1 - ) = (kakd).P exp (-HRT) (2.23)

This gives the Temkin isotherm to be as shown in equation (1.24) for gaseous adsorbates.

ln /(1 - ) = ln P + (Ho)RT + ln Ao (2.24)


Ao = ao exp (qRT) (2.25)

is a positive constant.

If the variation of ln /(1 - ) is taken to be negligible, then equation (2.24) becomes:

ln P + (Ho)RT + ln Ao = 0 (2.26)

This can be rearranged in the form of equation (2.27).


= (RTqo) ln (AoP) = ggm (2.27)


qo = -Ho (2.28)

Ho is the heat of adsorption at zero coverage.

For correlation purposes, the isotherm is expressed as follows:

g = (gm RTqo) [ln ao + (qoRT)] + (gm RTqo) ln P (2.29)

A plot of g versus ln P gives a straight line graph whose slope is (gm RTqo), from which qo
can be calculated.

For liquid adsorbates, the Temkin isotherm model is as follows.

qe = (RT)bT ln kT + (RT)bT ln Ce (2.30)

where, bT indicates the adsorption potential of the adsorbent and kT is the Temkin constant77.

A plot of qe versus ln Ce gives a straight line graph if this model is favoured. kT can be

calculated from the intercept of the plot while bT can be calculated from the slope.

2.4.2 Adsorption Kinetics

Various kinetic models are used in determining the mechanism of an adsorption process and

the potential rate controlling steps. Some of these models are discussed in the following

sections. Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Model

The Bhattacharya-Venkobachar equation is as follows:


log [1 - (U)T] = (kB2.303) t (2.31)


(U)T = (Co Ct)/ (Co Ce) (2.32)

KB is the Bhattacharya-Venkobachars constant (min-1); Co is the initial concentration (mgl);

Ct is the concentration at time, t (mgl) and Ce is the concentration at equilibrium (mgl). A

plot of log [1- (U)T] versus t should yield a straight line, if the sorption process obeys this

model. From the slope of the plot, KB can be determined. The Bhattacharya-Venkobachar

equation is based on the assumption that the adsorption process is controlled by intra-particle

diffusion78. Lagergren Pseudo First Order Model

The Lagergren pseudo first order equation is generally expressed as follows:

dqtdt = k1 (qe - qt) (2.33)

where, qe and qt are the adsorption capacity at equilibrium and at time t, respectively (mg.g-1)

and k1 is the rate constant of pseudo first order adsorption (min-1). The integrated rate law,

after applying the initial condition of qt = 0 at t = 0, is as follows79:

log (qe - qt) = log (qe) - (k1t)2.303 (2.34)

A plot of log (qe - qt) versus t should give a straight line, if the sorption is controlled by this

model. k1 and qe can be determined from the slope and intercept of the plot, respectively. The

experimental qe should tally with the estimated one. Generally, higher values of k1 suggest

greater adsorption80.

The assumption with this model is that the rate of adsorption is proportional to the difference

between the adsorption capacity (qe) at equilibrium and the capacity at any time t79.

According to Sa and Aktay81, if the experimental results do not follow equation (2.34), then

k1(qe qt) does not represent the number of available adsorption sites and log qe is not equal

to the intercept of the plot of log (qe qt) against t. Pseudo-second Order Model

The pseudo second order adsorption kinetic rate equation as expressed by Ho, Y.S82 is shown

in equation (2.35).

dqtdt = k2 (qe - qt)2 (2.35)

where, k2 is the rate constant of pseudo second order adsorption ( From the

boundary conditions t = 0 to t = t and qt = 0 to qt = qt, the integrated form of equation (2.35)

becomes equation (2.36).

1(qe - qt) = 1qe + k2t (2.36)

This is the integrated rate law for a pseudo second order reaction. Equation (2.36) can be

rearranged to obtain equation (2.37), which has a linear form.

tqt = 1(k2qe2) + tqe (2.37)

A plot of tqt versus t should give a straight line if this model is obeyed by the sorption

process. From the slope and intercept of the plots, qe and k2 are determined, respectively. The

experimental qe should tally with the estimated one. Decrease in the values of k2 suggests

increased adsorption83.

The main assumptions of the pseudo-second order kinetic model is that rate limiting step is

chemical sorption involving bond formation through sharing or exchange of electrons

between the adsorbate and adsorbent. It also assumes that sorption follows the Langmuir

equation84. Elovich Model

The Elovich equation is generally expressed as shown in equation (2.38).

dqtdt = exp (-qt) (2.38)

where, is the initial adsorption rate (mg.g-1.min-1) and is desorption rate constant (mg.g-
.min-1) during any one experiment. To simplify the Elovich equation, Chien and Clayton85,

assumed t t and by applying the boundary conditions qt = 0 at t = 0 and qt = qt at t = t,

equation (2.38) becomes equation (2.39).

qt = (1) ln () + (1/) ln (t) (2.39)

Thus, a plot of qt vs. ln (t) should yield a linear relationship with a slope of (1) and an

intercept of (1) ln () if the sorption process fits the Elovich equation. can be calculated

from the slope of the plot while can be calculated from the intercept. Conformation to

Elovich model suggests that the rate of the adsorption process is influenced by diffusion of

ions to the binding sites on the adsorbent surface86. It is also proposed that the Elovich

equation is obeyed by adsorption processes that obey the Temkin equation87. Intra-particle and film diffusion kinetics

The basic assumption with intra-particle diffusion model is that film diffusion is negligible

and intra-particle diffusion is the only rate-controlling step88. According to Weber and

Morris89, if the rate limiting step is the intra-particle diffusion, then the amount adsorbed at

any time t should be directly proportional to the square root of contact time, t, and shall pass

through the origin. This is defined mathematically as follows:

qt = kid t0.5 (2.40)

where qt (mg.g-1) is the amount adsorbed at time t (min) and kid (mg. g-1.min-0.5) is the intra-

particle rate constant. The logarithmic form of equation (2.40) is equation (2.41).

log qt = log kid + 0.5 log t (2.41)

The plot of log qt against 0.5 log t should yield a straight line with a positive intercept for

intra-particle diffusion controlled adsorption process. kid is determined from the intercept of

the plot. Higher values of Kid illustrate an enhancement in the rate of adsorption. To confirm

that an adsorption process is controlled by intra-particle diffusion, the intra-particle diffusion

coefficient, DP, is usually calculated using the following equation:

DP = (0.03r02)t0.5 (2.42)

where r0 (cm) is the average radius of the adsorbent particle and t0.5 (min) is the time

required to complete the half of the adsorption. If the calculated intra-particle diffusion

coefficient (DP) value is in the range of 10-11 to 10-13 cm2.s-1, then the intra-particle diffusion

controls the rate limiting step and, if the calculated film diffusion co-efficient (DF) value is in

the range of 10-6 to 10-8 cm2.s-1, then the rate limiting step is controlled by film (boundary

layer) diffusion. The DF values are calculated as follows:

DF = (0.23r0CS)(CLt0.5) (2.43)

where r0 and t0.5 have the same meaning as before, is the film thickness (10-3cm), CS and CL

are the concentrations of adsorbate in solid and liquid phase at time t, respectively90.

2.4.3 Previous Works on Pb2+ and Cu2+ Removal from Simulated Waste Water

Some investigators have studied the removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ from simulated waste water

using activated carbon from agricultural wastes. Low et al91, in 1995, prepared activated

carbon from banana pith and tested its adsorption of Cu2+ from electroplating wastes. They

found that the adsorption process obeyed the Langmuir isotherm and the monolayer

adsorption capacity of the activated carbon for Cu2+ was 13.50mg/g.

Marshall and Champagne92 also produced activated carbon in 1995 from cotton seed hull, and

the activated carbon was tested for the adsorption of Cu2+ from simulated waste water. They

found that adsorption of the copper ion increased with increase in initial copper ion

concentration and at 100 mg/L up to 95.6% of the copper ion was adsorbed. They also found

that the adsorption process could be described by the Langmuir isotherm. The monolayer

adsorption capacity was found to be 19.1mg/g.

In 1999, Teker et al93 investigated the removal of copper (II) ions from aqueous solutions by

adsorption on activated carbon prepared from rice hulls. They studied the effect of metal

solution pH, activated carbon dosage, contact time, initial metal concentration and solution

temperature. They found that percent adsorption increased with increase in pH up to 5 and

remained at the same value with further increase in the pH up to a pH value of 9. Percent

adsorption also increased with increase in contact time up to 60 minutes and with increase in

carbon dosage up to 0.02g/ml and decreased with increase in metal concentration from 10 to

100ppm and with increase in solution temperature from 293 to 313K. The adsorption data

obtained correlated well with the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption models. The

adsorption capacity of the activated carbon for the uptake of Cu (II) was 6.14 x 105mol/g

and 5.10 x 105 mol/g at 293K and 313K, respectively.

In 2000, Hasar and Cuci94 prepared activated carbon from almond husk by activating with

and without sulphuric acid at different temperatures. They investigated the ability of the

activated carbons to remove some metal ions, including Cu2+ from aqueous solution by

adsorption. They studied the effect of certain conditions such as carbonization temperature of

the husk, concentration of metal ions, contact time, and adsorbent weight. They found that

metal uptake increased with increase in carbonization temperature up to 700oC, and then

decreased at higher temperatures. Metal uptake also increased with increase in adsorbent

weight up to 5g and with increase in metal concentration up to 100mg/l. Adsorption

equilibrium was attained after 180minutes of contact. At these optimal conditions, they found

the removal of Cu2+ to be 94.7%. They also found that the adsorption process obeyed the

Freundlich isotherm.

In 2003, Bansode et al95 prepared granular activated carbons from pecan shell by activation

with phosphoric acid, CO2 and steam. The carbons were used for adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+

from simulated waste water. The results obtained from their study showed that phosphoric

acid-activated pecan shell carbon adsorbed more lead ion than any of the other carbons,

especially at carbon doses of 0.21.0% while steam-activated pecan shell carbon adsorbed

more copper ion than the other carbons. Their results therefore showed that carbon dioxide-

activated pecan shell carbon was a poor metal ion adsorbent. They found that the adsorption

processes obeyed the Langmuir isotherm and the monolayer adsorption capacities were found

to be 6.84, 0.001 and 18.10mg/g, for the phosphoric acid, CO2 and steam activated carbons,


Abdulkarim, M. and Al-Rub, F.A.96 in 2004 converted date pits into activated carbon by air

and phosphoric acid activation. The air and phosphoric acid activated carbons showed surface

areas of 864.8m2/g and 502.2m2/g, respectively, and micropore volumes of 0.298cm3/g and

0.126cm3/g, respectively. The activated carbons were tested for adsorption of lead ion and the

ion uptake was found to increase with increase in initial lead ion concentration and solution

pH up to pH value of 5.2. Equilibrium studies showed that the adsorption of lead ions on both

adsorbents could be described by the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. Kinetic

studies showed that the adsorption followed pseudo-second-order kinetics.

In 2006, Kongsuwan et al97 employed Eucalyptus camaldulensis dehn bark as a raw material

for the production of activated carbon by chemical activation using phosphoric acid as

activating agent. Carbonization was carried out in a muffle furnace at 500C for one hour.

The yield of activated carbon was found to be 31.9% and the activated carbon had a bulk

density of 0.251g/cm3, ash content of 4.88% and BET specific surface area of 1239m2/g. The

activated carbon was utilized as adsorbent for treating synthetic wastewater containing Cu(II)

and Pb(II). The adsorption of both metals was found to increase with increase in pH from 1 to

5, beyond which the metals were precipitated out of their solutions as their hydroxides.

Hence, they concluded that the optimum pH for the adsorption of both metals is 5. Their

results also show that the amount of both metals adsorbed increased with increase in metal

concentration from 0.1 to 10 mM. The adsorption reached equilibrium within 45 minutes for

the whole range of initial heavy metal concentrations. The adsorption data were found to

match well with pseudo second-order kinetic model. The adsorption isotherm obeyed

Langmuir isotherm better than Freundlich isotherm. The maximum adsorption capacities of

the activated carbon for Cu(II) and Pb(II) were 4.5 and 5.4 mmol/g, respectively.

Gueu et al98, in 2007, produced activated carbons from coconut and seed hull of palm tree by

chemical activation using concentred orthophosphoric acid. Carbonization was done at 400C

for sixteen hours. The activated carbons were tested for adsorption of Pb2+ from simulated

waste water. Their results showed that the adsorption capacities of the activated carbons

increased with increase in the initial lead concentration from 100 to 500mg/L and with

increase in temperature from 30 to 60C. The adsorption processes followed pseudo first

order kinetics and were well described by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The

equilibrium adsorption capacities were determined at 60C, pH of 4 and initial Pb2+

concentration of 100 mg/L using the Langmuir isotherm and were found to be 4.38 and

3.77mg/g for coconut and seed hull of palm tree activated carbons, respectively.

In 2008, Aziza et al99 produced powdered activated carbons from bumper sawdust (softwood)

and disk sawdust (hard wood) by chemical activation using calcium chloride as activating

agent. Carbonization was done in a furnace at 450oC for 90minutes. They compared the

properties of untreated, carbonized, carbonized then activated, and activated then carbonized

raw materials and found that the sequence of their iodine adsorption number, porosity and

bulk density was untreated < carbonized < carbonized then activated < activated then

carbonized bumper sawdust. For the disk sawdust, there was no consistent trend for the three

properties. However, they took the activation before carbonization method as the optimum

method for the production of activated carbon from both raw materials. They found that the

activated carbon from bumper sawdust had higher iodine adsorption number (2.1648),

porosity (0.9671) and bulk density (0.59g/cm3) than disk sawdust which had iodine

adsorption number of 2.1539, porosity of 0.9560 and bulk density 0.44g/cm3. The activated

carbon from both raw materials were tested for adsorption of Pb (II) from effluent water and

the activated carbon from bumper sawdust was found to adsorb more metal than the activated

carbon from disk sawdust.


In 2009, Kannan and Veemaraj100 produced activated carbon from bamboo dust by

carbonization in a muffle furnace at 600oC followed by activation with nitric acid. The

activated carbon was tested for removal of lead (II) ions. Percentage removal of the ions

decreased with increase in initial concentration from 100 to 1000ppm and increased with

increase in contact time up to 50minutes and with increase in dose of adsorbent from 10 to

28g/l. Percentage removal also increased with increase in pH up to a pH of 7.2, after which it

decreased with further increase in pH. Amount of lead (II) ions adsorbed increased with

decrease in particle size of the adsorbent. The adsorption process obeyed the first order

kinetics with intra-particle diffusion as one of the rate determining steps. The adsorption

process was better described by the Langmuir isotherm than the Freundlich isotherm. The

carbon was found to have a monolayer adsorption capacity of 2.151mg/g.

Some of the reported values for monolayer adsorption capacities are rather low. Hence, there

is still the need to discover other low cost raw materials that could yield carbons with much

higher adsorption capacities.




3.1 Chemicals and Instrumentation

All the chemicals used were of analytical grade. Stock solutions (1000mg/l) were prepared

from CuSO4.5H2O for copper and from Pb(NO3)2 for lead using de-ionized water. All

working solutions were prepared by proper dilution of the stock solution with de-ionized

water. 0.1M NaOH and 0.1M HCl stock solutions were used to adjust the solution pH.

Jenway 3510 pH meter was used for measurement of solution pH throughout the study. The

concentration of the solution before and after sorption was measured using atomic absorption

spectrometer (Buck Scientific, Model 210 VGP). Vecstar programmable muffle furnace

(model LF 3) was used for carbonization of samples. Air drying oven (# BTOV 1423) was

used for drying of samples. AR 3130 weighing balance was used for weighing of samples.

3.2 Production of Activated Carbon

The raw materials, Telfairia occidentalis seed shell (TOSS) and Gambeya albida seed shell

(GASS), were obtained from Nsukka environment. They were thoroughly cleaned to remove

extraneous materials, dried and ground to smaller particle sizes. They were then sieved using

conventional sieves to get the desired particle sizes. The portions taken were those that

passed through 1.75mm and retained in 1mm sieve mesh size and those that passed through

1mm and retained in 0.5mm sieve mesh size.

3.2.1 Effect of Activating Conditions

To determine the effect of activating conditions on the resulting carbon, the sieved material

with size 0.5mm - 1mm was used. 60% by weight H3PO4 and 60% by weight NH4Cl

solutions were used as the activating agents. The raw materials were impregnated with the

activating agents in 1:1 wt. ratio for 24 hours, after which they were drained and dried in an

oven at 80C. They were then put in crucibles and placed in a muffle furnace set at 300C for

carbonization. TOSS was left for 60 minutes while GASS was left for 90 minutes since it is

harder. The resulting carbons were washed with distilled water until the pH of the leachate

was up to 6. They were then dried in an oven at 105C for 4 hours. For GASS, the raw GASS

was used as the blank while for TOSS, a third sample was carbonized without prior activation

and was used as the blank.

3.2.2 Effect of Carbonization Temperature

To determine the effect of carbonization temperature on resulting carbons, the portion of the

samples with particle size of 0.5mm - 1mm was activated with phosphoric acid and then

divided into four portions. These portions were carbonized (for 60minutes for TOSS and

90minutes for GASS) at 300C, 400C, 500C and 600C.

3.2.3 Effect of Carbonization Time

To determine the effect of carbonization time on the resulting carbons, the portion of the

samples with particle size of 1mm 1.75mm was used. The samples were activated with

phosphoric acid and then divided into five different portions, each. The portions were

carbonized (at 500C for TOSS and 600C for GASS) for 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes.

3.3 Characterization of Adsorbents

3.3.1 Determination of %Yield and %Weight Loss

The yield of activated carbon was defined as the ratio of the weight of the activated carbon

product to that of the original raw material (both weights were on a dry basis).

That is,

%Yield = (W1W0) x 100 (3.1)

where W0(g) is the original weight of the precursor on a dry basis and W1(g) is the weight of

the carbon after carbonization, washing, and drying.

The weight loss was calculated according to equation (3.2).

%Weight loss = [(W0 W1) W0] x 100 (3.2)

3.3.2 Surface Area Measurement

The surface area of each adsorbent was determined according to the method of Al-Qodah and

Shawarbkah41. In the process, 1.5g of activated carbon was agitated in 100ml of HCl that had

been diluted to pH of 3. Then 30g of NaCl was added while stirring the suspension. The

volume was then made up to 150ml with de-ionized water resulting in the change of the pH

to 4.0. 0.10N NaOH was used to raise the pH from 4 to 9 and the volume of NaOH used, V,

recorded. The surface area was then calculated using the following equation:

S = 32V 25 (3.3)

where, S is the surface area (m2/g).

3.3.3 Determination of % Ash Content

The ash content of each adsorbent was determined using a standard method according to
ASTM D 2866-94 . In the process, a weighed sample of each adsorbent was pre-dried at

150C, and then burnt in a muffle furnace at 650C for 4 hours in the presence of air. The %

ash content was calculated from the combustion residue as follows.

% Ash content = Wash/Wads x 100 (3.4)


where, Wash is the weight of dry ash (g) and Wads is the weight of dry adsorbent (g). This test

was repeated until constant ash content was obtained.

3.3.4 Determination of Bulk Density

The apparent or bulk density of each adsorbent was determined by the tapping procedure102.

A known weight of each sample, after being dried at 105C, was parked into a 10ml capacity

graduated cylinder. The bottom of the cylinder was tapped gently on the laboratory bench top

several times until there was no further diminution of the sample level. The bulk density was

then calculated using the following equation.

Bulk density (g/ml) = Wmat/Vmat (3.5)

where, Wmat is the weight of dry material (g) and Vmat is the volume of dry material (ml).

3.3.5 Determination of Total Pore Volume

The total pore volume of each adsorbent was determined by boiling a weighed sample of the

adsorbents immersed in water. After the air in the samples had been displaced, the samples

were superficially dried and weighed. The increase in weight divided by the density of water

gave the pore volume.

3.4 Adsorption Tests

Batch adsorption process was employed for the adsorption tests. 0.5g of adsorbent was added

to 100ml of 200mgl metal solution at pH 2.5 and agitated using a magnetic stirrer set at

400rpm for 4hours at room temperature. The adsorbents were removed by filtration using

ash-less and fine crystalline filter paper Whatman No. 42. The filtrates were then digested by

the hot plate method103. To carry out this digestion, 1ml of concentrated HNO3 was added to

25ml of the filtrate in a beaker and then heated to 85C and maintained at that temperature till

the sample volume reduced to 45% by evaporation. Then the beaker was cooled slightly and

0.5ml of concentrated HCl was added. The digestate was then taken up to 25ml with de-

ionized water and subsequently analyzed for the residual metal concentration by atomic

absorption spectrometry.

The sorption capacity and percentage quantity adsorbed were calculated from equation (3.6)

and equation (3.7), respectively.

qt = [(Co Ct) x V] / (1000 x m) (3.6)

%q = [(Co Ct) Co] x 100 (3.7)

where qt is the amount of metal adsorbed (mg/g) at time, t, V is the volume of the solution

(ml), m is the weight of adsorbent (g), C0 and Ct are the metal concentration (mg/L) at the

initial time and at a time t, respectively.

For the adsorption tests, except the effect of production conditions, only TOSS carbonized at

500C for 60minutes and GASS carbonized at 600C for 120minutes were used.

3.4.1 Effect of Particle Size

To determine the effect of particle size, the adsorption tests were carried out using the

following particle sizes of the adsorbents:

1 1.75mm, 0.5 1mm, 0.25 0.5mm, and 0.125 0.25mm.

3.4.2 Effect of pH

To determine the effect of pH, the adsorption tests were carried out using metal solutions

adjusted to pH values of 2,3,4,5 and 6 using 0.1M NaOH and 0.1M HCl stock solutions.

3.4.3 Effect of Adsorbent Weight

In order to determine the effect of adsorbent weight, the adsorption tests were carried out

using the following weights of the adsorbent:

0.063g, 0.125g, 0.25g, 0.5g, and 1g.

3.4.4 Effect of Adsorption Temperature

In order to determine the effect of adsorption temperature on the adsorption processes, the

adsorption experiments were carried out at the following temperatures:

20oC, 30oC, 40oC and 50oC

3.5 Kinetic Study

The kinetic experiments for adsorption processes were also carried out by the batch process at

pH 2.5. In the process, 2.0g of adsorbent was added to 400 ml of adsorbate solutions of

concentration 50, 100, 200 and 400mg/l and mixed at a constant agitation speed of 400rpm.

25ml sample solution was withdrawn each time from the reaction mixture at a fixed time

interval, filtered, digested and analyzed for residual metal concentration as stated in section


3.6 Isotherm Study

An aliquot (100ml) of adsorbates solution of concentration 50, 100, 150 and 200mg/L was

agitated with 0.5 g of adsorbent at 400rpm for 4 hours and filtered. The filtrates were then

digested and analyzed for residual metal concentrations as stated in section 3.4.



The results of the experimental investigation are presented and discussed in this chapter

under the following headings:

1. Characterization of Adsorbents

2. Effect of Process Variables on Adsorption

3. Kinetic Studies

4. Isotherm Studies

4.1 Characterization of Adsorbents

The properties of the adsorbents determined include the percentage yield, percentage weight

loss, surface area, total pore volume, bulk density and percentage ash content.

4.1.1 Characterization of Adsorbents Produced Using Different Activating Agents

Table 4.1 shows the effect of different activating agents on these properties for Gambeya

albida seed shell (GASS) adsorbents.

Table 4.1: Effect of Activating Agent on Properties of Gambeya albida Seed Shell

Parameter H3PO4 NH4Cl Raw material

Activation Activation
% Yield 70.68 77.92 -
% Weight loss 29.32 22.08 -
Surface area (cm2/g) 612.2 516.5 9.3
Total pore volume (cm3/g) 2.17 1.82 1.62
Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.492 0.556 0.621
% Ash content 1.50 0.60 0.35

It can be seen from the table that activation of the raw GASS resulted in increased surface

area, total pore volume and % ash content as well as decreased bulk density of the adsorbents.

The increase in total pore volume and surface area could both be attributed to the destruction

of the aliphatic and aromatic species present in the raw materials by the activating agents

leading to swift removal of volatile matters during the activation process97. These volatile

matters include considerable organic by-products and minerals present in the activated carbon

surface. The reduction of the volatile matter in the activated carbons creates a high

percentage of calculated ash since the ash is non-volatile14. The increase in pore volume of

the carbons causes a less weight of the carbon to occupy more space thereby leading to

decrease in bulk density.

The changes in the measured parameters were found to be higher on activation with

phosphoric acid. Also, the activation with phosphoric acid led to higher % weight loss and

lower % yield than activation with ammonium chloride. These suggest that activation with

phosphoric acid probably involved stronger reactions, such as oxidation of the raw materials,

thereby leading to higher changes in the measured parameters.

Table 4.2 shows the effect of different activating agents on the properties of Telfairia

occidentalis seed shell (TOSS) adsorbents.

Table 4.2: Effect of Activating Agent on Properties of Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell

Parameter H3PO4 NH4Cl Carbonized

Activation Activation Raw material
% Yield 50.23 67.00 70.94
% Weight loss 49.77 33.00 29.06
Surface area (cm /g) 791.0 691.8 251.0
Total pore volume (cm3/g) 2.27 1.77 0.89
Bulk density (g/cm3) 0.370 0.437 0.512
% Ash content 1.70 0.89 0.50

It can be seen from the table that activation of the raw material followed by carbonization

results in carbons with higher adsorption potentials than carbonization without prior

activation. This is shown by the fact that the activated TOSS had higher surface area and total

pore volume than the non-activated, carbonized TOSS. This can be attributed to the fact that

there is higher burn-off of volatile matters from the raw materials during carbonization with

activating agents present. This is because the activating agents dehydrate the raw materials36.

The activated carbons, however, had higher % weight loss and % ash content as well as lower

% yield and bulk density.

The changes in the measured properties were also found to be higher on activation with

phosphoric acid than with ammonium chloride. This could also be as a result of the

occurrence of stronger reactions in the case of phosphoric acid.

4.1.2 Characterization of Adsorbents Carbonized at Different Temperatures

Table 4.3 shows the effect of carbonization temperature on the properties of the adsorbents

produced using H3PO4 as activating agent.

Table 4.3: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Properties of Adsorbents Produced

Using H3PO4 as Activating Agent

Parameter 300C 400C 500C 600C


% Yield 50.23 70.68 46.90 67.12 42.77 62.64 38.84 58.12

% Weight loss 49.77 29.32 53.10 32.88 57.23 37.36 61.16 41.88
Surface area (cm2/g) 785.0 712.2 829.8 763.4 953.0 868.2 998.6 900.2

Total pore volume 2.27 2.17 2.50 2.37 2.93 2.48 3.38 2.52
Bulk density 0.370 0.492 0.357 0.485 0.324 0.468 0.290 0.452
% Ash content 1.70 1.50 3.85 1.95 5.30 2.25 6.20 2.45

From the table, it can be seen that the bulk density and % yield of the adsorbents decrease

while surface area, total pore volume, % weight loss and % ash content increase with increase

in carbonization temperature from 300oC to 600oC for both raw materials. This trend could be

attributed to the increase in thermal decomposition of the raw materials as the carbonization

temperature increases104 resulting in increased removal of volatile materials. Since % yield

decreases with increase in carbonization temperature, production losses should therefore be

considered in choosing the carbonization temperature for production of activated carbon.

4.1.3 Characterization of Adsorbents Carbonized for Different Lengths of Time

Table 4.4 shows the effect of carbonization time on the properties of the adsorbents produced

using H3PO4 as activating agent at 500oC and 600oC for TOSS and GASS, respectively.

Table 4.4: Effect of Carbonization Time on Properties of Adsorbents Produced Using

H3PO4 as Activating Agent at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS

Parameter 60 90 120 150 180

(mins) (mins) (mins) (mins) (mins)
% Yield 48.06 64.91 45.75 60.01 40.17 55.82 37.75 51.86 35.58 44.37

% Weight loss 51.94 35.09 54.25 39.99 59.83 44.18 62.23 48.14 64.43 55.63

Surface area 874.6 837.0 919.4 886.8 937.4 906.2 963.0 941.8 1006.6 984.6
Total pore 2.77 2.65 3.10 2.97 3.52 3.23 3.72 3.45 3.92 3.54
volume (cm3/g)
Bulk density 0.286 0.465 0.270 0.423 0.263 0.386 0.256 0.357 0.250 0.343
% Ash content 3.40 2.45 4.60 3.95 5.15 4.90 5.60 5.30 6.35 5.50

From the table, it can be seen that the bulk density and % yield of the adsorbents decrease

while surface area, total pore volume, % weight loss and % ash content increase with increase

in carbonization time from 60 minutes to 180 minutes for both raw materials. This trend

could be attributed to the increase in removal of volatile matter as a result of increase in

thermal decomposition of the raw material as the carbonization time increases30. Since %

yield decreases with increase in carbonization time, it is therefore necessary to consider

production losses in choosing the carbonization time for production of activated carbon.

From Tables 4.1 to 4.4, it can be seen that the TOSS carbons had higher surface area, total

pore volume, percentage weight loss and ash content as well as lower bulk density and

percentage yield than the GASS carbons produced under the same experimental conditions.

This may be attributed to higher thermal decomposition of TOSS than GASS.

4.2 Effect of Process Variables on Adsorption

4.2.1 Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption

Table 4.5 shows the effect of activating agent on GASS with respect to the quantity of Pb2+

and Cu2+ adsorbed by each of the GASS adsorbents.

Table 4.5: Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption Parameters using Gambeya albida
Seed Shell Processed at 600oC*

Sample Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+
H3PO4 147.00 159.75 53.00 40.50 10.60 8.05 26.50 20.13
NH4Cl 166.00 168.75 34.00 31.25 6.80 6.25 17.00 15.63
Raw Material 188.00 190.25 12.00 9.75 2.40 1.95 6.00 4.88

* Co (mg/l) = 200; V (ml) = 100; m (g) = 0.5; Ce = equilibrium concentration of the

adsorbate; Co = initial concentration of the adsorbate; q = amount of metal ion adsorbed; % q
= percent of original concentration of metal ion adsorbed; V = volume of the solution; m =
mass of adsorbent

The results show that the activated carbons adsorbed higher quantities of the metals than the

raw (unreacted) GASS. Similar behaviour was observed by Aziza et al99 for the adsorption of

Pb2+ on activated carbon from bumper sawdust and raw bumper sawdust. The results also

show that activation with phosphoric acid led to higher adsorption potential of the resulting

carbon than activation with ammonium chloride. For example, the phosphoric acid activated

carbon adsorbed 10.60mg/g of Pb2+ while the ammonium chloride activated carbon adsorbed

only 5.40mg/g.

Table 4.6 shows the effect of activating agent on TOSS with respect to the adsorption of Pb2+

and Cu2+.

Table 4.6: Effect of Activating Agent on Adsorption Parameters using Telfairia

occidentalis Seed Shell Processed at 500oC

Sample Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb 2+
Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+
H3PO4 109.25 110.75 90.75 89.25 18.15 17.85 45.38 44.63
NH4Cl 164.50 173.00 35.50 27.00 7.10 5.40 17.75 13.50
Raw Material 185.00 190.00 15.00 10.00 3.00 2.00 7.50 5.00

The results show that activation of the sample prior to carbonization led to higher adsorption

potential than carbonization without prior activation. Similar behaviour was also observed by

Aziza et al99 for the adsorption of Pb2+ on activated carbon from bumper sawdust and raw

bumper sawdust. The results also show that activation with phosphoric acid led to higher

adsorption potential than activation with ammonium chloride. As a result of this, activation

with phosphoric acid was employed in the further production of the carbons used for the rest

of this research.

4.2.2 Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption

Figure 4.1 shows the effect of carbonization temperature of the samples on their adsorption of

Pb2+ and Cu2+. The results are also presented in tabular form in Tables 4.7 and 4.8 for Pb2+

and Cu2+ adsorption, respectively.

Figure 4.1: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Amount of Metal Adsorbed

Table 4.7: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption of Pb2+

T Ce Co Ce q %q
( C) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
300 109.25 147.00 90.75 53.00 18.15 10.60 26.50 44.63
400 92.25 120.50 107.75 79.50 21.55 15.90 38.25 48.38
500 74.50 95.50 125.50 104.50 26.00 20.90 52.25 57.25
600 68.25 71.50 131.75 128.50 26.35 25.70 64.25 61.25

Table 4.8: Effect of Carbonization Temperature on Adsorption of Cu2+

T Ce Co Ce q %q
( C) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
300 110.75 159.75 89.25 40.25 17.85 8.05 44.63 20.13
400 103.25 155.00 96.75 45.00 19.35 9.00 48.38 22.50
500 85.50 146.75 114.50 53.25 22.90 10.65 57.25 26.63
600 77.50 138.25 122.50 61.75 24.50 12.35 61.25 30.88

From the results, it can be seen that for both raw materials, adsorption increased as carbons

produced at higher temperatures were used. This is as a result of possession of higher

adsorption properties by carbons produced at higher temperatures. Similar trend was

observed by Ozer et al30 for the adsorption of cadmium on activated carbon from sugar beet

pulp in which case removal percentage of cadmium increased from 35.0 to 99.0% with

increase in carbonization temperature from 350oC to 700oC. From Figure 4.1, it can also be

seen that Pb2+ was more preferentially adsorbed than Cu2+ by both adsorbents. Similar

behaviour was observed by Kongsuwan et al97 for the adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ on

Eucalytus camaldulensis dehn bark. The differential removal of the two ions may be

described as being due to the difference in their ionic radius. It has been shown that the

smaller the ionic radius or area, the greater is its tendency to be hydrolyzed leading to

reduced sorption105. The differential removal was found to be higher when carbons produced

at temperatures above 300oC were used.

The results also show that the TOSS carbons adsorbed more of each metal than the GASS

carbons carbonized at the same temperature. This can be attributed to the possession of

higher adsorption properties (surface area and total pore volume) by TOSS carbons than

GASS carbons carbonized at the same temperature as shown in Table 4.3. However,

carbonization at 600oC resulted in marginal increase in the amount of lead adsorbed by

TOSS. As a result of this and also taking production losses (in terms of % weight loss) into

consideration, 500oC was used for the further production of carbons from TOSS for the rest

of the research while 600oC was used for GASS.

4.2.3 Effect of Carbonization Time

Figure 4.2 shows the effect of carbonization time at 500oC and 600oC for TOSS and GASS,

respectively on their adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+. The results are also presented in tabular

form in Tables 4.9 and 4.10 for Pb2+ and Cu2+ adsorption, respectively.

Figure 4.2: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS on

Amount of Metal Adsorbed


Table 4.9: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS on
Adsorption of Pb2+

Time Ce Co Ce q %q
(mins) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
60 136.00 146.00 64.00 54.00 12.80 10.80 32.00 27.00
90 118.25 117.50 81.75 82.50 16.35 16.50 40.88 41.25
120 98.25 104.25 101.75 95.75 20.35 19.15 50.88 47.88
150 83.50 102.25 116.50 97.75 23.30 19.55 58.25 51.13
180 76.25 85.50 123.75 114.50 24.75 22.90 61.88 57.25

Table 4.10: Effect of Carbonization Time at 500oC for TOSS and 600oC for GASS on
Adsorption of Cu2+

Time Ce Co Ce q %q
(mins) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
60 151.50 167.25 48.50 32.75 9.70 6.55 27.00 24.25
90 117.50 143.25 82.50 56.75 16.50 11.35 41.25 41.25
120 107.00 126.50 93.00 73.50 18.60 14.70 47.88 46.50
150 100.25 102.75 99.75 97.25 19.95 19.45 51.13 49.88
180 95.50 98.50 104.50 101.50 20.90 20.30 57.25 52.25

From the results, it can be seen that for both raw materials, adsorption increased as carbons

produced by carbonization for longer period of time were used. This is as a result of

possession of higher adsorption properties by carbons produced by longer carbonization.

Similar trend was observed by Ozer et al30 for the adsorption of cadmium on activated carbon

from sugar beet pulp in which case removal percentage of cadmium increased from 10.0 to

58.0% with increase in carbonization time from 15 to 120 minutes. The results also show that

Pb2+ was also more preferentially adsorbed than Cu2+ by both adsorbents.

From the results, it can also be seen that the TOSS carbons adsorbed more of each metal than

the GASS carbons carbonized for the same length of time. This is can be attributed to the

possession of higher adsorption properties (surface area and total pore volume) by TOSS

carbons than GASS carbons carbonized for the same length of time as was shown in Table

4.4. However, carbonization for 150 and 180minutes resulted in marginal increase in the

amount of metal adsorbed by the carbons from both raw materials. As a result of this and also

taking production losses (in terms of % weight loss) into consideration, carbonization was

done for 60minutes and 120minutes for TOSS and GASS, respectively in the further

production of carbons for the rest of this research.

4.2.4 Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption

Figure 4.3 shows the effect of particle size of the carbons on their adsorption of Pb2+ and

Cu2+. The results are also presented in tabular form in Tables 4.11 and 4.12 for Pb2+ and Cu2+

adsorption, respectively.

Figure 4.3: Effect of Particle Size on Amount of Metals Adsorbed


Table 4.11: Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption of Pb2+

Particle Size Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
1 1.75 136.00 104.25 64.00 95.75 12.80 19.15 32.00 47.88
0.5 1 130.50 82.25 69.50 117.75 13.90 23.55 34.75 58.88
0.25 0.5 125.50 64.00 74.50 136.00 14.90 27.20 37.25 68.00
0.125 0.25 120.00 48.75 80.00 151.25 16.00 30.25 40.00 75.63

Table 4.12: Effect of Particle Size on Adsorption of Cu2+

Particle Size Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
1 1.75 151.50 126.50 48.50 73.50 9.70 14.70 24.25 36.75
0.5 1 141.25 95.75 58.75 104.25 11.75 20.85 29.38 52.13
0.25 0.5 132.00 77.75 68.00 122.25 13.60 24.45 34.00 61.13
0.125 0.25 125.00 63.25 75.00 136.75 15.00 27.35 37.50 68.38

As shown in the results, adsorption decreased linearly with increase in particle size of the

carbons. This is as a result of increase in surface area as the particle size decreases34 resulting

in higher adsorption since more adsorbate particles can adhere to the sorbent surface. Similar

trend was observed by Soleimani and Kaghazchi39 for the adsorption of gold on activated

carbon from apricot stones during which percentage metal adsorption decreased from 80% to

67% with increase in particle size from 35 50 mesh to 12 16 mesh. The increase in

adsorption with decrease in particle size was more for the GASS carbon. The results also

show that the GASS carbon adsorbed more of both metals than the TOSS carbon. This could

be attributed to the fact that GASS carbonized at 600oC for 120minutes possessed better

adsorption properties (higher surface area and pore volume) than TOSS carbonized at 500oC

for 60minutes as shown in Table 4.4.


4.2.5 Effect of Solution pH on Adsorption

Figure 4.4 shows the effect of pH of the metal solutions on the adsorption of the metals by

the carbons. The results are also presented in tabular form in Tables 4.13 and 4.14 for Pb2+

and Cu2+ adsorption, respectively.

Figure 4.4: Effect of Solution pH on Amount of Metals Adsorbed

Table 4.13: Effect of Solution pH on Adsorption of Pb2+

pH Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
2 155.75 122.75 44.25 77.25 8.85 15.45 22.13 38.63
3 105.50 80.75 94.50 119.25 18.91 23.85 47.25 59.63
4 55.25 58.00 144.75 142.00 28.95 28.40 72.38 71.00
5 33.50 27.50 166.50 172.50 33.30 34.50 83.25 86.25
6 21.50 21.24 178.50 178.76 35.70 35.75 89.25 89.38

Table 4.14: Effects of Solution pH on Adsorption of Cu2+

pH Ce C o Ce q %q
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
2 196.00 156.00 4.00 44.00 0.80 8.80 2.00 22.00
3 151.50 113.25 48.50 86.75 9.70 17.35 24.25 43.38
4 110.00 80.00 90.00 120.00 18.00 24.00 45.00 60.00
5 83.25 56.50 116.75 143.50 23.35 28.70 58.38 71.75
6 39.58 33.00 160.50 167.00 32.10 33.40 80.21 83.50

From the results, it can be observed that adsorption increased with increasing pH up to pH

value of 5. This trend can be explained by the fact that at low pH (1 3), the metal ions had

to compete with H+ ions for adsorption sites on the adsorbent surface. As the pH increased,

this competition weakened and more metal ions were able to replace H+ ions bound to the

adsorbent surface79. Similar trend was observed by Kongsuwan et al97 for the adsorption of

Pb2+ and Cu2+ on Eucalytus camaldulensis dehn bark. However, from pH value of 6, the

metal ions were precipitated out of their solutions as their hydroxides. Similar behaviour was

observed by Dahiya et al106. This condition has been described as undesirable during sorption

experiments as it can lead to a misunderstanding of adsorption capacity97. The results also

show that the GASS carbon adsorbed more of each metal than the TOSS carbon.

4.2.6 Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption

Figure 4.5 shows the effect of the weight of the adsorbents used on the adsorption of the

metals from their solutions. The results are also presented in tabular form in Tables 4.15 and

4.16 for Pb2+ and Cu2+ adsorption, respectively.


Figure 4.5: Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Amount of Metals Adsorbed

Table 4.15: Effects of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption of Pb2+

m Ce C o Ce q %q
(g) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
0.063 182.00 155.74 18.00 44.26 28.57 70.25 9.00 22.13
0.125 172.00 142.25 28.00 57.75 22.40 46.20 14.00 28.88
0.25 161.00 120.00 39.00 80.00 15.60 32.00 19.50 40.00
0.5 136.00 104.25 64.00 95.75 12.80 19.15 32.00 47.88
1 96.25 30.98 103.75 169.02 10.38 16.90 51.88 84.51

Table 4.16: Effect of Adsorbent Weight on Adsorption of Cu2+

m Ce C o Ce q %q
(g) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
0.063 184.50 174.00 15.50 26.00 24.60 41.27 7.75 13.00
0.125 176.00 166.00 24.00 34.00 19.20 27.20 12.00 17.00
0.25 170.00 152.00 30.00 48.00 12.00 19.20 15.00 24.00
0.5 151.50 126.50 48.50 73.50 9.70 14.70 24.25 36.75
1 123.50 86.25 69.00 113.75 6.90 11.38 34.25 56.88

From the figure, it can be seen that the percentage quantity adsorbed (%q) increased linearly

with increase in adsorbent weight. This is as a result of the fact that the quantity of sites for

adsorption increases with increase in adsorbent weight106. Similar trend was observed by

Dave et al107 for the adsorption of Cu2+ on commercial activated carbon. However, from the

tabular results, it can be seen that the quantity of the metals adsorbed per gram of adsorbent

(q) decreases with increase in the weight of adsorbent used. This is as a result of the fact that

the adsorbate ions concentration decreases per active site available for adsorption on the

adsorbent106. The results also show that the GASS carbon adsorbed more of both metals than

the TOSS carbon.

4.2.7 Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Amount of Metals Adsorbed

Figure 4.6 shows the effect of adsorption temperature on the adsorption of the metals by the

carbons. The results are also presented in tabular form in Tables 4.17 and 4.18 for Pb2+ and

Cu2+ adsorption, respectively.

Figure 4.6: Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Amount of Metals Adsorbed


Table 4.17: Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Adsorption of Pb2+

T Ce C o Ce q %q
(C ) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
20 118.25 92.25 81.75 107.75 16.35 21.55 40.88 53.88
30 136.00 104.25 64.00 95.75 12.80 19.15 32.00 47.88
40 157.50 117.00 42.50 83.00 8.50 16.60 21.25 41.50
50 171.00 137.75 29.00 62.25 5.80 12.45 14.50 31.13

Table 4.18: Effect of Adsorption Temperature on Adsorption of Cu2+

T Ce C o Ce q %q
(C ) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
20 127.75 109.75 72.25 90.25 14.45 18.05 36.13 45.13
30 153.50 126.50 46.50 73.50 9.30 14.70 23.25 36.75
40 169.00 146.50 31.00 53.50 6.20 10.70 15.50 26.75
50 192.50 159.00 7.50 41.00 1.50 8.20 3.75 20.50

It is observed from the results that the adsorption decreased as temperature increased. This is

in agreement with the results obtained by Teker et al93 for the adsorption of Cu2+ and Cd2+ on

activated carbon from rice hulls. This decrease in adsorption capacity with increase in

temperature indicates that the adsorption processes were exothermic in nature109. The results

also show that the GASS carbon adsorbed more of both metals than the TOSS carbon.

4.2.8 Effect of Contact Time and Initial Metal Ion Concentration on Adsorption

Figures 4.7 and 4.8 show the effects of contact time and initial metal ion concentration on the

adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+, respectively, using TOSS carbon while Figures 4.9 and 4.10

show the effects using GASS carbon. The results are also presented in tabular form in

Appendix A.1 A.16.


Figure 4.7: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Pb2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.8: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Cu2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.9: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Pb2+ on its Amount
Adsorbed using GASS carbon.

Figure 4.10: Effects of Contact Time and Initial Concentration of Cu2 on its Amount
Adsorbed using GASS carbon.

Generally, there was an initial rapid sorption for about 50 minutes of agitation after which the

rate of sorption became slower. After 130 210 minutes of agitation, equilibrium was

attained. This can be explained by the fact that within the first 50 minutes, the adsorbent still

had a vast number of unoccupied sites unto which the adsorbate particles could adsorb. As a

result, there was a high probability of adsorption for every migrating/diffusing molecule of

adsorbate. The adsorbate particles adsorbed within the first 50 minutes leading to a decrease

in the number of unoccupied sites, which made the adsorption to become slower since the

adsorbent surface was approaching saturation110. After 130 210 minutes, the adsorbent sites

were completely occupied by the adsorbate particles. At this stage, the system attained

equilibrium at which the rate of adsorption became equal to the rate of desorption. Similar

trend has been observed by various researchers such as Kongsuwan et al97 for the adsorption

of Pb2+ and Cu2+ on Eucalytus camaldulensis dehn bark carbon and Kang et al17 for the

adsorption of Cu2+ and Cd2+ on pretreated activated carbons.

The adsorption processes could be well described using the explanation regarding the

dispersion force between metal ions and surface of activated carbon. As the positively

charged ion approached the surface of the activated carbon, the surface of the carbon was

slightly induced to exhibit negatively charged property and the attraction between the two

dipoles which was likely to lower the potential energy between them occurred and eventually

brought about adsorption97. The rapid initial sorption was likely due to extra-cellular binding

and the slower sorption likely resulted from intracellular binding111. The plots of metal uptake

as a function of time (Figures 4.7 4.10) are single, smooth and continuous, leading to

saturation. This suggests possible monolayer coverage of the metal ions on the surface of the


From the figures, it can also be seen that the adsorption is highly dependent on initial metal

concentration. The amount of metal adsorbed per unit weight of carbon increased with

increase in initial metal concentration of solution. Similar trend was observed by Kilic et al112

and was attributed to the increase in driving force for adsorption with increase in initial metal

concentrations. Also, according to Aksu and Akpinar113, increases in initial metal ion

concentrations are effective to break the resistance originating from mass transfer, resulting

in increased adsorption.

4.3 Kinetic Studies

In order to investigate the kinetics of the adsorption processes, the data shown in Figures 4.7

4.10 were analyzed using various kinetic model equations, which are, the Bhattacharya-

Venkobachar, pseudo-first order, Elovich and pseudo-second order kinetic model equations.

The mathematical linear forms of the equations were used.

4.3.1 Kinetic analysis of Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon

Figure 4.11 shows the Bhattacharya-Venkobachar plot for the adsorption of different

concentrations of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.11: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon


Figure 4.12 shows the pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Pb2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.12: Pseudo First Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.13 shows the Elovich plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of Pb2+ on

TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.13: Elovich Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon


Figure 4.14 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.14: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.15 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.15: Weber and Morris Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

The associated kinetic parameters for each of the kinetic models for the different metal

concentrations have been evaluated from the slopes and intercepts of the respective linear

plots and are shown in Table 4.19.

Table 4.19: The Kinetic Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Kinetic model Parameter Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
Bhattacharya- KB (min-1) -0.035 -0.028 -0.030 -0.030
Venkobachar R2 0.995 0.943 0.989 0.979
Pseudo-first K1 (min-1) -0.035 -0.028 -0.030 -0.032
order qe (mg/g) 7.194 6.668 9.183 12.134
R 0.995 0.948 0.989 0.981
Elovich (mg.g . min )
-1 -1 0.945 1.144 1.242 1.540
(mg.g-1. min-1) 0.490 0.462 0.379 0.318
R2 0.982 0.977 0.988 0.964
-1 -1
Pseudo-second K2 ( .min ) 0.0075 0.0066 0.0049 0.0037
order qe (mg/g) 8.475 9.524 11.628 14.286
R2 0.997 0.999 0.998 0.996
Weber and Kid (mg.g-1.min-0.5) 0.933 1.169 1.442 1.828
Morris R2 0.950 0.926 0.942 0.979

A comparison of the various kinetic plots based on their linear regression coefficient (R2)

values shows that pseudo-second order model best described the adsorption at all the

considered concentrations. Therefore, the adsorption of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon can best be

described using the pseudo-second order model. The pseudo-second order rate constants (k2)

decreased while the equilibrium capacity values (qe) increased with increase in concentration

of the adsorbates. Estimated values of equilibrium capacity fell within the range of

experimental data. The decrease of the pseudo-second order rate constant (k2) with increasing

concentration confirmed that the adsorption processes became faster with increasing the

solute concentration in solution. This behavior was reported by Debnath and Ghosh83.

Table 4.20 shows the calculated intra-particle and film diffusion constants for the adsorption

of the different concentrations of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon.

Table 4.20: Intra-particle (DP) and Film Diffusion Constants (DF) for Pb2+ Adsorption
on TOSS Carbon

Constant Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
2 -1 -4 -4 -3
DP (cm .s ) 9.66x10 9.33x10 1.32x10 5.57x10-4
DF (cm2.s-1) 6.89x10-6 2.92x10-6 3.14x10-6 1.20x10-6

The calculated intra-particle diffusion coefficients, DP, for the adsorption of the different

metal concentrations were in the range of 10-3 to 10-4cm2.s-1. DP-values in the range of 10-11 to

10-13 cm2.s-1 suggest that intra-particle diffusion is the rate limiting step83. However, the

calculated values are up to six orders greater than 10-11cm2.s-1. This shows that intra-particle

diffusion is not the rate limiting step for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon.

From the table, the calculated DF-values are found to be in the order of 10-6 cm2.s-1 for all the

considered Pb2+ concentrations. DF-value in the range of 10-6 to 10-8 cm2.s-1 shows that the

rate limiting step is controlled by film (boundary layer) diffusion90. Therefore, the rate of

adsorption of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon is controlled by film (boundary-layer) diffusion.

4.3.2 Kinetic analysis of Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon

Figure 4.16 shows the Bhattacharya-Venkobachar plot for the adsorption of different

concentrations of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon.


Figure 4.16: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.17 shows the pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Cu2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.17: Pseudo First Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.18 shows the Elovich plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of Cu2+ on

TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.18: Elovich Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.19 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.19: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.20 shows the Weber and Morris plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Cu2+ on TOSS carbon.

Figure 4.20: Weber and Morris Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

The associated kinetic parameters for each of the kinetic models for the different metal

concentrations have been evaluated from the slopes and intercepts of the respective linear

plots and are shown in Table 4.21


Table 4.21: The Kinetic Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Kinetic model Parameter Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
Bhattacharya- KB (min-1) -0.018 -0.028 -0.014 -0.014
Venkobachar R2 0.990 0.918 0.991 0.960
Pseudo-first K1 (min-1) -0.018 -0.028 -0.014 -0.014
order qe (mg/g) 5.636 7.568 7.568 9.616
R 0.989 0.929 0.988 0.963
Elovich (mg.g-1. min-1) 0.297 0.614 0.657 0.659
(mg.g-1. min-1) 0.590 0.564 0.506 0.412
R2 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.983
-1 -1
Pseudo-second K2 ( .min ) 0.0042 0.0041 0.0026 0.0017
order qe (mg/g) 7.299 8.197 10.000 12.346
R2 0.998 0.997 0.996 0.993
Weber and Kid (mg.g-1.min-0.5) 0.542 0.656 0.753 0.710
Morris R2 0.953 0.953 0.956 0.967

A comparison of the various kinetic plots based on the linear regression coefficient (R2)

values shows that pseudo-second order model best described the adsorption at all the

considered concentrations. Therefore, the adsorption of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon can also be

best described using the pseudo-second order model. The equilibrium capacity values (qe)

increased with increase in concentration of the adsorbates and the estimated values fell within

the range of experimental data. The pseudo-second order rate constants (k2) decreased with

increase in concentration showing that the adsorption of Cu2+ on TOSS became faster with

increasing the Cu2+ concentration in solution.

Table 4.22 shows the calculated intra-particle and film diffusion constants for the adsorption

of the different concentrations of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon.


Table 4.22: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS

Constant Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
2 -1 -5 -5 -5
DP (cm .s ) 2.70x10 2.82x10 2.25x10 1.88x10-5
DF (cm2.s-1) 2.91x10-6 1.44x10-6 9.55x10-7 6.52x10-7

The calculated intra-particle diffusion coefficients, DP, for the adsorption of the different

concentrations were all of the order of 10-5cm2.s-1. This shows that intra-particle diffusion is

not the rate limiting step for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon. The DF-values are in the range

of 10-6 to 10-7cm2.s-1 for the considered Cu2+ concentrations. Therefore, the rate of adsorption

of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon is controlled by film (boundary-layer) diffusion.

4.3.3 Kinetic analysis of Pb2+ adsorption on GASS carbon

Figure 4.21 shows the Bhattacharya-Venkobachar plot for the adsorption of different

concentrations of Pb2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.21: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.22 shows the pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Pb2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.22: Pseudo First Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.23 shows the Elovich plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of Pb2+ on

GASS carbon.

Figure 4.23: Elovich Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.24 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Pb2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.24: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.25 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Pb2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.25: Weber and Morris Plot for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

The associated kinetic parameters for each of the kinetic models for the different metal

concentrations have been evaluated from the slopes and intercepts of the respective linear

plots and are shown in Table 4.23.

Table 4.23: The Kinetic Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Kinetic model Parameter Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
Bhattacharya- KB (min-1) -0.028 -0.026 -0.018 -0.026
Venkobachar R2 0.985 0.992 0.990 0.933
Pseudo-first K1 (min-1) -0.028 -0.026 -0.018 -0.026
order qe (mg/g) 7.768 10.967 13.527 19.756
R 0.986 0.993 0.990 0.940
Elovich (mg.g-1. min-1) 0.725 0.876 1.192 1.955
(mg.g-1. min-1) 0.518 0.365 0.290 0.215
R2 0.996 0.993 0.995 0.998
-1 -1
Pseudo-second K2 ( .min ) 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002
order qe (mg/g) 8.803 12.453 17.007 22.026
R2 0.999 0.998 0.998 0.999
Weber and Kid (mg.g-1.min-0.5) 0.745 0.868 1.297 2.090
Morris R2 0.936 0.952 0.961 0.932

A comparison of the various kinetic plots based on the linear regression coefficient (R2)

values shows that pseudo-second order model best described the adsorption at the different

concentrations. Therefore, the adsorption of Pb2+ on GASS carbon can best be described

using the pseudo-second order model. The equilibrium capacity values (qe) increased with

increase in concentration of the adsorbates and the estimated values fell within the range of

experimental data. The pseudo-second order rate constants (k2) decreased with increase in

concentration showing that the adsorption of Pb2+ on GASS became faster with increase in

the Pb2+ concentration in solution.


Table 4.24 shows the calculated intra-particle and film diffusion constants for the adsorption

of the different concentrations of Pb2+ on GASS carbon.

Table 4.24: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS

Constant Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
DP (cm2.s-1) 2.26x10-5 2.68x10-5 2.50x10-5 2.83x10-5
DF (cm2.s-1) 3.40x10-6 2.31x10-6 1.92x10-6 2.16x10-6

The calculated intra-particle diffusion coefficients, DP, for the adsorption of the different

metal concentrations were all of the order of 10-5cm2.s-1. This shows that intra-particle

diffusion is not the rate limiting step for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS carbon. The DF-values are

all of the order of 10-6cm2.s-1 for the considered Cu2+ concentrations. Therefore, the rate of

adsorption of Cu2+ on GASS carbon is controlled by film (boundary-layer) diffusion.

4.3.4 Kinetic analysis of Cu2+ adsorption on GASS carbon

Figure 4.26 shows the Bhattacharya-Venkobachar plot for the adsorption of different

concentrations of Cu2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.26: Bhattacharya-Venkobachar Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.27 shows the pseudo-first order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Cu2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.27: Pseudo First Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.28 shows the Elovich plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of Cu2+ on
GASS carbon.

Figure 4.28: Elovich Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.29 shows the pseudo-second order plot for the adsorption of different concentrations

of Cu2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.29: Pseudo Second Order Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.30 shows the Weber and Morris plot for the adsorption of different concentrations of

Cu2+ on GASS carbon.

Figure 4.30: Weber and Morris Plot for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

The associated kinetic parameters for each of the kinetic models for the different metal

concentrations have been evaluated from the slopes and intercepts of the respective linear

plots and are shown in Table 4.25.

Table 4.25: The Kinetic Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Kinetic model Parameter Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
Bhattacharya- KB (min-1) -0.028 -0.023 -0.021 -0.023
Venkobachar R2 0.999 0.988 0.986 0.980
Pseudo-first K1 (min-1) -0.027 -0.023 -0.021 -0.023
order qe (mg/g) 7.345 9.840 11.588 15.240
R 0.999 0.990 0.988 0.982
Elovich (mg.g-1. min-1) 0.649 0.759 0.909 1.301
(mg.g-1. min-1) 0.489 0.396 0.331 0.246
R2 0.993 0.989 0.991 0.995
-1 -1
Pseudo-second K2 ( .min ) 0.0042 0.0025 0.0020 0.0019
order qe (mg/g) 8.772 11.628 14.085 18.182
R2 0.997 0.997 0.998 0.995
Weber and Kid (mg.g-1.min-0.5) 0.601 0.785 0.938 0.780
Morris R2 0.961 0.970 0.971 0.951

A comparison of the various kinetic plots based on the linear regression coefficient (R2)

values shows that for 50mg/l of Cu2+, the Bhattacharya-Venkobachar and the Pseudo-first

order models gave similar and best fit. At higher concentrations of Cu2+, the adsorption was

best described by the pseudo-second order model. For 200mg/l of Cu2+ the Elovich model

also gave a very good correlation. The pseudo-second order rate constants (k2) decreased with

increase in concentration showing that the adsorption of Cu2+ on GASS became faster with

increasing the Cu2+ concentration in solution.


Table 4.26 shows the calculated intra-particle and film diffusion constants for the adsorption

of the different concentrations of Cu2+ on GASS carbon.

Table 4.26: Intra-particle and Film Diffusion Constants for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS

Constant Solute Concentration (mg/l)

50 100 150 200
DP (cm2.s-1) 3.53x10-5 2.72x10-5 2.56x10-5 2.53x10-5
DF (cm2.s-1) 6.32x10-7 8.61x10-7 6.19x10-7 5.68x10-7

The calculated intra-particle diffusion coefficients, DP, for the adsorption of the different

concentrations were all of the order of 10-5cm2.s-1. This shows that intra-particle diffusion is

not the rate limiting step for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS carbon. The DF-values are all of the

order of 10-7cm2.s-1 for the considered Cu2+ concentrations. Therefore, the rate of adsorption

of Cu2+ on GASS carbon is controlled by film (boundary-layer) diffusion.

4.4 Isotherm Studies

The isotherm data obtained for the adsorption processes were analysed using the Langmuir,

Freundlich and Temkin isotherms.

4.4.1 Isotherm study of Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon

The isotherm data obtained for the adsorption of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon are shown in Table


Table 4.27: Isotherm Data for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Co Ce q Ce/q log Ce log q ln Ce

(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
50 13.75 7.25 1.90 1.14 0.86 2.62
100 59.25 8.15 7.27 1.77 0.91 4.08
150 101.75 9.65 10.54 2.01 0.98 4.62
200 136.00 12.80 10.63 2.13 1.11 4.91

From these data, the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms for the adsorption process

were obtained and are shown in Figures 4.31, 4.32 and 4.33, respectively.

Figure 4.31: Langmuir Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon


Figure 4.32: Freundlich Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.33: Temkin Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon


The isotherm parameters obtained from these plots are presented in Table 4.28.

Table 4.28: The Isotherm Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Isotherm model Parameter Value

Langmuir Isotherm KL ( 0.040

qm (mg.g-1) 13.70
RL 0.111
R2 0.900
Freundlich Isotherm KF (mg/g) 1.614
n 1.678
R2 0.721
Temkin Isotherm KT 0.766

bT (kJmol-1) 1.285

R2 0.672

A comparison of the isotherms based on their linear regression coefficient (R2) values shows

that the Langmuir isotherm gave the best fit for the adsorption process with R2 value of 0.900.

The calculated separation factor (RL) has a value of 0.111. This value is greater than zero and

less than one. This shows that the Langmuir isotherm is favourable for the description of the

adsorption process70. Hence, the adsorption of Pb2+ on TOSS carbon can be said to take place

by monolayer coverage of the metal ions on the adsorbent surfaces. This behaviour was

reported by Pandey et al114. The monolayer adsorption capacity was found to be 13.70mg/g

which is higher than the values obtained for activated carbon from some other raw materials

such as bamboo dust (with value of 2.151mg/g) 100, coconut (with value of 4.38mg/g) 98 and

seed hull of palm tree (with value of 3.77mg/g) 98.


4.4.2 Isotherm study of Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS carbon

The isotherm data obtained for the adsorption of Cu2+ on TOSS carbon are shown in Table


Table 4.29: Isotherm Data for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Co Ce q Ce/q log Ce log q ln Ce

(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
50 20.75 5.85 3.55 1.32 0.77 3.03
100 67.25 6.55 10.27 1.83 0.82 4.21
150 105.75 8.85 11.95 2.02 0.95 4.66
200 151.50 9.70 15.62 2.18 0.99 5.02

From these data, the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms for the adsorption process

were obtained and are shown in Figures 4.34, 4.35 and 4.36, respectively.

Figure 4.34: Langmuir Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon


Figure 4.35: Freundlich Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Figure 4.36: Temkin Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on TOSS Carbon


The isotherm parameters obtained from these plots are presented in Table 4.30.

Table 4.30: The Isotherm Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on TOSS Carbon

Isotherm model Parameter Value

Langmuir Isotherm KL ( 0.032

qm (mg.g-1) 11.36
RL 0.135
R2 0.949
Freundlich Isotherm KF (mg/g) 2.564
n 3.891
R 0.850
Temkin Isotherm KT -0.199

bT (kJmol-1) 1.313

R2 0.823

A comparison of the isotherms based on their linear regression coefficient (R2) values shows

that the Langmuir isotherm gave the best fit for the adsorption process with R2 value of 0.949.

The calculated separation factor (RL) has a value of 0.135 showing that the Langmuir

isotherm is favourable for the description of the adsorption process. Hence, the adsorption of

Cu2+ on TOSS carbon can be said to take place by monolayer coverage of the Cu2+ ions on

the carbon surface. The monolayer adsorption capacity was found to be 11.36mg/g. This

value is higher than the values obtained for some other activated carbons such as the

activated carbon produced from pecan shell by phosphoric acid activation and the one

produced by CO2 activation which had monolayer adsorption capacity of 6.84 and

0.001mg/g, respectively95.

4.4.3 Isotherm study of Pb2+ adsorption on GASS carbon

The isotherm data obtained for the adsorption of Pb2+ on GASS carbon are shown in Table


Table 4.31: Isotherm Data for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Co Ce q Ce/q log Ce log q ln Ce

(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
50 10.50 7.90 1.33 1.02 0.9 2.35
100 48.50 10.30 4.70 1.69 1.01 3.88
150 77.00 14.60 5.27 1.89 1.16 4.34
200 104.25 19.15 6.66 2.06 1.23 4.65

From these data, the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms for the adsorption process

were obtained and are shown in Figures 4.37, 4.38 and 4.39, respectively.

Figure 4.37: Langmuir Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.38: Freundlich Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.39: Temkin Isotherm for Pb2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon


The isotherm parameters obtained from these plots are presented in Table 4.32.

Table 4.32: The Isotherm Parameters for Pb2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Isotherm model Parameter Value

Langmuir Isotherm KL ( 0.044

qm (mg.g-1) 18.52
RL 0.009
R2 0.935
Freundlich Isotherm KF (mg/g) 3.656
n 3.257
R 0.891
Temkin Isotherm KT -0.749

bT (kJmol-1) 0.593

R2 0.765

A comparison of the isotherms based on their linear regression coefficient (R2) values shows

that the Langmuir isotherm gave the best fit for the adsorption process with R2 value of 0.935.

The calculated separation factor (RL) has a value of 0.116 showing that the Langmuir

isotherm is favourable for the description of the adsorption process. Hence, the adsorption of

Pb2+ on GASS carbon can be said to take place by monolayer coverage of the Pb2+ ions on

the carbon surface. The monolayer adsorption capacity was found to be 16.67mg/g and is also

higher than the values obtained for activated carbon from bamboo dust (with value of

2.151mg/g) 100, coconut (with value of 4.38mg/g) 98 and seed hull of palm tree (with value of

3.77mg/g) 98.

4.4.4 Isotherm study of Cu2+ adsorption on GASS carbon

The isotherm data obtained for the adsorption of Cu2+ on GASS carbon are shown in Table


Table 4.33: Isotherm Data for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Co Ce q Ce/q log Ce log q ln Ce

(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/g)
50 20.75 5.85 3.55 1.32 0.77 3.03
100 67.25 6.55 10.27 1.83 0.82 4.21
150 105.75 8.85 11.95 2.02 0.95 4.66
200 151.50 9.70 15.62 2.18 0.99 5.02

From these data, the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherms for the adsorption process

were obtained and are shown in Figures 4.40, 4.41 and 4.42, respectively.

Figure 4.40: Langmuir Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon


Figure 4.41: Freundlich Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon

Figure 4.42: Temkin Isotherm for Cu2+ adsorption on GASS Carbon


The isotherm parameters obtained from these plots are presented in Table 4.34.

Table 4.34: The Isotherm Parameters for Cu2+ Adsorption on GASS Carbon

Isotherm model Parameter Value

Langmuir Isotherm KL ( 0.038

qm (mg.g-1) 16.67
RL 0.116
R2 0.935
Freundlich Isotherm KF (mg/g) 3.698
n 3.774
R 0.897
Temkin Isotherm KT -0.066

bT (kJmol-1) 0.903

R2 0.838

A comparison of the isotherms based on their linear regression coefficient (R2) values shows

that the Langmuir isotherm gave the best fit for the adsorption process with R2 value of 0.935.

The calculated separation factor (RL) has a value of 0.009 showing that the Langmuir

isotherm is favourable for the description of the adsorption process. Hence, the adsorption of

Cu2+ on GASS carbon can be said to take place by monolayer coverage of the Cu2+ ions on

the carbon surface. The monolayer adsorption capacity was found to be 18.52mg/g and is

higher than the values obtained for activated carbons from some other raw materials such as

pecan shell (with value of 6.84mg/g) 95 and banana pith (with value of 13.50mg/g)91.



The results obtained from this work show the possibility of production of activated carbons

with good properties from fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) and star apple (Gambeya

albida) seed shells. Activation of the raw materials with phosphoric acid led to carbons with

higher adsorption potentials than activation with ammonium chloride. Increase in

carbonization temperature and time yielded carbons with higher adsorption capacities.

Activated carbons produced from fluted pumpkin seed shell have better adsorption properties

than those produced from star apple seed shell under the same production conditions, as

shown by the adsorption results obtained during variation of production conditions. However,

if cost of production, in terms of weight loss of raw materials, is considered, and the

carbonization is done at 600oC for 120minutes for star apple seed shell and 500oC for

60minutes for fluted pumpkin seed shell, as was done during the variation of adsorption

conditions, then, the carbon from the star apple seed shell would have higher adsorption

potential than the one from fluted pumpkin seed shell.

Adsorption equilibrium was attained between 130 170 minutes for all the adsorption

processes. Lead was more effectively adsorbed than copper by both adsorbents. Adsorption

decreased with increase in adsorption temperature and particle size and increased with

increase in initial metal ion concentration and adsorbent weight in all the cases considered.

Adsorption also increased with increase in pH of the metal solutions up to a pH value of 5,

beyond which the metal ions were precipitated out of their solutions as their hydroxides

Almost all of the adsorption processes were best fitted by the pseudo-second order equation.

The only exception was the adsorption of 50mg/l of Cu2+ on star apple activated carbon,

which was best fitted by the pseudo-first order equation. The rates of the adsorption processes

were controlled by film (boundary layer) diffusion. The adsorption processes were

exothermic in nature and involved monolayer coverage of the metal ions on the adsorbents.

The adsorption data obtained in this work show that activated carbon from Telfairia

occidentalis and Gambeya albida seed shells can be used as adsorbents for low cost treatment

of industrial effluents, particularly for the removal of Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions. Future work is

therefore recommended using these seed shells to investigate their potentials for removal of

other pollutants.


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Table A.1: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 50mg/l of Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 50.00 0.00 - 0.89 - - - -
5 41.25 1.75 2.86 0.78 -0.11 0.35 0.24 1.61
10 33.75 3.25 3.08 0.66 -0.23 0.50 0.51 2.30
20 30.00 4.00 5.00 0.58 -0.31 0.65 0.60 3.00
30 22.00 5.60 5.36 0.34 -0.55 0.74 0.75 3.40
50 17.00 6.60 7.58 0.08 -0.81 0.85 0.82 3.91
70 13.50 7.30 9.59 -0.30 -1.19 0.92 0.86 4.25
100 12.00 7.60 13.16 -0.70 -1.59 1.00 0.88 4.61
130 11.00 7.80 16.67 - - - - 4.87
170 11.00 7.80 21.79 - - - - 5.14
210 11.00 7.80 26.92 - - - - 5.35
240 11.00 7.80 30.77 - - - - 5.52

Table A.2: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l of Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 100.00 0.00 - 0.94 - - - -
5 90.25 1.95 2.56 0.83 -0.11 0.35 0.29 1.61
10 83.00 3.40 2.94 0.73 -0.21 0.50 0.53 2.30
20 74.50 5.10 3.92 0.56 -0.38 0.65 0.71 3.00
30 69.00 6.20 4.84 0.41 -0.54 0.74 0.79 3.40
50 62.00 7.60 6.58 0.06 -0.88 0.85 0.88 3.91
70 59.00 8.20 9.20 -0.26 -1.20 0.92 0.91 4.25
100 57.50 8.50 11.76 -0.60 -1.54 1.00 0.93 4.61
130 57.50 8.50 15.29 - - - - 4.87
170 56.25 8.75 19.43 - - - - 5.14
210 56.25 8.75 24.00 - - - - 5.35
240 56.25 8.75 27.43 - - - - 5.52

Table A.3: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l of Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 150.00 0.00 - 1.02 - - - -
5 138.00 2.40 2.08 0.91 -0.11 0.35 0.38 1.61
10 131.50 3.70 2.70 0.84 -0.19 0.50 0.63 2.30
20 120.50 5.90 3.39 0.67 -0.36 0.65 0.77 3.00
30 115.00 7.00 4.29 0.55 -0.47 0.74 0.85 3.40
50 107.00 8.60 5.81 0.29 -0.73 0.85 0.93 3.91
70 101.25 9.75 7.18 -0.10 -1.12 0.92 0.99 4.25
100 99.00 10.20 9.80 -0.46 -1.48 1.00 1.01 4.61
130 98.25 10.35 12.56 -0.70 -1.72 - - 4.87
170 97.25 10.55 16.11 - - - - 5.14
210 97.25 10.55 19.91 - - - - 5.35
240 97.25 10.55 22.75 - - - - 5.52

Table A.4: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l of Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 200.00 0.00 - 1.11 - - - -
5 182.50 3.50 1.43 0.98 -0.14 0.35 0.54 1.61
10 175.00 5.00 2.00 0.90 -0.21 0.50 0.70 2.30
20 169.25 6.15 3.25 0.84 -0.28 0.65 0.79 3.00
30 161.25 7.75 3.87 0.72 -0.39 0.74 0.89 3.40
50 150.00 10.00 5.00 0.48 -0.64 0.85 1.00 3.91
70 139.00 12.20 5.74 -0.10 -1.21 0.92 1.09 4.25
100 137.50 12.50 8.00 -0.30 -1.41 1.00 1.10 4.61
130 136.00 12.80 10.16 -0.70 -1.81 1.06 1.11 4.87
170 135.00 13.00 13.08 - - - - 5.14
210 135.00 13.00 16.15 - - - - 5.35
240 135.00 13.00 18.46 - - - - 5.52

Table A.5: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 50mg/l of Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qeqt) [1 (U)T]
0 50.00 0.00 - 0.80 - - - -
5 45.25 0.95 5.26 0.73 -0.07 0.35 -0.02 1.61
10 40.75 1.85 5.41 0.65 -0.15 0.50 0.27 2.30
20 36.25 2.75 7.27 0.55 -0.25 0.65 0.44 3.00
30 32.25 3.55 8.45 0.44 -0.36 0.74 0.55 3.40
50 28.50 4.30 11.63 0.30 -0.50 0.85 0.63 3.91
70 26.00 4.80 14.58 0.18 -0.62 0.92 0.68 4.25
100 23.00 5.40 18.52 -0.05 -0.85 1.00 0.73 4.61
130 20.50 5.90 22.03 -0.40 -1.20 1.06 0.77 4.87
170 18.50 6.30 26.98 - - 1.12 0.80 5.14
210 18.50 6.30 33.33 - - - - 5.35
240 18.50 6.30 38.10 - - - - 5.52

Table A.6: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 100mg/l of Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1-(U)T]

0 100.00 0.00 - 0.85 - - - -

5 94.25 1.15 4.35 0.78 -0.08 0.35 0.06 1.61
10 89.00 2.20 4.55 0.69 -0.16 0.50 0.34 2.30
20 84.00 3.20 6.25 0.60 -0.26 0.65 0.51 3.00
30 79.25 4.15 7.23 0.48 -0.38 0.74 0.62 3.40
50 75.25 4.95 10.10 0.34 -0.51 0.85 0.69 3.91
70 72.25 5.55 12.61 0.20 -0.65 0.92 0.74 4.25
100 68.25 6.35 15.75 -0.10 -0.95 1.00 0.80 4.61
130 64.75 7.05 18.44 -1.00 -1.85 1.06 0.85 4.87
170 64.25 7.15 23.78 - - 1.12 0.85 5.14
210 64.25 7.15 29.37 - - - - 5.35
240 64.25 7.15 33.57 - - - - 5.52

Table A.7: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 150mg/l of Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]

0 150.00 0.00 - 0.93 - - - -

5 143.75 1.25 4.00 0.87 -0.06 0.35 0.10 1.61
10 138.00 2.40 4.17 0.79 -0.13 0.50 0.38 2.30
20 131.75 3.60 5.56 0.70 -0.22 0.65 0.56 3.00
30 127.00 4.50 6.67 0.61 -0.30 0.74 0.65 3.40
50 123.00 5.30 9.43 0.52 -0.38 0.85 0.72 3.91
70 118.50 6.00 11.67 0.41 -0.50 0.92 0.78 4.25
100 114.25 6.85 14.60 0.24 -0.65 1.00 0.84 4.61
130 110.25 7.55 17.22 0.02 -0.87 1.06 0.88 4.87
170 107.00 8.15 20.86 -0.35 -1.19 1.12 0.91 5.14
210 104.00 8.60 24.42 - - 1.16 0.93 5.35
240 104.00 8.60 27.91 - - - - 5.52

Table A.8: Effects of Contact Time using Telfairia occidentalis Seed Shell Activated
Carbon with 200mg/l of Cu2+.

t Ct qt t/qt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]

0 200.00 - - - -
0.00 - 1.01
5 193.50 1.30 3.85 0.95 -0.06 0.35 0.11 1.61
10 187.50 2.50 4.00 0.89 -0.12 0.50 0.40 2.30
20 181.00 3.80 5.26 0.81 -0.20 0.65 0.58 3.00
30 176.00 4.80 6.25 0.74 -0.27 0.74 0.68 3.40
50 170.00 6.00 8.33 0.63 -0.38 0.85 0.78 3.91
70 166.75 6.65 10.53 0.56 -0.45 0.92 0.82 4.25
100 160.00 8.00 12.50 0.36 -0.65 1.00 0.90 4.61
130 157.50 8.50 15.29 0.26 -0.76 1.06 0.93 4.87
170 151.00 9.80 17.35 -0.30 -1.31 1.12 0.99 5.14
210 148.50 10.30 20.39 - - 1.16 1.01 5.35
240 148.50 10.30 23.30 - - - - 5.52

Table A.9: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 50mg/l Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qeqt) [1 (U)T]
0 50.00 0.00 - 0.89 - - - -
5 43.75 1.25 4.00 0.82 -0.08 0.35 0.10 1.61
10 37.75 2.45 4.08 0.73 -0.16 0.50 0.39 2.30
20 31.25 3.75 5.33 0.61 -0.28 0.65 0.57 3.00
30 26.25 4.75 6.32 0.48 -0.41 0.74 0.68 3.40
50 21.25 5.75 8.70 0.31 -0.58 0.85 0.76 3.91
70 17.50 6.50 10.77 0.11 -0.78 0.92 0.81 4.25
100 14.50 7.10 14.08 -0.15 -1.05 1.00 0.85 4.61
130 12.25 7.55 17.22 -0.60 -1.49 1.06 0.88 4.87
170 11.25 7.75 21.94 -1.30 -2.19 1.12 0.89 5.14
210 11.00 7.80 26.92 - - - - 5.35
240 11.00 7.80 30.77 - - - - 5.52

Table A.10: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 100mg/l Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qeqt) [1-(U)T]
0 100.00 0.00 - 1.03 - - - -
5 92.00 1.60 3.13 0.96 -0.07 0.35 0.20 1.61
10 84.50 3.10 3.23 0.88 -0.15 0.50 0.49 2.30
20 76.75 4.65 4.30 0.79 -0.25 0.65 0.67 3.00
30 69.75 6.05 4.96 0.67 -0.36 0.74 0.78 3.40
50 62.50 7.50 6.67 0.51 -0.52 0.85 0.88 3.91
70 56.50 8.70 8.05 0.31 -0.72 0.92 0.94 4.25
100 51.00 9.80 10.20 -0.02 -1.05 1.00 0.99 4.61
130 48.00 10.40 12.50 -0.46 -1.49 1.06 1.02 4.87
170 46.75 10.65 15.96 -1.00 -2.03 1.12 1.03 5.14
210 46.25 10.75 19.23 - - - - 5.35
240 46.25 10.75 22.33 - - - - 5.52

Table A.11: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 150mg/l Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 150.00 0.00 - 1.17 - - - -
5 138.50 2.30 2.17 1.10 -0.07 0.35 0.36 1.61
10 128.25 4.35 2.30 1.02 -0.15 0.50 0.64 2.30
20 118.75 6.25 3.20 0.93 -0.24 0.65 0.80 3.00
30 110.50 7.90 3.80 0.84 -0.33 0.74 0.90 3.40
50 102.75 9.45 5.29 0.73 -0.44 0.85 0.98 3.91
70 96.00 10.80 6.48 0.60 -0.57 0.92 1.03 4.25
100 89.00 12.20 8.20 0.41 -0.76 1.00 1.09 4.61
130 82.50 13.50 9.63 0.11 -1.06 1.06 1.13 4.87
170 78.50 14.30 11.89 -0.30 -1.47 1.12 1.16 5.14
210 76.00 14.80 14.19 - - - - 5.35
240 76.00 14.80 16.22 - - - - 5.52

Table A.12: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 200mg/l Pb2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 -(U)T]
0 200.00 - - - - -
0.00 1.29
5 183.00 3.40 1.47 1.21 -0.08 0.35 0.53 1.61
10 168.00 6.40 1.56 1.12 -0.17 0.50 0.81 2.30
20 151.25 9.75 2.05 1.00 -0.30 0.65 0.99 3.00
30 138.25 12.35 2.43 0.87 -0.43 0.74 1.09 3.40
50 128.00 14.40 3.47 0.72 -0.57 0.85 1.16 3.91
70 120.75 15.85 4.42 0.59 -0.71 0.92 1.20 4.25
100 113.75 17.25 5.80 0.39 -0.91 1.00 1.24 4.61
130 107.00 17.60 7.39 0.04 -1.25 1.06 1.27 4.87
170 102.00 18.30 8.67 -1.00 -2.29 1.12 1.29 5.14
210 101.50 18.40 10.66 - - - - 5.35
240 101.50 18.40 12.18 - - - - 5.52

Table A.13: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 50mg/l Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]
0 50.00 0.00 - 0.88 - - - -
5 44.00 1.20 4.17 0.81 -0.07 0.35 0.08 1.61
10 38.50 2.30 4.35 0.72 -0.16 0.50 0.36 2.30
20 32.75 3.45 5.80 0.62 -0.26 0.65 0.54 3.00
30 27.75 4.45 6.74 0.50 -0.38 0.74 0.65 3.40
50 21.50 5.70 8.77 0.28 -0.60 0.85 0.76 3.91
70 17.25 6.55 10.69 0.02 -0.86 0.92 0.82 4.25
100 14.25 7.15 13.99 -0.35 -1.23 1.00 0.85 4.61
130 12.00 7.60 17.11 - - 1.06 0.88 4.87
170 12.00 7.60 22.22 - - - - 5.14
210 12.00 7.60 27.45 - - - - 5.35
240 12.00 7.60 31.37 - - - - 5.52

Table A.14: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 100mg/l Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe -qt) [1- (U)T]
0 100.00 0.00 - 1.00 - - - -
5 92.50 1.50 3.33 0.93 -0.07 0.35 0.18 1.61
10 86.25 2.75 3.64 0.86 -0.14 0.50 0.44 2.30
20 79.75 4.05 4.94 0.77 -0.23 0.65 0.61 3.00
30 73.50 5.30 5.66 0.67 -0.33 0.74 0.72 3.40
50 67.25 6.55 7.63 0.53 -0.45 0.85 0.82 3.91
70 61.50 7.70 9.09 0.35 -0.65 0.92 0.89 4.25
100 55.50 8.90 11.24 0.02 -0.98 1.00 0.95 4.61
130 52.25 9.55 13.61 -0.40 -1.40 1.06 0.98 4.87
170 50.25 9.95 17.09 - - 1.12 1.00 5.14
210 50.25 9.95 21.11 - - - - 5.35
240 50.25 9.95 24.12 - - - - 5.52

Table A.15: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 150mg/l Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]

0 150.00 - - - - -
0.00 1.08
5 141.00 1.80 2.78 1.01 -0.07 0.35 0.26 1.61
10 133.75 3.25 3.08 0.94 -0.14 0.50 0.51 2.30
20 125.00 5.00 4.00 0.85 -0.23 0.65 0.70 3.00
30 119.00 6.20 4.84 0.76 -0.32 0.74 0.79 3.40
50 110.25 7.95 6.29 0.61 -0.47 0.85 0.90 3.91
70 103.75 9.25 7.57 0.44 -0.64 0.92 0.97 4.25
100 97.75 10.45 9.57 0.19 -0.89 1.00 1.02 4.61
130 92.75 11.45 11.35 -0.26 -1.34 1.06 1.06 4.87
170 90.00 12.00 14.17 - - 1.12 1.08 5.14
210 90.00 12.00 17.50 - - - - 5.35
240 90.00 12.00 20.00 - - - - 5.52

Table A.16: Effects of Contact Time using Gambeya albida Seed Shell Activated Carbon
with 200mg/l Cu2+.

t Ct qt tqt log log 0.5log t log qt ln t

(mins) (mg/l) (mg/g) (qe qt) [1 (U)T]

0 200.00 - - - - -
0.00 1.21
5 188.25 2.35 2.13 1.14 -0.07 0.35 0.37 1.61
10 177.25 4.55 2.20 1.06 -0.14 0.50 0.66 2.30
20 165.25 6.95 2.88 0.96 -0.25 0.65 0.84 3.00
30 154.25 9.15 3.28 0.84 -0.36 0.74 0.96 3.40
50 143.75 11.25 4.44 0.69 -0.52 0.85 1.05 3.91
70 134.75 13.05 5.36 0.48 -0.72 0.92 1.12 4.25
100 129.75 14.05 7.12 0.31 -0.90 1.00 1.15 4.61
130 122.50 15.50 8.39 -0.22 -1.43 1.06 1.19 4.87
170 119.50 16.10 10.56 - - 1.12 1.21 5.14
210 119.50 16.10 13.04 - - - - 5.35
240 119.50 16.10 15.53 - - - - 5.52

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