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Managing classroom procedures

1. Instructional groups
a. Groups- based on number and color
b. Tables and trains
c. Colors and numbers are based on child level
2. Transitions
a. Trains- rotate every 10 min
b. Tables rotate every 30 min
c. When lining up students get behind line leader. Leader changes every day.
d. Transition to keva- after putting away backpacks
e. Transition to math mat after calendar time. Follow line leader to mat.
f. Transition between math problems- pencils in the air.
g. Transition back language- put math assignment in cubby and go to keva.
3. Management of materials and supplies
a. Pencils are in holders on each table
b. Caddies full of glue and scissors (color coordinated to table)
c. Individual take home folder for work and homework

Managing student behavior

1. Catch a bubble- students will close their mouth and fill their cheeks with air like a
bubble. This makes children stop talking and listen to the teacher.
2. If you can hear me touch your nose.. ears.. head.. etc.
This activity gets the students attention, calms them down, and also lets them move
a little bit.
3. Rock stars- tables will get rock star passes if their table is being really good at math.
4. Move a student- if a student will not stop talking or bugging another individual they
will be moved to a different location.
5. Behavior numbers- Children will be given a number from 1-4 when attending gym
and library based on how they behaved.
6. Monitoring student behavior- anecdotal notes

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