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Words Can Shape Your Opinion

Words are like small puzzle pieces used to create a monumental picture; the way a writer

presents these words can be the difference between a regular essay and a story that speaks

volumes. For example, Dr. Seuss is a famous childrens author who is widely known for his

short, humor filled, rhythmic poems, this makes his stories easy and fun for kids to read. In The

Case for Reparations, written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, he uses diction to help readers understand

his purpose of why African Americans deserve reparations. He recalls some of the most

devstating moments in American history including: slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, and

segregation. Through his use of anecdotes and imagery, Coates expresses the criticising,

compassionate, and candid tones of his article.

By using the anecdote centered around Clyde Ross life, Coates connects to the emotional

side of his readers. He tells the story of a black man named Clyde Ross who lost everything and

found it nearly impossible trying to gain it back in such a racist society(read page 56). This

narrative creates a sense of compassion where the audience can connect to a character, and pay

closer attention to his argument. In addition to the story, the author includes multiple

photographs of a town named North Lawndale scattered through out the article. One of the

pictures caption read, Images from North Lawndale, where abandoned homes and commercial

buildings abound. North Lawndale was one the many places at the centor of redlining at the

time which longing effects lasts until this day. The photographs create a physical image of what

the author wants his readewrs to see-the truth. Coates is unapologetically critical of Americas

system in the past and it is clear in the stories he tells. The Case for Reparations is a honest, yet

passionate piece that enlightens his audience on the demand for reparations.

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